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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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kennedy, he thought he was a god." ♪ ♪ all my life i've use regular gasoline in my car, i said "what's the point, wipe it extra for premium. until someone said if you put premium gas in your vehicle not only is going to perform better and accelerate faster, but you're going to get better gas mileage. meaning that on a regular field of tank you might get 400 miles but a tank filled with premium? you get 480 miles. what? next do tax. , from new jersey, ronna mcdaniel -- ronna mcdaniel should show up tomorrow at nbc like she's george constanza. we invite wrana on the show anytime. always remember, i'm jesse watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> sean: come to one -- "hannity" and tonight jailbreak in msdn see where conservatives and trump supporters and they are clearly not welcome ever. it's official inmates now are officially running the asy asylum, no nbc news just came through the breathless demands from their far left frankly emotionally unhinged hosts and they can't smack can former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel just a few short days after hiring the former rnc chairwoman and coming up we'll have the very latest hysteria from the left echo chamber at joe biden's favorite fake news network, the conspiracy, and all so tonight we have a lot more on on deck including a truly insane you develop men out of michigan and new york city where the illegal immigrants are now being paid to break our laws "you're actually paying for it. this as new york city is descending into even more lawlessness and violence as yet another person was just pushed through their death on
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the subway tracks and another cop was shot and murdered and killed. we have a full report on that straightahead. plus will be one update from the sean "diddy" homes sex trafficking saga, it's getting wild, and we'll introduce you to rfk jr.'s new running mate who is reportedly now causing a great deal of gliding inside the biden campaign. we'll start been joe biden himself now before the president and vise president departed on separate claims for an event in north carolina, joe tried to offer some brief remarks on the project bridge collapsed that took place in baltimore. here's the sad and pathetic part. as per usual, biden it it all about himself and yet another tall tale about his own personal connection to that bridge which didn't exist. we'll tell you in a minute. >> president biden: about 1:30 container struck the francis scott key bridge which i've been over many,
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many times commuting from the state of delaware either -- either by train or by car. have been over that harbor many times. >> sean: you see there's no railroad on the francis scott key bridge, and there would be no reason for joe biden to cross it on his way to dc. but like every other national tragedy whatever this issue is, joe biden only seems to find a way to make it all about himself. remember, he did this with afghanistan after the horrific withdrawal, lying about his own son dying in iraq. it never happened marketed something similar after the devastating wildfires if you recall in hawaii, embellishing what was a tiny little house fire in dela delaware, you know, marked one of the suffering of the disaster that is happening to people in maui? he nearly lost his precious corvette? oh geez w. first, the horrors. and he did the same thing in
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florida if you recall after a hurricane. he also frequently lies about his struggles during the civil rights movement. he lied about getting arrested protesting apartheid in south africa. he lied about his time as middle-class joe on amtrak. and according to joe biden, no one knows the struggle and sacrifice like joe biden. take a look... >> president biden: lightning struck home on the lake outside our home -- not a lake of a big pond. hit a wire that came up underneath our home in to the heating ducts on the air conditioner. make a long story short, i almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, and my cat. know from experience how much anxiety and fear and concern they are -- but lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of it, about 15 years a
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ago. >> when joe biden, our elected president, entered the room, when he approached me, his words to me were "my wife, jill and i, know how feel. we lost our son as well and brought him home in a five-day coffin." my heart started beating faster and i said shaking knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his side. >> sean: in reality their guide i kept looking down at his watch during the dignified transfer of the u.s. service members killed in afghanistan because of his botched withdrawal and denied the existence of his own 4-year-old granddaughter until it hurt him politically in the polls, he doesn't seem to really understand something called empathy, entered a joint and come à la carte quick trip to north carolina. it went about as well as you can expect for both of them. take a look, you decide. >> president biden: the incredible.
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and so is kamal khera she's really incredible. i know is -- [laughter] [ cheering ] >> president biden: and got my mom weren't around. folks, america sends me to congress, to i promise you, kamala and i will restore rule be made at the log line again. i'm serious if you didn't know any better you think i -- i making this stuff up. were the only crunchy in the world that has come out of any judgement every crisis stronger than we were "there's nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. not a single thing. this is the united states of
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america. >> sean: not talking about the disaster at the border county not talking whether the doctor about law and order in safety and security in towns and cities all around the country. is not talking about the struggling economy of the 60% of our fellow americans living paycheck to paycheck. many americans putting their bear necessities on their credit cards, that's only way they can make it every month. and after struggling through that speech, biden then seemed shocked and surprised that his vice president was even there. biden's obvious cognitive decline in just one major problem that democrats will be facing in november. and poll after poll, independent candidate robert kennedy junior is peeling off significant numbers of votes. most of them seemingly coming from joe biden. it makes sense that arcade -- rfk jr. is a traditional liberal progressive environmentalist, it wants reliable democratic voter who knows -- now announces biden's insane policies on
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the border and has some believe in civil liberties. he is also not suffering from steep cognitive decline. i guess that is a huge plus. rfk jr. is definitely a left-winger and loves smack a lover of taxes, regulations, all things obama and clinton, biden, environmentalist, and there is a huge problem for the biden campaign. deano set out by the way to go after robert f. kennedy jr. they will smear, slander, besmirch attack every second count every minute, every hour they're not that -- today kennedy announced his running mate in northern california lawyer and entrepreneur who really does embody the american dream. her name? nicole shanahan who grew up extremely poor in a single-family household. her father suffered from mental illness and her mother at a chinese immigrant, worked hard but struggled to make ends meet. once relying on welfare, didn't want her kids seeing when she was using food stamps in a store. she remembers her mother
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being ashamed of that issue and asking her and her brother who leaves so they wouldn't see that. at the age of 38, shanahan happens to be one of the wealthiest people in america. nicole shanahan, she has a life story that anyone can be proud of. but she is a lifelong liberal democrats from san francisco. she brags that she is a progressive "through and through." and an environmentalist. again, a huge problem for biden and harris. for example, can think like a texas democrats. they have long dreamed of turning the lone star state blue for many years. even before vito bozo work transit -- from one the state by about points but now according to a new marist poll trump is bob -- beating biden in that state by 11 points. know when you throw robert f. kennedy jr. in to the mix, trump goes up by an even wider margin with kennedy peeling off of teen% of the vote and according to the
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real clear politics -- take a look at this in a three-way race between trump and biden and rfk jr., trump wins wisconsin by three count order by seven, arizona by six nevada basics, pennsylvania by two or make that means donald trump will be elected the 47th president of the united states if that holds. north carolina nearly seven and michigan by almost three points. it is very early. we are 223 days away and anything can happen. and tonight, trump isn't just faced with intense -- and intense political campaign, as we have been talking about, we have a weaponize justice department. he is now forced to come back that department of justice and also we have -- going on in new york and other places to hear one of the left-wing judge and biden donor has imposed a gag order against donald trump ahead of alvin bragg's bizarre criminal case against the former president over documents that were allegedly mislabelled.
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now trump cannot even speak out in his own defense. he can't defend himself against political attacks stemming from the indic indictments. of course, these conveniently handed down in the middle of an election. i thought we lived in the united states of america. i thought we celebrated freedom of speech. is this still america? because i'm beginning to wonder. far left courts in this country are out of control. they're doing this more and more, silencing people in silent -- threatening people -- that will send them to jail if they did there speak in their own defense. research is very clear that the powerful government and the bureaucrats in new york city, washington dc, fulton county georgia, they don't like your politics and they don't like your last -- last name? we'll try to put you in jail because they want to take a way your property. they want to silence your dissents and ruin your life forever. is that the country you want to live in? if democrats are successful
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in 223 days in november, this chilling system of justice that will be coming to a town near you. if they can do this to trump, they can do it to anybody. here with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. senator anything i'm saying there constitutionally, you're a great scholar, we've argued before the supreme court, alan dershowitz has said even though he deserves big mac disagrees with you politically you're one of the smartest debaters and students he had. mri on the constitution? >> john you are absolutely right mike we are sitting across the board -- the weaponization of the political -- politicization of our legal system. it over two centuries of our nations history of president has never been indicted former president has never been indicted. in just over one year countdown term has been indicted four times bipartisan democrat prosecutors who hate his guts out on top of that, you have
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the ridiculous civil lawsuit by letitia james, a partisan democrat who ran on the promise to "get donald tr trump," and got $450 million judgement against him. she wants to take a half billion dollars from him for on a fence that injured, that there was no harm in that the supposedly them who made money on it where giant international banks. it is absurd and here's the most important thing to understand. it is not just the democrats, hey, donald trump. they do to be sure. the real target here is due to the american voters mark this is an assault on democracy. and democrats love to beat their chests and say we're defending democracy, but the reason all of this cases are being brought is because democrats are terrified that the voters in november are going to reelect donald trump as president and they're trying to bring the entirety of the legal system to stop the voters. this is the greatest assault on democracy literally in the history of our country and we
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are seeing it with every elected democrat quietly applauding and celebrating this assault. >> sean: you know, where is merrick garland? don't recall the department he heads up -- it's called, correct me if i'm wrong, the department of justice? i believe in equal justice under the law. equal application of our laws. now correct me if i'm wrong in every one of those from organization deals when they were applying for loans and applying for insurance policies, there was a disclaimer in every one of them saying don't use our evaluations. by the way, nobody lending hundreds of billions of dollars were insuring hundreds of millions of dollars of property will ever go -- would ever go with somebody else's valuations. they have a fiduciary was possibly due to their own. so you have a disclaimer in there saying don't use our evaluations. and then get this whole case is about valuation. and you claim to me how the
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judge, to this day is still adhering to a value of mar-a-lago at a mere $18 million? when in fact you can't get -- you can be a 2-acre lot on the ocean in palm beach florida that is 200 million? this has 22 acres, it has the intercoastal, has the ocean he has a story building, he's got two clubs and i might add is in pristine condition with 50 some add rooms and bathrooms. so you tell me, senator, is merrick garland not have a duty, does he not see what's going on? are judges like this allowed to sit on the bench and put out half a billion dollars in fines, really? is that our country? >> look, of course merrick garland see what's going on but he wants as this happened for mcmurray garlent is the most politicized attorney general in history to make this department of justice has been organized. and listen on everyone to -- to think about in terms of what letitia james argued. she said that trump overvalue
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his real estate. think about how many of y'all have ever gotten a home mortgage. if you ever -- you say you know what i love this house, it's really pretty go the back yard, i love the flowers and trees. i think the house is worth $10 million. now is there a back on earth they would say okay if it's worth $10 million will give you $10 million mortgage? no michael sent an appraiser, will look at it in the value this is what it's worth and we ain't giving up any more. in this instance, the victim was. >> voice:, a global multi- billion-dollar company reminder know how to value real estate. the testimony of the trial is it that these loans were great loans might they were thrilled callie said donald trump was a whale. they made money on him there might be one to make more loans just like it are make you mentioned mar-a-lago. the idea -- you and i have was meant to mar-a-lago, it's an incredible property. the idea that it's worth $18 million, you can't buy a hotdog stand in palm beach for $18 million. when i lost all trump in
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mar-a-lago i told him i said, i'll tell you what mr president i give you 20 million for it right now, i don't have 20 billion if you say yes, i promise you i can raze it in 60 seconds. and, of course, you laughs because it is absurd. it is the property that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. but look, that is my that smarmy sanctimonious smiling judge is a vicious partisan who hates donald trump and he loved -- i'm going to take a half billion dollars from you because i hate you, rule of law be damned and then one democrat in new york speak one out -- and by the way who in their right mind would do business in new york because you know what, first letitia james comes before donald trump but the next business owner who takes of the democrats in power you maga going to come and take millions from you. this is a catastrophic decision for the rule of law in new york. >> sean: senator cruz, and one -- i want people to understand that chuck schumer has made senator cruise' number 1 target and lite
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literally, tens of the hundreds of millions of dollars going into texas to smear senator kermit senator, we need you back. i'm not very happy with the number of your colleagues for not being conservative. you have been a staunch, study conservative voice and a fighter. we need you back in the senate so we appreciate you being here. >> thank you, sean, appreciated. >> sean: what had. the journey is not from this street tim scott is with us another solid conservative. frankly i'll get -- i'll be honest, yucatán crews campers and full of you. but not enough that art conservative enough that are willing to fight. why is that? >> that is a good question. we are becoming -- continue to elect conservative senators. we need a majority in the senate. not just republicans, but of conservatives. so that we can call out this justice system that is actually the perversion of justice. sean gunn here's what we are
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looking at and it is very clear. catamounts to election indifference is what we are seeing in new york, what we're seeing in a doj. they literally want to make sure that the voters do not have a choice. this is not about democracy. we are the greatest republic on the planet and it looks like we are a kangaroo court because the perversion of justice is the end of ame america. and this is that plus election indifference. i have never seen anything like it in my life. >> sean: let me ask you about what we see going on and, you know, the one thing biden can't talk about, is not going to talk about his open border policy, he not going to take responsibility after three years of lying to us saying it was close and secure, you know, now he's blaming republicans, which is beyond offensive to me. >> crazy. >> sean: we'll give others of how many people have died that we know of, they don't keep those records, we'll get to that.
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and what he's doing to the economy. when you talk to constituents in south carolina, what are they saying about the border? what are they saying about the economy? what are they saying about prices and everyday living? how do they feel about war in europe and were in the middle east? >> they are losing their minds on their joe biden. here's a fact about south carolina. we are hard-working patriots who love america and yet 60 cents makassar carolinians thereabouts are still living paycheck to paycheck without a thousand dollars in their saving accounts. inflation has devastated the average south carolinian, adding about $900 a month of additional expenses your mother is more than $10,000 when your average -- is around $50,000. twenty% of your money gone because of joe biden's inflation. the economy is imploding. you're talking about the
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impact of open, and secure borders. 70,000 americans have met thousands of south carolinians have lost their lives to fentanyl. were not even gotten to the fact that the 10 million invasion of illegal immigrants is devastating every color -- county in every state absolutely here at home as well. law and order. we love our military. we love our police. law and order devastated under joe biden and kamala harris. remember, kamala harris the person that started raising money for someone who was later charged with murder. unbelievable. time for a change. were better with trump. >> sean: is not going to stop, we're not going to stop cognition and stuck on this shot she talk about the 574 rights in the summer of 2020 that everybody in the media mob and kamala harris said
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were mostly peaceful. tell that to the dozens of the americans as thousands of injured cops and the property owner that had billions of property damage. senator tim scott, thank you. when we come back we have a live update on the bottom or bridge collapsed also ton tonight, -- they made over there at msdnc on the running that i. tonight the network hired ronna mcdaniel. we have all the details straight ahead be. [ ♪♪ ] i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: now let's turn our focus to baltimore and joining us now at the very litmus wreck with the very latest, the tragic bridge collapsed our own kevin corke. scary, frightening n., sad. kevin, was the latest. >> absolutely. all those words certainly
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apply and while the search for answers for why the cargo ship mysteriously hits the bridge overnight, we did answer them into question that has been pressing throughout the day. that regarding the ongoing search for possible surv survivors. >> so a lot to announce tonight based on the length of time that we've gone on with a search count extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature that at this point we do not believe that we are going to find any undies individual still al alive. and so this evening at about 7:30, we are going to suspend the act of search and rescue efforts. >> it is believed, sean, the other six people have died as a result of this tragedy. family dental may actually arise further in the daze ahead. we'll keep an eye on that. not throughout the day we did receive updates from various state and local and federal officials. each promising more than the
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last two rebuilt as soon as possible. meantime over at the white house, president trenin offered to provide any and all federal assistance needed to clear the waterway and to resume port traffic which as you know is critical to both national commerce as well as national security. i should also add this, sean, we have been in contact with officials with the fbi throughout the day and they insist that there has been no evidence to suggest that terrorism was a factor in this bridge accident. at least not yet. sean? 's. >> sean: kevin comp apportionment like mike will continue to follow this st story. now also zionist program, over at msdnc the inmates that are on air, alleged talent, they're running the asylum. and tonight i've been proven right. bringing this evening we now know the network announced they are parting ways with ronna mcdaniel. that didn't take long. this afternoon were -- immersed on a talent at nbc
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and msdnc had on air meltdowns and temper tantrums over her hiring. take a look at this... >> we hope nbc will reconsider it's decision. it goes without saying that she will not be a guest on the morning show and her capacity as a paid contributor. >> she is also at the last week a very very well paid contributor to nbc news something has alarmed many of us in this company back because ronna mcdaniel has been a major panel or of the big lie. the fact that miss mcdaniel is on the payroll at nbc ne news, tamika is an expendable. i mean, you wouldn't hire a wise, and he wouldn't hire a mobster to work at ida's office, right humic. >> i found out about it on friday when it was publicly announced. i stopped inviting from flyers like her on this program in 2016. >> i wanted to work on behalf of the american people to try
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to make their lives better. that's what i did campaigns mark but here's the thing, what kind of experience only matters and only has values to viewers, all of you, if it is paired with honesty. this is about truth versus lies. service to the country versus service to one man committed to troubling our democratic system. that is the type of experience that ronna mcdaniel brings to the table. >> sean: and after tonight's news, the liberal left this radicals over at msdnc think i'm high there and believe. what ronna was ousted, the inmates one. take a look. >> i just have to say when someone does the right thing i feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledge our outreach and so i know how i feel about it. i'm so smart and grateful for cesar from ignoring decision, i think it was the right decision you and acknowledging that you might have gotten something wrong as a realist show of strength and i think it's a show of strength and i think is a stronger speck for the people who work on this company and who make this we are on the
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leadership is willing to notice and i'm grateful to them. >> we really are trying to get it right. we are not utilized to be good team players. is a foundational print this referenceable for both working in the press and i think kathy democratic dialog and debate. that's it -- every appreciate working a place that was able to say we got this one wrong and then made right -- made the right decision. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news conservator charlie hurt and joe konchar. joe, are you or our view ever been a republican or a supporter of donald trump because if you have been, if you are, your voice is not allowed to be heard at nbc news, because the people that claim there are generalists, they're not journalists. they are all left this radical liberal talkshow ho host. they claim to be something they are not. once they determine once the mark comes out. looks what happened. government
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you're going to let them make the decision? >> that's the thing, right he met at one point joe scarborough said, hey, nobody check with me before this decision was made as of talent decides these things before executives hire contributors. looked thanks to the brave men and women on and! m. and -- mns pack-mac msnbc -- and thanks to nbc executives like cesar condé who is a spineless artist paperback book can all sleep well because the cradle of democracy it's safe tonight according to these people because as you said the one republican who supports donald trump who is going to be on that network will never be on nbc news or msnbc ever again and what this shows us is that the children are officially running the childcare that is nbc news. thirty rock she does change its name to 30 are coming
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this point. we just smack management got publicly shamed and bullied the here so mcdaniel is out in the people who drove her out on the same people who insisted steel dossier was real speaking of truth and says that donald trump was upon of the kremlin and still is insistent hunter biden's laptop was russian this information and insistent covid could not possibly have come from a lab. and then the same journalist who will scream about truth being the top priority only to say and coming up next to garon for exclusive interviews with russian collision ultra denier karine jean-pierre hakeem jeffries and hillary clinton that's next on msnbc and it is a method of what we witnessed in the new york times not long ago remember senator tom's cotton republican former military he writes obvious calling for the national guard to be calling when riots get out of control as was a common occurrence when he wrote that in the summer of 2020 and many in the new york times news reported in the same pious and patently insufferable manner that we just witnessed over 30 rock. the results that are james mackin 21 a pleasure to what
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does he know he was shown the door and the cotton piece was taken down. pyongyang has nothing on our media where the screwed -- how they'll save democracy act in the most of ways and so washing the most important diversity of all that is a diversity of ideas are thought of ideology. is a choice of affairs in is only going to get worse by the way because behaviors keep getting rewarded as we just. >> sean: and just like the one even air president trump at a top presidential candidate giving a speech because he's wrong, we have decided. you know, for 28 years, believe it or not, if you look at the initial tapes of me on this network from day one, arms where i was not going to make it to be the longest running primetime host and cable news history. i can tell you this, in 28 years, i have never been consulted about the hiring of somebody. i don't own the network. i'd -- i'm not in charge of hiring.
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i'm not in charge of firing. and my job is to do the best hour of television i can do. that made my recommendations known. i think that joe, for example, would be great having his own media show here on fox. slu filling in on fox & friends this weekend. i thought you did a great j job. i love to see you on more and more. and i'll be vocal if asked. but that -- i don't own this network. i wish i did. but i don't. nor was i hired to be the manager of this network. and you know what? other people have that job. and got. >> well, yeah, no kidding. i have to first thank you enter-mac are putting together that montage because that is the funniest thing i think i have seen in months. can you imagine the psychiatrist who has listened to these people go through their struggle sections in
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their personal lives? whatever their psychiatrists are getting paid it's not enough. these people are insufferable. and getting a lecture from them about truth and journalism and honesty is one of the funniest things i've ever heard as joe went through all of the examples of the things that they gladly tout on their program. but one person in particular i think it's worth noting. one of their biggest contributors is john brennan. former cia director. this is a man who among all of the things that he has done here smack he is an election denier, he's an election interfere, he is the one who -- he was among the 51 intelligence officers who lied and said that hunter biden's laptop was russian this information. is a paddler of russian disinformation and he got busted spying on united states senators. and these people are going to lecture somebody else about
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the truth? give me a break. >> sean: liberals are so inclusive, they're so open, you know, they believe in the free -- they don't believe in any of that. that's a crock. all right, thank you both. when we come back blue state cities are continuing to prioritize illegal american citizens. it is costing you a fortune. tens and hundreds of mill millions. straightahead. ♪ ♪ there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way.
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>> sean: impact effects of joe biden's more crises -- now back in october and michigan launched a program which is attracting more attention in recent days and the offering up to $500 a month in rental assistance to
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asylum-seekers a woman was allegedly called -- away in the sadly she is only the latest victim across the country now since june 1st took office can open up the border almost 10 million in inverted illegal joe biden africans so many have died at the hands of these illegal immigrants now are unrated. scrolling the names here just take a look. some of the victims, this is not a completely's or any means is going to get worse remarked this into director regulation to the head of the border which is not when it's if. new york city now begun and they are preparing the records to illegal immigrants
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is proving to $3 million pilot program -- program and occurs into the smack considering granting amnesty and handing out greeting cards to illegal immigrants who have been here for more than ten years and have relatives who own stuff -- will if they are deported? something of great worth, hope you remember as at the polls. here was reaction former senior white house aide to president trump stephen miller podcast host -- stephen miller you have been on this from day one that rightly so and here we are. and you know what? most americans don't know the names of all of these victims. they don't keep statistics on these victims are mactier take? >> they don't keep statistics, they don't talk about from this white house, from the white house press podium, from joe biden's mouth they don't talk about the countless americans who have been burglarized, beaten, raped and yes murdered by joe biden's
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illegal aliens, the illegal aliens that he looked in to the country. your own delusion this report another case where joe biden freed an illegal alien inventor -- venezuelan gang member who is now charged in a drive by shooting. we are transplanting criminal syndicates, sean, in to the united states of america, wreaking havoc all across this country. it is biden's border bloodbath. that is what is happening in america and it is only going to get worse. readjusting the beginning of the horrors that are being unleashed by joe biden's erased and eradicated border. >> sean: you know, in your state of michigan, $500 a month ground for illegal immigrants and you have an illegal immigrant now charged in killing a woman in michigan, a carjacking that apparently went wrong. i guess maybe the person didn't give him the car fast
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enough that i'm not sure. but this is just one of the latest examples of violent crime and murder that are being committed by joe biden's unmuted, illegal immigrants know of nearly 10 million. including from countries like iran and syria and egypt and afghanistan and russia and china. you're reaction? >> yes. it's devastating from its never stating what happened in michigan and this is something that is going to continue happening because as long as we have people unrated coming across our border, your daughters, your sun's, your children, your parents, they're not safe in this america because any time the turnaround they can be someone dangerous around the corner because we are just letting anybody in right now. you take a look at that $500 a month? retching right now is saying all yet take somebody into your home and estate will pay you a hundred dollars a month for taking in illegal immigrant into your home. we aren't going to bet them, there's no rules to this game
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and she doesn't know who's taking them and. you're putting people in danger and both sides. you don't know what the people are like there who are going to the people into their home and what they'll do to them or vise versa. was going into this people's homes? and yet no one in the mainstream media is saying what governor put this kind of a bill together and sign it and say that yes, she is going to take taxpayer money and put money into people's hands who desperately need money to take illegal immigrants into their homes and you know what else is sick? we have not heard from a single democrat in the state about what happened to ruby garcia. say her name, gretchen whitmer. say her name. >> sean: agreed and i will say this, joe biden has allowed us to continue, they lied about it for three years and they said the border is closed and the border is secured come know they're blaming. but have blood on their hands as they are responsible. the inherited the more secure burger ever had and now that we have people have carousels
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setting up in america, cutting out planning and scheming at another 911 or worse can god help us. i hope i'm wrong. anyway, thank you both. when we come back, disturbing reports on the deadly consequences of the left's lawlessness in new york city. if you think it was bad before, wait until we up do you tonight. straightahead. ♪ ♪ - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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arrested for assault and gun crimes company one arrest throughout his life. if you can believe it. but sadly this officer's that is just the latest tragedy -- tragic example of the many dangers that is new york now. and innocent commuter killed after being shoved in front of an oncoming subway train. and this -- in this case by a mention here who appears to be emotionally disturbed and had been previously arrested for assault but sets free of course, no bail at all. it is new york city. -- the nypd says they now plan to crack down on their beaters who dump the turnstiles instead of paying for rides. but some of them, they're not taking it while. we have one officer just punch in the face by a woman who was -- he was trying to cite for not paying up there, she broke his nose. here with reaction former nypd inspector fox news contributor paul morrow was back with us and israeli special ops spec aaron cohen. paul all start with you. this is all applicable.
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this has been building on this has been happening. this is the direct result of no bail loss, defund, dismantle reimagine the police. it gets worse and worse and, you know, what we hear from the left? well maybe if we had more counselors on the scene, we might be able to stop some of the violence. i don't think that's the answer. >> neither the wide. and, you know, the democrats could not live with a three strikes law. sean, about a 15 strike lucky mike about a 20 strikes law? when you have a perp was got 21 priors and is still on the streets to do what this person allegedly did to po diller and we comes to that -- and, you know, it's easier for me, i'm a grown man, i'm
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a former cop et cetera but think about the commuters, lots of woman. unless politically incorrect to say but i know a lot of woman who will -- a very fearful of taking the subways and it's because of things like this. and here in these blue jurisdictions are finally listened to be a little bit of an acknowledgement that we have a problem but that's not much of a victory because nobody's doing anything about it -- and nobody's stepping up and they're all hiding. >> sean: erin, for example, by the way in the case of israel, i don't care what joe biden says. i don't care what the vice president says, i don't care what the un says with her history of virulent anti-semitism can israel has proven its war. about to defeat terrorists that kill innocent israelis. similarly in the u.s., we have got to go to war against those people that are violent
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that commit these crimes get rid of the insanity of nobel, defined, dismantle. when using this continues? >> well i don't think the white house and i don't think the left learning cds are really helping law enforcement right now. nypd has historically been tough as you gentlemen here can tell you. i got very close friends with her and replied -- i've worked in law enforcement as well is a reservist for 15 years of training slot and patrol in active shooting response in high-risk entry in the correlation that you made between crime here in the united states and israel is part on. when it comes to responding tourism, sean, we don't move backwards when it comes to antiterrorist response, we have an expression -- [ speaking alternate language ] which means when a terror attack happens or unfolds anywhere within israel at whether it's in a mall or ass borrows pizza and those are all officers are immediately on those threats and they're shooting to neutralize that
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there was to keep his hands were moving in with the crime in new york and with the officer who shot countless vehicle approaches are just as dangerous and they need to be given the tools to be able to protect themselves in the event that they have to go from passive to active very quickly. >> sean: they need the tools because they needed training, they need to meeting support. and they're not getting any of that. more "hannity" coming up straightahead. ♪ ♪ who will do your taxes from start to finish? try turbotax live full service. your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct, and you're getting the best outcome possible. for a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish try turbotax live full service. visit today. brand power. helping you buy better.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: that's all we have left this evening as always thank you for being with us and thank you for making the show possible set your dvr see never ever miss an episode of hannity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. gray good gutfeld is standing by to put a smile on your face have a good night. [ cheers and applause