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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 27, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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wanted something that our children would feel happy swimming in and we love it and still love it. connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects doneu can't witho >> get started today at angie aecom. you can't leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered hair with bounce paint you can cuddle and that hair all mouth. it's the seat we have. >> breaking news as stories develop across the world a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is of ti watching radicalization. teenagers in targemet catch in terror for security forces have been chased out of.the >> welcome to the "ingraham angle". >> i'm laura ingraham. thank you as always for joining
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us tonight. >> multiple tornadoes are sweeping through the midwest causing extreme damage and flipping tractor trailers>> right right in front. >> guys. holy [blee, violent tornado guy, violent tornado. . well, monitor and bring, leak you more as it comesed. but first. late today, we saw mounting evidence not in the courtroom, but outside it that donaldg thro trump winning. >> after eight days of sitting through this sham hushug money day trial, he pivoted seamlessly to the news of the day including. biden's comments at howard stern show that he's happye in to debate trump and invitevid biden to debate it anytime they want, including monda tonio we're willing to do it monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursdayhere night, on friday night on national television. we're ready to strike anywhere. brilliant. and by the way, he looks great. it's hard to see the biden ever
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debates him, but we'll start popping the popcorn early fo .e poinr that one. but the point is, at 77 trump camee, donald out of that courtroom energetic and in fighting form y after yet another long day of sitting and listening to nonsense.a ne and voters seem to be noticingby to new national poll of likely voters, not just registered by the university of north florida's public opinion research labs th shows that dont trump is flipping a significant percentage of biden voters. >> michael binder is faculty director, "newsweek" via phone that the numbers are a, quote, big deal. >> and that 6% of biden voters considering voting for noting trump could have a major impact. ifd what have been notoriouslyei presidential elections. >> and i love this ominous lin e . if you're a democrat, i'd t be worried. 'll hearnow, that's also the mee we'll hear from a top union leader in the show when see he's going to stop by. >> he hosted trump earlier weeks
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and sees a pro maga wave building among his membersf cou and of course, we have an insane friday follies on tapigh' but right now, why alvin can'tt brag. s friday >> that's the focus of tonight's friday. fro all right. dead dogs can't bark. but from day one of this longest kept ludicrous case against trump, the manhattan d.a. has been pounding despe on the canine corpse, trying desperately to resuscitate iratt look, he's still breathing, so pay attention and watch him do tricksh him . but it's not working. the case is flat lining. >> and that's because alvin bragg's approach wasindict to indict trump first and find a crime lateerr. one problem, there's no crime. and david becker'sp th testimony didn't help the prosecution. s, i tho gots particularly delicious, i thought, to see how uncomfortabl one oe one cnnt >>t when one of his guests
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spoke the truth about the case. >> he's taking the wind out of the prosecution'sg to and showing there was this relationship that had nothing to do with sorrt of a t of a quh pro quo. >> and beauvais is asking patrick to confirm that th note015 me concept of catch and kill was not talked about aet trut the at 2015 meeting at trump tower. >> that's correct, because beauvais is doinsaid.g great jot of just bringing out facts that underminee. the government'sn theory. >> confirms that trump yat truen did not pay amy an in connection with the story from a former doorman at trump tower. you >> hmm. well, got interrupt when you know what and where it's going. >> well, they are getting b >> the lawfare being waged against trump seems to be an. lly backfire >> and so disappointed commentators who kind of beton the farm on this are just left sputtering. th then this was really great this morning, offering nastyt bi jabs after trump sweet birthdayg greetings to.birthd >>ay one thing i want to pointue
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out, the first thing he did was wish his wife a happy birthday and said he wished he could be with her. she could be there. any number of his family members could be there at this trial, at point. >> they've all chosen not to ben at this trial. they've chosen notto to be. really, john. really? cas that's as good as you can do. now. it's bad enough for trump to wast dingwhlde his time in a shamh hi proceeding. why on earth would he want to punish his family, punish his wife on her birthday? oh, sit at h come see at the t. happy birthday i ridiculous, pth but all day long media personalities who had hoped hopeisseas this case was going to help sink trump were themselves sinkinglvin's right d with alvin's case. >> having people be reminded of of just how crazy the 2016at campaign was, it's not clear the impact it will have. the questionis is what does thim actually do for voters come the campaign is the courthouse. >> the courthouse is the campaign.aura: al. ts alvin and the chipmunks.
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well, yeah, the is the campaign, but not exactly as they hoped. er >> the less thought that the endless lawfare against former . trump would effectively neutralize him. obviously takeobviouslke him hif the trail, but really, really hurt him. so biden essentially wouldn'havt have to campaign the trial would campaign for him. >> but it's the other way around this case. >> us once again, once again, how dangerous it is for our judicial system to be usedlt as a political batteringer. >> can you expect the lead witness to really set the table for the jury? but know in both relationships and trials, first impressions matter? what's tal the first impression here? they've been talking about something not in the indictment at's a something that's not a crime. >> and actually their star, a lead witness, seemed to help the president. her left o on wondering what'see the intelligenntt design here
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towards conviction. wouland one thing that would hep if you would just tell us, what's the crime that you love? >> turley that with muchlast fanfare, alvin bragg announced this indictment last spring, you'll remember it hoping to use his legal campaigl campaf against trump as, i think, buepringboard for higher offic . but in the end, he'll be just at known as anotheral untalented lawyer who thought his ambition cad liberal would hide the fact that he has no cassee. formid >> but if you're going to try to take down one of the most amer political forces america has ever seen, cohen a you better show up with more than david pecker. that goofball michael cohen. a few canceled checks a and that's the angle. eput joining me now, saul isenberg,t former deputy independent counsel. uncil mifox contributor mike da, article three project president and former law clerk to justice gorsuch.
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saul, what about today?e again, the last daofyry of testimony for one of the primary witnesses for the prosecutios thn was a glovep really laid on donald trump? >> no, no change in the basic facts of the case and no change in the legal problems. p. i think alvin bragg is going to have. you had three witnesses. you had betterhad a record up yd a records custodian who was trump's former a trumpe organization is paying for liy and she obviously likes him and gave good testimony for him. and then you have a banker that dealt with michael cohen. so very, very uneventful that the needle wasn't moved at all. at one point it got so absurd, i mike, that the d.a.'s was objecting to the defense attorney referencing president trump as presidentas
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t, trump. is president trump saying that? and it was a tweet just cameinsf out during the cross of pecker. trump's defense attorney, emil bovee ha, had been repeatedlypei referring to trump as president trump when referencing periodso of time when trump was not in office. the d.a.'s office keeps objectinctine mercg and judge mn keeps sustaining those t objections. so okay, convict him of usinheg the wrong title for trump at that timthe. . >> this is this is where we are like mean. >>, en pretty powerful that one. that's pretty crummy. we call president obamt obthat't president. that's crazy that you wouldn't call a former president th's the president. that's that's their title for the rest of their lives. and it just shows you hos.and es process is. and even though the evidence is completele legay the legal allegations are completely bogus, you still have a clearlyo biased judge this juan merchan who donated biden donated to another anti-trump cause. his adult daughter has raised $100 million on this case. he shoul.d recused.
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>> he didn't recuse. you have this soros partttan, manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, and you have matthewthew collatl deployed from the biden justice department, a senior political appointee e. and then you have a jury selection process that was rigged. shdepartmee they were asking, the potential jurors if they follotheyw trump social me, but they didn't ask him what they followed biden on social mediafo, for example. and you already have a jury pool that's 87% voting for biden. there's no chancgoing e that trs going to get a fair trial. that's all the thing about this. what i find is very is that their star witness, michael cohen, who we've yet to hear from, we'll see what he has to say. but from everything we know, it's going to be another goofballher goof. t i mean, he's i mean, he's that, i know him that well. >> i've had few interactions with him over the years. but ho, showw that, again, showd any way that trump committed -e?
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was doing this to commit a crime, i still don't get how cohen ever gets you there. >> well, he's somebody who hass thsolutely no credibility. as former attorney has said, he has no credibility. the government in other proceedings has said that he has no credibilit c.y. >> t so you start with that and i've said all along the basis of the case is very weak. ththe the idea that paying for catch and kill story couldnce constitute electioinn in a wayro that lifts this misdemeanor into a felony, because that's the other crime you're trying to commi t. ke >> interference is a joke. i meani me, what about compare that to what we know hillary clinton, did she gave money to support the false russia collusion hoax and then listed their payments for the steele dossier with the
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thderal declaration as as an attorney's fees. now, that's a real that's a real crime. proble the problem here, laura, a huge problem. tiesand actually ties in to the supreme court argument yesterday ther thee was no restraint on these ten pot the n state prosecutors. >> you don't have the of institutional restraints that you shoulouldd have thefrob federal government to keep to keep a formereited presidentm being prosecuted on frivolous or political grounds. >> you don't have that at the state level. and actually, it's something that the justice mentiday in t l yesterday in the arguments on presidential immunityno. bil no restraint at all here.rr you remember bill barr., gener you know, he said when he was the attorney general, healy not every corrupt act by jim comey or anybody else is necessarily n a crime. >> but people like album bragte have apparently forgotten that. >> and my my how is it election interference to want to want
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to portray yourself in the media more favorably whichei essentially if you take their facts, that's what they were really trying to do, which celer figureshese othe that they establish at trial also did with the "national enquirer did w". yeah, david pecker said he's done this for trump well beforsp 16. and david pecker testified that trump had no knowledgadge e of the payment by michael cohen. >> this case is this case is a dog. a that dog doesn't bark. isll and mikte have a great weekend. all right. apparently hamas is ha -suits i some new friends. we'll tell you about them. is it because they see ♪ew recruitsn amer? america? i'm curious. we'll explain it nex t. hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep. you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep
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enjoy chewing food better and smiling with more confidence. learn more at reset smile .com.o >> they say ignorance is bliss ,but these people don't sound too happy. hamas not yet on the give us your report on the new hamas intentions as resistance or violence. >> they're protecting their own people. it's no coincidence that after the announcement there's a life on college campus.
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wonderful these dayss? and thesn protesters are so cool they have some news. fanboys and they're actual terrorists. accordintog to a free beacon a report, a senior hamas political leader putd a statement likening israel to nazi germany and declaring support american student protesters and the popular foras the liberation of palestine, terrd the u.s. has designate as terror group, is also chairing the students on urging and escalatetion portion of ther on campus struggle. e bill parents, i know you're watching grandparents. you're also footing the bill. . >> pay attention. the group specifically mentionsi rutgers, yale, stanford and columbia where this of adon' protest leader goes. >> zionistt deserv don't deserve to live. >> they're . they're fascistsm . i'm not saying that i'm going to go out and, start killing his highness. what i'm saying is that if an
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individual who identifies as a zionist threatens my physical handty, any costume i eat puts their hands on me. i am going to defend myselfin and that case scenario, it may come to a point wherowe. i don't know when to stop being glad, be grateful that i'm not just going out and murdering zionists. kimani james put out a lengthy statement today after that video resurfaced sayingideo that the video was from january, but that what he said was wronge membe and hen. said every member of our community deserves to feel safe without qualification. i misspoke . in the heat of the moment forgh. which i apologize. rotest well, he's sorry. all right. a sorry example of protest incse inc. >> this is what blm infectedcted social feeds can do to thewith human brain. >> and it's not pretty.
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we also spoke with a columbia vo spokesperson who said in part, calls of violence are unacceptable and violate university policwe w y. >> we will not comment on individual cases when there are violationses, they. student conduct, policies that are reviewed and disciplinary measures no frod. cohen non-committal from columbia. joining me now is aaron cohen, counterterrotet r expert an israeli special ops that. >> aaron, what does hamas see in these college protesters? >> they see the future. as for pr, it's a free marketing ticket. >> this is let me know. i think this the best way to put it. you arelaura, what you're seeig right now is a systematic indoctrination through these protests. thisg radicalization very similar to the blm format that you saw, which makes wanto. to say, hey, it's time to start looking at where the money's coming from. >> crorism red there's countert, red flags going off everywhere in my right now. now >> everything that they see, first of all, is working is to wrong. that tells me that he has absolutely no ideakeffiy what te
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the core root of, what he'sn, even talking about. seems a little all over the place is a brainwashingrosst going on laws happening enhe masse and unfolding across these campuses the danger heret and the red flags, in my opinion, is the effect that it violfor the lone wolf actors who are who may want to carry out violence. >> the only direction this goes law is up when you'vce thisthat rhetoric getting fed through that iphone, literally fed n through that iphone with no real context of what hamas is, obviously, because calling they're calling for a because of all the rhetoric and the incitement, not justot jusward the jews, laura, but towards israel. this is the same type of indoctrination, laura, that was used by chef ahmedwe yassin, the spiritual founder of hamas. should we assess needed in 2004d it's because we understandet how dangerous is and it's only going to get worse on these campuses. >> and nypd can come out peaceful.y everything's peaceful
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now, just wait. >> just wait. >> things are getting very tense at columbia. we understand right now. o mond we're going to continue to monitor that, bring up and bring any reports. ang upaaron, obviously, we all e all defend and support free speech rightts os on campus. but when speech morphs into incitement and i mean real incitement or lot, you endockini blocking with protests, the exit and entry of justs come normal students who want to go to class. it's completely unacceptable unacce. y th and there's a reason why these terror groups seem to be pretty happs.y that this is happening on campus. i want to show a former princetorn student photos a that were snapped at anti-israel encampment there. >> now you see students holding the hezbollah flag. aaron, where does one even k get those flags? dow what they even know what the holding? well, the only i'm familiarne o with being able to get one of those flags,f laura, off a dead
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hezbollah terrorist. so i don't know if there's a secret website on etsy where these green bandanas from hamas, by the way, would say down, which meany whics to the . >> i don't know where they're getting this thieath.s t material from, but the factw that they're flying the flags now and we're seeingand se hama these patches coming out now is very alarming. >> i more a bottom line with this is this is this is nothing than pro terror, incitement and rhetoric and propaganda disguised as free speech. >> a challenge to lawyers. and i'm nonge tht a lawyer like, but i challenge the lawyers to tell me otherwise. >>u will see a gradual escalation, a lot of protectionc for free speech.ti that's right. that's right. yeah. there's a lot of protection for free speec g ins noh. and proving incitement is not is not not the easiest hurdle on occasioiss isn. yond this is this is oftentimes thatg way beyond what is free speech, even detestable speech that people might really disagree with aaron. >> thank you for your expertise tonighearlox'st.
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>> and earlier today, fox's griff jenkins was at george bushington universit andisy, spe with a jewish student who feels targeted on campus. e but i want you to watch what happens when one of the protesters overhea this wha are doing here, standing up justice. i haven't heard any anti-semitism from them. 'sbut do you feel that's right? >> when you called for anntifad intifada, you're calling for the mass death of jews. you don't feel that this is turninga jewish students. >> this is not threatening to any jews. whatever they said, intifada. sd know what that means? revolution. you're coming to my university and you're goingreing me. to tee that you're not threatening me if you come here and you call for an intifad resola, you're cg for the death of my people. i'm not doing that we're going away, manager. >> there's no need to go. arouconflate antifa. >> if you don't want to haveto v a conversation, can turn around. and go. >> you can go. you're against . id not the time for conversation is over. the time to stop the is nowfor >> did not call for the death
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of jews and call for an en>>dolo to revolution and intifadan.. you can ask you to step away for me because you're. >> i love the mask. i love it. and touching the mask. now that's how stupid she is. joining me now, victor davisr d hoover institution senior fellow. victor, obviously tensionse are running high, as you can see. >> is there somethinngg significant, truly significant happening in these? yeah, i think there is. i think they pulled off the scab and there'sri a realthy putrid wound that america's watching. they make no distinctions between being for hamas or the palestinians are inseparabl palestie. emitis >> they hate israel and they hate jews. that anti-semitismm . to them, this is the same thinga as being anti-israelth and they're promoting a death cult. >> this isn't the 1960s touchy feely peace for everybody. this is a very fascistic. >> and, you know, they they come across i don't know
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they're not even aware how they come across, but they come across as arrogant and ignorant t and spoiled. and they're asking the americaon people to subsidize the endowment income on these elite universities and this $2 trillion student loan protest. and this is what you get put in return them. i don't thin k in 2024 the american people are going to put up with i.t. e well, i think at some point, victor, the house, the campaign, they're going and,ave to get control of this because this is obviously helpinheseg trump. class and most of these protesters hate trump. right? they're this bailout, marxist, neo-marxist, or many of them just ignorant, want a liberals, but it's going to help trump. so at some point they realize, oh, we're actually going to helelp donald trump. >> will they pull back? are they just soy this seized be issue that it's going to be full steam ahead? >> they'lldnc in take over the c in the summer. another chicago dance? i
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>> no, i think a lothe conflagration. yeah, they're going to i don't think they care. >> i think they're ignorant. i think they're going to go out in the streei think n thchicagto play 1968. appthey don't care how they apr to the americans. >> remember, after october, before the israeli armed forces went in on 20/21, they were doing this. they were cheeringd on mutilation, the decapitation, the mass, this murder. this is a very different movement. this is a death cultthin. ckades >> and i think people are have had it. they're sick of the blockade , s. is occupying bridges, desecrating religious servicespo ,occupying st patrick's concert. they've had it up to here. and it's going to hurt joe biden. and he's playing into i by privileging 200 and 250,000 voters in michigan. the i don't i don't i don't think this is going well for them at all. victor, thank you as alwaywe'res
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>> we're going to continue to monitor what's happening at george washington universithi y and across the country. but the father of a badly beatens is now suing the gilbet goons. that teen n gang caught terrorizing southeast phoenix. >> he joins us nex t next. >> you're being watched. the new show that's changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals. we're still watching. shawn larkin returns to the show where every shot tells a different story, but every frame uncovers the truth. chuck todd from the streets to your screens. justice is always in focus. buckle up, america. crime cam 24/7 returns. new episode tonight on fox nation. >> celebrate her with emeralds. no. mother's day stolen the jewelry exchange has diamond and emerald pendants worth 79 rings and arranged in 49 or diamonds,
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throughout the afternoon hours. a very large wedge tornado wed, e town extensive damage, especially in the town of elkhorn, nebraska can. this was as the tornado was getting going. it expanded in size a logoint he . and i think over the next few hours, we're going to be watching a lot of those damageua begin to pour >> watch what's happened throughout the day in nebraskang . >> now it's stretching in towards iowa. we've had these large tornadoes on the groun ally ext thid there's beend fl really extreme hail with this and flooding as well. all of this cut right around t the omaha area, maybe just to the northwest of it is where wet of saw the worst of it.ow >> two tornadoes on the ground, one of them in iowa,kansas one f them down in kansas right now. and throughout the overnight hours. we still need to see the threat for tornadoes that's going to extend all the way down through texas as well. oa then tomorrow, we're going to watch the atmosphere, reload agaid n. what happens here? many of the exact same areas. in fact, tomorroow a worw i thik a worst day for tornadoes. >> so if you are anywhere where you see thisan i, you need to h a plan in place. sunday, same story. maybs the a tiny bit farther ofy towards the east, but you get the idea.
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laura, we are heading in towards may, which is the peak of tornado season. mostk most of our tornado actiy and we're watching a really active patternpattern up for ue now. people need to be watching and making their plans right now. ir plans nall right.t li >> rick, i don't like the termym three load with a tornado. that's terrifying. itk so much for covering it tonight for us. >> all right. last month, we brought you the story of the so-called gilbert goons. teens >> it's a gang of vicious young people, mostly teens, an upscale phoenix suburb. now, police say they've been rampag e areae through the area for the last two years, but the reig of n of terror came to an d in october after several of these young men charged in a vicious beating. and it ended up in the death of 16 year old preston lord. h but it was hardly the first. vile attack they are accused of carrying out. ass knucofteknuckles were oftens of choice as victims were pummeled in other vicious assaults in publicli garages
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and even parking lots. you which is where son ofe goon my next guest was brutally in ay by the goons.s and a lawsuit filed by his father, tristan keener. it says that when he was at a local fast food restaurant last august, he was ambushedat and savagely attacked by at least six of the gilbert goons. >> tristen ended up in the hospital and with a severe concussion. >> rick keener joins me now. rick, i first have to ask you how your son is doing and where is he? >> yea h thanks, laura, for asking. my son's doing okay. okay hhe's currently in europe.r
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>> i have him overseas there fo.r his first safety. so. but -- but he's physically okay . but, you know, he's not the same. he's not the son that i had you re he left >> i mean, i watched these videos. you just ask what ha what's whas happened to our society? who are the parents? ges throall of it rages through your mind. i want to show a snapchat imagte that you say, rick, your son received, that you can see someone loading up a magazine with a gun sitting next to himby and the text pull up. ng up then just before that,an he received threatening messages saying that people wanted to beat him up. and then the messagege you're getting yours. yeah. yeah. that's, you know, unfortunate. and all these kids, i don't even know where they're getting these guns, laura. but yogetting u, they're all mi.
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you know, most of these kids. and it was so disturbing to seei something like that. dot, you know,s co i don't know where they're they're getting this violence or where thismi from. s coming from, but it's been going on in least the east valley of phoenix, where where i live for at leas years.t at lt the last couple of years. i know i've personally brought it to the school's twos. two years ago. so it's very disturbing. and what was the reaction? we need to do something about it. fr, what was yeah. the reaction from other parents have as well? it jusyeah, it just seemed veryi transactional. >> you know, there was didn't seemdn't seem y to be any empatr taking it serious, you know, hey, you know, we're the gilbert's the second safest city in the nationso i don. and so i don't think people thought those things would happen d. av and they did. and many parents, not just myself bring, have been bringins up to the local officials, the boards, and nothing ever was done about it. a
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well, richard, at least ancouple of these kids come from, you know, pretty privileged backgrounds. d an and i read one report where one of the fathers got involvewd was trying to, like, help smooth things over beforre the murder charges came down. oh, yeah. yeah. you know, it's it you know, where we live is a very ara in large families . and you're right, more a lot of these kids come from the differen afflu t families.all be and unfortunately, you know, wed all believe that some of these tarents should be culpable and take some responsibility for this, too, because it really starts at the home w right. well, rick, we wishis your family,h the. please give your son our best and i hope emotionale is. he is okay after this. thank you so much. right. wor >> white south. white house staffers cover for biden literally and kamala's word of the day. >> raymond arroyo has it all.
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beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. >> it is friday and that means it's time for friday. and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. s all raymond it is clearly h campaign season at the whiteav.
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>> they've even changed the way the president walks from marine one remember all those sadwell, images of the lone shufflingyo joe biden across the white house lawn? well , you won't be seeing that again. the oh, he still can't walk. but sincril,havee mid-april, sts have suddenly begun creatingthe what call the biden swarm. watch this. tethey they create a perimeter f around the president to distract from his stiff gaitn and block the camera shots. this could go down, his gait, gait lower, but it's gai intentional. >> well, yeas h, you are kindjep of watching. well, what is karine jean-pierre walk wearinig or it is kind of a good trick. it's kind of a n optical of like house little visual chatter. >> you're going to need agen, e not gote house staff s a couple of agencies to block out what he's transmitting. i'm sorry. you're not going ge to hide his age or the decline with howard stern today. he was talkingt saving p about a six people and women, sending him salacious images that he
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gavet ervice to the secret serv while, senator, you don't have secret service protection d ,a senator. >> but part of the reason team biden needs to hide joe biden's ag want e is because they don't ws the public to think about harris taking over the oval offic e. g crim >> well, what's kamala been up to? well, she heldjustic a big criml justice summit at the white house yesterday with that criminalf our ag scholar of oure kim kardashian. the word of the day was apparentlynt second chances forplatfo using your platforrmm in a way that has really lifted upd the importance of talking about ang dedicad being dedicatd to second chances. i know that itwe hav works to ga people second chance. we have been here then at the white house. we've donet haven a number of ts that have been about allowing people second chances through understanding the obstacles that also still exist within society that prevent people from taking of a secondd chancech. e ha
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glad the word of the day was repetition. what she said like six second chances. all right, raymond, i know you spok kene to robert f kennen junior this week, and i wasot r shocket i wad. well, not really, but i was stunned still, that he believes that he could win the election-n with only 33% of the vote innd:h a five man race. >> well, nowatets that's if het a chance. >> joe biden clearly doesn't want the competitionition. in ft he has denied kennedy secret service protection five timesd despite this, that he told me he, also provided them 68 pages of un of material death threatse ,you know, of actual incidents where people coming waith gunsse event, i think oh, break ins at my house and see you know the since i announced including one intruder who got to the second floor when my family was there, i mean, given the family history here, laura is reprehensible that biden has. been granted this man, secret
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service protectionuse they now e they don't want competition. they don't want a real campaign . >> i don't believe joe biden is going to debate what else, right? >>, they're spending $3 billion to try to knock kennedy off the ballots in state.s. >> meanwhile, laura, this week, journalism's annual self congratulatory festival in d.c. is underway. >> the white house chorue corree funded this dinner weekend. i'm going to be mostlyd th with peopl e. yeah, well, it's filled mostly with people who are connected to the white house as joy iso to the wwf. but as the media gathers to praise itself, the people have been submitting their own reviews watch the queen, the justices, and whether they can fashion a five justice majority. i meants for thi, this is one oe turning points for this argument. are you more concerned >> presi about president presidential? you're implicated in the immunity? >> can't be. yeah. you're just making sure you're okay. >> laura, when 38% are makings
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sure your hairspray is the only 38% of americans have any trust in the media tru, i mean, this is a nightmare. but the recent gallup poll 7 said actually 7% of people trust the media, 7%. and yet, the joe biden, who's gn them no interviews, no press conferences, less than any the his predecessors, they're going to fit in this weekend at the correspondentse are bot. eople. they're both derelict in their duty to the american people. all right, raymond, i couldco write a book about our adventures at the white house correspondents dinner years past, i sat with someone may have snuck in at one point when they lost their ticket. all right, raymond, thank you. have a great weekend weekendk c a reality check coming for biden now. he thinks he's like the most pro-unio ver.n ever. >> my next guest is going to set the record straight. he's a union leader who even has what is going on on american campuses. what do our enemies want to influence? they want to influence the thought processes our kids . if you see someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can
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tuesday, may 28. size doesn't matter on. fox. saturday your game is on. fox because here is where it happens. saturday on fox. judge swaggered up with a supersized true story saturday on fox. he put on a show in new york. he saw that saturday on fox. do you reckon he's up on his way to the record? and it was saturday on fox when harper went over again. saturday on fox is where it happens right there. as the beltway covered lawmakers have announced bipartisan from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report special report with britt baer weeknights fox news channel. >> america is watching and we ak all know that biden th joe to portray himself as the champion of union workers nationwide. >> one of the reasons i ran for. president was to rebuild
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the backbonene of th of the mid. class. and we have we're we're following my blue collar blueprint to rebuild america. >> and guess what? folue-collldit's working. i'm proud to be the most union pro-union president inican h american history. >> but trump's not ceding the blue collar workers to the man who's drivenry.t trum inflad and the cost of living through the roof. >> of you're hearing me talkiny with you that maybe change. i think it may be working. it took a lot of great buildings in this city with these people, and they've given me great support. h be that's what he did before court this week in manhattan. it was a great moment. now joining me now, bobby bartles, the business manager of the e steam fitters, local 638 in new york city in long island. bobby, to see you now, i know a loght of thet. unn workers, the union leadership for sure went for biden back in 2020. but are you sensing a change
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in there? >> good evening. >> moore great. great for you to have me. thank you for that. yeat.s, my members are basicall. fed up with illegal the immigration, the crime, the outrageous priceegals of fod and gas, oil, electric it's hurting everybody. and we will when we get into- wh a union, we're basically all democraten. mocrats the democrats are just pushing us away and are a patriotic union. >> w ae have three congressional medal of honor winners on our union. we have many militarn ouy veterh we have people whose familiesam are police and fire departmentil and they are tired of it. we are being treatedan as second class citizens. >> but, bobby, the president this, week after that horrible gdp number came out, t the inflation number came out, which is a disaster
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on thursday. >>r on thursday, he out and saiy we're going in the, right direction. and his treasury secretary said they know things are going to cal arem down, things are gog to get better. realtaining that growtoingh real and the economy is very, very strong. as she i said. >> well, if they think they're going in the right directio then, should probably turn around and go the other way. >> as far as we're concerned here in new york a and all the union members are concerned . >> well, part of what alsoaura:o i think is happening is that outsourcing of jobs is now speeding in the united states under biden's policies. so seeing a bigger trade deficit for the united states,ah which means more stuff is coming in and then going out, that obviousl. obvy hits uc workers across the country. >> not only the union workers lowered into everybody in this countrybody, everyone, everyonei is feeling the pain. init's not getting better. >> our tax dollars are going
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to illegal immigration, feeding them, housing them, clothing themem. god knows what else. and it's we can't sustainn wh what's going on. this country cannot sustain itao . bobby, i know you did your own r internal pol ol of your unionniw workers. what did you discoveorkers, r? >> i discovered now i have 9000 members. memb, you know, a fraction of that that we in back on my poll. bu it's 3 right now, to 1 trump against biden. >> trump is leading 3 to 1 in our poll. bobby trump said he's well yor in new york and it's close the gap to only 10%. do you think he ha e ths a fighting chance in new york given what's happened? >>york giv i believe he does. my union members have been calling mee be since 730 thisg e
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morning, thanking me. i've been getting phone calls. my sister, locals from business managers, managers around the country, from other locals, electricians, >> so i'm getting calls from l retired members, from other union localsocal that i'm gladtg that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want. >> god bless you. bobby bartles steam fitters union. thank you so much, bobby. we appreciate your perspectiveyv . >> thank you all. have a great night. that's it for us tonighte tonig make sure to follow mee all weekend long on social media. weekend longx, instagram, all t. >> thanks, as always for watching. than it's america nowameric and forever. >> jesse watters takes it fromao here. >> have a good weekend . hello, everyone. i'm shannon bream, along


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