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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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results. you can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover. >> court said brad kavanaugh had assaulted and that you were in the room. my gut reaction was, i just have no recollection of this. some of your statements don't sound like an unequivocal denial in the justice kavanaugh classmate speaks out only on fox nation. all. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. e haveonly 228 days to go to eln day. thank you for being witho us.s e please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episod ye of hannity in the meantime, this friday night, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. i hope you and your family fam have a great weekend.
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i know, i know. i agree. i agree. all right, greg, greg, greg, it's friday. so, you know, that means let's welcome tonight's guest. >> his hair enters the 5e minutes before he does the host of jesse watters, prime timene author of the new book get itet together. jesse,her what he's got arms and steel and legs of titanium.x fox news contributor jenny, co, joe in college, she once experimented with the "new york times" best sellingbes drugs. this contributor gotelling a to when a tow truck needs a tow, they calffl "new york times" bet
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selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion r guy. >> right before we get too some new stories, let's do this greg's leftovers. all righty. it's the leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use thises week. and as always, it's my first time reading them. so i wnews thif they , well, pug joe mackey by making him thk. jesse's boo >> so today is young as you feel day to celebrate president is planning a quiet dinner with his obam quieta to prepare for november's rematch. ematch biden campaign officials are trying to refresh voters memories biden. p's pres trump's presidency. meanwhile, jill is trying to refresh joe's memories of this morning. undred hunter biden has declined an invitation to testify nexts wec in a public hearing before the house oversight committee. >> he says the he needs timeo to pick out a new outfit.
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on wednesday, vice president kamala harris, ck her picks for the key to a basketball tournaments. her final four picks, winem yelw space, venn diagram, yellow school bus. >> hillary clinton has endorsed arizona congressman ruben gallego for senate. ari gallego welcomed the endorsement, sayinzonag, gr does that mean i won't end upea dead because she kills people? i team of trackers found a pilen of snakes totaling £500 in the south florida area last monte hd it breaks the old record for amn the largest amount of snakes found in one area set just weeks ago. nice. >> okay. don lemon said that antidepressants helped get through his firing at cnn. coincidentally, antidepressantsp
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are what viewers use to help them get through. >> watching cn through watchn, r for working for x was was the company to help him do the first podcast in space. dcasbut were worried that the spaceship wouldn't crash. >> maybe he should do it. the submarine actress sydney sweeney was spotted in new york city with herfans s fiance. a fan said it waaiits great to e the two of them together. >> i don't get it. >> i did. boom. stormy daniels says she hopes she'll be called as a witness in donald trump's trial. sos she can confront him face to face. since the last time they were together, all he saw was the top of her heae sad head. >> for the seventh year in
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a row, finland voted the world's happiest country. you'd be happy, too, ifd th you have the internet. >> se worlo i still like that j $8 mis kelsey has spent over $8 million while dating taylor swift. woating taylorw. e go that kind of money. p i hope he got her to on him. yeah. oh, it's like it's not been in the news with the police. nyc opened up its first cry spas this week where you can go and weep for a bun hour. i tried to go, but the address i put in the gps kept letting g psbleeding me dead.s dres kill me. dressing roosim. >> cia internal documents say cross-dressing, made one male employee a better intelligence u officer. >> well, i guess we foun ourd our next james bond.
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>> a woman complained that after she ordered from the kids menlainedu herself off the room service menu at a hotel, the perso n who came to her door asked, where's the kid? zs if i had a dollar for everyma time they asked me that. nashville pd has droppede pd the physical ability test get in order to get more female officers. truemale, they might not be ablt to catch criminals, but at least they can bore them to death by telling about their da bory. candice o. ns is no longer at the daily lon wire after claiming she'd stake her career on the belief that french emmanuel macron's wife, is actually a man. s >> we go to macron's wife for comment. see? bes told you so, candice. best of luck to you moving
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forward. >> yeah. so she's woman alan pie, a billionaire potato farmer known the spud king has diedpu at age 83. his family decided to have an open casket. >>. according to an op ed, to pays y are becoming the newest luxury of the world as they become more realistic than ever. tell me about it. tesays one man. thanks for coming on and a new survey reveals the most unpopular position coming in at number one. any position pos with jesse.tter >> one. all right, let's do the news. so the elites give the nod to election fraud. >> a new scott rasmussen poll ovows the country's top 1% overwhelmingly think it's okay to win an election by cheatingts and surprise their educated. >> live in big cities and our ad
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liberal. >> a worse recipe than a birthday cake made with those epicberal in. >> the pollster asked this question. suppose that your favoriteppos candidate loses a close election. however, people in the campaig n w that they can win by cheating without being caught. would you rather have your cheatinge candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fairidate wh amg all americans? >> only 7% supported cheatingll to winsu, but that jumped to 35e among the elite. and by elites, we mean t people who think borders are bad. until, of courseborders, migranp up squatting in their beachfront property. no doubt those people are the reason the media cheers what's happening to trump. it's not just their audience not it's their tribe. and they'll stop at nothing to prevent him from winning. evenudienciepreven that means cs worse, destroying lives. right now,heatin you a hyper pan liberal attorney general making good on her campaign- partis toe trump's life. breaking law trus to twist a con real estate practice into a, quote, fraud. fucommongood luck to all future presidents who will be sued
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by any local d.ant. with an ax d to grind. and come this monday, if trump doesn't pony up40 a ludicrous $464 million bond,er james can freeze his accounts or begin seizing his property. but like shaving jesse's back, it's a long, arduous process. >> it's also a legal one. >> tish james is violating the law by weaponizing her office for political purposes. she boastey lettind she would ge then use the little known law having nothing to do with real estatet d then to do it. then there's the violationng of the eighth amendment, which outlaws excessive fines in everybody, includin amendmegn the libs, agrees on that point. but the media, which is partwith of 1%, remain silent. and why is that? wells that, trump this on trutho social quote through hard work, talent quote and, luck. i currently have almost $500 million in cash, a substantial intend amount of which i intend to use in my campaign for president. >> so there iny campaie you it. >> the constitutional abuse
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is meant to drain hie m of all his campaign funds. >> of course, a half billion seems excessive, but it's even more absurd when there's non thr one owed restitution. worse, they are literallisy willing to destroy an industryll and perhaps the future economyit of. >> new york just to get back at evil orange godzilla because tti one in their right mind would invest here. >> if you know that what ould invf n couldould be illegally confiscated if a cultural marxist set your on you. you can hate trump all you want, but once your hate one trum the law, personal liberty and your private property, who is the real lir here?thona it's those cheering this on who haven't bothered to contemplate the consequences. critics say the leftt bothero co is destroying democracy to save it. they're actuallyng democra just destroying democracy. it's up to us to save it . all right, jesse. good to have you here.
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not so great to be here. ing to >> it's going to get better. i always say that. alwas hav have a sportr metaphor to describe what they're doing to trump? >> well, i knoaorts metw. >> don't know anything about sports because you call it the n cknow aout spor to. yeah, what's it called? i think you see the war, too, and see the aggression . oh, okay. what that's like. i know that some of us still like this still here. yeah. >> i like this about you too. why don't you answer greg: w the question, jesse. >> i've heard you've been saying some unkind't things about me. yes, that's true. and i just want to prove that i e. 't have a microphon thing okay. i knew that i should have called out today. you say that every day, but i'my going to show you my not sow hairy back firstha. what was your stupid question, greg? i asked a sports metaphor about seizing properties. >> yea.h, about what>> gre
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they're doing in this election. >> okay, so this is like you're playingthey're the new e patriots, and instead of playing faiplaying r, you'ret diving at tom brady's knees. all right? these are cheap shotp shots. these are illegal hits. and they should just plaillegalt fair and square. >> do you understand that analogy? yeah, i would.greg you know what? football is great. help me pick something better. somethin was forg better? and most of high school diving. get tom brady's knees right. i've already spent most of high school on his knee. oh, that is no good.g: ye os. w how low? we stuck with you on this show. all right, joeh this shoy, whatu you make of this? >> is it weird that peoplele in who are in the media aren't bothering to even just admit that this could comea arnsan back to haunt them? it's insane to me. like, i sit here and watch thish and thinisk that's why i lost my legs right there. for a country that can do this, you know imy leg, that's what th sacrifice was for, to take trump's property awaatt thy. dn but they don't understand the power of a broke trump.
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like if they actually took his money away, what's he going to dif tooo? he's going to be president so much quicker because all my muchaotthat's down in georgiso that doesn't have a lot will look at him and say, you know what, he's just like us. >> yeahim anhe's jush, he's not. >> i have a sports metaphor for. you hellboy it we got. what they're doing to trum p is exactly what tonya harding tried to do to nancy kerrigawha instead of compete, she hiredtm a hiant to take out her leg. see, jesse in your face. >> okay. yeah. it wasn't a metaphorical roller skating analogy from decades and decades ago. >> bperfect one says the net. but for me, what i think more is it's not shocking. it's the 1% people. t because i think having money, t of thingsu betti better. it can make you better looking good, give you a better seat on the airplaneveette. it can give you better
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vacations, it can give you a better house. it does not make you a bettes no person. it does not make you a smarter person. it does not mean that yout does better than other people what is best for them. and ettei think that that can start to happen where they truly think they're doing the right thing. totheye people, they thinke they like trump because they're just not as smart as i am. and that moneyk theylike trump w that way. but if you're somebody like that, you're actually the worst kind of person. yoe a longu s looomeonek you at yourself in like the worst fluorescent lighting, you can find to ta, until you realizeze that actually what makes you a good person is being hones t and respecting other people that. >> are you sure having money? you better looking. i mean, look at that. it can a can. >> yeah. that's from a guy who spends a long time looking at himself in the mirror. do you any good tyrus what do pi you do predict anything for monday. is he goinanything from g to hak over. >> i predict 46 halliburton's. yeahr th, i hope he does.t in pays it in all ones. yeah. and i could go to every bank. i mean, give me all yours pennies and nickelhes like
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he should have it. just dump truck, dump it all in there. justl on it in. and then they got to count it, you know, and make sure you shortedd, you know, like that would be can latisha count? . we don't kno w but she will have 500 million chances to get it hl right. >> so i would handle iitt that way. and if you want a football term, they're high lonesome once taking them at the knees, the other ones taking them to the chest. so chop block. yeah. so but i think what they're doing is, is because this are new, okay? this was happening to black w families in the fifties and sixties when they tried to get loans for homes. it's the same play. they take their money and thenrs they raise the rates and they make it impossible for them to pay. e it imp we'resay, sorry taking your home and we're freezing your accounts. reprg her ackd playboo that democrats have been doing for centuries. they just brought it back. and what this is going to do is a lot of the oldes r in the
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black community always talk about, well we remember this and a lot of people that were poor then were tryineoplg to coe up to get loans. a lot of farmers will remember that. so what's going to happers[ bles is when they it's not going to be republicans presi that president trump, she's going to getpresiden president elected. cnn's going to get president joe scarborough is sitting on tvump elec this m talking about it's trump's fault. the border keeps sayinabg stuffh because he doesn't have to pay any money to campaign. he doesn't o pa have do anything if basemen he has a basement at mar a lago, now is the time to got l in it and chill. his is a lot cooler. it's gold, probably some screen tver iably golcreen, probably st technology we don't even know about and chilechne dol. >> so but is going to be the second black president. he's the. third black president after slick. yeah, no, i'm not. i don't care. i like clinton. fee so i wouldling have cheated to t he deals with. so. oh, you oh, you wouldn't do it. you're a liar. you're full of it. ta passed food every day,
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the dinner table telling you what to do and maku whate her president. come on, man. all right, well, that went in an weird direction. what's like jesse's? all right, up next the latestt disorder at the wide open borderorde. this is going to be the social media murders, the evidence that's come out is very compelling to is brian colbert . marc berman hosts three exclusive specials. you can only find. fox nation delves into the idaho college murders digital shadows, savage instincts, and moscow murders. all streaming now all part of fox justice. sign u p and, get your firstfree year of fox nation for 299 & g9
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baggers treat yourself right. o'shaughnessy, hammock underwear. >> love your first pair or they're free. china's economy is coming your way. hey. hey. that's. hey, hey, hey. our meat is dense as illegals crash the fence. >> today's video of the dayy to us from el paso where several hundred illegals breached the borde sevr fence and attacked guards roller. >> doris. >> oh, man, i haven't seen that many. >> men trying to escape since whoopi goldberg threatened to pull her own finger. e sins >> meanwhile, over at msnbc,
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joe blamed the whole thing, of course, on trump. >> joeorough this onslaught heae the only thing the post didn't tell you was donald trump said ,blame me for this. >> donald trump said, kill the bill and blame me for everything that happens after this point. >> donald trump said, blame me. so, donald, we are blaming you. >> there is an onslaught in theo southernu still and it's all donald trump's fault. crazy man on the subway. >> no sense. trump isn't president.e >> joe biden is president, and he was the one who rolled back all of trump's immigration policies that would have prevented thif s. think about your logic. scarborough. so i built mika, blaming joe's t ex-wife for, divorcing him
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and making her mary joe. >> but these days, joe's brainsh are in the same place as his. s mika is pearse. joey you mentioned the name whock. you know, this is what you fight for. did you? orthisis what you fought for toh boundaries imploded. you know, i always say, likeiffc the difference between military cops is cops have to treats with their the combatants with respect like they like cops have to treat combatantss as the people they're also protecting because it's usually american citizenhe s and military. >> we go overseas and fight. if you're attacking meea, i gete to shoot you. and that's a that's a privilege. that having wai have war that national guard opportunity, you know, those people are essentially attacking them violently nation i'm not advocating that they shoot them. but my point is, you're taking military personnelshoothem to st our border and you're put them in that situation to act lik ehe officers. that's not what they are. they're not police officers, not peace officers. therofficers peacefficere are mo
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there to protect us because we're being invaded. what wtes e wee there's nothinge they can do there. there's a form of intimidation, but there's nothina fogn phys they physically do. our government has absolutely sold us ouict the steell that that trump paid for this been sitting down at the borderd fo all these years because joe biden does want to put in the ground to build a waln d' l. d the >> they're giving it away to others. the other national like the nationalwag itnational park my buddy works there, got aner email. hey, come get this. still, we don't want ie got. so when joe scarborough says, oh, would you do the bill and parough gey to the border, r already paid for, you're paying not to secure the border and now you're giving it away. >> take our steel. it's ag it awa yeah. kat is this a result o of combining two things that you can't have together an open border and free stuff? >> yeah, absolutely. i think this is goingl cont to continue to happen because as a capitalist, i believe people are governe d by incentives. right? and you can say, oh, you shouldn't come here. but whatd sa you come here, you geta a bunch of free stuff. people are still going to come here. and that really doesbunch f so e addressed. the joe scott that was i didn't
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actually watch that video untiii now. bel and i can't believe it's real. i mean, you can you can shoutt s dnn yoc points as loud as you wo it doesn't mean people are going to actually them. i don't think anybody actually believes that way that this is trump's fault, but that it is it is all trump's all. i don't know how you walk out wl of there being like, i did a good job on that one. >> i mean, that was that was actually bizarro to us. and he did it early in the and morning. >> exactly. so he's been up for i don' earlt know and he has all it's a strange get that crazy so early. i ge i'm usually like that at 7:000. at night at night that is tyrus you know you don't use wordusedt invasion and i think, you know that's a little harsh. >> no, i don't know. it is an invasiohenk a bitn. n 0 i'm i'm. i'm concerned fort the well-beingrned of soldiers s there because they're being told they're being hamstringe they're being told they can't use force. they can't have theit rt their assault rifles. they have to if they want to bury you understand they ha y reason why these young men were running. re
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every one of them is a dead of tens of thousands of dollars to cartels. so they have to get acrossth because they have to pay that bill. and the cartel's not like they're just going to add interests ngd it. they're going to take a limb off your family member and send famu. o so they're already he's dealing with invaders who are here for d a purpose, being funded by drug cartels in the different south american mafia groups. jus and our soldiers are just they're like, hey, please stop. let our soldierskeease, soldiera a soldier's got a tank and he's in it and hee is his group and n they're running, that's going to change a lot of minds juste i president, you only pull them only to shoot the artillery. but it's their insteadll of seeing it like, oh, run foria them, because if they touch us,e they're going to get fired. their career is going to be ruined. as k anybody on border patrolborder ask the poor on horseback, all that. ha every one of them was not justf just they were morally destroyed for protecting our country. d for prting ourthey were their.
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they were they were racists. they were they do everything they can. the left does everything they can. so our soldiers are out there with their hands in their p pockets against guys who have nothing to lose. yeah. and that's against young men wih nothing to lose. who? it's dangerous and it's never stopped. d it and scarbrough, how low budget are yoanu that you couldn't hav have it up behind you on the screen? he had to holdit you it up. it >> this is this is he's holding p. d it's not even it's wrinkled. >> it's like you you thought this was one of those impromptu thingsht that he did that whenne he put it down and it went to commercial, he was like, yens and the producer was like, are you guys why do we have tos put up with this guy? because mika said so, likemiko,e one watches this, get it together. we laugh when charles payne does that, he makes those little graphs on the white paper that none of us can the ne the glare.d th yeah, but charles payne is cool. he's not jet fighter.
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>> i do have to just take issueg one thing that tyra said. i don't think they're rushing the border because they're in debts an . they >> i think they're rushing the border to get my book. it's that because your book is free? that is right. and it's a surprise for everybod>> grer y. st g you all you have to do is go to his website and he will give you a free boo k. that's right. that's right. all right. well, that was interesting. >> thanks for nothing, jesse. up next was a witness to hig h to testify. >> it will be in the new york area. would like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. copps is back on fox nation, the only place to watch new episodes is watch
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file one of them also horror and the columbine goes little girl i don't know too much that was honest tyrus that was adrian being a witness for the prosecution in the criminal trial involving rapper youngose >> we're old friends. he was trying to prove his short. yeah, too short. yeah. tryi i was trying to prove mr.nge mr thug's presence at the scene of a drive by shooting back in 2013, but he's frequently been forgetful, unreliableunreli on the stand. >> dabo you think this was his strategy? >> yeah. he's s he was maybe trying to c. listen, i. if we that tape again, that sounds like me. wednesday, thursday and friday nights at my m really, really does. man. around 9:00, you're like, hey, arou0 onknow? know i really can't right now. re i don't think it's in court.
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you know, he just. but he really i don't know. he's honest. it's probably best time to question him. t with bt tik everyone should bh on the stand, not because they're going to talk. that's true. yeah. like choke up and go give some anstice. probably they will solve the mystery of the murder. yeahd will, well, they're high. >> like, okay, we know w who killed jfk. oh, in, like , 7 minutes it would get high. everybody told something here we will solve something by the end of the day. the proble othe dam we won't remember it. yeah, that's the thing. but we will solve world hunger will solve it, but we won't tell anyone. >> they will eat everythin we'll g. oes yeah. hi, cat.s ha does cyrus have a poinvet that maybe of being your best thinking, honest thinking would be underou the influence? >> no, i think that it can maket you think that you're thinking y of that. but i think we'd all leave herel thinking we had a great. t we we'd have, like, ten business ideas, and we wake up, we'd be like, tenideas how do i tell
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that person that i'm not going to d o that? one person gets it. got it. appreciate your honesty. appreci hi, i this has to be a, right? because that is a really high person that. fee can't be an accident. they can't. like, i feel like if you want youo in be a good witness, you might want to just wait to get or maybe get like medium . yeah, don't get that high. so maybe was like, listenan they don't they didn't want to be trusted. they don't want to be in that position. exactly. didn't want to be in position. he was going to probably be shot if he testifietion. >> gre d. so this was his way. it is creative. it is very creepy. but your job opportunities that most fieldst your i'm juste do they have the microphone maybe i'm high right now why do they have why do they have the microphone and i'm wearing a mask and they're doing stuff that please welcome foreign that is foreign is wearing
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a mask. i mean, that's that' the story. that's right. that is a story that is likee is how, did we miss that?mask a microphone. you got to get high. that is the only way.'s there are a lot of masksly suffering from long covid. ye wayreg: as. right. that's right. or microcode. but my by the way, we know who killed jfk it was the cia. a yeah, that's true. that's true. g: that'n. tucker carlso in that case that happens, right? he's right. do you think maybe he was just sleepy5 do reading your book? know i'm glad you brant in the book, greg. it's called get it together troubling tales from the liberal french. therra's callee go joey. fr he claims he was addicted to mdma, but ien don't thinkthih
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that was mdma. >> no, no. the mdmaat was m in the ama is t you do to go on a spirit, walkl . that was not a spirit walk. here's the deal. two things i want to point out are, number one, this shows how weak our generation is. th weaoury weak, because if it were al capone on trial that we're goingt sh to testify against him, they wouldn't just show up to lie, to tell the trute i'he d they would just be dead. they would have to repeat. >> but now that, you know, thisg new generation, they're just going to get you hides you in there to turn you back on your favorite. your thing is this is in fulton county, georgia. k suishii'm pretty sure if was sig there a week ago talking about all kind of craz fany. [ so like as a georgian, i just want to to america that thisize is what we're presenting you a couple of weekhis in row.da t there's a corrupt d.a. talking about her sex life and tripsalee to and now we've got a gang that's too hot to tell on themselves. >> sand noo there's been nothino good in fulton county since hank aaron was knockin fulg out of there. that's true. you know, it's going to be hard to defend yourself in court, tog: has to bed too.
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the second best looking guy on the five has a new book out. it's called get it together troubling tales from the liberal fringe. >> so let's talk to hidealmed ao about it because god knows, jesse, you haven't talked about it enough. who was yourut who i who was yor ghostwriter? oh, my god. i'm too. i know. i have to do it. >> i have to admit, i was pleasantly surprised. htoactually did a real book. yes. i mean, you actually inter interviewed people. >> is the bar that low? ye p s. well, i mean, you had to interview. you had to sit and, talk to people for hours. >> i didn't talk. i listened. yes. something you need to on >>ell i di. >> and so, yeah, while i should have been preparing for the five, i listened to some of these crazye beenpreparin. and thanks for carrying the show for the lasters andt ce of years working on the book. >> how long did you spend on this book? sp greg:i don't even remember.
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>> i don't even want to talk about it anymore. anymore. you and me both actually. no, no, it's doing great, though, right? i love the book. how did you feelow when you wern number one on amazon and radical political?unit b you beat outom the unabombernd t and karl marx and the anarchist cookbook. okay, greg, i'm not the radical thinker. it was the radicals in the book d to understandnkin how they do the rankings. >> i get it. gsi get it. >> so it was the subject matter. it was the subject matter. you're unfamiliar with becausear you didn't have the time to read my book, even though. >> it's been out for a week. a yeah, well, you know, i'm very busy working at the orphanag>> working on father's day. yeah. he hasn't read your book. he hasn'ur booki t read your book?ok he hasn't read your book. you have a book, right? yes, i have a book. you have? it's a here's the problem, everybody at foxeryo hasne a t r and you're all expected.
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buy it and you sell. >> well, you did interview some crazy people. there was a trans woman ident identifies as a wolf. >> yes. yeah . now i'm identifying the wolf man or woman. we're not really sure. and traumatic childhood ended up identifying as a wolfas a spiritually. and noolf spirw goes to wolf pra and then snuggle owls and wrestles around with wolvese in the wild. >> and does she have any idea that he started this gender? >> i'm sorry. i didn't know which side this person fell on. o but do the wolves respect the safe space that she needs? >> sleep? the wolf man has not been bitten yet. it's.coming >> yeah, it is coming. yes. what was the wildest. comin out of your book? >> well, the eco was somethingi
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i was unfamiliar with this person. >>ngs unfami derives pleasure m engaging nature. >> so they will go to the beach and then bury themselves in the sandbury . and the weight of the sandem o turns them on, or they will have a partner take a branch and then whip their behindthem t with the tree branch. and i asked, well, sincee treee you're kind of involved with mother nature, does that makf xually ie a ? >> and she said, i don't consider mother earth a mother.e >> i consider her a lover. uh, any chance for a sequel? >> i have to ask the ghosto as writer. by the way, this does feel like a fox nation show where you does this on camera. how would that go. >> you've been having a few of these people on you? yes. we've had the person wantsn wh to legalize. we've ha legalization not person. you weren't available. and we're having the eco on
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tonight. we've had to empty the prison ca on. >> scto it's been a very similar show to the show. >> you do. we're very diverse here. yes. all right. well, thank you. good luck. whatever you're doing. thank you, greg. i'y i've already forgotten what the interview was about. okay. up next, we reply to the the questions you supply. >> if you'll be in the new york area, we'd like tickets to see gutfeld go to, slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> fox news is proud to bring you this cheesy hero moment. >> and it was interested in working with students we h easily excluded. m in working with students who were >>y parsafet of my journey is responding to looks.and i' >> wm e have to look out for eah other. we have to take care of each other. dance wa it's i am autistic and i am
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beginning to end. shop now show allegiance stock . yeah, you're watching. mailing it in. so nice. my yeah. >> i think we have time for w one question. it's a good one from ted. >> name one thing your parents said to you as a childne that yu thought was nonsense at the time, but now you completelywitt agree with that idea today to high score.m when >> okay. my mom, when i was 13, i hadget to get a physical for footballio and. it turns out i had a yeast infection. hmm. boys don't usually get yeast infections unlesnss they're,
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you know, uh, so my mother be home, and she. i don't know. tell me. it involves a person with a. i was not successful. close enough to get that little gift. well, when she brought me gifte, she went in the garage and got a pair of sheer and said, listen, if you going to run around and stick your thingg an and make babies everyone, we might well just end this ie not doingaus this. whened straight and she left i t on the fireplace. so whenever i came down on the morning to say, have a bowl ce down of cereal to get ry to start my day, i'd be like st and my brother's like, what's that? oh. i cut her things when we touch girls. >> so, you knoe touch w, and asn adult now, she was right. i love my four babies. t all my mom was right. i really, really hiltz. i wa i realls the only one goin, this segment. >> but, you knowd , it's not weu
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really. my dad said a lot of things that were real funny, like, don't complain about the rain. ramplainnn about its timing because, like, you live in agriculture area, you need the rain. but the bestng i think of myrain but granddad, i wanted to get some of his coffee. i want to drink some of s littleee whed torinkn i wa and looked at me goes boy, don't drink that. >> it'llsaid put lid in your pee before you're old enough to write to anybodhy and ii didn didn't understand that for a very long time. that forand you know what? he was he was correct at the time. when i drink coffe te. >> yeah. >> care to please take this out of this disturbing pattern of answers? yeah. i'm sorry. it's a lot different than thos rse . >> well, we talked about this entire sentence before, but i thought i didn't really need to dk o. f ot a lot of other classes at thecho school when i was in grade school, because i knew for a fact in that i wanted to growr and write novels about shipwrecks. lear and i'm glad that i that i then i learned other things. but i don't want to do that now. >> yes. they told you other i was like,
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i was like, i already know that. e already i know. eve and i've never written i've never even written a single , and idot a shipwrecka don't intend to. >> good for you. yeah, that's good to know that.o know jesse, what did your, uh,se wha your parents say to you that you thought was nonsense, but now makes total sense? >> now i mean, i don't care, greg yeah, i don't remember what they said. i'm just happy to be on yourow t show to talk about get it together , to thank you and thank you. >> and thank everybody here for buying the book and loving mere and loving greg. >> and it's been a great show. it's really a great show.k it i didn't think it would be a great show. uld be a shoi had really low exs and you really delivered soesse thanks. well thank you. jesse jr. all right. we got to move on..e don't go away. we'll be righthaveo mo back bac
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1:00 am
the threat says bombs will goerb up tonightody nine they deserve to die get everybody and just come to our church. thank you for welcoming us in. and now we call elliot us as a bar mitzvah. e out we are out of time.of thanks to jesse watters, johnny, joey, joe, tattoo, cyrus our studio audience.s fox news at night with dreamy kevin. thanks, doctor. i got lucky to hav e a gu


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