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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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will: will: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour hour of "fox & friends" and massive tornadoes tear through the heartland and leaving destruction in nebraska and iowa. we have updates. pete: joe biden sat down for an interview, but it wasn't exactly hard hitting. >> i'm sitting here with a phenomenal guest and somebody i've wanted to meet for a long time and someone i'm an admirer of. this is thrilling for me and really excited you're here. >> more americans are being shamed into tipping even for coffee or self-service kiosks and talking about tip-flation. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now.
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will: i don't know that red hot chili heppers song. pete: sounds familiar. >> i know it for sure. will: tell me baby? californication, definite not. i like them. pete: generally we play the skyline game and shoreline game. what part of the shore is that? go. rhode island not on my list. jaire i'm going to new port, rate of inflation, in a few weeks. pete: long island sound. get into this game and you're a geography guy. will: you're fired up this
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morning and i'm having trouble keeping up. i'm not going to lie, i stayed up till 11:30 watching the nfl draft and dallas mavericks and i came in to a spark plug and having trouble. pete: they're trying to put had mushrooms on the helmets of players. look at pictures. he's passionate and he's on his heels. it's a fun place to have him. i'm keeping him there all morning long. i i love you guys and love being here. pete: former president donald trump's new york criminal trial set to resume tuesday.
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carley: jurors hearing testimony from david pecker, a former trump assistant and a former senior bank manager who worked closely with former trump lawyer michael cohen. will: good morning, david. >> good morning. two weeks of the first ever criminal trial involving an ex-president in the books and busy day yesterday to wrap up the week with more testimony and we mentioned from trump friend and former national inquirer publisher david pecker. pecker is alleged to trust worthy bought former play mate karen mcdougle story and the intent never to publish and practice called catch and kill. lawyer with the former president and whether or not trump faced him with suppressing story and he may have violated federal election law and suppressing ms. pecker said i've been truthful to the best of my recollection.
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trump's long time executive assistant took the stand yesterday, that's her right there. said her boss of about 30 years was fair and respectful. graph said she haggly remembers seeing stormy daniels in trump tower before the 2016 election and daniels claims she had an affair with donald trump. meanwhile the former president and current president taking shots on the campaign trail and president biden made use yesterday announcing he's willing to debate his opponent here and he is with howard stern. >> i don't know if you're going to debate your opponent. >> i am somewhere, i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. >> former president trump said bring it on. >> inviting biden to debate. he can do it any time he wants, including tonight. i'm ready. i invite him to the courthouse and the demonstrations and it's going through washington and
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it's a coordinated attack on a political opponent. pete: thank you, david. will: we had former acting attorney general here on the program a little bit earlier and what's gone down in the trial. watch. >> i don't see as a former prosecute their makes me feel like there's been any generalization. pete: i can't figure out what
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the case is about. i guess like you do and it's waving all over the place and make donald trump look bad and more. carley: that's the strategy is confuse the juror and say salacious things and make them think tram subpoena a bad guy and he's charged with 34 counts, 34 counts is a lot of falsifying business records and this is a -- this trial is all about book keeping and about his own personal record and whoever bro in the books and paying donald trump x, y, z for legal services and michael cohen being donald trump's lawyer and when they wrote that down, that was to deceit.
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they did that as a deception because they were covering up some sort of campaign a violatin to further him in the campaign and all this catch and kill scheme and things that don't even have to do with the business records and how could you prove that when these are his own personal record books that the only reason the da has them in the beginning is because michael cohen's house got raided and how do you prove that? will: the 34 councils is because there were 34 separate checks written. it's hard to understand and making the payments to silence the story sot pursuit of the presence. pete: the point helicopters made is it happens all the time. carley: could have been about his family and other parts too.
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will: far be it from me to now tiger woods and that would be exculpatory and the motivation is to ensure with the presidential election. they want to keep donald trump off the trail. we'll talk about that later on on off the wall. as long as he's in trial, he can't be on the trail and that is one of the two major goals of the entire prosecution. pete: it's staggering when you look at schedules of the two men, considering what trump's required to co. he's done a pretty good job even though he's stuck in the city and construction workers and bodega and only so far he can go. we'll do that next hour, middle of next hour.
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massive tornadoes tearing across america's heartland yesterday. texas, kansas, oklahoma, a, and hardest hit nebraska. will: parts of the suburbs flattened and red cross mobilizing to help those who lost it all. fox come ragaini capture ago frightening moment just to the south in lincoln. >> right in front of us, guys. [bleep]. violent tornado, guys. violent tornado! will: that twister hit a warehouse trapping 70 workers inside the collapsed structure. carley: another tornado causing catastrophic destruction in the small town of minden, iowa, and destroyed 40-50 homes and some reports of injury in several states and fortunately and hopefully that doesn't change. now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth with the fox weather forecast. rick, yesterday was bad and today is supposed to be even worse.
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worse. rick: yeah, that was the beginning of the tornado in lincoln and tracked up just to the northwest suburbs in the omaha area and there's been three cells that caused these very large tornadoes. same goes down towards kansas in parts of areas of texas as well. this is that storm and now next batch of energy out across parts of the rockies and injects in an unstable atmosphere and across parts of what we generally call tornado alley here and severe weather in parts of michigan down toward the big bend of texas and really the bullseye for tornadoes is going for parts of iowa and maybe southeastern iowa and especially here and north texas throughout oklahoma and throughout parts of southeastern kansas and watch for this. today we could be looking at large tornadoes and ef-3 or larger staying on the ground for a listening time especially in this bullseye here and you're in that area, you know what to do when tornadoes
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are potentially happening but today is one of those days and making plans. carley: a lot of uneasy people in the center of the country and going for the storm. thank you. pete: thanks, rick. yesterday both joe biden and donald trump were in new york and new york mentioned trump is stuck here and joe biden decided to visit and didn't pay a visit to any of the migrant shelters to check on all the illegals it's brought to or columbia to check on his buddy hamas protesteers and did meet up with howard stern in a hard hitting interview and tough questions and going for joe biden and yesterday. >> i'm sitting here with a phenomenal guest, somebody i've wanted to meet for the longest time and somebody i'm an admirer of and somebody i adore and it's not someone doing an impression and it's the real president of the united states of america. president joe biden.
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welcome. >> i think i should leave now. >> i have to compliment you on something. you got this thing with the airline passed that now when an airline screws you up, they have to give you a refund. who was the greatest president of all time? >> jefferson was one of my favorite presidents. will: you know, this semi-baring for both joe biden and howard stern. first, for joe biden, it's obvious they've talked about it and even the liberal media and mainstream media going to subject themselves to interview and how rarely he's gone up to the podium and expose themselves to cross-examination and now he
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goes and gets one of his few long form interviviews to howard stern that gives him a massage and what's embarrassing for howard stern is that howard stern, i used to listen to him and the reason i listen to howard stern is a, it was fun and b, he was objectively one of the best inter-interviewers in the business. he had mastered the art of interviewing and embarrassing this is how howard stern is as well and the man that will not go anywhere because it's all idaho too dangerous has gone to the man that described himself as the most dangerous man in media for his safe space. carley: that's a great point. he's the original shock jock and i remember during covid he was all in on the mandates on the masks and became extremely political and it's noneny but
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true. donald trump has fans and a lot of americans are fans and you don't hear often of people who are fans of president biden. they may vote for him because they don't like donald trump. we found one and it's howard stern. this is happening at an interesting time and another safe space was the new york times and earlier the new york times published this scathing letter saying president biden, you've got to start doing sit down interviews with the media. it's one of your roles as the president of the united states. he doesn't do an interview with an independent journalingist as new york times was calling for. he does the safe interview with howard stern and oh, by the way, the white house correspondence dinner is tonight. i'm sure it's going to be a very friendly atmosphere for the president, but maybe a little bit of awkwardness given what the times had published.
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will: howard stern is a better interviewer than comedian. will: imagine that interview with joe biden is howard stern with that bottle of hand sanitizer behind him being the safe space for president joe biden who lost it. a few additional headlines starting with this. pete: two florida deputies shot overnight with an armed man and
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that suspect was shot and killed. the polk county sheriff offered an update earlier this morning. >> i ask that you keep them and their families in your prayers they have significant injuries to overcome and the road to recovery is not going to be easy from the significant injuries but the strong and great men. pete: upward mobility of the onn critical condition and official haves not yet released the name of the shooter and our prayers with both of the heros. and hertz lost another whopping $195 million last quarter because of the big bet on electric vehicles back in 2021. hertz announced plans to buy 100,000 teslas to build an ev fleet. hertz lost about $588 million since making that investment. this is a local headline. a shout-out to my son gunner for
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placing first on his eighth grade speech meet at classical christian school. pete: fdr's day of infamy speech. went for 4.5 minutes in a packed house of folks watching. carley: four and a half minutes. how old is he? pete: he's 13. eighth grader. nice job. gleyses, gun narrow angle. will: in the commercial break talking about what you got him for his 13th birthday. i have a 13 birth coming up. i'm thinking firearm.
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pete: let's talk about it. will: 13 is a marker. pete: yes, you're growing up. what do you got? i have a couple ideas for you. carley: okay. let's go to the commercial break now so that you guy cans talk about the birthday present. is that a good idea? a former athletic director framing the principal with artificial intelligence. will: we're going to break down that growing threat. ♪ how do i get my raised beds looking so good? i do have a secret, a very special secret. it's organic soil from miracle-gro. you're great too, ryan. not as great as the soil, though. okay... you said it. [ryan laughs] (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible.
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it's better outside with a ninja woodfire xl grill and smoker. multitask with the ninja pro connect app, monitor control and cook from your phone. cook two proteins to different levels of doneness at the same time. it's better outside with ninja.
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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions
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and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. will: a former athletic director accused of making ai recordings by the principal of people at the school. police say it was retaliation after the principal launched an investigation into the athletic director over misused funds to employees.
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using technology going for them to develop like microsoft and brag about ai and the technology having to use three seconds of a voice sample and going to assimilate founderser and faster and had dreams of data and massive data sets to never find accurate algorithms. will: never going to know what's real. even a phone call coming into it. how do e with know what's real.
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other bcps employees are named in the charging document and they'll follow all system procedures for investigating their involvement. byte dance says it is now going to -- i believe their latest statement is they're not going to sell tiktok in response to legislation and they have to divest the very popular social media app but byte dance said this unconstitutional law of tiktok is every place we challenge in court and we believe the facts and the large side ultimately prevail and we invest billions to keep u.s. data safe. they'd rather shut it down. jowski americans need to ask why they'd rather shut it down than make millions and billions on the sale. it's a propaganda act and all of
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our research efforts at this point because of that statement have been vindicated and we know what tiktok is used for, and that's essentially a surveillance and data collection and control mechanism just like christopher wray said as director of the fbi. will: billions wouldn't have valued byte dance and that reveals the true value of what the use of tiktok was for its ownership group the chinese communist party. >> to a degree, the ccp must value byte dance the control this app has over the billions of dollars they could potentially make from a sale. it's that important to the chinese communist party to retain this alga retired and will retain the control -- algorithm and retain control. will: what they don't want to do is transfer the algorithm to anybody because that's the -- that's got criminal finger
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prints all over it. they may sell it in the end despite what they say but not coming with the algorithms. >> yep and that has contours of what china said when president trump had the executive order in 2020 and they said we're never go going to let the algorithm go. it's the algorithm and internal tools and there's a manual button to heat stories, amplify specific stories and algorithms we know in the 2020 midterms they medalled in that information environment and everything that russia was accused of doing that didn't happen and happening with the chinese communist party. they don't want us to look under the hood, it is something that is used for control over the next generation of americans with the chinese communist party fingerprints and they don't want to give it up and that tells you all you need to know about this app. delete it. delete t guys. delete it, america. will: delete it. kara frederick, thank you so much. >> thank you, will. will: rematch is on and so is the debate.
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>> are you going to debate your opponent? >> i am but i don't know when or where. >> wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. he's here next to react. ♪
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want, even ton. get biden to the courthouse and tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. just tell me where and i'll go to the white house. i'd be very comfortable actually. carley: we have joe concha with more. >> what are you doing here. you're supposed to be here on monday but now you're working weekend. the hardest part of show business. at the white house, doesn't matter. i can guarantee you the white house will never ever agree to doing any debates, any time soon. in fact i'm willing to bet that joe biden's handlers, carley, at the white house didn't expect him to say during that utterly fawning, insufferable interview
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conducted by howard stern he was going to debate. that was the one big news item that came out of that otherwise forgetful interview and you have to wonder when we get to september, october, will joe biden be on that debate stage where he doesn't have his words scripted for him and doesn't have the aid of a tell prompter and has to stand up there for 90 minutes taking questions on his record when it. co-s to inflation or the economy or crime or the border, immigration, foreign policy. very interesting, but i don't think, again, donald trump wants to debate tonight. we're not going to see that at least for six months if at all, carley. carley: joe, we want to ask you about this new york post report out about how there was a failed coup attempt against karine jean-pierre and a white house officials tried to get her to leave her job. they were trying to convince her in some sort of secret way to push her out and one source told
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the post to find karine a graceful effort and a huge diversity exit and karine doesn't have an understanding of the issues and she reads the binder word for word and thinks she's doing an amazing job. so apparently according to the post, jeff zion and anita dunn behind this saying this was nonsense. what do you think? >> she reads the words word for word and seeing it privately and jen psaki was condescending and
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honest but can think on her feet and jesse watters calls her binder and goes to words written for her in the binder and begs the question is there anything about the biden administration that's not scripted? it's very year that jean-pierre, karine jean-pierre, excuse me, i'm fighting a cold. was hired for her race and gender and that's keeping her in the job now. john kirby should be doing that on a daily basis and this is clearly a job awarded not based on performance but based on merit. we see it every day. it's sad to watch quite frankly. carley: yeah, talked about me working the weekend. you're working the weekend and you're going to be on the big saturday show tonight. jason chaffetz, anita, dr. sapphire and more. have a great day, joe.
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>> thank you for the shameless promo. appreciate you and see you tonight at 7:00 p.m.. i know you'll be tunning in, carley. carley: absolutely. major artist coming out taking aim at concert ticket sales and marsha blackburn is sponsoring it and coming on the show to talk about it next. ♪ (♪) (♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize
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they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every. single. night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be.
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rick. welcome back to "fox & friends" and really devastating severe weather yesterday and lot of tornado-warned storms in nebraska and iowa and kansas as well and first tornado watch in effect across the panhandle of texas and parts of central and western oklahoma and that's till 1:00 and marthaout the day today of tornadoes and going to parts of the northeast and we watch the atmosphere reload here and we've got colder air, this ummer level disturbance meeting in towards parts of the central plains and getting ready for a very active severe weather evening and severe weather in parts of michigan and down towards the big bend of texas
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and bullseye for tornadoes and in areas of eye and nebraska and then down through parts of north texas and ef-3 or stronger tornadoes and could be long tracked tornadoes on the ground and could be devas devastating g cities involved with this and pete: uber eats and grub hub and door dar dash and illegal immigs getting paid for delivering on the apps. will: these companies pushing back on the accusations and grub hub saying "account share asking completely unacceptable on grub hub and will result in immediate termination". uber adds all couriers that deliver with uber is a valid right to work in the u.s. past
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criminal background check and be over the age of 18. dorman dash said there's no place on the door dash platform for those that can't or won't verify their identity. >> this came to light when you had the illegal alien granted parole status delivering food in mai and gets bail and delivers food and then kills laken riley. we know this is happening, and
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one of the things, carley, we paid so much attention to is how these cartels and they have to pay back the cartels pete: are they complaisant or allowing them to strengthen and widen more widely? >> this is one thing we're trying to find out is exactly what is happening and what is their participation. they need to exercise that authority and contract for anyone working for them. now, if they're turning a behind eye to this and they are allowed people that have not been vetted who are not of proper age to be
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out there working on someone else's app, then that is -- they've got to clean this up. the other thing is we don't want consumers coming to their door and making deliveries late at night and giving them the opportunity, someone illegally in the country, the opportunity to case people or to watch or to cause harm. harm to american st.s. will: i don't -- well, i do know because i live in texas, it doesn't seem quite the same. i don't know what it's like in tennessee but in new york city, it's blatantly obviously what's going on with the delivery services and staffed by illegal immigrants. i want to ask you about something else you're working on with the fan's first act. and looking to reform and this
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and this is really something about resellers and help us understand resellers scooping up tickets and inflating prices and boxing out the fan. >> senator schumer and i had the box act and went after the box that many resellers use in order to scoop up tickets, elevate the prices and what has come to light through the years is the need for transparency on the tickets and you know all the fees. you're aware of where that ticket actually sits in the arena and you are knowing that you have a valid ticket. we've all heard of people that buy a ticket from a reseller to get to the event and they find out it is a fake. then they're out the money.
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this adds further protections for consumers and we're very concerned of what is a monopoly and the paola concept with that and the radio stations tie intoed that and basically use artist for chat and demanding meet and greets and events and in order to get the air play and the concert promotion. the fans first app is to dbrox fro free of the transparency consumer action and clear of the marketplace. carley: being a senator from the great state of tennessee where nashville is located. thank you, senator blackburn. will: thank you, senator. >> you got it, take care. will: a few headlines and harvey weinstein scheduled to appear in a new york city courtroom next week and retrial after 2020 rate
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conviction and 23 year sentence were overturned and appeals with them and they were not involved in the case. weinstein extradited to california and sentence for separate charges. president biden banning menthol cigarettes and the 2021 working to ban menthol as a flavor to ban it and the rule was supposed to be finalized last year. a group of civil rights and medical organization is suing that tobacco kids are black kids that prefer menthol. they think it has a desperate impact and i need black america to take up flavors of zin i like so they won't ban zin flavors under the banner of racial
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justice. pete: you are a zin to gnat ick. to gnat ick. fanatic. will: yeah and they're going after it. help me, black america. 2,000 americans found arkansas find the average person tips over $37 a month due to pressure or awkwardness and it's to tip for a service they wouldn't normally consider tipping for and there was a shocker going out ovcontrol and friend at fox news and the american culture and it's doing better.
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pete: clip the smallest box and requires three clicks and going up 18%. pete: it's insane and out of control. will: the american dream of home ownership is out of reach for many young people. carley: we're talking to a former million dollar listing star on what to do and that's next. that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist
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life's daily battles are not meant to be fought alone. - we're not powerless. so long as we don't lose sight of what's important. don't be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space.
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- the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it's totally worth it. pete: is the american dream dead? homeowners say yes and they cannot afford to buy a home. former star of million dollar listing and broker kirstin jordan joining us now. thankers for being here. why can't more young people afford homes these day s? >> one of the main reasons is that we got used to cheat money for over a decade. sub5% mortgage rates over ten years and everyone spent money like drunk drunken saileers and everyone that got used to having all the fun money and it was so
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cheap have to deal with real rates that are really high and they're saying first of all, i can't afford it because it's more expensive than it's ever been and a real inventory crisis in most of the country and they don't want to leave their home ask have nothing to buy because they're competing with young families for the same product. save time and money going to the discount stores and clicking online and we need to go back to a time where it's really important to save up for the home and put them in a place. pete: your advice is this suspect changing and you better prepare and going more than your pans did for a home and especially on rates. >> it's sill the american dream
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for a reason and people plan on their home being part of their retirement plan. pete: absolutely. folks want to learn more and anything to point people to? >> in the end, the most important thing that buyers need to know is they need to look online at rates but more importantly learning the market so that they can find the opportunity because there's opportunity in every market and maybe fixer uppers or a opportunity just outside of where you want to end up. you're right. a lot of markets where it's afford and will have a great saturday. the crime crisis hitting everyone including congressman adam schiff. what was stolen from his car? we'll bring it to you. mike had a heart attack a year ago.
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but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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it's better outside with a ninja woodfire xl grill and smoker. multitask with the ninja pro connect app, monitor control and cook from your phone. cook two proteins to different levels of doneness at the same time. it's better outside with ninja. (vo) in three seconds, this couple
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will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.


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