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tv   [untitled]    March 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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you are going to mokht farsh, iran is mokht farsh , tonight's program is mahd farsh stores all over iran. hello again, dear viewers, it's one o'clock in the morning . nowruz health plan will be implemented from march 24, 142. the head of the hospital management center of the ministry of health said that according to the directives issued by the vice president of treatment , it is forbidden to close inpatient departments during nowruz holidays, and daily field visits are made to health centers and hospitals. also emergency medicine specialists, anesthesiology and other specialists.
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resident horses in general university hospitals must attend the center according to the work schedule. the emergency department and all hospital departments provide the necessary services to the patients with all their capacity. gaining scientific authority in the region by holding international competitions in the field of programming and artificial intelligence . it is held internationally, the expansion of problem solving skills and teamwork skills is one of the goals of the competition participants, creating job opportunities and generally creating motivation and encouragement among students is one of the additional goals of this competition that we are looking for. the world health organization predicted that 205 35 million cases new. cancer will be detected, which means the growth of
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77 cases of cancer. smoking, alcohol and air pollution are factors that contribute to cancer. cancer is the most expensive disease. a group of cancer specialists gathered for the 17th time to share their latest achievements. breast cancer is the most common female cancer in the world. men can stomach. although many in iran, they can be treated in the early stages, but there are weaknesses in the early diagnosis, because we do not have a level one screening, of course, we are behind in the diagnosis. the aim of early diagnosis is that we can diagnose earlier so that the patient can get better results with a small surgery . our imaging devices should be at least tripled. the importance of holding this conference. 350
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domestic elite specialists and about 10 foreign specialists were held in the field of diagnosis, and different palliative treatments and methods, as well as in relation to issues related to patients' genomes, we can have new discussions. people should know that in these cases , they must visit doctors. those who have cancer in their first-degree families be sure to see a doctor for early diagnosis. all this should force a person to come and not be afraid to come to this conference . it also had good news for the people about the most rumored women's cancer .
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nowin is being done for the first time in the world , now in a country where no one in the region is doing it at all, we are doing it for the first time in the world, in line with the very powerful countries of the world , very positive changes have been made in the course of cancer in iran, including a lot of technology. according to the report of the world organization, today iran health 75% of diagnosed cancer cases are related to people over 55 years of age. fatemeh faramarezi, sed and broadcasting news agency. asrar hezbollah is the name of the documentary that was broadcast on zionist tv. according to al-mayadeen network, after the broadcast of this documentary, the experts of this regime examined the dimensions of hezbollah's power in lebanon. while the situation
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in the north and the threats of hezbollah are at the top of the issues of the zionist regime, channel 12 of this regime aired a film entitled "secrets of hezbollah " during which it examined the stages of hezbollah's evolution in the military command and its capabilities. in terms of preparation the makers of this documentary and experts on the personality of seyyed hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon , is the main subject for understanding the way hezbollah works, which knows the zionist community very well. nasrallah is a very intelligent person. he is always aware of the framework of the game and in fact has achieved achievements that none of the arab enemies. we could not achieve these achievements. nasrallah is a remarkable person. he has a really attractive personality as a leader. everyone knows that he follows the israeli media . we should be very careful about what we say about him. hassan nasrallah character
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it is very important and basic. the society knows israel from all dimensions and when it looks at the enemy , it examines it well. in my opinion , our officials, who do not know the enemy, should learn this method from him. hezbollah has attracted the attention of israeli experts with its missiles, experiences, training and professional behavior. in such a way that this party is considered one of the strongest organizations in the world. we are talking about an army that has about 50,000 military personnel in service and when the reserve forces are also added to them. this number will reach 100 thousand people the army is not small by any means, it is well trained and has infantry and special forces, as well as ground and air units, a media spokesperson known as the war information unit. hezbollah also
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has about 10,000 point-to-point missiles with different ranges, whose error coefficient is only a few meters. a giant has appeared before us, and the only reason why we did not carry out an operation to return the people of the north to our areas is the fear of hezbollah's missiles. israelis cannot live without water and electricity for even three days. with these details, experts call for military capabilities to be taken seriously hizbullah when making decisions about this party and warned about any miscalculations that will have heavy costs in the confrontation with hizbullah . the commander of the army's ground forces announced the good progress of housing construction for army employees in the national housing movement plan. in the first festival of the construction field of the deputy engineer and non-active defense of the army ground forces, statistics on the number of residential units
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under construction for army employees were presented. construction and delivery of 1114 units of private houses. and in the process of building 1246 units with the management of the najajan housing projects , in this ceremony, the commander of the khabar army ground forces it is also good for the employees who are on the verge of retirement. since the end of 1403, none of my comrades will retire from the army without a private house, which means that we have planned to build a private house for all of them. the construction of 23,000 organizational residential units with 80% physical progress was another news of the army ground force commander. now , we have built most of the institutional houses, alhamdulillah, we have taken them over, and by
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october of next year , we will build all the remaining houses that we need to build, god willing, and we will hand them over to our dear comrades. is supposed at. armed forces employees should be made. until the next part. iranian coach sharaf iran from.
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and this question, basically , where do you see the problems of the current situation, that you believe we should remove the cheap width from the importer, now let it go to the insurance side and that way it will reach the people . every economy and every social relationship has rules. my market is not exempt from this discussion and
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the discussion of competition is the most important part that we must emphasize that the biggest component of the market is competition. you see, we can't destroy our economy with monitoring, control and police methods let's reach a special place. we almost did this with the preferred width and decided some methods. that we had to come and put a monitoring and a control in every process, and this made us think that , finally, the control methods have increased, the possibility of corruption is high, and we certainly cannot control it. it was successful from your point of view. see, these control methods have been impossible to succeed at all . we have tried this method several times since the beginning of the revolution , if you count how many times. we had this preferred width from 170 tomans we have come now
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and it has become 28 and 500. our preferred price was also mentioned to mr. raisi . when we reached him, when the dollar was 275 in the open market, we mentioned to him that mr. president, this same 27 and 500 will be possible one day. our preferred width should be 28 and 50. our concern is that the width is now. that the 42 tomans that they are giving to imports should be done again, our preferred offer means that we have to end this work somewhere, somewhere we have to stop it, somewhere we have to say that we have a single-rate currency, we were more successful wherever we had a single- rate currency. when you look at the time when we had a single rate , our economic growth was high and the inflation rate was low. when we review the statistics, the market itself gave a positive answer to this. in the field of medical equipment, the best era of medical equipment and the development
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of medical equipment was when the width there was a single price and we were able to compete with the importer with preferential width and we were successful and many of the big companies that we have now are successful and export their products at the same time when in fact the free market and the government market were the same and we had a single price. we had currency , whatever. we must insist on this matter that we we want a preference , which method do we have now, which economic method is it that tells us that you should have a preferential width, where in the world can you find civilized countries, those countries with free economies, that have several land rates, now we have a currency of 420 28 and we have 500 tomans, we have 42 tomans, we have 47 tomans, and we have 57 tomans. see who wants it. if he invests in any technology, he will surely be discouraged when he sees that
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the business can be jeopardized by different methods and offers. thank you, mr. fela. you are the suppliers and you are bidding in the name of allah , the merciful , the most gracious. importing sentence , see, the art of a businessman is to be able to plan for his business. this planning is the essence of time. bargaining power in time is lost if he does not have it. he must know what goods and at what price he can get and when. we
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are like this because of the problems of policy width allocation mr. javid said that those structures are difficult to get the width of the monitoring systems , what will this width be, how will it be done, at what price will it come , etc. we do not know at all how much we are going to be able to attract. as a result, the power of complete planning is taken from us, in addition to the fact that we pay all our expenses, the overhead expenses of our company , including marketing, various expenses that exist , our salaries are the salaries of the people. it has increased many times over the past few years, how can we bring goods with a width of 4 and 200 tomans and under the unfair pricing of 100 and without the expertise and order of the ministry let's sell health for the same 420, so our profit will be based on the same 420, and our expenses
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will be based on the dollar of 57 thousand tomans. as a result, i don't think any sane businessman will want to leave. insist that you give me 420t width. the laws of my country don't even allow it. if you want to say , i don't want 4d and 4d width, don't give me 420 width. you are tied to the product group, that is, your product group determines what width is included for import, and this is even for let's even look at the big picture for a real producer, as he says, if a real producer, of course, for production doer i may be happy with the fake production, but the real producer, who has a high level of production and is producing a product, could be harmed if the calculations of the ministry of health are not correct , which i will explain later, of course, the ministry of health is trying to prevent this from happening ok, and with free speech, justice
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is done better in treatment, what is the requirement that someone may want to do a treatment with a newer method, more technology, even this justice can be done better, but there are a series of conditions that i now, if now be it or the next opportunity, this is a series there are conditions. you can't just say that we want to do this work from tomorrow. this work was supposed to be done last year. last year, due to the same conditions that i am explaining now , it was the concern of the ministry of health and the decision-making bodies. it has not been done . has there been any movement in this one year regarding the fulfillment of these conditions, or are we back to the first place ? i think these conditions, if you hear these conditions , are not very strange conditions.
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let me tell you to see the total width of 420 tomans that is being discussed now. one billion and 500 million the 420 dollar currency that is going to be given, part of it is going to be given to expensive medicines, the major part is going to be given to medical equipment, this thing that was received in 1402 has not been received until now, and one of the problems is that the statistics, for example, are one of the most important things. one of the problems is that no one knows what the statistics are, that is, between the central bank and the ministry of health. 300 million dollars , there is a difference of opinion, the central bank is giving statistics based on allocation, which i think is wrong. the ministry of health is giving statistics based on provision. you can ask so much. now, the importer or
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producer may not take it for various reasons . the first reason is that they don't have the money to go and take it. now, if we assume these statistics, everything was done and will be done in 1402. now we are in 143. in 143, we still don't know the basis of 28 and 500, which is 42 tomans. it was up to the number
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that was in 1402. this means that if the land wants to be converted into land for 28,500 tomans in the first case , that is the one billion and 500 thousand dollars that he was talking about, it should be paid in the difference of 28,500 minus 420 if it is multiplied, it means 28 and 15, there is no more 420t , everything is done, it becomes 285. this will be approximately 37 hemt, 37 this will be approximately 37 hemt, now we have a second situation where the width is not 28,500, but the width is 42,000 tomans. we have to subtract 42 thousand tomans from 420. you can multiply it by one and a half billion. this will be 57. only here is the same 28.500
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. you have to subtract 42. because there is no more 28.500. we multiply it by two and a half billion and it will be 34. my customs and imports will increase accordingly because now the customs are calculated based on 28 and 500. he didn't do it, that's why my designer got into trouble and he cannot pay the money on time. 94. the effort of medical equipment is only being talked about
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. this is the difference between writing and writing. mr. javed , let's hear your explanation. how much do you believe in mr. fallah's statements that basically importers don't want to receive preferential width? i would like to present to you the statistics that mr. fallah said because the central bank from shahrivar 1400 to now. he didn't provide us with the statistics, we really can't rely on the statistics he said, and this is a point of contention, because he said 94 billion 94 times, that's the difference between them, we are numbers. that we have and the statistics we have are much less than these, the one we have is between one tenth and one and a half billion euros, both 420 and 28 and 50. again, we will not rely on our own words because it is based on the data that we asked our colleagues and found out. because of this little bit of statistics, it may be said that it
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is a source of controversy, which is not the case, for example , their number is almost different from the number that we have. for example , it has 30-40% and their number is higher, but anyway we have to accept that when you agree with them that the importers are willing to accept the offer. because they are among the people who are in the import business and they are really among the good people of this business, but when something happens, it is better to define a preferential rate of 420 tomans from the above dollar outside of here and in the iranian market outside of the government rate of 58 tomans. the issue of smuggling of goods comes up, no matter what you do, after all, it is reverse smuggling, which comes from iran and even. it is smuggled to other countries and we are forced to give this subsidy even to the countries around us . there is another issue that occurs when
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there is an increase in the demand in the market. after all, you have an exchange rate that is tempting and you must try let your friends take this. there is another discussion . in 2014, i think that friends came to the general directorate of medical equipment to engineer the prices of items that would get a preferential offer . this is a document. the ones we have are cardiac stents, hearing aids, prostheses , laboratory kits, and when the price reengineering of the general department of medical equipment came, the price was even reduced by 30%, that is, we had a stent that cost 300 euros. then it came again with re-engineering for 200 euros, what happens maybe, for example, that importer has changed his methods, maybe that importer
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has come and seen other competitors who are offering lower prices, and that's why he came and gave a lower price, see if you gave a wing or something lower . which is worth 200 euros, give a price of 300 euros, no, give a price of 300 euros, give 20, 200 euros, 200 euros, because of this, we now, with respect to all the dear importers who are important to us and have a great impact on the health cycle of the country , normal things, when you adopt a wrong policy, something will happen those respectable importers who are working may not be in the news, but these events that happened are documented in the re-engineering department of the medical equipment department of these prices. it has decreased, the numbers are not small, that is, if we think that we had a 20% price reduction in 1 billion dollars, you can
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see the number of one billion dollars or one billion dollars. it can be great, with respect to all the importers who are working, but these events, you want to make this more open , see what exactly happened , see where the problem is in the discussion, see the discussion here. all of our importers, because we have a purchasing engineer, that means some of our importers go ahead in a traditional way, and what happened, they themselves have to explain what happened, for example, when they brought a heart stent. what happened that they were able to supply the same brand and model to the ministry of health for 200 euros in 1401, and fortunately , the general administration had a very positive performance in this field, but what happened must be explained by their loved ones, so i want to say that this is the same. let's ask your question to mr. fallah, mr. fallah how can you see this happening? i
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agree with part of what they said, but part of it is because a series of presuppositions are set and these presuppositions are wrong . and its characteristic and its brand is characteristic of the ministry of health, which is sitting and accepting anyone who offers any price . now, he is trying to get a better price. in this field, the ministry of health is doing the same thing by means of a call , that is, it is making a public call. it says this on its website. i want to import this number of models . it is not necessary for anyone else to import the price . anyone can give any price. bids will be placed by the foreign exchange board.
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it is a legal tool for this purpose, which means that all these things are being done. they try to buy the best price. of course, in the field of stents and in the field of laboratory kits , as far as i can remember, the foreign exchange commission never came in. by the way , this is what we offer. a board and the ministry of health have a mechanism called the board of transversal board and the board of foreign exchange, the purchases they are making now. even in the field of equipment from respected importers who are buying, maiden really buys the best price because it puts out tenders and competes. the first condition of the market is your competition. it is because of this that when you call the importer friends , they negotiate more and find better ways because the price is low. this
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discussion that we are having is not a personal discussion at all, it is a discussion that they were able to find a tool to lower the price in the discussion of the competition. see, just as you say, this tool is in the possession of the ministry of health and it uses this tool, in addition to the fact that the respected experts of the ministry of health, because of their years of work and know how to compare prices , this is one thing that how is pointing done ? unfortunately, i am not aware of this issue, so i can't confirm whether there is such a thing or not. i don't know if there is anything, but in my laboratory kit, i know that this did not happen, not in the laboratory kits, the percentage was lower, because i asked the person in charge directly, i know. price up to 20%, look at the quantity method. there is a time when they say to someone, sir, i am going to bring you a 100-piece kit. there is a time
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when the ministry of health comes and says that if you bring the kit to this price, instead of 100, i will give you a thousand pieces. this is based on this assumption, that is, the number in the price is completely effective in the laboratory kits. the ministry of health also went this way. he said that his master in the importer and supplier can lower the price. i will reduce the share of this. they are studying in the field of seeds. an oil that has nothing to do with our class. when it was free and the companies to they can freely import the gender , the number is less than 30, now i won't say the number because i might make a mistake, but when i set a preferred width for oilseeds , there was a 10-fold increase. he goes to business because there are people who may be unfamiliar.


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