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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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way, when you've got a catholic there who's been defying his church for years, supporting abortion on demand when his church clearly says you can't do that as a catholic in good standing. this is particularly odious i have to say. >> he is an ardent practicing catholic, just like nancy pelosi so get off their backs. thank you. that is it for us tonight. tomorrow i'm going to be on with martha maccallum on the story so tuner in for that around 3:00 eastern and follow me on social media. of course facebook and instagram and x, all the comings and goings of the angle. thank you for watching and remember, it is america. sometimes it doesn't seem so that it's america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight. >> if i went into the nyu square
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with a white hood on and said lynch the blacks or burn the gaze, my id would be shut off by that night and i would never work in academia again. >> jesse: the u.s. is negotiating with terrorists on american soil. john lovitz is here. >> losing his mind and i'm reaping the benefits. today was the first time i've been in the same room with donald trump and he's definitely a scholar and walks in a gate that is more sharply than you would think. >> jesse: the media treating trump like a caged animal. i beg you, if you make the water go down i will sit at your feet and serve you for all attorney deep. >> jesse: 2 million for a toilet and a quarter million for a violinist. your tax dollars at work. plus... >> destroy our world. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> jesse: america's foreign-policy has always been a simple one. you are either with us or against us. >> every nation in every region now has a decision to make. either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. from this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the united states as a hostile regime. >> jesse: our nation has never bent a need to terrorists or mobs home or abroad. when the high court to segregated schools and a mob descended on the little rock nine, what did eisenhower do? he sent the 101st airborne into the heart of little rock. >> in that city, under the leadership of demagogic extremists, disorderly mobs have deliberately prevented the carrying out of proper orders from a federal court.
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the interest of the nation and the proper fulfillment of the law's requirements cannot yield to opposition and demonstrations by some few persons. mob rule cannot be allowed to override the decisions of our courts. >> jesse: all week intimidation and mob rule has been spreading on american campus. from coast to coast. >> don't touch them! [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ cheering ] [♪♪] [ chanting ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ chanting
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>> jesse: it's not just what they are doing, it's what they are saying. listen... [ chanting ] [ cheering ] >> there is only one solution! >> jesse: jihad he war cries are bringing through the air tonight. unlike eisenhower, biden is not sending in the national guard. this week he said there's fine people on both sides. today he ran away from the podium. >> mr president do you have a message? >> jesse: no one knows what the white house position is. not even the woman who speaks for the white house. she has no idea. >> i mean look, i can't speak to
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what's going on on the ground. i know what -- what is happening now, happening today, so i have no idea how -- how that's being -- how that's being dealt on the ground. >> jesse: calls for a muslim uprising are piercing the air. jewish students are being blocked from class and columbia just went remote for the rest of the semester. columbia university says they are negotiating with the arab spring breakers. they are asking what it be okay if you guys packed up your tense and just removed the caliphate from the quad? the united states does not negotiate with terrorists. >> this is how terrorism works and it works on columbia's campus the same way it works in kabul and in rafah. you start off slow and you see that you don't have to face consequences so you amp up the heat more and more and you amp up the heat until the other side gets to a breaking point and starts negotiating with you. this is how terrorism works. it works everywhere around the
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world by scaring you into doing what they want. >> jesse: college presidents were just on capitol hill telling us that screaming "kill the jews" was again school policy. the one who said it wasn't was fired. now the schools aren't enforcing their own policy. they are negotiating with the students breaking it. because they can't really figure out whose lower on the oppression totem pole, muslims or jews. but you don't need a totem pole, you just treat everybody equally. imagine that! everybody gets respect, everybody gets protected. since when do you pay $80,000 a year and get classes canceled because students set up a gaza strip and bellow out "i am hamas " you can't yell "oim k k k all day in the quad. >> if i went into the nyu square with a white hood on and said lynch the blacks, burn the gaze, my id would be shut off by that
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night and i would never work in academia again. there were be no need for the words context or new wants, i would not be protected by terms like the first amendment or free speech. >> jesse: if i'm not a hamas lover, just a pro- palestinian and everybody in the protest is yelling death to israel, i might pack up and pitch my tent somewhere else. instead of yanking their ids and suspending them, politicians are praising them. >> i am incredibly moved by your courage and bravery as a student body in putting your bodies on the line to stand in solidarity to end the genocide that is taking place in gaza. >> jesse: it starts on college campuses and festers down the chain. by the way, the israelis our bombing gaza and feeding them and delivering them aid and america is giving the palestinians billions of dollars these students don't know that because when they arrived on campus they were ready to be radicalized.
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a month before this uprising, columbia hosted a crew of terrorist influencers who endorsed highjacking planes. >> for example highjacking airplanes. it was one of the most important tactics that the palestinian resistance have engaged in. if it wasn't for these tactics, we would never have heard of -- for example and other palestinian women who let these kinds of heroic operations that introduced palestinian questions to the world. >> jesse: the faculty lit a match but their brain were tender boxes since lower school. the propaganda begins in kindergarten. >> today what we are going to do is show -- out free palestine. can i hear that? shout free palestine. if you are a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it, if you are a drag queen
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and you know it shout free palestine. excellent. >> jesse: if you are interested in the drag queen mentality, i interviewed one for my book. not sure if you heard of "get it together" but a whole chapter on it, still on amazon. i don't think greg? -- drag queens would survive long in gaza but they've been grooming johnny jihad to burst into flames for semesters. while telling you the real threat, the smirking catholic kid with the mag a hat. the next unabomber, all he did was standstill. but if you stab a jew in the eye with a palestinian flag pole and yelled from the river to the sea, politicians call you brave. >> demonstrations themselves are not something that we at the fbi get involved in but when violence in zoos, that's when we get concerned. when we have threats of violence. >> are you actively monitoring the protests? >> we don't monitor protests but
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we share intelligence about specific threats of violence. >> jesse: but hundreds of radicals chant death to america and they are monitored? did any of these protesters sneak across the southern border? all this radical jihad from risky countries just biden let's walk right in, they lose track of them and did they find their way to arab spring break? kind of coincidence if you ask me that arab spring break just happened to blow up after biden opened the border to the muslim world and beyond. i have to take my shoes off when i go to the airport but johnny jihad can walk from mexico to texas, hop on a plane and slip into the crowd on the columbia quad. fbi is not monitoring that? anybody checking ids or is that still racist? anybody following the money trail on this movement or are we just all tied up looking at trump's books from 2016? blm got away with this for three months because no one held them accountable. same thing is happening here. you have to stop it before it spreads. pretend it's like covid. stop the spread.
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let's bring an actor and comedian jon lovitz. what do you see happening across the country? >> well it's what i was told growing up by my father, that jews in germany were german first and they could not believe this was happening and they could not believe it and there's a book written about the holocaust. the author was 15 years old and he said there was a guy in his village, something wrong with him but he was the village idiot and would say crazy stuff and nobody would listen to him and one day the guy disappeared for four days and then he popped back up and he said his hair was wild and he was screaming, he goes they are putting all the jews on trains and taking them and killing them and nobody believed him because he was the village idiot. and you hear this growing up and it's happening again.
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i still think a lot of these jewish people are in disbelief. they go you are a jewish american and go no, i'm an american. my religion is jewish and i happen to be a comedian but i'm an american citizen and i don't know how this can't be upsetting to everybody. i also don't understand it because israel is a democracy like we are and israel is our ally. so what don't you get? secondly, the students on columbia blocking jewish kid from going into school. i tweeted something about it because i mean i went to college and i can't imagine having to deal with this. i was 18 and i lived in a fine art storm and everybody had a different ethnic background, chinese, mexican, african-american, i'm jewish. we would have dinner together every night, we would roast each other about it and then i would say but it does not mean anything. we are starting our lives. you want to be a singer, a painter, an actor, you know, and i'm thinking these kids are in
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high school, they worked there but off to get to a great school at columbia and now they have to deal with this. it's horrible. so i wanted to say something to help them, you know, and like you said, it's like weeds. if you don't nip it in the body it is just going to keep spreading and get worse and worse. we've seen it get worse and worse. >> jesse: we sure have. we've seen it yet as worse as it possibly can be. you heard the gentleman at the top. >> i can get way worse. >> jesse: you heard him at the top say i could not go on campus and burn a cross and chant kkk members -- prevent black students from getting to class. why do you think -- or about anybody, about transgender people, a people, women, why is it different with jewish students? >> i don't know. i think people who are jewish like myself are naïve and thought there's not all of his anti-semitism. i think it's always been there, it's just coming out. but what you kind of set about,
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you know, you respect everybody. whatever their religion, race, you respect everybody. that's what judaism there religion is about, and i still think people have a right to protest peacefully. normally you would get a permit and they get a place to protest. i don't know why they are allowed to do it on the school. and i don't know how people that aren't students are camping out in the middle of the school. is in that trespassing? i don't understand. >> jesse: what i don't understand is you have the president of the united states, the white house, they won't even touch this. would you expect more from the leadership in this country? >> yeah. i think anyone doing this against anybody like this should stop it. i mean preventing students from going to class, it's ridiculous. it happened to a friend of mine. i was speaking to her this morning. she has one kid at duke and another at cornell.
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at duke months ago they started doing a protest. they said no you can't do that here and they've had no problems sense. cornell did not and they've had all of these problems. her daughter could not go to class, take a test, the teacher would not respond to her and she had trouble retaking it. finally got to. but it's bad. and i don't know why -- people say why are you speaking up? why aren't other people who are way bigger names not saying anything quake my answer is, i don't know. i think they are either afraid, afraid they will lose -- hurt their business, but i feel like it's so bad how can you not say something? you have to. and then people go well who are you. and i go look it, you asked me to come on the show, i'm not out there with a megaphone. i appreciate the opportunity to say something. >> jesse: you are being very humble to say there aren't a lot of names out there bigger than jon lovitz. thank you for joining "jesse
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watters primetime". dose of truth calgary repression -- refreshing, we appreciate it. house speaker mike johnson crashed spring break at columbia today and here's how it went. [ chanting ] >> enjoy your free speech. anti-israel encampments are popping up at universities all across this country. the madness has to stop. the madness has to stop. >> jesse: speaker, years ago the iranian leader spoke at columbia university, not a single person shouted them down, yelled you sok, but you get treated worse than he did. how do you feel about it? >> we did our job today. we spoke out. thank you to jon lovitz, he's exactly right, we have to call this madness out for what it is.
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it was chaos on the campus. we were looking out into a sea of students faces with rage, so many of them don't even know what the heck they are talking about. they don't know what hamas has done, they deny the facts of october seventh. some of them denied 9/11. i mean they are out there waving palestinian hamas flags, identifying with terrorists and saying death to america on our own soil. the american people are not putting up with this in congress is in either. >> jesse: you heard jon lovitz say he sing the beginning of what could be a massacre, what he saw in germany, what we all witnessed there, to you see the beginning of that are is this just people getting out of control? >> if we don't bring order to this chaos they could escalate. clearly, by some estimates, there was a fox news member a few days ago saying many institutions are going through this. columbia has a revered history and they are trampling over it. this isn't the expression of free speech, not the free exchange of ideas in the public square, this is threatening and
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intimidating to her students because of who they are in what they believe. we met with a break -- big group of jewish students before we went to the campus and they are hiding in fear. they don't go to class for peer they will be assaulted. it's not fare to them. some of them had to bring up federal lawsuits, civil rights violations being committed there, in taxpayer dollars should not be going to institutions engaging in this nonsense. if you are administrator on a campus, your number 1 job, the first of most obvious, is the safety and security of students. if you can't guarantee that we need to find someone who can. >> jesse: a lot of taxpayer money going a lot of places. joe biden signed a big package of age that's going overseas. a lot of republicans mad at you, speaker, they are very angry at you, you said -- they said you betrayed them. >> it's nonsense. listen, we are dealing with the smallest majority in u.s. history, a one-vote margin. some are upset we did not have border on the foreign aid bill. we fought all the way to the very end to do that, we've been fighting for the border every day.
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a bill has been sitting on chuck schumer's desk for year. the truth is, it would not matter if -- even if we did get that signed into law, the president will not enforce it. we passed resolutions, we impeached, we have to have an election to have a president. >> jesse: i think the frustration is, you have a majority in the house of representatives and democrats are getting whatever they want, schumer gets what he wants, biden gets what he wants and the republicans get nothing. >> that's not true. we don't have a functioning majority. when you can only lose one-vote, of one person has a different idea, we don't. >> jesse: it's like a coalition government. >> we are trying to prevent that and keep the republicans working together. we have better policy, better process and we are getting things done but it's difficult one very individualistic individual minded republicans don't want to move together as a bloc. >> jesse: marjorie taylor green? >> i'm knocking a name any names, you know who they aren't. >> jesse: do you have nightmares about her? >> i don't think about her at all. some of my colleagues want us to throw a hail mary on every play
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but it's not a game-winning strategy. when you have this margin, we get the next first down, put points on the board and get to november and we take back and grow the majority. >> jesse: i do not envy your job. that's a tough spot. speaker, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: san francisco's to million-dollar toilet has arrived. and new details about joel the violinist. [♪♪] [♪♪] a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: 1933, king kong came out and shook the country. it was a story of a dangerous beast ripped from an uncharted island to the heart of manhattan. the people feared him but they were also fascinated by him. they chained him up, put him on stage and sold tickets to the spectacle.
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this week we are seeing king kong come to life. democrats took the monster they fear most, trump, and locked him up in a new york court. to them he's a caged animal. >> essentially he's like a caged animal and that's a dangerous situation. he's feeling threatened, he's out of control and so we do expect them to lash out. >> jesse: tickets are going fast to the trial of the century and tv anchors get first dibs. >> thank you to everyone at mbc who made it possible for me to get in the courtroom. i realize this is a hot ticket. i would say seeing him go up and down the aisle, i was sitting on the aisle, seeing him walk right pass me in and out of the courtroom several times including the recess, i would say that he seems thinner than i have seen him in the past, he seems considerably older. and he seems annoyed, resigned, maybe angry. >> today was the first time i've been in the same room with donald trump. he's taller than you might expect and walks with a gate
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that is kind of a shuffle-y waddle. and he's definitely a scholar. i can confirm he has a strangely orange hue and whoever does his hair masks that thinning in the back and on top with some deft cantilever in. >> jesse: is trump a defendant or gorilla at a county fare? they are studying him like an anthropologist, taking notes on the color of his hair, his gate, his posture, his weight, poking him through the bars to see how he reacts. he looks me in the eyes, he's getting sleepy, watch, kids, watch. what is this, the bronx zoo? they are treating courtroom sketches like wildlife artists. >> donald trump looked at him as he walked in, as he walked in between the defense table and prosecution table and took the stand and from that time he was razor focused. you could see he's sitting up almost on the edge of his seat. >> jesse: the edge of his seat, really? if you've noticed what's missing
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from the trials coverage, it's actual legal analysis. they can't even tell us what the crime is. the prosecutor hasn't even told us what the crime is. no one is wrestling with whether he broke the law, they are just dumbstruck that they actually trapped him. let's be honest, trump is a slippery soccer. he's wriggled out of bankruptcy, access hollywood, the russia hoax, two impeachment, january sixth. he beat hillary. the only reason he lost two biden was because of covid in the feds. the second he announced he was running for president, they charged him with 91 crimes. now that they have him in a cage they are terrified he might get out and beat him again. they gaze and all at him because to them he's superhuman. half man, half beast. he's invincible to their hoaxes. politics failed, their only option incarceration. >> the fine is not going to
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deter but incarceration will. if i were the trial judge, yes, i would impose jail time. if donald trump continues to attack jurors and/or witnesses or even court personnel, than the judge will really have no choice but to incarcerate him. that could be for an afternoon or overnight. >> i would give him two weeks of home confinement with an ankle bracelet. if uso good boy in those two weeks and he doesn't violate the gag order, we can take off the ankle bracelet. >> jesse: jail him, gag him, fine him, just don't let him out. this is just a temporary cage because even the new york times knows it's baloney. i mean i thought the case against trump was a legal embarrassment, now i think it's an historic mistake. that was in the new york times. nothing illegal about a lawyer paying an extortionist and marking it down as legal fees. everybody knows that. that's why trump is beating biden in six out of the seven swing states. nationally trump is up six.
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that is a huge lead. biden might be able to campaign freely but what good does that do? he's been a politician for 50 years and reads a teleprompter like ron burgundy. >> folks, imagine what we could do next. four more years pause. [ chanting ] >> jesse: clay travis. pause. >> what an imbecile. i mean it's weekend at bernie's two. i can't believe weekend at bernie's work. it's like that -- did you see the viral video of the woman in brazil who took the dead man into try to sign on the loan with her? that is basically what democrats are doing every single week. i've got an idea for you, jesse, i'm curious how you would respond.
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tomorrow in theory we have the continued ridiculousness of the new york city trial. what if trump did not show up, instead went to columbia university there. i know you just talked with micah johnson but what if trump went out and said hey, i'm standing 100% with israel, i'm standing against anti-semitism, while they are trying to put me in prison for a sham trial. i want every single media member to follow me to columbia and i want you to see what true danger looks like. if you want to put me in prison or jail for a short period of time fortifying your kangaroo court, so be it, i don't think they will actually do it and jesse i think if they did, trump's overall approval and his support would skyrocket. i don't think they have the stones to do it but can you imagine how they would have to cover on msnbc the protest at columbia, the fact that donald
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trump, them and they try to claim is hitler, has come out stronger in support of jewish people around the world then joe biden could ever dream of? he would paint biden into a corner but morally, most importantly he would be on the right side. i think it's time for trump to up the ante, to call out their bs and to tear them to actually do what they claim they will do. i think he could score a knockout. >> jesse: it might be more dangerous for trump to go to columbia then for trump to go to jail. but that's another story. when you see rachel maddow, joy, all these reporters flock to this courthouse to the trial of the century, not offering any legal analysis, saying how tall he is, how he's walking, if he's angry, if he makes i contact. they are treating him like a caged animal because they are terrified of him. >> yeah, look, i want joy fired for cultural appropriation
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because she stole donald trump's hairstyle. i mean everybody talks about what you can and can't wear. a woman analysed donald trump's hair, how is the immediate response not, you dream of him so much you've stolen his hairstyle, joy? this is racism that is beyond the pale. i don't know how he can even stand for this but you are right, maddow is making 30 million a year to show up once a week. joy, she wrote all of the homophobic stuff on the website that claimed that their work time travelers who went back and actually wrote it instead of her. the entire network at msnbc is filled with imbeciles and they won't even acknowledge what you and i talked about last week. this is a bogus case, total garbage, there's no truth to the case. >> jesse: how dare you, joy was half. she was hacked. the fbi is still looking into it and they will get to the bottom of it. time travelers. >> maybe she and oj can get together and find the truth one day. >> jesse: you and joy's hacker
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both from another generation. thank you so much. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: kamala harris' secrets urgent -- service agent breaks out. they had to put him in handcuffs. that story ahead. [♪♪] when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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>> jesse: fox news alert, one of kamala harris' secret service agent supportively had a mental breakdown. the agent reportedly started a fight with other agents in the unit. the incident occurred at monday. agents were getting ready for harris to take off. one of the agents freaked out according to the washington examiner, got aggressive in a fight broke out. things got so bad that the agent had to be handcuffed and removed from service. they were taken for a medical evaluation. this isn't the first episode involving kamala detail though. in 2022 kamala's motorcade was involved in a car accident.
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her suv was partially airborne but they first reported the incident as a "just a mechanical failure." so maybe this fight was more like a royal rumble. primetime will keep you updated as we learn more. yesterday primetime introduced you to joel the violinist. the man who went to school for nine years only to learn that playing the federal would not cover his student loans. so joel told business insider he had to make a choice. quit music and get a real job or just let is that stock up. easy decision. joel kept jamming. throwing the majority of his debt into forbearance and then paying the bare minimum for 20 years. he rocked up a quarter million dollar debt. that was until biden took your tax dollars and paid it off. but music isn't the only thing that drives joel, he loves meditation. now he says he's got his
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financial freedom and he wants to fund important long-term goals like studying meditation in india. biden's america has become neverland. people don't have to grow up. the audience not having it. you guys texted us. i would say you are frustrated. you are paying for joel to downward dog across the world. we had to dig deeper into who this isn't what he's really doing with our money. for starters, jewels tunes are dei. his concerts focus on underrepresented artists. he's got more musical talent than just violin, he says "i can booty pop. i'm no beyoncé but i can do it." not joking. so don't worry, america, your money is in good hands. adam carolla, host of the adam carolla show joins me now. do you think this is funny or does this kind of make you angry
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>> well everything is funny on a sort of individual level but one that gets into millions and millions of people and it costs us, the taxpayers, money, then it's not funny anymore. like the town drunk is funny but 50,000 drunk people in your town is not funny. >> jesse: what about if they just want to downward dog? you would think if after someone wiped out quarter million in debt that you haven't paid in two decades, you might want to say cool, i'm clean, i've got my feet under me. you don't think i'm going to go back to school for, of all things, meditation. >> well, the thing about playing the fiddle is you can go on any street corner in any mall and pulled the fiddle out and take your hat and pass it around and probably make $85 cash per day in this man's world.
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so number 1, you can go out and physically make money. you don't have to get in invitation to philharmonic, you can hit the streets and make money. but this is really just biden buying votes which is really sad and kind of pathetic. he's been told by the supreme court that he could not do this and he does not care if he can or not, he wants to get the message out because he's literally buying votes. >> jesse: do you think that joel actually uses that hat that he's wearing right now to put on the cement for people to put money when he places little fiddle? >> i don't know what kind of hat he's wearing. i'm assuming it's not a yarmulke because no jewish parent would put up with this. >> jesse: but he can booty pop, let's not forget. maybe he's more than just white. we will tell you something else about some taxpayer money that's been wasted. the san francisco to million-dollar toilet. it looks like they left the seed up so ladies, go get them. good news, the toilet only cost
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200 grand because construction companies donated the materials. it's eco- friendly, carbon neutral and for a prison toilet, it's got a changing table and a sink. adam, would you go in there? >> well, i mean no one is going to go in there and use it, they are just going to go in there and get high because this is the bay area. they will use the changing table as a place to cut up lines of cocaine or, you know, mix there fentanyl with their baby laxative before they come out, put it in a balloon and sell it. so it will be utilized by the local homeless gentry, i promise you that. but all joking aside, california, i live in california, we are way overregulated in california. i just sold my house. i had to look at 84 pages of paperwork for the new sale yesterday. ten years ago that was like seven pages of paperwork. one of the pieces of paper, it
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said have you ever vaped inside your own house? i had to sign off that said i had not vaped inside my own house. that is california, that's regulation, that's what everyone is moving to texas. >> jesse: where are you moving? >> i moving to nevada. >> jesse: adeboboye. all right, nevada, watch out, carolla is coming. thank you adam. >> thank you. >> jesse: airports are now racist. right back. [♪♪] ( ♪ ♪ )
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5:48 pm
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5:49 pm
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5:50 pm
[♪♪] >> jesse: waters my cooler. let's bring in -- [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: first artificial intelligence, brain chips and now robo flame throwing dogs. a flamethrower company in ohio showcased it's fire spinning machine and it's as terrifying as you would think. >> i am become death, the destroyer of words -- worlds. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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>> jesse: you should see what it has to take a leak. [ laughter ] >> i like this. people used to get upset that trump did not have a pet in the white house. i want him to get this. you wanted me to get a dog, i got a dog. could this be any more dangerous than commander the dog? >> jim acosta. >> i like this. >> airports. >> jesse: airports are now racist. the thing you pay to cut the line, it's not equitable enough so california wants to ban it. >> all it really does is it moves me in front of you and we get to the same place in front of the conveyor belt. only by then you are mad, the tsa agent is stressed out and i paid $189 because i think i'm better than you. >> jesse: we should all suffer. >> my here's the other problem. california, wheels are falling off planes in your state right now, doors are blowing off planes. the idea we need equity on the airport line, i would settle for
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a will on the plane regardless of the length of the line, but you know the deal. first of all it's not faster anymore because it's gotten so popular. it's understaffed. the reason we took it was not because of class warfare, it's because we are in a rush and we didn't mind selling our biometric data because we are stupid people. scroll to the bottom and click i agree. >> jesse: take my data, just get me into the lounge. >> but it's actually racist to say it's racist because you are saying only white people have $100. that's racist! >> jesse: i used to think it was great when i had and then people got jimmy got into it. >> by the time everyone is at the restaurant it's not cool anymore. >> jesse: people always told me i did not go to college i would be working at wendy's. working at a fast food joint doesn't seem to be an option anymore because places like wendy's are using ai to take orders. >> welcome to wendy's, what would you like? >> can i have a chocolate frosty? >> which size for the chocolate frosty? >> medium.
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>> can i get you anything else today? >> no thank you. [ laughter ] >> jesse: you like that? >> listen, for a guy like me, bad for the worker, good for me because i order so much at wendy's drive through. i don't want to look at human in the face. five spicy chicken sandwiches, fries. the fact that i get to pass the shame on this one, i like. but gavin newsom, thank you. you know what this is the end result of. >> jesse: thank you gavin newsom, thank you jamie, the ratings very. >> the white house correspondent >> jesse: doing it live. what is it again? >> hey girl. >> jesse: thank you jimmy. more primetime ahead. [♪♪] summer is not just a season, it's an adventure. experience the thrill of fly fishing from our expert guides along north america's finest trout stream. explore thousands of acres of wilderness on majestic trails. then replenish at our world class spa.
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5:55 pm
we pull people off the street and ask them about their hearts. how's your heart? doing good, thank you. is it? i think so. you think so but, how do you know, right? i don't actually know. how do i know? you don't actually know. i'm believing so. with kardio mobile, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardia mobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. this year give mom peace of mind for mother's day with kardia mobile for just $79, check out our mother's day sale at or amazon.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: my eye has been bothering me up in getting these twitches in my right upper
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eyelid i thought it was because i was looking at my phone too much but i've been swearing off my phone and it still twitching if you have home remedies pollens or ointments or whatever trixie have have standing upside down drinking water that kind of stuff washing the gum out of your hair with peanut butter old wives tales text me. >> bobby from pennsylvania, america love it or leave it. very from west virginia start calling the camp and jihadist school board meeting and federal government will be there within an hour. we don't monitor protests i thank you do. jeff enough carolina think about it by didn't is making us pay their tuition. all from iowa think saying johnny jihad is not fair i think it's quite the complement joy
6:00 pm
read things trump shuffles across the floor and what joe biden's freighting stair so trump can't call illegal killers animals but they can call him an animal make it makes sense. can some of these texting rate for the show because this is gold. mark from arizona 10 of those toilets would be worth as much as donald trump's estate. becky from tempe is dangerous to do the coal plants for more than 3 minutes tell that to jesse watters and the navy seals. tony from brown city michigan. imagine how this could sound i'm waters, pause this is my world. that's it for my world dvr the show and always remember i'm waters pause and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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