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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  March 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> we are out of time. thank you to everyone at our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfelt and i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 pm on the a ghost, 8:00 in los angeles and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, after a massive mutiny, former rn seat chair mcdaniel is out at mbc msnbc after the on-air personalities compared her to a mobster and a pickpocket. full coverage of that straight ahead but we begin in baltimore where large containership brought down a major commuter bridge. 6 people are missing and presumed dead and the rescue has now become a recovery. the events surrounding this catastrophe remain unclear. why did the ship lose power? did the ship have enough crewmembers on board? and why were the anchors not released? the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live at the scene with the latest on this. what are we learning tonight? >> reporter: good evening, so many questions remain and we will continue to follow that storyline as it develops but we can tell you tonight that while the search continues for answers for why this cargo ship
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inexplicably hit the bridge, we did learn an important answer to a pressing question about the ongoing search for possible survivors. >> based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts we put into it, the water temperature, that at this point we do not believe that we are going to find any of these individuals still alive. >> reporter: with that this becomes a salvage and recovery operation. it is believed at least 6 people as you pointed out have died as a result of this tragedy and sadly the death toll could actually rise even further in the days ahead depending on how many vehicles were on the bridge at the time it went down. >> we will get through this. we are maryland tough and baltimore strong. >> the path to normalcy will not be easy. it will not be quick. it will not be inexpensive.
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but we will rebuild together. >> reporter: throughout the day we received updates from a variety of state, local and federal officials. each promising more than the last. to rebuild as soon as possible. >> is urgent and in my conversation with president biden, he's promised to do everything he can at a federal level to expedite, to get that channel reopened. every day is millions and millions of dollars lost and payroll alone is a couple of million. thousands of workers depend upon the port being open. >> reporter: meantime over at the white house, president biden offering to provide any and all federal assistance needed to clear the waterway and resume the traffic of the port which as you know is critical to national commerce and security. meantime the search for answers continues. >> it's very early. it's very cumbersome process, a
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very meticulous process where they have to dig through a lot of information. >> reporter: it's important to note, and i think it bears repeating, the fbi so far has continued to suggest that they have not seen any evidence whatsoever to suggest that terrorism was at all a part to what has happened here at this bridge collapsed but the investigation does continue tonight. >> trace: kevin corke with his exceptional work at the scene all day, thank you. let's bring enable veteran and supply chain consultant. great to have you on the show. they had time to make a made a call but apparently no time to drop anchors. what does that tell you? >> it tells me they weren't properly manned on the ship or they panicked and did not follow their training. the first thing you do in any sort of situation when you are in restricted maneuvering is if
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you have any sort of damage to your propulsion, damage to your steering, you drop your anchors. that ship had 2 anchors, they did not drop them. that needs to be the first part of the investigation. >> trace: do you worry that this highlights or shows some of our vulnerabilities as a country? >> it definitely shows the weakness of our port system. there's no way for the coast guard to patrol every vessel that comes into the united states. what this shows is that if you have a group of terrorists or wanted to destroy a bridge, they could definitely do it with just an old tub of pockets if you will. that's why i don't think that this was a terrorism act because if it was they would have done it at a different time and would have picked a different bridge that would have blocked bigger ports. >> trace: but it will still cost us a lot of money. the senator in maryland at this to say... >> we then need to make sure
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that the channel is reopened. it's critically important to our economy. it affects many, many jobs. it affects not only jobs here in maryland but around the country and world. >> trace: and the senator talks about the economy so i want to put these numbers up so we all know how important this port really is. this is the port of baltimore 2023, 52.3 million tons of foreign cargo, 80.8 billion in foreign cargo value, handled 847,000 plus cars and light trucks, generates about 15,300 direct jobs. this could be economically devastating is probably not the right word but certainly impactful. >> certainly impactful. about $280 million of commerce goes through that port per day. right now approximately 40 ships are stuck and check it out and you are also seeing cargo companies scramble in order to find new ports to take the goods that are currently on the ocean and also seeing companies look
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for new ports to ship things that would have normally left out of baltimore. >> trace: if this were the george washington bridge in new york, new jersey that this would be an entirely different story. >> absolutely. we would all be harkening back to 9/11 if something like this happened in the george washington bridge or from a commerce bridge -- standpoint, the bridge connecting staten island to queens. you would never be able to get ships in and out if it went in the water. it would take years before it became viable again. >> trace: thank you for your help, we appreciate it. meantime breaking tonight, just days after signing on as a contributor, former rnc chairwoman mcdaniel is out at nbc news and it appears that she was pushed out. ashley's life with that story. good evening. >> reporter: she is now out of two jobs got first as chair of the rnc where she recently stepped down to make way for trump's picks to lead the republican party. she's now out of nbc after a
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short stay is a paid contributor. some of the anchors on the network are taking a lap after her firing. >> the reason this precipitated the visceral got reaction it did is because there's a pretty bright red line after january 6th. she is unfortunately on the wrong side of that red line. i appreciate working at a place that was able to say we got this one wrong and they made the right decision. >> this was a specific case because of miss mcdaniel's involvement in the election interference stuff. i'm grateful that our leadership was willing to do the bold, strong, resilient thing. >> reporter: fox news digital obtained an internal memo from nbc universal newsgroup chairman to staff apologizing for hiring mcdaniel in the first place. writing, while this was a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team, i approved it and take full responsibility for it.
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our initial decision was made because of our deep commitment to presenting our audiences with a wide diverse set of viewpoints and experiences, particularly during these consequential times. a person close to mcdaniel hotels fox news tonight that mcdaniel found out about the termination through media reports and that as of this evening, she hasn't heard from nbc. fox news also learned mcdaniel is in the process of hiring an attorney to represent her. a statement is possible later tonight. >> trace: live in new york, ashley, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department says when it comes to msnbc, you can forget about network executives. the on-air personalities run the place. they certainly ran ronna mcdaniel out the door, saying that she isn't honest. jen psaki was irate over comparisons between her and ronna mcdaniel's political backgrounds with jen psaki
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saying it's about truth versus lies. commonsense assumes when she says truth she means herself. the very same jen psaki who stood at the white house podium and told untruths about everything from covid to oil rights to border security. now might be a good time to remind you that msnbc -- sorry, the network of truth -- told us trump was a russian agent, hunter biden's laptop was russian disinformation and michael brown was murdered. chuck todd has the nerve to say ronna mcdaniel has credibility issues? joy reed got caught posting bigoted statements on social media and blame hackers. after former cia director john brennan lied to congress, naturally msnbc hired him. if adam retired from congress tomorrow they would hire him to. not because he lied but because he lied about the right people. those on the right. ronna did not get pushed over not being honest, she got pushed out for not being a democrat.
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commonsense things of honesty is truly msnbc's rubicon, stop lying about it. let's bring in jl partner pulls director scarlett mcguire and steamboat institute fellow. thank you for coming on. she did not hear it from nbc, she got it, ronna mcdaniel, from media reports she was out. >> right and i don't blame her for hiring a lawyer because she probably has a strong case to make against the network. this just goes to show if it wasn't already obvious that nbc and the rest of the leftist media are not interested in being legitimate news outlets, otherwise they would be welcoming a different point of view to show their viewers. nor are they interested in being a profitable business considering they are letting low rated hosts determine company policy. and it really just goes to show how little they think of their own viewers and quite frankly of their own beliefs if they
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couldn't even have one republican contributor on air to challenge those beliefs. why even have them in the first place? >> trace: here's rachel maddow and jen sake. >> you wouldn't hire a wise guy, you wouldn't hire a made man like a mobster to work at a das office, right? >> our democracy isn't danger and our democracy is in danger because of the lies that people like ronna mcdaniel have pushed on this country. >> trace: i mean msnbc says it hired or because it loves having diverse viewpoints. >> exactly. diverse viewpoints is incredibly important no matter how much you might disagree with someone, you should have the confidence to debate them at least. even if you very strongly disagree with them. there seem to be double standards here. when ten out 14 previous white house secretaries have left jobs and taken chop that tv networks.
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it's hard to see why they would have a problem with mcdaniel. >> trace: rfk junior picked nicole shanahan as his vp running mate. "president biden's team is so worried about robert f kennedy junior's potential impact on the election that gets build an entire operation dedicated to attacking kennedy." what do you think about that? he certainly is pulling voters away from somebody and a lot of people believe it's joe biden. >> will i think rfk -- rfk's vp pick sort of solidifies that he will in fact draw more voters away from biden and from trump. he's chump -- chosen someone who has a very strong left-wing preference. she's donated to george candidates. there are a lot of young adults who really had a lot of hope for rfk to be an independent moderate. this just goes to show that at the end of the day he is still a kennedy democrat and always will be. >> trace: it's interesting too
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you look at her past and you have nicole shanahan who really is progressive and makes no bones about it. if the election were held today according to a suffolk university poll, trump would pull 40%, biden would pull 38%. kennedy junior at nine% and then two% first nine in west. that's 13% outside of trump and biden. that's a big number when you talk about drawing away from candidates that are that close. >> it's a huge number and at the moment it does indeed look like he would hurt biden more than trump. there are real signs that biden steamer worried about this and they have every reason to be. we saw this in 2016. third-party candidates heard him especially with younger voters, ethnic minorities, and there the sort of people by dinner worried about losing at the moment. >> trace: and very quickly, when the biden team, the campaign sees numbers like that and they see there's 13% holding
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out and they just really hired a progressive candidate, it has to make you a little bit nervous. >> right and it's making him nervous because of his already existing enthusiasm gap among his own primary voters. if he had shored up his own pace perhaps his third-party bid would not be that big a concern but the fact is that rfk is a threat. >> trace: yep. to both of you, thank you. meantime one of the most dangerous issues on the southern border crisis is the number of got a ways, those illegal immigrants who flee from border agents -- agents. now those same agents are dealing with walkaway's. illegal immigrants waiting to be arrested and yet being told by a judge they are free to leave, to disappear into the u.s. whenever they want. matt is live with that part of the story. >> reporter: on the show we often report about the threat of the nearly 2 million known got a ways along the border, the migrants who don't surrender and
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avoid law enforcement. migrants who do want to be detained, knowing they can simply walk away, usually while awaiting transport, those are the walkaway's. to washington time report sometimes hundreds of illegal migrants across the border in southern california and then plunked down waiting for overwhelmed u.s. border patrol agents who do not have the proper busses or manpower to process the illegal migrants. the biden administration says these migrants are not under arrest so they are free to leave the former acting commissioner of u.s. customs and border protection under the trump administration says walkaway's are the result about policy. explaining it happens because border patrol agents are put into a situation of choosing the lesser of two evils. saying agents either take all the resources to make sure no one leaves, leaving other areas even more wide-open, or do the best to process as fast as you can so the chances are fewer will walk away knowing so mark going to walk away. walkaway's can be considered more of a failure by our own
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government because agents have those migrants detained but they are ultimately left to disappear. the washington times reports a policy was recently revealed in a court filing for a decades-old agreement that governs how illegal children are treated when they are ripe year to the u.s. lawyers representing those children say they are not getting basics like food and shelter as they wait for transport. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in former army reserve captain an intelligence officer along with criminal defense attorney and federal litigator. thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. it's kind of amazing because they come across the border by the hundreds, they wait there to be arrested by border patrol. border patrol is handcuffed so the judges like you guys are free to go, do whatever you want, go wherever you want. why even have border patrol? they just walk across and walk there wherever they want to. what is the process here that we are missing? >> there are so many layers to that question. let me just put it on the ground
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floor for us. i've had the privilege of representing people who work in border patrol for years and decades as supervisors. they are so conflicted. they put the uniform on every day, they swear to uphold the law, but what they are our caretakers to provide paper towels, toiletries and water for people who are coming in to the country illegally. i will tell you, it's not fiction. any one of our viewers who wants to see this, drive through the desert area from beautiful san diego to el centro. i saw three times on a drive, there are groups of hundreds of people and border patrol agents who are disheveled, disheartened and are going to have a hard time going to work with the right priorities each day. >> trace: and here's the other thing now, you have president biden who is considering giving a legal immigrants amnesty and handing out green cards. i mean it's insanity when the rewards just don't stop. the consequences go away and the
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rewards keep getting bigger. >> well i did not think it could get much worse than it already was but this is what's happening when you have a lawless president. honestly it's what happens when our government is run by lunatics. it doesn't make any sense that these criminal a legal immigrants are being rewarded now with green cards. how unfair is that to our immigration process of those who are waiting legally to enter the country? this is a big problem in arizona as well. if you look at our southern border, i was just down there, it's completely open. you are having a legal immigrants, walkaway's, but the biden administration flying in illegal immigrants to. here in arizona we have criminal gangs burglarizing homes and terrorizing these poor residents this is a big problem the biden demonstration has created. it seems like they are trying to appease a base because they know politically they have lost the american people so they are trying to import these foreigners to become green cardholders and eventually citizens. >> trace: and this is not an
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illegal immigrant issue but a big story and i wanted to get your take on it. new york city police officer shot and killed, the 34-year-old allegedly who shot and killed him, we put this up on the screen, he's been arrested at least 21 times, nine arrests for felonies that he was released from prison in 2021. we do these stories, you and i, every week. it's amazing these people are on the street. we cannot get them off the street and they are killing our police officers and kicking and wounding our police officers. >> complete disregard for the law. let's not forget new york has the second-most difficult gun laws that you can find in the united states of america but yet the criminals aren't getting background checks or during their ten day waiting period. criminals who are criminally minded do not follow the law. this is a great example of what is happening. god bless this young man's family, i understand he left a small child behind. our thoughts and prayers are
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with him. but this will continue to happen unfortunately until judges take the laboring or and levy these harsh punishments that are authorized by state legislation or. >> trace: back to the migrants now. the border this weekend, we see this, i'll put the video up, people cutting more of the razor wire fences. last time they did this you have this mass of people coming in and you can see, the picture is right there, the invasion. the new york post is saying they confiscated knives and shanks from these people at the national guard post. final thoughts on this? twenty seconds on this one. >> if you look, it's so disappointing. the rest of the world knows that our border is open so they will take advantage but what a shame. they understand that we have no enforcement on our southern border so now they are abusing our laws, our military. imagine if we try to enter mexico, they would arrest us and send us back to the united states and yet here we are, are
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border cooked -- patrol, our military is not doing anything. this will lead to our country's destruction if we don't change course this november. >> trace: a great point. thank you both. coming up, columbia university now offering a seminar called palestinian resistance 101. it's being run by a group designated as terrorists. and later, california fast food chains are now five days away from having to pay $20 minimum wage. and they are responding by, surprise surprise, laying off workers. and end a nightcap, "nyming" the latest social media trend where young people speak holes sentence is in acronyms. they are getting more complex. in fact we will have some for you. we want to know if you ever do it. what's your favorite? let us know. @tracegallagher. the nightcap group will takester this up when we come back. [♪♪] [♪♪] nd ing , drag screaming, trophy dreaming the fish tales that lured you to go
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup back in atlanta property owner try to evict squatters and is now being sued by a squatter for $190,000. if you years ago david allowed temporary stays on his vacant property but the people refused to leave, he been invited company and now he's tied up in an eviction battle telling abc news he's afraid the squatters might get away with stealing his home. the smithsonian in dc has agreed to pay a group of tourists $50,000 after they were kicked out of the museum for wearing pro-life apparel including a blue beanie with the words "rosary pro-life." the americans offer law and justin's says museum staffmark the students, all them expletives and made comments that the museum was a neutral zone where they could not express such statements. columbia university hosting a palestinian resistance event
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featuring a palestinian group that was banned from germany for it's ties to terrorism. a columbia professor slammed the university saying their leaders "let people with clear links to terrorism recruit students on campus. they should be fired immediately out with that let's bring in the co-author of stolen youth, school bored candidate bethany mandel. great to see you. nothing like offering up a little palestinian resistance 101. the washington free beacon rights, speakers and other attendees were explicit in their support for terrorism against jews, a popular front for the liberation of palestine activists lauded airplane hijackings is one of the most important tactics that the palestinian resistance have engaged in. i'm not sure where it ends from there but i think, you know, probably not the best topic to be bringing on campus. >> no, i mean it's incredible. the professor you just showed on air has been fantastic and so
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outspoken. in response he's been the subject of retaliation at columbia he alleges. it's really a terrifying time to be a jewish student on campus. i'm hearing it from professors at mit. there was a new survey just commissioned by the israel on-campus coalition that showed that 73% of jewish college students feel less safe on campus than they did before ten/seven. the thing that shocking to me about that stat is why is in it more? why isn't it like 93 instead of 73 but the fear is palpable because of stuff like this. >> trace: you wonder, where is the 27th%. are they getting security from somewhere? are they feeling secure? is only making them feel better? we don't hear those stories at all. >> they are probably hiding their judaism. that's something i'm hearing from a lot of students especially at columbia and barnard. both my sister-in-law's are barnard alumnae and i would be
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shocked if they let their daughters go there and even more if they donated a penny. rockers is where i went. they are trying to pass a resolution right now. it's craziness across campuses around the country. >> trace: let's go from barnard to bernard. the washington time rights, senators elizabeth warren and bernard sanders criticized mark zuckerberg on tuesday for his secrecy surrounding the technology companies content moderation and censorship of palestinian related content on instagram and facebook. the biden a ministration can sense her face back -- facebook but do not censor palestinian content. >> yeah and what's really surprising about all of this stuff is not really all that the censorship that's happening is that they are trying to prevent people from seeing not pro- palestinian propaganda but pro- hamas propaganda, stuff that is lauding what happened on 10/7. that's what's being censored on meta. for this, bernie sanders and
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elizabeth warren are objecting. on what planet do they live on? what do they think happened on 10/7? >> trace: they should do what i do and take the seminar and see the video of what exactly happened. they would walk out different people, i can guarantee that. lastly, the christian broadcast network says the following, a texas schoolteacher is suing her school district claiming the schools principal violate her first amendment rights when he reprimanded her for preying on campus. i think we've litigated this so many times. she prayed with her friend by a flagpole. yeah, your final thoughts? >> it's wild to me because everything that's happening with transgender ideology and all, that is a religion for those on the left. they don't see it as such but it is. they have decided that, you know, the burning bush for people of faith is there, like, a man can be a woman and a woman is whatever she decides she is at that moment.
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they have decided that some religions are worthy of protection and support and some should be shunned and they've decided that christianity is a religion that has to be shanda in modern society. >> trace: we are going to talk later about sacramento has made itself a sanctuary place for transgender people and they don't explain anything about it. we will talk about that coming up. coming up, they raise their wages and now they've gotta go. california fast food chains laying off workers. we saw that one coming. and still ahead, they call him britain's most unwanted dog. not anymore. and a rookie sumo wrestler just made history in japan. today's best viral videos are next. meantime 8:32 on the west coast, "fox news @ night" trip across america, a look at her most a beach california where it's illegal to pour salt on the highway but legal to put it on your margarita. louisville, kentucky home to the
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world's largest baseball bat. 68,000 pounds, 120 feet tall. that is a louisville slugger. finally a live load, hampton beach new hampshire, the state's largest and most popular beach. if you for some reason, some wild reason cannot join us live, do not forget to set your dvr and watch us anytime. we are coming right back. [♪♪] [♪♪] it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs.
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>> trace: california's 20-dollar minimum wage law starts next monday and fast food chains already laying off their employees. matt is back with those details. >> reporter: just a few days left until the new law bringing in $20 animal wage for fast food employees. california's minimum wage for fast food workers is jumping four dollars an hour from 16-$20. the wall street journal reports several fast food restaurants, particularly pizza chains, are starting to cut jobs in
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anticipation of the minimum wage hike. the california a lot of finds fast food restaurants as a limited service establishment that has no table service and part of a chain with at least 60 locations nationwide. employers cannot count tips toward a workers hourly wage. now chains like pizza hut and round table pizza plan to lay off 1000 delivery drivers after the layoffs customers will need to use third-party apps like door dash and uber eats for their pizza deliveries. some pizza chain owners say the increased minimum wage will likely affect prices and impact the customer. the federal minimum wage sits at just 7.25 per hour, way below california's new 20-dollar per our fast food minimum. >> trace: and it will cost us, thank you. let's bring in the ceo of own it. thank you for coming on. i talked to a guy who owns a bunch of fast food restaurants and he said there's only a
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couple ways around this. you have to either get rid of employees, which they all have to do, and raise the prices. in most cases you have to do both. so we have to pay more and some people are going to lose their jobs over it. it's just a bad idea. >> and the whole point of what -- fast food restaurant is convenience and low prices. you will cut all these people see will have to wait longer for your fast food and you will have to pay more so what's the whole point? it's great if you are getting paid $20 an hour but all the people who lost their jobs. and then i also think about the single mom who's like i'm just can order a big pizza for my five kids because i don't have time to go to the store and now some pizza huts are even saying they are going to cut delivery altogether, not even go to a third party platform. i love to here how people try to get out of this though. the owner of a bunch of pen eras says if we bake bread in house we are exempt and knew some was like no way. gave it the old college try though. >> trace: meantime the new york post says -- called israel
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an apartheid state as he angrily claimed reported rapes and murders during hamas october attacks were a life. now he of course is backing off of that statement. i was saying this earlier, anybody who wanted to see this videotape of exactly what happened on october 7th could have seen it and he decided not to and he was just going to say the whole thing was made up. it is something that, you know, you could lose your seat in congress and sometimes should. what do you think? >> i think it's a good point that what goes on social media, what's on the internet, stays on the internet. it did not get deleted. it came back up just like you said. he has to face the tunes here because his challenger is raising double the amount he has which goes to show it's a real run for the money quite literally. and it shows that he seems to speak before he thinks about it. this isn't the first time he's faced controversy. he had some conspiracy theory about 9/11 and then also face that incident with the pulling the fire alarm will the house
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was doing a vote. we saw how that turned out. he was reprimanded for the action. maybe next time he will actually think before he goes and says something. >> trace: he also said there's no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. you think listen, it's one thing, and there's no consequences for this. of some buddy else had said this on the other side, on the far right, they would be marching in front of capitol hill. there seems to be no consequences and they just kind of move on. >> it's the double standard and i don't know if it's something to do with death or what because he also said there was minimal damage done to the pentagon when 125 people died and all 64 people aboard died on that day so it's really horrible especially when you talk about rape and sexual assault. when you really do have the evidence. i don't know where he was coming from. >> trace: california globe headline is sacramento could become a transgender sanctuary city in a trance century state. we learn tonight the vote was unanimous. sacramento is now officially a
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transgender sanctuary place. the problem is, nobody can explain it. you read all of these articles and you are like what do you get when you were in a transgender sanctuary? the answer is, nobody really nose. >> not only that, it's trans week of visibility so this in my opinion seems like political posturing. they saw an opportunity to kind of endorsing stance that they were already in. california is a progressive state, they were already labeled a sanctuary state for transgender individuals. sacramento seems to be dancing in the same position, not really going forward and doing anything different. >> what amazes me is you look at the sanctuary policies in california and how much money this is costing, the policies for new york, for a legal immigrants in massachusetts and the rest of the country and they are now thinking we've got to get away from this policy and now you have places like sacramento that are like we are going to double down. >> well to bring out the point of money, i think what i'm getting from people of why they are so frustrated with this is
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that they are ignoring seemingly the 66 million-dollar deficit that sacramento already has, the homelessness population that has increased from 2019-202367% sacramento county. focusing on an issue that is affecting people for sure but when you look at the broader people that it's affecting, sacramento as a whole, that's where i think people are frustrated. >> trace: either one of you ever nym? >> explain it to us. >> i've come across ones that are incredibly long but i think my favorite might be iwapsl, i want a pumpkin spice latte. >> trace: you will have to make up another one. we've got to go but "nyming" is on the menu next. first up into nights viral videos, let's move onto that, and you're from minnesota putting a positive spin on yardwork by dancing as he shovels the most recent snowfall from his families driveway.
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this day got hit with a big winter storm postponing spring just a little bit longer. in ancient building site in pompeii answering questions about how the romans built those incredible structures like the coliseum and pantheon. archeologists discovered tools, bricks, roof tiles and material for walls. they estimate the site was used or in use until the fateful volcanic eruption in 79 a.d. the dog being called britain's least wanted has found a home. jake the dog has found his family at last. they say they already can't imagine life without him. and crowds in japan cheer for the rookie sumo wrestler who just won his debut elite competition. the 24-year-old is the first rookie to win their first major elite event in more than 100 years. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us @tracegallagher or @foxnewsnight here it comes, what is your
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favorite nym? or should we say wyfn. let us know on x and instagram let us know on x and instagram @tracegallagher. l read the best responss in the nightcap. rod bend ing , d, trophy dreaming the fish tales that lured you to go and the stories you'll tell after. if that sounds like where you want to be... then checkout bass pro shops and cabela's spring fishing classic for the biggest fishing & boating sale of the year! save up to an additional $5,000 on the world's leading boat brands during the model year clearance event. plus receive a free gift card up to $2000 with purchase. your adventure starts here. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. ashley, matt, abbey, vic and amanda. tonight's topic, hin. hey i'm nyming. my daughter will explain. >> hey fox, we are nyming. nym is a short convergent of the word acronym but instead of the regular acronyms we use in our daily lives like lol for laughs out loud or i'd thank you for i don't know, these are things we would not normally say in an accurate. i could say ilfn, i love fox news. >> trace: ashley, what does gag mean? >> uh, go away george? >> trace: get a grip! amanda, what does w.h.a.t. mean?
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>> what are you thinking? >> trace: matt, what is t.t.t.? >> triple t? no clue. >> trace: tsa? >> not the transportation security administration so i would not no. that's as close as i can get. >> trace: s.l.a.p. >> silly laughter appeases people. >> trace: that sounds like a plan. anybody have their own? >> minor so simple. talking idk, lol, psl. >> these are hard. i came up with a new one. i'm a new mom and i'm very tired. ittft.
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i'm too tired for this. >> trace: matt. >> brb. be right back. [ laughter ] >> trace: abby. >> i don't think anywhere should be truncated unless it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocio us and that is just super which is also a word. but when you see my text, they are like paragraphs. >> here's a new one that will catch on your show, rab, read a book. >> trace: nice. mine is wtf, where's the food. [ laughter ] >> trace: is it difficult to understand nyms? yes 85%, 15% no. instagram evony five%, 25%. >> tis, this is stupid.
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>> another ackerman -- acronym for useless government agency. and one more time, jff just for fun. >> trace: tino. >> trace is never... ostentatious. >> trace: tia amanda. >> this is awesome? >> trace: very close. this is annoying. ashley,ish. >> oh come on, i have no idea. i'm shaking, what was the last word? >> hands. >> hands! >> trace: wgg, we've gotta go. thank you for watching, i'm trace gallagher, we will see you back your tomorrow.
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