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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 26, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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minutes selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month. and his wife and $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go select cocom now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford. selectquote we shop, you save. >> make it a mother's day to remember with the fox news shop's new proud american mom collection from team robes and clippers to mugs and so much more, let mom show the pride. well, you show the love water now at shelter fox for holiday. all right. that' all the time we have left this evening, please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episods lefte of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by. he will put a smile on your face. thanks for being with. >> have a great night.
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thank you. thank you. happy thursday, everyone. so everybody's been askingn my i did on my vacation and the theories were floatevacatid that wasn't really a vacation at all, that it was some sort of forced leavtion at t e of ab no, nothing could be further from the truth. here's a little montage i putger together of all the things i did in my week off. my >> roll it.
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yeah, i don't like to usuallye talk about my volunteer work, but you forced my handtok. i wa so i'm just glad i was able to to share it with all of you. so let's get to some jokesshar e a video went viral this week of a dog in florida who was born with lime green fur. n fowhen asked why the dog had green fur, his breeder repliedph ,that means he's not ripe yet . come on, man. i know. >> joe biden once again claimed that he used to drive t 18 wheelers. he's right here. it18 is a tree virus is threatening the world supply of chocolatee viru. not on my watch, said one former officiaonl in a port near stockholm. stock swedish customs officials hadho seized 1.4 tons of cocaine. meanwhile, one americanone am
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is applying for a job as a swedish customs officialer todal as national take our daughters and sons to work dayghters a, ws got to be awkward if you work at planned parenthoowardd. you claire, thank you. welcome back. yeah, a kidney from a was a transplanted into a deathly ill new jersey woman, and it began b working almost instantly. scientists say the kidney feltat quite at home in the new body. never fails. one of harvey weinstein's felony sex crime convictionsw ys was just overturned by new york's highest court, which canm only mean one thing. >> he's a democratn on through. kerry says he would stick his in a blender to see anotherende fish concert in las vegas, y a
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which is weird. tit? ot just buy a ticke that's what normal people do.o >> according to a new survey, most parents experience isolateo loneliness and burnout as a result of the demands parenthood. that's why i visit the kidsd as little as possiblwhe, said oe father. i was waiting for that one. hat oni my hands high. i want to smile. let's do a monologue. so, america, whatever happened to white supremacy? remember when the biden white house said the number one domestic threat facing the nationreg: wha was, quote, y or ethnically motivated violent extremists who, for the superior superiority of the white race, the good old days. >> turns out the number1 thre one threat to us and biden's presidency is a teleprompter. and the party that props up its desiccated, deranged reader.cate >> because when you look at the crowds
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currently fighting cops in the streets and shutting down our campuses, threateningst white jewish students and keeping them from simply attending school, wed keepinro e these are not the white supremacists we were promised. the white sheets have been replaced by black ski maskslack and balaclavas. i, for one, feel cheated ski. it's insurrection, affirmative action. they're taking all the racist t jobs without even trying. but i when they said celebratewt diversity, they meant among bigots as wellhe. ll and they're bigots. all right. except with brand new tents. p who's paying for all these? for they them there soer quickly? do their parents work foe sor sporting? did they just loot a bas s pro? are these kids using the cash they stole from us bthesy their student loans? >> nope. someonent loane is funding them and that someone is a nice wayne of saying democrats and no one is happier about it than hamas. this week, a seniohamar hamas
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leader pledged support to the drotesters and calle the escalation of their struggle. >> so what doestruggles the pary of hate do now? as the dems claim the greatest threat to democracy is trumpdemr and all the evil white supporters? their most vocal inspired part s of their base has gone full. ,i lead for one weekekend ev and everything goes. our campuses are occupied. our streets are overrun with wild eyed haters. jesse'errun s been using my offe to apply body spray. joe biden says his uncle wasy jo eaten by cannibals. i guess unlike the dems, i they find value in white meat meat. >> and it's only it's only gaining steam. democratic senate leader and shameless panderer chuck schumer found his house surrounded by a chanting anti-israel mob demanding a gaza
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funny, i don't recall thesei do same crowds out in the streetsn' on october 7th when 1400 israeli israeli civilians were,u kidnapped and murdered. >> maybe. thank you. werein their defense, maybe were holding out for the free tents. >> now, when a truck the see whenoked he looked out his window that night, well, it wasn' histd crowd that looked like a dave matthews concert. now, thitthews cs looked more le the mayhem he and his fellow dems have helped creatmayhem her cities. but even more diverse, he pushed grou p and nowow the group identity is pushing back. this g a perfect diy mob. it looked like the floor at the democratic national conventiondt all marching against israel and supporting hamas. onventioa state department desid terrorist organization. >> and let's be. clear this crowd isn't just anti-israel when you're streamingcrow, i am hamaa and forming a rugby line to block jews trying to ged ittl to class, we're well past that. >> be careful, kids. it's so we won't be able b to call trump supporters
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anymore. e ableif you dopes make it too obvious. >> but what's new this time thi around is combining antisemitism with all the typical progressivtime e trope the left reveres today. so now is lef you supporft rt i, you must be also be pro-american, racist, patriarchapport isl, a monster, the progressive little chickens have come home to roost. >> now chuck and the rest of the dems are pulling what's left of their fake hair out trying to manage this horde child monsters that they've created and they need republican help. l pr >> and as israel prepares to enter rafah and the reaction here growsto entah more extremer the dems expect all of us toem share this risdemocrk and to do the heavy lifting, which republicans are fine with because this does need to end. but you've got to ask yourselfyf what a republican were in charge. say a certain guy with a reddish glow aan were and hair that somewhere between a rhombus and a parallelograoun would the dems help trump?m no they would be attacking
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the white house like they were joe biden's dogs. >> the dems would simply fannedy the flames and the media will ignore it. >> like american hostages heldld by hamas. >> but now it's toda by hamay wd joe. and the white house will continue to do nothing becausene everything joe does do turnsmmar to the border, the economy, grammar. >> could his inaction be a color issue that the prism of identity collapses whenhe vic the victim is white? but there's one bright spothere here. the theory of white supremacy has been by joe biden's presidency alone. what's worse, curse inmates get to call their kids more than he does. doesir writer and comedian jamie lithgow. this also got famous in hises h
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thirties. joseph the grift or piano tap cannibals. look her and say have you guys tistselling author and fox news contributor him and he once picked up a haunted house just to lift your spirits. "new york times" best selling author. gimme, gimme, gimme jamie good u . >> see you. now, when you look at these protests, do you think, oh you o that's what a crowd looks like. . do why do you come on. i don't know. it's good to be back.i wa >> i'm so looking forward to trashing you. i feel like we just starte looking de and my feelings have been hurt three times already. it's true. >> that's pretty good. there's another reason i'm not. i'm not going to send my kids to colombia. stories like this, that. and i thin k. >> they're smart enough.
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i can't afford it. but it's like, by the way, the tentt . d yo is it possible? did you see those tents? yes. who is sponsoring this? e thos is it possible that columbia coiversity is associated with columbia, the outdoor gear companr y. and maybe they stand? i don't know. did you see the one? i thin i evsome these kids don't even know. i don't even know why they're out there. right. and they're just following the croww whre out thejustd becl son said, i want to go to columbia and i go, why? and he goes, you don't have to go to class. >> you're not in class. umi saidhyo but it's like like e that if you saw the clip. yeah, they go they go to this girl, they go, what do you likef what specifically are you protesting? >> it's because, you know, it's realltestinge saysy about,' what we're protesting? >> she asks a friend of hers. it's absolutelaskey. and i remember i'm glad you didn't show her face, because i kind of felt for that girl for a minute. and because they're just young, i remember being in a protest i the school and i would if i hadh been honest. and they go they go, what are you doing out heret sai? e to and i go, i'm here to meet girls. you know, i'm here. why i'myou know, screw free pa. i'm here for the free pool.
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the only the only way i think colombia is going to be able to get i like to give you guys a joke to edit out very early i in the show. >> yesthe show. >> because you said it was free. yeah. free lunch, son. fre >> but i think i think about i think they do have to worry about graduation rates, thoughhe . all these they're going to have to make it so you can you can majotheyit sr in protesting. >> that's the solution to all cais right there really? >> uncuff me. this is my senior thesis. and then thes y seniorn won't s. >> they won't do it. that's right. you should have made major in protesting and spoiledspoile child. >> yes. there you go. very weld childhool well put. whatever your name is. oh, tab. why is it nobody talkings about the tents? and why is this driving methat crazy? i just. that's all. i see thes's all i c seee realls that i never had. and i used to camp at times in the backyard. >> well, you know, the reasone s why i'm broke is because of amazon, right? >> yea because h. r
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and i swear, i think the kidski are getting them from amazon, becausdsnge how they getting the so fast? >> like, only bezos can deliver them at that. yeah. so i that's my guess. >> and the tents look really cheap too. you're not liksse you know the real good kind anyway out boy scout that's hot nobody says anyway you're always scout so i was a boy scout. >> yeah, well yeah. >> before they started touching boys, though. but i just want to be clear. i just want to be clear. yeah, we didn't get married. dads came out. i was goods good, but i. >> i'm on the protesters side, e you know, all because i have a list, like a top five list a. >> the worst things in the world and the universities that like fighting for number one. so now to that class of being disruptiveo, i'm like, oh, thisi is a good opportunity to stop indoctrinating children from marxiss goodm, um, because if they're in the classroom, there'll be an acronym of marxism. >> what actually, alifly dam thn the protest, they're being inducted into mark marxism. that was an honest answer. kat what, is your take on this.
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where are the tents coming from? i ase onk. a it's crazy as i also have an honest answer. so obviously, okay, so anti-semitism, disgusting, hamas disgusting. t th and i'm not talking about the the the road blocking or physical violence, but just you need to remind everyone that hate speech is still free stil,h because thank you god person one day. yeah, right. so two haters because when governor abbott tweeted he came twee he was like, you know, these protesters belong in jail shtisemitism not toleratedprotes threat should be expelled orr go to jailgo and no,y as actually it's disgusting as it is. it's going to be way scarier for the government to have a right to tell you what you can and can't say. >> you canment to t say antiset even go to jail or be expelled. you could say, okay, same for sexism c, transphobia, orhobia more accurately, whatever the government says qualifies as racism, sexism, transphobia. >> there are somm ore that fire posted showing, at least in the texas protest, they appear to bwere le confronting people l
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are in open areas, protesting in opeacefully, and that stillt needs to be verified. >> people can watch videos for themselves, but just goingn watn of his tweet, he didn't say that it was people he was a talking about people blocking traffic or police. but he said simply expressin pen antisemitism. so you can say there's a doublea standard when it comest jewish to speech about jewish students on campus. there absolutely is. thati'm not going to respond to that by myself being a hypocrite. so i'm going to just sayf being i'm consistently a first amendment absolutist. and no matter how reprehensiblee the speech is, we have to stoppt from being to allowlo the government to have any control over what we can and can't say. >> all rightrnment t . i think good point, harris. >> but i go back to the central thing of it. once you interfere other people's lives, that's not a protest. >> well, well, i was just.t to r clear, i did distinguish that that wasn't what i was talking about, and that's not what it said either. sot contracwhatt fo i wasr youk account account is go. >> i think.
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and kat's 100% right her analysis and that, but whenn th you step on a school campus, there's a code of conduct that yousc to when you accept a scholarship except to play ball there are certain rulesn r that you have to to abide by. so when they are there's a difference between makingews e your judgment views heard and spewinarg threatening like i am hamas that's an entirely different thing than saying the that some of the worst things that we have heardng. to the but we have to get back to the grammar. okay. that's like the very the very argument of this is ignorant. hamas is not ver a proxyt of palestine. hamas is the government body of palestinea. so when they invaded on october 7th, that was palestine invading israel because it was their government. you can't say the government of america invaded't no america. so we already started splicing boys. th then we started hearing the pro hamas. hamas therepro i think i'v said it nauseum.
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you're either in or you're out. and if you're saying you are hamas, that means you are taking responsibility for their terrorist action thes. so i don't understand when somebody when you have a terrorist who will com someony in broad daylight and say, i'm home, i'm hamas, you arrest them m for just basically copping to being a part of a terrorist organizationg who currently we are still have our hostages right. >> so it would make sense hav to arrest all the i am hamas's and say, hey, palestine, we have 600 of your hamas soldiers and we're willing to trade the m for our hostages. i like that because it goes grammar that is good. bet there's a big difference between say i am hamasma and protesting and chanting. there's a biing. erence but once that line, that line is drawn to where you are draw to be a terrorist organization, all bets are off. but there's there's there'sr dag a very clear danger here. >> and i want to be quickeo be about this. when you have these protests specifically like in texasn yo,
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there's an opportunity for people who are not of the universitys to embed themselveo in these crowds. and that presents a huge danger to peopl thepresentse and i this what we get a pamphlet. >> protesters, the national protesters. . governor abbott said in 2019 he supports free speech on college campuses. he should sticernor abk to thatn use his own speech to speak out against it and condemn the stuff that's gross all right, jamie, that was directed at you. >> next, the cable news hacks behind trump attack. >> to me, harlem is home. the home is also your body new y laughs. when everyone i asked myself, why doesn't polariork is nots ea in harlem? so i started my own studios supa brick and mortar in new york. it's not easy, chasertome big s supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need withh card >> and i think with that, for me to earn uhap to 5% cash back on business essentials, but the chase ink business cash card chase ink business cash card chase for business
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sheryl sandberg on america's newsroom. inside new fil her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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thank you. a quote from doom weekly on zoom. >> according to politico, several prominent anti-trump >> go pus in legal analystsga have been holding weekly off the record. zoom calls to discuss the former president's latest twists and turns in his lega l saga. a an
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and also the best spot to get their backs waxed. quote, every friday they meet on zoom and intellectually stress tests. >> the arguments facin and integ it's not that different than watching the view, i guess, except, of course, minus the intellectual ti minus parte 12 p.m. feeding time at the thsce ten the audience tosse into the panelists drooling piet holeo ths. >> quote, some group members wouldn't describe themselves with any partisan or ideological lean, but most are united by their disliks witr of trump, meaning they're no different than what you see on legacy medifp meanina. so think of this zoom call as a weekly circlthe where needy never trumpers can get their stories straight before, ir trashing him on cnn and msnbc. it's a training campstory st foc people dreaming of nodding obediently to joy read like the bobblehead in a category five hurricane. and it includeclients notables as john dean, laurence tribe and kristol. wow. sounds like an all hands
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on approach. oh, i forgot. jeffrey toobin's also, it better be an all hands on deck . keep him where we can see him. jeffrey. oh, taft, we were just talkingtk about is it sad that jeffrey toobin, no matteinr what wille be known for whacking off on his game, golf, nknr o. >>, no. you got to put him next to diddy at hashtag. no. diddy? yeah. yeah no. >> like. like what's happening in your life where you're sittint's hape of the computer and you're whacking off with the zoom call? like, i don't even know how thaton't they, eve t you kna especially when you're somebody his stature, you should be able to go to a foreign country. you get as much nookie t as youd need, come back home, be a civilized human being. ivilized i have no remorse for . he will always be knownacky t as tacky. toobin and we're just going to leave ioot let at that. >> but, you know, as far as this whole trump situation tk
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goes, i think what it's about is slowing him down and making surt is sloe that he can't campaign. >> so i'm looking forwarde to add trump. i want to see trump some virtual trump stuff. i know he did something remotely the other day, so i'm looking forward to see how does he manage other the campaignn trai trail without actually being present. in a way, i think all this stuff makes him biggernk and really invigorates the base to go out and vote. >> so it's going to backfire in the long run. yeahgoin b. did something where he went and talked to construction iny, were all happyy to see him. so he's actually been able to kind of likto wase jujitsu, what do they call it, where they use w you're aggression against? >> i don't know. eessionhink you us their aikido a>> i di don' beca >> but it seems to me that these court cases are a deflectioni us being able to witness through the media. biden's disengaged orationhe don't look at the dying man. look at the man on trialdying m >> well, i think that echo
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chambers of any kind are a bad t thinhinkg. i feel like a call like this would be totally fine if these people were. then alsd beo opening themselvee to listening to other opinions, which i. i woulinionswhich d be shocked f they were. i mean, i like to actually notnr listen to anyone's opinion first before, when i thinking about something, i'll look at then thing bill and then i'll thenin i'll see what other people have to say about it. because then what you get ift if you don't is all these people,ns many of whom are the people that are listed in this article on the zoom call, running around being likt are oi i just don't get how anyone could support trump. and i'etm what have you asked anybody? >> yeah, there's a lot of places can listen to readpl people telling you why they do soing you i think that that's t gets harmful. who it because that that information could be valuable to have but they just don't really have any to it many of theseoo people would you like to hear that call to notke up yeah you know how i am when people call me up to team upst on people and hang up my own team. so i don't really need listen, this is when you're telling
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the trut you'rh, you don't need to meet. yeah, very simple. like this, isn't this is hard when you all have tod get togetherwh to, collaborate a story that should be saved for like guy should s night out that got weird, you know? >> and we ended up waking up a underneath a bar at a strip club and all the marriedstri, l listen, we need to get together. we got to figure this outot. stones on forever. the only time that guys shouldme get together to come up with a plan s ao they got to collaborae the lies and that's you shouldn't have to. alat's colrate t the pathetic nt all. >> and also, if you look at every guy on thatl and alsouo magnificent reasons to date, the other side of every one of them have been bested, embarrassed or beatenf th by president trump. yeah. so they all sit in their little grouem barristerp talking abouts him. >> and as far as the campaig n, no, stay exactly where you are, baby. >> this is thee on one time we t
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that 3 a.m. tweet you step outside that courthouse that'sue all the campaigning you need to deo the gag order. >> come get me. just keep because here's the deal. when >> when that judge is stuck, t they're stuck right now by any any real parent knows you. you laid the line out and the yo outd said, now what? now what? you're going to incarcerate him. you're goingt yo to find him no matter what way you move. the american people are goinh wg to be like, i've been through that . yeah, i can relate to that. >> there you go. you know, jimmy, you can relate to this story because zoom is the sean: y only you get to e your children. e yobut that's true. the audience is turning on me out of out of feeling sorry for you. it feels good. feels good. i was. i was saying hi to my son the other day. hadn'twas sa hello see him in ai >> he tried to skip the intro up, get the your surprise.
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when i saw this story, i was like, i'm not that interested. wawait a second. jeffrey toobin was there. yes. the and was e th he's got. how hard is it because? he was working for cnn. yeah. and they did the right thing and they fired him. but then he keeps popping. how good is he? how good is this guy as a correspondent, he just gets to keep like they're like, oh, is there anybody that wasn't on cameryone thaa? no all right. bring in jeffrey toobin. like he somehow ringinw he theyf did you there were some if you read the very end of this article, they got intothis ay gs some real deep i guess they start every meeting. they go, every jeffrey, we're starting we're starting the meeting. n and then they go. they go. th meetingg will be finished when jeffrey is nothing off the record. nothing is off. the writers really alarming. how many different stories you can make about .
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>> it's a lie. and you know, the best part i about it is proof that we're in a simulation. >> his name is toobin. it's unbelievablthe proof ie. a like, how can you do like,n vid >> w like david pecker is now in the new . is it? it's crazyaz. i don't know. i won't. i, i always assume everything's off the record. everyone, especially the worldwide. well, like, even sometimes watching , i'll look into the camera and go, look, this is the kind of stuff i'm talkinf m andy s thf g about. i got to move on. that's very funny. but still reads prompter. tuo, they need a lot back. gt first. it's got to be the rapid grasp. your to see the law. i'm giving you a stronger law, i'm giving you a stronger law, miller bm... to build a rapid grasp today. feeding puppies your bathroom needs for small spaces.thro the always on odor fighting air freshener. you seom st and forget no outles
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here he is struggling with a prompter, even reading the stage direction. >> roll the most significant investment, the climate diree. the work that you like to. >> and lots of it. more years. >> four more years. are you ready to choose? freedom over democracy fordemocr democracy now, this would be harmless and sad if. you were just some old at thes u post office thinking he was at home depostolt asking where they keep the ebola nuts and twine. but he'sking where he's our pre. this is a guy who can't makeis a a speech. there's a helicopter going on in the background, and that's there ipresiden theye a helicopter going even whenn he's traveling by cawhr. >> so now, does the laughter make sense? e ma if these bogus cases didn't exist against trump, the media woulf ths cased have no choice o cover the accelerated mental decline of the leader of,
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the free world. it should be the biggest story on earth. the presiden the lt of thein united states in cognitive freefall. as war rages arounognitived wor. instead, we get donald trump naps in court. donald trump in the dems in the media created d the perfect distractioancen to.y carry them to november. they're ignoring him. slowly die right before our eyes while persecuting the opponent. to it's all worth it. and to their credit, it's diabolically genius. it's almost a shame joe's too j far gone to really appreciateece it i. it's no longer hard to find these videos. just come in the morning. they pile up like your morning junk mail. listen, be more in favor of showing the videos when he gets one, right? >> yes o, i think we should. just because i'll just come in to work to discuss when he gets themn he right. >> so i'll see y'all in about six months. >> they're not gaffes anymore. yeah. stop calling it gaffes. s noit's a gaffe. a gaffe is going. this dude. he literally said, pause dudrals
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and then in one of the speeches, he says, we can't be trusted. so sai be trusted he's telling, you know? so just grandpa's checked out and. yes, listen, he couldn't get a job in radio now because if he read the ads, pausef yo, sat, repeat, he'd get fired. yeah , like this. the worst radio reading ever. but you can be president yet he couldn't work at a department store. a. oke you couldn't be he couldn't be one of the people that holds the sign outside orleat holds he could me call a bar. yeah. here you go. so you could maybeg:e coulmayb y in front of the car, the bigof you have that kind of flexibility that i wish there was a name for those guys. >> the only job he's apparentl y qualified for as president of the united stateshe's, he wod . >> jamie, it's kind of scary because is what we see.
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>> imagine what we don't see. oh, my we're not seeing. >> you're so right. this is the best of th te best. >> yes, exactly. tyr yeah. tires is so right. imaginuss soe how it would takeh to assemble a non blooper reel . >> do you know when the crowd was chantingl do four more year, biden had just gone. what's the longest you guys think live? >> yeah. wait for laughter. that should be on your head. should be on your tombstone. . i know. oh, tap. >> well. well, i kind of want to piggyback off of that, want w visuals of peopleg handling biden off camera. >> yeah. what is that job like? yeah, like, oh, man, it cut oute and diamond. >> get it, get get i dt. and he's looking back. they're like, what are
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you doing? like what?back >> what is that like? oh, but i do want to say, as the official did the show. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ,whoa, whoa. wow. you on some serious lines here, brianna? >> and so he runs wave. yeah. i'm steve. i.nt t >> i just want to make all the t way people to clouhed clear. von >> black people might vote forta biden this year. >> i can't do nothing about the older ladies. no, the older ladies. they're too far goneolder la , young lady. >> it's true. all right, we must move on. up next, are you a racist swine ? >> if you skip a line after what is going on on american campuses, what do our enemies want to influence? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you say someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class from the river to the
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sea. palestine must be free that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point? and can we stand up to it? poison ivy with pete hegseth streaming now on fox, sign up at fox nation icon. >> wow. incredible. amazing. my go to is them. if i drop them off, i dramatically reduces in one minute and look at the difference my eyes. the brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours. it's kind of amazing. >> see for yourself. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust former soviet union today. it's aca proof the needsve you e it's aca proof the needsve you e that these forgotten jews have are something beyond of i. have you eaten this morning? yea. yea. yea. eight. accurate to say. a tough week yesterday and i had it today for breakfast and this is what she ate in two
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screening, saying it's an equity issue dividing equio the and have nots. since fliers who can afford the $180 annual fee can skip lines whil e who can't afford it cannot. and they call this thinly veiled. m if tha if that's the case, could you argue that first class,e tht business class, hotel room suites, any kind of upgrad e club memberships, all of these are the same. >> yeah. th . lso clear af and every single time i get selected for a random id check, it's not so random. and then also, i've been flying all over for tour. i haven't gone through the clear line once because it's always longer tha havtn. ac >> just the regular tsa precheck line. so what's that? so like to try to tacklernment something that's already over? >> yeah, it. tha >> nobody. that line is not a good line to be in. line ood liget that government. >> it depen it does dependents. it is weird. it is weird hooked up to you. >> do you use clear or not? oh, yeah.r not.i definitely use clear.e >> i got tsa in clear because, a like she said, sometimes
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clear hit and miss. right. but i feel like the responseor e to this is racist because i work my blacckk all to get clear. you know, it's not like i get to the airport and i put my up i in the air. yeah. as i'm walking over to clear, like, look at yo w ou people you couldn't afford. >> claire, i do this. eyes >> they scan my eyes forfr my clone and all of that eyebrows right there. >> but i'm like, what are you. what are you doing? you going to take this away? this is what i fought for. >> i worked hard for this,ta and they're taking this away. i don'this iwork hart this at a. this is oppressing me. yeah. there needs to be a sanctuary city forall.>> they people whod money to afford nice things. >> yeah. i don't know what theyebugging call that. jamie.r do they have clear for the greyhound bus that's standing? yeah. six. if we get to ten, everybodyf we gets free. chick-fil- geta. oh, my goodness. d
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i can't afford the greyhound bus. >> i do. i feel like for 180 bucks, b i feel like it's a low price to feel superior, right? >> yeah. they were sayingsuperior, like, you're rich if you have. and i was like, this is the only thing i have that people thin memorably.oue onl claire clear came out great. i texted you andi text i go, con i borrow $180? and i go that same day tha. >> also, i don't think it's that much money. think about airporyt. that's the same price as a as ae bottle of water and a bagachios of unsold pistachios. >> yeah, i've been here fo aairt just on shelves, but the ones that you can't even open oncjus yeah, yeah. and then i heard somebody go, this is dystopian. >> i somi go, does dystopian med super convenient? >> because that's what it feels like to me. you know what, tyrus? this is just banking on the the kind of the left-wing ideology o of envy if i can't have it,av neither can you know, this is this gavin newsom did this.
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>> okay, listen, i to walkalso through i'm clear pre-check and i enjoy it and i lovdeee my people that i see every week, get my little clear and i don't do the eyes. i trus d t one to get the fingerprints. that's because i know that's already in the system. but an id i through there and there's a line, you know what? i'm clear pre-check. and it just feels right. yeah. every once in a while, i'ln prlg a general border. >> i'll be likhte a e, turn my children the other way. and if one of my kids is acting up, you want to be the one to be like dad, you wanna be generalikeyou wa when i tello you home? are you going to end up in that long lin dk yoe of them watching their move? >> slove co i love clear. like, clear is is all that i can get. i got an award like favoritecle passenger for that. >> s lo i clear soon i'm onappae the other list of herent tonigh, but i'm clear. i'm going to talk to her. >>o talk. g to work it out >> and they also get they're saying, oh, no one should cut in line. >> and then, okay, well, what about all the illegals that are andn what just coming ,
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like, their contingency plan? yeah, but it's pure and simple. communism. yeah. and we know it was an angrlis y lady who tried to trick clear. yes. and they didn't. they always get caughted to trkn when they're about to get. and then, oh, i'm going to complain to my friend gavinhy . yeah. and of course gavin doesn't have to work at panera bread too. they get all the benefits. gavin doesn't have to worry about any kind of fly. he flies . >> so it's just the politician gets to cut in line. yeah. all righo cuin lint. i don't need clear. i'm getting air force one. i'm getting air force one. yeah don't n. up next, an interview with the britt turned into a skit. can the reba support your brain health? fuel u >> merry janet. hey, eddie. now, frasehealth ir. >> frank. frank. brad. how are you? brad? fuel u p to seven brain health indicators, including your memory. join them. areva. brain challenge to get your yard done right. >> arrows trust greenworks for instant on run all day commercial grade absolute power. and now you can unleash
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c for the help you need to navigate this disease, go to pc levorg today . >> oh okay. i guess we should cover this. it's kind of tailor made for our show, so we would be remiss if we were to ignore thie s sor of thing, which is why we're w forcing you to watch this interview. piers morgan dide forcin crackhd barney, the anti-israel chick who accosted alec baldwin at a new york coffee shop this week. watch what you did to alec baldwin. >> can you explain why you did it? cay yo i do to this day? the damage that alec did to me o that i've never recognized, that i was the man? why a white man? my monday, i was mad.
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my is broken, my neck is broken. no, this i like the work that that black guy never like does go back and early in the morning their wigs come off and it's not a well yes, it's my hair. i'm a white man identified as a white woma in. i know what you're thinking. she made some good points. all right. oh, she won me over with.on it's too early in the morning. n i'm beginning to think this is an act. you know, my family be bugging sometimes. that's my art.g >> yeah. >> you know, we're both in show business, and every day, you knowwere , i love that lady.dy that was one of the best skits s ever.
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>> fully support her because i saw when she came afterwhen alec and she did the whole thing when i saw this, oh, this is a great connectiow this likns is genius performance art. >> this lady's going places. isi love it. >> yeah. at first tyrus, i thought that wha.t t did to alec baldwin was amazing in the sense that she made him to me. i mean, i felt bad for him. now i realize what the she's. she's worked the system perfectlectly.y. >> yeah. >>feel you disagree. yeah, it's normally when i have another brother on the show, i do everything i can to get along. >>ho but i'm mad.didn't pierce didn't just turn it off. yes, hilarious. but unfortunatelturn it ous y is we're in right now, it's never funny for someon ie to have becu a white face on a black facese because it's not an issue. because what she she's clearly playing a role. right? right. shs trying to capitalize. and we're all paying attention. but here's the thing. the people that seane peoplee tn they want to do it. then why have someone come
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on black facvee trying to bea fe a fake protester? >> and then that's when hirotest ale, you know, we have to stop to bwing one to do it or we got to be cool with everybody doing it. and wee cool can't be cool. nee she didn't need the white face to be ridiculous. she had ridiculous on locke cat. >> okay. your piers does no good tbh. i mean, you have to admit he knew what he was getting intohe hav. ke >> i feel like i know this isn't the point, but i just really would like to hear fromoe whoever had to make her up forve that. ha ha ha ha ha ha. who?e atere did they attach the earpiece to her diaper? my oh, my god. her name is crackhead barney. is that her name? yes. >> it yeah. crackhead barney. what's that? your namwahat youre? jamie? >> jamie. yeah. without the. >> yt withou barney. i heard a bunch of crackheads are, like, don't misrepresen
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t. >> it's like, yeah, the crack kids came out of it. i'm alwaysersuspic very suspicis of anyone with one crutch. >> she had just one crutch. that's a good point. yeah. grifters usually have one. >> it's one, and there's always two of them. but they're not togethero of. a >> and you're always like, can l you help me with my baikg to,thy my car? and then they take out the little that smelling thing k e an . >> they put it on your face and then you wake up buried. that'sd then up right?n >> did you see in the video of gerlach? baldwin, alec, like like she's yellinhim ang and then her he knocked the phone out of her hand. it's like i know looking back and i wasnd no look watchiu like, he's so good at that because he does it 20 times a day. that's his life. all right. >> i don't think she'll be on the show. the show. we'll be right back.l that f >> they need a loan back first. >> they need a loan back first. and you need scotch toast. t. grace. it goes, guys, to tells us that it doesn't see the law i'm giving you a stronger law, miller freedom. and it's got stir build rapid
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