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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ all i need, your love will survive everything. ♪ all i need. ♪ everything. ♪ all i need. ♪ all i need. ♪ everything. ♪ all i need. ♪ all i need. ♪ deliver all i need. ♪ all i need. ♪ oh,. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> that's beautiful.
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that's anthony events performing all i need as part of the faith and friends concert series. stick around because anthony and the whole crew will have a full performance later this morning. beautiful. rachel: thank you, guys, so much. can't wait for that. let's move on to this. because as you guys know, -- well, let me first say hello to everybody. >> hello. >> 9:00 hour. rachel: that was fun, very cold. i'm still warming up here. >> fr it's freezing. rachel: let's move object to this. obama and nancy pelosi got together with joe biden in an you attempt -- it's an ott you crew. odd's part of the bidens campaign to you attract young people. they think they're going to do it with the american -- with obamacare, they're getting together for what was the 14th year anniversary, that magic
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number 14. the big 14. and they think they're going to be able to attract young people with this. what do you think? >> it's funny, the reason they're celebrating the 14th is because they don't have any other issues. and i think it's kind of interesting they're doing this over something like abortion because abortion's been a very effective issue for democrats previously. look how awkward obama and be pelosi are. it's kind of hilarious. obama is standing there like what am i doing here. january january looks completely you out of place. rachel: let's listen to it and see what everyone thinks. >> the presumptive nominee for the republican party for president says he wants to repeal the entireity of the aca. that would mean kicking millions of young people off their parents' health insurance, raising costs when people are just starting out. young people can't sid on the
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sidelines. what what you don't want is after the election, you find out your lost your insurance. >> we don't agonize. we organize. all of this is at stake in november. trump tried to rip it away. affordable care for millions of americans including millions of young adults and now he's doing it again and again. we have to make sure people know. >> the explanation for the awkwardness not just what you see in the video, but celebrating the 14th anniversary, that it's a political move. the real anniversary that's important is that it's being put out in the middle of an election year and why that specific message to young people. look at joe biden's approval rating for people 18 to 34. he's got 57% disapproval rating. this is a voting base and constituency, not unlike latinos and black americans historically goes overwhelmingly for democrats and this approval
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rating is only at 31% for joe biden. rachel: we talked earlier in the show, why is that happen. part is economics. it's expensive to live. the fact that these young kids have to remain on their parents' health insurance is a sign that they're not actually launching into life and doing their own thing. so there are economic things holding them back. listen, the israel, gaza debate is raging online among young people. people. the biden administration is trying to deal with that and find new ways attracting them. you talked about the minority vote. they're losing heart with him. i mean, the attack has always been or the strategy has been vote for us, the other people are racist. and if you were conservative, you were maligned as not being hispanic or not being black, betraying r your race. those strategies that worked in the past are not working as much anymore, maybe because america
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is so interracially married and so many ways this generation doesn't respond to that. >> i think there are two things going on here. one, it's kind of like the boy who cried wolf, democrats have said these people are racist and also what a horrible way to build your sort of political message all around something so dishonest and hateful and so i divisive. it's starting to wear off a. people care about other things, that are more important to them. the other thing, it's interesting to look at it from the perspective of republican politicians in washington, republicans forever said the only way you'll ever you appeal to hispanic voters is to embrace amnesty and not care about the border and the idea of approaching black voters was impossible but it took a guy like donald trump who came from completely the outside who turned everything upside down and it turns out that actually a message about border security for example is appealing, very much appeals to hispanic voters and the economic message and
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safety message is appealing to everybody, doesn't matter what color you are. >> you know, you both touched on it. here's what i think is happening with the youth vote and minority vote. so first of all, charlie, you touched on this. i think there's fatigue. the idea that everything is racist, the new york times wrote an article when it comes to the resistance, the resistance lost its energy. you can't play the same song over and over for eight years. i mean, they're going to. and they're going to say donald trump's a threat to democracy and he's got to be an authoritarian, the last election ever. there's a level of fatigue. chicken little predicts the sky is going to fall for a long time. people are like enough of it. rachel, i think this is what it is for young people, it's authenticity. i think you can read the inauthenticity of the message of the racial pandering and joe biden and that entire wing of the party where, look, like him,
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love him, hate him, donald trump's authentic. rachel: yeah. >> he is who he is. rachel: the same guy you saw before. >> i think that appeals to young people. rachel: when you see joe biden said latin x, you know he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and really quick before we move on, even on the border issue, the border issue was alwa approached from the les a racial issue. you want to secure the borders because you're racist and you don't want all these brown people coming over. president when we see -- but when we see images like last weekend of people charging our border and national guard and they're by the way, many of them not just latinos, chinese and from the middle east, we don't know who the heck they are, people go you know what -- even black and brown people go this is not a racial issue, this is a national securityish glue earlier, when talking about whether the woke mind virus is going away, one place it's not
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going away is in the i biden administration. biden's intel community is circulating a dei newsletter highlighting more inclusive language. you're not allowed to say i've been black listed from this event because that's somehow implying that black is bad and white is good. i'm sorry, you have to be racist to hear the word black listed and automatically think -- >> i agree. >> of pigmentation. >> all of this squinting your eyes and reading between the lines reveals your internal monologue. >> exactly. >> if you think black is bad, you read that in, attached it to race. rachel: no question. one of the micro aggressions, one of the first ones, you couldn't say that america was exceptional or you couldn't -- you know, there were these ideas that that's somehow a bad thing.
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i mean, it's crazy. >> here's another one. you can't have a brown bag session. because same. but this is the best one. you make multitasking seem like a cake walk. you can't say cake walk because it refers to a dance performed by slaves for slave owners on plantation grounds. who knew this? rachel: i never knew that. >> i never heard that before. >> who are these people hanging out with they know this stuff? >> the office of director of national intelligence, the spokesperson told fox news digital the intelligence community, diversity, equity and inclusion accessibility office manages the efforts to build the workforce and distribute the quarterly magazine to each deia office and/or equal employment opportunity office. that's the first time i've heard of deia.
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you know what i heard the other day? rachel: is the extra a? >> accessibility. >> i heard deib the other day, belonging. rachel: i've been hearing that as well. >> it will be like the lgbtq plus, the dei alphabet. jeremy hunt said the following. rather than our primary focus being on protecting the homeland these absurd attempts to police the language to make it politically correct will result in lower quality and confusing intelligence reports, there will be lawmakers and decision makers less informed and unable to make reasoned judgments. the whole movement is to obscure language, make language mess penetrateable. what is somebody saying, what are they not saying? i can think of no more important realm than precise language than in the intelligence community. >> or anything that's important, whether flying an airplane, anything that matters. this stuff is great on a college
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campus. but as soon as you get to where things matter, it becomes ridiculous. rachel: when it comes to national security, i mean, i often think of it like do you love the country or not? do you care more about manipulating people's language and manipulating them into accepting your ideology, or do you want to make things clear so we can be safe and protect our families? i think it comes down to the basic things. i think this is where it starts to break down. unfortunately, i like to think more people have that kind of common sense. but our government is -- has a lot of control over this language, so -- >> you probably heard the story a week or two ago about an indiana high school student, company ron blasic, he went to school with an american flag on the back of his truck. turns out he was doing it for most of the year. out of the blue one day a principal or administrator at the school said you can no longer display the american flag on your truck in the school parking lot. that of course went viral and cameron became a symbol of
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patriotism. he was on "fox & friends" a little earlier. he has been the recipient of a surprise, he's got the american flag in his truck displayed together in a new way. watch. >> i had the american flag on the back of my truck like i had all year. out of the blue they they told me, hey, you've got to take it down or we're writing you for insubordination. i already had done my research and they told me even though there was no handwritten rules or anything that you i still had to take it down. i kind of told them from the get-go, no. so i came back to school the next day with the american flag on the back of my truck and a bunch of other students showed up with it and it went viral. a company reached out to me about wrapping my truck. they took my truck and they did it in less than four days, wrapped my truck and now it looks leak it does. >> like the american flag. rachel: what are they going to do now to him? it's so funny. this kid is great. what i loved about it is he knew
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his rights. so when the administration or whoever that really unhappy -- they decided in the middle of the year he should take the flag down, he said he had to, he knew his rights. he looked at the regulations and this is my fi first amendment ro fly the flag and we're going to reward him with the display on the truck. >> it makes you wonder why he goes to school to learn from adulls when it's the common sense of kids, like this is idiotic, i'm going to fly my flag. rachel: you asked him what his classmates thought, they said they love it. he's bo born treatment the popep skipping tskipping the homily ae
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recovered. he blessed the fronds and branches for the thousands who attend thed the mass. the missouri teenager who you was attacked on camera and seen getting her head smashed into concrete by a student is in stable condition and breathing on her own. we're so glad to hear that. that's according to a gofundme fundraiser set up for her and her family. the post says kaley gain will be moved out of the icu after suffering a fractured skull, brain bleeding, and swelling from the incident. her family is calling for the suspect in the video to face justice. wow. horrible situation. the prince and princess of wales sharing a joint statement following kate middleton's canter diagnosis saying they're extremely moved by the public republic'swarmth and support.
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dr. siegel joined us earlier. she said the preserenity p prevv therapy could be good for her. >> this may to keep it from coming back. that's, again, more optimism about what this means, very, very, very good prognosis. rachel: it's still unclear what kind of cancer she's battling. easter is one week you away of. the national retail federation says americans will be big spenders, will spend on average $177 per person to celebrate the holiday. according to the national retail federation, 89% of purchases ae expected to be on food, followed by gifts and clothing. those are your headlines. you don't want to move. we have a very special pop
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culture round-up straight ahead with our buddy charlie hurd here. >> donald trump has until tomorrow to pay the bond in his new york fraud case. brett tollman breaks down the possible legal scenarios as trump vows to fight back. as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin.
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donald trump has until tomorrow to he pay a $454 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. if he misses the deadline, state attorney general latisha james can freeze his bank accounts and be in proceedings to seize his aas et cetera. brett tollman joins us now. thank you for being here to help help us understand what could go down as early as tomorrow. if there's going to be a property seizure, my understanding is legally is that could take some time to litigate. i wouldn't expect chains or yellow tape on trump buildings but they could seize his bank accounts, right, starting on monday? >> that's right, will. thanks for having me on. it's an unprecedented time. you have an individual who has been a businessman, there's no victims in the underlying case. judgment that was assessed on this is devoid of being tied
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rationally to the case at hand. it's what we have long known about civil asset forfeiture in this country, it's done oftentimes without the benefit of the facts truly supporting it. it's an area of the law that needs an overhaul. this is going to start a process that could take quite some time. donald trump will have the ability to have a hearing, have hearings on it, valuations become important but will, think about this. if there is anyone or any entity that has ownership of any of the other assets, they're going to have claims on this. so it's going to be more legal wrangling, more assessments and judgments that come down from a court that doesn't like donald trump. will: which it's just hard to escape, brett, that this is the purpose of the suit. this is the purpose of the prosecution. the purpose isn't justice for the potential outcome. the purpose is the process. because the process in and of itself becomes punishment.
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>> i think, will, you are hitting on the thing that most americans may be missing on this. it is that they don't really care about the outcome. any time someone with power, a prosecutor, da, he a anyone with power that can enforce the laws of the country, when they stop caring about the case at hand and care more about making it difficult for an individual that they don't like, then we've lost the interest of fairness and the administration of justice. will: what is a reasonable expectation this week, brett? we've all sort of felt his impending inflection point for monday with the require innocent the 454 million be satisfied tomorrow but what would we see this week? what do you think is a reasonable expectation? >> i would think they immediateimmediately want to ate
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judgment to liquid assets, so cash on hands, accounts they can seize. this is going to take some time as well. i would think the president feels some desperation right now, difficult to have the government coming after you. if you step back, re realize yoo have some due process, bias much time as you can, try to get the appeal through the system and you might be able to stave off at least attachment and seizure of some of the properties that really are the problem here. you have a lot of people that are employed by these assets that he has, the trump power, his businesses, and so i think that's his best bet. keep in mind, will, taking a step back and showing and highlighting the you abuse highlihighlighting you a because that's going on seems to help donald trump in that manner.
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it may boost him in the polls as we look at the government single him out and isolate him for the purpose of keeping him off the ballot. will: you heard about sleepy he joe. it turns out biden is far from the only commander in chief to get you drowsy on the job, accg to one hollywood a lister, rachel and charil charlie breaks and so much more down in the pop culture round-up, coming up. ♪ don't stop believing. ♪ hold on to that feeling. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred...
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rachel: all right. well, it's time for another pop culture roundup and this time charlie will help me get in touch with the latest and greatest in hollywood drama.
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gwyneth paltrow is calling out bill clinton for falling asleep during the showing of emma, a jane austin film she was in. cheryl: i'm learning so much >> i'm learning so much right now. rachel: bill clinton falling asleep, not a surprise. >> i would have fallen asleep. absolutely. there are a lot of things i love about bill clinton. be if you want to go deep dive on hilarious quotes, some of his quotes from his presidency were -- rachel: give us one. >> talking about wanting to the date juanita, a mummy they unearthed in south america somewhere. he was like if i was around back then, i would have dated her. he's normal. falls asleep at a jane austen movie. rachel: i love this movie. i have a suspicion that bill clinton likes different genres of movies. let's move to this.
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the pioneer woman displayed weight loss, lost 50 pounds. she says it's not ozempic, she did it the old fashioned way, putting colorful food on her plate, salads and things like that and not eating donuts. do you believe it? >> yes, of course. god bless her. she looks like a pioneer woman. as a pioneer woman she realizes you have to do everything you want to do has to be hard. taking a pill is not hard. do it the hard way and it works and it's better for you. rachel: we love her on this show. come back. we love you. all right. and looking great. so we're proud of you. gen z is facing an early, mid crisis, charlie. it's due to social media, says the surgeon general. there's a list of happiness and america is dropping on the list. when they dug into the numbers, it turns out it's because young people are more depressed, they're dropping the numbers.
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>> is this a surprise? it can't be. if you're looking for the meaning of life on your phone, you're not going to find it. rachel: you're not going to find it. that's right. meanwhile, people over 60 in america, happier. >> absolutely. and just like an afternoon, you throw your phone away, go outside, spend a couple without the phone, it's -- lelan-rachel: have real, athen particular interactions. >> with nature. rachel: and with humans. humans. all right. last topic, millennials are saying they are the best parents. they said -- 88% of them, charlie, said they're the best parents. part of it they say they're better communicators than their parents. >> one thing that worried me, they like to put a larger focus on open communication, especially around mental health. you have to be so careful. you have to ask open questions. you can't put things in a kid's
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mind when you're trying to get information and it's a lot harder to do it the open ended way but if you raise your kids with like you're their therapist be, you're going to raise therapy patients. rachel: i think that is a very smart point, charlie. >> you've got to be careful about that. rachel: they're very self assured. they're just starting the parenting thing. i've been doing it for 25 years. they just started it and they're the best. i don't know. >> i'm still you screwing it up. rachel: exactly. >> like 25 years in. rachel: if you're smart, you actually know -- have the hugh mill yhumility to know you're ne b char lir charlie, i think youp country expert. i said what do you know about sidney sweeney, he said only two things. moving on. a podcast, kayaking facility and king crab enhancement project, these are some places your b
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money is headed in biden's new 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill. we're going to talk about that with maria bartiromo. great job, charlie. >> thank you.hard to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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suspects are in authority and despite isis k claiming responsibility for the attack, russia's president vladimir putin say the suspects have ties to ukraine. officials in the u.s. and kiev have denied putin's claim with the national security council saying isis bears sole responsibility for this attack, was no ukrainian involvement whatsoever. farmers are gearing up for the future with new aerial drone swarm agriculture systems after a new exemption from the faa a cleared the air waves for drone farming, a method of spraying crops at a fraction of the previous cost. the two person team can fly up to three drones at once, making it almost as fast as a conventional tractor. and several schools across the united states are canceling classes for april's total solar
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eclipse. school districts and even some universities in the direct path of the eclipse initiated plans to schools, citing student safety. nasa says you'll be able to see the eclipse across 15 states. and those are your headlines. let's turn now to meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. >> good morning, guys. i've been out here all morning, complaining how cold it is. the sun is warming thongs up a bit. the story continuing to be the winter weather lingering across the country. the blue spots, largely temperatures at or below freezing so it's chilly in the northern tier of the country, the extreme northern tier, the upper midwest, northern plains, there is a snowstorm currently going on. everything here in the orange, that's a blizzard warning you're talking about winds 50, 60 miles an hour, very heavy snow, visibility low. but in a wide r area than that, even if you're not getting
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intense winds, a lot of folks are seeing a lot of snow. the purple colors, in some cases a foot, foot and-a-half of snow is on the way. yes, it's spring by the calendar but it still feels like winter for a lot of folks. those are your weather headlines. now back inside to you. rachel: thank you, adam. stay warm. president biden signing the $1.2 trillion spending package, youavrting any further shutdown. >> look what a trillion blocks looks like. the bill facing major backlash with millions going towards projects including solar energy, a podcast, and kayak facility. >> sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now to break it all down. good morning, maria. maria: hello, team. how are you? great to see you. >> real good. so i'm sure you've got a great action packed show for later today. maria: yes. we're talking about this
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$1.2 trillion bill. the problem here is that once again we're talking about the same budget that nancy pelosi put in place and we are not talking about any increased border security. and that is why marjorie taylor greene basically sent everybody packing on the easter recess with a wrecking ball of this motion to vacate the speaker's position when they come back, she wants them to consider this. a couple things about the bill. i want to point out, congressman robert aderhalt, he came out with a note on he friday saying this is not the big my subcommittee produced and supported. the senate has taken liberties with congressionally directed spending requests that would never stand in the house. he lists a few things had in the bill. here are a couple things you might want to know about. $1.8 million for women and infant hospitals provides late term you abortions, another one, money for lgbtq family services
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to youth, another for senior housing for lgbtq, another area for long-term -- late term you abortion money, all of these things that obviously the house was not prioritizing. the biggest black hole here is the fact that there is no change in border security. and that's why marjorie taylor greene made the stink she did on friday and there's a debate about that because it looks like the republicans are weak again, that they're holding onto the majority by a hair and here we have another member, basically sayi-- basicallysaying i want tt because he's not putting border security in place and we're spaing a cr, three crs since speaker johnson is in place. i've got marjorie taylor greene on the show live to explain what she wants to see, she says it's
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more of a warning than me wanting him out immediately but something's got to change. the big story is monday morning deadline for president donald trump. we'll talk with eric trump and get the family's response to the massive judgment they're forced to pay up or potentially face losing assets. there's a lot going on. we're going to cover all these stories and continue the conversation that you all are having. rachel: it's incredible. 1.4 million for solar energy. yi thought they got rid of earmarks years ago but everything's back, all the spending. maria: i don't understand what happens. what happens in those rooms, those closed door rooms that republicans roll over for all of these wish lists of democrats and i don't know, are we wrong to say they put their own priorities aside? we still cannot secure the border. and what about that laken riley bill that -- why couldn't they put that in the spending
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package? so at least to feel like maybe they're doing something about the border. rachel: it seems -- we discussed it yesterday. it seems like as long as you promise the military, the republicans -- funding for the military, republicans will sign onto anything. maria: when you look at the military spending, it's actually a decline when you consider inflation. inflation is still elevated. so you're looking -- so joe biden told us what the next four years of a biden presidency or democrat led presidency would look like, he's got $7.3 trillion budget, 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of new taxes. a and-a-half trillion in higher taxes and a decline in military spending when compared to inflation. rachel: great point. thank you, maria. >> we'll be watching today, maria. thank you so much. still ahead, gospel music legend anthony edmonds performs live. our faith and friends concert series this palm sunday, next.
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jones' pastor, i want to mention that. we already love him for that. he's with us on palm sunday for faith and friends and for that performance. >> great meet you. >> thank you for havings us. >> did you grow up in a church singing? >> definitely, my dad had a church my whole life in dallas, texas. i grew up in church. i didn't know music was a thing. later my parents heard me singing around the house and they were like did we miss something so it started a little later. it's been quite a while on the road. >> your daddies lawrence -- your dad is lawrence's pastor. >> me and my dad have the same name. people do it all the time go tell us about your journey. revive is a big part of telling the story of your journey. >>jury i took afew year break fg professional ministry, i was doing it from a broken place, to be honest. i was pushing really hard. something about the culture, not
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just church culture, culture in general is push hard, play injured and we'll celebrate you. i didn't want to do that. i didn't want to play injured. i took time to do the therapy i needed. iliterally therapy on mysoul ang and this encompasses the journey we can all take, coming back to life. rachel: pastors also need that time. >> for sure. rachel: of course they do. i see you worked with people like kanye west, you worked with -- i'm looking here, farrell. dj khalid. i imagine you're pastoring them as well. >> we get to have a lot of positive conversations. i get the town produce and arrange vocals for a lot of projects outside of the church realm. i love it. it's not just about just
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pastoring them, just being honest and authentic and people gravitate towards that in general. >what was yourrelationship like. i'm a fan. rachel: i'm a fan too. >> he writes this may impact my sales but it saves me soul, i think it's fascinating. >> it was a work relationship. it was a busy time. he was making anil an album, t was a little while ago. it was a lot really quick. i remember doing snl in town. he said i want 40 singers. you mean by tonight? it was that vibe. we got it done. rachel: when you're kanye, you can say that. >> you can say whatever you want. >> you guys are a big deal. you've got revive out, the album is available everywhere right now what will you per to form today. >> it's called even if. we lost our mother tragically. am i going to sing this from
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hand honest place, do i trust god the way i say we do and that's what this is about. you have a scenario where you ask god to do something, he's not doing it the way you want but do you still believe. rachel: can't wait to hear it. >> even if, anthony evans. ♪ if i'm being honest. ♪ this is the hardest. ♪ the hardest song my heart will sing. ♪ my words are broken. ♪ my dreams stolen. ♪ how do i say what i don't -- ♪ you don't owe me anything. ♪ but in my darkness you still speak freely. ♪ i'll lift my hands.
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♪ i'll sing again. ♪ you're good to me. ♪ you're good to me, lord. ♪ as i stand here. ♪ i will sing, because you are good to me. ♪ you're good to me. ♪ until my heart believes, i won't stop singing. ♪ you're good to me ♪ you're good. ♪ so, so good. ♪ if the doctor tells me there's no medication to take away the pain. ♪ i praise you. ♪ even if i have to wait for you to mend the hard break. ♪ and believe that every tear that falls.
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♪ even if you never choose to take away the struggles. ♪ your grace will be enough to pull me through. ♪ even if the one who caused my hurt is never sorry. ♪ i praise you. ♪ e i'll still praise you. ♪ if i never see it. ♪ i still praise you. ♪ i'll lift my hand. ♪ i never get tired of saying
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you're good. ♪ you're so good to me. ♪ i'll sing it again. ♪ i'll sing it again. ♪ you're so good. ♪ i'll lift my hand. ♪ i'll never get tired of singing you're good. ♪ oh, i'll sing it. ♪ until my heart believes, i won'stop singing. ♪ even if i never hear another reason. ♪ you're still good to me. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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♪ ♪ will: you're listening to anthony evans is. he just performed off of his new album, revive. it is available everywhere right now. rachel: why don't you with close us out with a message here on palm sunday coming into holy week. >> a lot of times our feelings take over in general because of life happening, but what i've had to learn is my feelings tonight have intellect. i have to bounce my feelings off the truth of the word of god. we have hope no matter what you're feeling. walk if the direction of your feelings, and your emotions will follow your feet. so just walk in the contradiction of truth. will: that's good stuff. charlie, you did an awesome job. rachel: we loved having you, and we loved having all ofou guys here. thanks for joining us. will: revive is available everywhere right now. ♪ if. ♪ ♪ if. maria: good sunday morning,


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