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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> brian: all right. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's wednesday, april 24th. now it's time for "fox & friends."
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[chanting free, free palestine] >> brian: new overnight, 4 # hours, columbia giving students another two days as it says progress is being made to dismantle the protesters and their encampment. house speaker mike johnson is going to visit the campus today and speak with the jewish students. >> charlie: plus a dead heat. trump and biden tied in battleground wisconsin. lawrence is live in the badger state talking to voters. >> ainsley: and squashing the squatters. today georgia makes it a crime across the state. governor brian kemp is going to join us straight ahead. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, we always say this, charlie. >> charlie: mornings are better with friends. i'm learning. >> ainsley: see you know. >> brian: say it that's the problem. >> ainsley: i will let you say it. we start with a fox news alert. protests still raging a the columbia university as students and outside activist remain on
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campus despite the call for them all to leave. >> charlie: telling fox news the negotiations with students have been extended 48 hours. >> brian: why is that? it was supposed to be midnight. what do they call progress? >> hi, brian. that's what they are saying they have made. pro-palestinian student demonstrators will get to camp out on the lawn for at least two more days. the university says they extended the deadline to clear the encampment. now that there has been, quote: progress in negotiating with the student demonstrators, a columbia spokesperson says students leading the week long protest have agreed to remove a significant number of tents and people not affiliated with columbia university from the encampment and make the encampment welcome to all by prohibiting discriminatory or harassing language. new york house republicans are demanding the university president step down saying the campus' jewish students have been harassed by anti-semitism
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both on and off campus. [shouting] [chanting we don't want no nypd here, say it clear and say it loud. >> people are trying to trace the money trail similar tents spotted at campuses separated by thousands of miles. the left of the screen shows airline footage from protests at nyu. the right of your screen from protests it at the university of michigan. a columbia jewish student tells us she feels intimidated by the demonstrations. >> when we hear slogans like from the river to the sea palestine will be free, there's a lot of questions about well, where does israel fit in there? and then more explicit slogans like israel go hell or calling people nazis or saying go back to poland. it's genocidal rhetoric and it's very aggressive.
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>> house speaker mike johnson is set to visit the campus today to meet with students who will be using hybrid learning for the remainder of the semester as all this continues to unfold. back to you. >> charlie: thank you, c.b. >> ainsley: don't they have to go class? don't they have to study? do they have jobs? who has time to do this? >> well, some of the students who participated in the previous encampment dismantled last week some of those students have been suspended. we have heard from some other students not involved in the protest. most suspended students have still found a way to make their way on campus and participate with this protest. it's not really clear to a lot of people how coursework is being done by anyone involved with this. >> ainsley: right. >> brian: i just hope they don't quit. a lot of people get upset and quit the semester. you are in the back stretch. don't let these people change what you are doing. >> ainsley: they are all online they could go to the bahamas and study their coursework. >> brian: c.b., thank you so much. what happened at midnight? i guess the columbia kids
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dealing with the president up until midnight. they called, i guess, some type of gaza circle. they said that they. >> ainsley: gaza solidarity? >> brian: they agreed to kick everybody out of the encampment that doesn't belong at the school. that was one thing that these students agreed to. in terms of going to continue to talk to students. but what they want is a total divesture from israel. you got 100 colleges across the country, same the university of minnesota. same at nyu and same at rice and berkeley. same at mit. what about emerson and as well as tufts, 100 u.s. colleges have reported contracts with israel, totaling $357 million over the last 20 years. so, that's not all of a sudden the students go i just need you out of all those deals. anything to do with the defense department. do you think they are going to win? >> charlie: they have no idea what they want. and one reason they have no idea what they want because of the universities and also politicians. which brings us to chuck schumer. nypd officers arresting more
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than 100 anti-israel protesters outside senate majority leader chuck schumer's home in brooklyn overnight. [chanting free, free palestine. [chanting cease-fire now, cease-fire now] >> ainsley: the protesters were blocking all the traffic. and then they refused to move, brian. >> brian: all right. meanwhile the university of wisconsin, milwaukee, dozens of pro-palestinian students protesting with some picketing outside of the chancellor's residence. the chance alreadies were calling for the school to drop charges against students who were arrested during a february sit. in they are also demanding an end to study abroad trips to israel. can you believe this? lawrence, your reaction to other students telling other students you can't go to israel? >> >> make it clear stand on this. they keep saying this is pro-palestinian. that's not what it is.
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what is your beef with kids studying abroad in israel. it's because the kids are jewish or standing with the jewish people. i'm listening to c.b. cotton's report. the fact they are saying we are negotiating with the students. excuse me? >> brian: get them off. >> lawrence: you have to negotiate? >> ainsley: that's like -- lawrence, isn't that like a parent who punishes their child and still allows them to go out with their friends? it's like we told you you have to leave at midnight. if you don't, you're arrested. oh, never mind, can you stay for two more days. >> lawrence: yeah. we told you that but, excuse me, maybe we should just give you more time i mean, i hope this negotiation goes better than the negotiation between israel and hamas. i mean, they are holding everyone hostage right now and shame on chuck schumer. >> brian: he has done nothing. >> lawrence: highest ranking jewish american in this country to stand firm and say i'm not going to capitulate to what
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these activists are saying on the ground. he did everything they commanded them to. he went after netanyahu. he said, you know what? there should be a cease-fire right now. after doing all of that, they go straight to brooklyn and they stick it to him and say do more. >> brian: what about senator sanders jewish. can't be more anti-israeli than him. he does nothing. should have a leadership role. congressman moss very pro-israel. very critical of these protesters going across party lines. congressman goldman silent about this. this is your opportunity to just do the right thing and not be a republican or democrat. >> ainsley: joe biden, when he was in the woods. he is saying i support both sides, basically. donald trump yesterday, came out of the courtroom, and he slammed columbia university for closing the campus. and he said that means the other side wins. the people running the campus have made a grave mistake, he says.
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>> charlie: they are desperate to get these people back at voters. the number one objective of the biden campaign right now is to curry favor with these protesters and get them back on the biden train. instead of telling them to go slump in a lake. >> brian: other thing is just finding out who is doing the funding and organizing. nyu a bigger protest than columbia. they have palestinian solidarity coalition. yesterday, like the day before, they were joined by more professors. and now they -- after 100 arrests yesterday and walk out at 1:00 in the afternoon. >> ainsley: lawrence, what are you experiencing there and what are the people that are eating at the restaurant, what do they say about all of this? >> lawrence: let's go talk to them, ainsley. brian noted that you had at nyu those professors performing a shield around the students. so let's talk with some of the young people being impacted by this. got a young republican here. when you see these young people on college campuses standing with hamas.
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saying that they are really pro-palestinian, chanting death to america, from the river to the sea, what runs through your head? >> it's just unimaginable that they can just stand there, you know, chants on american soil death to america. they argue, you know, freedom of speech, but then when you are chanting death to america, the very country that provides you that freedom of speech, are you throwing out your first amendment right at that point? it's very frustrating to see a lot of people that are going to these college campuses that are trying to gets an education and have their schools shut down by people that are just radical marxists that are taking control of whatever protests that people might have because they might have families on either side of the conflict. have it completely hijacked by these radicals and being, you know, i would wants my money back. we were talking earlier today, we would want our money back if i was a student going to these college campuses. so it's very unfortunate, seeing that happen. i hope that, you know, teachers would actually go back to
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teaching the students rather than trying to train them to become, you know, radical rebels that are trying to overthrow just systems that are in place. >> lawrence: good point. thank you so much. i want to talk to this younger lady right here. she made the point and i think it's so valid. biden doesn't know who to please here. tell me about this. young people on the college campuses. they made it very clear where they stand on the issue. you got some of the voters voting uncommitted because where biden stands on this issue. you were telling me he can't please any group. >> really, he can't. is he not left enough to resonate with the left and certainly not right enough to resonate. it was my understanding at least some type of attempt to separate hamas from the rest of the palestinian protesters now they're like you said in the crowds themselves chanting that they're hamas. president biden continues to support israel in a diplomatic and military way. is he not going to be able to get their vote. have made that clear. shutting down college campuses over. this going to be important issue. on the right the fiscal issues have very important.
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people vote with their wallets they will vote inflation rates. people 18 to 29. almost half of them still living with their parents. they move out. rent and prices tripling combined with grocery prices. nobody is going to be happy going to the polls in november. it impacts everybody. >> lawrence: that's a great point. thank you so much. just bringing it back home right here, is it worth it to change your position not stand with the most trusted ally just for the uncommitted voters? i guess we will see. wisconsin is definitely going to be one of the battleground states here. you should come by, brunch it up. we will have a good time and i want to hear from you. >> ainsley: i love the name of that brunch it up. that sounds fun. >> lawrence: brunch it up. >> brian: i mean, a couple of things. you are wondering you might be winning over people that are antiestablishment, anti-israeli, anti-american, but the question is who are you alienating when you do that. so it leads to you one conclusion. just do the right thing. just do the right thing.
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>> charlie: how about that? >> ainsley: should be the mantra every day. >> brian: what do the stats say 38% of democrats are now for pro-israeli. it's overwhelming. what's the right thing to do? maybe we should tell the story on why those 38% -- why the 62% are wrong. >> charlie: all of the moral vacillations from democrats over the past couple years led to the situation we're in, anyway. so it -- like you say, if you just sort of do the right thing, you don't have -- >> brian: meanwhile, fox news alert. one of the sources of misinformation in the ongoing israeli-hamas conflict seems to be tiktok. >> ainsley: just last night the senate passed $95 billion foreign aid package that also includes a potential tiktok ban. and president biden is set to sign that bill today. >> charlie: peter doocy is live at the white house. peter? >> peter: now the clock is ticking on tiktok. republicans wanted to make sure that this potential ban could pass quickly so they attached it to the foreign aid package that
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has -- you look at the big numbers. $26 billion for israel. way more money -- more than twice as much. 60 billion for ukraine and 8 billion for the indo-pacific. now the company that owns tiktok, bytedance, which the fbi directors said just yesterday is beholden to the chinese government, has to sell it within nine months with a possible three month extension if a sale is in progress. otherwise, in the u.s., it is banned outright. lawmakers are trying to keep the addictive algorithm in its current form away from america's kids. president biden is saying about this: i will sign this bill into law and address the american people as soon as it reaches my desk tomorrow. so we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. but, there were 18 votes against this package, including ted criewftz. crews. >> i can't support this bill ultimately because it gives money to gaza and gives money
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for the ngos that are trafficking illegal immigrants. and it does nothing, zero, to stop the invasion at our southern border. that's gotta be our priority. >> peter: there is a big question as we watch this white house about this bill. president biden says he is about to sign. it would take months to either sell or ban tiktok. will president biden continue in the meantime posting videos to tiktok in support of his re-election campaign? we'll see. thank you. >> brian: one of the provisions was they had a length in the time chingedz company bytedance can -- has time to divest or find a buyer for it. they say they have no interest in finding a buyer for it. they are going to sue and use our courts to extend the whole thing. you know the answer to that question that you just asked rhetorically, right? you know he is going to keep doing it. >> peter: even if it takes months offer even if it takes until after the election to get it banned whether it's because the sale is taking too long or
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because it's in the courts. president biden is going to put ink on the page tomorrow saying that he wants to ban it. but it is so important to reach the people that they need to reach. you know, part of the reason when you talk to campaign folks, part of the reason they say well, he doesn't have to do traditional interviews or as many press conferences as presidents in the past, it's because they are reaching so many people on social media, including on tiktok. and so if that goes away, they are back to the drawing board at a very bad time. >> ainsley: peter, are there any american companies or any americans that could develop their own tiktok? any from in that? is there anyone interested in buying it. >> peter: we heard i believe it was yesterday or the day before from the ceo of rumble that's one of the companies that wants to buy it. it's not going to come with the algorithm in its own form. they have to come up with their own algorithm and that's part of what makes it so addictive and successful if you are tiktok.
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>> ainsley: maybe these ivy leagues should start focusing on developing another tiktok. >> charlie: bigger problem remains which is that tiktok does a better job of educating students than our universities do. as long as that's the case we're doomed. >> ainsley: that's where they get their news. >> brian: nyu professor scott ggalloway he explains he believs china is spreading pro-hamas sentiment through tiktok. >> ainsley: he thinks china is doing it. >> brian: occupy tents on campuses and he believes it's because of the pro--the pro-palestinian content on tiktok, which is the number one social media service for the next generation. he says if you look at tiktok, there were 52 videos pro-hamas, pro-palestinian for every one that are pro-israel. i think we are being manipulated as a country. i think the americans are easy to fool than to convince that they have been fooled. but, if i were the ccp, i would be doing exactly the same thing. i think social media is sewing g
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division. go he through the election. >> charlie: sow chaos in enemy of course. >> brian: you have tiktok from within as well as trying to dominate us by building something like 14 naval vessels a year when we're building two. if we're lucky. >> ainsley: we talked to kara frederick earlier on the show. facebook. a ban is in the step in the right direction. listen to this. >it's coming. >> this is a great thing for americans. and especially the next generation of citizens. so, right now, the app. is probably going to function as normal. the company has about a year, up to a year to divest from its ccp masters bytedance, headquartered in beijing. so everything is probably going to look normal now, but, as the
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"wall street journal" said, you don't have to get off now but it's a good idea to pack a go bag. people should be looking toward other platforms if they want to do their short, seemingly innocuous videos. because as christopher wray has said, this is about control and collection. tiktok is a weapon and this defangs that weapon from the chinese communist party. >> brian: right. but the number one funder and the one of the biggest supporters is a guy named jeff yas who owns a majority of the american stake in tiktok. a big funder of senator rand paul and others. we got esteemed lobbyists big names lobbying for tiktok. by the way if you are lobbying for tiktok, you are anti-american. flat out. you are going against our interest. >> ainsley: all right. on that note we're going to hand it over to carley for headlines. >> >> carley: the food and drug administration is saying that samples of pasteurized milk tested positive for remnants ever the bird flu virus that has infected dairy cows in at least
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8 states. the fda is also saying to date we have seen nothing that would change our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe. the announcement comes nearly a month after a bird flu outbreak sickened millions of wild birds and commercial chickens. a california d.a. filing paperwork urging a judge to reject scott peterson's push for d.n.a. testing. the convicted double murderer's defense team is looking to test over a dozen pieces of evidence as they push for a knew trial. peterson is currently serving a life sentence for killing his wife lacy and unborn son. the supreme court preparing to weigh former president trump's immunity claim in elections interference case tomorrow. prosecutor and constitutional law attorney katy tremendouskowski joined us earlier in the show to discuss. >> it's a very slip slippery slope when you look at all of the president has to meet and opposing party can come into
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office and start to second guess and criminalize these decisions. including military former president argues he enjoys absolute immunity for criminal prosecution for any official acts during his time in office. homeowners in new york scoring a big victory against squatters. a portion of the state's 2024 budget, specifically excludes squatters from tenant protections under state law. this comes after a homeowner in sequence was arrested for changing the locks on a squatter living in her million dollars home and later today, in georgia. governor brian kemp is set to sign a bill making squatting a crime in his state. and is he going to be joining us in about 30 minutes to talk about that important move. and finally, listen to this. a husband is talking to online after wife's annual girl's trip was expanded to include each of their spouses and he says, quote: i have absolutely zero
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interest in spending a weekend with a bunch of giggling girls and men i don't even know. i don't want to sit everywhere all awkward. he says he would rather stay at home and watch netflix. and i'm sure after that statement his wife would want that, too. and we want to know what you think. is he right to the not wanting to go on the group trip. email us your thoughts at giggling girls, he says. that's rude. >> charlie: i would unsubscribe to that trip. >> ainsley: if dawn said i'm going to go to an girl's trip. >> carley: all the other men are going. >> brian: would be good for your personal growth. men should not go on girls' trips. >> carley: ends up becoming co-ed trip. >> brian: women can't act like themselves with men around. >> charlie: why would they want that? >> brian: they want to be able to talk to about us behind our backs. >> ainsley: that's not true. i would much rather go on a couple's trip and have the person and all your friends.
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>> charlie: i want to go on a couple trips. not couple's. >> carley: you and your wife? >> brian: should be a mix. because life is a mix. you can't just hang out with the person you are married to. >> charlie: then the whole clan goes. >> brian: go to work. you run errands and the other person, whoever you are dating does something else. >> ainsley: here's the problem if you don't see each other until the weekends, really because you are so busy during the week, don't you want to spend the weekend with the person you love? you have to wait until the next weekend you just wasted that with the girls. >> brian: it's not logical you can't spend every weekend with one person. >> ainsley: depends on what your dynamics are in your relationship. >> charlie: you dooring it wrong. >> brian: you need girls trips and guys trips. you got to mix it up. >> ainsley: no, i don't like these guy trips. what happens on these guy trips? no. >> what happens on the girl trips governmental to the spa, go to the beach have. a drink, we talk, girl stuff.
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>> brian: right. without guys around. >> ainsley: where would this man trip be? not vegas. you are not going to vegas. >> charlie: fishing trip. that's acceptable. >> brian: come over to my house. no women there. columbia surrenders university announcing a hybrid class schedule. >> ainsley: student won't back down in the face of pro-hamas agitators. her message, next. with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes
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have had even greater communication through at columbia. the jewish organizations on campus h hilo. jewish sports done incredible job keeping us in the loop and supporting our students when the university is not. they have done an incredible j jobbie the university itself we got the email about going to hybrid classes and also received some wonderful notes from his professor understanding the situation and extending time for students if they need it in order to finish their assignments. >> charlie: what have been experience with protesters and just trying to navigate around campus? it's basically been a pain in the net. restricted campus to only i.d. holders which meant you would have to budget another 40 minutes just to get into campus
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to go to class. so those things are irritating he has not been personally harassed or attacked. however, it makes the whole atmosphere on campus just very difficult. and, jewish students, they just want to go to school. they want to finish their schooling. they want to have a college experience it's a lot of burden on them counter approaches. which a lot of them have been doing very admirablably. they want to go to school. this makes it extraordinarily just from a low low logisticao to school. >> initially it seems like they were going to be ton touch these protesters to wouldn't be as disruptive as it is now. they did set up a anti-semitic committee or task force. whatever policies they had if
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they were implemented they weren't implemented well or any punishments. they weren't given across. >> charlie: just getting the education you paid for would the greatest way to combat all of this. thank you so much, rabbi novak for joining us. >> thank you. >> charlie: brian, i think i could have done a hostile grab but i need a gentle toss. >> charlie: threw go. >> security screening company allows travelers to breeze through tsa security checks could soon be banned in california. get this. a state lawmaker taking up a bill. the first of its kind in the u.s. that would ban clear over equity concerns. go to a slosk socialistic country. everyone is beaten down by the travel experience and it's so clear that escorts a customer in front of you and tells tsa sorry
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i have someone who is better. it's frustrating. then get your tsa clearance and, you know what? save your money for clear. the service is used at about 50 airports across the country. i guess you want no first class either or extra leg room and here is something to squawk about. a contest in belgium deciding who has the best seagull impression. [seagull] [cheers] >> brian: another treason move to belgium and they dress the part. a 9-year-old cooper wallace from the u.k. taking home a medal for the european championship of gold competition winning first place junior category and highest score overall. competitors scored on the sound of the screech and how well they understood the gull behavior.
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i don't think there is any show in the country that did a more thorough recap of the pigeon story. am i correct? >> charlie: seagull. >> brian: seagull. do a follow up next half hour might have to blow the break. lawrence jones gives us something to squawk about live from battleground wisconsin. that's next. ♪ you don't have to worry about it, baby. ♪ wake me up in the dead of the night ♪ break my plans ♪ baby, that's all right. ♪ this is a drop everything kind of thing
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♪ >> brian: president biden repeating a campaign claim that he used to drive an 18-wheeler, a big rig. here's what he said yesterday in florida. [laughter] >> i used to drive an 18-wheeler. [laughter] >> do you know what i did? >> negotiate.
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>> that's exactly right. >> ainsley: however, several agencies have debunked that. finding no evidence that biden ever drove an 18-wheeler. several other claims biden also said in the past have been debunked. take a look. >> my uncle, uncle bosey ambrose finnegan he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zons. he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there used to be -- there are a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of new guinea. >> i like an awful lot of people in this audience had -- was the first in my family to go to college and watch my dad struggle to help me get there. and get all the kids there. i remember one of the conductors when i was -- >> brian: right. there's a problem, charlie. >> charlie: big problem. politifact saying this about biden's 18-wheeler claim back in
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2021 closest experience in 1973 when as a senator he rode along on a 536-mile tractor-trailer trip from delaware to ohio. in other words, i have flown a 747. i've flown many 747 internationally. >> ainsley: because you are a passenger. but i flew the plane. i flew. >> ainsley: you know how to do that. charmer charlie exactly. and i'm going to brag about it. >> brian: created an international incident on papua, new guinea we need that as a strategic base and trying to make inroads there. highly insulted. he said i love one of the quotes he says we just don't eat any white person falling out of the sky. i thought that was unbelievably humorous. >> charlie: only biden could make international incident. >> ainsley: not the first time he said he drove an a18-wheeler. july 2021 he was at the mac truck factory in pennsylvania he said the same thing.
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he said it at the dakota county technical cleaning in minnesota. >> brian: doesn't he have anyone brief him after you got lose that. story. he grew up in a puerto rican church and then black church. practically puerto rican he claimed. >> charlie: great attribute for any politician if you are willing to say absolutely anything can you get. >> brian: no one fact checks you. >> charlie: keep failing up. >> brian: hire a fact-checker sit on the other side of the camera and any time joe biden says something fiction hold up the fiction card. >> ainsley: you have to go to training for that it's not easy to drive a truck. lawrence's dad knows all about it. that's what he does for a living. >> charlie: how about that for a segue. >> ainsley: thank you. brookfield, hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. yeah, so interesting that the president, he is trying to be
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relatable. my dad is an actual truck driver. hard job. go through certification. get to see your family. be at all these truck stops. it's something rough to do. but it's important for the american economy as well. and to your point, guys. he has this history of inflating things or just blatantly lying about things to appear relatable. but you guys don't want to hear from me. let's go talk with some of the people here and what they think about biden's lies. this next gentleman, your dad is a truck driver just like my dad was a truck driver. >> that's right. >> lawrence: what do you think about the president trying to be relatable here? >> sure doesn't relate to me. and he doesn't relate to the normal, average person at all. and i don't think he cares about the average person at all. and the fact that he's a leader of the world -- free world and i just don't -- i have no respect for him and i can't imagine other world leaders have respect for him, either. >> lawrence: we see what is
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happening on the world stage. >> it's ridiculous, foreign policy, is he weak in every area that we need order, energy, education, safety, those are my top priorities. and he is weak in every single one of them. >> lawrence: so well said for a man that's a son of a truck driver. i know something about that. thanks, bro. let's talk to these other gentln right here. biden is making a big push to be more relatable. try to reach out to different community. he was puerto rican church and black church and hispanic church. now is he a truck driver. what do you make of the president trying to be relatable. >> first off, he is trying to buy votes. things like the student loan give away. and people can see through a lot of that and that's not going to help him any in the upcoming election because they just don't believe that he's trustworthy enough to maintain their support. if you look at how african-american voters are now perceiving him. they are leaving him in droves.
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and that's going to show up in november when people begin to take a look at all of those things that are important to then and realize that he's just not come across as being believable. >> lawrence: real quickly when you look at some of the polling, black men it, looks like they are shifting over to donald trump. what do you think is the issue that is driving black men to leave the democratic party and give donald trump a second shot? >> i personally believe the democratic party is just really honestly forgotten about the black man and donald trump actually relates to the black man. you know, you think of issues of let's say you are from the hood or anything of that nature. if you in terms of like entrepreneurship, the economy, wanting to worry about education. second chance act. things of that nature, donald trump resonates with the black community and in particular black men if i'm correct in 2020, 33% of black member voted for donald trump here in the midwest. i think that total is going to go up a lot more here. >> lawrence: thank you so much.
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guys, you are hearing it from the people. the former president has a real shot when he is talking about the issues. it's the economy. it's about their kids. it's about standing up for their families. we are going to be talking about folks all morning. we have got one more hour in wisconsin, guys. send it back to you. >> brian: thank you so much, lawrence, rest of the day is yours to do whatever you want. georgia fighting back against squatters. >> charlie: today governor kemp is set to sign a bill making it a crime. he's next ♪ soul sister ♪ mr. mister, mister on the radio, stereo ♪ the way you move ain't fair, you know ♪ hey soul sister ♪ i don't want to miss a single thing you do ♪ tonight ♪ inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease.
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rainy start to the day here in the northeast. this is a nothing burger when it comes to storms light rain in the forecast. that's going to continue to move eastward. not a big storm system. however, over the next couple days this is the one to watch on thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. severe weather threat including tornadoes for all of these big cities from dallas up towards kansas city and st. louis. even chicago. you could get some nasty weather as well. green bay in that area of
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concern for saturday. hail, damaging winds, tornadoes will be possible, have a way to get those watches and warnings, ainsley my friend over to you. >> okay. my friend, thank you homeowners facing squatter epidemics across the nation. >> i was scared but also angry. they act like i was doing something wrong. it was prosecution. there was drug-selling. >> squatter totally destroyed the place. they sold the appliances from the property. >> average property like this out in atlanta destroyed. >> they knew the law better than most attorneys do. they took me 36 days to evict them. >> we don't have any protection. >> now in georgia. the governor brian kemp is signing a bill today making squatting a crime. with fines and potential jail time. he joins us now. good morning to you, governor.
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>> good morning. not driving a tractor-trailer today. not driving a tractor tailor today. but we will be signing the georgia squatter reform act. >> ainsley: tell us about this act. >> you know, we have had laws on the books in regards to this. and i know fox news has done great job of spreading the story around the country and, unfortunately, bad actors have figured out ways to take advantage of this, exploit really the process that goes through the local government. so we're passing legislation that i'm going to sign right after this interview to stiffen the penalties to go after these folks to also speed up the eviction process. but, also, allow the property owner to go after these squatters for damages. we're very excited about today. >> ainsley: it's a misdemeanor criminal offense punishable by a year in jail. $1,000 fine. you can have one of those or both. and if you forge a fake lease, you are charged with a felony? >> correct.
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>> ainsley: what got you to this point. >> this is insanity that people just think they can come in and take over somebody's home. i mean, it's just outrageous worked across the country the lawlessness gone on under the biden administration. quite honestly a lot of liberal cities around the country where locally appointed judiciary is not acting on those things. and so the general assembly representative devin see because and matt reeves and a lot of other people including myself wanted to tackle this problem and see what else we could do to protect property owners and really go after these individuals that, you know, are creating just doing these criminal acts. >> ainsley: i know that ron desantis, we have been covering what's happening in florida, too. he did make it easier in that state to remove squatters. does yours go a step further with the arrests? >> well, i can't remember exactly what they did in florida. i'm sure it's much of the same, just using the legal powers that
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we have to push up the process. i mean, look, it's insane that it even happens to start with. but, then, when you can't remove these people from your own property is a property owner myself, it just -- it it goes to the insanity of the world that we're living in now and i know that governor desantis isn't going to put up with that and neither are we. looking forward to signing the legislation today. >> ainsley: real quickly, governor, we're watching president trump tied up in court. we're watching joe biden being able to go out there and campaign. he even came out of the courtroom one day and said i would be in georgia right now. what's your reaction? >> well, i think that's right. i mean, listen, a lot of people understand there's a lot of politics between around a lot of these charges. as i have said before nobody is above the law. but i think some of these things the timing of them just the, you know, how far they are pushing, i note former president is frustrated in that regards.
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and, you know, i think president biden and his allies are behind a lot of these things. but, you know, it's a process that we're going to have to deal with and people are going to have to stay vigilant. >> ainsley: okay. governor. thank you so much. nice talking to you. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals,
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