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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 26, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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child trafficking, drug dealing, innocent people being killed from laken riley to others, they see spectacle of democrats trying to throw donald trump in jail because he is joe biden's opposition leader. it heightens outrage over system that protects joe biden and tries to put his enemies in prison. >> laura: he is on trial here, catch me on america reports tomorrow 2 p.m. eastern hour. tune in. it is america now and forever. see you on social media. jesse watters. >> carley: fox news alert happening right now, secretary of state blinken is meeting with
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chinese president xi in beijing discussing trade and china role in middle east and ukraine. we are monitoring it all and will bring you all of the details overseas. plus at home, more anti-israel protests are expected today as joe biden heads to new york city. and another campus has been taken over by pro-palestinian protesters. >> get out! >> get out! >> get out! >> carley: wait to see if the president addresses chaos before he leaves for washington today and college student is going to join us live. plus, the n.f.l. draft continues after atlanta falcons calls an audible with surprising pick. >> atlanta falcons select
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michael penix, quarterback from washington. >> wow. >> holy smokes. >> the first stunner. >> i love it. >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm carley shimkus, todd is on assignment today. that is coming up next hour. we begin with latest on former president trump's trial which resumes hours from now. chanley has details. >> today trump's defense team resumes cross hfr examination of "national enquirer" publisher david pecker, who told about suppressing negative stories about trump to protect his 2016 bid including paying out $150,000 deal with former playboy model karen mcdougal who claims she had a relationship with trump. he testified about daut star stormy daniels who says she had
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an affair with trump, as well, but agreed to be quiet for a payment. the payment was made to daniels just days before the 2016 election. pecker says he declined to purchase her story. she is required to pay 1 million each time she says his name. after court, trump reacted, watch. >> today was breathtaking in this room. it was breathtaking. amazing testimony. this is a trial that should have never happened, this case should never have been filed. it was an incredible day. open your eyes. >> the manhattan d.a. office submitted four more examples they claim shows trump violating the gag order.
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there will be a hearing next thursday about that, president biden acknowledged trump's trial calling trump busy right now. he says he is too busy campaigning to watch the trial. >> carley: also, dualing day of hearings because supreme court weighed arguments on presidential immunity, how did that go? >> three hours, the country's highest court heard the immunity case. the question for the court is whether a former president has a measure of criminal immunity for acts taken during arguments. many justices signal they are thinking far beyond the case at hand and focus on broader implication of their decision. >> this case has huge implication for the presidency, future of the presidency and future of the country. scombl potential for criminal
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liability is taken off the table. wouldn't there be significant risk future president would be embolden to commit crimes with abandon while in office? >> former president trump had this reaction to how the arguments went. >> the u.s. supreme court had a monumental hearing on immunity and immunity having to do with presidential immunity and i think it was made clear, i hope it was made clear, a president has to have immunity. you don't have a president, would be a ceremonial president, that is not what the founders had in mind, we want presidents that can get things done and bring people together. i heard the meeting was quite amazing and the justices were on their game. >> decision from the court is expected early this summer, carley.
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>> carley: thank you so much. bring in criminal defense attorney lexi rigdon. this was longer than expected. it was spokespersonsed to be an hour and lasted three hours. a lot was said yesterday. one moment from samuel alito as he grapples with the issue of presidential immunity. >> if an incumbent loses an election knows the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country. we can look around the world and find this process, loser gets thrown in jail. >> i think it is opposite, justice samuel alito. >> carley: these are questions the justices have never had to
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deal with before. if a president loses reelection, does he have to worry about getting thrown in jail? what did we learn and where do you see this going? >> i think a lot of the justices were concerned about that on both sides of the aisle. it is legitimate question about the future, forgetting about donald trump. gorsuch said we're making a law for the ages potentially. give questions about concern this might be some type of p precedent where political opponents are pross cuted, they seem to be looking at not what the court did, but a test going forward for immunity for acts undertaken in office. it is very unlikely they are going to say a president has blanket immunity over acts
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public and private and can do whatever they want so long as they were president. it seems unlikely they will rubber rubber stamp what the court of appeals said also. supreme court may come up with a legal test where this might be applied in the future and that would delay the january 6 trial for donald trump. >> carley: great point and justice sonia sotomayor said if a current president considers his political opponent corrupt and kills him, does he get blanket immunity? seems like the justices will find a fine line where there is not blanket immunity for everything. you mentioned a timeline. when it comes to donald trump, these justices are dealing with larger issues, but donald trump
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and january 6 case, will that get thrown back to lower court and decided after the presidential election? >> that is pretty likely. it will go back to a lower court and we already might not have a decision before june. they don't have another public hearing until may. you would be few months from the november election temperature is game-changer and case is over if they say presidents have immunity, i don't expect it to be absolute immunity and i don't expect they say court of appeals got it right and we're affirming it. if there is a test about official and private acts, that is something the lower court will have to figure out. chance of this being completed been january 6 are almost nil.
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>> carley: pandora's box is open and questions remain. more to come on that. oh, wait, there is more, the new york case, as well. i read a piece in politico from a reporter inside the courtroom yesterday, response to this. she said david pecker gave prosecutors what they were looking for in the hush money trial testimony. linked to the 2016 presidential campaign. is that how you see what took place yesterday? >> not necessarily, he said he did this catch-and-kill procedure, basically stopping bad stories before they come to press with other celebrities. he testified it was not referred to that, that is what the prosecutor is calling it. he did it with tiger woods and other political people and with donald trump for 17 years. that is not illegal, it is not
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illegal to sign ndas. i wouldn't say anything he said was terribly damaging for president trump. one thing he said that the prosecution will seize on, there was not a discussion this was done for the purpose of protecting his reputation with his family. pecker assumed it was being done for the election. assumptions are not -- you know what they say about assuming something. >> carley: three-letter word. former president came out of the courtroom and said today was breath-taking in this room. for those who are not following this trial closely, would you call yesterday a good day for the president, bad day or somewhat neutral? >> somewhat neutral. what is interesting about this witness, one of your strongest
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witnesses in the beginning to paint the narrative. this is a friend of donald trump. he admitted on the stand he likes donald trump. donald trump was his mentor. certain things he testified to were not necessarily favorable to trump, also he did not paint him in a bad light either. when you can cross-examine somebody you can ask them leading question and defense asked leading questions. he's a defense-friend ly witnes, he is there with a gun to his head. he does not want to be there, he likes donald trump dynamics having him testify for the defense is interesting. >> carley: trial will resume 9:30 a.m. today, day eight and we'll have you back on to discuss eight, nine, 10, 15, 21. as long as this goes on.
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president biden and remember foer president trump are fighting tooth and nail to win the independent vote and the border crisis could be a linchpin. majority ofern americans now support mass deportation. our independent voter panel is coming up next.
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>> janice: take a look at severe weather threat, tornado reports across plain states where we
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predicted. large hail, damaging wind and tornados. this is a several-day event. look at live raider, severe thunderstorm warning south of wichita area and flash flooding is potential where we could see heavy rain in short period of time. friday, is the and sunday from dallas to omaha, from dallas to green bay and dallas to des moines on sunday. again, hail, damaging wind, heavy rain could cause flash flooding and zoom into greatest potential of severe storm from tornados from kansas to sioux city. a front, area of low pressure across central u.s., same areas getting hit hard. cold enough for snow in the west. a little taste of the forecast through next couple days for new york, we will be zoomed inner
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hoo. we'll have a nice warm-up, everybody. round of applause for new york city. 80 on monday. >> carley: round of applause just from me. we are both wearing red today. and monday is day to cheer. >> janice: beautiful sunshine. >> carley: mondays are usually bummers, not this one. >> janice: and carley and i are ordering omelets. >> carley: from the diner, from weather and omelet, dead tie between president biden and donald trump among independent voters. 44% to 42%. axios pole says americans support mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
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j jo josephine and brian are all independent voters and join me now. independent voters will make things interesting. this is neck and neck right now. mary josephine. if election were held today, who would you vote for? >> donald trump. >> carley: and why? >> well, you know, we had experience with him the first time around. he really did well for the country under his presidency. the economy was great. i think we need a person like donald trump in office to clean everything up. unfortunately, the biden administration has been an utter disaster on crime, on economy, on immigration. my life certainly is not better under biden, i hope donald trump can come in and restore the country as it should be. >> carley: you are strictly
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issues based voter. there is other stuff happening now and by that i mean trials, trump trials >>. you are in georgia, home to one. do these trials flun your opinion about the former president? >> i don't think they flun my opinion about the former president. i think they flun b whether or not i make a decision this early in the year. there is information coming out, it has less to do with what he is being prosecuted for and information that comes out "who is america" we want us to lead us going into the next face. >> carley: a new axios poll found 42% of democrats say they support mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.
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this is donald trump's harshest immigration and it seems to have bipartisan support. do you agree? >> i'm up in new hampshire, my candidate for president who i voted for was ron desantis. he had during his campaign before he suspended it, supported mass deportation of illegal aliens. that is something i think to be necessary. we are nation of laws or nation of men and women. and this is troubling we have so many illegal aliens in this country and president biden allowed in more than the population of 38 states. this is something, if we are going to remain a country, we have to do and start looking at immigration the way we used to look at immigration.
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what doe woo need more of? more entrepreneurs, more plumbers, what do we need to make america a better country. >> carley: very interesting perspective. thank you all so much for joining us, interesting to get insider scoop on what that all-important independent voter is thinking, whether joe biden or donald trump, it will come down to the wire in november. thank you for joining us. all right, college campus chaos continues and we just got this video from a college sophomore who says he was attacked in an anti-israel in new york city. watch. >> get out! get out . >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. .
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>> carley: that student will join us coming up next. g >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. et >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. ou >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. t >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. ! >> carley: that student will join us coming up next. i'm sasha. and today i'm going to share with you the secret to making the most of each and every day. and that secret is five hour energy. there are a lot of days i feel like i need a nap. halfway through my workday. you know that mid-afternoon slump. do you ever feel like your family and job responsibilities require more energy than you have? do you spend your weekends recovering from your workweek rather than getting out and enjoying your life? is the day to drive five hour energy, because today if you buy two six packs of any flavor, you get one six pack free.
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>> carley: today president biden will be in new york city, but he is not expected to visit the college campuses where anti-israel protests are raging on. madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: president biden is returning to d.c. from new york city later today after ashes tending a reception hosted by michael doug dlts laslas today. hundreds of protesters are autopsying george washington university with signs and tentses. in georgia people are praefted at em emory university. 700 people have been arrested on campuses this week. protest forcing university to
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cancel ceremonies next month. class of 2024 is missing outa traditional graduation after likely not getting a formal one because of covid-19 >> students, family and friends look forward to celebrating graduation, now because of the pro-hamas mob, they can't, this should not be happening in america. at columbia university, we urge donors to condemn the antisemitic incidents occurring by pull ing support. hamas criticizing attempts to crack down on protest with a spokesperson telling newsweek, attempt to suppress activities will not change reality of the situation. suppressing will reveal falsity
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of american democracy. white house is responding saying hamas is evil and they pledge to repeat again and again is testament to president biden moral clarity, he has stad against antisemitism and will never stop. the white house says governors should decide if to call in national guard. >> carley: bring in a sophomore at hunter college, after a busy night last night. he attended united for israel march. what was that like? >> there was a mix of different things we saw there. we had nice outpouring of support from christian
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supporters and people who show up to support columbia jewish students and we had agitators that held up signs with frightening messages on them. they said from new york city to palestine, there will be liberation, that means the murder of jews. one protester was arrested for attempting to assault someone. >> carley: mixed bag. you went to city college and visited a pro-palestinian encampment. this is video that you shot while you were at city college. explain what we're seeing right here. >> what we're seeing in that video is me approaching the encampment there with my phone out as an orthodox presenting
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individual. they approached me, found out who i was and carried that information to a command node and started blaring municsic, surrounded me, they said they were going to beat me up and shoved me. my jewish cap fell on to the floor and they dared me to pick it up. >> carley: why did you go to the pro-palestinian encampment? >> i have a cousin who goes to that school and i wanted to check it out for her. she is openly orthodox and i was frightened what would that mean for her. >> carley: are you having reason discussion with the pro-palestinian students? >> out of the people there, two pe people -- escorted me out and said, it is not safe here. if it is not safe for you and
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schools are not doing anything about it, that is an issue. >> carley: we have messages coming in, one from our current president and hes was asked how he feels about this. he says he condemning antisemitism and he condemns those who don't understand what is going on with palestinians. he played both sides, how do you feel about that? >> i am sympathetic, i feel bad for innocent palestinians being killed. we see students openly threatening jewish students in name of islam. we have students that started chanting there loud speak ers. there is definitely mixed bag. islamic students called all jews murderers and same at hunter college. >> carley: how is this going to end? what needs to happen?
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you are calling for congressional action. >> what we need from congress, we need congress to have the attorney general enforce the laws on the books, it is deportable offense. adopt def ninition of antisemitism. u.s. taxpayers should not go to schools that can't maintain safety for jewish students and educational environment for anybody. >> carley: you were our eyes and ears, looking and experiencing both sides of this fiery debate, thank you for joining us to tell us what you saw and experienced. thank you. "new york times" is taking president biden to task, of avoiding questions from the press. wait until you see what they are saying, joe concha is here live on that coming up.
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a former federal prosecutor joinses me now. a basic question need to be asked. what are prosecutors trying to prove donald trump did wrong? >> it is really kind of funny, so far with this case and it is more unimpressive in some respects than people thought going into it. the crime apparently is the way they labeled payments within for the business, mislabeled them legal expenses. seems they are trying to make donald trump look bad because of hush money payment and nda's and stuff like that. it is like a tabloid trial. they are trying to prove they made payment and mischaracterized them in itthe
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books of his own company in which nobody was harmed by that. it is remarkable case and even people that hate donald trump have a tough time defending this case. >> carley: there is a gag order, jonathan issue that trump is under and prosecutor say he keeps violating. they said he violated the gag order for calling david pecker a nice guy. judge merchan is trying to determine what to do with all this, what happens here? >> this is interesting. you have two competing interests, you have this gag order and the first amendment and it is much more important because as we've seen, the biden campaign seems to be based on two things, abortion issue and two, donald trump is a bad guy, and keep focus on donald trump and the trials and donald trump is not allowed to defend himself
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publicly. it is good for the biden administration. they want to focus on donald trump. i think this gag order doesn't need to be in place. the idea witnesses are in danger. point of criminal trial is protecting the defendant and their right and in this case, it is donald trump. this judge seems pretty heavy-handed, interesting how it plays out, i think anything extreme, jail or anything will not happen. >> carley: all parts of your resume. you were ice director under trump. they are urging biden to r reinstate remain in mexico.
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the president must act and bring order at the aborti boesh /* bo border. democrats crossing the aisle and siding with the former president on immigration, what do you think about this? >> i think a lost of lot of democrats see their own races in jeopardy. biden administration has been derelict and encouraged illegal immigration. these are two best policies under donald trump, particularly remain in mexico. people can claim asylum, they remain in mexico until their cases are heard, seem like great policy for american people and asylum seekers and people who
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claim asylum, 90%. we know after november, if re-elected, will go back to full-on open borders, those are terrific policy of trump administration that should be reinstated. if trump is re-elected, they will be. >> carley: thank you, have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: talk about the media and "new york times" releasing statement blasting president biden for dodging questions from independent journallivity. "new york times," anyone that understands role of free press it should be troubling president biden has actively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term. he has done less than all
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predecessors. here is an example of that. >> mr. president, do you have a message for protesters on campus? >> mr. president, what is your response to texas governor abbott? >> president biden: god bless you all and may god protect our troops, thank you. >> mr. president, talk about the border. >> carley: joe concha is a fox news contributor and joins me now. what do you think about this from the "new york times"? >> joe: it is telling where it is coming from, the "new york times" has not endorsed a republican presidential candidate you since elvis was a think, we're talking 1956. calling out president biden and vice president kamala harris for
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avoiding the media. not sitting down with "new york times" or "washington post" or the wall street journal. if he gets real questions and follow-ups, as far as how you handle inflation right now, what is your plan moving forward, how inflation reduction act work out. what do you think about protests we're seeing that are engulfing campuses in american colleges. how about the border and inflation and millions of people coming over including terrorist says through the u.s. southern border. why won't you resume wall construction or remain in mexico, like you talked about with your last guest. nothing will change before election day. you won't see joe biden do a solo prime-time press conference, when you take this man outside a teleprompter, it
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is clean up on aisle 18 and -- >> carley: skipped the sit-down interview at the super bowl employs and kamala harris was confronted, why is the president not doing interviews. her response is why are you asking me there? interesting back and forth that seemed to be awkward. this line in "new york times" report, actually politico, some on biden's team believe times has not covered important of 2024 election, they view as matter of democracy survival. people closest to biden see times as arrogant and reluctant to give the president his due. >> joe: like a mean girls thing. look at top issues per gallup, what is most important to
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american people, it is economy, subset inflation then immigration, subset border, leadership and trust in government is number three, you don't see anything as far as protecting democracy anywhere in the top five. "new york times" and fox news is covering issues people care about. >> carley: such a great point. think back to independent voter panel and nobody brought threat to democracy up. keeping with mean girls, trying to make it happen like fetch, it will not happen. >> joe: you reveal to me, exclusive, everybody, this woman, carley shimkus, has never seen "ghostbusters." top five movie, trust me. >> carley: anti-israel protest raging and a senator will tell
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us what new york lawmakers are doing to address it. that is next.
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way. cirkul, available at walmart and ♪ >> carley: president biden is in new york city today where a third major campus has now been taken over by protesters. city college taken over by an anti fad da encampment. new york state senator john lu joins me now to talk about this. very important issue. what's going on in your city, state senator. thank you so much for joining us. it seems like the definition of
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chaos right now where you have jewish students who say they feel unsafe and are calling for action. is there anything you and your colleagues can do to bring order back to college campuses? >> i think it's important to note that there's been a great deal of expression of all different views on our college campuses. that's what new york is about. that is what the first amendment is about. everybody has a trite express their opinions and views. but we are also very -- keeping a very close eye on hate speech, anti-semitic actions. i think it's wrong for anybody to be calling on violence to be had against anybody. there are different things we are looking at as legislators. in the meantime it seems like the mayor and governor are setting the right tone in terms of allowing peaceful protests or
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people keeping an eye on potential violence. >> carley: we have heard chants of "we are hamas" very anti-western anti-semitic messaging. what should happen to those students? >> you are absolutely right. some of the words that have been heard are absolutely not only terrifying but evil. and so we need to keep an eye on that. but, in terms of violence, i'm not -- when you say violence that, is when people are being attacked physically, and i think -- i don't think we have seen a whole lot of that. so i wouldn't say that there is chaos in new york city. there great deal of emotion. there great deal of concern about what's happening in the middle east. but, what's important is that the students are allowed to express their views and everybody is kept safe. now, there have also been a lot of reports hour the extreme
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words are being used are not actually from students on campuses but from people who are not from those particular college campuses. so, again, the police along with the mayor and the governor, i think they're doing a fine job of keeping the balance. >> carley: yeah. and last question on this, state senator. president biden, is he going to be in new york city today. do you think it would be a good idea for him to visit columbia and speak these students, these pro-israeli students who feel like they are being targeted? >> i think it would be a good thing for him to speak very clearly about -- against anti-semitism and also support everybody's right to express their views. whether he comes to columbia campus or not, wherever he is, he will be heard. i think it's more important that he says something clearly. >> carley: well, there is also something else we have to talk to you about because there have been unbelievable stories about squatters taking over homes in
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new york city. and then the actual property owners getting arrested by police when they call the police and say there is somebody in my home right now. get them out. they are the ones to get arrested. you have been following these stories, and now you're doing something about it. tell us about this. >> yeah. we have seen a few incidents where it's just unbelievably outrageous. somebody essentially breaks into a private home and then somehow claims that they own the property and refuses to leave. i think part of the problem is that the law here has been really focused on protecting tenants and protecting landlords but there has been some fuzziness somewhere in between. and that's what some individuals have been taking advantage of. we just passed legislation signed by the governor that makes it very clear that squatters are people who have no though, from a homeowner,
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representative, property owner, anybody authorized to be on the premises such as a tenant and that squatters have no rights under new york city state housing law. they don't secure any rights after 30 days or after 180 days or after any time. they are simply intruders and they are subject to arrest. >> carley: fantastic that you have taken leadership on this issue. and this is really bipartisan. it has to be for something like this to get signed into law. you worked across the aisle on this as well. >> yes. absolutely. the laws that are against squatters and protect homeowners are issues that spant gamut on both sides of the aisle. >> carley: there are bipartisan issues. >> home ownership is the american dream. >> carley: it certainly is. state senator john lou, thank you for joining us. >> we don't at this point in time to become a nightmare. >> carley: amen. "fox & friends" starts right


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