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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. >> neil: thanks for re [♪♪] [♪♪] >> hello everyone, i'ms al jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, kennedy and greg gutfeld.ty this i as "the 5".
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: call it operation make joe look cool. democrats are hoping to transform the brokento a down jalopy into a bentley.ntle and electric bentley. so they rolled out biden's friends barack and bill at a n star-studded fundraiser. democratic's want you to ew believe donors shelled out $26 million just to get a glimpse of the energeticrt and entertaining biden. it had nothing to do with the dozens of celebrities and two former presidents. ask io's saying biden was the lt on the stage with two of thent most gifted politicians of our lifetime. stephen colbert was on stage just spoon feeding >> donald trump as far as we can tell has been trying to win ahi third championship at his own golf course. my question to you, can votersrs trust a presidential candidatese who has not won a single trump international golf club trophy?
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at long last, have you know chip shot?ha >> will look, i'ved be happy --i told him once before when he came into the oval when he was -- before he was sworn in. i said i will give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. >> jesse: biden was apparently so forgettable that the dnc chairman posted biden's famous friends on stage but missed thed money shot up the top dog. and if the elite event didn't boost his cool factor, biden and kamala harris ripping off "the 5". they could never do fan mail friday like greg.or >> folks, the viceit president d i will answer some questions. first, when you and the vice president have lunch together, what do you normally eat?, quite friendly that's classified.e anything from fia hamburger to a salad. >> the next question is how areo you feeling about your college basketball brackets? >> i'm feeling quite good.kly,
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i'm very proud to have pickedla oakland anugd -- at the very beginning. not oakland, california. i recognize the difference. >> jesse: jessica, you had an insider at the fundraiser probably. >> people had a really good time it was because of everyone who was there. itt, was like going to a big concert and a political chat show. yeah. people want joe biden to win again and they also like the two other democrats that came before and they like stephen colbert and they think it's fun to see the performances and all of those are true. i don't see the travesty of all of it.ert, would you like to elaborate on why it's so bad? >> jesse: just because there were a lot of protesters outside, he skips the funeral of a slain officer. >> okao ely.y it >> judge jeanine: to do a podcast before the event. i don't know. >> jessica: all right, the truth of the matter is, the biden campaign is doing quite well right now and raking in
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$26 million in a night is really good and donald trump's hopes to bring in 33 million when he hast a fundraiserru at mar-a-lago. i hope you guys will make fun of him thenwe when he brings in kid rock. i'm so excited just thinking about it. >> jesse: i will trade for lizzo. >>conc jessica: when you bring n that much money, you can do things like open up ten fieldon offices in north carolina. it's the first time the democrats will have a field office in lancaster, pennsylvania. we have three dozen offices in wisconsin. that's howave you win election, with ground game, and that's what donald trump is hoping tosn do as well. well legal fees and then field offices. because we are arresting him als the time. i can't stop. >> greg: please do. w
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>> judge jeanine: yoitu know what the differences?ff icin order for obama to raise tt kind -- for biden to raise that kind of money, he needs to brins in two other presidents. he needs to bring inow t celebrities, he needs jeffrey backffer and all the theatrics f the three presidents coming up from below the stage, all being raised together. i mean it's the theatrics for the elite. i love the juxtaposition, i love the optics of president trump coming into go go to the funeral of a slain officer. and, you know, i could not help but -- i was reading about some of the things that were said and obama said to a protester, he says you can't just talk and not listen. that's what the other side does. well mr president obama, that's exactly what msnbc does toat's republicans. they do all the talking and they won't listen.
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in the end, donald trump will out raise biden by just havingto people at his club, having dinner with him because people are fascinated with him. bid they know he's not going to stumble or mumble or any of thae other stuff. when biden talksr wi about beinn an inflection point in history, we are. crime is out of control, it cos $10,000 more every year to live and people are fed up with i think that, i want to close og this, is that there is a video of governor hogle getting y rejected todayea at the funeralw home oanf slain officer diller d it's because people are fed up. fed up with the talk. people talking the talk and not walking the walk, and there she is leaving the funeral home.ed p >> are you fed up, kennedy? >> i'm deeply entertained by all of this. i thinmek if. president biden l, in the fall, they can look at
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yesterday and go well maybely that's why e. if you hold the two screens up side-by-side, president trump doesn't look like the worst person in the world. he looks like someone who's fed up with an issue that is affecting every state in everyto major city in the country and that is rising crime. even though crime has fallen statistically a little bit in new york city, it still feels pretty bad.d when theev new york times islitt writing about women gettingit sucker punched in the face. you also have jeffrey talking j about thises historic night, ths american record they pulled in. all of his historic accomplishments. meanwhile 38% of respondents in. the most recent fox news poll said the presidents most the impressive accomplishment is nothing.ive 6 percent said the most impressive thing he's accomplished in office is not being trump. i don't know how that wins elections and i don't know howoa relying on your a lister friends to raise money gets you enough money toets beat president trup
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when it's a different game than in 2020. >> greg: to me it was like live aid for ugly people. march of dimes for millionaires. if only there was a word thatt describes a bunch of jerks that form a circle. [ laughter ] >> greg: but it was ath telethon. it was a telethon for a very sick man stricken by trump fever and it's a shame jerry lewis was inherent to host it.. but here's the thing, so there were photos with the three presidents, right, would cost over $100,000, what a great story to tell people.ey like how did you get that picture? i paid a hundred thousand dollars for it.te it immediately deflates the uniqueness of having the photo., it's just a pompous thing to have around your office. the big point, and the judge alludes to it, why were the three of them there? you need it three democrat presidents to deal with trump. think about the math on that one.n they needethd three democrat
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presidents to deal with trump. now let's move on to the phrase limousine liberal.ine we hear that phrase. why does that phrase exist but limousine conservative doesn't exist? it describes the hypocritical rich leftists who demands the use of public transportation while theyey fly private.e the same people who demandlic public education for all of you without choice but then send their sniveling little brats to private education with high tuitions. people who marched for defunding the police, who champion black lives matter but are separated from the rabble w with private security, usually manned by retired police officers. so what yoeru saw there was the encapsulation of the limousine liberal. i love rich people, they are thc best. i think i might be one of them. but there is no such phrase as a limousine conservative precisely for this reason.n. it is not about wealth or status
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, it's that the limousine .liberal wants you to practice the views they themselvese refused to practicthe as they ph them on you. they use their wealth and status to keep themselves immune fromkp the hell that they put forth on others. so when you look at that and you can't explain, like, why does that make me sick, i explainedyo it. that's what makes you sick. we are all going to -- you know, trump is going to raise money, biden is going to raise money. biden may raise more because, you know, trump doesn't need asu much. he big hillaryhe. so they are all going to try toa raise moneisy but there is something different about this. it's because they want the monen and the status were themselves and they don't want it for you. that's a limousine liberal. >> jesse: while jessica hard to recover from.r fr >> jessica: i'm still back onn
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kevin, i'm feeling hot. a >> greg: whenever yo cu talkun o about celebrities, to make funih of the conservatives in hollywood either because they are religious or they are olderv but ata lot of the hollywoode conservatives are older because they had to wait. john voight had to wait because he did not want his careerhi destroyed. >> jessica: what we arscaree mag fun of actually is how desperate conservatives are to have validly celebrity that would endorse them. [ simultaneous talking ] >> greg: you are the mean girl >> jessica: regina george? okay. great movie. >> president trump doesn't need celebrities. >> if he doesn't -- >> he lost in 2020.ffer >> but 2020 was very different. everyone was mad about the pandemic. very different set of circumstances. >> but pretending as if you wouldn't -- like when kanye west preanti-semitism or the wider t heknown depth of his anti-semitm
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was out there, conservatives were thrilled. and then it's like oh, no, we blew that one. it's new year's eve, let's have a vanilla ice.'s like i nf you can get somebody. i actually like vanilla ice but obviously. >> jesse: lizzo, queen latifah, something is happening over there. >> judge jeanine: you want to>> talk about lizzo? didn't she have some problems. they have no problem bringingto her out.rice >> biden's are going up in price under biden's america. >> full circle. >> you owe kevin sorbo an a apology. >> and a banana. gre >> i can't afford the banana. >> because of joe biden. >> yeah, a home in your liberal -- limousine, liberal. >> jesse: up next time to get ready for blackouts. r
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> welcome back. biden's clean green energybi scheme could send us back to the dark ages but quick. the president and his eco-s bu warriors too busy saving the planet to see the warning signs. watch. >> this existential threat too all of us is the ultimate threat to humanity, climate change.ia >> it is working. it's working, folkl s. >> the share of tvs has been dramatically increasing every single year. and that's continuing.>> >> electric busses are key to w the futureor. >> the bus has wi-fi and even usb outlets next to every seat. i mean come on, imagine, you could charge your phone on your way home from work. that's good stuff.
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>> that's so good. tanking the economy because of a usb port. she has no idea what she's talking about. ththe reality is all of their climate policies are pushing ou! electric power grid to the limia and it's only getting thg e wall street journal writir artificial intelligence data centers and climatre pe rules aw pushing the power grid to what could become a breaking one of the biggest energy draining culprits, electric vehicles. the biden tsa ministration is pushing on you. people are buying them butth that's notem stopping the energy sector -- secretary from dismissing some of the bad sales .ews >> they may have gotten a little over their skis in terms of thea rate okef uptake but it is happening. when youenin start a new industr you have some fits and starts. some has to do with range anxiety, some with the price.ut people realize that electricec vehicles aretr so much cheaper o own and operate in terms of not having to buy gasoline.
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>> don't you love when politicians pulls don's wherey they have a convoy of electric vehicles that stalls in the middle of the road and they have to be rescued by gas powered tow trucks? isn't the administration a little ahead of itself in terms of tvs? the energy secretary very enthusiastic o >> they are way ahead of everybody. i don't think anybody will catch up because everyone blockedy their first tranche and they are happy with sails have flatlined. do you remember when you had a computer a tt home or in college and thens you had to get one oa those little adapters and then you plug in one of the little, like, strips to the adapter and you have 15 chords plugged intos this thing? that's joe biden t cv you can't charge all of theseths things that you are charging att not expecthe the grid to blow u. we are reindustrializing the country after china. these ai and chip manufacturing plants and everything we are doing with
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these data centers takes up a lot of electricity and what are we going to use to power the grid, jessica? not kevin sorbo's strength andth masculinity.: it's goingco to be fossil fuels? he hasn't figured out how to balance ev's and a growing industrial economy. >> yes, but there are some very industrious companies who arewh figuring out that if they can set up shop next to some nucleae power plants, they are actually far better off. we are taking our power plants and nuclear off-line. it's one of the worst decisions environmentally the country has madeden .bi >> biden has backtracked on that a bit and it's aggravated left he progressives. he's more dril ll baby drillef d more open to fossil fuels.r and nuclear energy than he hadaa perhaps sat on the campaign trail. inbut i think that two things ct be true.oo one we are moving too fast iner terms ofms trying to push people to the ev world. maj
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when you have the ceos of a rear major car company from people who produce cheap cars to the most expensive cars on thear market saying, youke know, we ho to get here but you can't push us to do this at your rate, you haveto to pay attention to thaty and then you also have to acknowledge that our grids are from the sixties and seventies and need to be updated.h is >> which is very expensive and takes a lot of time. >> sure but it doesn't mean that it's not a worthwhile project when you look at some of the outages that we've had.ow ted cruz, can go to cancún every year. >> where does gavin newsom go? the biggest looming energy crisis is coming from california >> judge jeanine: no question,i. look, as the demand for electricity grows, the u.s. continues to deny that there ist a problehem with the it continues to refuse topr protect thote grid.. the grid has been vulnerable for a long time before this push for electric vehicles. it's vulnerable to a cybertack
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attack, it's one or a bowl to an electric magnetic pulse, it's vulnerable to a national disaster which happens everydi hundred 50 years and we areo about do right now, and in truth, you know, the grid is like the border, you know, they've got a policy and they don't care about thehe consequences. c they just don't care. our grid is like a vulcanizedd third world country. we have all of these local grids connected to the national grid., nobody takes responsibility for the grids and california is part of the disaster.hina if you think about it china and russia are the best allies that these green advocates have. you have to move toward thiss electrical stuff and the inflation reduction act, evense though as jesse was talking about, you know, we've gottas, t have fossil fuels, there's got to be a midway to the point where we get to where everythinr
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is working off of the electric grid. the truth is rid,, under the inflation reduction act, the tax credits that the electric companies get is like 50% greater than the fossil fuel companies get.get. so he can be out there saying i'm drill baby drill, but that's not happening because the only people who get the tax benefits are the electric companies. cre >> and we are not building any more refineries or enoughgi charging >> that is so true. >> only seven new charging stations -- and outrage. >> greg: personally i'd like to thank you for helping me with my green agenda. i had a bit of a bugger on my nose. she was able during the break to clear it out of my nose. you put the us in mucus. anyway, when you put an agenda before, and people's needs you will hurt everyone. a lot of people saw this comingt
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but if you spoke out you were called a climate denier. that shut up a lot of experts. meanwhile there were othere experts who played along and they got government grants and the media spotlight. electric cars arae an option ani they wilghl get better, elon muk is designing great ones, but it's not a replacement. it won't be a replacement for ad long time. i coined this phrase a while aga , charge anxiety. a i alreadndy have charge anxiety with my phone, with my headphones, my laptop, the neck massager i ordered from fredericks from hollywood. [ laughter ]re >> greg: i'm always looking for plugans and sockets andd adapters and i just don't need that on a road trip. i don't need to be in the carme thinking that i've gotta find someplace and i know that they are not there. it also, lastly, i just question the entire premise of measuring thtee temperature of the planet we just assume when they make these calculations and thesehey predictions that they are accurate.. do you ever stop and just sit
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down and think about measuringe the temperature of earth?li like all of these measuring stations, humans have to look ae these instruments than they have to test the accuracy. humans are fallible. thinking about that is absurd. none of this stuff is accurate. we've been lied to. >> will you know who else has been lied to, the american people. they p think thaeot i am jessich i love donald trump and i can't stand joe biden.g >> aheadof, speaking of presidet biden. the bailout will cost you a lot more. tuition just hit 90 grand for only one year of schooling. we will tell you where, next. [♪♪] [♪♪] u love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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>> the price j of biden's stude low debt bailout just got a lot bigger. despite the supreme courte telling hiism no, joe is plowina ahead with plan b to erase loang this isn't going to help taxpayers tuition at several ned england colleges now costco $90,000 per yearll. to avoid debt, people are dumping the degrees and turningg to trucking. a 24-year-old social media sensation alex the trucking guyg says hole found the golden tickt job. i'm having trouble with myg lenses. driving an 18 wheeler in viral o videos, he shows off the average day in the life of a trucker. >> i have to go all the way through illinois, through st. louis, through indianapolis, through indiana to ohio. on my way to ohio.o oh in illinois.
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it's currently 76 degrees outside and we are cruising at 68 miles an >> judge jeanine: okay, jesse,: what was he using? was at a map? >> jesse: i've never seen that thing before. no, i can just never figure out how tosh hold -- fold those things. ouu get to g a point where you know you are not doing it right, you shall bit in the glovea compartment and then you geter lost. d i wafos told i have to save ao a half a million dollars per child for college. so now we have jesse junior in fencing. because that is the only kind of sport my son will be able to gej a scholarship for. it's crazy. we had some research deliveredev to my desk. i demanded it for in 1950, only 6 percent of the united states population had ae college
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e now 37 percent of the populatn has a college degree.rt is it worth it? maybe we are more educated butse maybe not because yeah it's expensive when you go to yale or tufts. you get a good education but what happens if you pay $200,000 to get a degree fromro northeastern kentucky institute? that is just a fleece job.yo and then four years later yout ofare in a massive amount of det and probably not that much smarter. noah fencese, , i just made up t university, but you get my point. all of thesepoin universities ae just popping up everywhere and they are just raping the pocketbooks of all of these people that think they need tofh go to if you are being forced intoced college and you have an instinct that says maybe i shouldn't do that, listen to your gut.. i just met a guy who did not even -- barely graduated high school and now he owns three ferraris. three ferraris. no college degree.aris
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>> judge jeanine: all right, kennedy, is the value of a college degree less than it used to be?demi is it because of the pandemic?e is it because people have options now? is it because, you know, theso prices just so high it's absurd? >> there's no incentive for colleges to keep prices lows because they knogow the governmt is going to keep funding them through these government-backed loans. now with the promise of debt forgiveness, even if theent president can't exercise thatei througr h executive order, they are going to find a way to shoehorn that through the nextdh democrat congress and that's very unfortunate because then't 63 percent of americans who don't have college degrees are going to be on the hook, especially lower income earnersm for the small segment of the population that actually does. i think if you are spending that kind of money on a college fil degree for something like film studies, you are going to get out and best case scenario you will learn about $45,000 -- turt about $45,000 a year.
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but a radiology tech according to the chart i was given when i demanded research, jesse, earns $94,000 a year after a two year degree. there are plenty of two yeargram degree programs, apprenticeship programs, programs like jobcorp corps where people can get the training and then make money right away with zero debt. >> judge jeanine: and it's true, trucking has a large appeal to people. you don' t go to college, you make a lot of money and you -- >> greg: a lot of people are buying trucks and going to work, dads, moms, a lot of mother trucking. [ laughter ] >> greg: we have been livinge be in a world of abstract problemsp created byeo abstract people wih abstract jobs, whether it's, you know, hr, pr, dei, esg., bubut without concrete jobs then you have concrete problems. that's what we are seeing right now in the united states.op the peoplele responsible for how this world works, that allows us
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to watch videos of cats on our phones, these are the truck drivers and construction workers, the first responders, electricians, machinists, i almost had magicians, and they don't get any credit.y we thinkcr that all of this stuf to shows up.e imagine a weird natural disastee that eliminated all the people who make things work. biden would win in a landslide but nothing would work, right?d because it's the side that you hear most about that takesit itself so seriously that does nothing. and then there'snoth another si, you never hear anything about, that actually works and makes things. l >> like magicians. >> likikmagie magicians. can we stop calling it loneit forgiveness? you can't forgive somethinivengm is not yours to f it's lone theft. >> judge jeanine: good answer. d >> greg: thank you. g we will be right back.chan >> judge jeanine: no, we won't. jessica you get a chance now. l the trutoth is a lot of gen z ae
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refusing to give back their student loan. they don't car note about credi, they are going to buy a house. >> they can't afford to. it's not just refusing. it's like when people declare bankruptcy if they don't haveon the money anymore.'t jesse, you need a 529 for your kids. >> jesse: we have them. >> they told you have to put $500,000 in it? >> for each kid.b5 t >> judge jeanine: that's crazy. you need asica new financial adc >> that's how much it will cost when they are 18.n' >> judge jeanine: yotu don't have to put that in now. >> it's still a lot of money bus we talk about 529th a lot but we also talk about the fact that by the time our kids are going to college, your little kids, k that iidt will not look like th. there will be mass rebellione against this because even from the people, the upper echelons of society, it's too ridiculouse people will start looking at the jobs you will get if you are coming out of an ivy league
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school and paying $90,000 a year. i thought it was crazy when i was going to college. it was over $50,000 in 2002. is my parents were like what is this. now kindergarten is 55-$60,000 in major and it will take people who have gone to these schools to push back on it and to say we are not giving any more and we are not sending our kids into this. it's simply not worth it. >> greg: this is why i homeschool and i don't even have kids. >> goss is the smartest kid on o the block. >> judge jeanine: coming up c next, greg's worst nightmare just came true. [♪♪] [♪♪] okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs
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first up, greg's worst nightmare.untr country music is about to get even more popular.anti beyoncé releasing her highly anticipated country album today. her remix of jolene getting a stamp of approval from country queen dolly parton. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> rake, what do you think?t? >> i think that jolene is a jer jerk. every time i hear the song i'mjo like jolene why don't you leave these people alone? they are singing about you, always dealing other chicks dudes, jolene. anyway, i'm so tired of this cultural appropriation. [ laughter ]call >> greg: she basically is the vanilla ice of country music. if beyoncé did, like, decided to go after polecat and maybe, like, you know, did covers of,
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like, the verse atones that would be >> what? j >> astrozeneca. >> oh, god the chafing. >> yousica like the new country album? >> judge jeanine: albui love thd song and i i love the way she sg it. it's kind of interesting, greg's take. y would be so fast toe do that to anyone of us. >> but she's from the south. >> schapiro got a number 1 in a wrap, right? >> i did see that. >> good for you. >> i've got nothing. >> jesse? >> greg: that's interesting because he's jewish not because he's whitehe.actl >> exactly! >> we have billy ray cyrusly r e the show tonight. >> als o jewish.dy >> how d: o you know? >> i don't know. >> is there a way to find out?. >> go online. >> there's a registry. we have to sign up.ry [ laughter ].
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>> billy ray cyrus on the show so i'm going to ask him about whether he thinks beyoncé isnks kosher. [ laughter ] h >> ask him about that david w lynch movie he was in. what was it called? >> i'm not asking him -- oh greg has a question for you billy ray >> want to say something sensible? probably not. i respect what shewhat was doind a few years ago i intervieweds, calvin harris and said he should cover jolene and he said no, he thought that was too ordinary.s i think beyoncé's version is beautiful and dolly parton loves it because she's making more money. i will always love you, whitney houston love that because she was making money.? >> making money off the backs. do i have to finish that? >> no, please don' n ever wonder what your childhood billy is up to?at ka new study found that kids wo display aggressive behavior in school are likely to earn more
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money as adults and land top jobs. who was a bully at the table? jesse? >> of course he was.who the guy who doesn't raise his hand is the bully. >> i was the bully, says jesseut watters, i stood up to the bullies got says jesse watters.o >> i would kick your butt in school. >> i wish knewi knew you then. >> do you by into this? >> i don't know. when i was a kid i used to wear my hair in braids and this kid was always pulling my braids. >> he liked you, he had a crush. >> i don't know where he is now> and i don't care. >> do your thing, judge, do it. come on. >> she does it every week. kennedy. >> it's squeaky wheel syndrome.u if youea are the squeaky wheel, you will get the crease in ourai beautiful capitalistic economy
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and the grease is money. if you figure out early on that being a little bit more difficult get you what you want, then you are going to do that as an adult and what you want is money because that equals opportunity and happines opps. >> but aggressive doesn't havehe to mean bully. >> i disagree, it's the squeaky -- theory that you end upn joining the manson family if yo. are a bully and school. a there's da distinction here,li these werees classroom bullies, teachers that looked at behavior in the classroom. so if classroom bullies do wello in schoooll and then sits around and bothers people. >> really, really well: inre schoolal,.: je >> fan mail friday is up [♪♪]il f [♪♪] it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] t >> take me to funky town. a cindy asks a really goodesti question. a toy company makes an action figure out view, what two accessories would it come with, kennedy? >> obviously -- [ singing ] >> i don't know what that means: so i will move onto the judge. you are disgusting, this is a
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family >> aat gun and a foot pedal. >> nice! [ laughter ] >> that's pretty good. jessica? >> i don't know. >> oak him on. >> i always have a pen which is a really dorky thing.: >> you have glasses. >> i only need them to read and you are not always reading. i would like a great handbag. h >> what kind? >> probably a quilty bag in the gray color. >> all right jesse, save this.wa >> microphone and then get it together which you can still get right now on amazon. [ laughter ] >> the book and the microphone. number 1 on the new york times.> >> congratulations you big jerkj i'm trying to speed through this. i'm trying to help everybody here. what's one hi thingng you refused to share with others, jesse?
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your hair care products? >> no, i was going to say my dru drugs but you've been asking a lot about that so i will share g thisre weekend, greg. probably my dreams. i've always had it's not masculine for a guy to share his dreams with people so i don't tell anybody what i dream about. >> fantastic. jessica? >> pick and mix candy. i think that that is because becait's loose or because i just wanted all. that feels privatetall..ti >>ng interesting. judge, what do you refused to share with others? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> my mind is like unfamiliar territory. you mean lik ter e food or shoes? >> it says one thing. >> one thing i refuse to share? cotton candy. o >> all right. >> the gum ih. n my mouth. everything else i'm pretty muchs
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a communist. [ laughter ]t. >> she's on fire today! >> you can answer this one. >> i would say friday night t at kudlow's, just me and him. that's coming up in a few hours. "one more thing" is up next. [♪♪] [♪♪] hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders, i got you three classic tenders for butterfly shrimp for eddie. i win. oh, always a competition. >> i am the shrimp, but we were always concerned as friends about the work that he was doing. did i think it would rise this level? >> absolutely not. streaming now on fox nation. e l >> it's time now for one more thing, jessica. today mark sins one whole wrong year since "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was wrongfull y c detained while on assignment in russia. gershkovich has been charged with espionageth. facing 20 years behind bars. gershkovich the wall streetmandn journal and u.s. government strongly deny the allegations and are demanding his immediatgt e release. you can voice your support across fox news media platforms homesinga pls the hash tag i stand with evan. we are all praying that evan comes home to his loved ones
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soon and are thinking of him and his family. >> very good, greg. tonight on my show, 10 p.m..welt it's good i got charlie hurt. dagen mcdowell got tooe we big tires. as for gutfeld live. well, we sold out two shows a in vegas. just added another show innother red bank, new jersey. dude, i'd be there. be there h be there. we still have to get to fort lauderdale, florida. they had the durham nortst 11thh carolina golf. y dolp >> hey, let's do this greg playi dolphin news. bab play it, baby. >> yes, yes. t ba check out this hot back flipping dolphin. put it on an exciting show. passengers in monterey bay, california. he knew what they wanted. he gave it right t o lynn bell. >> and they've been like a flapjack at a late night
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diner saying you be this bachelor. >> i'll be the paddy. sorry. like i need a cigarette. >> all right.t of a volcano erupting in frontthe o of the northern lights. oh, i don'rt t know what the northern lights are, and i barely know what a volcano i. f >> but this was in iceland, and it is just beautiful . also tonight, billy ray and his wife fire cyrus. >> 8:00 eastern. do wime have time to leave punxsutawney phil and his wife that do groundhog babies?r jessie's on my podcast of save the world. yes, several. thecia >> we get everybody. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. >> i would testify to every day >>d to.>> il i'm not going to sit there'm and wait in jail for him. >> now, did his world na


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