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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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forgotten about it. and then it for it to surface again, it's a miracle. >> bret: after nearly six decades, vietnam veteran larry more ganty has been reunited with the dog tag he lost in battle. the item was found by a man in vietnam sent to a memorabilia collector in sweden, he eventually found him on facebook and arranged to return that item to him. there you go. thanks for your service. tomorrow on "special report," house democrats are urging president biden to take executive action on the border crisis. we just heard that. we'll bring that to you. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham this is the ingraham angle from washington
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as always thank you for joining us. losing the lawfare bet. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: all right. faking visceral, even sexual excitement is something talented actors do well. >> most women at one dime or another have faked it. >> well they haven't faked it with me. >> how do you know? >> because -- yes, yes. oh. oh. oh. oh, god. oh. >> i'll have what she's having. >> laura: all right, last night when describing stormy daniels appearance in the courtroom. the only thing msnbc larry o'donnell didn't do is bang on the counter and moan like meg ryan. >> the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10:32 a.m.
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she entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. the loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. the makeup was minimal. the way she and the other moms and n. her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store. the long, blonde hair held up with a clip at the back of her head. >> laura: okay. stormy bit with the force dramatic pauses and the romance novel quality writing is only one of countless ways that the media have tried to whip up this or g orgasmic excitement. >> they essentially got in character evidence about how slimy donald trump is. who can unring the bell in their mind of donald trump waiting
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until she comes out of the bathroom and plopping on the bed in his boxers. who can get the image of him answering the door in his satan jam jams out of their mind. they can't do that so, this was very effective. >> laura: sounds like he is the one who can't get it out of his mind, clearing throat] that's amazing does that dim wit realize he is applauding as a member of the bar an unethical trial practice? but, again, standards of relevance, prejudicial testimony, conflicts of interest, those are out the window and have been since day one. the ma pn in judge merchan. entire new york judicial system if there is even a scintilla of a chance that they can get a conviction and the mugshot that they fantasized about all these months. but, thankfully, fair minded americans, they are seeing this for what it is. it's a process designed to wound trump, to keep him off the trail
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and embarrass him personally. but it backfired. and, yesterday, the porn princess ended up embarrassing both the prosecution and herself. >> the cross-examine, boy, her responses were disastrous. i mean, do you hate donald trump? yes. of course she does. that's a big deal. when the witness hates the person whose liberty at stake, that's a big damn deal. and she is putting out tweets, fan sizing about him being in jail? that really undermines the credibility. >> and speaking ever cratering credibility, by allowing a totally irrelevant but sorted witness to blather on about herron day view with trump, judge merchan may very well have tainted the jury pool. >> what was baffling is that the judge created this dumpster fire that went off in his courtroom. it was the defense that said there's no reason for this witness. she is not material to the case. the details of their alleged tryst doesn't have any bearing on the crime.
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the nda is not being contested. the question is how it was denoted as a legal expense. so, the testimony was entirely irrelevant. >> laura: well, this is a point the angle made last night. why did judge merchan, again, is he not biased. he is not politically tainted himself, why did he allow this? well, i will let you stew on that. but this is why choosing lawfare strategy, this was a loser in the first place. a judge isn't compelled to set a trial schedule, right, to best facilitate one party's election hopes and late yesterday that very special prosecutor, jack smith, learned that judge aileen cannon is postponing the classified docs case indefinitely. of course, it couldn't begin on may 20th as it was originally scheduled because the manhattan case probably won't even be wrapped by then. and she has other cases already on her docket. that's a fact that escapes the
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puny minds of the people criticizing this. but, of course, the pund pumdics are melting down. >> i continue to be disappointed by aileen cannon and just here. >> there is no excuse for this judge has done. i think it's a mix of incompetence and bias. >> you have the most important case and it's with a judge who is going to make sure it never sees the light of day. >> laura: well, that's not what she said, joe. time to sign up for some cle classes, buddy. that's continuing legal education. now, one by one, the cases that they thought would substitutes for an actual biden campaign, well those cases are collapsing. and there's even a chance that a higher court could take the load off fanny. oh, fani. the georgia court of appeals have refused to disqualify fani willis two months after the motion was rejected by that judge scott mcafee.
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well, that translates into potentially more delays of her fraudulent case: her relationship with nathan wade may be on ice but her love affair with herself, that's still going strong. >> people keep wondering how does she keep getting back up to do her job and why does she even want to get back job. fulton county does deserve me as their d.a. >> laura: how does she keep going? it's a miracle. a year ago, democrats and their press apparatchiks misled their viewers into believing that trump would be paralyzed and unable to function because of this web of legal cases that would eventually overwhelm him and then sway the public back to biden even if the economy was in the dumper. well, they thought they could hide biden's decrepit physique, failing mind and failing policies. it's not working. now they have just devolved into
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a sputtering mess. >> everything you care about, guys, is on the line in donald trump's conduct in the mar-a-lago documents' case. that court will -- that trial will not happen. >> bottom line is i don't think between now and the election that this case, which is the strongest case and it's incredibly serious to this nation's national security is going to see the light of day because of this judge doing the wrong thing. >> what does the biden campaign effectively -- are they able to do? are they able to make something out of this case that's not going to be heard in a court of law? >> laura: how many therapy dogs do they need? send a whole bunch. i almost feel sorry for them. i stopped when i said heck no. they could have demanded a campaign on the issues that matter most to americans but they did not. instead, they chose to go along with what ultimately is a
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subversion of the normal election process by the cynical deeply american path of this effort to jail a political nemesis. that was a terrible gamble. and will turn out to be a very costly bet. and that's the angle. joining me now is missouri senator eric schmitt, senator, it's great to see you tonight. the democrats' plan to drag, you know, poor old biden across the finish line in november seems to be, at least with this lawfare angle, falling apart. is there still vulnerability for former president trump in this current case? >> i think you see from a legal perspective all these cases for a slightly different reason are collapsing. one thing they do have which n. common all brought with an effort to interfere with the election to try to throw their chief political opponent president trump in jail for the rest of his life. i mean, this is -- i mean,
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really we have never seen anything like this in country. this is soviet style justice which is like show me the man, i will show you the crime. that was the basis for all these actions, but from a political perspective i think these cases have added jet fuel to president trump's campaign. the american people see this there is no rule or norm or law that the democrats won't bull doze to quote, unquote, get trump. i think he is going to come out ahead on this. the american people aren't going to tolerate this sort of willful effort to subvert the legal system to try to get their political opponent in prison. it's totally nuts we are even talking about it in this way. >> then there is the other star witness, senator, and his name is michael cohen. now, this was last night on cnn. and you could kind of sense that what happened with stormy on the stand they almost think that same thing is going to happen
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with cohen. watch. >> the defense will ask michael cohen do you hate donald trump. >> hate is not the right word. entire livelihood. going to embrace. this some poor intern on the defense team is probably listening to every podcast this guy has ever done. every tiktok he has ever done. it is over the top. i have never seen anything like the level of personal hatred and bias that michael cohen will have. >> laura: so it becomes a personal and a political vendetta against trump if that's the case. does it not, senator? >> absolutely. and these witnesses are all incredibly impeachable while they are on the stand. they have already been outed as liars in many instances including michael cohen. i think, again, they haven't proven anything as relates to the case. this is supposed to be a business records case, right? the other cases were brought by jack smith to sort of hand picked hinchman of the biden don. the thing they have in common was all meant to get donald trump off his game. i'm telling you he is on his game right now. the american people see it. and i think he is going to --
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look, if they actually somehow whether it's him violating some gag order. actually try to throw him in jail, that video goes viral and i think he wins in a landslide. the american people aren't going to accept this. this is clearly what it was intended for, which was, again, to interfere in this election. i think we just have to have the courage to stand up and say it because that's what it is. they are losing their minds. trump derangement syndrome is real, laura. there is therapy for it. but you are not supposed to use the legal system for it. >> laura: the funniest thing of many funny things that occurred today on cable news is when i actually heard a democrat on another network complaining that trump wasn't doing a rally today. i kid you not. it was like well he said he needed time to campaign and he is at mar-a-lago and he is not doing a rally. he is damned if he does and he is damned if he doesn't. they say he does too many rallies. then they are saying he is not doing enough rallies. now they want him to do -- i
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think they are running -- they are grasping at straws. and the paper straws don't last very long. >> that's right. and i think we got to be prepared as we get close tort election as president trump is winning in all these polls in all the swing states that all they have left, laura, is this kind of, again, banana republic style legal process where they try to throw their chief political opponent in jail and also fear. when we get to october, the things they are going to say about president trump's desire to destroy democracy, they are doing all of it. they had a censorship enterprise. they are trying to jail an opponent. they are abusing the legal system. all the things they claim are going to happen if president trump gets back into office. they are doing it now. i think as he said his retribution will be victory and the american people are going to come out ahead. >> laura: there is no reason he should testify in this trial. don't you agree? absolutely no reason. >> yeah. no reason at all. i mean this is, again, these are all cases that are made up by, you know, the d.a. in this case is bootstrapping a crime that, you know, that didn't hand.
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>> laura: that's bogus. we all know it. >> right. forever different reasons they are all built on a house of cards and they are all coming tumbling down before our very eyes which is a good thing. >> laura: senator schmitd, great to see you. when you think of bidenomics. do you think of success? what, no? biden says you are wrong unless you do, that's next. ♪ i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders.
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jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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we're hitting the road, talking to people about their hearts. putting the mobile in kardiamobile. how's your heart? doing good. is it? i think so. how do you know, right? how do i know... i don't actually know. you don't actually know. with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. this year give mom peace of mind for mother's day with kardiamobile card for just $79. get kardiamobile card at or amazon.
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laken riley suspected killer her murder isn't the only thing is he charged with. fox news senior national correspondent kevin corke is standing by with all the details. kevin? jose ibarra lived in apartment building sits on the edge of the on campus park where laken riley had been running. he allegedly murdered the aspiring nuretsd in a crime of what they called opportunity. a georgia grand jury has indicted the murder suspect on 10 counts including malice murder. kidnapping with bodily injury. aggravated assault with intent to rape, aggravated battery. tampering with evidence and being a peeping dom. ibarra accused of hitting laken on the head and, quote, affixiating her unknown to jurors, that according to the
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indictment. what's more he is accused, laura of peeping on a university of georgia staff member on the very same day he allegedly killed laken riley. sources with ice and dhs tell fox news tonight the 26-year-old illegal alien crossed our border through the el paso, texas sector back in september of 2022. and then, by biden administration policy. he was released into the u.s. via parole, laura. >> laura: unbelievable. kevin, thank you so much. >> i bet. >> i'm not that up to date as i was four years ago. i would say the economy is definitely worse than it was. >> i think it's scary as young adults who are preparing to enter the real world like how are we going to pay off our student loans? how are we eventually going to buy a house? i think the state of the country is really scary. >> on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate president biden's presidency? >> zero. >> i would say 1. >> probably 1. ha ha. >> i would say like a 2. >> laura: now joe biden thinks those folks are wrong.
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in fact, he says everything is looking pretty good. >> the cost of buying a home in the united states is double what it was when you look at your monthly costs from before the pandemic. real income when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office. economic growth last week far short of exceptions. consumer confidence may be no surprise is near a two-year low. with less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? >> we have already turned it around. look, look at the michigan survey. we're 65% of american people think they are in good shape economically. they think the nation is not in good shape but they are personally in good shape. the polling data has been wrong all along. the idea that we are in a situation where things are so bad, i mean, we have created more jobs. when i started this administration, people were saying they are going to be a collapse in the economy. we had the strongest economy in
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the world. let me say it again in the world. >> laura: in the world-d. joining us now byron york chief economist for the. jason chaffetz both fox news contributors. byron, let me start with you. he also said, r., apparently trump never succeeded at creating jobs and i, meaning he, has never failed. what's the truth-o-meter saying? >> i think the truth-o-meter is off the scale on false obviously trump created a whole lot of jobs. we all know what happened in 2020 with the pandemic. but trump's economic record before that was quite good. the bigger problem that biden has is you can't talk up the economy if people are feeling pain in their personal lives. they hear him talk and they say that is not what i'm seeing when i go to the grocery store and we have been trying to buy a house and it's not working. you can't talk up the economy
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when it disagrees with people's own perceptions. >> laura: jason, they keep doubling down on this failed strategy and for the life of me, i can't really figure out why. i mean, the lawfare as we said in the angle is collapsing. the abortion issue, it doesn't have the same punch as it had it looks like in the midterms. and now this. there is nothing else? >> he can't admit that it's wrong because he has no plan. what is his plan to tackle inflation? he lied in that interview. by the way, i think erin burnett did a good job on that interview. he said that he inherited an inflation rate of 9%. that's not true. donald trump's inflation rate all four years was less than 3% many times less than 2%. joe biden is driving. this people paying $18.50 like i did to go to five guys to get a double cheeseburger and fries
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they know the economy is not working and joe biden has no solutions to fix it. >> i'm hungry, thank you, jason for that. byron, now, biden is going to admit that the economy has some problems. wibut, of course, it's not his fault. watch. >> people have a right to be concerned. ordinary people. the idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee for bounce ago check? can't charge more than 8 bucks for that or your credit card, your late payment, $35. i mean, there is corporate greed going on out there and it's got to be dealt with. >> laura: byron, corporate greed, junk fees, junk fees. corporate greed. do a rap song. rhyming thing going on there. is that going to work. >> they say that all the time and it will not actually work. there is a number of interesting things going on. we had an article in politico today about remember in the first years of the biden administration, democrats were
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rushing to pass as much spending as they could, trillions and trillions of dollars to use as sort of post pandemic momentum to keep levels of spending at enormously high levels. now the biden administration has realized they haven't been able to physically spend all of that money and they are dashing to get it out of the door before the election comes. and the problem, of course, isn't so much of it fueled the inflation rate. it is hurting people now. i think that gives republicans a lot of things to talk about in the campaign. >> laura: all right. besides bidenomics, jason, probably the worst thing of all the bad things biden said in this interview was worse than anything people accused donald trump of saying in that what he said a perfect phone call with zelenskyy. watch this. >> >> civilian killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers. they made it clear.
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[clearing throat] if they go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet. if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> laura: jason, prioritizing dearborn, michigan and the voters there over american hostages and israeli hostages. >> yeah. he is more afraid of ilhan omar than the jewish state, the state of israel actually winning the war on terror. the israelis have been attacked by iran, by hezbollah, by hamas. and now that they are winning, that they are actually going and taking the attack to the terrorists, joe biden doesn't want him to be successful. if you want to win a war, you go with everything. you fight with everything. and why doesn't he go out and say hey, hamas, you want to get the pain away from you? why don't you give us back our hostages. you never hear the president talking about our hostages.
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>> laura: you bet. but he does talk to his campaign staff, byron what is happening with the muslim vote and perhaps a little bit of the youth vote. but they impeached donald trump over that phone call. what about this? he is just blatant about it, essentially. >> yeah. well we will cut off the weapons if you don't do what i want. now, i do think we are seeing this bizarre sort of both sides-ism from biden here where literally on one day. >> laura: lafayette remembrance day. >> united states commitment to israel is ironclad. and then the next day he gives his explanation for why he is not going to supply certain weapons to them that have been supplied in the past. and it's because of a specific military strategy that pursuing now. the war going on here. this is not a debate about some
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issue. this is shooting war and can't be on both sides. >> laura: using weapons as a political weapon. trying to impeach trump or did impeach trump for this. completely insane. byron and jason, thank you both, very much,. >> laura: has a lot to answer for in his state but is he bragging. a california sheriff sets him straight, next. ♪?
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three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> governors are always looking for bragging rights. when your state is losing taxpayers because of high taxes and high crime you got to get creative with your talking points. >> i'm up here on the iconic golden gate bridge a testament to california's greatness. we couldn't be more proud to announce today record breaking tourism numbers in the state of
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california. we haven't had the chance to see the imagine if i sense the beauty of our great state it's time to visit california what we horrified about how the left has ruined the state for working people. the middle class. they are just trying to work to work. get home safely like this bus driver in south l.a. >> get off! get the [bleep] off! get the [bleep] off! get off! get off of me lawyer laura just minutes from where gavin shot his slick package in tenderloin district children need volunteers to escort them to and from school in order to avoid a sea of homeless often psychotic
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drug addicts. >> we have a lot of things in this neighborhood that are not safe. we have a lot of drug dealing. we have a lot of drug use. >> the kids come from school, we just want to escort them from point a to b safely. we don't want no like homeless people harassing kids or harassing women or teachers. >> that's a disgrace. i guess that didn't make the newsom highlight reel from the golden gate bridge. if you are able to hopscotch around the hypodermic needles and human feces you still run the risk of getting sick from whatever illness the unscreened migrants that they welcome in to california are bringing in to these states. including tuberculosis. and like most totls, that's typical out of touch liberals, gavin thinks california suffers from bad pr. it's all just a comms problem. biden has the same approach. it doesn't work for him and it's not going to work for newsom. change course, or you will see
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the exodus worsen. >> laura: and of all the failures of california's woke left what they have done to law enforcement in that state is among the worst. a situation in member said county is growing desperate. >> we're talking about no to cleaning up homeless encampments. talking about no taking reports for theft. talking about no to taking reports for you getting beat up. our correctional bureau are under staffed and overworked. our patrol deputies are the understaffed and overworked. our communications center where the disp dispatchers it could bo the point when you dial 911 we have nobody to answer it. >> joining me is the man you just saw member said county mord county sheriff. i believe your homicide stopped the state you have low levels of police retention and recruitment.
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tell us the chief reason that is happening getting at least decent pay and benefits. a lot of it is media driven. i heard you earlier with the woke folks. you have got to remember you got to pay for law enforcement. and this is one career field where we can't shut the doors. we have got to keep responding and it's to the point where myself along with the administrators are taking calls. i was out on one today with a crazy lady trying to break into a house. it's just got to come to an end. and we have got have our local governments realize that law enforcement is specific but they are going to have to pay for it. they are going to have to say no no to these other government agencies and pay for law enforcement. you know, i have been here this september will be 45 years. i have got a couple miles under my belt talking about this. the way the attitude is, it's like this will eventually right itself. it won't unless they actively do
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something. i'm not the only sheriff suffering. we have got 58 counties and i bet we have 56 of them hurting how much is driven by the villeification, the demonization of law enforcement and i think it's a very small minority of people who are doing that. but that's scary when you are out there and you think there is limited respect, if any respect for law enforcement in certain communities. and if you make a judgment call, and it's the spur of the moment with your best experience, you could find yourself, you know, in jail yourself because of this atmosphere. >> exactly. we have got a few district attorneys in this state that i refuse to send any of my deputies to for mutual aid because of that very thing got to realize and it is the visitthevilleification. and mostly left media wants to
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come in and wanting highlight reels to roll and they don't give the full story. and when they make the cops out to be the bad guys. it's horrifying, a lot of young people could make a great career in law enforcement and they don't want to put up with it. like running for office for anything they are going to dig deep and they don't want their faces out there attached with it. >> people decide it's not worth it. when i grew up it's one of the jobs everyone wanted to the have as a kid. firefighter, police officer, nurse, doctor, those were the top of the top and they should be. all of them. sheriff warnke thank you very much. money for illegals and free abortions. those are just some of the shocking demands from one teacher's union. that's next. ♪ i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy.
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preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others. preservision. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help
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provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry.
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if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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come to the table with us. discuss what we need while they are discussing what they need. see, i told the truth when i said i wanted to engage. we can engage. and the price of engagement is the schools -- are the schools, chicago students deserve. >> laura: translation, the chicago's teacher's union now wants an extra $50 billion for
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what more great results. the demands lead like a liberal fever dream asking for unused school facilities be transitioned to housing for the so-called newcomers, aka illegal aliens, they also want police-free schools. they want complimentary abortions for union members. and annual training on lt. plus+ issues and at least a 9% raise every year for the next four years. now, i know what you're thinking, okay, well, do they deserve all this? well, you can't argue with these numbers. just 16% of chicago 8th graders are proficient in math. only 21% are proficient in reading. so, who in his right mind produces these types of numbers and then has the gull to pat himself on the back and demand a raise and free abortions? well, chicago families deserve a
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heck of a lot better. as predictably depressing the results are in states like deep blue illinois, we have great news in the education reform arena. coming out of this next door neighbor iowa. joining me now is governor kim reynolds who has been a pioneer in leading the education reform movement. governor, you are really providing and my friend lee ha bib goes on and on what you have done in this state and others who live in iowa. this monopoly that the teacher's unions have had on education across this country. you've proven in iowa that that doesn't have to be the case. tell us how it should work. >> oh, absolutely. this is a boon dog that needs to stop. it's unconscionable when you listen to the list of demands nowhere in that do they talk about the kids improving their scores and outcome. we are doing the opposite in iowa. we are empowering parents to have a choice in their child's
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education. whether it's open enrollment. whether it's charter schools or whether it's we have had a great launch. we launched last year the boldest school choice program in the country. laura, i'm proud to say that now 17 states offer educational savings accounts. we have had 9 states. >> laura: i love it. nine states come on board. it is remarkable. and they have doubled down. i mean, it started with covid. just the hysteria that wasn't based on science. keeping students out of the classroom for two years is unconscionable. >> laura: outrageous. >> learning loss that will never be recuperated. >> laura: never. >> vaccine mandates. list a moving target. strikes, indoctrination. it is disgusting. they need to stand up, push back. you have got great examples like iowa and republican led states across this country that are
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showing how it can be done. >> laura: florida, too. >> and florida. >> laura: great statistics on iowa schools, governor. as of 2023. the state's four year graduation rate in iowa is almost 90%. proficiency in the language arrests is at 71%. math is about 71%. that is a multiple of the proficiency rates, of course, that are seen coming out of chicago and other very, very blue cities. and other states are really really struggling. governor, i think this should be elevated as a major issue suburban mothers, mothers from all background. fathers, parenthood. i mean, the thing you worry about the most is your kid's education and safety. both things. >> right. right. i will tell you what as governors we need to stand up and empower parents to do it. let them know their voices make a difference. they can have an impact on what is happening in chicago in some of these blue states.
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they should demand more or they can move to iowa where i can guarantee that they are going to have a quality education, a great quality of life. and we are reducing taxes and making the environment better. so come to iowa. we will educate your kids. we will make sure that they are prepared for a successful future. it's not hard, you know,. >> laura: common sense. >> common sense. and do you know what? it's just common sense. and people are waking up. it's about to come to an end. i think that's why they are doubling down with these absurd request. because it is ridiculous. >> laura: governor, we have to ask you about this because the daily caller is reporting that you are a possible pick for trump's cabinet given your success in education field as education secretary. i know you are going to say you are not thinking about it is income a cabinet something you would think about some day. >> i love the progress we are making in iowa.
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i'm so passionate about education. i have been a driver of stem education, work-based learning. registered apprenticeship programs, literacy, and just so passionate about what we are doing. we need strong governors in the state working with the administration. >> laura: tracy true. >> trump was in iowa in march of 2023. he talked about a national school choice program. really highlighted what we were doing in iowa. so, we can be an example for other states to follow and really be more effective, almost, i think by doing that. >> laura: i gotcha. governor, we really appreciate everything you have done in this arena and beyond. especially on keeping those schools open during covid. you will always be a hero for that thank you so much. all right, china's hidden strategy at the met gala and a commencement calamity, you have to seen this, "seen and unseen," raymond arroyo is next. raymond arroyo is next. ♪
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time for seen and unseen where we reveal stories behind the headlines. all right raymond, biden spends
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his record, com a lot is on the road in pennsylvania. >> she's out on her abortion torque -- i mean her reproductive freedom tour to free unborn children from any possible reproduction. this is actress sheryl lee ralph >> we are about to talk with one of the most capable, influential , bold and fearless thinkers ever. and this human being just happens to be a woman! >> you guys are going to have to be ready for this. ready for certain language. i said very loudly "ovaries." [ laughter ] >> fallopian tubes! >> any other body parts it like to discuss? this abortion focus, it is so far down on the pole of important issues to voters, it's
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at 3 percent by the way. this is a misfire, this is politics as sterile as her policies. and look, so many graduations are happening across the country and with them comes in new season. commencement calamities, our collection of some of the worst commencement speeches from across the country. tonight we take you to ohio state where an ohio graduate and investor admitted he used psychedelic drugs to right his speech, and it showed. >> so if you are able to, please stand and follow my movement. take a deep breath, get real high. [ singing ] >> left ♪ >> tap your arm. other side. [ singing ] >> laura, he did magic tricks
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and then offered this wisdom... >> i considered taking antidepressants but intuitively i just started singing. what we sing about we bring about. are you part of the healing? can we all be the flower in the gun? [ singing ] ♪ i'm going to let it shine ♪ >> thank you so much. >> can you imagine paying tens of thousands of dollars for that? he's an mba from harvard. takes your breath away when you listen to this nonsense being given to these poor graduates. they audibly booed him and it's 17 minutes of torture. >> the funniest thing is this dodgy old board of trustee members, all of these honorary degree recipients are like what are we doing, why are we doing this, and they went along with that, that's embarrassing. i want to get your to reaction
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to what some of what we saw at the met gala. the outfits well were barely there. >> when thinly veiled nudity poses as fashion, what's the purpose of a met gala costume institute? you are not going to see doja cat sweat t-shirt in the met's costume collection and i think some of these were dressing as superheroes. kim kardashian did her best elastic girl, drawing her waist and so far she could barely breathe. and then liz oh was either the swamp thing or maybe she was grooved from guardians of the galaxy, i can't quite tell but i will leave that up to the ewers. >> well tell us -- i think it's doja cat not dojo cat. who was trying to get a black belt in tae kwon do. tell us about the honorary chair of the met gala. >> well that's the german there, ceo of tiktok.
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-- chairman -- tiktok was the lead sponsor of the met gala, spending millions in what is little more than a high profile charm offensive as they fight the government in court. remember tiktok either has to divest from china or face a ban in the u.s. and the met gala chairman is not backing down. >> we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. >> they said it was simply impossible to separate tiktok from it's chinese parent company. >> the chinese government has made it clear it would not permit a divestment. >> there's your admission that there's a problem. i believe it there. >> three of him is even more creepy than one of him. raymond, thank you so much, i'm still trying to dissect some of those outfits. that's it for us tonight, follow me on instagram. i want you to send me photos of your pets watching the angle, i kid you not, we have a great photo on instagram. jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".


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