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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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he thought he was a god. egular >> all my life i've usedar regular gasoline in my >> i said, what's the point? why pay extra for premium until someone'prs if you put premiumuu gas in your vehicle? not only i s it going to perform better and accelerate faster, but you're going to get better u're goi gas mileage, meaning that onof n a regular filled up tanka you might get 400 miles, but a tank filled with premiumdwhat you get 480 miles. >> what? >> let's see. text pat from new jersey ronna mcdaniel should show up at msnbc new tomorrow likew at she's george costanza. >> and we invite ron on the the show any time. always remember i'm watersw and. this i is my world and one
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welcome to "hannity" and tonight jailbrea -k at amnesty and see where conservatives and trump supportersn se they clearly not welcome ever. it's official the inmates no are officially running the asylum. no asw nbc news just caved to theef breathless demands from their far left, frankly, emotionally unhinged host and they canned rnc chair ronnao mcdaniel just a few short days rmnaafter the former rnc comin chairwoman. and coming up was a veryg up lat hysteria from the left echo chamber at joe biden's favorite fake news network, the conspiracy channel. re o and also tonight, by the way, we have a lot more on deck, includinon deck g a insane new development out of michigan and new york citne youy, where the illegal immigrants are now being paid to break our laws . y is you're actually paying for it. this as new york city is descendindesclawlessng into n more lawlessness and violence as yet another a was just pushek
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to their death on the subway tracks and another cop was shot and murdered and killed. t that's all. we have a full report on that. that's all straight ahead. plusightahea updatth, we'll brie from the sean diddy combs sex trafficking. it's getting wild. and we'll introduce you to sexnu rfk jr's new running mate who is reportedly now causing thgrea ilyt deal of anxiety inse of the biden campaign. but we start wite campaignh joen himself now before the president and vicew s president departed on separate planes for an event in north carolina. for ann h joe did try to offer some brieff remarks on the tragic bridge collapse that took place in baltimore. here is the sae.d and patheticde part. as per usual, biden made it all about himself and yet another tall tale about his own connection to that bridge, whicidn't exh didn't exist. >> we'll tell you in a minute. at about 130 container ship struck to francis scott , which i've beenmuting
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over many, many times commuting of delaware on a train or by car van involved in the harvard. manyt ha times. >> all right. big problem. we see there's railroad o on the francis scott key bridge and there would be no reason for joe biden across it on his way to d.c. but like every othe otherr national tragedy, whatever whatever this issuefina is, joe biden always seems to find a way to make it all about himselo ma f. remember, he did this with afghanistan after the horrific withdrawal. . lying about his own son dying in iraq. it never. he did something similar after the devastating wildfires. llisi have you recall, in hawaiing embellishing what was a tiny little house fire in delaware? why one up? the suffering, the disaster that was happeningf th to peoplt in maui. he nearly lost his precious corvette. his te?all cheese, the vapors, the horrors. and he did the same thingz w. , if you recall,
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after hurricane. he also frequently lies e.out his struggle lies s during the civil rights movement. he lied about getting arrestedt apartheid in south africa. he lied about his timeti middlen class joe on amtrak. and according to joeg biden bio one knows the struggle and sacrifice like joe. >> take a look. sunny, sunny lady.he sure. a home on the way outside of our home, allegedly bonladint and head for one of these. our home, didn't he? the air conditioner make a long story short, i'm almost lost my wife for 67 and my dad. >> i know from experience anxiyt lighw much anxiet and fear and concern are the people. we did lose our whole hometnck o at lightning strike and we lost an awful lot of it. boutagabout years ago when joe ,
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our elected, entered the room when he approached me. his words tos to me were my my wife, jill. and i know. n how you feel. we lost our son as wellas and brought hianme im home in a five draped coffin. my heart started beating and i s started shaking, knowing that their son died from cancegr and they were able to be by his side. >> in reality, the guy who kept looking down at his watch during the dignified transfeh de of the u.s. service members killed in afghanistan becaus e of his botched withdrawal and denied the existence den ofs own four-year-old granddaughter until it hurt him politically in the polls. he doesn't seem to really understand something't s empath, and today, joe and kamala, while they toot ank a quick trip to north carolina, it went well, i guess, about as well as you can expect with both of them. take a look. you decide. pretty a loo you dec
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incredible. and so is kamala. she's really incredible. i know it sounds hard to believe that if you pray, god, you have have to go through that. but companies have stopped covering and then that life was put in danger 14 years ago this week. i stood by president obama when he signed the affordable care act into law, obamacare. and as many of you know, i thought it was a big deal. thank god my mom went around folks to america and sends mee o a congress that are democrats. i promise you, carmen, i will restore roe v. wade is the lawru of the land again. >> i'm sure itlee is.t if you didn't know any better,uh think i'm making this stuff up. -- ithe only country in the world that's come out of every crisis stronger than we went in. the only country in the world. there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. not a single thing. thisther. is the united states
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of america not talking. the disaster at the border is not talking about the disaster about lawty not, orderd and safety and security in towns and cities all across arouy. ntrs al he's not talking about the struggling economy. the 60% of our fellowec americans living paycheck to paycheck. many americans puttingr their bare necessities on their credit cards. that's the only way they can make it every month. and after struggling throughr st that, biden then seemed shocked and surprised that his vicn se president was even there. biden's obvious cognitive decline is just one major problem that democrats will be probfacing in november. in poll after poll, independent candidate robert kennedy jr is peeling off significantthem of votes, most of them seemingly coming from joe bideia . it makes sense that rfk jr is ae traditional libera. isl of progressive environmentalists. a once reliable democratic voter who now denounces biden's insane policies at the border and has
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some belief in civil liberties. he's alse o not suffering from steep cognitive decline. i guess that's a huge plus. d le rfk jr is definitely a left winger and loves, you know,a lover of taxes, regulations, all things tax obama, clinton, biden, environmentalists and. that's a huge problem for the biden campaign. they now set outt by the w by wo after robert f kennedy jr. they will smear, slander, besmirch, attack every second, t every minute, every hour. they're not doing it against trump. today kennedy announced his running mate, a northerninge california lawyer and entrepreneur who really does embod whoy the american dr. her name, nicole shanahan, grew up extremely poor in a single family household. her father suffered from mental le-familufferes and her mother,e a chinese immigrant, worked hard but struggledigrant to makn meet once relying on welfare, didn't want her kids seein'tds g when she was using food stamps in a store. >> she remembers she re her being and
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ashamed of of that issue and asking her brother to leave so they wouldn't see that at the age of 38, shanaha oann haps to be one of the wealthiest people in america. the shanahan she has a life story that anyone could be proud of, but she has ncisco a lifelong liberal democrat from san francisco. she brags that she is a progressive quote througe h, ad through and an environmentalist. through."m forproble biden and harris. for example, take a look at texas democratse,. they have long dreamed of turning the lone star statee blue for many years. even before beto, hbo'so o'rourke prancedwork on to the scene in 2020, while trump won the state by aboutew six points. but now, according to a new marist poll, trump is up by doubl marpoll true digits, bg biden in that state by 11 points. when you throw robert kennedy jr into the mix, trump goes upti an even wider margin o with kennedy peeling off 15% of the vote.
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and according to the real clear politics averageal clear,e a look at this. in a three way race betweeny trump and biden and rfk jr. trump wins wisconsin by three. georgia seven.order arizona by six. nevada by six. pennsylvaniabyena by two. that means donald trump will be elected the 47th president of the united states of that holds northf thab by nearly seven and michigan by almost three points. it is very early. an are 223 days away and anything can happeytn. and tonight, trump isn't just faced with intense of an intense political campaign as we have been talking about,pt we have a weaponized justice department. he is now forced to combats no that department of justice and also the going on in new york and other places. you have another left-wing hea. judge and biden donor has imposed a gag order against donald trump ahead of album bragg's bizarre criminal against the former president over documents that were allegedl document wer.
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now trump cannot even speak outa in his own defense. he can't defend himself against political attacks stemming from the indictments. of course, these conveniently handed in the middle of an election. >> i thought we'd lived in the united states of america. i thought we celebrated freedome of speech. is this still america? s stbecause i'm beginning to wonder. far left courts in this countr s are out of control. they're doing this more and more, silencine andg people anda threatening people that they'll send theenm to jail if they dare speak out in their own defense. >> message is very clear thatd the powerful government, the bureaucratcrats in new york city, washington, d.c., fulton a, they don'ty like your politics. they don't like your last name. don't -they're going to try ann you in jail. they want to take away your property. they want toa t silence your dissent and ruin your life for ever. ivn is that the country you want to live in?
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if democrats are successfurats l in 223 days in november, this chilling system of justice that will be coming to a town near you. if they could do this to trump, they do it to anybody. here with reaction, texas here. r ted cruz senator, anything i'm saying there, constitutionally, you're a great scholar. eme you've argued before the supreme court. alan dershowitz harshowitzs saii though he disagrees with you politically, you're one of the smartest debaters and studentsce he ever had. >> am i rights an on the constitution? righ sean, you are absolutely right. what we are saying, the board in the legal system is the weaponization and the politicizationthweapon of the or legal system in over two centuries of our nation' sor history, a president has never been indicted. a former president has never been indicte presi end in just overd. one year. donald trump has been indicted four times bipartisan. democrat prosecutorsprosecut who his guts. on top of that, you have the ridiculous civil lawsuititij
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by letitia james, a partisanam who ran on the promise to, quote, get donalmpd trump and go a $450 million judgment against him. she wants to take a half billion dollars froma halfion da offense that injured nobody, that there was no harm and that the supposed victim who made money on it were giant international banks. it is absurd. and here's the most important thin her g to understand. ts it is not just that democrats hate donald trump. >> they do, to be sure. but the real target herers is you, the american voters. >> this is an assault mar on democracy a. their ch and democrats love to beat their chest and say, we're defending democrace'reing demoyh see? but the reason all of these cases are being brought is becauset is democrats are terrified that the voters thgpovember are goin to reelect donald trump as president. and they're trying to bring the entirety of the legal system to stop the voters. this is the greatestp assault on democracy, literally in the history of our countryof o.
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and we're seeing it with every elected democrat quietly and celebrating this assault. you know, where's merrick the garland? don't we call the department den heads up? it's called correct me if i'm wrong. ,i'm wronthe department of just. i believe in equal justiceicatio under the law, equaln application of our laws. now, correctws., if i'm wrong,ti in every one of those trump organization dealson dea g they were applying for loans and applying for insurance fpolicipolicies, there was i a disclaimer in every one of them saying, don't use ourn ever valuations. by the way, nobody lending hundreds of millionsbodyndreds i or insuring hundreds of millions of dollars of propertdollary would ever goh somebody else's valuationsd . they have a fiduciarys responsibility to do their own . >> so you have a disclaimer and they are saying don't use our valuationsn ying don . get and then if this whole case is about valuation, cae casen en
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to me how the judge to this day is still adhering to a value of mar a lago at a mere $80 million, when in fact you can't get a you can buy a two acre lot on the ocean in palm beacht ,that's 200 million. this has 22 it has the intercoastal. it hass, i the ocean. he has a historic building. it's got two clubs, and i mightc add, it's in pristinone conditi. with 50 some odd baths, bedrooms and bathrooms. telo tell me, senator, doesicka merrick garland not have a duty? does he norl at see what's going on? a judge is like this allowed to sit?e this on the bench and t half a billion dollars in fines ? really? is that our country? loo, of course, merrick garland sees what's going on, but he wants this to happen. s h garland is the most politicized attorney general in history. thisoliticizttorney department . been weaponized and endless. >> and i wondelistenr the word to think about in terms of what letitia james arguedofames arg.
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she says that trump overvalued his real estate. well, think about it. how manyeal e of y'all have ever gotten a home mortgage? if you get a mortgage, you go mor -- and say, you know thi what, i love this house. it's really pretty. the backyard y pr. i love the flowers and trees. i thini housk the house is worte million. >> now, is there a bank on earth that woul aarthd say, s if it's worth 10 million dollars, we'll give you h $10 m0 million mortgage? no, they'll send an appraiser. they'll look at it and they'll a tell you this is what it's worth. and we ain't giving you a penny in this instn this instance, vim was deutsche bank, a global multi-billion dollar company. they know how to value real estate. kno valuethey're testimony at e is they thought these loans were great loans. they were thrilledeat loaney. they said donald trump was a whale. they made money on him. they wanteheremight bed to makem just like it. and you mentioneak d mar-a-lago, the idea you and i have both been to mar a lago. it's sitting to rentable property.ea tha the idea that it's worth $18 million, you can't buy a hot dog stand in pal am beach for 18 million dollars. >> when i last saw trump at
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whenp in, i told him, i said,i e i'll tell you what, mr. president, i'll give you 20 million for it. 20 milt now,right now, i don't 0 million. but if you say yes, i promise you i can raise it i i in 60, yo seconds. and of course, he laugheughsd because it is absurd. it is a property that is worth hundreds of millionsf llars. ofs . >> but look, that smarmy sanktia a smiling judge is a vicious partisan who hates donald trump and he loved. i'm going to take a half, ru billion dollars from you because i hate you. rulelelaw be d of law, be . and did one democrat in new york speak out against i it? in and by the way, who in their right mind would do business in new yorkd dobusineso you know what? first, letitia james comes from donald trump , but next, business owner who ticks off the democrats in power, they're goinower yg come and tae millions from you. this is a catastrophic decisiopn for the rule of law in new york. >> senator cruz, i don't want people to understand that chuck schumer has made senator cruucz number one target and literally tens, if not hundredsnato
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of millions of dollars are going into texas to smear the senator. >> senator, we need you back. i'm not verywe neem no with ther of your colleagues for not being conservative. you have been a staunch, steady conservative voice and a fighteve voicer. o we >> we need you back in the senate. beined.ppreciate you being her . all right. joining us now from the great chair. oh, yeah, go ahead.m this you bet, senator. all right. joining us now from the great state of south carolina, a senator tim scott, as well as another solid conservative there. you know, franklnosolid co frany, i'm going to be honest, senator, you tedan cruzd full, there's a handful o, but not enough that are conservative enough that are willing to fight. >> why is that? >> that's a good question. we have to continue to electd conservativewe as. we nee wed need a majority in thete senate, not just republicans, but of conservatives, so that we can call out this justic ct thise system that is actually the perversion of justice. sean, here's what we're looking
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at and it is very clear tateclmi out to election interference is what we're seeing in new york. onerence iarwhat we're seeing io they literally want to make sure that the voters do not have a choice. this is not about democracy. we are the greatest republic on the planet. >> and it looks like we're a kangaroo court becauseju a perversion of justice is thedi end of america. and this is that plus electionia interference. i've never see nevn anything lie it in my life. all right.e going >> let me let me ask you about what we see going on and, you know, the one thing biden can't talk about, he's not going to talk one about his open borders policy. he's not going to take responsibility afterg it three years of lying to us saying it was closed and secure. c re, you know, now he's blaming republicans, which is beyond offensiv ibeyond oe to me. y pep we're going to give a listle of how many people have died r that we know of,ec that ift they don't keep those records, we'll get to that.
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and it's or what he's doing to the economy. when you talk to constituents in south carolina, what are they saying about the border wh what are they saying about the economy? what arewhat are they saying about about prices in everyday living? prices a they feel about war in europe and more in the middle ease t? >> they are losing their minds under joe biden. y arhere's a fact about south carolinians. >> we are hardworkin are hard-ws who love america. >> and yet, 60% of south carolinians they're about are still paycheck to paycheck without $1,000 in their savingsr account. inflation has devastated average south carolinians, adding, about $900 a month of additional expenses. >> that'mother is more than $10- twen your average income is around $50,000. that's 20% of your money gone because of joe biden's inflation. talki the economy is imploding.
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impa impact of theng open unsecure borders. 70,000 americans, but thousands of south carolinians have lost f their lives to fit in. wee not even gotten to the fact that the 10 million invasion of illegal immigrants established every county in every state. absolutely. at home as well.r. but law and order, we love our military. >> we love our police law and order devastated under joe biden and kamala harris. >> remember, kamala harris is the person that started a race saying bail money for someone who was later charged with murder. unbelievable. time for change. . we are better with trump. they're not going to stop. we're not going to stop. coey shouldn'tn: is nog to stop. oh, she's talking about the 574 riots in the summer of 202 o0 that everybody in the media mob and kamala harris said was
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mostly peaceful. s said yeah, tell that to the dozensf of dead americans as thousands of injured copcops ands and the property owners that had billions in property damage. all right, senator tim scott, thank you tonight. when we come back, we have a live.k we update on the baltimol bridge collapse. also tonight, welllapsedtonightc over there at misty dnc, they are running the asylum tonighe t. the network fired ronna mcdaniel. we have all the details straight aheadd l th fox news is proud to bring you this. >> she's a hero moment. in working with students who were easily excludedfor ot >> part of my journey e have look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance was my safonce we'e space. i am autistic and i am a performer and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's reallif you cy fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if can see her, you can be her. >> a heart attack.
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. and while the search for answers for why that cararchs ft ship mysteriously hit the bridge overnight, we didm io answer a major question that has been pressing thatughout the daystio that regarding the ongoing search for possible survivorega >> so i would like to announce tonight that based on the length of time that we've gone in this searchwh ,the extensive search efforts that we've put into it aun,poin the water temperature, that at this point we do notwebeliev bee that we're going to find any of these individuals still aliv tnyndividuae. and so this evening, at about 730, we are going to suspend active searcach and rescue efforts. it is believed, sean, that atdid least six people have died as a result of this tragedy. sult o toll mayactual actually rise further in the days aheadly . we'll keep an eye on that noway throughout the day. we did receive updates from variou wreceive s local and fedh officials, each promising more than the last p t rebuildla
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as soon as possible. meantime, over at the whits sooe house, president, biden offered to provide any and all federal assistance needeall fed to clear the waterway and to resume port traffic, which, as you knot trwm is critical to both national commerce as well as nationalme security. i should also add this, sean, we have been in contac thout t officials with the fbi throughout the day, and they insist that there has been nheyo evidence to suggest atat terrorism was a factor in bridge accident, at least not yet. letjohn. all right, kevin, our prayers are with the families, obviously, tonight. we're going to continue to follow the story. noo, i said last night on this program, go over the media and see the inmates that are on their anleged talent. they're running the asylum. and tonight, i've been proven pn right. who is breaking this evening? we now know the network announced they are partingknow t s with ways with ronna mcdaniel. that didn't take long. this after on air talent at nbclent and as dnc on air meltdowns
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and temper tantrums over this... her hiring. >> take a look at this. we hope nbc will its decision.t it goes without saying that shen not be a guestin on morning joe in her capacity as paids alo contributor. she has also, as of last week, a very aweek a, very well paid contributor to nbc news, somee ronnthat has alarmed of us in this company because ronna mcdaniel has beea hasn ar peddler of the big lie. >> the fact that miss mcdaniel h is on the payroll at nbc news, to me, that is inexplicable. i mean, you wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't hire like a wiseguy. >>e you wouldn't hire a made mn like a mobster to at a d.a.'sgh office. >> right. i found out about it on fridayh. >> i fou . it was publicly announced. i stopped inviting trump liars her on this program in 2016. >> i wanted to, on behalf of the american people, to try
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to make their lives bettero tr. that's why i did campaigns. but here's the thing. that kind of experiencg, e only matters and only has values to viewers, all of you, if it ib is paired with honesty. this is abouutt truth versus lies, service to the countryice versusto, service to one manc committed to toppling our democratic system. e type that is the type of experience that ronna mcdaniel brings >>pea. >> and after tonight's news, the liberal left leftists radicals over amnesty and see that thei'y couldn't hide their glee, ronna was ousted. inmates want take a look. t >> i just have to say, when somebody does the right thing, i feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged. our outraged as pu ase. so sma and so i know how i feel about it. i am grateful to caesar for ceg the right the decision. >> i think it was the right decision acknowledging that you might have gotten something wronowledginhtg is a real sign of strength, a real show of strength. and i think it's a show of strength and , but i think it's ao show of respect for the people who work at this company and who make us whwo c ando we .
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that leadership is willing to change on this. and i'm grateful and to them. >> we really are trying to get it right. we a utilize you to be good team players. it's a foundational principle for both working in the press and i thinnceable ing ink healty democratic dialog and debate. and i have to say i really appreciate working a at a place that was able say we got thisen one wrong and then made the right decision. reacll righte right --. here with reaction, fox news contributors charlie hurt and joe concha. vatoe hujoe, are you or have yoa been a republican orter of a supporter of donald trump? because if you have been if you are you are your voice be is not allowed to be heard at nbc. but there's the peoplet that claim that they are journalistere are s,s. they are not journalists. they are all leftists, radicallh liberal talk show hosts. oney claim to be something they are not. look they determine oncermine on the mob comes out, wow, look what happens.
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govent they get the vapors. by gosh, i can hear from a trump supporter. >> i are going to melt. i'm melting. really? yeah. they got to make the decision. h >> and that's the thing, right? at one point, joe scarborough said, hey, nobody checket at po with me before this decision was made. as if talent decidaslente these. things before executives hire contributors. look thank, thanks to the brave men and women on msnbc, the edward r. murrow's of the 21st century, sean and thanks to nbcs spi executives like cesar conde, who is a spineless as a paperback bookneack book, we cod all sleep well because the cradle of democracy. peopl it's safe tonight according to these people becauseaie as sd ,the one republican who supports donald trump that wasat going to be on that network will never be on nbc news or msnbc ever again.s and what this shows us, sean,thh is that the children are officiallyil are running the childcare. that is nbc news 30 rock just changed its name change to 30 am
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at this point we all just so what happened? management gott sm shamedhere s and bullied here. so mcdaniel is out and the people who droveniel the her our are the same people who insisted the steele dossier was real. >> speakin speaking of trug of s donald trump as a pawn of the kremlin and stilf thl is insistd hunter biden's laptop was russian disinformation and insisted corbyn could not possibly have come from a lab. and they'r havcome fe the sameb journalists who will screen about tripping their talk. to s only to say.ythnly and coming up next. stick around for exclusive garorviews of russia collusion aficionado adam schiff, election deniers karine jean-pierre kim jeffriese and hillary clinton. that's next on evidence nbc. and this is so reminiscent at's of what we witnessed at thehe "new york times" not long ago. remember senator tom cotton, republican former military. he writes a piece calling for the national guard wing fo to be called in when riots get out of control, as was a common occurrence when he wrote was a that the summer of 2020. and many in the "new york times" newsroom revolted in thy inthe nee same s and patently insufferable manner that we just witnesse d over 30 rock. the result? the editor, james bennett, who only won a pulitzeck
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r. e so what does he know? then it was shown the door and the cotton piece was takenne down. pyongyang's got nothing on our media were the same people screaming about how they're going to save democracy act in the most soviet of waysoa and squashing the most important diversity of all. that's the diversity a of shorn a cho of thought of ideology. it's a sorry state of affairs. keepffit's all going to get wor, by the way, because this behavior just keeps getting rewarded as we jusd as t >> and just like they won't even air president trump, a topa presidential candidate, giving a speech, but he's wrongec. beliave decided, you know, for 28 years, believe it or not, i charlie, if you look at the initial tape s of, me on this network from day one, the were k i was not going to make it to be the longest running primetime host in cable news history. i can tell you this, i in 28 years, i have never beend abou consulted about the hiring of somebod ofy i don't own the network. i don't i'm not in charge of hiring.
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i'm not in charge of firing. m noand my job is to do the best hour of television. i can do now. i've made my recommendations known. i think that joe , for example, would be great having his own media show here on fox. friew you filling in on "fox and friends" this weekend. i thought you di d a great job. i love seeino g you on more and more and i'll i'll be vocal live as but that's not i don't own this network i wist h i did but i don't. and nor do i. nor wa s i hired to be the manager of this network. and you know what othe r? people have that job, thank god. well. >> well, yeah, no kidding. well, i have to first thank you, sean, for putting together that montage, because putte is e funniest thing i think i have seen in months. can you imagine the the psychiatrist who has to listen th these people to go through their struggle sessions
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in their personal life? i can'ei? t whatever whatever they're psychiatrists are getting paid. it's not enough. these people are insufferable and getting a lecture from them about truth and journalism i and honesty is one of the funniest things i'vee everxample heard. as joe went through all of the examples of the things at the that they gladly tout on their on their program. but one person in particular, i think,'s w is worth noting. >> one of their their biggest contributors is john brennan, dr former cia director. this is eca matos a man who, ama the things that he has done, he is he is electiondone her. e he's an election interference. he's one who he was amonged the 51 intelligence officers bio lied sai and said that that hunter biden's laptop was russian. differen russiant disinformatioo he's a peddler of russiannforma disinformationti and he gotatess busted spying on the united states senatorens. and these people are going
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to lecture somebody else about the trut h. >> give me a break.e liberals are showingso corrosivy they're so open, you know,the they believe in the free now. >> they don't believe in any of that. that's a cro. state all right. thank you both. when we come back. blue states, citiecitiesg tos, e continuing to prioritize illega al american citizens. it is costing you a fortune, tens and hundreds of millions fo r that. while eric menendez were motivated by greed, they were as unlikable perry defenders, as you'll ever see. they're too greedy little brad . so many more people know it through the myth than through the reality. a los angeles judge sentenced each brother to two consecutive life terms. there are real people there is real suffering at the heart of this story just goes round and round and television reflect society and society
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reflecting television. they needed a conviction at any cost. i said, oh my god, this is rags. if these were the menendez sisters, they would not be in custody. this was a family environment that was run by fear. they couldn't imagine a father abusing his sons. how could these people be killed by their children? >> israel is under attack. the war agains t israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage, bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help, praying to our vinamilk, to our father, our king. thg devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refugees
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in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis . the international fellowship of christians and jews dren, mo e ground reaching jewish people of all ages. people of all ages. children. mothers. the elderly. even holocaustift of ill make su but we can't do it without you. suyour gift of $45 will make sue that the people of israel mobile bomb shelters, israel mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies and the nutritious meals that they so desperately need. >> our teams are working on the ground, ofteng in bom att risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to elderly and families who are to elderly and families who are living in bomb shelter this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel, let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, and we're also praying and acting in their
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to asylu tom seekers. not want to watch out for squatters anyway. also in michigan, a woman was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant and a carjac thek and gone wrong. sadly, she is only the latest victim acros os the country noww since joe biden took office and opened u toop the borders, almost 10 million unvetted, illegal biden immigrants and so many have died at the hands of these illegal immigrants that were unvetted. scrolling the names here, let's take a look at some of the victims. this is nothe vit complete list by any means. how convenient. by the way, the biden white house, they don't keep statistics of violent crimes and murders by illegals. and the problem is not going to go away. it's going to get worse. listen to director wray was sort thi directo the head of thr patrol. they are warning everybody it's not when it's if new york city now has begun handin g out prepaid debit cardsng t to illegal immigrants as parts
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of a $53 million pilot program and according to a new report, biden is now considering granting amnesty and handing out green cards to illegal immigrants who have been here for more than ten years and have relatives who would earse deported. gre oh, here's something of great worth. hei you remember us at the poll. here was reaction. former senioformerr white housee to president trump stephen miller, podcast host tutor. >> dickerson stephen miller, you have been on this from day one, rightly sto. and here we are. and you know what? most americans don't know the names of all of these victims. they don't keep statistics on these victims. your taks are mae? they don't keep statistics. abou they don't talk about from this white house, frot fromm the whis house press podium, from joe biden's mouth. they do not talk , from about the countless americans who have been burglarized, beaten,mr and murdered by joeed biden'sth
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illegal aliens, the illegal aliens that he let into the countrl lookey. your own film allusion just reported another case where, i joe biden freed an illegal alien venezuelanll member who n now charged in a drive-by shooting. we are t criminaling syndicates, sean, into the united states of america, wreaking havoc all across this country. it is biden's border bloodbath that is what is happenings only in america and it is only going to get worse. we gto get w are just seeingeing the beginning of the horrors that are being unleashed by joea biden's raced and eradicated border. >> you know, in your state of michigan, tudor dickerson,grs $500 a month rent for illegal immigrants and have an illegal immigrant now charged in killing a woman in michigan a in a carjacking that apparently went wrongparently. 't giv i guess maybe the person didn't
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give up the car fast enough. en. not suree ca but this is just one of the latest examples of violent crime and murder that are being committed by joe biden's unvetted illegal immigrants. now,biden' at nearly 10 millione including from countries like iran and syria and egyptssia and afghanistan and russia and chinchina.a. >> your reaction? yes, it's devastating. >> y happeneding reactio in michigan. and this is something that's going to continue happening boe long as we have people unvetted coming across our border, your daughters,r your sons, your children, your parents, they're nochil t safe in this america, because any time, any time they turn t that could be someone dangerous around the corner, because we are just letting tha in right now. you take a look at tha t $500 a month. gretchen whitmer right now is saying, oh, yeah, take somebody right your home and they state will pay you $500 a monthg for taking an illegal immigrant into your home. im aren't going to get them. there's no rules to this game.
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and she doesn'and sht. in who's taking them in? you are putting people in danger on both sides and. t you don't know what the people are like that are going to take people into their home, th whao to them, or. vice versa. who's going into these people's g s? saying and yet no one in the mainstream media is saying why governor would put this kind of a bill together and sign it and say that, yes,to she's going to take taxpayer money and put monexpayery into people's hands who desperately need money to take illegals immigrants into their homes. and you know what else is sick? weu kn i not heard from a single democrat in this state about what happenewhatd to rubye garcia. say her name. gretchen whitmer. say her namer. . i agreed. and i will say thisay ths. t joe biden has allowed this to continue. they've lied, they about it fors three years. they said the borders closed and the border is secure. closw they're blamingve republicans, but they have blood on their hands. as t responsible.the in they inherited the most secure border evehe secr. and now we have people, terror cells setting up in america,
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plotting, planning and scheming another 911 or worse. ng at 1 god help us.e co i hope i'm wrong. anyway, thank you both. cons we come back. disturbing new reports on the deadly consequences of the left's lawlessness thi in new york city. if you think it was bad before, where donkre we update you toni, straight ahead. >> the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border and central from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored. demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china. in hong kong, we've been taught at atlanta. we were tied to a chair and bloodied in print online. we have the courage to deliver we have the courage to deliver the truth at costs.. the hip hop times is your source for truth later ch. h discover truth at the above times .com. noouw buy buy call meter traffic congestion. >> hello. >> hello. 12 hours of relief.. 12 hours mucinex dm gives
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to learn more, visit nature. >> today, a somber day in new york city as new yorkers mournrd the loss of a 31-year-old nypd officer. >> his name jonathan dille r, is the father of a one year old child who was tragically gunned yest yesterday in queens, new york. the alleged shooter hay in qs ag criminal record. he spent time in prison for drug possession. he's better. he's been assaulted.
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he's been or sorry, arrested and for assault and gun crimes. 21 arrests throughout his life,c if you can believe it. but sadlany, this officer,st tre his death is just the latest tragic example of the many dangers. that is new york now. and innocent commutean commuterv being shoved in front of an incoming subway traiedn frn. and this in this case by a man b shown here who appears to betura emotionally disturbed and had been previously arrested for assault, but set free, of course, no bail at all. it, no new york city now to comt subway crime. the nypd say s now plan to cracko dump down on fare beaters. who jumped the turnstiles instead of paying for rides. but some of them, they're not taking i f tht well. fac well, we had one officer just punched in the face by a woman that he wa citeying to cite for not paying the fare. she broke his noseot. pd inspe it was reaction of former nypd spspector fox news contributor paul moroz back with us. and israeli special ops vet aaron cohen. paul, start with you.
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this is all predictable. this has been building this haso been happening sincen happen ths result of no bail laws, defund, dismantl e or reimagine the police. it gets worse. fro worse. and you know, what do we hear from the left? well, maybe if we hamwell mayde more counselors on the scene, we might be able to stop some of the violencemight . >> i don't think that's the answer. neither do w you know, the democrats couldn't live with aitabou three strikes law. or sean, how about a 15 strikes law? how about e luckyt a strikes lan you have a person who's gotn th 21 priors and is still on the street to do what thispo person allegedly did to padilla? you know that we really have aso problem. and when it comes to the subways, the new york city subway, i'm not goin that--g to sugarcoat it. it's become a rolling psych ward. i've said it before. it's still the case. you get on a subway, it's a lottery and it's a lottery. you don't want to win. you're going to have an encounter with somebody like the person you just pictured. and, you know, it's easier for me. i'm a grown man. i'm a former, i'm cop, etceter.
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but think about the commuters. a lot of women i know that's politicalle cof woman.y to say,w a lot of women who are very fearful of taking the subway -sn it's because of things like this. and here in these blue jurisdictions this. , there finally does seem to be a little bit of an acknowledgment that we have a probleof an wm, you know, but s not much of a victory because nobody's doing anything about it. it -and nobody is really proposg any solutions. that includes our mayor, our but most importantly, the legislatures in new york city legislature, in new york state legislature. they caused all of this. and nobody is stepping up.l hi >> and they're all hiding heredr aaron. for example, by the way, in thee case of israelxamp i, i don't ce what joe biden says. i don't think i don't care what the vicdon'e president says histn't care what the u.n. says. with their history of virulentov anti-semitism. israel has to win its war. t to they've got to defeat terrorists that killed innocent israelistsl inno. similarly, in the u.s., we have got to go to war againstpe those people thaoplet are violes
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that commit these crimes. get rid of the insanity of nobel ity of n. ismantle defund, dismantle. why do you think this continuews ? >> well, i don't think the i ren't think the white house and i don't think the left leaning cities are really helping law enforcement right now. can has historically been, as your gentlemen here can tell you. i've got very close friends with the nypgo fd. la you know, i've worked in laws enforcement as well as a a reservist for 15 years, training swat and patrol and activen active response andy high risk entry. >> and the correlation that you made between crime here in the united and israel is spot on when it comes to responding to terrorism. onen icomesean we don't move bas when it comes to the counter-terror response. >> we have an expressiont lang in hebrew, in a horrible terror, which means when a terror attacmeans whr k happens or unfolds anywhere within within israel, whether it's at a mall'i or at a sparrow's pizza, those officers are a me on those threa threats and they're shooting to neutralize the terroris they
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to keep his hands from moving. and with the crime in new york and with that officer who was shot, those vehicle approaches are jusountlesst as dangerous and they need to be given the tools to be be g thet in the evento go that they have to go from passive to activom passie very . they need the tools, they need the trainingeeded, they needno community support, and they're not getting any of thag ant mor. hannity coming up straight ahead. >> so when you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders, i got you three classic tenders for butterfly shrimp forthcoming, baby, i win. >> oh, it's always a competition. i the shrimp. >> but ground for five star
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