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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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from assignment while medical personnel were summoned the vice president was able to naval observatory when the incident occurred no impact on her departure they going to say they take the safety and health of our employees very seriously it was a medical matter and we won't disclose any further details after they receive the attention needed it will be if they can return to work usually after a internal review it's determined if top-secret clearance is removed from medical or disciplinary reasons. >> sean: thank you for the report. thank you for being with us that's all the time we have a set your dvr's so you never miss the apps owed let not your heart be troubled greg is standing by to put a smile on your face thanks are being with us have a good night. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] >> happy wednesday everybody. a special edition of gutfeld i'm tom shillue filling in for greg is working off the last of wind his winter weight in zumba class as archeologist found 2 bottles with cherries laid in the 17 seventies they also destroyed george washington's floor. a 9-year-old nicknamed siegel boy is the winner of a screeching contest he faces off against america's top screech or some women paying $500 to
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have salmon sperm injections to improve sex lives it doesn't make them 40% more likely to be eaten by bears. to eliminate burnout they want a 4 day work week after all that pushing millennial's quit. deadpool and wolverine trailer came out team up to save the world from fast and furious sequel and woman arrested after cocaine was found at the cubby in school they became suspicious when he owed everyone money and mist nap time best of times and worst of times from charles
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dickens i thought i need open with a literary reference to make me seem smart. are we in good times are bad hard to tell a lot of what's going on in the world is very grim and if we need more signs these are the end times they let joe machi host of the show 2 nights ago. also 1 party's presidential candidate is on trial by members of the other party and we are supposed to pretend this is anything to do with the law if that wasn't glaringly obvious it's all political the judge in 1 case placed a gag on the candidate. not the kind of that grade wears. like out obvious can they be. they know if he keeps talking he might win so let's prevent him from talking i wonder if he thinks this is a total disgrace
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unconstitutional if it's ever happened before. >> it's a disgrace unconstitutional i don't believe it's ever happened to this extent before i'm not allowed to defend myself other people are allowed to say whatever they want about me. it's very, very unfair. the other candidate insists he had nothing to do with this. it's almost believable because he rarely appears to know where he is yesterday that joe finally admit what we've all known for some time. >> president joe biden: i don't know why we are surprised they jump how many times does he have to prove he can't be trusted. how many times does he have to prove he can't be trusted. >> did you say we may be he did mean we usually win the he has a
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slip it's off the edge of the stage. on some issues joe does seem both sides. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protests. i do that's why i'm setting up a program to do it that i also condemn those not understand what's going on to the palestinians. >> you condemn people he don't understand what's going on is in that the pot saying the cattle as dementia we don't trust the government what about the science that ship assailed almost if it was any more obviously made in china it would have a nike shushan it just this week i finally admitted china's a long history of lying about the origins of covid-19 detailing at length how china froze meaningful efforts to
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trace the virus from the first weeks of the outbreak they specifically point the possibility they inspected the market a full week before they say they did the search is never been mentioned publicly or by the world health organization pretty significant rate look at how they headlined their story how the search turned politically poisonous. turned to you turned. you and the rest of the mainstream media ended on that soup meanwhile across the street was a lab with more active viruses than hunter bidens boxer briefs. with the headline should have said it was we knew china lighting covered it up here so they didn't the very least the media should admit they twisted the truth like a balloon animal on behalf of the chinese government that w ho and reckless scientist gabbling a public safety the name of scientists will people like
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fauci putting the fund and gang of functions we don't trust politicians courts establishment big pharmaceuticals are science but we use to all enjoy movies didn't we that's over 2 according to jerry seinfeld in a recent interview he said this about his hollywood friends. they don't have any idea of the movie business is over film doesn't occupy the pinnacle and the social hierarchy at did most of our lives he added when a movie came out if it was good we all went to see it we all discussed it he's right why did that go away because the left as to make everything about politics every movie has more annoying messages and it then kat timpf's fan page inbox to take the fun out of everything but i have to look for a civil dorsal relining. here's where i take solace it
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seems every day more people wake up and realize how bad it's gotten have you heard about red build america will they didn't just stop at 1 pill we are gobbling these things like fruity pebbles so we don't trust institutions maybe that's a good thing maybe we were in it for meant to trust these people may we should put our trust and energy into our families and friends and the people he mean something to us and put the elites on notice we are no longer buying what you're selling. plus beside abide in economics we can't afford it and saying i'm not can a ridge or ease your watcher shows a seer movies me and my friends are having our own party. and our party is better than yours. >> let's welcome tonight's guests. in high school he hung out with
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the lunch ladies. guy benson. his jokes land like the hindenburg joe machi and so plucky chickens ran away from her, kat timpf. and he only serves soon armies, tyrus tyrus have to start actually review. >> first time ever i'm so excited. >> first of all that i make a lot of sense, little sense? >> it was beautiful but you like the word maybe. >> i keep the possibilities open. a maybe, a maybe towing the line the thing about the movies right or just 1 good movie away. if you have 1 movie everybody
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loves perfect example barbie how sorry the fellas didn't like it wasn't made for us we are big boys doesn't have to be about us i didn't go into barbie saying there's nobody looks like me in this movie let's not go we can't be like that okay my daughters loved it. i napped during the 7 times we saw but it was a great movie and girls like that because it was a movie about barbie. if the movie was about g.i. joe i would've liked it better because i used to be a boy playing with jay joe so i don't relate but the point is great movie people came out to see it did great numbers so he's full of his movies might not do that well anymore but in general the woke movies don't do also stop making woke movies start making good movies and people will be there. i mean can come against godzilla flawless was packed seats everywhere it was as american as
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you can get big monsters fighting all over the world there was a soup likes in therefore us wrestling fans was a great movie and people loved it that's where i would disagree just make his movies that are good doesn't matter who you vote or sleep with just go this is fun and they will come back. good times are bad times are you more cynical or appositive guy like tyrus is? >> cerebral of you who kinda with them. i think top gun was another example it's hard to be overly rosy these days i have a bone to pick because i think were a little too tough on president biden that man just lost an uncle that cannibalism he is grieving okay to take shots the way you did how could you. people who listen may show or follow my commentary they know
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i'm not a huge trump guy we can smell a rat from far away when it's unfair keep saying it's unfair he says all the time but he happens to be right as i read more about the story talking with legal experts in such 1 fact stop me in my tracks. the judges abide in donor are you kidding what fair-minded american even if somebody does my trunk and you find a single judge in new york city who didn't give money to the political opponent of the man you preside over his trial that just seems nuts to me was that allowed to happen. think most legal scholars look at this thing and say there's no justification. put it on hold maybe it's a campaign they've got a gag order and there's is not allowed to talk the whole point to do it is now putting on hold is not an
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option if he gets convicted i think they photo down the line her appeal the whole point is for the next 6 months at some point to have the brand convicted felon on trump and then if it all falls apart after november they don't care is that too cynical? >> they're just not counting the fact they have no problem's with convicted felons. >> i don't think it will hurt do you joe? >> for low information people who for that label on they are paying attention that's a big problem we have all the time a lot of people are paying attention. trust in the monolog it's like drake's cosmetology degree it has to be earned so many times the experts and authorities were wrong as they were wrong on inflation that's not going to happen or covid-19 didn't come from the place we are making covid-19 you also worry about that or ou cranes going to win
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the war they kept saying they would win even though people keep dying and we keep having to send the more money they come up with another excuse seems like the people wrong all the time keep failing upwards like a buffalo bills field goal attempt. >> i think you're with me, because i don't thank you ever trusted these institutions right if more people don't trust these institutions which we know aren't just flawed at this point all of them in my eyes have fallen and if more people realize that they prepare the culture on their own. >> it interesting because of the history of lying as if the motivation to lie to remain in power and also gives them the means to lie is much easier to do that. what some of them are sad about that is when is it was happening or when it does happen throughout covid-19 for example
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those was part of those constitutions those without power would hate each other based on the lies the institutions were sharing. people in the real lies their relationships with other people were severed because exam of you want to keep business open your grandma killer a murderer how do you not care and so many of these things realize the entire time it's actually good i think for people to wise up and not put all the trust in institutions because it's true because they say so but why. why would you trust that with all the different lies all of us pointed out focus on the relationships with each other. >> i'm going to say best of times that are times her head though. i will perform a solo show spontaneous combustion april twice 6 and 27th at the
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st. louis funny bone and me to a fourth and 25th at the trait house of comedy go to tom shillue for more information and can narcissistic withstand tiktok getting band
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[ ♪♪ ] chinese company on the talkative dish clock to a buyer for tiktok. the force in the company that owns tiktok to either sell it or face a ban legislatures from both parties at concern their
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put their electing data about how bad they are dancing. they have 9 months to cell tiktok or be banned leaving millions of vapid influencers without a outlet to express their hatred for america or their preferred pronouns. they have extra time to protest israel even though he signed allow potential he banning tiktok there told his campaign remains on the up but it makes sense he only uses tiktok to clear up his yes. >> here's the deal to guys and tiktok you misheard me. i didn't say my uncle was eaten by cannibals i said my son was eating cannabis. he likes it what are you gonna do we all are snacks right he likes cannabis i like ice cream
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orange man bed. 's do some dance. [ cheering and applause ] he's not grieving any more at least so all the jokes are okay now it's bipartisan which is surprising to me. >> and glad they did it it's an espionage tool and a propaganda tool of our number 1 adversary poisoning the youth of america this is a serious decision by country it seems increasingly unserious some glad we did it. there was a way to get around it without outright legislative action which was tweak it a little bit and force american tiktok users to play by the
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rules china imposes on kids in their countries and tiktok where they have limited hours a day and has to be educational material i think it would be sprinting to instagram because it would defeat the purpose because it's insightful how the chinese use in their own country 's home how the opposite of how they select us i'm glad they did this let's go for a libertarian viewpoint i suspect we might get pushback from kat i disagree with guy benson. >> like i don't necessarily disagree has less about tiktok itself the linkage in the bill talking about foreign adversary it's a very bit vague broad definition when it was in the house rand paul talked about how there was fifth amendment to
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first amendment concerns because there are americans have ownership and tiktok as well the government can't seize your property without due process but also going back to what we were talking about the last segment telling americans to be afraid of saying from a foreign adversary that's what we had the patriot act so i don't feel comfortable with this the potential to take away our rights. >> how much is china paying you? >> greg: the bomber is not even a single dollar. >> lilo chanda by farmland in the united states. rt russia today is a russian network i can watch right after we tape the show i can go watch it so there's all sorts of foreign media and other kind of influencers in our country why this application at this time. >> if you like him on this comes
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from a parent for the legislation this is a joke you are banning them so what an american company can do the same thing let's not act like facebook and instagram all these other applications don't do the same thing if they were really concerned with protecting our kids they would use the algorithms. a man can go on social media look on child pornography and algorithms can tell you how old he is how often he doesn't you catch them doing this your sects trafficking you want to stop all that stuff it's on the network when it comes to our kids kicking go on their be like i will go on an adult website they know for the algorithm on normal days he still a kid they can tell he's 12 years old saying is 18 or older on porn hub they just don't care because the people he by these bots are the pedophiles and stuff money is more important to these
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countries that are children if they cared about our kids they would use this to catch predators but they don't they instead inspire them help them build communities it's complete [ bleep ] who cares' going to be the same [ bleep ] that's my issue. >> do you agree they would just sell it to some company doing the same stuff of tiktok? >> it's a highly successful product they would just do the same thing in the idea the government cares about privacy or china is laughable. they want to stop privacy violations they just make it illegal to spy on a phone china can buy the information from a third party like a government already does part of the first amendment is right to hear what a foreign adversary says and if we really want to stop china we should get rid of the free trade deals so we don't depend on them
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for biotics and pants. >> greg: yeah, 6 seconds to rebut all 3 arguments. >> i guess i'm the only person here who loves america. if we are going to poison our brains with nonsense i would rather do it to ourselves. and out of china do it. up where they chose so hospitality over ivy league brutality i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me.
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now you're the bird stuck in the attic.
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weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos. [ ♪♪ ] >> lenore vince goolsby forgot when students flock to the land of cotton the study south of the mixing. they have severance schools were teeth and shoes are optional. it's part of the nationwide
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enrollment trend impacted by anti- israel campus protest that top-tier universities schools years ago discriminating against jews now discriminate against asians and jews. places like columbia and yale see violent demonstrations even arrests as mobs the students take to the streets professing anti-semitism for jewish students it happened in formerly prestigious institutions enough of a reason to look else where not just for that but also their safety. one-person it north carolina university expanded a recent part the madness hasn't reached schools down south sing even if i could have gotten into harvard i would not have gone i feel safe on campus. your that right the south is the land of tolerance nonsense as well but progressive policies are pushing students away from harsh lockdowns restrictions on free speech obsession with gender and race bearing the
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rotten fruit of their sordid labor. students over in mississippi said since day 1 my classmates made me feel welcomed other than the actions and their cowboy boots that was wild to me they were cowboy boots everywhere. it was like i found my second home. which is kind of ironic because if anybody should be wearing boots it's an ivy league school rails you find a course [ bleep ] that deep. >> greg: did you put that were to my scripps i had to stayed on camera? >> i wouldn't say that when i host. >> classic joe strikes again. >> what you think about them going down south to avoid the politically correct stuff up north? >> there was a protest at austin but they dealt with it i will say this. protests in the north might actually make schools in the
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south more attractive to me i remember the end of the term is like worried about studying for finals reading that term paper not going camping indefinitely until they pretend to arrest you. all they need is for 1 university president to do the right thing and say you can't take over and falsely imprisoned and as all people the rest will then plagiarize it. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: guy you are an ivy league i do think it's worse than these elite school? >> big ten guy went to northwestern the nerd school they have been awful on this issue unfortunately which is on trend honestly there was an analysis of buy sports conference have any schools are under investigation for
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anti-semitism ivy league had more than half big ten had a few the sec and southeast had 0 of those 16 schools. so there is something to be said there and here's another thing. a superficial point because it's a serious problem part of college of course learning is paramount but it's also supposed to be fun. nothing about this stuff is fun on these campuses it's exhausting it's awful and bigotry on parade and for my money it's a lot less money to go to the schools down south. if you're going to be huge group of people gather together screaming in the name of terrorists and other schools are doing it because the storm a field after football win. that's the 1 i want to be at most americans agree. you're a new documentary was
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your experience. >> this is definitely not there. has a full tuition scholarship for academics and journalism. but now. >> i was expecting applause and favor. >> i did not. >> which are cleat high-risk week i beat people up. >> maxi trying to make a point which i'm using that ivy league schools on the other hand i got into wanting couldn't afford to go so i didn't go. they are also extremely expensive as the only reason you go to columbia is to say i went to columbia and then i went to columbia. you can say that people might
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say well in a different way it was this heralded association to happen out controversial to have. so 1 thing that really was a value was the connections but also the brand of the universities they went to an ivy league school when you don't have that a lot of people would say why would you spend all that money when you can get a scholarship or go somewhere else not that expensive. >> is a machine gun from these universities? >> i live in the south it's nice to finally be recognized for being tolerant and inviting. we want these smart brains coming to our colleges and institutions we don't care of your race are sexual orientation whatever. you're welcome that that works down there. daily issues there's no dutch. keep the dutch out other than that we are good. i don't stand for that but to
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keep them out at my reasons. >> what is happening? >> it goes back to the point yet a chance to go to an ivy league school i threw people over the rope same chair that's america that's beautiful. the sadness of it had to make a joke because is no real joke about this. you go into a higher level of learning that's crazy. big word look it up. but they are not just scared to go to school these kids are chanting i am hamas recent group arrested was 25-28 these aren't impressionable children these are grown adults screaming i am hamas which means the media tries to soften it pro hamas note you are hamas if you say i
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am hamas you are hamas we of terrorists in this country protesting and we are doing nothing about it. ward for bid if the 3 of you decided to be nazis and stand outside the fox building how long do you thank you would be fired and never allowed back? you wouldn't get the nazi a get just the letter and in and you'd be done but for some reason the keep saying pro this pro that. if i'm promote pro hamas i claim everything they do. i mean broad dental -- delete saying on the terrace will you do get them out of the campuses arrest them in charge. >> coming up something neat a rowboat k-9 brings the heat. ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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[ cheering and applause ] >> a robot dog turning into a you'll log. in ohio company created a flame throwing robotic dog. watch here. >> i am death the destroyer of worlds. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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>> developer say this 1 wants to poop on your lawn you better let him. mckay i want to start with does anybody think this is cool i want to give time to people who like this what you think joe machi? >> i think it's a terrible idea 1 thing our society doesn't need is more ways to start fires. that's 1 thing. plus you can't just blast living things indiscriminately with a robot unless it's a joe biden approved a drone strike. >> i love when he is on the show. >> it's great, it's great. my dog i have to put them on a leash and he's a nice dog right. >> i think in this video the music selection is doing a lot like a lot of the heavy lifting because they are playing a fun videogame tramp and song you put other music under that and you
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would start crying probably. so i agree i don't think this is a good thing and the amount at times like my phone started malfunctioning a little bit today which is bad i can't send text messages but that doesn't mean anybody's house is on fire. >> of this dog gets away. this thing is priced under $10,000. >> for 3 i do it. my gutfeld credit card will do that. listen this isn't a dog let's stop with that part that's the government fooling you. everyone so it's a dog it's a cute dog. do you realize this entire room would be in flames if this dog decided we were expendable? you should be afraid and to be honest with you normally my solution to any type of robot's cup of water we need a bigger cut for this 1.
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forget the fire noticed the jumping like you aren't getting away this is terminator but they don't have arnold schwarzenegger. in fairness at least before you die the dog might say like a poor give us a stick around or some kind of funny quit because you are going to feel a thing when the flamethrower hits you. and it appeared lee doesn't run out like it was just going. like he was ready so it's not just you that syria entire village rate or city so we should be really concerned if we see them walking around the street because remember the help with crime deterrence they would see was something reported and the message they get back is burnet. >> a guy i guess maybe it's for clearing brush i'm not sure what the purposes. >> did you say clearing the dutch. >> no, we leave the dutch alone around here.
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>> i'm just annoyed you saved a story about a flame or for the day grade isn't here. i can't make the jokes i want to i just have to again disagree with tyrus this thing identifies as a dog and that is good enough for me and i think at troop a dissipate and compete in westminster see how it goes for the competition. people might be mad about it but i say let it live. >> it's got a switch on it that asme after beholding the trigger >> up impenetrable security system. it don't we've got a little switch. >> it's on the dog yes to catch it there. >> what if it says fire you can switch it to humping. >> not good. >> you thought about everything. >> find out about why there is good news in the sky.
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>> automatic refunds for canceled flights. this is the transportation department what you think of that. this is actual real news. >> i guess. what i want is the flight. that's why made them exchange of money for further flight i've already made that why can't i get on the flight. as you get the money back. >> they give it a service refund well mine won't. before we go forward i have said some things about the dutch i
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would like to apologize. to tell a family secret my grandmother was dutch. and we hated her. when meals are great yet? no i recant i still hate the dutch. sorry kat i tried. >> what about the airlines? >> we are giving you a refund. >> no [ bleep ] thank you. >> we'll give you a tell if you are swimming wonderful that's dome. you announced you are doing what you supposed to do the real question is why did it take so long. >> that's part of the biden administration is always talking about this while rome burns he's been talking about these kind of fees and you've got mayor pete announcing disagree are supposed to be happy about it. >> secretary pete tom.
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>> doesn't he still like mayor pete i don't know. >> he's in charge of this so does this only to plot applied to domestic airlines i exclusively flight klm the dutch airline. >> and they are a good airline. >> why are they good because they are dutch. have you flown there i have not great. >> i fly a lot the airline street you so horribly i'd rather not. the reason they treat you horribly is the government allowed a local monopoly as at will long as we're talking about junkies the biggest conveyor of junkies unite treated me terribly when i die they won't
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take 50% of my wealth and i die you don't get the federal government proud for this they keep bailing them out all the money that goes back to the airline if these refunds continue. >> don't go away we will be right back. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning.
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[ cheering and applause >> greg: thank you to our guests and our studio audience. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this i


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