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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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i will say this, the president, let's leave him room to say something kind tonight. let's hope the three of them get something right about this family because they deserve the word from the president. okay. kennedy, congratulations. so i opened my twitter, and officer diller joins the daily mail is a new columnist a you will never -- she will say next >> kennedy: this is so much fun and it's really fun to write and to take this moment and look around and -- >> keep writing sister >> this is the kind of officer that the shot, stayed in the fight. >> it's and extended family. our hearts go out to the fellow nypd family. his extended family.
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>> we must respect our police officers. [applause] we must support our police officers. >> all eyes on the big apple. president biden and former president donald trump both making visits to the new york at this hour. but the reasons for their visits couldn't be more different. hello, i'm shannon bream. >> i'm gillian turner. john and turner are off today. the president is turning to his predecessors, presidents obama and clinton to host this star-studded festival at music hall. it will raise 25 million bucks. >> shannon: and his leading rival not stopping in the financial capital of the world to raise money for his campaign but rather to attend the wake of nypd officer jonathan deller who was tragically killed in the line of duty earlier this week.
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>> gillian: complete coverage starts right now. we have former justice department official john yoo moments away on the impact of the democrats policy. >> shannon: but first we are with bryan llenas or live outside the funeral home there in long island. what are we expecting to play out this afternoon? >> the wake in this visitation begins today at 2:00 p.m. and it runs all the way through tomorrow at some point today former president trump will vise funeral home behind me and pay his respects. he will be alongside the county executive, the republican who we are told invited the former president to come here and to pay condolences to the family of officer jonathan deller. the tributes have been coming in from all over. we have a live shot here of the memorial outside of the precinct where officer deller worked and next to that as well, we have a shot here in massapequa park where it is deller's home town where we see nothing but brew
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ribbons and american flags put up in honor of officer diller and a 10-mile long thin blue line painted on the street in his honor. the 31-year-old police officer was killed monday during a traffic stop when he was shot in the stomach below his bulletproof vest. he leaves behind his wife stephanie and infant son ryan. the suspected shooter, guy rivera, charged today with first-degree murder and attempted murder. prosecutors say he tried to shoot diller's partner but the gun jammed. rivera remains hospitalized after being shot by police. he had 21 prior arrests but was still out free. the nypd sergeants union said anti-cop new york city politicians are not welcome to attend diller's wake or funeral. >> the city council who seems to believe that criminals in today's day and age should be considered to be the victims of crimes and that the police department and police officers that come and give their lives day in and day out, they are the
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ones who are the villains in the story. >> there are a lot of first responders who live in this community. nearly a thousand showed up last night at a vigil for officer diller. officer diller's brother-in-law broke down as he remembered his left one. >> he loved what he did. he was born to be a cop. he was born to be a hero. he died being a hero. he died doing what he loved. and i will forever, forever, be a better person because of him. >> new york city mayor eric adams is expected to visit the wake this afternoon. he said today earlier shannon that he received a call from president biden who offered his condolences to him. he asked that his condolences be shared with the diller family. shannon. >> shannon: bryan llenas, thank you very much brian. we will check back with you. let's bring in john yoo, former deputy assistant attorney general. good to have you with us.
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i think of so many questions that are raised about what happened to officer diller and whether this was a completely avoidable situation. to put up a little bit more about guy rivera, the suspect who has been charged in his depth. the rap sheet pier 21 prior arrests, nine arrests for felonies and released in september 2021 after serving parole. parole ended in 2023. heated jail time and had other charges and yet he was out there on the streets and because of that, this officer is gone. >> public safety depends on having men and women like the officer here who are willing to put their lives on the line and unfortunately, his death is a predictable outcome of the soft-on-crime policies that have been implemented in our major cities nationwide. this has not been a one-off incident. if you dig into the statistics of what is going on in crime and the crime rate in new york, you see a fundamental disrespect for
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police officers. i read that attacks on police officers are up 20%. there is something like a 70% rise in stabbings of police officers. that shows that the things that the politicians are saying, this talk about defund the police, about getting rid of bail, about crime not really being the responsibility of the suspects but being due to larger social pressures, that's getting to the people. that's getting to criminals who are getting emboldened and getting to police officers who are worried that politicians don't have their backs. i'm afraid you see the symbolism of it that you are showing right now. you have the most important time in the government is the president's time. you have one person who wants to be president again who is going to show respect to the fallen officer and you have one person who is president now who wants to go to the same city and raise $25 million for his reelection campaign. >> shannon: campaigns are expensive and these events are big and this is big because as former presidents clinton and
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obama and frankly based on our new polling which we will talk about throughout the show, president biden needs that star power with them to try and overcome some really difficult numbers on a number of issues and including crime. people are very worried. they don't feel safe. appointed piece by hannah myers who was a fellow at the manhattan institute. i suspect that you read it pier despite overwhelming relevance that police incarceration and how people are kept safe, clueless leaders demand these tools barred for magically curing crimes. root causes. you know as a prosecutor there's a little bit of tension between officers on the front lines, prosecutors, the decisions they have to make but i have to say if i'm an officer on the streets right now and i feel like prosecutors are not going to back me up, they are not going to throw the full extent of the law at somebody, why am i going to risk my life and go after these very dangerous criminals? >> excellent point shannon. in fact, new york city used to
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be the model. it was a model of how police and prosecutors under leadership of mayor giuliani, mayor bloomberg, you could cooperate together in new york saw the largest drop in crime may be an american history. you had murder rates that were lower than before 1960. because of these effective policies here, i think these progressive got in charge of new york city government, you saw the end of stop and frisk. you saw the end of politicians backing up police. you saw them talking about the police as the enemy rather than the protectors of the community. that's why i say the disorder you are seeing in the streets of new york now, it is not a model that anyone wants to follow and it is because of the policies of the political leadership in new york city. speak one quickly, do you think that they will be open to admitg anything that they have not gotten right question work that has happened here in d.c. >> this could be the opportunity for people to come around.
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you are seeing people that said i want to get tougher on crime. even the nor you're there no conservative by any means. you have to get tough on crime. maybe this is an opportunity for some people in new york city to wake up and the political leadership and respond to what the community needs as basic law and order first. >> shannon: john yoo, always appreciate your insights. thank you so much. >> thank you shannon. >> shannon: we have a lot of other people who are attached in some way to these conversations. all of these competing interests about how you get the things under control. notable that he said san francisco also has devoted some things in that people think that's a lot tougher and less progressive than we thought but we've seen in d.c. too. >> gillian: a lot of local democratic elected officials trying to reverse course after we are now seeing, shannon, as you talked about, the results of these policies over the last two years. we will have more on that coming up throughout the hour. there's also that spirit former president trump's attorneys were back in court today hearing ther
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an hour ago. they were defending him against accusations of interference in the 2020 election in georgia. in that courtroom, trump's team tried to make the case for dropping all charges against him. they are claiming their clients political speech is protected under the first amendment. we have jonathan serrie live outside the georgia court house with all the details you need to low. jonathan, what can you tell us? >> hi jillian. we are waiting for the judges decision. we are expecting it to come down at a later date after he heard arguments from both sides on a defense motion to dismiss the indictment against the former president. trump attorneys stephen saito argues that the former presidents efforts to overturn the 2020 election laws in georgia were protected speech including his postelection phone call to george or secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> it is unconstitutional.
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former president of the united states or anyone else to stand trial on protected speech. it is not just that he lied over and over and over again as counsel for the defendant points out by listing all of the instances in the indictment, it's that each of those was employed in part of criminal activity. with criminal intentions. >> this is the first hearing in the georgia trump case when nathan wade resigned from the case as a condition for district attorney fani willis to continue prosecuting it. the defense is expected to appeal the judge's decision not to disqualify the the d.a. entirely. >> we will be arguing his decision should have gone farther. they should have disqualified her because he gave us all of the factual findings we need. we just need a court to say that is too much. that is enough. she has to be disqualified. >> the defense continues to allege that fani willis is
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warmer romantic relationship with nathan wade created a financial conflict of interest. they say that no such conflict existed. >> gillian: jonathan, thank you. former president trump campaign says that he is soon going to touch down a new york to attend the wake of slain nypd officer jonathan taylor. we will bring that to you live as it happens. this comes as president biden is headed to radio city music hall in the city for a star-studded fund-raiser. a new fox news national poll shows trump with the largest lead in a head-to-head to date. fox news contributor bill mcgurn is coming up next on it what is behind biden's number's. >> shannon: plus officials recovering to victims of the baltimore bridge collapses salvage operations get underway. griff jenkins is on the patapsco river with more. >> hey shannon. they are ready to get the salvation efforts underway but there is a problem. there is a 95,000-ton shipping
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container stuck in that channel right now. we will bring you the latest when we come back. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short...
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speech welcome back. breaking just a moment ago. house speaker mike johnson has said the articles of impeachment against homeland security alejandro mayorkas older to the senate. what are the next steps? >> good afternoon. the senate must at least launch a brief impeachment trial. the house narrowly impeached the secretary of homeland security allie hunter my ogres in mid-february. here's what will happen on wednesday. they will bring over the articles of impeachment and house impeachment managers pray these are the house members who serve as prosecutors to the
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case. they will be marched over and entourage across the capital rotunda to the senate and the senate argent and arms will announce the following pier and she will say all persons are commanded to keep silence on pain of imprisonment. we just got a comment from the office from the senate majority leader chuck schumer. he indicates that this will be a two day trial because they will not swear in the senators as jurors until the next day. that would be thursday the 11th. at that point, they can then move to dismiss and keep in mind that alejandro mayorkas is the first cabinet secretary impeached since the 1870s. >> gillian: it sounds like the articles themselves have not been delivered. this is merely a notification that they are to be forthcoming. >> that happens on the tenth. that's right. and then it will probably wrap up on the 11th and this would be the motion to dismiss. >> gillian: chad pilger on capitol hill, thanks.
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>> shannon: officials recovering two bodies following the collapse of the french is scott key bridge in baltimore. sonar indicating are more vehicles near the underwater rubble as the u.s. navy is assisting and cleanup efforts of the wreckage. griff jenkins is lives they are. he's been there around the clock for us. the efforts have started. what happens now? >> the cavalry is on the way but first let me show you how monumental the task is. we are rocking a little bit but if you can point there, that is of course the dali. 95,000 tons shipping container. you can see it is stuck in the channel and you see the large top of the trellis crashed down on the bow. that is the top of the bridge. underneath it is the entire road that we saw collapse. that is blocking the channel as well. the smaller piece of trellis sticking out here to the right of your screen, there is a thing called adulthood. that marks the channel on the other side is a similar one but that is the only way ships go in and out.
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they have to clear the entire thing to open this channel up and we know there are 56 hazardous containers on that and there's a bigger problem. the ntsb chairwoman spoke about it last night. listen. >> some of the hazmat containers were breached. we have seen sheer or sheen, sorry, sheena on the waterway. on the federal, state, and local authorities are aware of that. they will be in charge of addressing those issues. >> they are clearly going to have to move this ship out of the way to clear the channel. the u.s. navy saying they will send barges in support vessels. here's the other thing they have to do. here in this area is where they recovered the red pickup truck and the two bodies of the six unaccounted construction workers but there are more trapped under there and there are more vehicles but it's too dangerous. they will have to have the salvage operation and get people
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out of that and move it so they can remove those bodies as well. governor wes moore of maryland talked more today about just how long it may take. listen here. >> this work is not going to take hours. this work is not going to take days. this work is not going to take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. >> a long road ahead that is also going to have a significant economic impact. pete buttigieg transportation secretary saying that this port alone is tied to about 8,000 direct jobs costing $2 million in wages every day that it is closed. shannon. >> shannon: the ripple impacts could be global when you think about all of the shipping and transportation through there. griff jenkins, thank you so much for all of your coverage on t this. >> gillian: there is that spirit former president trump right now has the biggest lead
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over president biden that we hae seen to date and a fox news national poll. trump's leading biden in the race to the white house in 2024. let's bring in bill mcgurn, fox news contributor to break it down for us. interestingly bill, if you add in the third party candidates now, trump is still leading biden. i think we put it on the screen for everybody at home. he is leading 43% to 38%. this relevant and awake of all of the hype surrounding rfk jr. >> the percentage is the same but in the last few weeks, we have seen the biden campaign mobilize to combat the rfk campaign and president trump embracing it saying untrue social he welcomes it. he's a liberal. so on and so forth. clearly former president trump thanks a third party is going to help him and president biden's
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teams thinks it will hurt him. that may change but for now it looks right. and it makes sense because the third party candidates like rfk are more liberal on most issues. spew and there interesting alignment between trump and biden and trumpet rfk jr. on things like covert vaccination. is there anything you are tracking if you were advising the trump campaign? anything to keep on with rfk or can they all sit back and relax? >> i think sitting back and relaxing will lead to failure but i don't see rfk having much compatibility with republican voters. i know people disagree. some people talk about him going on the libertarian thing. i think as you know these national polls don't lean as much as the state calls and the swing state polls matter.
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if i were joe biden's team, i would be worried because the polls don't really give any relief. he is under order and suffering with young people, with hispanics, with african americans. some of them he will still win but by much lower percentage. the swing states, trump has a lead. in some cases, statistically insignificant, but it is a lead. i think it's really grim looking for president biden's team. >> gillian: fox news posters also asked people one of the key questions is how they feel today about the financial situation compared to fuller yes ago. take a look at that spirit are you better off financially than you were four years ago. just 22% say that they are compared to the 52% say we feel worse off. >> that place, donald trump's
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strength. they were asked what issues most concern you and there was border and security and also the economy and inflation. i think the problem is, now joe biden is running. he could sit by and let trump dominate the headlines and create bad news for himself but now he has a record to defend. i think people are not feeling the success that he thinks bidenomics was. they see the border and they know despite the president's attempt to blame it on congress, they know that president biden in the federal government have been all four dismantling trump policies that kept people out and now states meanwhile like texas led by republicans are trying to fight that.
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i don't think that is a winner for joe biden. he made big fanfare of signing those things is first day in office and the only logic to them it was trump did it, therefore it must be bad. and now he's paying the price. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. thank you for breaking down so much. we appreciate it. shannon. >> shannon: hundreds are set to pay their respects to fall an nypd officer jonathan diller and that includes former president donald trump. new york city councilmen joe borelli on why solve crime policies are being blamed for this senseless loss of life. >> gillian: plus outrage in chicago after a violent criminal out on parole stands accused of murdering a young boy as he tried to protect his pregnant mother. >> violated parole, violated an order protection, and it involved the same type of crime he was paroled for. this is someone who should not
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>> shannon: we are awaiting former president trump's arrival at the wait for fallen nypd officer jonathan diller. this comes as a man named guy rivera who has 21 prior arrests and multiple stints in jail was officially charged with diller's murder appeared let's bring a newark city councilman joe borelli. councilman, good to have you with us today. first of all, your thoughts to the diller family at this hour. >> it is such a tragedy. i know massapequa. i don't live there, but these are salt of the earth people who saw jonathan diller is one of the own and they are morning right now as well as all of the folks he served with in hisd all over the nypd. so many officers are my personal friends and they take incidents like this very personally and very sadly.
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i want to convey my condolences to anyone watching right now who feels the same way and especially members of the nypd. >> shannon: it is easy for us to forget sometimes that people do this voluntarily. they suit up and put that uniform on, women and women every day and want into the breach for the rest of us. we are reminded of their sacrifice and their bravery. i want to call up a few comments from new yorkers there as that region has seen real trouble. people say they feel less safe on the streets. that includes law enforcement officers. here are some new yorkers speaking out. >> i have a teenage son and i have two younger kids. it's very alarming that crime in the city is getting this bad. i don't feel safe. >> people are getting robbed plus social everywhere. i don't walk around. >> i've experienced stabbings were stand on the train. i'm just desensitized to it. it happens. >> you hear more and more violence going on and you don't want to come here. >> shannon: what you say to
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folks about what is being done to correct as you get this under control question work speak of nothing. mayor adams was right when he said our problem is recidivism. these two guys who were arrested for this crime both had extensive rap sheets. those new yorkers you just heard from really summing the frustrations that most new yorkers felt. i rode the r train here and there was a fellow new yorker with a blue live spin. a thin blue line pin. it struck me the disconnect from back i felt and how average new yorkers feel and what i experience every day in the city council. i just left the city council. the last public safety hearing we had was on getting rid of -- overturning wrongful convictions for the next public safety hearing we are hearing is also on overturning wrongful convictions. it's like there is a disconnect between the reality new yorkers are facing and what they can see plainly with their own eyes and what government at all levels is doing. it is unfortunate and it is resulting and not just officer
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diller's death but it is resulting in punches on women we are seeing on tiktok right now. all sorts of horrible things by repeat violent offenders. >> shannon: two what do you do attribute that disconnect? i say mayor adams has served as a law-enforcement officer himself himself. where is the breakdown between what you are saying is the ruling class or the elite class they were new york and everyday people who have to navigate point a to point b in the city and they don't feel safe doing it many of them. >> unfortunately the majority of city council and state legislative races are decided by a hyper small and deeply partisan democratic primary. we see these radical leftist activist groups have a big say in who wins. unfortunately the net result is that the bodies that are supposed to represent the people of new york are much further left. you saw that play out last year in lee zeldin's election. in deep blue new york we almost got a republican conservative ron order candidate elected to
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office. >> shannon: councilman, maybe he will run for congress, i don't know, but for now sir, we wish you the best. we know it is extensive and there's a lot of needs and a lot of folks counting on you. thank you for making time for us. >> thank you. speak to an 11-year-old boy he r from a suspect with a very long rap sheet of violent crime. chicago police say the alleged killer was set free on parole less than 24 hours before the murder took place. we have an update. alexis, who decided to set the suspect free early? >> this now deadly decision was made by a prison review board here in the state of illinois. those numbers on that board were handpicked by democratic governor j.b. pritzker. here in this state. and they decided to let this criminal back on the streets of the windy city less than 24 hours later, police say he sd boy to death. take a look. this is a photo shared by the
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family here as they continue to grieve this loss. jade and perkins stabbed to death by a criminal who broke into a chicago home. the 11-year-old was killed while trying to protect his mother from his violent acts. he wasn't out for 24 hours before investors tell me he broke into the home armed with a knife and attacked the family. stabbing the child and his pregnant mom who is expected to be okay. he was on parole serving half of his 16 year prison sentence for home invasion. but last month he was taken back to prison after he threatened the mother and showed up at their house. one day after getting out again, he killed her son. chicago's top prosecutor says there are questions that need to be answered here. watch. >> we would hope that incidents like this are rare. however rare, this is horrific and we need to do an evaluation in this case and others to ensure that there were no gaps in the justice system that would
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allow for a dangerous offender to commit the acts that he did. >> that decision to release chris eddy brand made by the review board in this state, they were picked by j.b. pritzker who now admits the sussex case was not given the careful consideration needed before he was set free and earlier this week both a chair and a member s resigned. more resignations could be coming. the governors calling for review of the board's policies when it comes to domestic violence but the family is wondering why this man was allowed on the streets in the first place. >> gillian: sounds like a whole lot of too little, too late. we will leave it there. thank you very much. >> shannon: president biden praising his economic agenda. >> you notice they aren't making much fun of bidenomics anymore. they are thinking maybe it wo works. >> shannon: polls show that you are not buying it.
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a majority of americans hold a negative view of the economy. richard fowler and john duffy on that coming up. >> gillian: plus we will take a live look at the southern border from texas where officials are working overtime to try and stop some of those of illegal crossings. our casey stegall is on the ground in new mexico. tell us how things are looking different over there. >> officials here in sunland park which is just across from the state line of el paso, texas, say that the migrant surge is taking a toll on schools. we will explain how coming up in a live report.
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we were made to help you book it in minutes. >> gillian: efforts to secure the border in texas appeared to be slowing the migrant surge a bit but it is a different story just across the state line in new mexico where the number of
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migrants illegally crossing is starting to take up. senior correspondent casey stegall is light in sunderland park new mexico. somehow this crisis impacts the school system there. what can you tell us? >> it's pretty wild something that a lot of people don't think about what the fire chief you're tells us that more and more they are having to put school campuses on lockdown because of border patrol activity that is going on nearby. officials say there have been two of these incidences just in the last week. yesterday the middle school was put on lockdown for about 20 minutes as a small group of six migrants were apprehended by agents. the fire chief said the illegal crossings often happen in the morning because, get this, smugglers try to blend in with traffic as parents are coming and going trying to drop off students. authorities say that has become an ideal location for this criminal activity because it is just across the state line in new mexico and essentially the texas razor wire fence trails
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off out of el paso pushing traffic further out this way. speak of those pictures that we see of el paso, brownsville, mcallen, eagle pass where we are seeing groups of migrants going to the border and giving themselves up to border patrol. they are seeking a silent. what we are seeing in new mexico on this side of the border, they don't want to get caught. >> someone park is a small community with a population of around 23,000. with the fire department was responding to migrant calls, that is taking resources away from its own citizens which includes ems, paramedics as many of the requests often involve migrant medical emergencies. >> shannon: casey stegall at the border for us. thank you casey. >> gillian: we are continuing to watch the wake of fallen nypd
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officer jonathan diller who was fatally shot in the line of duty earlier this week. former president donald trump is slated to arrive at the wake at any moment. >> shannon: what we are learning now about the federal raids targeting the homes of robert sean diddy combs. film director mike dorsey knows all about diddy and his world. he has news for us next. >> government took a big step in a waiting on this to come out and do this. they had this plan. that was going to be other things that will come. relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers.
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>> shannon: welcome back. this developing now. officials saying they were asking on specific allegations of sex trafficking when they raided two of sean diddy combs multimillion dollar mansions on monday. they are saying his alleged victims have not been holding back during interviews. let's bring in filmmaker and director mike dorsey who produced the movie murder rap inside the biggie and tupac orders. thanks for being with us. what do you make of these claims from the victims who seem to be saying not only is he guilty of sexual assault of individual people, but of these wider crimes involving sex trafficking rings? >> we will have to does it wait
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see where it goes. i don't have inside information on sexual abuse allegations against him. i am aware of physical altercations he's been involved with with other people. it was not that surprising when this came out but this was the first i had heard of sexual abuse and sex trafficking allegations. >> gillian: tell us about what you are familiar with. the past accusations that have been made against him over the past decade. >> absolutely. it goes back to at least 1998. there was a music executive named steve stout who claimed sean combs and two other men assaulted him in his office over a music video that comes didn't like. he was beaten allegedly with a champagne bottle. there is a settlement paid out of that. to make charges go away. there was a nightclub shooting in new york a year later that he was charged with. also acquitted four.
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over the years he has had very high profile physical altercations with people in the music industry and in 2015 there was the brawl with the strength and conditioning coach at ucla where his son justin was a player on their football team. the man shirt was ripped and his face was scratched and combs as he was being escorted out of the weight room slung a kettlebell at an intern. the list goes on and on. the sexual abuse accusations i think really took off late last year with cassie ventura, his ex-girlfriend filing her $30 million lawsuit against him and making all these claims. about sex parties and forced to have sex with mail prostitutes. horrible allegations. >> gillian: when you heard about cassie's charges that went away under the terms of some
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private deal that they struck, what were you surprised to hear those allegations against diddy? how would you describe the way you felt? >> no. i thought it was interesting that one of the accusations she claims ties back to the rivalry between the record labels east coast west coast rivalry between bad boy records, combs' label, and death were records in l.a. which is what my film is about and she claims there was an incident where someone came in and pulled combs. she was at a diner nearby and she claims that he grab some guns and went out the door to try to confront him over this. that was interesting to me and that would've been years after the murders of tupac and biggie and it showed me that he still had this crazy animosity over that so many years later that he would try to confront about it. >> gillian: to a lot of us it is surprising but thank you so much for coming in and sharing
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your insight into this and what you do know. very illuminating. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> shannon: any moment now, former president donald trump will arrive at nypd officer jonathan diller's wake. we will take you there life. hear from retired nypd officer as well as the manhattan institute's raffael men well. coming up
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let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, this is his motorcade pulling up to the site of the wake now. friends and family of the slain officer are gathering to pay their final respects to him today and tomorrow following on saturday is going to be an official funeral service held f. let's take a look and see if that is the former president getting out of the car.
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his campaign has told us he wanted to be here in order to pay tribute to the slain officer and show that he supports officers, back the blue movement, in all its capacity. >> gillian: we have been contrasting this today to a huge multimillion dollar fund-raiser that president biden will be hosting in midtown manhattan with former presidents clinton and obama. it is a star-studded event. rare that you have these two in the same area at the same time and such proximity at such different events. it speaks a little bit too i think where their campaigns are. as we wait and watch that umbrella there, i assume that maybe where the former president is going to be picked up from these vehicles so he can go inside. he has talked about how this was really important to him. to be able to stand with law enforcement. it is something we have seen and there you see him heading inside with family and friends as a group today.
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>> gillian: this site is at 45 y and massapequa park. it is on long island. this is nearby the hometown of officer diller. he was shot monday when he pulled over for what he anticipated was going to be some kind of routine stop to take a look at what was going on with the car there. that ultimately resulting in him losing his life. he leaves behind a wife and her children including a 1-year-old. >> shannon: that's right. those of former president goes in, this calls to mind when new york attorney general letitia james was at the firefighter's graduation and the folks there in uniform were chastised because some of them booed her, were chanting in favor of trump. it's clear that many within the law enforcement community deal that his pledges to them, his solidarity with them, they feel a connection. they feel a genuine concern for
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him about what's happening to them. we think he may speak after visiting this wake this afternoon but we will keep an eye on that as he is inside now to pay respects. and there is the contrast. >> gillian: there is the site of radio city music hall in new york city midtown manhattan where president biden is going to be joined by former president obama and a whole slate of hollywood celebrities tonight. they are hosting a fund-raiser that the campaign says is probably going to net them as much as $25 million. it will be covering both events as they unfold. >> shannon: we break new records with how much it costs to run for president. that is our reality of getting the job done on the campaign trail. bryan llenas is live outside the funeral home outside of long island to give us an up update. >> outside the funeral home to the left we have the crowd, the public here and massapequa park long island that has been waiting in the rain. it has not let up the entire day here.
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they are waiting to go inside for the visitation. it begins at 2:00. i would imagine they would let the men after the former president trump walks out. we don't know if you will speak to the family. we hope to ask the former president questions when he comes out. we have seen nypd officers here in full uniform here to pay their respects. i believe the former president walked in with the county republican and county executive bruce blakeman and also he shook the hand of nypd commissioner edward caban. unfortunately this is a scene we have seen a lot in just the last two years since 2022. you remembers officers molina and rivero who were killed for the nypd. they were killed in a domestic situation and were gunned down and killed. two years later, here we are with another nypd officer jonathan diller gunned down doing a job that he loves. we


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