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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  March 23, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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will: it's the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend and president biden staring down lowest approval rating of any president up for reelection at this point. the history lesson that could make a difference this year. charlie: democratic senator john fetterman is committed to the right side. jaire i'm not a progressive and i've been saying that for years actually. some people that are in the more progressive or left side aren't happy. rachel: plus, in honor of world down syndrome week and business owner our friend on capitol hill talking about the value of hiring people with disabilities. she's a boss. we're talking to her in the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend that starts now.
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rachel: we're already in the third hour. charlie: if i'm getting up at 4:00 in the morning, we better get some ducks. rachel: will compared me to a duck earlier. will: i have a very spirited doberman named violet. she's my second. leon was my first and sit, stay the first time and she's more impulsive and she knows what the right thing is and measures if i mean it. reminds me of someone i sit next to. rachel: difficult to control. i've been accused of that before. this week was world down syndrome day, and we're going to
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have colette on and she owns her own company and talks about and i brought value entina in on -- valentina on for "fox & friends" and she does a lot of physical therapy and does these little pilates moves and jumped off the couch and did moves to show off to ainsley what she can do. you know, it's really fun to have her. she's cute, adorable, i get it, but the real reason is world down syndrome day about bringing attention to the chromosome variation and sadly because of the new genic culture we live in ends up about 80 to 90% of those children who are diagnosed in utero end up aborted and i brought her on because i want people to see she's human and she's as joyful and lovable and wonderful as any of my other children. she's no less human than any of them and that's why we're
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celebrating that on world -- you know her, will. will: that's wonderful. a as she and everyone else should be celebrated on that day. she and everyone else with down syndrome should be celebrated. rachel: celebrate our differents and not exterminate people based on these preconceived notions of what perfection looks like. i can tell you, she's as perfect as any of my other kids. charlie: and the families of those children that benefit so much from them. rachel: our family is actually better because of her. our kids are more empathetic and we're all learning patience and, you know, we're just learning to enjoy her spirit because, you know, she just lives in the moment and for a lot of us, that's really hard to do. we're always thinking about the future, thinking about the election, when you're will valentina, you think about the moment you're in and reevaluate what happiness and joyfulness really is, and i think that's the blessing that she brings.
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she went around the building too, and everybody that saw her she gave a hug to everybody. everybody loves her and she loves everybody. charlie: is she a rock star? rachel: at school they call her the mayor because she says high and gives hugs freely. will: don't be jealous, girls. rachel: my other two girls are there and they're wonderful too. will: they were here for the puppies. we're here for the news and we start with this. terrible job approval ratings as of this time, this portion of your first term for president joe biden, there's a comparison to other presidents in the past. joe biden hovering around 40% and has for quite some time and lowest on that is george .hw bush in 1942 and that doesn't bode well for joe biden. will: this is president biden's approval on the middle east and handling of the middle east. in november it was at 60% and
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now down to 47%. i would venture, guys, that that number is dropping from his home base. liberals that's among democrats. that's not nation at large, that's among democrats. >> charlie: looking at the economy and border security and no sitting president faced the kind of numbers he's facing on the top issues people go to the olekowski on. rachel: there's no demographics, not whites or blacks or asians and nobody is more dissatisfied with joe biden than hispanics. it's a really fascinating number. will: as a result, my prediction is you'll see two types of headlines over the next six to seven months. one is acknowledgement of reality with effort to replace joe biden as nominee for
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president as a democrat. and here's an example of that from time magazine. the campaign is in trouble and will the turn around plan work? time magazine says the following. this time obama's messaging was more urgent and expressed concern and reelection campaign was inclined schedule and building out field operations and bottlenecked by biden's insistence of relying on advisers clustered in the west wing according to the same democratic insider. that is the similar, i think, as we've seen in the past acknowledgement of reality that's ground work for replacing joe biden is second type is what we were flooded with earlier this week and distortion of donald trump's words and threat to america and left off are i
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he's a democrat and not one election he's voted for republican in his lifetime and he's saying, you guys are in trouble. how is that that the democrat party power people are keeping joe biden in place and he felt like if -- as a democrat, he wants democrats to win and he's like there's no way you can win with this guy. he also criticized, charlie, the law fare against donald trump and said you guys should just beat him at the ballot, stop trying to cheat your way with law fare and take them down that way. way. charlie: and why aren't they doing that? because there's no ideas and no issues that they can beat them at the ballot box with. it's like sweet justice in a lot of ways and trying to pit people against each other and it's successful.
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anybody that's been shunted off into some category and realize, wait a minute, i care about a secure border and good economy. once that breaks, it's bad for democrats. rachel: interesting. will: john fetterman throwing curve balls and knuckle balls at the public and can't predict what's coming next and that's left many on the right surprised and happy. left many on the far left surprised and unfamily. what senator fetterman had to say to special report. >> some people are caught by surprise kevin when i just said, you know, in passing that i'm not a progressive and i've been saying that for years actually. i mean, i've just really been committed to really being on what i thought was like the right side on these things and maybe politically it might be less popular with parts of our base.
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sometimes whether there's been positions that i have whether it's on israel or the border that where some people that are in the more progressive or left side aren't happy but i do think it's important in these kind of situations to lean in on that because i really want to follow what i think is the treat not whether how it might be polls or anything like that and that's critical. will: first of all, what a great progress of his row covid reigns leading and he copt speak and now he can and recovering from a stroke and elmore dids liked him bet her he couldn't speak and when he was -- he was made fun of by many of us and he was disabled, he could not articulate his thoughts and
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couldn't read. that's when he was appreciated by the progressives when event titles knocked for being as said like a vegetable. they liked him incapacitated and therefore a blank slate to project upon their more far left agenda items and now he's alert and recovered and articulate and independent most importantly, independent. he's become become with his own thoughts and should be respected and if you're on the right, he's a democrat and still a democrat. he called rand paul a pecker head because he wanted to get in the way of the huge budgeting bills. okay, fine. he's a democrat. i disrespect that he's -- i just respect he's thinking and independent. rachel: he wants to be the voice of the working class. i don't know if his background represents that, but he wants to be that voice and i think what he recognizes from virtue of being in pennsylvania is that the democrat party no longer
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represents that. even aoc saying she's obstron boardand voting for evet democrats are voting for and hurting the working class in her own district. the border issue is a working class issue. everybody who's coming over the board service connected a threat to the working class wage, and on some level john fetterman gets that. now, i don't think his voice is big enough to change any policies and monica crowley was on before saying they're not changing in, this is intentional and they're going to do it and screw over the working class and they don't care. it serves their political interests, but this is a problem. charlie: one point of caution and i welcome john fetterman to team reality and he's still a democrat, but i want the democrat party to be sane because when the democrat party is insane, we get what we get today.
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one thing i think is interesting is that, you know, no one ever went out of business being sin criminal in dc. john fetterman is in one of the most important states for this election. and his -- if he can sort of temper how nuts and bonn keystone lakes the democrat party is for his voters in pennsylvania, i love it and glad he's healthy and i like that he's making sense rachel: thinking it's a gad cop bad cop for pennsylvania election? charlie: i do. will: kate middleton announces she's been diagnosed with canister an emotional video yesterday. rachel: the princess of wales is
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undergoing preventative chemo therapy. charlie: stephanie bennett is live outside buckingham palace with the details. reporter: good morning. after weeks of conspiracy thetheories and kate middleton putting many to rest with the video and the details are limlimitedlimited and we do nott type or what stage the cancer is at. she's undergoing chemotherapy and in the early stages of that treatment. back on january 17th, you may remember she underwent a planned and successful ab dom natal surgery and at the -- abdominal surgery and at the time they believed it was non-constituency roush and further tests revealed they found sources of cancer present and in her video message she said she's getting stronger every day and praises her husband william for being a great source of comfort and reassurance. >> tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and now in early
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stables o f that treatment. most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and lily in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them i'm going to be okay. as i said to them, i am well. at this time i also am thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing in disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. reporter: and king charles is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking and remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past few weeks and nor now meghan and harry sending their regards sending health and healing for the family and hope they can do so privately and in peace. kate's brother james took to instagram to share a childhood photo from a hiking trip and over the years we've climbed many mountains together and as a family we'll climb this one with
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you too. much more recovery still ahead and wants to recover privately with her family. guys, back to you. rachel: thank you, stephanie. i love that had last message from her brother and what's going to get her through is truly her own family. she's so tight with them and her brother saying we've climbed mountains before, we'll climb this one as well. beautiful message. will: headline withs a fox news alert, at least 115 people including three children are dead and dozens more hurt after gunman opened fire inside a packed concert hall in m moscow yesterday and islamic state claiming responsibility. russia said at least 11 people have been detained and former cia station chief dan hoffmann stationed in moscow joined us pointing out the u.s. warned russia an attack was imminent. >> a it almost over two weeks ago, the united states embassies warned -- in moscow delivered a warning there was a threat of
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terrorist attack and avoid large gatherings. make no mistake, this was an intelligence failure and tragically too many st.s in russia paid the price for it. will: the deadliest attack in moscow since 2004. a new overnight the u.s. senate approve ago 1.2 trillion spending package after missing the midnight deadline by two hours. it'll keep federal agencies funded through september like homeland security, department of defense and more. it excludes the laken riley act that requires hope land security to detain immigrants that commit crimes like theft and burglary. president biden is expected to sign the bill today. fire fighters in new jersey helping out a furry friend after she got stuck in the rim of a tire. fishes aren't sure out pup got stuck and gets the win to work using soap and water to get out. daisy eventually one of the fire fighters had to use his personal
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plasma cutters to set her free. daisy was not hurt and she's doing well. trying to see what the plasma cutters do. rachel: must have been so scary. will: i think daisy will recover. the white house is dodging the big questions. >> they were apprehended. >> were they deported in >> they were apprehended. rachel: at 9:00 a.m., ashley, jesse watters and jessica tarlov. what a great lineup. don't to want miss that. ♪ hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection
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will: chaos at the border over 100 migrants being caught on camera by the new york post bursting through razor wire and knocking double figures cards in el paso, texas.
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white house press secretary karine jean-pierre asked if the people were deported, here's what she said. >> everyone was apprehended by the border patrol agents. >> were they deported? >> they were apprehended. i can't speak to individual cases, that's not mig can do from here. you have a governor, greg abbott, that's politicizing it. that's what's happening. border patrol agents did their job. even though, you know, the governor is getting in the way of them doing their jobs. will: the new york post reporter on the ground when it happened jenny tear joining us now. thank you for being with us this morning. talk about your experience. you were there and see this breaking out and have phone or camera there with you. tell us about that moment and what you saw. >> yeah, i was there with photographer james breeden and we were coming here to cover the migrant crisis and tee what was happening and when we got to the gait here, gate 36 where this
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happened, there were 600 migrants amass there had. they were in pretty good order when we had arrive that had morning about an hour before this incident occurred, and that turned into chaos. slowly as migrants realized that if they were single adults, they were being turned back by texas national guard here under state orders. the border patrol was standing on the other side of the gate and really wasn't involved in this response and what happened is these high grants decided they would overtake the national guard who were completely outnumber offed and as you saw, it was a very violent situation and we've since learn that had some of these migrants had been armed with fives and shanks, and that's, you know, how they assaulted these national guardsmen. will: what you have is a group possibly in the hundreds of single adult men that have come with a sense of expectation
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there's going to be a certain process that takes place and they get to come into the country. they are met not with border patrol but national guard put in place by governor greg abbott of texas and that broke their expectation and then they understand because of the national guard's presence, they'll be turned away. the normal process of getting in that's been in place under biden won't be how it goes. there's a new process, national guard, abbott, texas and get this violence now. jowski absolutely and they focus on border patrol but not the national guard and the military members that were overreturn and assaulted and beaten and some of the members of the national guard went to the hospital for minor injuries. it was a really brutal situations and the border patrol
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was rewarding in behavior and not rank and file agents, but their leadership in washington that is instructing them to open the gate to let these people in and apprehending them is a very loose term nowadays because we know that a lot of these people are caught and released. will: and in fact, karine jean-pierre is blaming the national guard and governor greg abbott for placing the national guard in that situation to enforce the laws and change those expectations that we just laid out together. to me, this whole thing, it underlines why people are coming to our border. they're expecting it to go a certain way. when it goes the otherruation the way that enforces our laws, this is the reaction, which you happen to catch on camera for us at new york post. thank you for doing that and joining us this morning to tell us about this experience, jenny. appreciate you. >> thank you for having me. will: all right, finally a sweet story out of capitol hill.
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collettie's coo cookies in washington in honor of world down syndrome day and what she wants the world to know about down syndrome. she's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is not just another e-class. because it evolves with you. it adapts to you. engineering. it is the first e-class made just for you. for you. for you. this is not just design because your e-class... it adapts to you. it recognizes you. understands you. empowers you. energizes you. feels you. it evolves with you. the new e-class. ♪ ♪
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king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. rachel: colletty's cookies that sold over 700,000 cookies and she employs 15 people. this week in honor of world down syndrome day, she went to capitol hill to share her story and represent adults with down
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syndrome. colletty and her mom rosemary join us now. great to have you both on. >> hey, rachel. >> hi, rachel. rachel: by the way, colletty's cookies are in grocery stores and amazing entrepreneur story, regardless of the fact she has down syndrome. i'm starting with you, colletty, you went to capitol hill. what was your message to congress? >> washington was amazing. i was so honored -- so honored to be there speaking. i was able to share my story and talk about things related to me. i spoke about the stuff -- about
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the law and the -- and how it needs to end. i also talked about how i was able to save from what's happening. it's unfair and people with disabilities deserve equal pay. i hire people with disabilities and they are incredible
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employees. rachel: yeah. you're just an inspiration to so many people, and i know other people with challenges are looking to you and i'm so glad you went to capitol hill. these are exactly the people who need to hear this message. rosemary, so much of what colletty has been able to accomplish and we've talked before, i consider you a mentor of sorts as soon as i had valentina and got to meet you, i wanted to know how to help my own child and have the success yours did. there's moms with this diagnoses and what's your message to them and to congress about them being successful? >> i think there's a lot of people in congress that actually have children that also have disabilities and there's quite a few that have children that have down syndrome, i think the more that the politician cans come together and more we can move things forward for these kids
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and the problem really is the stigma and even -- i would even say to parents like, don't be afraid to let go a little bit because because i and that with collett an te and people lookedt me saying she count realize her daughter has down syndrome. i have two other children and she's got strengths and weaknesses like my other two children. you face things differently. i think just believing in collette and not going through the system thinking this is set up for her but saying i know her better than everybody else. what are her needs. a one of the biggest things is that when she was in high school, her curriculum was one-on-one and defeats the whole inclusion law that's out there, but the inclusion law was never really completed and finished so
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putting collette in a classroom with biology honors in a back room with an aid working an a work sheet from third grade is not inclusion. that debilitated her and i had no choice but to pull her out of inclusion and have her do one-on-one and her core curriculum was based on living today on your own. not textbooks and earth science and a little politics and a little weather and little science and what does she need to know, her anatomy, what's happening in the world, safety. all based on that. rachel: all based on practical thick things to learn to live intent and that's one of -- independ and that's one of the interesting things is that collette lives down the street from you. i understand her house is nicer than yours. no offense, but she's a businesswoman and doing quite well, and i think both of you send a very positive message. they need help and they can
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succeed, but we need to be very, i guess intentional about how we're helping them in ways that are practical and can lead to their success and i know i'm inspired by both of you and this is a team effort to get her to be who she was meant to be. it take as great family and it take as system that actually values them from the womb all the way into the workplace. i'm so grateful to both of you for joining us. you can support collettey's business by going to collettey' and sold over 400,000 cookies and amazing thing. we're just so glad you're here, collettey, and happy to see this example of a family and team and valuing every single member of the family because god sent you here. >> exactly. rachel: thank you so much. got bless you all. >> good seeing you. rachel: good seeing you too.
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take care. former president trump vows to fight the new york ag's case ultimately the way up to the supreme court as monday deadline looms. riend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game.
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charlie: donald trump vowing to
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fight new york attorney general letitia james and her attempt to seize his properties and the former president's attorneys appeappealing that $454 milliond ahead of the monday deadline. trump telling fox news digital "i'll fight this all the way up to the u.s. supreme court if necessary. they can't take away your property before you've had a chance to appeal the decision of a trump-hating incompetent judge that's been overturned more than any judge in the state". matt whitaker served as acting u.s. attorney general under president trump and he joins us now. great to see you, matt. >> hey, good morning. charlie: so, you know, it really is amazing when you step back and think about this, you know, bernie madoff had a $10 million bond and defrauded people out of tens of billions and donald trump defrauded no one and everybody wanted to do business with him at the end of the deal, and he's face ago $554 million
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bond. make this make sense to me. >> yeah, charlie, i wish i could. you know, the fact pattern for this case is that he took autoa loan and paid it back with interest and somehow he is civilly liable now for this amount. it's outrageous miscarriage of justice and inconsistent with our fundamental constitutional right to due process and prevention of excessive fines of the eighth amendment of the constitution this. case is completely outrageous, and he should and will continue to fight and, you know, hopefully can find a court that's more sympathetic than judge engoron was. charlie: almost like letitia james is going after him for political purposes and listen to this tape from when she was running from office. >> no one is above the law, including this illegitimate
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president. i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights and then going home. >> please sue him for us. >> we're going to be a real pain in the [bleep] and he's going to know my name personally. >> president trump cannot avoid justice in the great state of new york. charlie: honestly, how is this even happening? >> well, you have, again, a rogue prosecutor like letitia james with a political base in favor of her actions and then a judge that in manhattan is willing to go along with it. you know, no one is above the law and that's the one thing she's right about and no one is below the law either and american citizens shouldn't be targeted individually for their political beliefs, which is exactly what's happening to donald trump in the blue jurisdictions, and it's just law fare at absolute worst and if this continues and allowed to happen by the appeals courts and the supreme court that i think you're going to end up with a
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collapse of the american justice system and the american people are not gob that have faith in the system. charlie: exactly. this was a political boom for the president and letitia james trying to make a political statement and helping him get reelected at when point i hope her voters will hold her accountable for that. but in terms of the legal process, are those quotes from her are they going to be actionable in a courtroom or appeal and how does that play out in the long run? >> yeah, certainly contacts for appeal and the appeal is strong on the merits and there's no victim that complained about any of this alleged fraud. you have business transaction or series of transactions that
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involve just loans paid back with interest and so i think the appeals court is going to look at this and say, where is the crime? where is the fraud? they're going to be very suspicious, especially since this penalty and $454 million or whatever the number continues to grow by the day with interest calculations that there is no basis for that. nothing to tether it to and no multiple of anything and it's not the amount that anybody lost and i think that this number is completely arbitrary and capricious and pulled out of thin air and punishing donald trump and most likely to have some relation to the amount of liquid cash he'd previously reported on puck lick reports when he was president. charlie: clearly is an attempt to try and destroy him on a political level and in a personal way as well. thank you so much, matt whitaker for joining us. >> you too, charlie. charlie: great to see you. check in with meteorologist adam
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klotz with our fox weather forecast. reporter: good morning, charlie, it is in fact, i can confirm, still raining and that's going to be the case for a huge chunk of the day and we're tracking winter weather that's sweeping across the country and we'll dive right boo it. the temperatures in the middle and all that blue, that's truly cold air and feels like temperatures and their spot down into the double digits or teens and the single digits and it is truly chilly out there. now, the big weather system i'm currently standing in, that's working its way up the east coast and notice on the northern end it is ice and snow. it is a really nasty kind of wintry day out here. those are winter weather alerts that are spread out across interior portions of new england. those are your weather headlines from a soggy outside here in new york city. tossing it back into you, charlie. charlie: thank you, adam. one person keeping their new year's resolutions: will cain.
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will: signed up for four physical challenges and i'll do the seal swim, run a competition starting this week. charlie: did that rowing competition this week and shows us his form. that's next. wow. wow. ♪ billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow!
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billy: that's an amazing offer. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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will: i did 20 newier's resolutions last year and this year i'm getting very specific. i can tell you how some of these guys will fail. i'm telling you, sign up for four physical challenges and do the seal swim and in a rowing competition this week and maybe a half marathon. i need a fourth one. will: if i'm being honest, i've failed at almost all of my new year's resolutions, except for this one to complete four physical challenge this is year. i'll be doing the new york city seal swim later this summer but number one was a 5k race on one of these things, a rowing machine. charlie: to be clear, you don't wind up somewhere else. see the problem there? charlie: giving us a morning boost and telling us about rowing is row house lead coach
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moines lone -- monique lonergan. i have a row machine at home and don't use it very much and on for about 10 minutes and you said each class is 45. to get the impact, you need to do it how many minutes? >> i'd say 45 minutes is perfect, it's concise. charlie: a day? >> yeah. will: she does 17 classes a week. she does this and by the way, she does pilates, which shows. will: monic, i did this for -- monique, i did this for nine weeks about three time as week and workouts are 45 minutes a week and it's total body. it's legs, it's back, it's arms cardio and strength. it's everything. >> absolutely. a lot of people think it's just about the arms u but it's really total body and you get cardio and strength training. it's everything you need in a workout all and done in 45 minutes. rachel: will you show us technique? >> absolutely. will: a 5k? i did it in 19 minutes and 39
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seconds. charlie: how do you tell how many ks if you're not going anywhere? rachel: you're going to find out. >> perfect. so we're going to build it up from the front of the machine to the basketball. charlie: really. >> absolutely. yes. will: always in the way. rachel: sorry. >> start in the catch position and pick up your handlebars. charlie: do i need buckled in for this? >> yes, lock in tight nice and perfect. will: legs first then arms? >> yea, you're a natural already. legs first then body then arms. look at that, amazing. >> i saw your instagram post and heard about this, early intervention programmed to come in here and beat you at it. you worked out for so long and never tried. will: the monitor said your first 500 pace, get it low, man. rachel: i'm feeling this in my
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core. charlie: can you crank this up for me? will: crank up the resistance. you look like you're moving water over there. charlie: i know all the honey holes. i don't need to go that far. will: 145. that's good. >> if i crank up the rihanna resistance, i can get it going. will: 158. >> all the way up. >> you guys are ambitious on fox. will: tell us about row house and they're everywhere and people can sign and you happen go to row house and take a class. >> absolutely. there's several locations. come take a class. will: that's awesome. i'm telling you, this is it. i hate running. this is the workout. only cost is, you know, your hands end up looking like that . rachel: you could wear gloves. will: then it's like drinking out of a instrument men don't wear gloves. charlie: will, this is all like
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drinking out of a straw. you have to go somewhere. rachel: what does it work the most? will: legs. >> breaks down to 60% lower body, 30% core and 10% arms. will: that's awesome. rachel: more of a core than arm. will: don't go anywhere. thank you so much, monique, we've got cody jinx coming up. you don't want to miss it. big show still ahead. ♪ (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine
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kiddo: mom, can i go to the movies?
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mommy: not now, sweetie. how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget? daddy: and that fits all of us? kiddo: carvana! mommy: i don't want to spend more than 30k. kiddo: budget... daddy: i want something we can go camping in. kiddo: style. mommy: we like heated seats. daddy: and you like singing at stoplights kiddo: premium sound.. mommy & daddy: and we both need parking assist. kiddo: here. i'll meet you outside. bring your purse. daddy: carvana. our kid's a genius. mommy: how do we get it? kiddo: they deliver! daddy: all right, let's go. announcer: buy your car the easy way with carvana. ♪ doing all right, mama, i'm okay. ♪ if i know your late night talks with jesus have helped me on my way ♪ i k


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