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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 17, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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more sufficient alternative and there isn't and some in congress say people will lose jobs from the light bulbs. the light from the energy efficient ones is not so great. we're not done with this story. bill: have a great weekend, everybody! jon: hello and happy friday! i'm jon scott. hen jenna: hi everybody, i'm jenna lee, "happen -- "happening now", british police arrest five men in a potential threat against the pope. scotland yard is on the case and we're live with the breaking details jon: in the middle box, shocking development necessary what was thought to be a heinous crime, a young woman who said a stranger threw acid in her face now admits it was no attack, she did it to herself. jenna: hurricane igor a category four storm, now making a bee line for bermuda, the island bracing for major damage.
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it's not the only storm threat we're watching, though. jon: first we are america's election headquarters. conservative stars taking center stage in the nation's capitol, christine o'donnell just won featured speaker at the values voters summit making her debut on the national stage after that upset victory in the primary this week. james rosen is live for us in washington with a look. james. >> reporter: jon, good afternoon. the mood here at the values voters summit where you can see congresswoman michelle bachmann over my shoulder is upbeat more than a year ago, heady with the enthusiasm of the tea party movement, with the trends seen in tuesday's primaries and the prospects of gop takebacks in the house and senate. the bell of the ball, christine o'donnell won't be speaking until 3:00 p.m. eastern time, but a number of politicians who have been stalking iowa and the 2012 presidential nomination for the gop are making their presence felt, governor
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huckabee spoke this morning and also an individual who endorsed christine o'donnell, senator jim demint of south carolina, exulted on the stage here that the gop establishment isn't too happy with him right now, he said that the tea party movement has ensured that the ballots in november won't be featuring just the least worst choice. >> i don't know if the media is going to help us communicate this, but none of us want the government to push our religion. don't want that. they just messed -- they'd just mess that up, too. [laughter] >> but what has happened in their effort to purge religion from government is that they've also purged the values, and the principles derived from biblical faith. >> reporter: also expected to speak here today, mitt romney, rick santorum and tim palenty via video. jenna: let's stay with politics. florida governor charlie
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crist may have explaining to do, the republican party finding the gand former chair of the state gop took family vacations on the party's dime. one item, both men taking their families to disneyworld last year, costing the party more than $13,000. the party chairman, jim grier, facing state felony charges as a result of his spending. crist, though, bolting from the gop to run for the u.s. senate as an independent is facing off november 2nd against marco rubio and kendrick meek. jon: fox news is your election headquarters across all platforms. you can get breaking news, 24 hours a day, as we count down to the midterm elections. log on to, america's election head areas. it's your front row to politics. jenna: you know something is coming when you see that, right? hurricane igor is swirling through the particular and taking aim at bermuda, could
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hit the island late sunday or maybe even early monday morning. igor is now a huge category three storm, the government of bermuda posting a hurricane watch for that island. meteorologist janice dean joins us and j.d., that's not the only extreme weather we've seen over the last few hours, huh? >> are you talking about what happened in new york city? jenna: that was scary! >> reporter: we're not used to storms like that, guys, so if you hear a lot of new new yorkers complaining about trees and power lines down, it's because we don't normally see things like that. some people are talking about a tornado moving through the area. this is brooklyn, new york, 100-mile per hour winds, moving through statin island, brooklyn, queens, trees down, power lines down, roofs off homes, extensive damage and this all happened during rush hour. i was on the long island railroad, they actually stopped the train and it went right back to penn station, so my wonderful husband actually had to come
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pick me up, it took us 3 1/2 hours to get back home. but i mean, these people that suffered damage and we had unfortunately one fatality, the pictures are just amazing. of course, we are talking about hurricane season as well. three hurricanes, the last time that happened was 12 years ago. a very rare occurrence. i want to start off with karl, though, just about to make landfall, 25 miles away from veracruz and laguna verdes is the only mexican nuclear power plant and largest electricity generator in the country, so this storm is going to move over that region, and unfortunately, we have a big population across veracruz, category three storm making landfall within the next hour or so, hurricane igor, category #, we're worried about this because it's going make a bee line possibly as a category three, probably a category two storm but jenna and jon, we're going to be talking about a storm that could impact bermuda for as long
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as 36 to even 42 hours of at least tropical storm force winds. they are going to be dealing with potentially major damage across that island. so there's the cone, that cone of uncertainty still a major storm as it crosses over bermuda sometime this weekend. so really concerned for this region. the last time they got hit hard by a hurricane was back in 2003. just want to go back to new york real quick. i just want to show you the radar again. we're not used to these storms that moved through the region last night around the rush hour. look at that. look at that line. that squall line that pushes through new york, and then you know, the damage, 74-mile per hour gusts, unfatality, a woman pulled off the freeway and a tree fell on her car. unbelievable damage and hopefully you won't see any more injuries or fatalities today across the new york city area. jenna: let's hope so, j.d. thank you very much for that and we'll stay updated on those hurricanes. in the meantime, jon, a lot of weather happening around the world.
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jon: that's for sure. it was pretty terrifying. i was in the car last night when that thing rolled through. we appreciate it when our viewers help us cover the news by sending in their own videos and photos. take a look at this picture taken by one of our makeup artists, anita was home in queens when the storm hit, she snapped these great photos of the incredible mess left behind and as much as we appreciate getting images like these, we ask you to remember to put safety first, do not put yourself in danger just to get a picture. if you have something you would like to share with our view e. do it two ways, e-mail it to or log on to our home page and click on the you report link to upload your pictures. jenna: now to another top story today. five men are under arrest, accused in a plot against the pope. police in london are reviewing security after making their move in a very early morning raid, taking down five men, reportedly of arabic origin. despite this the vatican says the pope won't be changing his schedule. we have a live report on this developing story just
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ahead. jon: britain's intelligence agency warns al-qaeda still poses a real threat in that country. agents at m.i.-5 now worry extremists in somalia and yemen are focusing on new targets, including the 2012 olympic games. greg palkot has more live from london. who has the u.k. identified as key threats to security here? >> reporter: a couple of suspects that we've been following, too, jon, the message coming from london is that al-qaeda remains a threat, but it might be shifting its geographical base. we've been hearing it from washington officials. we've been reporting on it. this comes now from the head of mi-5, the equivalent to the fbi agency in the u.k., a guy named jonathan evans, doesn't speak out often but when he does we listen. he says al-qaeda remains active in that border area between afghanistan and pakistan but the bigger worry now is shifting over to africa, the arabian peninsula. the biggest worry he says is
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somalia, where al-shabaab is active. they are fighting a war there. also, committing terror acts in the region. evans says a significant number of u.k. residents are active with al-shabaab. a number of -- a number put at over 100 in his words, it is only a matter of time until we see terror on the streets of the u.k. coming from this group, specifically, as you noted, jon, the big worry, the 2012 olympics coming up here, a lot of security efforts already being laid on for that. again, this is something that we've been hearing from u.s. officials, somali americans also active with the al-shabaab group and blow back, that is terror coming back to america, a concern as well. jon onand yemen, mii-5 is looking closely at yemen? >> concern number two is yemen and he eannounce ated that clearly in his speech as well. he also talks about a fellow that we have been tracking very closely, that's anwar al-awlaki, the u.s.-born, now yemen-based radical
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cleric. his concern, and the group that he's associated with, al-qaeda in the ribban peninsula, his concern, that the message, the internet message coming from awlaki could be picked up by u.k. resident who is in his words could act alone without training and mount an attack on the u.k. if this sounds familiar, again, the u.s. is right there. we've been seeing that happening in the united states, probably the most spectacular, awlaki and yemen-linked terror attack or attempted terror attack, last year, christmas day bombing, detroit. jon: greg palkot, thank you. jenna: the united nations is a home away from home to diplomats all over the world but now the new york city headquarters reportedly could be more vulnerable than ever to a terror attack. david lee miller is at the u.n. with exclusive details on this. david. >> reporter: jenna, despite a 1.8b, with a billion dollars, gut renovation that's now underway at the united nations, new york city
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officials say not enough is being done to address the issue of security. u.n. officials say they are aware of the problem and are doing what is necessary and coming up, i'll have all the details. jenna. jenna: back to you shortly, david lee miller. also very brave or awfully foolish. take a look at this. daredevil surfers take the biggest waves in the world, to ride them on souped up boards. what it takes to surf an 80-foot wave, with the power to sink a ship. you won't want to miss this. we have it coming up.
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jenna: "happening now", we have brand new video into fox news of a big rig crash on a freeway in ontario, california. take a look at this. the truck overturning, spilling 32,000 pounds of
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frozen food on the road. also the relief well is now in place in the gulf of mexico. crews will now begin to plug the blownout oil well for good, possibly by sunday. also out in california, hundreds of california residents are returning to their homes after a forest fire in the southern sierra nevada, where more than 8000 acres are burned. the fire is 65 percent contained. jon: the united nations new york headquarters is undergoing a massive billion dollars renovation. fox, breaking the story that the u.n. is short on security, leaving that building and its diplomats wide open to possible attack. david lee miller is live at the u.n. for us right now. who is putting the pressure on the u.n. over security here, david? >> reporter: jon, it is new york city that is applying the pressure here. don't forget if anything happens at the united nations, if there is a security problem, a terror attack, the new york city police and firemen would be among the first responders and the city says despite
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this $1.8 billion, with a b, renovation, gut renovation that is going on, not enough is being done to improve security here. the city of new york told fox in an e-mail and i quote, the up has not adopted the city's recommendations for the headquarters campus, add thank the city is not satisfied with the u.n.'s response to date, and they're talking essentially about all four sides of this complex that have specific concerns here. the two areas, let's take a look at a graphic, this shows the south side of the complex and here you can see it ends at grand street highway that passes within yards of the u.n. facilities, also, this same highway travels underneath the u.n. property. and these two issues are of great concern for the city of new york. we talked with a former nypd criminal intel head, head of the intel unit here in new york city, and he did concede after talking with us, it's a 60 year old structure, it's always going to have some vulnerabilities
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>> you're never going to make this building 100 percent safe, no matter what you do. what you want to do is you want to increase the level of security that you have there, make it as unattractive a target as possible. >> reporter: and what john carters was talking about, specifically, jon, the threat of some type of a car bomb, that's because the u.n., built in an urban environment, has essentially a very, very small perimeter. jon. jon: any reaction from the u.n. yet? >> reporter: well, we talked to the united nations, we talked to the head of u.n. security, and he told us yes, the u.n. has been in meetings with the city of new york, as well as the state department, because after all, it is the united states that is a host country here and this is taking place but he did say much of the city's frustration has to do with the fact that the progress is taking place at a very slow pace. here's what he said: >> i think the city would be happier if we were moving faster. i think the city was a
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little dissatisfied with the fact that we were doing a lot of engineering studies that took a lot of time to try to figure out what some of our vulnerabilities were. >> reporter: and one thing greg star said in that interview was the u.n., jon, is an international organization, and because it is an interat -- international organization, it cannot be compelled to do whatever new york city demands, both the state and federal government, but he also strels dollars there is a great level of cooperation and things are moving forward. if you'd like more information on this story, best place to go,, it's a exclusive, and on the website, there are far greater details. jon: you'd think they'd want to do whatever it takes to keep themselves safer. david lee miller. >> reporter: it comes down to a difference of opinion about what is required to make the buildings safer, the u.n. has one perspective, the city has another, they have to reach some accommodation. jon: thank you. jenna: up next, a truly
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shocking story, a young woman's face horribly burned, she says a stranger threw acid at her in a random attack and spoke to the media shortly after that. >> i can't -- what she did to me, wrecked my life, you know, that was -- that's not fair. i can't like not do the things i love to do, for the rest of my life. jenna: now in a strange twist, police say she made the whole thing up, she did it to herself. we're going to talk to one of the reporters who start -- started investigate wh-g he realized her story wasn't adding up. exercise, a sensible diet? forget it. now you can freeze your fat off. that's right! freeze your fat. does it really work? is it safe? the cold, hard facts and maybe some more bad puns, coming up next.
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jon: "happening now" around the globe in the top box, mexico braces for a hit from hurricane karl. it is now a major category three storm, 120-mile an hour winds. and forecasters say karl could become even stronger. ph the middle box, authorities ramping up security across afghanistan, ahead of parliamentary elections tomorrow. police setting up extra checkpoints searching for homicide bombers. jennifer griffin just back from afghanian, she shares her case next hour. ile bottom box a royal flyer, after months of training prince william graduates today as a fully qualified search and rescue helicopter pilot for the british air force. jenna: well, it's the acid attack that never happened. a washington state woman who said a stranger threw acid
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in her face, now admitting to police and the rest of us it was all a lie. pictures, beth they shoerer with burns to her face made headlines all over the world. we certainly covered it on "happening now". how could you not? cops got a search warrant after elements of her story didn't add up, confess to go what police found in her home. >> it kept cascading, a domino effect until we felt we had the information we needed to go in with a search warrant and confirm what we were concerned about. jenna: with us on the phone, a reporter who had a doubt all along, mark griffith of the vancouver voice. mark, if you had a hunch that something was wrong here, why? >> reporter: well, most of the people in the community originally reacted with empathy and appropriately so. thankfully we live in a world that's not so cynical that we question her statement but there were oddities from the beginning,
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from the fact that she was claiming to -- the sunday glasses that she allegedly bought at downtown vancouver it doesn't have too many places to buy sunday glasses that the hour, everybody goes to bed early and again, what i said repeatedly with the story, the -- what was had not other face did not match the acid attack. there was none on her lips, her hair, her neck. the inconsistencies added up to something that people were really worried about and it was worth questioning and it's crucial, because the spots, her face wasn't splashed with acid like she said. her whole story was false. that was a crucial component jenna: it did takeas while to kind of get past the initial shock of this story, just imagining this happening to someone. did it seem like the press, the journalists in the area, caught on quicker than the investigators?
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>> no. and again, at this time, the vancouver police were very professional and not releasing details. i doubt i calm up with anything that they didn't realize quickly on. i mean, vancouver police tend to be highly professional and highly effective units. the lead officer in this case, i've never personally met him but his reputation in the community is that he's a very effective old school, thorough, relentless seeker of the truth, so he's exactly the person you'd want on the case if -- and if you -- if you're a victim and exactly the person you wouldn't want if you're trying to pull a fraud. jenna: talk about that going into her house and searching for items there and that confirmed for them that she was lying. do you know anything about what they found? >> no. i deliberately wasn't there, and i deliberately wasn't at the press conference yesterday, because i wanted to avoid the controversy of me asking the questions over the last week and conflicting with the press release, because as it stands right now, yes, we now know the fate, but now
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the community has to go through this period of shock, disbelief and feeling of betrayal and that process needs to be allowed to happen. i mean, a lot of the community members do feel betrayed, especially members of the african-american community in vancouver who were wrongfully profiled, stalked and accused and bethany did a lot of damage with this lie. jenna: certainly a lot more to this story, mark. we patient you joining us and telling us about your experience with it. mark is a reporter for the vancouver voice and one of the first ones that kind of caught on to the fact that this story was not adding up. of course, some of the questions that remain are why did she do this. we're going to be talking to dr. keith ablow coming up and maybe get an explanation about why someone would choose to do something like this and hopefully get you some answers as well. jon. jon: strange is an understatement in that story. a big economic issue weighs on democrats this election season. the bush tax cuts, now a major flashpoint among
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voters, and the obama administration. well, now dozens of members of congress are breaking ranks with the white house. we will talk to one of those democrats who says keep those tax cuts in place. plus remember that scene from the perfect storm, showing the andrea gale wiped out by a monster wave? according to one author, these mega sized waves are not just a freak of nature. they are turning up more and more often and actually swallowing more ships. we'll talk to that author and show you some incredible video of nature's raw power. that's ahead.
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jon: as you know the clock is ticking on the bush tax cuts which are set to expire at the end of the year. president obama is pushing congress to extend them only for people making less than $250,000 a year. that's couples. republicans want to extend the tax cuts for all americans, they say, and more democrats are breaking with the white house on this issue. dozens of democrats, writing a letter to their leaders in congress, urging them to tell the white house to keep all of the tax cuts right where they are. one of those democrats, michael mcmahon from new york, he was one of the
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first democratic congressmen to call for an extension of the tax cuts. so you're not just a johnny come lately to this issue. you've been on this since what, january? >> that's right, jon. we felt that since january, as we realized that the recession was much deeper than even the experts had said and even though we've been creating jobs we need to do more, so we're in the throes of recession. it's bad policy, everyone knows it, to raise taxes during a recession. it will put us back into a deeper recession. so since january, with my colleagues, i said we should extend those cuts across the bor and now many others are chimeing in as well. jon: you heard what the president says, he says rich people can afford to pay more taxes. >> the problem there, where i am from, you can have a fire lieutenant, working overtime, married to a school teacher, they're making $250,000, and if he has a roofing business on the side, he's a small businessman as well and they're already paying taxes, city and state, close 2060 percent, so they're not rich, they're living paycheck to paycheck, so i don't agree with that
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definition of rich and don't agree this is a good time to be raising taxes because it will hurt the job creation that we need more. jon: have you taken heat from the white house? >> we have. but you know, the problem is , where this is different, there's close to $2 trillion on the sidelines wait be to be -- waiting to be invested. we need that money to move and if we create uncertainty about taxes and business unfriendly action that money will sit on the sidelines. we need to get that money invested and we need to create jobs. jon: so you would like to see the tax cuts extended lounge? one year, two years? >> i think for now, two years is probably the best way to go because there's a period of time long enough to create certainty so we can get capital moving, get investment moving, people worried about their dividend taxes an capital gains taxes will get certainty, let's make it clear for two years and hopefully that money will move off the sideline and get invested again. >> at last count, there were 31 democrats in the house opposed to the president's plan to raise the taxes? there are several democratic
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senators who also opposed the plan. given that, does the president stand a chance of getting the tax increase that he wants? >> i hope not, because i don't think it's good economic policy to do it now. what we need to do is focus on ways to create jobs and that's what i think the extension would do. so hopefully, we can convince them to do a two-year extension, create certainty in the markets, get investment dollars going and that's how we'll create jobs. we need to create private sector jobs and this is what we're doing. jon: michael mcmahon is a democratic congressman from new york, congressman, thank you. >> great to be with you, thank you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ jenna: you're frozen, you know the saying, freeze your buns off, you know that saying? it's taking on a whole new meeting now, the fda approving a high-tech efforts to help you lose
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weight. joining me to explain how that works is dr. scott wells, board certified plastic surgeon. dock, does it really work? >> it seems to work very well. the new technology is based on the principle that if fat is frozen or chilled to a certain degree it will undergo a cycle hopefully lead to go cellular death and by applying the science particularly, we are able to control the amount of fat reduction in specific areas and really get a patient the results. jenna: how does it work exactly, how does this machine -- you just -- i guess we're seeing one picture on our screen but you also see the other one we had about someone sitting there and it looks like there's a machine right at her hip. talk us through how it actually goes down? >> there's sort of a belt-like device that is applied and the bulge is actually sort of suctioned into an area where a controlled amount of cold is delivered and this will actually, as i said, induce the cellular death. jenna: does that cause any sort of pain or discomfort
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to have your belly bulge froze then. >> most patients say for about ten minute it is feels a little bit cold but really not uncomfortably so, and after a few minutes, quite comfortable. jenna: what about the result? >> the results are variable, as with all noninvasive techniques. they do not compare as well with traditional surgical techniques, but of course, there is not the downtime, the bruising and the swelling of traditional surgical techniques. there is some cost involved with this. jenna: how much? >> typical treatments vary, anywhere between $2,004,000. it's based on the fact that the research and development has been very high, and the cost of bringing these procedures to market have been high. and so the patient has to bear that cost. jenna: who would be a good candidate for something like this. >> patient who is have a good lifestyle, eat well, exercise, but find they still have a localized bulge, particularly in the midsection or perhaps the love hams and really want to do more to spot reduce the areas. >> are you going to have it
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at your practice? >> i will. >> and you're going to start using it sw*pbs you get it. >> we're going to be integrating it by customized approach to people who are not candidates and do not want traditional liposuction and we'll be integrating it. jenna: dock, we're going to have a lot of our viewers, instead of going to the steam room, thinking they can go to the freezer instead. you can't do it yourself. >> shouldn't go into a freezer. jenna: good to know. dr. scott wells, appreciate it. i guess it's one to watch, jon. freeze your fat. jon: i'll be taking a look at that, jenna! 24u. -- thank you! a fox news alert, and new video just into the fox news room of what used to be a civilian helicopter that has crashed not far from the summit of colorado's pike's peak. we understand that this chopper carried a film crew and it's amazing when you look at the wreckage that anybody survived this, but the two people that were on board, we understand, are injured, at least one of
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them is critically injured. and when you look at that wreck, you can see why. notice the asphalt there. there is a road that snakes up pike's peak and apparently this film crew was filming some kind of a driverless car that was being tested on this very twisting, winding road. it's the site of the analpikes peak club. it takes a powerful helicopter to fly that high, pike's peak, 14,110 feet. it's not even close to being the tallest mountain in colorado, it's actually the 31st highest peak in that state, it has 48 peaks of 14,000 feet. but at any rate, two people injured in the crash of this helicopter on colorado's pike's peak. when we get more information, we'll bring it to you. jenna: she told police a horrifying story, a stranger with no provocation throwing acid in her face, sympathy poured from all over the world, it was all a lie in the end.
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she actually did this to herself. dr. keith ablow is here on why anyone would do this. plus you may mot want this terrier at your kid's party but this is no wild dog. hear from her owner on a world record in the making, just ahead.
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jenna: well now to the big question about that acid attack that was all a hoax. why would a person do this, throw asnid her own face, scarring herself for life, then go great lengths to fabricate a story of a vicious attack? she kind of took us all on this ride with her. psychiatrist dr. keith ablow is part of the fox news medical a team. dock, why? why did she do this? >> why is what it's all about, jenna. listen, i've worked with people who have done
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horrific things to himself, injecting themselves with soil in order to create infections, one almost losing a limb, literally swallowing razor blades to cause internal bleeding. why? number one, for attention. but secondly, to dramatize, sometimes unconsciously, internal trauma, that these people have yet to cope with. this is the way that they express themselves. after all, if we sort of translate her story, she says a stranger attacked me and disfigured me. that means something to this someone, but not what she said in a concrete way when she duped all of us. jenna: some of the other examples you mentioned sound horrible, but they weren't so public. i mean, she really went to great lengths to have this -- you were seeing the press conference she had, this story went on for weeks. what do you make of that part of it? >> well, listen, in this internet, youtube era, it's certainly the case that people will seek fame, so could there be a balloon boy
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hoax aspect to this, yes, but i think where this is so disfigures, it's hijacking our attention in the way that somebody would hijack that of a doctor in an e.r. when they come with munchhausen syndrome, which is faking symptoms in order to get attention from people and believe me, all of those people have a story deep inside. she's telling us her truth, she was disfigured suddenly, maybe by a stranger, maybe by someone she didn't even recognize, and she presents herself with these badges. she can't even present herself in a way to the world with her face. she's hiding still. there's truth underneath that. jen yuen if there's truth underneath that, how do you treat something like this? >> what you say is this, we figured out this didn't happen, you weren't attacked by the acid mongerrer, but the bottom line is we don't know -- don't not want to know what did happen to you
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so yeah, you've got to pay the price for this hoax but do we hate you, no, we don't, but we think there might be something underneath us that we can help you with. that's a psychiatrist's job, not a lawyer's job. she has to face whatever fines and other legal obligations she has to pay. jenna: a few things -- there are lots of reactions, of course, but we saw two major reactions, on facebook, one page that was set up prior to finding this kind of discovery that this was a lie, which was send hugs to beth, the other was send beth to jail. obviously there was a big reaction to the -- from the public. what do you think is the right reaction? >> jail is something that will be determined in the judicial system. as to whether we should feel bad for this woman, we should feel worse than when the acid we thought was thrown in her face, because what she's battling, it's internal, it's deeper, it's harder to heal from. jenna: dr. keith ablow, we patient your insight as always, sir, thank you so much. >> all right jenna, take care. jon: what a strange story.
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"happening now", a tiny cow breaks a big record. only 33 inches tall. this dexter breed of cow is now in the guinness record book as the world's smallest bovine. her name is swallow, she hails from the u.k., about the size of a small sheep or maybe a big dog. her owners say this mini m ofpl o likes listen to go popular music on the radio. jenna: who doesn't! another animal setting a guinness record, check out nastacia, she's aterrer. that little gal broke the record for popping # hundred tkpwhraopbs in the fastest time, clocking other trail of destruction in a mere 44.49 seconds, an average of two more than two tkpwhraopbs a second. you know, who knew there was a world record for that, but anastacia now holds it.
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jon: when she's done holding all that helium, she barks in an even higher voice! here's the question being asked in the u.k. right now. was the pope's life in danger? five men under arrest in london. british police, reviewing the holy father's security as they investigate a reported assassination attempt. scotland yard, on the case. and hanging ten to the extremes, surfers taking on the biggest waves in the world. they are risking everything to find them. why? our next guest tells us. she lived the big wave culture for years. she is here with more eye popping video and some incredible stories.
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jon: imagine this, monster waves rising 70 feet or more out of the ocean. some of them, with the power to sink large ships, and believe it or not, daredevil surfers are chasing these waves to find death, looking for an unparalleled adrenaline rush. our next guest calls these the most powerful forces in nature after the sun. she spent five years researching and writing her new book, it's called the wave, in pursuit of the rogues, freaks, and giants of the ocean, author susan casey joins us now and you actually have ridden one of these things. >> i did, i went down the face of a 50-foot wave with a jet ski. >> with layered hamilton. >> right. jon: what was that like? >> it was bracing, it was exciting, the wave was extremely steep, but the one thing i noticed was the g forces are so intense when you're on a wave that big that i really had a hard time turning my head but i
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could -- but i want to see the lip but i couldn't turn my head. jenna: a lot of people are looking at this video thinking that's crazy. why do people chase these wave? >> in the case of surfers, this is their life. it's a small, elite band, they can surf a 100-foot wave if they can find t i call it a globe at scal eveninger hunt. they can tell when the storms create the waves. >> there have been a lot of people killed doing this. >> it's not a sport for the faint hearted, that's for sure, and the first time i went out with a group on the west coast, unfortunately, a surfer lost his life to ghost tree a.60-foot wave off the coast near pebble beach. jon: but the book is not just about the surfers. i mean, i was astounded to read that there are, what, a ship every couple of week that is disappears? >> that's right. there's another kind of wave they talk about which is a
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rogue wave that appears in a storm and it's a kind of a wave that all of the sudden becomes a mutant, it steals energy from its neighbors and this was actually something that we didn't think could happen. scientists didn't think could happen. until the past couple of decades and we've had satellites and laser measurements. the numbers of ships that have encountered he's waves and disappeared and have been lost is really startling. jon: we had some video, we played it a week or so ago, that cruise ship video where a 40 or 50-foot wave suddenly came out of nowhere and the cruise ship, the furniture slides across the deck, people are getting thrown around, that's the kind of thing you're talking about. >> they're incredibly powerful. an inch wave can topple a wall, and water is 800 times denser than air so a wave -- and giant waves are the most powerful force of nature outside of the sun. jenna: you spent five years researching and traveling and seeing these waves. how has this research and all of this work changed the way that you've thought about the world?
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>> well, i definitely love the mysteries of the ocean and the fact that the planet has the capacity to surprise us, even with all the technology that we have, and you know, just the beauty of being around a wave that big, it's almost, you know, it really just brings you into the present moment. it's awe a. mixture of wonder and terror, which is actually really fun. jenna: it's good to hear that. jon -- jon, you going to try that? jon: i think my surfing days are behind me, if i ever had any surfing days. that is really square question. -- scary. looks like an interesting read. thank you for coming. jenna: well, we're going to get back to politics a little bit here as well. talk about some people having to ride tough waves some days as well, sarah palin is heading to iowa, stirring up tons of speculation. is it the first step on the road to the 2012 presidential election? campaign carl cameron is there checking out what it all means. not your typical cat in a tree. rescue for firefighters in oregon, they rescue a cat in
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jon: brand new hour of more or news ahead, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. sarah palin hits iowa today headlining the biggest republican fundraiser of the year in the state with the first presidential caucus. is palin getting ready to run in 2012? chief political corps respond carl cameron's reporting live from des moines, iowa, with this story. carl, they don't like to admit it when they're testing the waters, so let's go to the source. what's sarah saying today? >> reporter: well, listen, she is a fox news contributor, and she is for all intents and purposes the most famous face of the tea party movement across the country. what she has been doing with her
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endorsements and political influence speaks for itself. and now she has spoken more than ever before about her own potential white house run. this is going to be youtubeed and googled all over the place. listen closely to what sarah palin says in the discussions about her potential white house run. some would say this sounds an awful lot like ross perot 20 years ago when he said it'd be up to the voters to decide. sound like sarah palin is going to be picked over and parsed for days to come. listen to this. >> i don't know, and we know that it's not up to me. if the american people were to be ready for someone who is willing to shake it up and willing to get back to time-tested truths and help lead our country towards a more produce produce and -- prosperous and safe future and if it happened to be i was the one and it was best for my family, of course i'd give it a shot. >> reporter: of course i would
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give it a shot. jenna lee, sarah palin has never said anything quite that overt about the possibility and many think likelihood that with her incredible ability to dominate head lines that she'd jump into the race. now, a lot like an awful lot of sort of outsider candidates, she's saying it's up to the public. the we, the people, support will not or will propel her into the race but she is very, very seriously thinking about it. jenna: in the meantime, she's been out helping candidates get elected or moving towards this general election ahead of us, also looking forward to 2012. is this all part of her plan to seek favors if and when she becomes a candidate? >> reporter: sure. all of the white house hopefuls in both parties in the sort of invisible primary stages which is what happens prior to the midterm before the presidential election are out essentially giving donations, making appearances on behalf of candidates they support, and in the process collecting favors, ious, political chips.
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there have been plenty others who have been to iowa and more aggressively doing so already. former house speaker newt gingrich, also a fox news contributor, has been here each of the last three months in a row. mike huckabee who won the iowa caucuses in 2008 came out here during the iowa primaries for their congressional and senatorial candidates. tim pawlenty has begun hiring people and getting commitments from volunteers, coordinators and staffers. already the invisible primary steps crucial to a serious run for president here in iowa and in other states like new hampshire and south carolina are underway. there are as many as ten republicans seriously looking at this, and sarah palin's ability to light up the tea party movement as well as strongly influence with her popularity the social and evangelical christian right in a state like iowa where they're a predominant force in the iowa presidential caucuses, hugely important. this has become a big day. she'll speak tonight at the reagan dinner here in des
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moines. hours before she got here it's front page news, her face is right across the front page of the state's biggest newspaper. even before she arrives, sarah palin's evident interest in the 2012 race is now in full bloom. jenna: big day and a big story. carl cameron for us in iowa today. obviously, a big day out there. we're going to have more on sarah palin's future plus a major gathering of conservatives several of who could possibly run against palin in the republican primaries. we're going to talk about the value voters summit. that's all ahead in this hour of "happening now." jon: and right now we're waiting for an announcement from president obama in the rose garden. the president expected to say that he has chosen harvard law professor elizabeth warren to set up a new consumer financial protection bureau. [applause] wendall goler is at the white house with a preview. the president is choosing warren to set up the bureau, but why
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isn't he naming her to run it? >> reporter: well, jon, the president says the consumer financial protection bureau was elizabeth warren's idea, and he has suggested in the past that he would like her to run it, but democrats, frankly, don't think warren could be confirmed to the post by the senate because republicans see her as such a consumer advocate. warren herself says the bureau she will set up will put a new cop on the beat to look after the consumer credit market, and even though she won't be the cop, she will help write the rules governing credit cards, mortgages and consumer loans. and because of the way the law is written, she could effectively run the bureau until sometime in early 2012 if congress doesn't con firm a bureau head sooner than that. jon: republicans are generally opposing her, why? >> reporter: well, she's seen as anti-industry based on years of being an advocate for the middle class and based on comments that were sharply critical of banks when she headed the congressional oversight panel for t.a.r.p.
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money. warren believes there should have been criminal investigations of the banks that triggered the economic meltdown. she has pushed to increase the capitalization requirements of banks which republicans think would drive up the cost of borrowing. here's tennessee senator lamar alexander. >> she represents a view that's very different from mine and from most republicans which is the view represented by the financial regulation bill which makes credit harder to get on main street. >> reporter: to be fair, it's not just warren that republicans oppose. they don't like the consumer financial protection bureau itself which is one of the reasons they voted against the financial regulatory reform bill that created it. jon? jon: wendall goler at the white house. wendall, thank you. jenna: now out to the other coast. for months we've been hearing how all that stimulus money is creating jobs, and now we have some concrete numbers. so get ready for this. go departments in the city of los angeles got $111 million of your money, and they created or
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saved just over 50 jobs with that. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles. so, william, i guess it's an $800 billion question, is the stimulus money really living up to expectations? >> reporter: the short answer is, no. now, remember the deal that the administration struck with taxpayers. give us the 800 billion, we will create millions of jobs, and we will save the economy. and up until now city and state officials who took that money basically towed the company line. in fact, in june the city of l.a. said, yeah, that stimulus money we've gotten so far had created almost a thousand jobs. well, now we find out that was wildly inflated by about 95%. here's the breakdown. according to the city auditor, 70 million spent by the department of public works saved or created just 45 jobs. cost per job about $1.5million.
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the l.a. department of transportation was worse. it spent 40 million to save or create just nine jobs. that's $4 million per job. the controller said she was disappointed. >> the major problem was the delay in getting these dollars out. the jobs that we want to see created with respect created as quickly -- weren't created as quickly as we would like, and additionally the other problem was insuring that the money was separated, we were using it properly. >> reporter: so the scary part, jenna, is this may be just the tip of the iceberg. as other audits begin to come in around the country, if they're also wildly inflated, that explains why critics believe the stimulus did not stimulate the economy. -and-a-half william, what exactly is the problem? >> reporter: well, number one, these were sold to us as shovel-ready projects. in fact, they weren't. the cities and the states took
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this money to, basically, avoid lays. also let me give you three points. number one, bureaucratic red tape. in some cases it took seven months to get these projects approved. secondly, they were supposed to go, for the most part, to the private sector. they didn't. thirdly, the stimulus money was basically supposed to be earmarked for certain projects. in fact, it was mixed in with oh city budgets -- other city budgets. this suggests that the stimulus is not going to live up to the expectations that we learned 18 months ago. jenna: yeah. we certainly don't want to see a lot of layoffs for anybody out there, but those are tough numbers to look at. thank you so much, we appreciate that breakdown. william la jeunesse in l.a., thank you. jon: a major search underway for a missing grandmother. police think she might have been kidnapped. her family is pleading for her safe return. breaking details on this strange case in a moment. plus, a new push to give some
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illegal immigrants a shortcut to citizenship if they attend college or serve in the military. but the them contact proposal -- democratic proposal called the dream act is attach today a defense bill, and republicans? they're crying foul. for strong bones, i take calcium. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal.
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jenna: back to l.a. now. we have a fire in progress right there in korea town in l.a. it's been burning all morning long, apparently. this is a six-story apartment building. according to the fire department, the blaze began in one unit and then spread through the attic. firefighters are actually cutting holes in the roof to ventilate heat and smoke. we don't have any word on who was in this building and who was able to get out of it, but firefighters certainly have a big job on their hands. in l.a. this morning battling this flame in korea town. jon: breaking news, now, the fbi joins the search for a missing grandmother in vermont. authorities believe 78-year-old pat o' hagen was abducted.
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rick folbaum with more. >> reporter: new information in the search for pat, exactly a week to the day since police say she was abducted from her home. sergeant tara thomas with the vice vermont state prison telling me divers are now searching a quarry in the tiny town of sheffield. investigators wanted to get into the water there, basically, to rule it out as a spot where someone may have left the 78-year-old grandmother. the search up to this point be, it's already been pretty thorough. the state police being joined, as you said, by the fbi. the national guard involved as well, volunteers also helping out as are pat hagen's family members. the search has been conducted from the ground and the air. an aerial search as well. police won't say why they believe it was an abduction, but sergeant thomas says they are sure that is the case. she was originally reported missing last saturday after a
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friend went to her house and she wasn't there. this is not your typical 78-year-old grandma, locals say she liked to camp, kayak, led a very active life and in past years pat has cooked for the annual church fundraiser in her town. that chicken pot pie dinner was held last night. it must have been difficult for people to think about anything but their missing friend. listen. >> we had thoughts out of canceling the dinner out of respect to her and her family, but the family said, no, by all means have it. >> reporter: only about 720 residents, it doesn't even have its own police force, so the state police are in charge of patrolling the town. i asked if there had been an increase in criminal activity lately, she said, nope, only 13 calls since the beginning of august, not a lot. here's a description of pat and
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a number to call if you have information that might be helpful to the police. there is a $5,000 reward for anyone who is able to help them solve this case. jenna, over to you. jenna: all right, rick, thank you very much. we'll keep everyone updated on that story. back in to d.c. now. some are calling it the dream act, others are calling it amnesty for illegal immigrants. lawmakers set to vote on the defense authorization bill are wrangling over immigration legislation that got into that bill. jim, what's the deal? >> reporter: well, jenna, there's an emotional debate in the senate because harry reid is pushing a measure to make it easier for illegal aliens to get support for colleges, and senator john mccain is angry in part because reid is inserting a 10-year-old argument into a defense bill just before the fall elections. >> this is a transparent attempt
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to win an election. that's what this is all about. why would we want to put the dream act first before the election? >> reporter: now, mccain argued that with our forces fighting two wars, this is no time to throw partisan unrelated matters on to a must-have bill and reid's opponent in the senate race agrees. >> he's politicized this, he's looking for votes in those places where he thinks he can find them and to attach them to the defense bill is, truly, an outrageous act of political maneuvering. >> reporter: now, senator reid himself describe the bill this way. >> the dream act is very simple. it says if you've been in this country for five years, you came before you were age 16, you should be able to go to a state school. or if a young man or woman of mispanic origin decides that they want to join the unite
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military -- united states military, they would have the right to do that. >> reporter: and after having served two years in the military, they'd be able to get a green card. the democratic sponsor of the bill says it's only fair for children brought here illegally by their parents. >> now these children have grown up in america. they have gone to our schools, they have participated in community activities, they have now reached an age where they are finishing high school, many of them, and they believe they are americans. >> reporter: but opponents say many american citizens have a hard time sending their kids to college and giving cheaper in-state tuition to illegals could displace citizens competing for taxpayer subsidies for state universities. the opponents also argue this is further encouragement to illegal immigration and a first step down the road to amnesty. jenna: it'll be interesting to see where this ends up. thank you so much, jim angle for us in d.c. jon: a fox news alert and
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another look at that apartment fire. they seem to have the active flames pretty well under control in los angeles right now. about 9:17 in the morning, as you can see in the these pictures live from ktt-tv. it's in the korean town section of l.a. a fire started in one apartment unit, and as so often happens, the fire spreads to the other units in the building. that's what's going on here. it's a six-story building that is burning, 83 years old. no injuries reported, that is a great news. no lives threatened right now but, boy, it has all kinds of equipment. 132 firefighters there. a lot of pieces of equipment, pumper trucks, ladder the trucks, etc. once again all taking place in the korea town section of los angeles. the fire pretty well out. the smoke, obviously, still pouring out of the building, and the good news, nobody injured. do you know where your children are? a young child crawls into the
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middle of a busy road. where this happened and what happened to this little boy. @k
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jenna: you're not going to believe this. shocking new video of a baby crawling into oncoming traffic. you can see him there highlighted on the side of the road. the video is from turkey, and that is a baby boy call -- crawling onto the curb inches away from speeding trucks. where is the mother? that's the question, right? apparently, his mother thought he was asleep and was unaware he woke up. thankfully, the story does have a happy ending, the boy was rescued eventually by his mother, but a lot of explaining to do for that video. jon: wow. they are stepping up security in
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the afghanistan 24 hours before parliamentary elections there, elections which will be a major test of u.s. strategy in that nation focusing on protecting afghans and strengthening government institutions. defense secretary robert gates spoke out yesterday about it. >> i don't want to mislead anybody. this is a hard fight, there are many challenges ahead. we will lose more kids. but i think general petraeus has the feeling we're on the right track. jon: jennifer griffin just returned from afghanistan. she is live now at the pen gone. -- pentagon. he mentions general petraeus, jennifer. then-senator obama wasn't too convinced that the surge was going to work in iraq, that's the thing that general petraeus put together there. what's it like, the relationship between general petraeus and president obama now? >> reporter: well, you remember, jon, that in those september 2007 hearings after the surge had been going on for
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a few months it was a very intense exchange between then-senator obama who was campaigning for president. he didn't actually let petraeus answer a question. he simply used his time to speak and speak out against the iraq surge. it's rather ironic that now he is depending on the same general for almost exactly the same strategy in afghanistan, an afghan surge. and from what we understand, the relationship is very strong, and he is completely reliant on general petraeus who, as you know, is the third general in the last two years to be placed out there. so president obama really has to rely on him right now, and these elections tomorrow are very important. jon: we remember how important the iraqi elections were. what about it in afghanistan? what kind of turnout are they expecting and what's at stake here? >> reporter: well, they're expecting a low turnout. and you'll remember that the presidential elections back in february were marred with a lot
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of allegations of fraud. they're very concerned about the low turnout. we've already heard that the taliban in the south have kidnapped at least ten campaign workers, eight election officials there. they're starting to terrorize voters. it is a very difficult situation. they need these parliamentary elections to bring some legitimacy to the karzai, the hamid karzai government, that's the president of afghanistan. but we also have a situation where there are ten candidates for every single person running for parliament, and so there are going to be a lot of losers in this election. and so it could have a destabilizing force as opposed to a stabilizing force. jon: and, obviously, the taliban doesn't like these elections and will try to do whatever they can to disrupt them. >> reporter: that's right. they are going to try and make it, they're going to try and terrorize people, they're going to try and have some explosions that bring attention to it and suggest that karzai's not in control and that the u.s. military is not there bringing
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security. that's going to be their strategy tomorrow. everybody's in a wait-and-see mode, but the elections and having them come off without a hitch are very important. the problem as i mentioned is there are a lot of people running, and there are going to be a lot of people who lose. the results, unfortunately, won't be ratified until the end of october, so there'll be some cooling-off period. this is an important step for afghanistan, but it also has the potential as with everything to not necessarily bring more stability. so a lot of watching and waiting right now. jon: let's hope our troops and as many voters as possible can stay safe for the next 24 hours. jennifer griffin, thanks. >> reporter: thank you. jenna: well, a new warning that our economy may be in grave danger. what some experts say washington needs to do right now, and it might surprise you. plus, breaking news on that just horrific connecticut home invasion murder spree. we have new evidence and photos coming into our breaking news desk. we have that just ahead. g. thanks. i got the idearom general mills big g cereals.
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jon: there's breaking news in that horrible case of a home invasion/sexual assault/triple murder in a quiet connecticut town. rick folbaum has more. >> reporter: brand new evidence being introduced in that trial we talked about yesterday. this is the story of the family in the upscale neighborhood in connecticut where the mother and her two daughters were raped and tortured and then, finally, murdered. only the dad was able to escape the event. one of the two men charged is being tried right now, and
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yesterday for the first time jurors got to see these pictures. horrific, gruesome crime scene photos. we just saw the bed of 17-year-old haley petit. prosecutors say after her killers assaulted her, they tied her to that bed, they doused her with gasoline. those are some of the clothes that she was wearing. that's the 11-year-old, michaela, who was one bedroom down. a picture of the entire family. just unbelievable. jurors were able to see pictures of the rope that was still tied around the bed post. the killers used not only rope, but scarves, pantyhose to tie up the victims. the girls' mother was strangled and killed in the family's living room. stephen hayes, that's whose trial is going on now, and joshua. they followed the family home from the local supermarket, they drove jennifer to the bank telling her if she withdrew $15,000, no one in her family would be hurt. she got them the money, she told
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the bank teller what was going on. we played part of that 911 call from the bank yesterday. the defense is trying to keep stephen hayes from getting the death penalty by attacking the police for taking too long to respond after that initial 9 is 11 call -- 911 call, and arguing that the other defendant was the real mastermind behind this plot. both of these men are eligible for the death penalty if they're convicted. we'll have more a little later on. jon: oh, rick, thanks very much. jenna: well, a new call for the president and congress to keep the money flowing. some 300 economists along with civil and labor leaders are warning if we don't keep spending, we risk not being able to save our economy and create new jobs. co-directer of the campaign for america's future and a co-author of in the report, "don't kill growth and jobs in the name of deficit reduction." joining him is peter schiff, also the author of the book "how an economy grows and why it crashes." so, robert, starting off with
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you in this report, you say a premature focus on deficit reduction could slow growth and increase unemployment. why saw this? -- why is that? >> well, we start constriction now, we'll put more people off the bork -- out of work, and that will slow growth. we already have faltering growth. we're in a real trough here, we're in trouble, and we need to take steps to get the economy going. consumers aren't going to do that, they're tightening their belts. businesses respect going to do it as long as there aren't consumers, and we're not going to do it with exports, so we're going to have to do it by having government take action. jenna: we certainly have seen the american public change some of their habits through this crisis. they've paid down some debt, they've taken less credit, they're saving more money. so why should the government act different than just a typical american family that's trying to get through this crisis? >> because as consumers constrict what they're spending,
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something has to replace demand to put people back to work. because businesses aren't going to do that. and what's happening is consumers lost trillions of dollars in if home values and retirement savings. they're starting to save, they're starting to rebuild their accounts. and we've got 30 million people in need of full-time work in this economy. we need government to act. jenna: peter, i think i heard you laughing about the government's need to step in. why are you laughing? >> well, look, the country is many a lot of trouble, but it's because we continue to follow the misguided advice of the 300 economists who drafted that letter. let's just call them keynesians because keynesians are to economics what witch doctors are to medicine. you know, we need more production in the economy. we need productive jobs. we don't need more government jobs. private sector jobs make us richer. we have to save more, we borrowed too much. americans are doing the right thing by replenishing their savings, the government is plunging us deeper into debt.
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you know, we need to produce. we have to export. you know, there are plenty of people all around the world that can actually afford to buy things. americans can't. americans are broke after decades of spending beyond their means because of these foolish monetary and fiscal policies. we have to rebuild the real economy where we produce, where we save, where we invest. we can't simply have an economy with government make work finance with a printing press. this is going to lead to a deflationary progression. >> this is just kind of rhetoric. look at this moment. if you have any wit of business sense, we have a construction industry that has totally collapsed, we have an infrastructure that everyone agrees needs to be rebuilt -- collapsing pipelines. and the government can borrow money at nearly record low levels. this is a perfect time to borrow the money and rebuild the public infrastructure -- jenna: well, let me get some clarity. hold on for one second here, peter. robert, let's get some more
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clarity on what you mean here. are you saying what the government needs to do right now is start, i don't know, a second stimulus plan, another -- >> yes, absolutely. i'm not even afraid of the term. but we can make -- this is an opportunity to rebuild an infrastructure that even people like schiff would agree has to be rebuilt at a very low level of borrowing at a time when construction workers are idle across the country. we could put them to work, hire those firms that are private firms and rebuild an infrastructure. it's silly to talk about this in different ways. >> i would agree some of the infrastructure needs to be rebuilt, but the cost of rebuilding it is a burden. it's not going to help the economy. we have to divert resources from other uses to make these long-term investments. when the government is in charge of it, a lot of it is being wasted. we're repaving roads here in connecticut that didn't need to be repaved, and the question is what didn't we do with the resources because the government diverted them to something that was unproductive? >> there's nothing as unproductive as what finance did
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with capital in the collapse we just had. >> i agree. >> but that's why government building infrastructure, it wasn't government that did that -- >> yes, it was. who lent them the money? who subsidized it? jenna: peter, let me jump in here. if it's not an additional spending project, if it's not government stepping in, then how do we soft this problem? >> it's about getting the government out of the way so we can rebuild a vibrant economy, so we can restructure the economy. our economy is based on consumer spending, borrow money. that has to end. we've been building houses people can't afford. we need more factories, more production, we need to make more things and that will happen if the government gets out of the way and allows american industry to become more competitive and productive. you have all these people who are unemployed because the government has made them unemployable by driving up the cost of doing business. my opponent here says that we should take advantage of low interest rates to go deeper into debt. we have to pay that money back, and these low interest rates are not going to stay here.
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the government is borrowing with treasury bills. what's going to happen in a few years -- >> so why wouldn't you borrow now to put people to work? i don't understand it. it makes no sense. jenna: robert, you're -- >> businesses aren't going to invest. jenna: robert, final comment here. hold on a second, peter. i'm going to give robert the final comment on this. robert, when is the right time to stop spending? why are now not afraid of this debt that so many are so fearful about? >> once the economy gets going and people go back to work, then it's time to start to look at how do we balance our accounts. but the real reality is every pt for balancing the budget assumes two or three years of growth that gets unemployment down to a normal level. you can't assume that at this point without government taking action. and it's silly after 30 years of conservative rule, after eight years of the bush administration -- [laughter] deregulation and privatization of the notion that government is in the way of this is
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ridiculous. >> stop rewriting history. >> are you talking about the bush administration? >> yo, i didn't forget about it -- no, i didn't forget about it, it abandoned free market principles. it followed the caips yang, socialist -- [inaudible conversations] jenna: you two are certainly spirited and good partners in crime on this, and i hope to have you both back because this is -- >> i'm a guy that predicted this collapse while you guys thought everything was great. the economists like the guys that wrote this thing that were laughing at me on fox. >> no, actually, dean baker was one of the leaders to talk about the housing bubble while people like you were investing in it. >> i wasn't investing in it -- jenna: time out, gentlemen. we're going to get far, far off the point -- >> you better do a little research on me. jenna: we really appreciate both of your perspectives, robert and peter. thanks for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you guyses soon. jon: maybe some boxing gloves. pope benedict is visiting the
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u.k., this after five men were arrested early this morning for an alleged threat against the pope. greg burke is live in london. greg? >> reporter: hi, jon. you know, there have been a lot of distractions in the lead-up to this trip. there's some demonstrators here in westminster, some saying the pope is the antichrist, but really there's been no distraction like the one that hit at noon locally today, just about fife and a half hours ago, and that was a potential terrorist plot against the pope. scotland yard saying they had arrested five men. the pope was talking with children, it was dedicated to catholic education, so both teachers and students, and his schedule continued just as it was supposed to. at that time these five men were being questioned, also a search was going on in london. nothing turned up so far hazardous, it appears now, but the police are taking this very seriously. the vatican for its part says the pope is calm and will continue as he has.
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security has been quite tight throughout this trip even before this threat. certainly, they're taking no chances at all with the pope. and the pope very busy in this neighborhood of westminster today, an important talk in westminster hall this amp. now -- this afternoon. finally, jon, the trip perhaps because the expectations were so low and there was so much controversy, has gone pretty well so far. there have been some isolated demonstrations, but for the most part, the pope has been treated quite warmly. that's the latest from london, jon, back to you guys in new york. jon: greg, thanks. jenna: a lot happening around the world, sarah palin at a political event in iowa. why it's fueling speculation she could be making a run for the white house. and this is not where you'd expect to find a camel, but where would you really expect to find a camel these days? jon: i guess in the desert, maybe not in oregon. [laughter] jenna: rescuers pulling the animal out of a sink hole. we're going to talk with the owner ask how moses, the camel,
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got stuck in the first place. all ahead on "happening now." ♪ until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her lon. oh, now that's t best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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see you at 1 p.m. jenna: "happening now" in washington, tough talk from republican leaders addressing thousands of conservative activists at their annual values voter summit. speakers like mitt romney, jim demint focusing on social issues as well as economic priorities. sarah palin will be the keynote speaker at a fundraiser in iowa. fox news digital politics editor, chris, we heard mitt romney just wrapped up at the summit in d.c. not too far from you. what's the significance of this? >> well, this is, if you will, a casting call for who are the 2012 presidential contenders who can lock up the religious right, who can get social conservatives to sign off and go with them on a journey to running for president. and for romney, it's particularly important because
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he has never been the favorite of social conservatives. he's never been that guy because of some positions he had when he was governor of massachusetts and other reasons. he's never been their darling. they prefer people like mike huckabee and, certainly, sarah palin. but for romney if he can at least get to a point where social conservatives say he's okay with us, that's going to be big for him. so he needed to show well today. jenna: so sarah palin isn't there, why? >> well, she doesn't need to be there, and it's very interesting. she has in her place, if you will, the best example of her power which is christine o'donnell is there today. and she's going to talk to these folks. the republican nominee from delaware, she's going to be there, and she is a sarah palin production, if you will. there one no christine o'donnell from delaware if it weren't for sarah palin, and as these folks look around the country, they've seen palin has the power to get
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candidates nominations inside the republican primary system. and the social conservatives really feel like she's a champion for them. the folks that we talk to basically say the results are so great to their way of thinking that now if palin wants them to follow her into a nomination fight, that their going to go with her. -- they're going to go with her. jenna: chris is the fox news digital politics editor. thank you so much. heading into november's important midterm elections, visit the brand new fox news america's election headquarters iphone ap. go to, find a link in the fox spotlight section of the home page. there you can find all the download details so you can be in the know on the go. jon: remember the plight of poor moses? we showed it to you a couple of days ago. an update on the beloved pet camel who found himself stuck in a sink hole. oh, moses was not happy. it was a grueling attempt to get
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him out. we're going to check in with moses' owner and tell you how he's doing today next. ♪ muck
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that-and-a-half let's get you caught up on what's happening around the world. in chile, new hope for 33 trapped miners. a bore hole has been completed reaching the men, officials now plan to widen that hole so the miners can be eventually rescued, but that could take another six weeks or so. in mexico, 32 people are dead in a shootout between soldiers and drug cartel members. the gun battle erupting just sl
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miles -- 18 miles from the texas border. police in denmark say a man injured in a blast was preparing a letter bomb likely intended for a danish newspaper that published cartoons of the prophet, mohammed. jon: a camel rescued from an 8-foot sink hole not in the sahara, but in northwest oregon. we showed you the video when moses the camel got stuck up to his head in a muddy hole. took firefighters hours to dig the big guy out. his owner is joining us on the phone. kim, first of all, i believe you're the first and only person i've spoken to who has a pet camel. why do you have moses? >> we have moses to help children that are in foster care understand that they're important. moses has a lot of gifts, and those big two humps you saw are the most outstanding. we love to teach all of the children in our community that they have gifts and they just have to look harder. jon: how did moses get stuck,
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and how did you find out he was stuck? >> i was actually sitting in the bed getting ready, and my sweet husband was feeding the animals, and i heard a terrible, terrible sound, and i knew that he was in a trap or had a problem. and we just ran down there and immediately started comforting him and trying to pull on him, and i realized this wasn't a job for me. this was much, much, must have bigger than what we could do with our four-wheel drive, and we were losing time. he was going to die. jenna: kim, oh, my goodness. what do you do when your camel gets stuck? obviously, the firefighters respond. did they just think you were joking? how did you get them there? >> i actually talked to the battalion chief who at first thought it was a joke, but they came running, and i don't mean walking, they were running. down tough terrain. it wasn't normal like you just walk to a house, it's way down in a hole. they were willing to give it what it took, and it took a lot of tugging.
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jon: and it was pretty dicey as i understand. you were afraid you were going to snap his legs. >> to make it worse, we didn't know what position his legs were in. so how do you pull a suctioned camel, 1500 pounds, from a hole when we have gravity working against us, mud working against us, and he's sinking. if it would have been our bigger camel, we wouldn't have gotten him out. jenna: how is most doing? >> moses made his first appearance on a beautiful tv show today. [laughter] you know, going through cancer treatment right now, moses got me out of the hole. he got me out of a different hole, and i'm so glad that we got him out of the hole. jenna: oh, it's so good for you to share that with us. we appreciate it. it means that you care so much for your animals, and i'm sure so many of our viewers can relate to that, having animals at their home. jon: and congratulations to all those firefighters who helped dig that guy out of the hole. did you hear? he's 1500 pounds, and he's not the big camel.
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[laughter] oh, my goodness. jenna: kim, thank you very much. kim was joining us on the phone, and we wish her well and her entire family. jon: moses, come into the newsroom. jenna: we have to have moses make a special appearance. going to become lore around these parts. well, a dad facing charges after he sticks up for his little girl, and we mean really sticks up for her. megyn has this great story ahead about what happened, and you can decide if he went too far. ú
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jenna: just to finish up the week on "happening now," new video of what is not an ordinary parrot, a bird trained to tip-off a drug cartel when officers conduct raid. this is apparently one of 1700parrots trained by drug traffickers to act as look outs. i guess that is the call. jon: it takes s


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