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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  March 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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to her mom's a vacant apartment to clean it out. this is a mom she went to new york city apartments. you can see the teenagers on the cameras on the surveillance camera's basically entering the apartment and left her body at a duffel bag in the closet. she was going there to get the apartment ready for family that's is disgusting. cooks the neighbors are so scared they do not come out of their doors but listen to this a ruling by a federal judge now makes it legal for illegal immigrants to own guns. they get drivers licenses. they have free places stay for the cell phones and other get guns. >> quite the incentive program to come or wouldn't you say? >> thank you bi bye did not do o for us we will see a back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. something is playing out in our country and our politics is very, very important. it actually goes beyond israel, and judaism, and the horrors of hamas and so forth. it is a democrat party. if you criticize the democrat party will be attacked as a racist, as an anti-semite, as a bigot, as a homophobe or whatever it is. the democrat party, as i have demonstrated the last few weekends as a totalitarian party. that is the mindset they try to imprison their political opponents. they try to trigger a coup against people they disagree with and say israel. white open borders the purpose of which the change of the citizenry to accommodate the democrat party agenda and on and
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on. now, we have a situation here in america which is played out right in front of our eyes for the last six months. and that is, since the israelis were attacked on october 7 by subhuman terrorists, who call themselves hamas, israel is come under attack diplomatically, publicly, economically, and even militarily now. not by the united states of america but by the democrat party that runs executive br branch. pretty much the media. it's the democrat party. what are they doing? i will tell you what they are doing. first of all is donald trump right? is it right when you are jewish basically you vote for democrats you voted against yourself? you vote for anti-semitism you're voting against israel, really? what was so wrong with that statement that i've said that and so of other conservatives and patriots to see what is taking place. you literally are going to have people standing in line, jewish
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people behind other people. we are talking river to the sea and the obliteration of israel. voting for the same candidate. how can that be? and when you point it out, all of the sudden you're entertaining and anti-semitic. no were not were calling out anti-semitism. the democrat party is has a history of racism, bigotry, eugenics, client has a history of attacking minorities. all through most of its history. slavery, segregation, separate but equal, and then it was to claim that it is the savior party. all of those were democrats but all the filibusters led by democrats. supported in many respects by the current president joe biden. i want to really drill down on the spirit let's start was donald trump right? he was right. "washington post" by imposing sanctions on israeli west bank
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settlers. he does not put sanctions on any palestinians were slaughtering jews, committing acts of terrorism, no or anywhere else in the world, on china with the uighurs? on rush out with attaching the ends and we can go all of the world. just the jews and judaism's. why? he wants him out of there but senate and conditions and latest defense snarl. the senate democrats are preparing to cut off israel as it fights for its very survival. cut off israel? does that sound like pro israel? pro-israel? here we have another and reuters u.s. senate democrats blocked republican bid to eight israel not ukraine. repubrepublican saint lester's e support for israel. the democrats in the senate following biden's lead say no. the bi administration is investigating israel, israel's possible war crimes despite public claims to the contrary. here it is in one of the most
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rapidly left wing news sites the huffington post. war crimes, israel, yes? the ministry of health fakes casualty numbers read the with e gentleman, the professor on the program this last week. they lie about the. the propaganda organization and yet the "new york post" points out hamas has death toll stats are pure fiction world immediately does like joe biden still use them to smear israel, why is joe biden using provably false hamas statistics to paint israel as the aggressor? trying to kill gazan civilians but why is joe biden doing that? or the democrats doing it? what are the american media doing it? we have bite administration reportedly delaying shipments to israel. but most of the palestinians want peace with israel. we've got to have the two state solution prevent moderate palestinians and so forth. actually most of them are not
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according to surveys done by arab organizations and palestinian organizations. over and over again the latest one if i found was from the otr day pull over 70% palisade and still maintain hamas was correct to commit october 7 atrocities. mostly peaceful? jerusalem post an editorial which is a left of center newspaper in israel. nope most support hamas survey after survey. we will create a second country because we will make sure biden presses netanyahu work into our policy and state he's been doing this for decades. despite the fact what i just showed you. in the culture of that community come of that group of individuals they do not want to live side-by-side with peace that had 100 opportunities to do it. this is the reality but joe biden does not care. he's prepared to carve up israel. he is prepared to stop israel from defeating hamas.
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joe biden is the biggest propaganda since special pleader for the enemy. this is between good and evil and he is siding with evil bird the verdict on schumer, schumer has been widely condemned even that liberal jewish organizations and communities. that speech he gave on the senate floor, democrat leader in the senate. the democrat majority leader the highest ranking jewish person in congress gave one of the most horrendous anti- somatic anti- israel speeches in the history of the senate. which is now being repeated and used by the terrorists and other enemies of israel both overseas and in our country. they are citing schumer. he gave them cover. what just happened? nineteen senate democrats. you you can see they urged bideo publish eyed framework for establishing palestinian state. do not defeat hamas, loose to hamas. do not stop by ron and their
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nuclear weapon. create a new country which will be populated by the very elements that are trying to destroy israel. because they will prevail taken over regardless. we'll be in a radiant puppet state. in 19 democrats because schumer opened the door to the whole thing for their singlets to a framework. chuck schumer said belts and a and b soon as to talk to the democrats and israeli leaders addresses the republican stars the republicans are not doing any of this other than trying to support and defend israel. the daily mail biden calls israeli leader benjamin netanyahu a bad guy and latest fell multi- rate from 81 year old president. he has been doing this for 20 years. because jen what will not agree to a two state solution. this is what biden is doing. does it sound like that party's pro-israel? does it? bite administration officially turns on israel.
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because it has. the biden administration anti-semitism blind spot. rapid anti-semitism going on in this country. we have a synagogue that was destroyed. we have jewish grocery stores and is going on every day. we have jewish kids and college are still scared to death for their service on that. has biden given a speech about this? no. has he made this issue? no he sends a senior advisor to dearborn, michigan. he sends them to parts of new jersey, parts of california where ther there is a concentran of muslims and arabs to beg them to vote for him. to beg them. as he criticized the colleges and universities, hundreds of them that are allowing anti-semitism to spread on their college campuses? he did, when? when? the guy mumbles about everything else. what did he do? he did nothing but what else anti-semitism reaching historic levels in the united states and the biden administration. under joe biden, i wonder why?
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this is the "new york post" anti-semitism is reaching historic levels in the u.s. following the october seven attack on israel by hamas but christopher wray fbi director said this is a threat that is reaching in some way sort of historic levels of because as you know all too well the jewish communities targeted by terrorists, really across the spectrum for the fbi director noted the bureau statistics show jewish americans are disproportionately the victims of hate crimes including the majority religious -based attacks in fact he said our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents only 2.4% of american public that count for something like a 60% of all religious based hate crimes. what does biden say? is lama phobia he's right about islamic phobia let me tell you something there is no systemic islamic phobia in america. it exists in iran were your buddies are. and all throughout the middle east or muslims are slaughtering muslims. not in america but look at this gallup poll democrat sympathies and middle east shift palestinians but look at this
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michigan friday, serbian one day the muslims will slaughter the jews like sheep. make us soldiers. make us die the way you want us to die. this is all over the internet memory is the greatest place with the fbi doing about this? what's ins the old ins doing about it? what did biden say about this? they're attacking trump did not say a word but what about this make this ramadan and a blessed month of victory. we will seize and live in the jewish settlements but will hear of the land. it's right here. what do you hear from our courageous leader, joe biden? you do not hear a thing. donald trump sees all this he is watching it, he is reading it, he is hearing it. he says in a radio interview to my buddy sebastian and i paraphrase, why would the jewish people vote for a party like
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this are vote for a candidate like this? who have turned on israel and are doing very little if anything about anti-semitism. this is coming from a man who the israelis believe was the greatest american president to help israel. he did it in hundreds of ways. he went after iran. when after the terrace the plo he cut them off financially. they were in a boxer ma was collapsing. he throughout funding because he saw it th what that was doing. he put in place the tell or force law prevented any american money going to the plo as long as they continue to support terrorism. use that money to give pensions to the families of terrorists. he did so many things abraham accords and on and on and on i know they dare call him? because chuck schumer's effort to divert attention. let me explain to t some into da bash and chuck schumer and
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reprobates of their sort. we do not owe loyalty to the democrat party. none of us. why would we? or the or jewish or black the history of the democrat party is one of evil. it's one of racism. one of segregation. it's one of anti-semitism living into the number of jews that come to the united states. 1930s and 40s who wound up in gas chambers. they do not to get to rewrite american history. we get the push back. when donald trump says wait a minute why would you vote for democrat party given what they are doing? i just showed you just a little bit of it. they've obviously turned out israel and arbitrate israel. in our own country are embracing, promoting and seeking the votes of people who listen. not all people but too many people. to the river to the s sea the people caring the flags, the people going into the bosque and the united states of america are
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preaching, are preaching. the extinction of jews in the nine states and elsewhere. he is sending senior advisers to give votes in these various areas. he turns on israel, betrays israel, undermines netanyahu publicly what you think of this? they love it, why? here's the truth we talked about it before so i will not belabor the point. the realignment by michael durrant and tony. page after page of what obama wanted, lincoln worked for obama now biden who worked with obama. why did they do? the came into office, what did they do questionably removed sanctions on energy sector automotive industry, financial services, banking industry imports to eliminate the most significant economic sanctions ever imposed on iran by donald trump at why did they do that customer at the president's ultimate goal this is the guy who was under investigation for violating our classified documents laws was to help the middle east find a more stable balance of power to make it less dependent on direct interference or protection.
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that who they never badmouth. who they'd never attack them that they killed three of our soldiers who are funding all of this. biden is funding iran. here's another piece iran sponsored the october 7 massacre, america paid for it. by that they mean biden. iran has received more money than ukraine as a result of biden's direct and indirect agreement to fund that regime. and at the same time they are attacking bench meant netanyahu publicly and privately. another $10 billion split into iran. the democrat party is not only betraying america, it's not only betraying the black community. the hispanic community, the asian community, and all other communities. look america, listen america every day they arbitrate israel and betraying the jews. we used to say never again well
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apparently it is again. we had these going on in the united states of america and joe biden is begging for votes in communities that hate the state of israel. that is what he is doing. if you are jewish and you vote democrat f or schumer, or bernie sanders, or you vote for aoc or others or a party, an organization that is made its position known despite the best efforts of its propaganda in the media you are destroying ourselves. you are destroying this country. you are destroying other countries. including the country of israel. now right away you have a grand old time and i'm sticking to it. facts are facts. you got to stand up to tierney when it's taking place and swirling all around. i will be right back. en enamel , you cannot get it back.
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mark: will come back america. we are here with our friend fox news contributor, one of my buddies. one of the great legal minds quite frankly. thank god a few years ago he left the dark side and came to
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the light side. [laughter] i don't know what i would do. anyway leo you've been around for a long time but i've been around a long time. as a judge in florida and that's really playing it on the book and the documents case. the feds go in there and say don't showed the classified information. she says what you mean don't show classified information? wait until the trial. the defense has a right to prepare. the judge says we can't go so fast we have motions we have to entertain like big time constitutional issues that you mr. prosecutor and the governor have brought we have to consider those. then we get into other emotions and issues what kind of questions can you ask a jury? what kind of information can you present to a jury? this judge is coming under nonstop attack from the left wing media who seem to be threatening judges to do what they want them to do it they have every intention of smearing them. what you make of that?
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cook silty right now and thanks for that question. democrats are going to do everything possible to try to get judge cannon off the case. why? it's all about the power of control. they're not following any rules let's be very clear. they find a threat to their cause to get trump off the case. they want trump off the ballot but they do not want trump involved in the election of 2024 but they're going after judge cannon because judge cannon is fair. she is in parcel she is applying the lot they don't like that they don't play by the rules and that is we have right now. bravo for judge cannon for following the law and making sure donald trump ... right as a defendant in that frivolous case being brought by jack smith frequency brings the case in washington d.c. violates the department of justice requirements he supposed to release into the jurisdiction where the events allegedly occurred because the grand jury he wants made up of a population
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of people in d.c. who hate donald trump. then he transfers the case to a grand jury in florida but like a sus losing this guy is. transfers it to a grand jury and a want of the things the judges said is one of the issues has to be equal protection and equal treatment. you look at these other cases can anybody name anybody else's been a president, a vice president, or secretary of state or cabinet officer who has been charged under the espionage act when in fact they have removed classified information? that media and the phony legal analysts and scholars are all there yelling that proves she's in the tank doesn't prove she's not in the tank she's trying to get to the bottom of it? >> absolutely. you and i been lawyers for long time. we know it's not being analyzed. they're not being analyzed illegally. we know it's been a weaponize be the poetical process. we know where they're going they're going after trump for one reason you know and i know
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and the nation knows it. they do not want them on the ballot. what makes this a great is our legal system and it is under attack. the democrats will not follow law because of the obsession to get trump off the ballot should. if trump was not on the bout he would not face these charges. i tell you he said over and over again pretty set on your program the legal system has been a weaponize against donald j trump. no other president has gone through this ordeal they find him as a threat because he is scheduled to win this election in november. all bets are off. they want to take him off the ballots and they will do anything they can. >> let's look at this attempt to bankrupt him under the phony law and 40 prosecutor. i don't know when i was a young attorney, if you were running for office to be the attorney general of the state going to
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target donald trump i'm going to get donald tr trump and you said all of those things that matter it would been brought to the b bar. the bar would've brought it up itself they would have condemned it and they would have sanctioned that attorney. you are not allowed to run for office. the less a prosecutorial office and to make claims like that under any rules of ethical conduct in any state that i am aware of. it is so corrupt as the bar filled with democrats that not said or done anything. what about the legal profession now? what you make of that? looks at me be clear there's a legal profession in new york. what you just articulate i will be clear as possible like keisha james is a racist. she is targeted trump i submit to the following evidence, the videotape of her claiming that if she gets into office she will go after trump wri got the crimt after trump. and then she colludes with eight
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left wing a progressive judge who doesn't know anything about real estate and again they are trying to not prevent trump from running for office they are trying to destroy his livelihood. they are trying to take everything he built up to take away from it. to try to discourage him from running for office. i find the conduct of the new york bar offensive. it is disgusting and what should happen is that case should be appealed and it will be appealed and it should be reversed because that was not justice. it is political warfare. >> the democrat party my contention is and will continue to be is a totalitarian party there different types of totalitarian degrees but it's definitely a totalitarian party they are celebrate in the effort to bankrupt a political candidate. celebrate the effort to try to put him into prison so he literally is known to run against if that's not totalitarian i do not know what is. but the legal profession is destroying itself. these frauds have come on tv and
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talk about the cases. these frauds start to target judges like judge cannon and florida they will not bend to their political agenda. the frauds who attacked the constitution on the supreme court who are trying to keep this country together. these are not lawyers. these are not professionals. they are nothing but slip and fall ambulance chasing hex. we will be right back.
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>> welcome to fox news like i'm jon scott in new york. russian prep president vladimir putin is going to punish those on the deadly attack on a concert hall. he left more than one third to 30 dead nearly a thousand others hurt. russian officials say multiple gunmen opened fire inside the venue friday night. before setting the building ablaze. nearly a dozen suspects including four directly involved are under arrest. isis has taken responsibility, russia's climate ukraine is linked to the violence. ukraine emphatically denies any involvement. well wishes pouring in from around the globe for princess kate following her cancer diagnosis announcement. world leaders, celebrities and fans sending messages of support to the beloved 42-year-old. months of speculation about her health after she stopped public appearances to recover from
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abdominal surgery. i am jon scott and now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: leo terrell supreme court case you would not have a case except jack smith bringing phony charges against donald trump that are not related to jittery sixth. i don't think he was around 1871 during the ku klux klan era and beyond. but all of that said and all you hear is if the court does not put a stop to this than any president can do anything for which he will not be held accountable after he leaves office. isn't the contrary true? the court agrees about this corrupt a pa partisan panel on e d.c. circuit did that in fact a president can be charged for official actions but they are official actions that he took as a president after he leaves. isn't the point then that every president will be charged
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there's going to be situations for makes a decision it's a little ambiguous or nebulous or someone is out to get them. this and that was happening to donald trump right now? use the clan act, the enron act in some government contract by charged effectively with sedition without charging him with sedition. isn't the example that when we are living through right now? >> is a perfect example why president trump in every president and the future should be entitled to absolute immunity during the course and scope of their role as a president but if you do not do that they will be blackmailed in office. there will be extortion. there's a constitutional checks and balances in this case right now being presented by jack smith who waited 30 months to file these charges against trump is a perfect example why trump is entitled. he's not just fighting for every
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american. he is fighting for every future president to make sure they have the opportunity to serve as a president without the threat of going bankrupt or being threatened after they leave office with criminal prosecution by special prosecutor and little das a in new york or other stat. >> we also have this defamation thing that keeps going on in new york under the same federal judge. it's another weird new york law that can reach back decades an allegation of sexual conduct or whatever it is and then be brought forward now. that loss been used against trump. trump was not found guilty of rape. that was the allegation he was found guilty of something else, sexual something else i don't even know this. the charge was never even considered there is no criminal
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charges that were brought at te time. nothing. and so the rumor is one of these lawyers one of the legal analyst whispered in her ear or somebody's ear and said you have a case here and this is how you bring it. so they bring it. every time he criticizes her she is being urged to sue him for libel. we are talking 100 million -- she is on tv talking about how the she's going to spend it somebody needs a loan she's happy to give them money and so forth and so on. and so now i feel we have turned the libel laws i'm not just talking about that -- into another weapon to try to use against a president. i don't think it's an accident that many of these things are happening in new york where the laws seem to be passed to empower the democrat party and to be used as a weapon the way they are being used. >> they are being used against donald trump because they are afraid of trump winning the election.
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and the american people want trump rate new/abc, president trump was never found liable for rape you are in trouble with that statement. the point is when you are in new york if your name is trump you are going to be subject to every possible way of being taken off the ballot. it is all against trump because they are afraid of him. they are afraid of him exposing the deep state they are afraid of all the dirty laundry being exposed. the democrats are obsessed with power and control. we have president trump on the ballot that is a threat the democrats are going to do everything so these repeated defamation lawsuits i think is kind of illegal but it seems like they will do anything to try to keep trump off the ballot. that is what's happening right now in new york. trump is a victim of being in the state of new york. mark: god knows how much taxes he's paid to the city and state but he change the whole horizon of that city. he turned some of the areas that were more destitute and prosperous areas are the jobs he
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created. all of the families he helped. it is just horrendous what they have done there they don't care they'll burn down the city in order to advance her political agenda. leo terrell i want to thank you my friend. god bless super. >> god bless you. keep up the good work. mark: and we come back john ratcliffe. we will be right back.
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mark: welcome back america paid former acting director of intelligence director john ratcliffe. i opened the show by asking why jewish person would vote for democratic party. for the democratic party. it's a perfectly legit question. there's nothing anti- somatic or dual loyalty about it. i'm not talk about the country were talk but the democrat
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party. so i want to ask you this. when it comes to the state of israel and to the terror state of ron, why is joe biden pouring billions and billions and billions of dollars into iran and threatening israel? threatening their weapons putting foot on their throat demanding they dissect their country. demanding they not defeat hamas. is joe biden betraying israel and coddling iran? >> i think he is very clearly. what is going on in the world certainly reflects that. and to answer your question the simplest manner, we were warned joe biden was going to be terrible when it came to american foreign policy of protecting american's national security interests. robert gates and told us that joe biden is always wrong. that is certainly proven to be the case. i think it is important from the standpoint of i did serve as a director of national intelligence of what i can tell you is that with the possible
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exception of the brits or son of the country on the planet that's more important to the united states that we do more intelligence sharing with that is of more important strategic partner to us. you talk about israel you're talking about in the context of the most volatile region in the world. we talk about supporting israel we are really supporting u.s. national security interest. we need israel this is not about charity. and yet you have joe biden a guy who claims to be an ardent supporter of israel here's entire career. i don't know about the past he certainly does not look, sound, act like a guy who supports israel. we have seen it undermined the e israelis at every turn. even in his state of the union speech last week or two weeks ago, he talked about having a come to jesus meeting with benjamin netanyahu and then sing saying chuck schumer's speech calling for israeli elections to
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remove netanyahu as prime minister is a good speech that concerned americans. all of these things undermine israel, our most important strategic partner. the funny thing about it, from the israeli perspective they have to sit there and wonder why would we want to take advice from joe biden and the national security apparatus that has been so wrong from a national security advisor eight days before these attacks said that middle east has never been quieter he did not have to spend any time there and in fact and bragged about the fact israeli palestinian conflicts were at an all-time low before he went on to a rant about climate change. the bottom line is these guys are really, really bad at what they do. and as we have seen there is no accountability for one failure after another is not just limited to the middle east. obviously including afghanistan
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but in the end of pacific you cannot find a place on the globe where american national security interests has improved. i think the irony of all things we talk about we talk about the situation is this is a situation as you correctly pointed out, joe biden helped create. what we are dealing with when we are talking about war in gaza right now is due in part to joe biden or rebuilding an iranian economy directly funding hamas. i heard you reference the fact and they trump administration we cut off funding because we had intelligence that told us the un relief work agency was too cozy with hamas and aid it was not going to innocent palestinians it was going to support hamas fighters and now after these horrific attacks against israelis and americans u.s. intelligence and israeli intelligence confirm un relief
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work agency workers participated in the attacks against israel so joe biden was sending money to the very people that were conducting these attacks on october 7. it is a terrible terrible situation. but what people really need to understand it is undermining u.s. national security interest interestsat u.s. national secur. people forget that in addition to the 1400 israelis that were killed, murdered, raped, burned alive in some cases, there were 40 americans that suffered the same fate or being held hostage currently. mark: we will be right back. your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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mark: welcome back america. we are here with somebody who knows something about what he's talking about, which is a good thing. john ratcliffe what's the biden foreign policy is it to defend our military, open borders so anyone can come in here? not meet our recruitment numbers in the military because of the woke is some? what exactly is the foreign policy? i've call culture biden the wors arsonist. but what is the foreign policy?
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>> i don't think anyone can answer that other than to say it has been a schizophrenic failure across the board. maybe the best way to answer it is that as the country was listening to special counsel talk about joe biden's a mental capacity and whether he is frankly even fit to be making these kinds of decisions, what they missed was worldwide threat assessment hearing that involved all of our top intelligence officials and law enforcement officials. and at that hearing joe biden's own fbi director christopher wray said i have never seen a time where all of the threats against the united states are elevated all at the same time. the lights are blinken red. that encapsulates what has happened. the foreign policy of the biden administration was to basically reverse everything the trump administration had done. too basically take their eye off
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legitimate terrorist. and focus on domestic extremists like catholics and pta moms, and pro life abortion protesters or generate six protesters to not support our allies like israel but to confro confront them ando force them into solutions that would appease our adversaries. i mentioned before literally find a place. take out a map find a place were national security interests have improved over the last three years. anywhere in eastern europe? no. in the pacific? no but central south america? our own southern border? no. the middle east? clearly not. again this is a team whose batting average is zero. who has failed everywhere. and by the late no one has been fired, no one is held accountable pretty talk about the hearing this week were
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admitted failures from his top military officials talking about the humiliating defeat the u.s. suffered because joe biden was in charge in afghanistan. and yet no accountability. the good news in all of this is that many of the things we are suffering from in this country right now as a result of joe biden's failed foreign policies are reversible. donald trump, if elected, will reinstitute a maximum pressure campaign against iran. will target iranian nuclear facilities, oil infrastructure, naval assets, whatever is necessary if they are in fact using proxies to attack u.s. troops. those are the kind of things that should have been happening have not been happening in the last three years. securing our southern border. all of those things have caused great harm to our national
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security posture but it's reversible if the right policies because we saw success in the trump administration. unfortunately, if you think we're going have the success of the next seven, eight, nine months of the hopefully end of the biden administration you are misguided. we just have to endure it. we have to help our partners and allies around the world do not abandon us and feel like the united states is not standing up for them. and the relationships with important allies that are damaged like with israel can be repaired. that is what we have to hope for is november brings a change in leadership that puts america back on its front foot instead of on its back around the world which is what we are seeing with the calamity and chaos everywhere. ironic, isn't it cosmic the adults that were supposed to come in and the chaos are the ones who started it everywhere. joe biden is really a wartime president were follows him everywhere. he lost a war to the tele- band pretty failed to deter a war
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with putin in eastern europe. and he helped fund a war in the middle east. we should be so lucky they're not going to be more between now and the time he's out of office. >> you are so right i'm sure our enemies are rooting for joe biden in the selection because christopher way is right for once they are on the move they were not on the move donald trump they feared him and respected him. and they backed off. thanks to you as well my friend. john ratcliffe former director of intelligence god bless you my friend to break next week to see you, mark. mark: we will be right back. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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welcome back, america. don't forget to her night show, life, liberty and levin sunday 8:00 p.m. eastern, the great allen west fantastic lori david cohen. life, you got to make decisions. you don't live forever. i made a decision a long time ago, i want to be on my deathbed to say i would've, should have,
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would have. you do not compromise fundamental principles. you do not compress fundamental values and beliefs. the democrat party is an evil party, and evil party for very long time and americans have suffered as a result. we can do the history right here and now as i have in the past but let me just say this, it betrayal of the jews in israel will not be silent on this program no matter how much they tried to intimidate, threaten and.fingers at what they are doing on president trump, on me or others. we are going to stand up to them and fight them. god's grace, feed them. i'll see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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