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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, this is "fox and friends." >> steve: recovery efforts are underway at the baltimore bridge as six presumed dead. the governor wes moore will join griff jenkins in 90 seconds. >> lawrence: former rnc chair is out at nbc after this on-air backlash. >> there is a reason there are a
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lot of journalists uncomfortable with this. >> election deniers can do that to our sacred airwaves. >> that is inexplicable. >> carley: one player holds the winning ticket for fifth largest jackpot in history. >> brian: if you did win, you have to pay a lot of taxes. >> steve: one sum, half a billion. >> brian: a lot of taxes. >> steve: it's worth it. >> brian: maybe. remember your morning is better with friends. >> steve: we begin 8:00 hour with a fox news alert. if you are just joining us, this is live look at the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore harsh harbor. >> brian: when will they start moving the ship out? >> steve: two weeks.
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>> stop traffic, make sure no one is on the bridge. there is a crew up there, might want to identify the foreman to get them off the bridge. >> the whole bridge just fell down. >> carley: they learned it was too late. later today, the owners of the singapore-flagged dali ship are expected to arrive in baltimore. >> lawrence: let's any to griff jenkins with wes moore. >> griff: we have the governor here, thank you for taking time. you heard maryland transportation authority, perhaps silver lining that they saved lives. are they heroes? >> they are heroes and saved countless lives. law enforcement moved so quickly to warn the workers and stop traffic on the bridge.
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>> steve: they warned the workers. >> a worker told me he was running off because members of law enforcement were telling them off the bridge. they stopped cars and traffic from coming on the bridge. had they not done that, this catastrophic accident would have been more catastrophic. >> have you spoke to families of these presumed dead some >> i did. i spent a good part of yesterday with them, praying for them and with them. we are going to put every effort for a search and rescue mission. now we've moved to a recovery mission. we are going to spend every effort to bring them a sense of closure. >> griff: divers will go back in the frigid water, have bodies
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been recovered yet? >> none of the bodies have been recovered yet. the divers are in pitch dark, they can only see a foot or two ahead of them. cold water with heavy tide and they are doing the wok. gratitude our state has for the divers and first responders is boundless. >> griff: there may be one struction worker vehicles that went in the water, as well. >> some of the vehicles in there are vehicles of construction workers. this happened so quickly between time of mayday to when first resp responderss and bridge collapsed, talking about a small period of time. we assume some of the mangled metal the divers have, do
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include some vehicles. >> griff: i know there is not any information, do we know if there may be everyday citizens that went in the water driving across the bridge. we don't have any indication of that because of hard work of the first responders who got the people off. no indication of individual citizens caught in this. >> griff: talk about the impact, baltimore sun, 15 million per day this is costing the port and 140,000 jobs tied to this port. what is your message to the families? >> it is costing the country, economic impact on state of maryland and country is stalerring. this port is responsible for 51 million tons of foreign cargo.
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port of baltimore is responsible for cars, heavy vehicles, agricultural equipment. this will not just impact maryland, it is impacting the farmer in kentucky, the auto dealer in michigan, the backlog this will cause. we have to protect our workers. they had nothing to do with this. we have to be able to focus and get our economic engine going again, get that bridge rebuilt and the port reopened. >> griff: how long will this take? >> a while. it is complex. we still have a recovery mission that has to be prioritized to make sure families get their closure and we have to focus on what does a new day look look, we have to rebuild in coordination with everybody. >> griff: talk about how this happened, how could this happen?
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have you talked to the captains of the boat? >> i have not, an investigation is taking place and ntsb and others are moving swiftly with the investigation and have to get to understanding of what happened to make sure this does not happen again. we can have the right measures and accountability, even the investigation, along with this recovery will take some time. >> griff: will you meet, we understand singapore-flagged dali ship own ers are in town, will you meet with them? >> not on my schedule,s no. >> griff: do you believe they bear some responsibility and should they be part of the cost of the rebuild. >> it is too early into the investigation to know that. if people are found to be -- held liable for what happened, there needs to be accountability for that. >> griff: when we talk about the
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140,000 jobs lost, if the ship had maintenance issues or did things that caused this, what do you say to the families that say this ship turned our lives upside down. >> i believe in accountability. we have to have a proper investigation and wherever that investigation lies in terms of measures of responsibility or liability, there need to be acc accountability around that. >> griff: can you bridge the t tim timespan, can you bridge the gap, if it will take a long time for this investigation, you can't wait to rebuild, you have to get 140,000 people back to work. >> we have to get moving now. my job particularly on the ground, we're working to coordinate all the efforts, communication, coordination and
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we've got to focus on completion and get this done and move on it. >> griff: how important is the federal level in this process? >> hugely important. both the administration and congress. this is something that is not just important to baltimore, it is not just important to maryland, we are maryland tough and baltimore strong and we're going to do everything on our part. it cannot be overstated the economic impact this will have on this country. get the port reopened, it is that important to the nation's economy. >> griff: you spoke to president biden, what did you say? what was the call like? >> i was thankful the president gave a call, he let us know he has our backs. i am grateful, we'll need it. >> griff: in his public comment, he said whatever federal
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resources. >> what he shared publicly is what he shared privately with me. i think the president understands how important to get this bridge rebuilt. i don't know what the skyline looks like without the key bridge. it's been there since i've been born, it is iconic in baltimore and the port is an important economic engine for the entire country. i appreciate all support from phil an throppy, private sector and government partners. keep it coming, we're going to need it. >> griff: cover of the sun, that image there, when you see that image, what goes through your mind? >> it is breathtaking. that is not the baltimore skyline i know. and i remember when i got a call
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in the middle of the night from my chief of staff and mayor of baltimore, they said the key bridge is gone. i said, what do you mean? they said, it's gone, it collapsed, i will never forget that phone call. i know that in addition to my heart going out to these families, this is not what they expected when their family member left to go to work that day. we owe it to the city and state to get this fixed and done. >> griff: what do you say to your community as you take this undertaking on, it will make months, if not years. >> we're going to get it done together, we are maryland tough, baltimore strong and we are built for this and will get it done together. >> griff: last question. is there anything as you look at
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the investigation, any questions that have not been answered for you right now? >> plenty of questions. >> griff: like what? >> i want to understand everything that happened to lead up to that, i need to understand everything that happened when it came to response to it and how and what was the long-term response, what is long-term impact? we have major freight in the middle of our harbor, i need to know it all. that is why it is important, people will see, i will be on the ground. >> griff: does it lead you to worry about any vulnerabilities. terrorism was ruled out as an accident, as intel experts opined on the news channel, people overseas might be looking at how quickly that bridge fell. fortunately 1:30 in the morning.
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do you have concern this revealed a vulnerability? >> we have to make sure our infrastructure is protected and for anybody that is looking at or trying to understand where vulnerabilities lie, could they look at things that happened and get creative? we as a state have to get more creative. >> griff: governor wes moore, thank you for your time. guys, we'll send it back to you. that is the governor's message and he is very busy, a lot of work to do and sending a strong message to the community. >> steve: thank you. governor, thank you. interesting. as said in the setup, the pilot realized he was going to hit the bridge and sent out a mayday and police officers on both yoons
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mobilized. i don't know if they pulled their cars across to stop the traffic, but they stopped traffic and stopped commuters from going across the bridge. sounds like everyone was working on pouring cement. >> carley: headlines, a lot of things went right in this going so wrong. look at the timestamp, first time the ship's light flickered 1:24 a.m. and the ship hit at 1:27. this is first time we heard that word did get out and law enforcement was able to shout and some workers were able to run to safety. >> lawrence: give credit to the governor. he's only been in office 14 months, he has not politicized
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this, he is speaking of a message of unity and said this is not just a maryland issue, when it comes to the economy, we have a loss of life and grief for the families. in days coming, this will impact the country from economic standpoint. he made that clear in the middle of the interview, what a crisis to tackle 14 months into office. >> brian: i like to hear the game plan now. why can't you, if you are president of the united states, give the best infrastructure bridge designers coming to the white house this week and start putting pressure on people to clear out the bridge. cut out the way you got the vaccine, put it on turbo, get this done. i want to see a design by end of the week that will replace and be more formidable and then we
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can get an idea that you are doing things. >> lawrence: talk about red tape, regulations, bring everybody onboard and fast track this. >> brian: call from the oval office will get people moving. >> steve: sounds like the president has called. they are being careful to make sure everybody understands it is all hands on deck to find the missing people, that is job one. >> ainsley: another alert, nbc dropping former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel less than a week after her hiring. >> brian: exploring other legal options after finding out about her termination from news reports. >> steve: lucas tomlinson fill us in.
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>> lucas: entire nbc crew was against the hiring, including former president biden's press secretary. >> nbc made the decision, what does she bring nbc? >> truth and lies. ronna mcdaniel has been a major peddler of the big lie. >> election deniers can do that as one of us, paid contributors to our sacred airwaves. >> i find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable. >> lucas: jen psaki said nbc was -- ronna mcdaniel will sue for infliction of disstress.
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>> no organization can -- undermines that goal. i want to apologize to team members who felt we let them down. this was a collective recommendation by leaders of the membership team, i take full responsibility for it. network seemed aligned against ronna mcdaniel. unlike the warm welcome marie harf received when she started here. >> steve: are you thinking, if i go to msnbc or nbc, am i going to get the political viewpoint of people who are republican or supporters of trump? given what has happened over last 48 hours.
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>> carley: she said you can't be one of us with our badge and be on sacred airwaves, how p pretentuous. bidenomics i find is fascinating, you can decide what management should have done. you can have an opinion, maybe for the water cooler. you don't like the drink menu, take my apron off or keep serving the drinks. i guess it is okay, they apologized, i guess they will interview other contributors. >> lawrence: at the core, i hope it is a message to republicans, no matter what you do, it will never be enough until you say you are never trump. that is the red line for the people there. ronna mcdaniel,sa you saw in the interview, changed her position on some i think thises and tried to be more palatable for nbc.
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it was never enough. she was asked to apologize to the country on air. you have jim mcgovern and jamie raskin objected to florida vote and pramila jayapal objected to the florida votes. when they are brought on nbc, are they asked to apologize? >> brian: for four years, hillary vaughn said donald trump is illegitimate and knows it. why let someone on the air that said the laptop was fake. you still have john bren nan on the air. >> steve: those who spoke out were nbc or msnbc paid mrit c political contributors.
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actual journalists at nbc have to pick up the pieces for the decision by management to hire and fire her, they are in the business of trying to gather the news. if you fire somebody because of the ideology you hired them for, su suddenly their job as a jou journalist in the field becomes complicated. >> lawrence: i agree with that point and love to hear those voices also speak up and say, i agree with management, we need a b balanced voice. people on air claim they are reporters. >> brian: chuck todd was a journalist. >> lawrence: and i said this earlier in the show, i hate when family business is aired for the believe. what terrible colleagues they are. we have disputes, you never
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bring the oaudience into that. you talk as a family and come out with a unified front. these people can't do that. i wouldn't trust any one of them to work with them on a day-to-day basis if they conduct themselves that way. >> brian: she did nothing wrong, contract terminated and her agency dropped her. she was the same person which she got the $300,000 contract. >> carley: there could be a big nbc lawsuit. >> steve: here is the big question, stay tuned. who now will hire her? >> lawrence: good question. >> steve: one of the other channels? look at the backlash, is it worth it? it is if you want her point of view. >> lawrence: cnn was in talks, as well, she went with nbc.
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>> carley: more news, u.s. court of appeal extending block on texas immigration law that would al allow. migrant using bolt cutters at el paso seksz section on sunday. the group was caught and turned back to mexico. five new cases of measles. chicago health department says most cases are linked to the city's largest migrant shelter. there will be a press conference to sign new legislation to protect homeowners from squatters. squatters will face felony charges if they cause $1000 or more in damage. one lucky person in new jersey
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becoming a billionaire o overnight. numbers for the megamillions drawing are 7, 11, 22, 34. they can get a lump sum of 37.5 million. those are headlines, congratulations to that lucky new new jerseyian. >> lawrence: diddy combs is not waking up happy after his homes were raided. >> brian: he was questioned this morning, mark garigos once represented the pop icon and he joins us next. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. ( ♪ ♪ )
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fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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>> mark geragos, what is going on? >> defense is using cooperating the way they want. and so this is a great way to kind of deliver a shock and awe , message to anybody connected with sean that this is we're serious and we're coming after him, and you better cooperate or you're going to be left in the wake by. by the way, this is almost warp speed when it comes to the feds in terms of when they open an investigation and when they do this kind of a search. right. and, mark, as you know, this particular unit that did the raids, they're in charge of human trafficking crimes. so do you connect those two? yes i don't think that there's any doubt in my
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either mr. combs nor any family members have been arrested, nor has his ability to travel been restricted in any way. this unprecedented ambush, paired with an advanced, coordinated media presence, leads to a premature rush to judgment of mr. combs and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. there has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these allegations. mr. combs innocent and will continue to fight every day to clear his name. and in that mark, the lawyer does mention these other lawsuits. and you rather you mentioned one of the lawsuits. one of them came, i believe it was last november, and it was sean combs former girlfriend, cassie, who, among other things , alleged rape and things like that that was settled, i think, within a day or two after filing it. but it had to do with the deadline, didn't it?
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yes. new york had this kind of unique look back statute, the adult sexual survivors act, on the eve of that expiring the lawsuit of that expiring, they mediated it and settled on the eve of expiration and that triggered these other lawsuits that jumped on right after the fact. the lawyers have a point and it is obvious, anybody that does this for a living, those were scripting from which the department of justice on the lawsuits.
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-- as soon as jose took either of the boys into their room, the door was locked behind him. >> mark, you're part of this special. one thing you have been talking about, the convictions should be overturned, they should argue they defended themselves in self-defense. >> what happened, in the first trial, two separate juries, those juries found it was not a murder case, it was a manslaughter case and they were hung. what happened in between, o.j. simpson was acquitted and eight days later they pick this jury. there was pressure on the d.a. to get a conviction and win the big one because they had a
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succession of losses if you remember that in the '90s in l.a. i believe the judge succumbed to the problem and pulled rug out from other the defense. they ended up getting sentenced to life without patrol. if these had been the menendez sisters, i don't believe they would still be in custody. >> steve: check out this special on fox nation, featuring mr. mark geragos. thank you, sir. all right, switch to politics, r.f.k. jr. announced vice president pick yesterday and joe biden builds a machine to attack r.f.k. jr. more on why the democrats are afraid of the underdog straight
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>> carley: a fox news alert. we talked to the maryland governor, wes moore as teams search for the six people presumed dead. >> pretty sure some vehicles in there are vehicles of the construction workers. this happened quickly. from mayday to when the first responders responded to the bridge collapse, that is not the baltimore skyline i know. the mayor of baltimore said the key bridge is gone. i tsdz said what do you mean? it is gone, it collapsed.
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i will never forget that phone call. >> carley: later today owners of singapore-flagged dali ship are expected to arrive in baltimore. >> lawrence: r.f.k. jr. tapping california attorney self-described delusional democrat nicole shanahan as his running mate. our values did not change, the democratic party today. >> i worry about the party, i worry they turn a blind eye on issues they know to be true. >> carley: billed entire operation to attack his candidacy. check out that headline. national director of no label and former democratic con congressman joe cunningham. good morning to you. >> good morning, thanks for
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having me. >> carley: happy to have you. what do you think about this entire operation to take kennedy down? >> i think two things have never been more clear. number one, americans are not happy with rematch of trump and biden. number two, they are desperate for another option and no labels has been working to give them that option and seen robert kennedy step up. nothing more antidemocratic than limiting people's options. working overtime to block access to the ballot. typically campaign go talk about the issues and try to sell your ideas or your vision. undercutting people's access to the ballot, particularly cand candidates, there is nothing that democratic about that. >> lawrence: joe, you at no labels doing work to get folks on the ballot, are you open to
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r.f.k. jr.? >> there is discussions with him to my knowledge. we have been in discussions with a lot of incredible leaders and our plan is to put together that t ticket and offer to our 800 delegates and for approval and hopefully be doing that within the next several weeks. i believe robert kennedy is on the ballot and no labels in 18 other states. it is arduous and complicated task. even more so when the establishment is purposely attacking your access to the ballot. which should send a shiver down the spine of every person in america. democracy is under attack. >> carley: r.f.k. jr. has a running mate nicole shanahan, we learned that yesterday. thank you for joining us.
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have a great day. >> lawrence: sports world rocked by more than one gamble ing scandal. clay travis is next. that's what we're doing.y. a, we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails.
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>> coming up, the aftermath of the bridge collapse. transportation secretary pete buttigieg is our guest. donald trump gagged by a judge, leo terrell explains. and taking care of needy toddlers. and on scale of 1-10, level of meltdown at nbc after ronna mcdaniel was hired and fired in record speed. and important health issue we are focused on. great show when bill and i see br >> brian: today in california hunter biden's legal team will try to convince a federal judge to toss the tax evasion case claiming he was unfairly targeted by special counsel david weiss. jonathan hunt is outside the courthouse.
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>> this will be an important test of the strength of the government's case against hunter biden. his legal team will be here, led by abby lowell today, they'll be arguing that all of the nine tax charges against biden should be thrown out saying he is being politically persecuted and would not be prosecuted if his name was not biden. he had the previous plea agreement that fell apart last summer but it should still low. lowell said as part of that agreement, biden sacrificed valuable rights in exchange for the prosecution's agreement not to prosecute the sort of indictment it has brought here. the court should require the prosecution honor its agreement and dismiss the indictment. special counsel david weiss, leading the prosecution, responded to that by saying because the agreement never went into effect, the government was free to withdraw it, which it did.
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in writing on august 9th, 2023. therefore, the defendant's motion to dismiss the indictment returned by the grand jury is meritless and should be denied. we don't know whether the judge will rule from the bench today. it seems unlikely. if he does decide that the case should go ahead, it is scheduled to go to trial on june 20th. hunter biden could face 17 years in prison. brian. >> brian: the sports world rocked by more than one gambling scandal. we'll talk about it with clay travis, next. travis, next. us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me
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>> brian: another sports gambling scandal making news this week. tronlt raptors forward of betting irregularities. he is a fringe player in canada averaged four points a game. but they are accusing him essentially of betting the under on his performance and he averaged three points a game as i mentioned. fakes an injury so draft kings reported the under on porter's
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three-pointers was the biggest money winner among prop bets that night. it's beginning to alert investigators. now he is being investigated. this is huge. >> it is. and it just speaks to the growing influence of gambling but also i would say this is a positive of sports gambling being legalized because draft kings recognized an abnormal betting going on with this individual prop bet. in other words, hardly anybody would be betting whether or not this guy will make or miss a certain number of threes in a game. they have the algorithm set up. a lot of dollars roll in here. it turns into a big money bet and it is abnormal. so they turn it over to investigators and now the nba is looking into it. the raptors are looking into it. this is an example where legalization of sports gambling allowed this to be uncovered in
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a way it might not have ever been noticed when it was directly with bookies. >> brian: such a risk. he could make more. if he is making millions of dollars it is different. michael porter junior is on the nuggets. keep an eye on this story. it matters. pete rose was in some lounge with his buddy and commented on ohtani saying look, well back in the 70s and eight ohs i wish i had an interpreter. i would be scot-free right now. ohtani had an interpreter to talk about his money stealing money from him. i never bet on baseball and i never bet he stole money from me. >> i am very saddened and shocked that someone who i am trusted has done this. i never bet on baseball or any other sports or never have asked somebody to do it on my behalf. in conclusion, he has been stealing money from my account
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and has told lies. >> brian: case closed? >> i don't think so. it doesn't add up to me. we talk about 4 1/2 million dollars. talking about state of california where sports gambling is still not legal. unlike the last story this involved a bookie. the bookie had to believe that shohei ohtani was placing these bets or he never would have given 4 1/2 million dollars out in credit because the translator here, the interpreter makes 250,000, 300,000 a year. so somewhere along the lines this bookie believed this. if this actually occurred he should go to prison for years. there is a lot more to come here. >> brian: we'll listen on radio and watch on outkick. that's it for us today. follow me on radio from 9:00 to noon. stay within yourself. here is dana and bill. >> the w


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