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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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every. single. night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. >> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, friday, april
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26, this is "fox and friends." president biden is here in the big apple today, it columbia university on his schedule? we did not see it. >> we did not, he's changings had rutoutine. president biden walking across the south lawn surrounded by aides instead of alone. i wonder why. >> lawrence: still slow. defense continuing cross-examination of "national enquirer"'s david pecker. >> there is evidence offered, it is conduct that is legal. >> brian: that is key and does the jury understand that. the crime crisis hitting everyone, including congressman adam schiff, whose luggage was stolen. forces him to give a speech not in a suit.
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john fetterman called up and said unacceptable. we have a great slogan, we don't have time to read it. fox news alert more anti-israel protect today as president biden stops in new york city. >> lawrence: and down the road, president trump's case continues in an hour and a half. cross-examination of "national enqu enquirer"'s david pecker. >> first eric shawn joins us from united states supreme court. eric. >> the trial will resume in 90 minutes from now. it your honor its out david pecker and donald trump swapped salacious stories for years. during cross-examination today,
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the attorneys tried to make a big deal out of that and showed this was routine and had nothing to do with donald trump running for president. david pecker back on the stand to resume testimony for the fourth day. pecker, still a friend of the president, even though they have not talked for a while. he talked about the catch and kill deal and recalled exchanging tips and killing stories as far back as 1998, practice the defense shows was just ordinary. >> today was breathtaking in this room 678. you saw what went on. it was breathtaking, amazing testimony. this is really incredible. it was an incredible day. open your eyes.
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>> pecker said he bought stories to kill about alleged affairs by arnold schwarzenegger, tiger woods, so when karen mcdougal popped up about her affair, peck er bought that and buried it, too. we did not want this story to embarrass mr. trump or hurt the campaign. he feared he was violating election law. he turned down paying for stormy daniels story she had sex with trump because he said he did not want the enquirer to deal with a porn star. he related how after mr. trump was president, he thanked him for handling karen mcdougal and invited pecker and some editors to the white house and asked, how is our girl and made sure
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karen mcdougal was doing okay. they are trying to show election conspiracy here and donald trump and david pecker and michael cohen were part of it. president trump's lawyer will try to dismantle that when cross-examination begins this morning. back to you. >> brian: here is the thing, go out of your way to say whatever you think of that story, not illegal. this is not a violation, not a misdemeanor, it is not a felony. not illegal. you may not like it, that is what is going on. up to defense to say, they took a day and and a halfful your time and told you about stuff that might be good for page six of new"new york post." >> lawrence: david pecker said he assumed donald trump knew. did not know, assumed. >> ainsley: down the road,
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president biden will be in new york city, close to fox, not far from the anti-israel protest at columbia university among other schools in new york. >> brian: "new york times" is blasting joe biden for dodging questions about independent jou journalists. >> peter doocy is live at the courthouse with more. good morning. >> peter: president biden is waking up in the hotel this morning. if he decides to pick it up, he will see item about how inaccess i be ible he has become. for anyone that understands free press in a democracy, it should be troubling that president biden has avoided questions from independent journalists, granted fewer press conferences and interviews than all his predecessors.
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number of press conferences, biden 34, fewer than trump, 58, obama 71, bush 71 and clinton 121. and this is the president who talks about his involvement with marches as young man during civil rights movement. he could go to columbia or head downtown to i 92. we do not expect that to happen. his thoughts about campus protesters remain largely unknown along with his thought and every other hot topic. do you have a message for the protesters on campus? >> mr. president, what is your response to texas governor abbott? >> president biden: god bless you all and may god protect our troops. >> mr. president,
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[indiscernible] -- >> peter: that is the way it goes on the biden beat these days. back to you. >> ainsley: thank you, peter. >> brian: see rude, correspondent dinner should not take place, stand offness of this president and best 3-1/2 years and last six months, he will not meet with anybody. >> lawrence: you said you were elected to heal the soul of the nation. our colleges right now, antisemitic things are happening, you think he would go there and say listen, we have to have more clarity on this issue, stand with our neighbor. we can't shout hateful things at jewish neighbors. >> brian: if he does walking today, in a group. >> interesting story from axios this morning. they are calling it a scoop, i think it is more observation.
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the president changed walking routine to the helicopter and it is an iconic image, president walks out by himself solo to the chopper and people follow behind him and fly off. but apparently aides and his team and handlers decided his gait looks shaky and they are surrounded him with people, hangers on to escort him so maybe the way he is walking is less noticeable. >> ainsley: they said in march he was walking by himself or family member like his wife. it appears, axios did story on changing his shoes.
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>> brian: more flexible shoes. >> lawrence: at the border, chief of border patrol, supposed to be looking at the border, he is holding on to the border patrol as if he is a cane. >> brian: if you want to give p perception you are young and vital, this is not the way to do it. with arthritis he has, he does not walk well, if you want to give people sense america is in charge, you look to the president. when he walks, it is like walking in between buildings, you do not know when the next step will be your last. just telling you. >> he's 81 years old, if i'm moving around at 81 i'm happy. present something to the world as commander-in-chief and they are worried enough about how he looks walking across flat grass they are doing this to shield
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him. >> ainsley: so cameras can't get as close or tight shot. >> lawrence: it is adding up, inability to walk, step, remember. >> brian: do interviews. >> lawrence: i have no problem with people being elderly. >> brian: look at senator grassley. >> lawrence: 100%. age hits us all. some are so selfish they won't do what is best for the country, i will spend latter days with my family, and -- >> brian: he is able to do his job and go to the beach. >> lawrence: look at dianne feinstein, love her to death, hero for women, she had dementia, they let her die in the seat temperature undoes their legacy instead of doing graceful thing and what is best, retire and have a good time and let next generation take over. >> ainsley: they are stuck in a
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position where he's the nominee, they have to protect him now, they don't have a choice. they won't let him do interviews, they push off our camera crews, get someone to dress in easter bunny costume, no more questions. >> brian: i think she ad-libbed that. if president starts speaking, get your bunny hat -- >> ainsley: do you know that for sure? i feel like the whole staff is doing everything to make sure he doesn't talk. >> lawrence: he tells us, i have to stop, i will get in trouble. >> ainsley: he does and his notes folded like this. >> brian: with questions and stage clues, pause. >> we are supposed to go to janice dean and pause. >> lawrence: tornados across central u.s. >> brian: one day after several
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land spouts and hail hit colorado and chaos. >> ainsley: go to janice dean for fox weather forecast. big hail. >> janice: big hail, sfrtrong wd and risk of tornados for eastern oklahoma as this line moves toward the east and potential for rotation. we saw tornado reports. not only today, into overnight, saturday, sunday and monday. white stuff and pink stuff is snow. we have cold air behind the system, part of ingredients for cold weather is front that moves through and air is unstable causing rotation. here is where the ingredients come together from kansas city and sioux city and des moines. that is today, until monday.
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a lot of complaints in the weather department about cold air in new york. 72 on sunday and into the 80s on monday. round of applause. back to you. [cheering] >> ainsley: thank you, janice. >> lawrence: are you going to clap, brian? >> ainsley: brian does not clap or eat on weather. >> brian: i will applaud for janice, not the weather. >> ainsley: you have a list of what you can and cannot applaud for. >> brian: right, not for weather. >> lawrence: applaud for carley. >> brian: day in and day out. >> carley: you like wearing hats on air, too. >> brian: not a big cap guy. >> carley: autopsy and tokszto toxicology are complete for the kansas city chiefs fans, results
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have been suppressed due to ongoing investigation. preliminary results were shared in february showing cocaine and lethal levels of fentanyl in their systems. five cargo ships stranded for weeks can leave water off baltimore through a newly opened deep water channel. first ship left yesterday, this is the first since the francis scott key bridge collapsed shutting down operations. bellingham and george bush i intercontinental, syracuse hancock international and cozumel international airport in mexico, southwest will only receive 20 planes from boeing this year, less than half what they expected in march and
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planning to lay off 2000 workers by the end of the year. the 2024 n.f.l. draft is europeway, round one wrapping up in detroit last night with three quarterbacks going first, second and third employing . quarterback michael penix jr. went eight to atlanta falcons, same team who signed with veteran quarterback kirk cousins last month. >> atlanta falcons select michael penix jr. quarterback washington. >> holy smoke. >> wow. the first stunner. >> carley: huge surprise, according to brian. >> brian: they don't need a quarterback. >> carley: they have an extra. >> ainsley: don't you love this
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day, their lives change in one moment and the families, the moms and dads so proud. resumes tonight 7 p.m. easten time, we are happy for you. it is autism awareness month and jason kelce will be in new jersey at a fundraiser set to appear on june 26th, that is amazing stuff. >> ainsley: so nice of him. >> lawrence: great cause. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. set your dvr, we start at 6:00, you have to set for 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00, every hour. >> brian: standing up to antisemitism on college campuses, topic straight ahead, united for israel march up to gates of columbia university. >> ainsley: and we're talking to
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>> brian: live look at george washington university, pro-palestinian protesters demonstrating and camps set up. at columbia university
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pro-israel counter protests are planned. cb cotton is live there now. what do we expect? >> cb: in an hour, pro-israel students will be joined by family members of israeli hostage families to remind community members of lives taken like of this baby boy right here. organizers want to tell community members calls for ceasefire should be calls for hostages to be released columbia university is trying to figure out how to clear out the encampments within two weeks for commencement. student demonstrators have pledged to stay camped out until the university divest from israel. ilhan omar joined the student
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protesters with her daughter yesterday, saying all jewish students should be protected regardless if they are pro-genocide or anti- genocide. jewish students say these type of words are hurtful and nobody is talking about hostages remaining in gaza. >> i don't have words, you can't deny what happens. you can't deny people suffered. you can't deny friends and family are still fighting to br bring -- to end this war and they are fighting the terror organization and fighting for the hostages. it is concerning. >> cb: last night crowd of pro pro-israel protesters counters the pro-palestinian demonstrations. house republicans are urging major donors to speak with their pockets and pull back funding from columbia university as
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students say they feel threatened on campus. >> brian: getting worse by the day, you know you are covering for us. next guest attended united for israel yesterday. he says this is falling to mob rule. david silverberg join us now. why was it important to join the students and others and have pro-israel march yesterday? >> it was important because we are standing for american values and trying to defend values based on our constitution, which are derived from judao christian beliefs. i find ilhan omar's remarks about genocide unbelievable and she is a disgrace. if we look at the countries that support what is going on against
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israel, somalia, iraq, syria, yemen and iran. take a look at lebanon, to the christians basically exterminated. if we want to talk about genocide and ethnic cleansing, look at muslim majority countries advocating against israel, it is a disaster. they don't have freedom of religion, if you are gay or lgbtq, they will throw you off a roof. if you are a woman, okay, you have honor killings that take place in these societies. look who your friends are, something is wrong here. >> brian: you start with 50 or 60 people. columbia does not have jewish people advising them how to end massive encampments.
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do you realize some are nonbinary, what if you want to be nonbinary with hamas or in gaza? >> there is no such thing. if you're going to be nonbinary, you are none, as in not existingly anymore. they don't count that. it is known in gay community they flee to israel for protection. okay. >> brian: right. >> israel espouses all values that we supposedly as americans stand for and these kids, if given the opportunity to examine the society they supposedly advocate for, not one would choose to live there. if they look at israel society, half of which is brown because of hubert hndreds of thousands arabic jews. more integrated than the united
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states. >> brian: you make too much s sense. ivy leaguers do not know what they are talking about. the iranian foreign minister, you are receiving praise, you are on the wrong side. they are praising massive sit-ins and encampments, embarrassment. thank you for having courage with your group for doing what you did yesterday. thank you. >> thank you for giving me time to be here. i appreciate it. >> brian: lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: thanks, that is how you toss. to headlines, blinken held a meeting with chinese president xi jinping in beijing, here is what he hoo had to say about the meeting. >> i return to china this week to take stock of where we have made progress and where more need to be done to deliver tangible results. since the summit we advanced on
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fentanyl and synthetic drugs, number one killer of u.s. we set up a working group to collaborate on policy making and law enforcement. >> lawrence: blinken did not talk about tiktok. why? the coast guard and first responders helping put out this massive fire in san diego county. flames tearing through the restaurant and fish shack yesterday afternoon. no word of injuries or what sparked the fire. you got to see this shocking video out of oklahoma. a bus driver loses control and hits a building and pummelled by an out of control passenger. bus driver attacked after denying the man's request to make an early stop. the bus driver is expected to be okay. those are headlines. it is day eight of new york
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versus trump with defense continuing cross-examination of national guard publisher david pecker and in d.c. justices will consider his presidential immunity appeal, how will it pan out? we will ask the great shannon bream. there she is, she is next. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. >> ainsley: donald trump's new york trial will start an hour from now, he left trump tower a minute ago. >> lawrence: the defense tale will consider cross-examination
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of david pecker, nation"nationa enquirer" publisher. >> did trump violate that gag order and what punishment, if any, will be handed down, if he did. >> brian: chief legal columbia shannon bream joins us live without a scarf. >> ainsley: she has one. >> brian: you do have a scarf, it bloended in so well. >> shannon: it is a scarf. same color as my turtleneck. >> brian: why is it taking so long to decide about the gag order? >> shannon: what is probably difficult for this judge is figu figuring out what the penalty is going to be and there have been more accusations of gag order violation. he may want to look in total and is this a fine? people talk about imprisonment, that is not oud realm of possibility but sounds unlikely.
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the judge has to consider that with the backdrop of the case and media buzz, too. >> lawrence: i'm curious, if the president wanted to challenge the gag othered, who does he challenge it with? he is a presidential candidate, telling him he can't speak about something that will impact the election, i'm no lawyer. >> shannon: listen, you can play one on tv as much as you cover legal stuff, everybody is getting a schooling on being a lawyer. they would fight this to the supreme court, they say it is first amendment violation, you have a candidate that cannot speak his mind and others are speaking to merits of the case and accusations against him. they have indicated they would take it that far. they are waiting to see what
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judge merchan will decide. i don't know the supreme court wants to take up another election-related case in 2024, see if it goes that far. >> ainsley: while president trump was in the courtroom, supreme court was discussing immunity down in washington. here are media headline. new york magazine, trump listened to david pecker as supreme court help him. and jack smith odds of putting trump on trial are sinking and donald trump had fantastic day in the supreme court today. when you watch, do you think he had a good day? >> shannon: uh-huh, you know what, i think his team could argue that. we sat there, it was quiet and somber. jack smith in the courtroom and all justices went back and forth with two extreme positions.
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former president's legal team says he has immunity and special counsel says he has none. what it seemed like justices are trying to get to is middle ground, presidents need some level of immunity so they can make difficult decisions, but not efverything he ever did woud be covered. they are trying to find middle ground. as jonathan turley and colleagues have said, i get the sense they send it to a lower court to deal with again, that turns into a net win for trump legal team. they'll have that private vote today. we won't know for a while. >> guy: we were talking on the guy benson show. plug there. what does that mean for the timeline? that is crucial here. >> shannon: yeah, if that would
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happen, they would have to pick and choose through what are private acts, what were official acts he did as president, not as a candidate or person. as the president. that is going to take some time before you get back to the trial on the merits. one question yesterday, i think from justice barrett, if you have to pick and choose between these and we know special counsel want this sped up, would you be willing to break apart different parts of this indictment and he seemed to indicate no. we want the injury to hear everything. we want all of this to go back. we'll see. >> brian: watch your show fox news sunday, you will stick to the news, right? >> shannon: after you went number one, brian, nowhere else to go. >> brian: me and eminem. >> shannon: that is right.
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number one on the scoreboard and in our hearts, we'll talk to vance and chris murphy to talk about ukraine funding, the trial, demonstration on college camps, we have jonathan turley with us, our excellent panel and i sat down with stephen stephen br breyer. >> lawrence: has that new book that just came out. >> brian: 20 before top of the hour, the san francisco crime crisis is hitting everyone, including adam schiff and what was stolen from his car.
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>> ainsley: congressman adam schiff all smiles in the photo despite becoming a victim of san francisco crime crisis. >> guy: thieves stealing luggage from his car, which left him in a bind ahead of a formal event. >> lawrence: madeleine rivera has the story. >> madeleine: congressman adam schiff was on his way to a dinner without his luggage and change of clothes he attended in short sleeves and a vest.
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schiff acknowledged, they took my bags, i'm here to thank c cotchet, who said adam showed himself tonight, he'll be a great senator and will change the senate. schiff had been warned not to leave anything in the car, but he was in a hurry and did not want to be late. >> brian: so much to this. he wants to be the next senator, he's a congressman. this is another example of lawmaker being victim of a crime while denying a crime problem and they break into his car. >> in the bay area, former senator barbara boxer got mugged a year or two ago. >> ainsley: look at nancy pelosi's husband. >> lawrence: and l.a. mayor. how much money was in the luggage? less than $1000, cops show up to
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the scene. >> guy: if it was bob menendez, it would be gold bars. >> brian: he is denying that and delay of the trial. i think it is still very close with steve garvey. steve garvey is making a run at him. >> lawrence: california can make big changes if republicans show up in the race. >> ainsley: over to carley with headlines. >> carley: check this out, this video is incredible, wild video shows two barbers jumping into a busy intersection to save a little girl. they spotted her run into a busy street in east hartford, connecticut. their quick action likely saved her life. they joined us earlier. >> i knew to run. >> that little girl, not normal for a guilty girl to be running in the middle of the street.
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i said something and he did not take it as a joke. >> >> carley: the men were called everyday heroes. prince william appears at a high school yesterday. he shared a good old-fashioned knock-knock joke that is a favorite of princess charlotte. >> charlotte's favorite joke, it is not a joke i can -- knock-knock. >> who's there? >> interrupting cow. >> interruptingly cow who? >> moo. >> carley: it is a classic winner. the prince made the trip for world mental health day and he mentioned princess kate would have loved to be at the event. national pretzel day. wetzel pretzel handing out free
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pretzels across the country. they are free. they are doing it because the company is celebrating 30th birthday today. >> ainsley: this one has cinnamon on it. >> carley: i'm taking a seat. >> ainsley: so good. you like cinnamon? >> i like the savory one. >> lawrence: that is cheesy. >> carley: put that on. >> ainsley: this is like pizza. >> carley: my gosh, it has pepperoni on it. >> brian: you know we're on, right? he's been stealing food from us forever. only reason you come in. >> lawrence: can you hold it up? >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: if you're sharing the pretzel, what part do you like? i like the >> ainsley:. >> carley: never thought about
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that before. >> brian: america accepted you tear away pretzel at time you wash your hands. delivered on a hook and everyone rips at it and we accept that. >> lawrence: pretzels bring people together. everybody gets a piece of it. >> ainsley: that is world problems should be solved. are these making you thirsty? sgls they are. >> pretzels are making me thirsty. >> lawrence: my idea, pretzel bringing us together. >> brian: call wetzel people. >> ainsley: mom energy is bringing super cross to philadelphia for the first time in 40 years and jeff lock is live to kick it off. >> brian: great, first check in with dana perino for what is coming up on her show. >> dana: i like to see you eat more pretzels and ainsley, i
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like the corner piece. >> ainsley: my pretzel eating mate. like pizza. i eat pizza, you eat the crust. >> brian: she has to go now. >> dana: tell everybody what is coming up, former president trump back in new york court, cross-examiner of david pecker will continues and wif and when the january 6 trial will happen. and cheryl know sandburg has new documentary about sexual assault of israeli victims on october 7 and she will join me on set, as well. we'll see you at 9:00. u need pan get our best deals of the season, like buy two get one free. from projects big to small, we've got it all so you can paint it all. hurry in and shop paint deals now at lowe's.
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>> lawrence: it's time to rev your engines. monsters energy supercross series is rolling into fell today for the first time in four decades. >> ainsley: jeff flock is live there. >> i tell you, i can barely hear you guys. this is one of the fastest-growing sports in america. i'm going to start the practice run. oh, there they go. oh my god. look at this. as i said, one of the fastest
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growing sports in america. what they do is they take moto cross and create it in the stadium. we're in the eagles stadium. lincoln financial field, one of the fast runners. you agreed not to run this one so you can talk to us. >> super happy to be out here. it has been so long since we've been in philadelphia for the supercross. excited to be here. >> such a popular sport. these guys are flying through the air out here. it is crazy. >> super awesome. excited to be here from the hometown trying to take home the win tomorrow. going to be awesome. >> why is this so popular? they fill the stadium with dirt. >> they hauled the dirt in and have it all around. >> this is right here inside a stadium. there will be, they say, 50,000
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people on saturday. crazy times out here where the eagles play. they're flying through the air today. back to you guys. >> jeff, i thought you were going to try it. next time we'll get you a motorcycle. we have to increase the budget. >> ainsley: a very loud sport. >> glad i got medicare now. that's good. >> lawrence: carley, you have headlines. >> starting with this, the book the way of the warrior kid is being made into a movie. the novel is written by a former navy seal about a bullied fifth grader whose uncle helps him find his inner warrior. the actor brought his danny and coops food truck to qvc's age of possibility summit.
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he was one of the first in line to get the cheese steaks. >> we love mama kelsey. >> ainsley: so cute because she became so famous. >> lawrence: we love our moms. you can get this for mother's day and slippers for your mom, a little robe, ainsley, would you like a purse? >> ainsley: a makeup bag, a purse. [laughter] that's a pink shirt. >> brian: if you order now we'll get it to you by mother's day. >> ainsley: fox news channel proud american mom. >> lawrence: i think you should get these. >> brian: right and left? >> ainsley: slippers are great. >> lawrence: this is your last chance to order them on mother's day gifts from fox >> dana: fox news alert. day eight of new york versus trump. defense is about to resume the cross examination of forme


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