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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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contained in these complaints. >> audit. william thank you. that is the story for thursday march 28th 2024. as always the story goes on. i will see you back here fox news at night it o'clock pm on the east coast and 11:00 o'clock pm on the west coast. keep in mind tonight we're going to take a very close look at what happened today at the funeral of this police officer. 31-year-old leaving a wife and a 1-year-old son behind. the former president was there. the current president is at a fundraiser in midtown manhattan and we will have coverage on the and how it affects both campaigns. i trace gallagher see you back here tonight fox news at night. your world with neil caputo starts right now. >> thank you trace. we are live and neil: long island new york where a wake is being held for this lane new york city police often search jonathan diller shot by a career criminal peer former president donald trump attended earlier today but the focus really on this fallen
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officer and the soft on crime policies many blame on his -- for his mentor. in a moment i'll talk to police commissioner ray kelly. collecting it to. welcome everyone let's get to it. on neil cavuto. we have brian from new yorker carl o'brien. >> colonial. on this rainy day here people have been filing outside including hundreds of officers and fellow officers to pay their respects to fallen hero jonathan diller gunned down shot and killed monday night. you can see the line of people there they will offer their condolences there to officer diller's wife stephanie and 1-year-old son as well as the extended family inside peer former president trump did come earlier today a couple hours ago. you visited with the family and had this to say specifically about the fact the accused shooter in this case had 21 prior arrests reportedly and was still out free and able to do
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what he allegedly did monday night. listen with the cyst. >> be fed to toughen it up and strengthen our. should never have been allowed. they should not be allowed to take place and so often. these are incredible people who are devastated. they are devastated. they've got a tough road back it's meant to be a very tough road. >> just 30 miles away from this funeral home, president biden is holding a fundraiser tonight. radio city music hall. earlier today the white house press secretary was asked about whether or not president joe biden had any personal conversations with the diller family she said she could knock it into whether or not that happened and then she said this... >> so first, president auden spoke to mayor adams and give his condolences about the tragic killing of officer jonathan diller. the president offered mayor adams and the city of new york
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and new york police department his full support in the wake of the tragedy. >> neil: meantime the tributes keep pouring in. a memorial is growing outside of his precinct. >> in queens. new york the 101st precinct. and here massapequa park long island there are american flags and blue ribbons all over the place as well as a thin blue line painted on the road as not only today but tomorrow the visitation continues neil and there we'll be the funeral on friday. as for the shooter meal he was charged today with first-degree murder as well as attempted murder, prosecutors say he attempted to kill diller's partner but that his gun jammed. neil. >> neil: incredible, brian think you. the former new york city police commissioner, commissioner mayor adams renewed his calls today in light of this killing for repeated crimes and those caught on repeated crimes.
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nothing ever comes of any of this though. >> you're right. and this has been a cry for decades. recidivism has been a long-term problem. and also a lot of these problems are at the feet of the legislature. in new york state, new york state legislature is vetoproof and it's doing some ridiculous things as far as the criminal justice system is concerned. and that also goes for the new york city council. they become the enemy of the police department and of the citizens of new york city. putting legislation in place that's simply there to harass a police officer. it makes no sense. this is a tragedy that unfortunately we will see again. it always seems to involve young people, children, policing is in a person's business.
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and a 1-year-old child who we'll be affected by this for his whole life. this is the business of policing. i thank the police feel a lot of frustration these days. they know something like this can happen but they're frustrated and they just don't feel like they're getting the support they need from government and many times the public as well. >> you know, it's interesting to commissioner because when you hear the stories, the crime rate is going down but then you hear somewhat related crime is going a. these types of impotence and a stick in people's minds because they have happened enough certainly in the metropolitan area this is just the latest. we fear it might not be the last. then in the case of the assailants, 21 prior arrests. 21 prior arrests you think there would be a statute of limitations that after 5 it's double jeopardy but how does that happen?
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>> happens because the system has been skewed to the left because of the progressive movement peer most of the judges in new york city are products of the legal aid society and some organizations like that. as i say the legislative act certainly city council people not particularly friends of law enforcement or looking to put in greater enforcement and for the state legislature. going for like this unfortunately for quite a while and i don't see any light at the end of the tunnel right now. >> neil: i also wonder commissioner by k-1 a population gets upset that includes conservatives and progressives. we all value like living and our kids living and it's heightened concerns about the safety in this city period. what do you think? >> yes, but we haven't seen it translate into voting in new
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york city. the elections are controlled by just a small number, they're vary per powerful and the city council. only 20 through semi cabela jewel voters voted in the past citywide election. that's what we are up against. these left-leaning legislators are getting elected, they're getting votes. people are voting for them. that's the harsh reality that we have to face peer turning that around is a monumental task. >> into both right commissioner? you can have these left-leaning buttes -- views but you can also be active, people are scared and address those concerns. it's not an either or situation is it? >> it has to translate into votes and so far we have been seen that happen. people are frightened you're right but not trained enough apparently to turn up to vote. when you only get 23 semiactive people voting in a citywide
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election. >> we watch a closely. always good to see you commissioner. thank you we want to take you to midtown manhattan not too far outside our offices right now you're looking at avenue of americas a shot of radio city music hall. you will see a rare event, fundraiser for joe biden that will also have talked to a former democratic presidents joining him, bill clinton and barack obama." whole cavalcade of stars. nate foy is their right outside radio city. hey nate. >> hey neil we are expecting protesters to arrive here kind of shortly. i say that because about 8 blocks south of here at 4:00 a group will meet at bryan park before palestinian protesters meeting. then at 5:00 bellevue park about 1 mile south peer support group meets. both we'll be walking here to radio city music hall where he mentioned president joe biden we'll be holding a fundraiser
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tonight with former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. it's already raised $25 million so far. take a look at this video as president obama landed in new york today. president biden expected to face more protesters like you did earlier this week in north carolina. watch this. >> to have a point, we need to get a lot more care. [ applause ] >> neil, uc anti- israel protests here in new york as well as washington dc and san francisco. this week the u.s. chose to not block a u.n. security council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza that led israel to cancelling delegations visit to the u.s. tonight there we'll be a discussion between presidents biden, obama and clinton that we'll be moderated by stephen colbert and there will also be musical performances tonight from queen latifah and liz oh and other artists. former president trump also in new york today attending the
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wake of murdered nypd officer jonathan diller but back to the fundraiser tonight neil tickets range from $225 to $500,000. 500,000-dollar ticket could see the entrance to a more private reception. they're a bunch of different ranges car to a $50,000 gets you into a separate reception. a picture with all 3 presidents will cost you $100,000. send it back to you neil. >> neil: that's nate foy kind of money right there. wow. good seeing you. stay dry my friend if he believed possible in these elements. in the meantime speaking of money, a lot of people making a lot of it as we wrap up the month then the quarter. keep in mind note trading tomorrow for good friday. we wrap up the first trading months of the year. doubt closing records as far as first quarters go this is the strongest we've seen in the better part of 5 years in the markets. lower interest rates and the prospect we're going to see
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lower inflation numbers back hope springs eternal for technology as well. optimism a couple issues got beaten up a little bit on the quarter. everyone is making money. they generally like when that happens. in the meantime when we come back you've heard about this going on a few blocks from where i sit right now. but if you are joe biden do you welcome seeing your predecessors like barack obama and bill clinton know matter what you think of them they're pretty fast on their feet and pretty funny. by comparison, what about you? what about next week nothing brings us together like eggland's best eggs. always so fresh and delicious. plus, superior nutrition. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah.
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maximum refund. intuit turbotax.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> i don't know if the rockettes we'll be there but if the who's who of political entertainment figures as well as including 3 residents including the current 1 and 2 prominent democratic ones and what will be huge fundraiser moment for when joe biden the hans extraordinaire. on thinking if you're joe biden these fats are rock stars in your party. there is the chance some could look at it and say i like those guys. 1 of those guys? what do you think? >> yeah, they are determined. maybe i don't known.
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new we should just off the 22nd of them and. look they want the money. joe biden is raising an incredible amount of money and he has a big advantage and it's an early advantage over former president trump. this matters neil becomes the valley of the dollar you spend and save march or april of a campaign or even over the summer is much more of the valley of the dollar than you spend post- labor day when the markets are flooded, nolan, everyone is tuned out and everyone is busy. if you want any evidence or testimony of that ask mitt romney. mitt romney got destroyed in 2012 when he was not up on the air at them president obama was and the race was really hard for him to get back into any sort of competitive can position. the white house and the campaign have made a clear calculation to want to raise this money and see them altogether. if somebody objects may not be perfect, they can probably get buy with that. >> and, you know, no 1 ever
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turns away any money. donald trump is having trouble getting that and money that is coming will pay legal bills. he is at a financial disadvantage. the fact of the matter is he gets about a free press given the nature of the former president and, you know, he is pretty smooth on the stump so there is that going for him that i'm wondering how do you make that. >> you live off the land. if money mentored in political world, bush would have been the nominee in 2016 and potentially president right. i don't think there we'll be a lot of controversy but forgive me if there is. donald trump doesn't have a difficult time getting attention on hammers. so you have paid media and area media. with paid media you get a control message with a 32nd ad but, you know, you have a track with a political consultant and the not entirely convinced there is not much utility in paid media. everyone does it. no 1 wants to be the guy that
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doesn't spend or female that doesn't spend any money on the campaign. but my evidence to that is joe biden just been tony $5 million, you know, largely on the economy didn't really move the needle. now the campaign will come back and say they've learned some stuff and are testing messages but, you know, i'm still waiting for someone to run for office and fed labor day on i will only do sandwich boards and yard signs, no paid media. >> don't hold your breath. >> all the consultants get rich they get a percentage of the media by end by second homes but it's unclear to me what moves the dial. and like you say donald trump we'll be front and centre this can paid the next 6 months weather its through paid media or not or earned media or not and, you know, just has an ability to dominate the space this way. >> and i remember sometimes these celebrity crowds at these big events like the 1 at radio city can be offputting but if memory serves back in tony 16 hillary clinton had no problem
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getting a lot of celebrities to support her and hang out with their. but it was donald trump who had the crowds. sometimes we clinton had trouble getting crowds unless she had those a list type celebrities. so, something to be said of that right. >> look if hillary could build a time machine she would spend less time in the hamptons raising money and more time in michigan wisconsin and pennsylvania. again that's not controversial because i think her team has basically said that. but it's always, you know, forgot to get the fuel oxygen mix right. you know, campaigns don't run on fumes, you do need to have a ground game and raise money but money is not going to be joe biden's problem. whether or not he cuts to 1.8 or $2 billion and a total spend, that's not really -- the campaign wants to spend the money and spend it early but, you know, this campaign will probably be decided by events, by the debates if there are any and probably trumps legal challenges and how what the
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issue said is the next 5 to 6 months. >> hans great catching up with you it's been a while. don't be as ginger. hans nichols reported. alright we are telling you about the many issues facing donald trump. is not that he doesn't have the potential to access money but when it comes to social media concern of his that's quite the stock he just can't tap it. after this cts come with questions. so, we have answers. like how to keep your yard looking lush. which paint color matches your bold style. and with the mylowe's rewards credit card, you can save 5% every day. you got this. and we got you. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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fundraiser for the president he will have 2 former presidents within. barack obama and clinton. that's what trump is up against. you know the former president is doing quite well on the poles but the money raise a different story. how lebron has some thoughts on how the former president might be able to catch up your how good senia. you know, these are big affairs these types of celebrity filled events they get a lot of attention. i get annoyed because it means a lot of traffic in new york and i have trouble moving around. hal, what you think? >> while i would say this, i think it's having celebrities there and having had the former presidents there says a lot about biden separate to be able to raise money on his own. i don't think he would come close to that number of $25 million had he not had all the celebrities and not former presidents there. he really needs in there to actually be able to communicate and talk to the guests and entertain. attack its difficult for him to do at this point.
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>> truth be told, you know, joe biden has gotten a lot of money before this big shindig. file thing about it if you're president jimmy carter formally famously raised a lot of money. it didn't help them but the fact of the matter is presidents by virtue being presidents can raise a lot. >> they can there's no question about that. there's going to be plenty of money i think both sides. out give you a little tip on this. president trump is having a fundraiser shortly and the money was due and by the end of the quarter because it's all about march 30th, you know, and of quarter reporting. he is going to have over $25 million raised in his fundraiser and he doesn't have anyone else showing up there, firsters to help them raise it used doing on his own. i think biden will probably raise more this quarter than trump because mainly trump was not able to secure the nomination with nikki haley still running until she got out. that brings the rnc money and
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which is why people are probably wondering how does someone give a half million dollars? they go through all these committees and there's ways to do it once are nominee. biting can do it as the nominee and so can trump now. >> dragon the whole nomination out with rhonda santos so you're to blame for the financial issue. >> wrong got out early, before new hampshire. so only just barely. >> we'll help anyway he can write. >> it's a choice and yes, i mean we can't have another 4 years of biden i don't know how another country can survive it. >> there looking at this recent economic streak they thank the numbers look good they thank the market looks good. they normally don't talk about the stock market but they're talking about these records and a great start of this year. that's the wind at the proverbial back. what do you say? >> at figure we'll be difficult for them because the average person doesn't own a lot of
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stock. what they are seeing is higher food prices and higher housing prices. if you look at the percentages of increases mortgage rates are double what they were when trump was in office. gas prices are much higher and food prices are higher. that's what they can hide. and media can't spend their way out of that for biden. people see it every day. you go to lunch and get some food for dinner and it's twice as much money or 3 times as much what used to be. >> we'll watch closely. how -- hal great to see you. >> great to see you neil. >> neil: in the meantime the former ruler of the crypto will not going to joe jail for a long time. kelly is the reporter on this sam bankman-fried story front-mack that's right sam bankman-fried receiving a sentence today for all of those billion dollars of customer ones. coming up i'll tell you how many years he'll be behind bars and how you reacted you might be surprised. that's next
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[ ♪♪ ] alright it was raining like crazy outside new york courthouse. we'll see how much prison time he will be slapped but then she said it's raining. she did not say that. the brave reporter she is kelly known and expected this number of years though right? >> no meal, you know, the lawyers we were speaking with did. they said it's the equivalent of throwing the book at 732 years old but the max he could have gotten was 110 years. the prosecution was looking for 40 to 50. 25 does seem to bet low but let me break it down for you. you will serve that sentence in a medium security prison and serves us go so his parents can visit him. also required to pay over $11 billion in restitution which is of course a formality because he is in fact broke. we did hear from spf today which
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is surprising given how poorly he did he said he is sorry but never admitted fault. 's legal team intends to appeal the conviction so the nuance was key. also a lot of focus on harm the defence argued there was none given customers expected to get their money back through the bankruptcy process. the judge but none of that. he held spf responsible for 8 billion in customer losses and 3 billing for investors and lenders. i will note new york law is all about intent actual loss. it doesn't matter if victors will get their money back -- victors -- victims will get their money back. this quote released it out to me he said "when he was an outright lying he was often evasive and trying to get the prosecutor to rework questions and receive good answer and he felt less harmful. " packet never seen a performance quite like that. next week to expect an appeal but to go back to your initial
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question the folks and legal experts were expecting 20 to 25. you so young. when you think about the goals of scent -- sentencing there's also the question of rehabilitation. that's why you don't get something like 110. outside to back to you. i want to go to katie for the significance of this prison sentence. former federal prosecutor attorney. katie, 25 years that's what he's been slapped with. how soon can he get out with a good behaviour and all that? >> he probably wood serve upwards of 2 thirds of his sentence. it's a very significant sentence but you can see it was mitigated by the judge. clearly his remorse and a lot of his personal with experiences but autism played into the judge giving him a more moderated sentence than what the prosecutors asked for. >> neil: let me ask you this i always wondered when someone leads to the court in the dave
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sentencing the judge obviously goes in that morning with a number in hi? does the performance in this case say but how he acts or come up with a different number? how does that go generally? >> there are certain guidelines for particular defences there is maximum punishment and mandatory minimums, in terms of a final number it's really more an art then a science. certainly the accused persons or convicted persons remorse and their explanation and any other sort of mitigating factors are considered by the judge. so the final number is within the sole discretion of the judge. that's why we generally have a range we think would likely be but we won't know for sure what the final outcome we'll be until it's just a court. >> got it. another thing katie believed
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lawyers were looking for something a lot less in the notion the sooner work out of prison the sooner we can make good and make whole these investors as if he has any money and maybe he knows where it's hidden or whatever. but having said that what did you make of the defence team's argument, the sooner gets out the sooner people can be -- >> i think it was a great shot at trying to drastically reduce this sentence. obviously he did not plead, you pled not guilty at trial he tried to fight this. it cut against them in terms of the responsibility he was seeking. as the judgement and -- mentioned during the hearing any potential future remedies are just speculative at this point. it doesn't undo the criminality and damages that took place to these victims. the sentence was based on what actually happened and not what might potentially happen in the future.
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>> you know, there was always this feeling when we have cases like this that, you know, the criminal is caught and goes to jail and it will be a long time before we see this type of malfeasance or impropriety again. then i think worldcom and it doesn't and. there is just another crock down the road. so we don't slap the stuff out so what does it do? >> that's a very interesting question because i think you're right, according to the judge, sam bankman-fried is no burning made out here. he had a pretty moderated sentence and frankly i was surprised and thought it was on the low end but he is vary young and he expressed seemingly sincere remorse today. the message sent to the public for any criminal sentencing is meant to try to deter future conduct but certainly there is no perfect solution getting to a place that sends a message no 1
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will ever try to attempt 7 like this again because he will get out and have a life after this. the effect of the sentence on the deterrence is really a matter of legal debate. >> katie thank you so much katie follow these development's. in the meantime they were finally back in court in atlanta for the first time since special prosecutor nathan wade was forced to step down. and got a little shallow sick colour will. the impact per 1 donald trump can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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alright. fulton county da bonnie willis back in office of course former lover wade was not. that's where a lot of these comparisons stop fast. let's go to jonathan at the fulton county courthouse. with jonathan red-mac hi neil we are waiting for a decision from the judge this is not the type of judge that rules from the bench. 's previous decisions are a guide it may be several days before he issues a ruling on today's motions. today, trumpet attorney steve sano argued the former president's efforts to overturn the 2020 election were protected by the first amendment. take a listen.
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>> there is nothing alleged factually against president trump that is not political speech. he is not being prosecuted for logic -- lang he's being prosecuted relying to the government are connect that's illegal because it does harm to the government. >> reporter: it was the first hearing in the georgia case since march 15 when special particular -- prosecutor nathan wade resigned to allowed bonnie willis to continue prosecuting it. judge scott mcafee will vote prosecutors could not try to cased together after the defence alleged a conflict of interest because of willis' past romantic involvement with wade. the defence is expected to appeal. >> we will be arguing his decision actually should have gone further and they should have actually disqualified it. >> reporter: this week willis scent a letter to congressman jim jordan the republican heading the committee investigating her offices
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handling of funds and at the da writes nothing you do will derail the efforts of my staff and died to bring the election interference prosecution to child prosecutors had initially hoped to bring this case to trial in early august but as of now, there is no official start date set in the calendar appearing. >> neil: is any possibility on the whole thing being dropped? >> in theory yes back but i spoke with a legal scholar who says its very doubtful that the judge is going to throw out the complete indictment. he says that yes, you have free speech but when you allege that speech either reveals a crime or is attempting to incite a crime back then you still have your allegation that has to go to trial. >> neil: also in the case of funny we'll is the defence team doesn't like the fact she is still there but she is still there. how is she acting?
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>> you know, it's interesting because she is facing a potential trial that could come in theory as early as august likely a little later than that. at the same time fani willis is a politician she is facing challenges not only from a republican in the general election but also a democratic challenger in the primary. so she is out on the campaign trail, she has to be careful about not talking too much at the trial while at the same time tooting her own horn then touting her credentials to try and get reelected. so, one of the theories is that the defence is waiting not filing this appeal just yet to see exactly what fani willis says on the campaign trail car coping she ends up sing something that ends up being his
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qualifying. neil. >> neil: we shall see my friend could job as always jonathan siri on that. we know about doug lieberman he is gone. we've had a lot of tributes to him. i wanted to sort of look back more personally if you don't mind and we will next it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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ever. such as life but man what a life. he was 82 but as i liked to joke with him he didn't look a day over 81 p. not but i would live. that was joe and that was the way it went with him. art go dealing with me. you know all the big stuff when joseph lieberman first jewish candidate for vice president first independent u.s. senator agitator of both parties prisoner to no party. all-important stuff. but if you'll forgive me i want to talk about other stuff the stuff that made him vary different and vary special. people talk about his decency and kindness i experienced it firsthand. right after i had open heart surgery a few years ago i remember getting a call from him checking in on me. neil and heard about your heart operation he would say. good news is you can now tell your viewers you have a heart. he always seemed to know when hours out for a medical problem or another there are so many p. gently after i came back ripping me. neil year that johnny carson of tv anchors, in when you want to
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be in and out when you want to -- out when you feel like a kuiper from many others for whom you did the same thing, single and seemed concerned sometimes the same jokes same kindness and same class. that's what i remember about joe. in the rough-and-tumble world of politics nothing rough no tumble. my dad used to say you could tell the measure of a man not by how he acts in public but how he treats people in person. my dad also used to say something you might recall stay humble neil. in your case it will come in handy. joe loved that. but more he lived that. not only humble but humbling despite his impressive resume he could brag but didn't. he could condescend but wouldn't. in a world where greatness is often defined by how you thump your chest joe led with his heart. he could be in your face without ever ripping off your face. that cisco my friends especially these days without ever yelling
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or screaming or name-calling it wasn't his silence that was deafening it was his logic. i like to call it mourning without whacking. >> to call out one of our closest allies of the world israel, democracy when it's more and tell its people -- told the people they should dump their prime minister wow talk about crossing a redlined. to intervene this way is just offensive to one of our closest allies in the world. i am really disappointed chuck did it. >> the interest groups in both parties will pressure the leaders to put people on this committee who will protect the status quo. >> right. we can't give our current -- get our country out of the fiscal whole. >> that we'll be a sort of codified way of protecting status quo. >> and we can do that because the status quo is taking us over the fiscal cliff. >> the administration, i've been
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with them on this for the past couple years, wants to call our enemy violent extremism. there are other kinds of violent extremism thought it wasn't quite surprised extremism or animal rights extremists or any other kind of extremists that attacked us on 9/11 '01. until you call the enemy the name it is you're not going to ultimately defeat it. >> are you saying tell about what it being aggressive no matter who is president? donald trump or biden? or they took advantage of it regardless? >> yeah, i thank the main point is as i said before we haven't had a balanced 3000 troops we hadn't lost an american soldier in afghanistan and more than a year they weren't in the fight they were morning -- merely a support performing characters in to protect the secret of the american people. once you pull out of that you are inviting the war in which
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president trump will have done -- would've done. president biden has now invited the whirlwind to occur now. >> people are sick and fed up with the two major parties. all they do is fight each other and they don't work together to get anything done for the country. and most voters think if it ends up in trump and biden again it's going to simply be more of the same, attack and counterattack. not only during the campaign but the country we'll be divided by party. >> the party bit is always uphill right. >> it's always uphill but, you know, i thank the country has never seen the anger and disappointment -- disappointment with the two major parties as strong as it is. >> i thank the press break is the main kick off my friends and both parties but, you know, i am an independent and this is not what our country needs. >> you know, the same guys he'd be criticizing there are the
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same guys sing his praises now. not because of what joseph but how he said it. did you notice something? how he finessed it. does not with pomp and purpose not with her but to help and heal peer for the greater good he chose to be good. like i said feisty. but for me, joe lieberman was just fun. >> joe lieberman the soon to be retiring senator of course still a year and a half away. let's not push out the door just hit. >> i can still get in so much trouble. >> you to have a way of doing if i could stir the pot. >> usually due. new show coast-to-coast planet to planet i mean you're intergalactic. >> i wanted planet to planet. they said no. >> i want to bring in other issues. i feel it coming no holy area with you nick. >> as i due with you. >> thank youse. >> the pope and donald jumper fighting what you think we. >> have. people will analyse with the impact we'll be on the primaries
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i was about to say god only knows snap us vary good. >> thank you just came off. as i explained to you i was raised a religious jewish family. >> your jewish? >> yes, i know it's a surprise. and i was taught don't bash the rabbi. certainly don't bash the pope. >> increased the national debt and that's not good particularly for our children and grandchildren. >> it really depends if you like your children or grandchildren. >> i've been with them over the weekend and today i really love them. >> a good friend of john mccain in fact you recently visited him right senator? >> i did. i was there a week ago friday. at that point he was at the mayo clinic in scottsdale. he was okay really we had good conversation and talked some tired old jokes with each other.
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but we laugh at each other's. a little known fact about mccain if he mentioned the name had a young man which is not know much anymore congress done of greedy and khaki will give you at least a dozen -- doesn't click one-liners. >> if you're calling for a sopranos moment here. you next meeting you to an increase production pair capping that's what you're saying. >> yes this is that soft talk. this is with tony soprano if he was still around. >> my mother in 2000 larry king interviewed her and said missus lieberman what do you say to your son when he makes a mistake? my mom said mistake? >> i'm curious to what you make of the pressure on candidates to have a moment like you had their? >> yeah, those just happen. there is a way and which i bet everyone of the candidates and there teams have prescript did
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seemingly hilarious or killer lines but they've got to make sure they don't deliver them like robots. >> i was in happen since lincoln and johnson 1864. >> i cover that. it was remarkable. >> we were there together. i was already an independent working for lincoln at the time even though he was republican. but he seemed like such a good guy. >> i love those interviews. i always love those interviews and i was think -- think after each and every one of his appearances khaki have a lot, some 150 according to my incredible step. he would always say the same thing, the honour was mind kneeled. sometimes i would say senator and i was appreciate the fact you keep coming back and with the quick and key would add neil it's because i've nowhere else to go. again he would laugh and again i would love. and now it's joe having the last
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laugh. i can hear him now. i cancelled the segment neil, i'm already missing that. and i already missing that laugh. and i miss that soul. just say it eight so joe. say it ain't so. joe lieberman. gone at 82. even though he didn't look a day over 81. good night. [ ♪♪ ] >> hello everyone i'm did not free no it's 5:00 in new york city. [ ♪♪


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