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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 10, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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informing them that they were officially on leave from the ivy league institution for their part in the recent pro-israel protest on campus. >> you know, i think the interesting note, brian, which you just shared with us a moment ago is that once these students -- correction, once these protesters have been arrested, the revelation is more than two thirds of them are not students on campus. and when you see these type of encampments, you see the signs, you see the tents and you see ultimately the lack of or the expiration of tolerance from the law enforcement go in getting rid of people that don't belong on the campus in the first place. two thirds not students. >> ainsley: commencement may 20th. they said you can expect to see airport style security screenings and identification check force all the graduates. signs and posters and flags and noise makers are prohibited more rules have been broken. laws have been violated.
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this is absolutely unacceptable. all students should feel safe when when they are on campus. all students have the legal right to feel safe on campus. >> 15 days campus in existence and finally break it up. six of these people have been permanently banned from the campus. i don't know if they will follow through it with it columbia they said if you are still in the encampment suspended. imagine going nine tenths of a year ivy league school and getting to the finals and then deciding i'm going to get a sleeping bag and stay in an pickup tent for an area of the world i knew nothing about three weeks prior. that's just it. you have a situation where i have never seen such -- some palestinian different regalia from the flags, of a country that doesn't exist. to a symbolism for fattah, which is run by yasser arafat's group to many people with hamas signs and the anti-semitism which runs rampant. some people are in denial about it. they want to soft peddle it. but if you are a jewish kid at that school, life has not been
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the same since october 7th. >> ainsley: it's a no win situation for president biden because he is getting backlash from both sides. and there is a tale of two different campaigns going into 2024's president election. you have got joe biden who is jetting off to far left san francisco and seattle over the next few days to now is he going to be in san francisco. it's $175,000 to get a ticket. you have to rsvp. you have to pay that money. these are mega donors, then you have donald trump who, tomorrow, is going over to wildwood, new jersey, is he going to hold a big rally. thousands of just average everyday folks, people who like him, people who are voting for him will attend his rally. >> brian: there is an open senate seat and the president wants to try to deliver the senate he has some hope for it. i know the convention that the wisdom is it's a no-win for president biden. i actually do think it's a win situation. >> ainsley: really? you have a lot of israelis. you have a lot of jewish individuals and saying they are switching parties. and then you also have the far
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left wing the progressives voting not unconstitutional. uncommitted. >> brian: keep it. what you do if you are a leader and you have a clear idea what's in the best interest of the country predominantly the massive number of people in the country believe that israel is a critical ally, hamas is a terrorist organization whose objectives are antithetical with everybody. everybody that we stand for in country. and the reason why you say it over and over again, if you are capable or jot it down or tweet it out, that every civilian death is on the hands of hamas and the idf and if you look at their numbers, not hamas' numbers, they are going through the most difficult urban situation battlefield doing a heck of a job leading through trying to find who the terrorists are. keep in mind the terrorist's
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goal is to take hostages as long as 8 months old and 80. and they want as many palestinians killed as possible because they put them in front. if you are the president, you explain they hit a hospital because that's the headquarters of hamas weapons depot. >> will: you mentioned tale of two campaigns and what they are doing. joe biden fundraising and reaping benefits from that by the way. in march joe biden and the dnc brought in $90 million. trump and the rnc brought in $66 million. take a look at the different types of campaigns as well as mentioned fundraisers are a big part of what joe biden is doing. 50% of what he is doing. small campaign events. donald trump 83% big events, rallies, huge gathering of people. >> ainsley: biden can't do a rally. can't stand up there for that long. >> will: never had a rally. physically capable. i don't know if he can get the crowd either. do i know he can't get the crowd
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for a rally. >> brian: unless you bring out bruce springsteen and we also saw al gore and hillary clinton. lebron james shows up but they don't vote. they are there for the concert and there for the celebrity appearance. at this point his options are wednesdays, friday nights, saturday and sunday. he could do different things in new york. butnot -- it's not possible for him to go through a day 12 hours in the courtroom and go do big rallies at night unless you are going to pull one out from mms in square garden. i heard he might be doing something in the bronx. >> ainsley: here is a montage of joe biden vs. donald trump. >> my theology professor at the catholic school i went to was a guy named riley, last name. [chanting u.s.a.]
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>> did you get that box? i'm going to order a milkshake. i thought we were going to order a milkshake. >> yes. we will be right back. >> i thought you could do it there. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump. we support you. >> 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. >> please do. [cheers] >> >> will: dark as images are campaign trail nothing is quite as alarming or stark as what you see in polling. brian you mentioned joe biden's interview on cnn with erin burnett earlier this week. part of the lies was 9 pours inflation when i took office. no, it wasn't. that's false. inflation was 1.4%. i thought it was just interesting how he denied the existence essentially of economic issues, denied consumer confidence polling. denied the drop in real income. he can deny it all he wants. but he has got to face this is how voters feel. >> this is the stark difference as opposed to what you hear on the campaign trail.
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this is what happens to voters and how they feel about it. take look. almost according to every poll, economy and inflation number one. donald trump has massive advantages. >> ainsley: border here. >> will: it is the border. maybe this is just my estimation of where we will be come november those second two. people have historically voted based upon how this effects their family and the border does and crime does. but economy and inflation, that should terrify joe biden. >> ainsley: this list might not be the order of what is important. i think you are right economy is probably the most important. this just in order of how much better donald trump is doing than joe biden. up 17 points when it comes to the border. comes to the economy, 14% of the voters prefer donald trump. 14% more of the voters prefer donald trump with inflation and 8% more with crime. >> if you talk about a no win situation, i think this is more of it. you have a situation where he undid 2 # executive orders that
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donald trump put out there on the border. 29. all right. fine. the result has been the worst border intrusion in the history of the country. then he says nothing i can do, it's up to congress. now he is starting to do executive orders. executive orders, if they start working what the hell were you lying to us for three and a half years. any don't work, it's like what speaker johnson told us yesterday because these are half measures. you don't do remain in mexico but you are changing the criteria in which people are allowed in. you finally call up china and say would you substantiated repatriating your thousands of people here? okay? no, they actually said yes. we will see if they follow through on it. what were you waiting for for two years to go up to these countries and saying take them back. give you a an example. congressman rodriguez at the border in uvalde he says to me i'm so tired of seeing venezuelans here we can't repatriate to venezuela. >> ainsley: not allowed back. >> brian: he said i'm going to go to mexico. mexico has relations with venezuela. so he says if we leave them in mexico, they will take them back
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in venezuela. that is something the president could have been doing all along. took a texas congressman to come up for that the president won't execute it. meanwhile, this. let's talk about the trump trials that has been a big distraction for the country. the new york vs. donald trump trial resumes. and you are talking about day 15. this morning we learned the prosecutors will no longer call karen macdougall, the playboy model as a witness. >> will: stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony yesterday after two days on the stand. >> ainsley: eric shawn is at the new york state supreme court with the latest for us. hey, eric. >> eric: good morning, ainsley and guys. well, from a porn star who ridicules the former president and says she hates donald trump to young woman who praises him and says it's a great president. all that in one day in this trial. back on the stand this morning, testifying under cross-examination, is madeleine westerhout. she is former president trump's former executive assistant. who sat right outside the oval office for more than two and a half years. prosecutors called her to
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testify about trump signing checks but court observers say her appearance backfired on the prosecution. she tearfully cried on the stand praising trump saying is he a good family man. and told the jury that he was a great president. she described the trump marriage as a loving, respectful one. and said mrs. trump would text her to ask when her husband was finished in the west wing so that he could come up to the white house residence for dinner. she said, quote: i believe they have a relationship of mutual respect. no one could put him in his place. he was my boss. but she was in charge. their relationship was really special. she said, quote: i don't think he is treated fairly and wanted to tell his story, she said. westerhout testified that she set up the oval office meeting with trump one month into his presidency with his lawyer, michael cohen. in our previous reports, all said that she would testify that in that meeting he was there. she would expose what they talked about, presumably the deal with stormy daniels and
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trump reimbursing cohen for paying her. but you know, we never heard anything about that in her testimony, prosecutors never asked. her appearance came as judge juan member khan denied a mistrial and kep gag order on tp so he could talk about stormy daniels. >> this judge what he did and what his ruling was is a grace everybody saw what happened today. is he a corrupt judge but is he totally conflicted. >> well, today, stormy on x is ridiculing the former president saying real men take the stand -- oh, never mind. so when the court resumes, we will hear from a woman who does not hate the president but who basically idolizes him. back to you. >> brian: mentioned eric it's all about a chain of custody with these checks. that's what they are going to try to get out of her. and so far she has not come up with it. we will see if she is changing her tune. thanks so much. so, and that's just it.
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that's madeleine wester lawsuit. when we used to try to get an interview at the white house. gfallout. 36 years. loves the family. the cfo is in prison at refresh my recollection island at 70-plus years old. absolutely thinks trump is the best people to work for. madeleine westerhout great family to know the truth about. if is he a honorable person how is he hiding it from the people who know him best. >> ainsley: madeleine worked for him personal assistant and secretary and said she reis very regretful of her youthful indiscretion she shared some information about the trump family with the press and that's why we lost her job. but she said he never once made pee feel i didn't deserve the job and i don't belong there. trump was a really good boss, she said. >> will: so in the court of public opinion which is also known as the trial of donald trump. it's the public opinion of those jurors, not so much about
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justice, because none of this has to do with bookkeeping. none of this has to do with how it was denoted in the trump accounting team but acknowledging 'it's about throwing dirt and slime and influencing the courts of public opinion. stormy daniels motivations are what has been debated for the last two days. why are you here? why is this happening? why are you on the stand? do you hate donald trump? >> brian: were you coached? yes. >> will: were you in it for the money? >> ainsley: she said see signed the nda for safety reasons. it wasn't about the money. that was just added. but then, they played this juicy conversation between her attorney then and then michael cohen who was the attorney and the fixer for donald trump ler attorney said stormy is berating him and wanted the money more than anything. stormy wanted this money more than anything you could ever imagine. then she said she wanted it settled because she was worried that trump would lose the election and she would lose leverage. >> brian: we have the tape.
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the tape was played in court. >> ainsley: and they talked about her website. she is selling those catholic candles instead of jesus' face it was her face. steve. >> will: she had strip club shows called make america horny again. she managed to profiteer off the motivation of hating donald trump. >> ainsley: selling t-shirts team stormy and stormy daniels comic books. >> brian: we will see what happens. i think they still have a shot, reportedly of getting this done by memorial day. they say the defense you would know better, will. would be better off making it quick, whatever they do, don't draw it out. make it quick. achieve your goals and go. because they don't feel that a lot of people feel as though this case is far from proven don't make it tore tore russ for the jury. >> ainsley: what does it mean to you don't want karen macdougall to testify? >> will: hasn't gone well with
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stormy daniels. remember, the entire trial is about. and i will -- the entire trial is not about the evidence anymore. it's not about the facts. it's not about the law. it's can you emotionally manipulate 12 people to lean into their confirmation bias, which is they don't like donald trump. >> brian: two of which are lawyers. >> will: honestly, i think that's the home run bank shop by the trump defense team. you never want lawyers on the jury. we hope these two individuals will see the law and what is right above their emotional feelings about donald trump. >> brian: right. saying we just assuming they don't like trump. bill will let's get to a fox news alert. an update on the police crackdown on the pro-palestinian protest encampment at the university of pennsylvania. >> ainsley: todd piro is there with the latest and other crackdowns across our country. todd? >> todd: let's head back out live upenn heart of philadelphia as we look at live shots. police clearing out the pro-palestinian encampment and arresting protesters there this morning. this is video from earlier you can see a number of individuals being taken away. keep in mind there seems to be a
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pattern. police going in the early morning hours of many of these encampments, it seems to be the time when these protests are at their calmest and individuals may or may not be awake at the time and that's why you see them so easily able to clear out. and right now we are back out live to upenn in philadelphia. 7:15 the time. you can see what looks like a discussion, if you will, some calmness there between the philadelphia police and many of what presumably are the protest people there in the encampments. it's this all comes after the pennsylvania governor weighed in last night said these protests are done. you have cross the over the college green. have you gone to another part of the campus. we ever shutting them down right now. we will take you back out to upenn as the news warrants. meantime overnight on the west coast. police firing tear gas and wooden bullets to break up a huge demonstration at the university of arizona in tucson. back here on the east coast, in massachusetts, police arresting at least 11 pro-palestinian protesters at mit after clearing the encampment there early this
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morning. that action comes after a day of confrontations in and around mit's campus. and in our nation's capital, protesters facing off with law enforcement near george w. university. officials arresting more than 30 people, most of them as has been pointed out by you, brian, ainsley and will, not gw students. back over to you. >> brian: well-financed operation. i wish the attorney general was more curious about who is funding it. thanks, todd. >> will: new overnight we will build upon what is happening on campuses happening in the streets of new york. anti-israel protester arrested for vandalizing a central park world war i memorial. they painted gaza at the base of that memorial. spray painted gaza at the base of that memorial. he has been brought to justice, ainsley, because he was turned in by his father. >> ainsley: by his own dad. he is 16 years old. so there was a picture online of him sitting on the police bench inside the station with his face
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fuzzed out wearing teenage gear and high top tennis sos. criminal mischief. criminal making graffiti a misdemeanor. the teen goes, according to the post to taughtenville high school and has no prior virginias. his dad did turn him in for defacing the 107th infantry memorial on monday. his dad turned him in yesterday. >> brian: mayor adams one of the things he said -- and i think he has been really strong on this from day one. i know it's not essentially in fashion to compliment your country i love this country and years of fight for freedom. he says i will take $5,000 out of my own pocket and pay the reward for anyone who can tell me who participated in the defiling of that statue. >> what would do you as a dad? in your son did this. >> brian: first off i would admit i failed as a parent. i would say i forgot to talk to him for 16 years. apologize for that number one, i don't know what's going on in that house that he thinks to himself okay, now that i have been looking at the middle east
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and studying it so extensively it's time to take a side. take it out on a world war i memorial. number one, does he even know who was in world war i. does he even know what that memorial meant? how does he feel about burning our flag? clearly it's a failure of our school system, too. do you know anybody that would burn our flag at 16 years old? that's an american? >> the depiction of those men, those soldiers, fought for that flag that's burning at the base of the statue. >> will: not easy but the father did the right thing. >> ainsley: yes he did. >> will: in the end may save his own son, i think. tornado touchdown in tallahassee, florida. let's get straight to meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> happening right now, a confirmed tornado, there might be several tornadoes on the ground in the capital city of florida tallahassee right now confirmed tornado observed on the ground where we have mulls of people living several other
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people warn storms doppler radar indicating rotation. now moved into a severe thunderstorm warning but several tornado emergencies right now for the florida area. the tallahassee area. this is a big concern. severe thunderstorm watch in effect right now including tallahassee, meaning the conditions were favorable for not only severe thunderstorms but we have tornadoes observed right now in tallahassee. we have our local affiliates right now. we are going to contact them and make sure we are getting the up to date information. right now if you live in florida and you are under a tornado shelter need to seek shelter immediately. lowest portion of your home, interior home away from the windows. >> here is the severe storm threat today. this has been incredible week for tornadoes. here is the tornado tally for the plains in the east here. 69 at least confirmed tornadoes, one of those ef-4. and that was in oklahoma which did incredible damage but talking about tornado emergencies for michigan, your
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first time of a tornado emergency, this all happened this week right now, again, in florida. tallahassee under a tornadoes warn storm. power outages right now like we don't even have it updated but can you see the state of florida at least 50,000 don't have power up towards north carolina. this is going to be ongoing situation, not done yet with these storms but eminently right now tallahassee, florida, under a tornado warning and a tornado observed on the ground over to you. >> will: thank you so much; >> carley: potentially big update on the saddest story that we have been following. the main suspect accused of murdering three surfers in mexico reportedly confessed to his girlfriend, telling her he killed, quote: three gringos. the bodies of one american and go australian surfers were found
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in a 50-foot well earlier this month. prosecutors believe the victims were killed during a carjacking and thieves were looking to steal their tires. many towns in brazil placing severe flooding with 100 residents dying from the floods. a horse in the country was rescued after being stuck on a roof for two days. the 770-pound horse named caramel low was straddling the roof of a form house inflatable boats and vessels volunteers. 7-year-old carmelo currently recovering at veterinary hospital. target is planning to cut pride themed merchandise from some of its stores in june during pride month. the retailer will reportedly only stock the products in about half of its locations based on sales data. the company still plans on selling pride products online. this move comes after target
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faced drop in sales last year. mom goes viral for saying mother's day shouldn't include grandmas? i had spent the whole mother's date coordinating grandparent visits and i didn't get to do anything for myself and i was like i'm not doing this again. >> carley: so what do you think? email friends at grandmothers are moms, too. you can include them. >> brian: isn't there is a grandmother's day? car. >> ainsley: not really. >> carley: there is a grandmother's day. >> ainsley: no one knows the date of that. >> carley: my mom is brock's grandma it's still mother's day for her. >> will: right. it's like it's mother's day. it's your mom. >> carley: depends on how far you want to go.
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>> will: you want to be the recipient of mother's day you don't want to give on mother's day. >> carley: she wants to explain she is the mother of three. three little ones spread so thin. maybe she doesn't want to have to do lunch with her kids and her husband and have to go out of town and visit her mom that day, too. >> will: that's her mom. so it's mother's day for her and that's her mom. forget the word grandma. that's not part of this. >> ainsley: there is nothing more satisfying than to see my mom with her grandchildren. >> carley: yeah. >> ainsley: i thought that was so sweet. i felt like we could all celebrate it together because she is still my mom. >> carley: it's a cross to die on. no grandma's included. >> brian: bring this conversation into the break. chris stay out of this ains. >> brian: right us and let you know what you think. grandparent's day is in september? jack keane is next
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>> brian: cease-fire talks in a stand still as israel infiltrates rafah, where we know the two battalions left of hamas are located. while on the home front, president biden threatens and is about to block weapons deliveries to our primary ally, israel. the white house doubling down on the president's remarks claiming it was not a senior moment but lawmakers like senator joe manchin told me on an interview you will see on saturday night on one nation, biden is making a
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mistake now making decisions on what can you and can't use our way or no way at all. it's not who we are and what we should not be doing. i have said openly that i think it's wrong. >> brian: president is not interested in moderating points of view. joining us is retired four star general jack keane. what does this mean? holding back weapons shipments they still have weapons they can use. what does this mean for overall how we are viewed around the world and for our ally? >> yeah. well certainly, in terms of the arms themselves, israel has plenty of weapons system. and ammunition available to complete the operation in rafah. but it is a major turning point. i mean, you know, the administration has been hinting at this, you know for weeks, brian when they made the
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decision and still find it shocking. do they actually think about what the consequences are of this kind of decision? what does it mean for our allies like ukraine and taiwan when they see us pulling back on our number one ally in the middle east, the country we have had the closest relationship with for 75 years. ever since israel became a state comes on the heels of a u.s. led coalition to help defend israel against iranian ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. i mean, it is a stunning decision and our adversaries, i mean, i think they look at it much like we -- they -- we did with afghanistan. u.s. walked away from ally we had been fighting side by side for 20 years and help submit a country to the enemy. here we are walking away from israel? and our adversaries look at that and they see it as weakness
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obviously is what it is general boil it down to the objective eliminating hamas from the plant. how do you do leave in gaza. you can't. how did you go in issue done behind the closed doors by people like you who are military experts not by people that are secretaries of stated with no military experience or jake sullivan with no military experience or a president of the united states with no military experience and i don't need to tell you that the vice president has no military experience. so we don't hear anything from the defense department. we're hearing it from a politician. shouldn't that bother you? >> oh, yeah, it has right from the beginning when they started to wire brush israel over how they were conducting their military campaign and specifically dealing with rafah itself. i mean we should stay out of micromanaging an operational campaign. i mean, strategic issues i understand that completely but
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not makes no sense whatsoever he should us a have a part of that speech that this is existential threat to the state of israel. we have not seen a threat ripping of fire as operationizes proxies around israel. they are trying to destroy the state of israel. we should be doing everything we can to help protect and prevent that have from happening. >> brian: are you concerned that hungary and china have signed a strategic cooperation agreement? >> i'm not concerned about the agreement so much as, look it, the reality is three quarters of the investment to hung gather is china. the president of hung gather
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urbahn, he has been in power since 2010. he is a national populist. he has closer relations with china than he does with his mainstream eu and nato partners. he has been troublesome, you know, for some time president xi is there taking advantage of it. lithium battery plants, railway for them civilian infrastructure and also potential nuclear infrastructure. >> this is a foot hold that xi wants in the eu. he has real problems with the rest of the eu because his overproduction is flowing into it and they are pushing back on him pretty strongly. >> brian: general keane, always educational, thank you so much. perilous times and look at the institute for study of war. >> have a wonderful weekend. >> brian: you too. coming up on the weekend one nation 9:00 amongst migrate roster of guests senator joe manchin is with us. willing to buck his party as you
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know. ari fleischer is going to be there. yuri going to be tell us if ozempic works. don't miss a minute from 9:00 to 10:00. >> do you sometimes worry about the direction of your party? >> you keep saying -- please don't do that i'm not a washington democrat, okay? when you say my party, i don't relate to any of this. and i have a lot of friends that are washington republicans. the parties have gone so extreme, brian, and somehow we have got to bring the grand ole party and make it grand again and make the democrat party responsible again. i think they both lost their ways. they are listening to their own chatter here in washington. none of this makes sense. >> brian: all right. that's a little bit more with joe manchin coming up this weekend. now this: oh the irony. president biden unraveling title 9 protections and refusing to keep biological men out of women's sports but making this declaration. >> it matters to girls and women, finally seeing themselves represented. we need to support women's
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sports. >> brian: right, by letting men play. riley gaines sounds off next. and country music superstar scotty mccreery will perform live on "fox & friends." i remember before he could shave. ♪ ♪ i'm feeling it ♪ . [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.”
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>> ainsley: we are back a fox news alert. fox has just learned that the president's former attorney michael co-son set to testify on monday in the new york vs. trump trial. this follows a big week on the stand that included testimony from stormy daniels. eric shawn is live outside of the courthouse and we'll have the latest on michael cohen testifying on monday at the top of our 8:00 a.m. hour.
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in other news, president biden hosting the las vegas aces at the white house yesterday. despite his administration's plans over to overhaul title ix protections for female sports. he said this. it matters to girls and women, finally seeing themselves represented and it matters to all of america. that's why as a nation we need to support women's sports. [applause] the visit from the wmba champs comes as biden faces 20 different lawsuits from red states over efforts to change title ix. so here to react is contributor and host of gains for girls podcast riley gaines. good morning, riley. >> good morning, ainsley. good to see you. >> good to see you, too. when you hear him say that he supports women's sports we need to do that yet he is changing title ix. what's your reaction.
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>> this virtue signaling would be comical if there weren't real consequences to his actions. like an snl skit which is objectively meant to be funny. this administration is honestly an abomination what they have now down to title ix ultimately abolishing of it was originally intended to do which supports protect the categories on the basis of sex. the biden administration has now equated sex with gender identity. where he says the future of women's sports is bright. under his administration and current leadership the future of women's sports is bleak. >> ainsley: what about all these states that are suing him? will that pause the changes -- biden's recent changes? >> i could not be more hopeful that we have now seen 20-plus states sign on to a lawsuit ultimately suing the biden administration and the department of education. we have seen governor desantis, governor sarah huckabee sanders, governor abbott, i believe governor pillen in nebraska say hey, we won't comply to this. this violates our state code. our state law. i think two years ago we
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wouldn't have seen this happen and so, that shows me the turning more and more people. more common sense everyday americans who intuitively know men and women are different are pushing back. it certainly gives me hope. i wish we saw all 50 states on this lawsuit. this certainly shouldn't be something that is part of san. but i imagine we are certainly [inaudible] >> ainsley: riley a transgender athlete is leading biological female runners in the gust goes on to win the 400-meter race secures a place in the varsity finals. there is outrage on this on social media. here's the video of this transathlete running and look at this. leaving all those other women far, far, far behind. what's your reaction to? >> i mean, we can't even be surprised that this is happening. because this is ultimately what the administration is empowering, not only are they allowing, this they are celebrating this behavior, this action. so we are only going to see this continue. we just saw same thing in track
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and field recently at collegiate level meet in new york. a male won the 200-meter, the 400-meter. broke the women's 400-meter record it. would have been last month by over 2 full seconds. third fastest division three woman in the nation. but what's is 600 in the men. my advice to these girls is to be as brave as those five middle schoolers in west virginia who had the tenacity and the courage to not throw when they were faced to compete against a boy at their middle school championship shot putt event. >> ainsley: riley, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> of course, thank you. >> ainsley: 44 minutes after the top of the hour. juit's just science. tyrus is coming up next.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love.
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if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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>> brian: we're back, three more mishaps involving boeing planes. 737 catches fire. forced to evacuate. at least 10 people were hurt. same day a tire exploding as a boeing 737 landed at an airport in southern turkey wednesday, in
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istanbul, a fedex cargo plane experienced a landing gear failure leaving the nose dragging along the way. earlier on "fox & friends first," we spoke with a boeing whistleblower who spent a decade doing final inspections on 737 planes for spirit arrow system. >> it was like a constant battle to go in and just try to do my job. which was to identify and document defects. they asked me to document defects in a different way. basically falsify the information. >> boeing spokesperson saying, quote: the company has long had a team that finds and fixes defects and fuselages built by spirit arrow systems. claiming inspect fuselage as it comes out of the production line in wichita. this has been a number of incidents with boeing, planes this past year spanning from gear failures to fires, and, of course, that door plug blow out in mid-air. will, take it away. >> all right. thank you, brian.
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does the pursuit of happiness depend on your political affiliation? well, new analysis in a "new york times" op-ed says scientific research backs the claim conservatives happier than liberals. because, quote: those are the right -- those on the right are less likely to be angered or upset by social and economic iniquities. believing that the system works hard and hierarchies are part of the natural order of things. and market outcomes are fundamentally fair. joining us now to react is fox news contributor tyrus. tyrus, can i just give you my take? i want to hear -- here is part of it, i think. >> can't be in a segment with will without getting your take. >> will: part of that outlook you are in charge of your own life and when people feel like they have control over the outcomes of their own life instead of victims of every circumstance, they are happier. >> you didn't even need me to come on. you literally just stepped in my head, took my thought. >> will: is that right? i'm sorry. >> tyrus: no, you are
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1,000 percent right if i could break down lower. we have reasonable exceptions and reason we deal with real fears. we worry about our bills being paid. we worry about hey, if i bust my butt, i'm going to get a promotion in this job. we don't sit around all day going the world is going to end tomorrow because of evil white men and we're not -- you know, and we are all victims because of the oppressors and there will be no more polar bears in six weeks if we don't do something. so, you know, it's just literally a victim mode, victim model is an attention seeking and it's a distraction from actually pursuing the greatest country on earth. in america, can you go from poor to the pent penthouse in half your generation. can you change your life within five or six years of hard work. so, for and when our problems arise, we think, you know what? we're going to vote people in to get the job done. we'll don't sit around and camp fires outside of schools we don't attend blaming everyone
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else for our problem. >> you make a good point. not just the victimhood apocalyptic. everything is existential. everything is going to end your life or the earth. i got to get you in on this tyrus, customers, are furious, restaurants adding brand new charge to bills and some claim it should be illegal. it's this surcharge. look at that right there. 2%. >> yeah. >> will: unexplained. what is that 2% surcharge? >> i think it's perfectly explained. again, this ties into your first question there, will. we have the worst inflation, the economy is teenager. restaurants have to -- i mean california you got to pay people $20 an hour when you don't even make that much to cover it. so restaurants are doing everything they can to fight costs because of inflation. now, see, the conservatives say oh my gosh, we are never going to be able to eat again. we are going to vote people in to fix this economy where the other side is like oh, i can't believe i'm paying 2%. you should be mad at the administration. you should be mad not just going out to a restaurant, we always
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carton of eggs, 10, 15 bucks, it's ridiculous, gas prices. feeling the pinch, everyone, everyone is trying to keep their job, their businesses going. so stuff like this is unfortunate because we need to vote better. >> will: i like to point there is some political control over this because biden and he did it this week going to go oh, this is corporate greed. it's also a product of rampant inflation, raising minimum wage laws. they are going to find ways really quick, tyrus, to pass it onto the customer. >> though have to be, they are adding and subtracting, they are in the negative. bring themselves out of it. this is what biden does. he doesn't stand for anything. just watched the earlier statement doing everything he can to preserve women's sports and next thing over any guy not doing well in men's sports. they split the difficult. president trump's fault, he hasn't been in office in three and a half years it's his fault. that's how their administration works. the good news is they do it on
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everything so now we are seeing it in every day life. >> will: i got to go, tyrus. turn that hat around. what do you have on top? are you double lettererring? >> will: same team but double lettering, okay. tyrus. >> tyrus: you got it. >> will: country music star -- trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing,
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