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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news fox news at night. [ speaking alternate language ] >> trace: america appears to be in a standoff with its biggest middle east ally, president bind and is threatening to withhold weapons from israel and israel is now threatening to go it alone in their fight against hamas. meantime the anti- israel protests on college campuses getting more absurd with princeton university students going on a hunger strike than blaming princeton because they are hungry. and anti- israel student protesters at george washington university getting a big outside boost. police made 33 arrests there and only six of them were actually students. the senior correspondent dan springer's live in seattle with
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the latest on the college protest. good evening. >> that ratio of students to nonstudents is pretty typical. while we have seen some encampment's taken down of the last week, others continued to grow and new ones are popping up. here in seattle at the university of washington the anti- israel protests are still growing and it got tents a couple of nights ago when three dozen nt five showed up and a few fights broke out. there are close to 200 tenths -- tenths police finally got them out. they made 31 arrests there, only six were students. today at mit police impurity make several arrests during a protest. now we are starting to hear from students who are fighting back against these campus disruptions three students at northwestern
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university have filed a lawsuit saying the protest quote openly glorified hamas and was a cesspool of fades. the plaintiffs claim the university is not following its own safety guidelines. >> jewish students are not safe on campus. you talk to students they are scared, terrified, they are unsettled. it's unsafe environment for them right now on campus. >> we also saw students pushed back at the university of north carolina in chapel hill. a group of fraternity brothers held up the american flag at protesters and... students held a counter protest where they chanted usa and sing the national anthem and 300 jewish students at columbia and barnard college signed an open letter which read in part we connect to israel not only as our ancestral homeland but as the only place in the modern world where jews can safely take ownership of their own destiny.
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our experiences at columbia in the last six months are a poignant reminder of just that. definitely starting to see more student opposition to these campus protests. >> trace: indeed we are. dan springer life for us in seattle. thank you. the fox news at night commonsense department was told that princeton that... the goal is to not eat until the school agrees to cut ties with israel. now the student and her hunger striking peers are blaming princeton because they are quote starving. so just so commonsense is clear, princeton is not withholding food, their meal cards have not been turned off. there's plenty of food. the students admit the hunger strike is their choice. they are still blaming princeton for quote physically weakening them. weakening them? really? student protesters look and sound tough marching and
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chanting things like genocide joe and from the river to the sea, but apparently the protesters are not all that robust. they keep demanding things like sleeping pads, kneepads, elbow pads, ponchos, pillows, and lotion with no sunscreen to. apparently it's an irritant. the protesters who are eating are demanding hot meals. vegan and gluten-free. no package food, no nuts, no coffee, no bananas. not exactly the revolutionaries of yesteryear. when campers want beds and hunger strikers one food, something is missing. commonsense things changing the world is one thing, doing it without sparkling water is not happening. let's bring in the founder of last people forget and former u.s. senate candidate here, thank you both for coming on. the hunger striker says quoting here they would love to continue
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physically weakening us because they can't stand to say no to unjust murder. i think give her credit she is passionate but that's not how this works. you can't go in and not eat and your school is going to stop doing business with israel. >> sometimes their simile know where it's peer it would be so great and really implement more commonsense to the title of the segment if they would do things like fight absolutism. this whole theory that these kids have that you are with us or against us. what this is causing, it is fanning the flames of hate and creating more division. that would be much better served to try to unify students on campus to have productive conversations with one another, to hear one another out. that's not what they are doing or even willing to do and they made that very clear. >> trace: northwestern university is being sued for allegedly offering concessions to anti- israel protesters. here's one of the attorneys for
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the plaintiff's. >> when you are attacking someone ethnicity, attacking someone's religion, that is hate speech. no other way to look at it. the speech that we are talking about here isn't even on the line. >> to they did offer these people concessions. what you think about all this? >> i think it's incredibly sad to. the fact that this has to be brought to a court of law, the fact that we know that we can't trust our university students, our professors, the universities themselves, leadership to act appropriately in these situations and now students are bringing cases like this which i believe there will be a lot more of by the way to the courts to try to get some kind of clarity for why this happened and to make sure it never happens again. it's incredibly sad here in 2024. it's never about to this point and i fear how many more cases will be brought and how much more we are going to learn. that happens on these college campuses during protest. >> trace: you talk about the
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lawsuit against northwestern and the obvious thing is there's a reason. now we know that northwestern administrators signed this resolution calling for a boycott of israel. it says quoting here for the last six months the people of gaza have been victims of one of the most atrocious and monstrous sieges in modern history as israel has brutally killed over 33,000 palestinians. maybe they should watch the october 7th video that we watched and were horrified by. maybe they should get a reminder of how this started and why don't they call for a surrender for hamas and to release the hostages. >> if people need a reminder about that video that was released by hamas from their own cameras they were wearing and celebrating the number of jews they had killed. it was not ambiguous. just back to that lawsuit really quick. i've spoken to students on campuses in southern california who may follow suit with producing their own lawsuit because of what they've seen on campuses across the nation. but one thing is clear.
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i do think the president of northwestern actually does want to do the right thing and the reason for that is because his own great-grandfather in the 18 nineties was killed in a program in russia, in the 1930s his own aunts and uncles were taken to a concentration camp and some died. the others settled in israel. it's interesting and i think the fact that he of course wants to deal with this issue more than anyone but yet still can't. what does that say about the situation... be two that's never going to happen. they are all on different wavelengths here. cal state sacramento is one of those examples. they have caved to these protesters. here is somebody from students for justice in palestine at the school saying this. >> we are all very proud of ourselves but we also have all been reminding ourselves that the struggle continues.
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they are not allowed to have any investments direct or indirect that profit or benefit or support genocide, ethnic cleansing or any other human rights violations. >> trace: so much for jewish students. these protesters think they have one elizabeth. >> they do. there's something that needs to be said to these protesters about what's going on. i don't know if they understand we are talking about a major university here in the united states of america deciding to pull their investments from our strongest ally in the middle east. the only other democratic country that we are talking about here that exists in the middle east. a country that has been our ally for a very long time that is currently fighting for their own existence after an attack that took 1200 people from a terrorist group that wants to do to us the same thing they did in israel on october 7th. i cannot stress enough how misguided these protesters are and i hope one day they realize they are standing on the wrong side of history. >> trace: who knows. thank you both.
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meantime fox news is learning the impeachment of joe biden is now on the table as house republicans work on details over the presidents threat to cut off aid to israel. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is life for us in dc with the latest on this. >> florida congressman corey mills preparing impeachment articles against president joe biden. over his threat to halt u.s. offensive aid to israel. they are accusing biden of forcing israel into a quote quid pro quo situation by leveraging u.s. dollars against the israeli government's actions in gaza. now conversely for his part, the president insists that his decision is frankly a reflection of an ongoing effort to give israel to keep working toward a cease-fire. >> civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of the response and other ways in which they... i made it clear that if they go
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into rafah, they haven't gone yet, if they go into rafah i'm not going to supply them weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah and to deal with the cities and deal with that problem. >> trace: that on cnn. this is important, the presidents pressure campaign if you want to call it that is drawing parallels to the democrats first impeachment of former president donald trump over his handling of aid to ukraine. this is mr mills, the house has no choice but to impeach president quid pro quo joe biden as vice president biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating... accompany financially benefiting his son. not to mention the 10 percent share for the big guy himself. thought according to mills in a statement. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says once again that his country will stand alone if it has to in its efforts to beat
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back and when the war against hamas. >> trace: kevin corke live for us in dc. let's bring in... and israeli special operations veteran aaron cohen. thank you both. great to see you guys out here. i want to play the big flip-flop from biden and here's what he went from this to this. watch. >> we are not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used that have been used. >> artillery shell. >> could be a tragic mistake. the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. it's beyond my comprehension that anyone would do that. >> trace: preposterous four years ago but now it is actually happening and you think netanyahu is serious win he says he is going to go alone.
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>> yes. here's what i think is important here. the munitions that biden is holding back from israel, this is where it's kind of confusing me are called... these are joint terminal attack munitions which means they are precision guided. why would you hold back joint precision guided munitions from the israelis in gaza which is the most populated type of warfare you can have when the concern is a great risk to civilian casualties. so otherwise israel stuck with what we call dummy bombs or dummy munitions which is what you are seeing shot over from hezbollah and hamas. holding back these types of munitions make absolutely no sense to me if you want to that type of accuracy. the flip-flopping that you are seeing is a big mistake. he is going to go and topple hamas. the reason why is it because --
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it allows israel to get those hostages back or closer to a truce. >> trace: they are literally saying you need to fight a precision war on hamas but we are holding precise weapons. after michael rapoport said this about biden withholding those weapons. watch. >> you are not sending weapons to israel? during a [ bleep ] war. , and promise you this right now. me michael rapoport, are not voting for you. this is why i'm voting for [ bleep ] donald trump. he's on the leap leap table. >> trace: a lot of democratic jewish people having the same thoughts. >> a leader of a country must do its best for the country and here you have netanyahu saying my survival is more important than anything else. in 1967 when the jewish people were under attack in the six-day war we were not buying weapons from america. we were buying from around the world no strings attached and we
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knocked out the war in six days. israel just now got to the gate to egypt. they were about to open it up. egypt was shooting at anybody that was trying to get out. hamas was trying to shoot anybody trying to get out. israel is trying to get the civilians out and you go and... you want me to feed them, take care of them, mr biden's is not healthy. >> trace: this is congressionally approved money. this is a victory for hamas. >> it's a huge victory for hamas because of the signalling that it sends to iran, what it sends to hands -- hezbollah. what joe biden did was break the first rule of counterterrorism. [ speaking alternate language ] which is the first thing taught in the counterterrorist spec ops school. what he just did buy publicly sitting down on cnn and saying this is what we are going to do,
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holdback weapons and munitions. it makes no sense and it has now signalled to iran and hezbollah, pulled israel back again and it's going to increase the threats here. >> trace: 30 seconds rabbi. whatever happens, weapons go forward and it breaks the trust between israel and the united states a little bit. >> he is quoting hebrew. [ speaking alternate language ] >> whenever someone speaks one way with their head and with it with their heart you can't trust them. get back on track. it's not about michigan, it's not about... it's about the world trusting you. >> trace: i'm starting to pick up a little bit of this. i'm starting to understand what we're talking about here at the start of these things. thank you both. a busy day and new york state supreme court as stonington -- stormy daniels finished her testimony. they made the case for a mistrial today.
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>> good evening trace. right after stormy daniels finished her testimony, lawyers for former president donald trump asked for a mistrial, arguing that her testimony had little to nothing to do with the charges that trump faces in this case. the judge denied that request but it wasn't the only request. drums lawyers also asked him to amend of the gag order so that former president trump could publicly defend himself from the allegations that daniels made it during her testimony. that was also denied by the judge which prompt a trump to say this while leaving the courthouse tonight. >> i don't think we have to do any explaining. this judge is corrupt, he is a corrupt judge. >> reporter: stormy daniels took a shot at trump tonight on x., posting quote real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court.
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oh wait, nevermind. trump maintains he planned on -- plans on testifying. 's lawyers are challenging the courts gag order at the appellant level. today in court daniels' since -- insisted that she never extorted and trumps saying the money was a bonus picture claims she was more focused on exposing the truth but instead of selling her story and having it published, she took $130,000 from michael cohen to stay quiet. daniels said that she did that for her safety. daniels also told the court that she claims she can speak to dead people and that she lived in a house that was haunted pure cheerleaders had those claims were debunked. tonight prosecutors also revealed that former playboy model karen mcdougall will not testify at the trial as trump's former white house assistant madeleine wester is set to resume her testimony tomorrow. she said she is and does not believe trump is being treated fairly in this case. tonight the judge also said that the trial is on schedule or possibly a little bit ahead of schedule. it was expected to take between
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six to eight weeks. right now we are nearing the end of week number 4. >> trace: live for us in new york. let's bring in... the testimony is done, did she help or hurt the former president john? >> i think it was devastating to the former president in this respect. the prosecution doesn't really have a good case on the law. we've yet to hear any facts that have to go to campaign finance and accounting and bookkeeping mistakes or coverups. instead what the prosecution is doing is they are dragging trump through the mud. they're putting on a vivid case, it's like reality tv for the jury so that they will thank donald trump is a bad man and we should convict him of something. that fit in perfectly with that kind of strategy. it's not what prosecutors are supposed to do. they're not supposed to prosecute the man, they are supposed to prosecute the crime.
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>> it all comes down to michael cohen's testimony coming up right? >> that's the other thing. there's no testimony that links stormy daniels ever talking to donald trump about this nondisclosure agreement or about the payment. it really comes down to michael cohen. he is allegedly in the prosecution eyes the go-between, the guy who conspired with trump to violate federal campaign law. the problem is michael cohen is a seriously flawed witness which is why the justice department did not go forward with this case. >> trace: the federal gun charges against hunter biden today were not dismissed. looks like a trial early next month, is he in jeopardy? >> he is in serious trouble. you remember he thought he could get away with a sweetheart plea deal before a friendly judge. this judge did the right thing and asked questions about the plea bargain. if hunter is smart and his lawyer is smart he should not go to trial. he should plead even if it means
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jail time. the last thing he wants for a campaign is to remind everybody about the problems our president has and the presidents son has. >> trace: great to see was always. coming up a bizarre new twist in blue city struggling to deal with president biden's illegal immigration crisis. the immigrants are taking a page from college protesters and making demands. wait until you hear what they want. later, ohio republican senator jd vance now pushing legislation to make universities ineligible for federal funding if anti- israel encampments are not taken down immediately. good idea, bad idea, lose funding if they stay up? let us know. we will reed your responses coming up in a nightcap. we are coming right back.
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>> trace: an update on what appears to be a top election issue this year, the illegal immigration crisis. in denver attend community is refusing to pack up and move on till the mayor meets their 13 demands. live with what's on the list. >> those migrants insisted they would not leave their encampment on till the city met their demands and the city complied, reaching agreement this afternoon. the migrants demands were laid out in a document sent to the denver mayor and included services like fresh culturally appropriate food instead of preprepared meals, free immigration lawyers, shower access without time limits and no police monitoring 24/7, riding we are not criminals and won't be treating a -- treated as such. a spokesperson for the human services said the government was
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willing to work on a compromise after migrants rejected the offer... now they will receive a seven day stay at a hotel with aggressive case management. meanwhile in el paso, i judge has dismissed more than 200 cases against migrants charged with the rioting at the border on march 21st as seen in this new video. the texas judge said he lacked jurisdiction due to the da failing to provide the required conferring transfer orders but district attorney bill hicks disagrees and plans to appeal. watch. >> it does not matter a person's immigration status. it does not matter if they are from this country or not. if you break the laws of the state of texas, in particular in these cases if you destroy property and you endanger lives, you will be held accountable.
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>> also making headlines, officials at the state and federal level racking up the rest of the child offenders who crossed the borders illegally. an immigrant was cost at the border in january and released into the u.s. with a 2027 court date has now been arrested for allegedly kidnapping an 11-year-old girl from an front of her home, pulling her into a van and than sexually assaulting her. in a statement today the biden administration maintains only congress can fix the broken immigration system while announcing a new rule that would reject some migrants... they said in a statement that the proposed rule will more quickly identify and remove those individuals who present a security risk and have no legal basis to remain here. but house homeland security
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committee chair mark green responded that this rule appears to be an unserious politically motivated attempt to address a significant problem the biden administration itself created. nothing will change he said. finally in arizona tomorrow, residence impacted by the border crisis will be gathering at a house judiciary committee hearing to share the impact of biden's border security and immigration policies on their states. back to you. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in... thank you for coming on. nice to see that the illegal immigrants are getting their wish list like the protesters are getting their wish list. i want to move on because the democrats remember when they tried to blame republicans for defunding police and the country just kind of laughed? now chuck schumer is trying to blame republicans for the immigration crisis.
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watch. >> republicans are going on and on about the border. but facts are stubborn things. when americans ask this year who is to blame for the continued mess at the border, they should listen to the words that came from donald trump himself. he said please blame it on me. that's what trump said. >> i love that... is he joking erin? come on. >> unfortunately they are not joking here. they believe that they can gaslight the american people into believing that the border crisis that has worsened and become unbelievable under joe biden is somehow now the fault of republicans. let's remember joe biden is the democrat at the helm in the white house. while this might be an attempt to have a master class in gas lighting, the facts are stubborn things. with the executive actions that joe biden undid that president trump had done, that alone has worsened this.
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you see the biden administration take steps to try and malign the agents who stand there and say that they attacked migrants previously. it's no wonder that this has gotten worse. this is the thing that everybody needs remembered. the immigration system in the united states has needed an overhaul for quite some time. democrats and republicans should put the politics aside on this, get together and get serious because it's becoming dangerous for the united states. >> trace: a lot of the democrats are not buying this because they sent a letter to president biden that reads in part quoting here, we write to you to respectfully request that you and your ministration immediately take further action to restore order at the southern border and fix our broken immigration system. you know why they're doing that? because they are scared and they know this is going to be a big-time election issue. >> this is a huge problem for them. the democrats have to take real responsibility for what we are seeing at the southern border and instead like you just heard,
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chuck schumer do, they are trying to to point the finger at trump. at the end of the day, the american people are going to be footing the bill for these illegal immigrants that are coming into the country and they don't want to be responsible for that when it comes to the polls in november. we know that crime is going up because of all of these migrants and on top of it they are demanding housing, food, healthcare, credit cards, cell phones, you name it. >> trace: and that's the whole thing. will be goldberg had this to say about the trial, watch this. >> i think if you didn't do it, of ru in the court? you brought this on yourself. you did this, nobody did this to you. you told the untruth. this is on you, this isn't them, it isn't a judge, this is yours. >> trace: forget about due process and law fair and all that stuff. clearly he did it.
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>> it's unfortunate to see that she forgot that the presumption of innocence is a real thing in the court system in the united states. instead what you see from democrats and unfortunately comedians and the like and the liberal media is that they stand there and try to say that he is automatically guilty just because he is in court and there are these trumped up charges against him. let's remain -- the facts remain, donald trump is innocent at this point and until the courts or jury decides otherwise, what they said is completely inaccurate. >> trace: we still don't know the crime. i haven't been pointed out the crime yet. lastly do you think the trial is hurting or helping trump politically? it. >> it is certainly not hurting him back his poll numbers are going up every single time there's a so-called scandal in one of these trials. they really are just faking it until they make it. the problem is they are losing. they are not point to make it to the finish line. you kind of have to laugh at
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this because at the end of the day those of us like myself who have been working with president trump since 2016 are used to the slander coming from the press. we are used to things like this from them. they would all like to see him behind bars and they've set it repeatedly. believe someone when they tell you the truth and it's not going to change the fact that president trump will not stop fighting for the forgotten american no matter how many trials they pull him into, you will find a way to get on the road and talk to the voters. >> trace: thank you both. meantime the grammy not a minute it's in your song or behind five for fighting is standing up for israel with a performance in tel aviv and more recently an unapologetic pro-israel speech at his alma mater, ucla. he joins us live on sat next. plus a southwest plane, passengers notice a stowaway in a very peculiar place. and nypd officer proving he is
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not a fate of heights. today's best bible videos coming up. 8:36 on the west coast, here's a trip across america. salt lake city utah where local legend says there are monsters in the great salt lake. nashville tennessee where elvis recorded more than 200 of his songs. finally orlando florida where they get about 233 days of sunshine a year. fitting for the sunshine state. if you can't join us live, set your dvr and watch us any time. we are coming right back. you want to see this.
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>> trace: few in the entertainment industry have the courage to speak up and speak out in support of israel in the wake of hamas october 7th terrorist attacks. one of the few uc them on the right-hand side of the screen, the grammy nominated artist... also known as five for fighting. that was riveting.
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we talk about this... there is something in europe it's called eurovision song contest. the equivalent of american idol here. there is a 20-year-old, her name is a great performer. she is being forced, maybe being pushed out. she keeps going. i want to play some video of her singing and you will hear the booing and you hear some of this. this is what she has to go through to perform in this context. [ singing ] >> trace: if you let the tape go you would hear the booze afterword. it's amazing what she is going through. she is persevering. you have said this is one of those things where wire more people not speaking out about this?
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>> just today, she could not leave her hotel because it was surrounded by an anti-semitic mob. they drive her around in armour cars. this is 2024 rights? >> trace: we are told. >> it's not 1938 right? you take every singer, artist, band, whatever your political view. they would be condemning this from the mountain tops. you remember the concert for new york. every artist came to new york city after 911, condemned to osama bin laden, sang for freedom and new york city. where are they now? it's been depth -- death lee silent. on calling on my fellow artists, join me, and stand with this incredibly heroic woman. don't let her do this alone. we need to stand with her, stand
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beside her and tell her she's not alone. >> trace: you met with some of the families. i want to play you singing some of your song and speaking over there. watch this. >> it's an honour to sing this with you. the first lyric of this song is this is a time for choosing and it is. it really is good versus evil and israel, i choose you. [ singing ] >> trace: so compelling. it must have changed you and did it change your perspective and the people that you went with? >> it reminded me of the concert for new york, singing for people in pain. having people 10 feet for me holding signs of their loved ones that were still hostage, to talk to hostage families just breaks your heart.
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i feel like crying right now. i was glad i went because they feel abandoned. they feel abandoned by our government, they look at the mobs on the campuses. i was there to tell them the vast majority of america stands with you. they love you and pray for you. they pray for the hostages to come home every night. that alone i think was a reason for me to go. i have come back changed. i have. >> trace: i want to play this from ucla. you had this to say, watch. >> many of the protesters and kids on these camps... i think in their minds they think they are doing the right thing. because they have been misled. they've fallen under the spell of evil people who are indoctrinating them. it's important for organizations and institutions to have dialogue on campus and have debates. >> trace: it is important for dialogue and debate.
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do believe they believe they are doing the right thing? >> i think some of them do. i still have the pyramid of success on my wall. i asked the simple question to the chancellor of ucla. at 1200 muslims were slaughtered on october 7th, if there were 250 muslim hostages, those... set up an illegal encampment calling for the death of muslims , assaulting muslim students, having wristbands where you can't pass on this you are muslim, would they tolerate that? >> no. >> with the board appease that? would the faculty participate in that? they all need to resign a. of course they won't but the shame on ucla, it will never be erased. >> trace: i want to put this up on the screen, we have some breaking news coming out of dc because there's a heavy police presence. tell me specifically where this is, this is the march ndc.
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-- in dc. we are seeing a very heavy police presence there. this has gone on night after night. it's very close to the white house and these people are about to be arrested. they apparently have been arrested. we don't have a court -- we don't have a correspondent on scene. these are the images we've seen night after night. we are going to continue looking at this and bringing the breaking news. we will come back in a few minutes and wrap up with more on this. john, thank you. >> thank you trace.
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>> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic it's all fund and games. republican senator jd vance introducing legislation in response to campus protests which could render universities ineligible for federal assistance if they don't remove these pro- palestinian anti- israel encampments. should schools lose federal aid if they don't remove them? >> i think it's a decent argument because if you are
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impeding the educational opportunity of your fellow students, something has to give. >> terrorism, incitement and rhetoric masked as free speech, that is my opinion, i'm not a lawyer. you're crossing the line. >> especially during finals when they are impeding their ability to study for finals and get those grades they worked so hard for during their school year. i don't think it's as binary but at the surface it seems like a good idea. >> trace: if you are stopping other students from going to school, taking away their rights, you can't do that. >> i deplore the anti-semitism of the protests but i worry when the federal government tells us what speech to allow or not. i take all the federal funds and give... send them to an arab country and see if they can carry out the protest there. >> i'm with my colleagues in
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general. it sounds reasonable to hold universities accountable for the illegal activity they allowed to persist on campus. >> trace: the poll says she'd universities lose federal aid? 97 percent say yes take it away. why should my tax money go to these american hating schools that have enabled liberal professors to... stephanie yes, and for all our newcomers living here... >> trace: thank you for watching america's late news. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. we will see you right back herea for thy e friday night version f fox news at night. good night.
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down up his legal future in doubt. [ ♪ >> hello everyone...


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