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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? we got you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. ♪ >> carley: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is monday, march 25th. and this is "fox & friends." and we begin with a fox news alert.
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today is the day former president trump has until 11:59 p.m. tonight to pay a whopping $454 million bond. jonathan turley on all the ways this could play out. >> steve: plus, vladimir putin blaming ukraine for the deadly isis-k terror attack in moscow. senator marco rubio the great senator of florida is going to join us on that subject promptly. >> brian: happening today so he high a ohtani set to address allegations. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. mornings with better with friends. >> carley: today is the deadly for former president donald trump to pay $454 million bond in his new york civil case. >> steve: and if he does not present that amount of cash by
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midnight, the state could begin freezing his assets and could start seizing properties and bank accounts and stuff like that. >> lawrence: but there is some good news for the former president as trump is in line for $3 billion windfall as truth social is set to go public. brian. >> brian: fox business reporter kelly o'grady has more on that. first go to eric shawn live at the manhattan courthouse where the former president is also set to appear today. eric? >> yeah, good morning, brian. three big things for the former president today. we do expect him here later on this morning at the manhattan criminal court to attend a hearing in stormy daniels hush money election interference case. that is set to start on april 15th. but the former president's lawyers want the case completely thrown out or at least delayed for three months. but, as you have been saying all eyes are on had $454 million appeal bond that the president has been appealing. that real estate bond from the real estate fraud trial in which
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judge arthur engoron ruled the former president and companies real estate in real estate by falsely inflating the values of his properties to get better terms on loans. what could democrat new york state attorney general tisha james do today? as you see that deadline later on tonight for the former president's team to come up with that money, his lawyers say they haven't been able to get that appeal bond because the president doesn't have enough cash. so james could start attaching some of the properties. on friday, she sought a beginning of a judgment on the seven springs property. that is a large mansion in west chester county that the president owns. that potentially could be the first real estate property that could be seized. but, others say she would more likely go after cash and things more easily attainable. earlier on "fox & friends," a former state prosecutor said that going after real estate properties is really a longer,
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more difficult and involved legal procedure. here's what he said. >> there's a process here. she can't just unilaterally start grabbing stuff. you have to send out subpoenas to the financial institutions figure out where bank accounts and brokerage accounts are. once you ascertain where assets are then you go to court judge engoron to get liens. it takes months even years to make a dent in substantial amount. >> this is what letitia james could do. freeze president trump's bank brokerage accounts. collect rent from his tenants. initiate proceedings to seize those properties as well as the cash. the president though has some legal avenues of his own. he can appeal to higher courts. can he sell properties to raise cash. he can seek financial assistance from multi supporters and of course sell stock in truth social. what a big day for the former president today truth social goes public that could give him a bananza of more than
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$3 billion but under the rules of wall street, he is not for now able to sell any of that for six months. but, you know, perhaps, he has come out of these scrapes in the past. he could do it again, perhaps. the former president due here in court in a few hours. back to you in the studio. >> steve: so, eric, it was a month or two ago when, you know, the court found in favor of e. jean carroll in the defamation case. he had to come up with $91 million in that case and he got it from chub insurance company why was a big company like chub willing to give him almost $100 million then and he can't get the money now? >> you need the cash to back that up not just the properties. let's say you have a property and people know you have to sell it so the trump lawyers say they would sell it at a fire sale
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price. so that's, you know, less than what it's worth and the bond companies, the insurance companies are not willing to back that up. and, of course, the trump lawyers say look, it's really unfair if he wins his appeal and he sold the properties, how does he get the money back? he is getting kind of screwed either way. >> carley: eric, donald trump himself owes $545 million. adding what eric and don jr. owes that 464 million. but then apparently this bond is going up by $100,000 a day. so, what's the real amount here? >> that's true. it's more than 100,000. $111,000 a day in interest. the president has to pin his hope on the appellate court here in new york to either stay the $454 million bond. perhaps reduce it. his lawyers said they would offer $100 million instead.
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the trump defense is that there hasn't been such large bond ever before. but that basically isn't the case for big public companies, have had bonds from 1 billion to a 1.5. but not apparently for a company the size -- a private company the size of the trump organization. >> brian: they don't want collateral they want cash. >> lawrence: real quickly before we let you go. what's been the reaction from the business community? i know donald trump is the target here. but you have been reporting from new york a long time are there businesses threatening to leave new york as a result of this? >> well, not as a result of this so much, lawrence, we have seen issue in new york city because ever the high taxes in new york state because of what son-in-law think are not a pro-business stance with the increasing taxes and fees. and this really kind of adds to some of that among those in the business community who see that but donald trump is unique individual with unique issues
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that are of his own but others say a lot of these practices have been conducted by real estate developers for years that just haven't been enforced. i have heard that people in the real estate business. >> brian: besides, this there is no alleged crime in new york. if we could just handle this, there is no subway crime. there is no property this effort. no bank robberies with the exception car carr car i actually read all that is increasing. >> brian: thanks, eric. >> carley: stay warm. it's cold today. >> brian: breaking into lululemon 11 times but stop trump. >> steve: your point about the real estate, coming up in the next hour we will talk to cardone the guy who does a lot of investing. investing he is not inest having money in new york going to put the money down in florida because of the trump. >> lawrence: people that aren't even trump fans hey this is how we do real estate, if they can are go after him because of that, then we are not off limits. all right, fox business
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correspondent kelly o'grady joins us live with more from former president trump's $3 billion truth social deal. hey, kelly. >> hey. >> great to see you all. that's right as eric mentioned there is a potential major windfall for former president trump coming. truth social just received approval to merge kittle world acquisition corps. could start trading on the nasdaq as soon as this he can would. it will replace. analysts under ticker or donald trump's initials. the deal has been in the works since october of 2021. of course truth social lost tens of millions of dollars it needs that capital to grow, even stay afloat. this also means trump will see over $3 billion, potentially. that number could change though pending on ongoing litigation. based on the share price the company is valued at over $5 billion. so trump auto would actually own 58% once the merger goes through. i will note the stock lost 14% on friday following the merger announcement though regained a bit in premarket trading. amidst trump's legal troubles
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that could be valuable. he can't sell his sales for six months. when a company goes public have is what is called a lock-up period for major shareholders. the new board could approve a waiver but if trump were to sell a significant portion of those shares it could really taint the stock. there is a possibility though that trump could use those shares as that the teller to secure that $454 million appeal bond. any process could take multiple days, at least, which would in fact miss today's deadline. the thing to watch is who is investing. the run up. dwac was due to president trump's supporters. a way for the base to financially support him outside of that traditional campaign finance work. djt could stock. not very strong as we have seen trump supporters can be extremely passionate. send it back to you all. >> brian: i have noticed the passion. trump parade in massapequa all the coincidence they also do the boats. thanks, kelly.
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one thing people are missing about truth social they say well, you know, it's loss money i don't see how it's going to gain money. jonathan turley kind of laughing at it. they don't understand the president is winning in every battle ground state and win not guilty national polls, if he becomes president and only uses truth social the number one super power in the world using this to communicate the way he uniquely likes to communicate, it goes through the roof. >> carley: becomes a much more powerful social media company if he becomes president. >> lawrence: using twitter now x at the time. the only reason why people -- i remember he used to control the entire news cycle would have to have the alerts on. >> carley: i'm old oenough to remember that, too. >> lawrence: now truth is doing the same thing. >> brian: devin nunes doing a good job. >> steve: kamala harris is set to meet with the president of the country of guatemala to discuss the root causes of migration. >> brian: finally, take your time. >> steve: as joe biden's own border patrol chief has warned that the southern border is a
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national security threat. >> brian: you think so? peter doocy joins us now from white house outside the white house with more. hi, peter. >> peter: the embargo has just lifted on this detail. vice president harris is going to make an announcement later on today that she has raised over $5 billion since 2021 from private companies. she thinks that is going to help address these root causes of migration. later on today, we are going to see her here at the white house hosting the president of guatemala but no matter what she does, it's not going to work unless congress votes on a bipartisan border bill that is all but dead. >> we are very clear and i think most americans are clear that we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it. members of the united states senate, those considered to be very conservative with others, came to a bipartisan resolution. but refusing to put it up for a vote. >> peter: president biden was refusing to answer shouted questions about the border as he
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returned from a week away from wilmington. he still has not addressed this crazy video of a group of adult men overpowering texas national guards men near el paso. part of the vice president's comments later on today about the root causes are to be to say they don't expect to see results overnight. it has been three full years and now the head of border protection is saying that these people who are crossing the border and getting away do represent a national security threat that is the kind of talk that we don't hear a ton from down at the border officials in charge. it is particularly alarming today. back to you. >> peter, kamala harris is going to announce today that they raised $5 billion from private companies to do what? >> well, they are trying to take that money and then give it to folks in central america and invest in central america because they think if they can improve life down there people
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are going to be less likely to try make this journey through mexico and into the united states. they have been at this for three years and it has not -- the impact -- i mean we see, look at that video from last week in el paso. >> brian: probably a boys and girls club in guatemala now. that should solve everything. >> lawrence: i'm just curious, peter, there is different talking points coming out of the white house vs. the border patrol chief. it is there any animosity when it comes to the administration? is he making it very clear that he is a cop's cop. he knows what happening at the border and he is not adjusting his talking points to what the white house is saying. so, is there any pushback? >> peter: it doesn't seem like animosity definitely way less urgency. ahead the state of the union we heard a lot of reports they were floated as a trial balloon that president biden was going to use some executive actions to really crack down on folks coming across the border. and it just kind of never
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happened. and they are not talking about it. it seems like folk have moved on to other things. and so, it seems like they just think they can wait a little bit longer and maybe it is something where they will wait a couple months and they think it will help them in the election if it's fresh in november. >> steve: they got do something. peter, thank you very much. >> brian: lead on that legislation all the time by the bipartisan legislation it doesn't stop the 300 on the terror watch list on the one day after that total has got 70 this year alone in 2024. meanwhile, we know terrorist watch list and we have terror attacks in iran. in rickenbacker, thwarted in germany and the netherlands. france is saying my goodness, we're worried about the olympics. we are worried every day we are on borrowed time. >> steve: what's interesting about the breaking news that kamala harris has announced they have been able to raise
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$5 billion from private companies to address the root causes to keep people down in the latin american countries. last night, president obrador was on 60 minutes and he said look, this is what you need to do to fix the root causes. one of the things was he said you need $20 billion to poor country in latin america and caribbean and also as brian mentioned in the first hour lift the sanctions on venezuela and the cuban embargo. he also said you have got legalize the millions of mexicans who are living in the united states. >> brian: sorry. obrador says you raised $5 billion you just need 15 billion more. >> ainsley: is he asking for the biden administration to address the root causes. ask and you shall receive according to this announcement that the vice president just made also in the "60 minutes" interview he talked about the federal crisis. he was asked about it. we know what is going on.
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from china and then the actual drug is made in mexico. that's what is happening take a listen to what the president of mexico said yesterday his version of events as to why we have a fentanyl crisis in this country right now. >> fentanyl is bruised in the united states, in canada and in mexico and the chemical precursors come from asia. >> you know why we don't have the drug consumption that you have in the united states? because we have customs, traditions, and we don't have the problem of the disintegration of the family. >> but there is drug consumption in mexico. >> very little. >> so why the violence then in mexico? >> because drug trafficking exists but not the consumption. >> brian: right. drug trafficking exirs is. i will tell you, tell that to those kids in cancun. even the resorts are not safe in
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mexico failed state in mexico heading that direction. they are getting tied in right now with china they are with us. you can tell that by the swagger they had 30,000 people that are dead this year that have been murdered in mexico so he was asked about that what about the 30,000? of course we prosecute these people. there is no impunity in mexico. they all get prosecuted. so then a reporter says only a small percent and then he goes well, that's just more than before. i mean, what a lecture to say you know, we are not consuming the drugs here. we are just selling them to the american people and the biden administration is working with this guy. >> steve: do you know what percentage they do prosecute? 5%. so it's only 5% what she brought up the correspondent did. she is talking about how he is taking a softer approach he
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dissolved the federal police which has not worked. 30,000 mexicans are murdered by the cartel tells and if they only prosecute 5%. 95% get away. >> lawrence: the point is. >> carley: when it comes to numbers. cbp just released the february data. seizures of cocaine, meth, heroin and fentanyl and marijuana increased 118% from january to february, to date in fiscal year 2024. cbp 8847 pounds of fentanyl at our southern border. he is saying it's being made in the united states. don't look at mexico. not according to cbp data. >> brian: i thought this was an interesting poll. border security, who do you trust more on border security trump or biden? in georgia trump up 21, winning
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in the polls. in michigan trump by 16. winning by 6 or 8 in the polls. in north carolina got a 2 point lead. he has 19 point lead when it comes to border security there and wisconsin 17. no matter what you are going to say about senator lankford's legs which had some merit. that's what they are leaning ton me. nothing would have been done yet. nothing would have changed for about 18 months. >> carley: all right more news to get to starting in missouri. missouri college student riley strain's death appears to have been an accident according to preliminary autopsy report. nashville police also say there was no apparent foul play in this tragic incident. strain's body was discovered in the cumberland river on friday about 8 miles from where he was last seen in downtown nashville after a two week search. happening today in south carolina, embattled county clerk of court becky hill is set to address the media.
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hill has been the focus of multiple ethics and criminal inquiries after she managed the murder trial of convicted killer alex murdaugh. in september she was accused by murtmur jury tampering. facing if she abused her government position for financial gain. ash lee merchant initiated the effort it remove fulton county d.a. fani willis from the election interference case against former president trump. there is no way the election will proceed before the election in november. >> any way that this could happen before the election. i mean, the appellate process takes about six months once it's initiated qui are not even there yet. still early on in the stages i don't see how it could happen that quickly. >> last week the judge overseeing trump's case in georgia allowed the former president and his co-defendants to appeal a ruling that allows fani willis to stay on the case. orlando international airport is
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warning disney trav to arrive te hours early as spring break visitors overwhelm the city. they hit a record seeing more than 102,000 departing passengers on march 16th. as for the crowds at disney worlds. according to disney world's planning website wdw passport most rides had a wait time of around half an hour yesterday. that he was not so bad. >> steve: no. >> carley: new study revealing the most and least stressed out states if you are stressed you may be from louisiana because they top the list for most stress followed by mississippi, nevada, new mexico and arkansas. okay. minnesota is reportedly the least stressed out in the country. the study sites louisiana's crime rate for high stress while last year's biggest stressors came from money, the economy and health-related issues. so we have a question. do you agree with this list?
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email your thoughts to we got to ask pete is he from minnesota see if is he not stressed. >> steve: the land of 10,000 lakes. >> brian: and no cops. [laughter] >> carley: that would add to the stress. add to the crime rate. >> brian: yes, i know. >> carley: something fishy about this. people of louisiana are chill. >> lawrence: minnesota the food is not that good. >> brian: all they have is trout isn't that true. >> steve: my grandma was was minnesota her food w fantastic: chicken and dumplings. >> carley: pick up the cooking with friends cookbook pete has soup recipe. >> steve: apparently not that good. >> carley: apparently. track that. >> brian: remember to dvr the
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show. vladimir putin blaming ukraine for the deadly isis-k terror attack in moscow. benjamin hall has a live report. senator marco rubio joins us in studio to respond. ♪ day again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor.
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in moscow happened on friday. four of the suspects accused of carrying out the terror attack appeared in court kind of beat up. benjamin hall is in london with the details. ben? >> yeah, brian. look, a brutal attack, of course, see much like we saw in bataclan, france in 2015. despite the huge death toll 13' people killed, 200 injured. what we are starting to see is russia trying to turn the narrative. trying to blame ukraine. thanked despite all the evidence that this was indeed isis. over the weekends the u.s. intelligence community came out and said this was absolutely solely isis-k. they are the isis unit grew strong in afghanistan. and then just two weeks ago, u.s. intelligence warned russia that tack like this could be carried out in the country. they warned americans to stay away from concert halls and then on top of that, isis themselves even released a video from inside the attack showing the four attackers launching the attack, killing civilians all while praising allah. but the russians are blaming the attack on ukraine.
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now they arrested the four terrorists a few hours after the attack. they come from the country of that jake stan and the are russians claim they were driving to ukraine to escape claimed they were armored by ukraine. in fact looks more likely they were heading towards bell areduce. those suspecties in court today. any system that they might give simply cannot be trusted. that's because we have seen yesterday vos released on social media showing them frankly being tortured. one of them had his ear cut off by a russian soldier and fed his own ear. another has video of electrical wires being attached to his genitals. russia wants to show a really strong response. that's to divert the focus away from the questions being asked about them it. took almost two hours for russian military to get to the site despite the fact that headquarters just two miles down the road. they had practiced at this concert hall in case an attack happened. many people now asking whether or not putin's focus is on the war in russia rather than on protecting russians itself. in the past we have seen putin
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use terror attacks in his favor. it happened in the early 2,000s in moscow. he used that as a launch pad for the chechen war there great fear if he continues to shift the focus and blame towards ukraine and we saw a lot more ukrainian attacks over the weekend, again another way of him really building up support for that war itself. brian? >> brian: absolutely. we got to hopefully support ukraine soon. everybody is. ben, thanks so much. no one knows more about the terrorists and all the different factions than you. perfect person to update us. thanks. g.o.p. senator marco rubio sitsz on the foreign relations committee knows also this industry way too well. senator, great to see you. >> thank you. >> brian: your thoughts that four that jesus christs and you pointed ou. >> they not only hate russia they hate iran, too.
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the fact this took four people for carnage 9 million have come across our border illegally and it only took four no. one can tell me of the 9 million people entered this country illegally there is a really high probability at least four are members of an organization like this especially when the fbi director confirmed to me open hearing of the intelligence committee very concerned about trafficking network linked to terrorists like isis who basically traffic in people for money a business for them. you tell me if you get a trafficking business you would not use to that traffic terrorists. do in multiple places if they could. sad part about it isis was wiped out. at the end of the trump presidency handful of guys in caves trying to figure out who was going to get the camel for the day. and now these guys are basically back and operating inside of russia and iran. >> we gave a heads up to iran still blood pressure.
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gave a heads up march 7th about a concert hall and everything. still blew up. you wonder if we have a heads up here and that's what we are hearing when you have all these officials say i'm really concerned it keeps me up at night including the head of the border patrol jason owens. watch. this closing in on a million entries that that is large number. what's keeping me up at night 140,000 known got aways. >> not part of that tally. >> not part of that tally if we don't know who is coming in this country and what their threat is that is a threat and a vulnerability. >> brian: he may be appointed by the biden administration. is he speaking he is giving a warning to the administration. >> we got to get 10 people in there to do an attack. easy, send them across the southern border. already traffic people for money. stick 10 to w. fake passports.
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dozens of country that's buy a document that says you sore and so official government document you bribe somebody for. now you are inside america. only took four people to do what they did in moscow. we have 9 million-something people entered this country illegally unlawfully it. only takes four to do this kind of carnage. >> brian: senator, they say it's your fault for not putting up up. >> that bill wouldn't have done anything to stop something like that. that bill would have allowed hired a bunch more asylum officers now give people to give asylum at the border without a review from a judge immediately. they would have also qualified to get a work permit immediately that would have been a magnet that actually would have brought more people here. now they have to wait six months for a work permit. get one right away at the border. some of them would get asylum immediately put them on the pathway to citizenship by the way. >> brian: you and president trump locked horns heavily in 2016 coming into florida. since that time, i don't think you guys had a cross word. i any you worked as well with
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president trump during his four years as anyone. he leaned on you for cuba advice on venezuela. central and south america especially along with terror. it's not a wonder in my mind that he is thinking about you as a running mate. your thoughts about that? >> yeah. first of all, the stuff about -- we were competitors in the race. i have never asked somebody -- i have never seen anybody at the end of a boxing match hey why did you punch that guy in the third round? it's boxing you are in competition. best years i had in the senate are were the years he was president. good things were happening and we were able to work with him to get it done. as far as the other stuff that's concerned always an honor for anyone to be considered much less named the vice president for the country. to say serve the country of the united states, that said i have never spoken to him about it. he has a lot of really good people to pick from. unlike the democrats who can only come up with kamala harris. we have a lot of really talented people in the republican party. and you know, president trump has a good track record of picking good people to do things and he has plenty of time to make that decision and we have a
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lot of talented people on our side of the aisle. >> brian: would you be taupe a place in the administration should he win? >> i'm open to serving our country that's why i'm in the senate now. if an opportunity is presented to me to certain our country in a capacity that i think i could do more than i'm doing now i would be honored to serving in that way and open to it. we will have to see. not a bridge to cross right now. >> jonathan karl was stunned about your reaction. >> at the end of the day, the view is that the president doesn't even deserve to have a vice president or anybody else. they have tried to delegitimize president trump on everything. they don't think he deserves lawyers or anything. he doesn't deserve to be on the ballot in their mind. >> brian: i'm glad you came in, senator. >> thank you for having me in. >> brian: thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, fox news alert, deadline day for the former president to pay whopping $454 million bond. of tha t happening, next. ♪ she looks great. i got inspire. great sleep at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! it's inspire.
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>> steve: a fox news alert. blizzard warnings in place for parts of the planes and upper midwest as major string storm blasts the region with strong winds and heavy snow as you look at indianapolis yesterday. let's check in with janice dean the weather machine. janice, it's easter week. and they are going to wind up with even mover snow? >> yeah. people are traveling. it is a mess. this is a very wide-reaching storm. let's take a look at it blizzard conditions. we have severe weather threats. heavy rainfall. very cold air behind this system as well. so, you can see the snow, we could see upwards of a foot in parts of the upper midwest. blizzard conditions and warnings in effect from colorado all the way up towards south dakota and nebraska, winter storm warnings for the upper midwest and then the snow still to come 5 to 8, even a foot of snow and then when you have got those strong winds we could see those blizzard conditions. severe storm threat, damaging
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hail winds tornadoes across the mississippi river valley. from winter storms to a geo magnetic one. that's potentially creating a northern lights display here in the u.s., including some of these areas across the northern tier of the country last night we could have seen the aurora and last night. last night you can email them at that's kind of cool northern parts of the u.s. again, if you have any pictures. all right, lawrence, weather is already exciting. >> lawrence: your hair is blowing. >> janice: like beyonce. >> lawrence: former president trump facing a deadline to come up with $454 million in that bond for his new york civil case. let's look at what letitia james can do. she can freeze the bank accounts
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some people think she may try to do. she can collect rent in the tenants but she also has to manage the buildings if she decides to initiate proceedings to seize trump properties that includes trump tower also this properties outside of new york that means she would be going after mar-a-lago. what is the former president's t options? he can appeal to the higher court. sale some of his properties to raise funds. seek assistance from wealthy friends he has a lot of them or stock from truth social. that's expected. some analysts are saying to go public some time in week. or he can do to the nuclear option and file for bankruptcy. let's go to jonathan turley. he is a gwu law professor, analyst for fox news. jonathan turley is joining us right now. jonathan, i guess what do you expect to happen today?
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nuclear option you mentioned would be bankruptcy if you really wanted to shut this down, that would come at political cost that would cause great disruption to his business. people don't expect that to happen but we don't know. the former president says he has the cash or close to it. but we are still all left in limbo here his attorneys have said that the judge's figure makes a bond virtually impossible according to them he could have said a trillion dollars. bring me lava from the surface of mars. their view is we can't do that because you can't float a bond without cash and this is a real estate business. what leaves many of us mystified is why the court couldn't have taken reasonable measures here fixed assets couldn't have gone
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anywhere. going to come up with an agreement. take that $100 million in cash and then we will come up with an agreement that you can't change what have you in fixed assets. no interest at all by attorney general james it appears. >> lawrence: you know, jonathan i hate asking process questions but we are living in unprecedented times. i guess the big question is okay, he is waiting for the appellate court but also, there is this option to go to the high court to talk about civil asset forfeiture. we know ruth bader ginsburg had thoughts on that and she was a progressive. i guess the question is what does the process look like? does he have to wait for the appellate court to rule before he can take this to a higher court? >> well, lawrence, most of us were hoping that that new york judges would step in and say enough. that, look, this is really done great damage to the new york legal system and how it's perceived internationally.
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this is thrilling for many people in new york who after all elected james on a pledge to bag trump for something. this is obviously playing well to the new york base outside new york international businesses are looking at this degree of horror that a judge could come up with a figure so large sale parts of your business just to get an appeal. the court of appeals could step in here and say look, we need to come up with a reasonable resolution here so that someone can look at a judgment by just one person. now, the process, lawrence, going forward is very simple. i mean, you only need $250 to go and try to grab someone's assets. the most obvious thing is to go to try to nail any cash ais the in banks. my assumption is that the trump's people have kept any cash they have in third party accounts until the last minute. but, even if you want to seize businesses like fixed assets, it takes about, you know, over 60 days to actually do a sheriff's
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sale. you have to unravel what are very complex systems here like most people leverage partnerships going through all these fixed properties not going to be overnight process. >> such a complicated matter and they are rushing it, which is so concern. and i just got to ask the question 27 i think attorney generals. what if they start targeting democrats. jonathan turley, thanks so much for joining the program. >> inflation hopping its way into easter sunday. skip bedell joins us with the egg ception savings. he's next.
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>> steve: all right. easter spending is expected to hit $177 per person this year. >> carley: that is a lot of mope. with less than a week to go we have some savings to bring to your table, courtesy of home contractor skip bedell who joins us now. tell us about all -- how we can get it. >> skip: i love walmart like the one-stop shot to get everything easter. this year they removed inflation from the easter meal. they actually have.
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>> steve: glad somebody has. >> skip: right? people expect to pay up to double. not only removed inflation. this year's meal is actually less than last year's meal. unbelievable. everything you see in this basket all prepared right here like you see on the table will feed up to 10 people. everything from the spiral ham, all the sides, the sea caesar salad. deviled eggs. >> steve: looks fantastic. go to and just click one thing. >> savings. you get everything you see in this basket. one click it. pick it up at the store and deliver it to your home the say day. >> carley: almost curated for you. like a gift basket. make all of this stuff. >> skip: all the stuff you see here feed people on average $8 per person. you can't go to mcdonald's and feed $8 per person. >> steve: all you got to do is heat it up. >> carley: unbelievably excited. too. >> skip: for the kiddos wow worthy baskets. all the great stuff is in the baskets. all the goodies, the candies,
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chocolates even great toys like legos. can you found all this stuff at basket and makes it really easy. best part is you see here everything curated in these baskets come in under $20. really great value. also find great apparel for the kids like spring wear to wear for easter day and throughout the spring. everything you see on this table, including the glasses, the plates, the table cloth, even the serving platters. >> carley: tell me it's at walmart. >> skip: the whole thing is at walmart. isn't that nice? >> carley: this is cute. >> looks like william sonoma. >> skip: go to savings. >> steve: you got to look sharp for easter. >> skip: i have my easter colored shirt on. got to look good for easter. check out walmart for that. >> carley: easter bunny is coming to town. >> skip: absolutely. >> carley: visit skip for all the details. >> steve: i'm going to have some pie. >> carley: a fox news alert to get to here.
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>> it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, where we are. i


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