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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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antifeminism hosted by maureen ready, cherry red stone and ronald. the president of the world jewish congress. chair of the board of directors paramount global. it was a really insightful talk how anti-anti-semitism has been grow and growing. obviously october 7th. ambassador louder shared interesting insights. what he hopes for the future in israel and talking about the american-israeli relationship and we want to thank them for hosting us last night. it was a great conversation. paula zahn moderated. >> i would love for you to join me on "fox news sunday" senator tim kaine and senator tom cotton. see you on sunday. >> jesse: there is rumor there will be arm wrestling between the two senators? >> shannon: for charity. >> jesse: see you back here on monday. have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ >> bre >> rich: good evening, welcome to washington i'm rich edson in
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for bret baier. breaking tonight we are following three developing stories. britain's princess kate is undergoing whether a when we calls preventative chemotherapy for cancer. comes after weeks of speculation about her health and whereabouts. here in washington there is new turmoil in the house of representatives. an outspoken republican congressman has taken the first step towards possible removal of speaker mike johnson. this comes as senators consider legislation just passed by the house to keep the federal government running past midnight tonight. we begin with an attack at moscow concert hall leaves at least 40 people dead and more than 100 injured. happened days after the u.s. embassy warned of increased threat. the isis terror group is claiming responsibility. let's get the latest from correspondent alex hogan in london tonight. hello, alex. >> hi, rich. isis on a telegram channel is claiming responsibility and this comes just two weeks after the u.s. embassy in moscow warned of the increased risk of terrorist stick plans to target large
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gatherings of people in moss so he can, specifically naming concerts. tonight that concert hall continues to smoulder where gunmen opened earlier tonight opening fire. as many as five men wearing camouflage opened fire 40 people dead, 100 wounded. witnesses describe the terrifying moment of watching a concert and then running for their lives. people screaming creating a stampede. it's not exactly clear how the building caught on fire. there were claims of blasts with the gunmen barricaded inside and reportedly throwing explosives. helicopters air dropped water to try to put out some of these flames. russia tonight is tightening its security as well as airports banning large gatherings over the weekend and today washington is doubling down on words of caution for americans who are still there.
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reminding americans who are living in moscow to stay away from populated areas and certainly gathering areas like concert halls and shopping malls. >> ukraine says it has nothing to do with this attack. the kremlin says that russian president vladimir putin continues to receive more updates. there has been no formal response from russia as pertaining to isis's claims of responsibility and the death toll from this attack, rich is, only expected to rise. another big story antony blinken's visit to israel. what is the latest there. >> blinken in this visit had some tense talks. he met with the country's war cabinet as well as with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and blinken reiterated this message demanding more humanitarian aid for gaza but also cautioning that any ground offensive in the city of rafah, which is the southern most city where the vast majority of the population have sought refuge, that would have a global consequences. >> it risks killing more
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civilians, it risks wreaking greater havoc with the provision of humanitarian assistance. it risks further isolating israel around the world and jeopardizing this long-term security and standing. >> well, a bold response from prime minister benjamin netanyahu who said that going through rafah is the only way to defeat hamas. he said that he wants the u.s.' support but it is not necessary and if they do not have it, they will move forward anyway. rich? >> rich: alex hogan live for us tonight in london. thanks, alex it. is a busy night on capitol hill as well. the senate considers a spending bill to keep the government open. and the house is in turmoil over another challenge to the speaker. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie tells us where things stand right now on both fronts. good evening, aishah. >> aishah: rich, good evening to you as well. six hours before this government shutdown and the senate is nowhere close to coming to an agreement to put this bill on the floor. we are told that they are still
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talking about amendments. they are debating on the floor right now. and they are also talking about all the drama that unfolded in the house today. >> we need a new speaker. this is not personal against mike johnson. >> republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene stunning capitol hill today by filing a motion to vacate the speaker. >> we need real leaders that know how to fight. that know how to walk in a room and don't get rolled by the deep state and don't get rolled by the democrats. >> green hasn't made the motion privileged yet. meaning there won't be an immediate vote to oust the speaker. but she is already receiving intense pushback from her own colleagues. >> i don't think anybody cares what marjorie taylor greene says. >> i think it's not only idiotic but it actually does not do anything to advance the conservative movement. >> democrats on the other hand, pouncing to take advantage of the speaker's vulnerability. >> speaker johnson has a plan
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for getting desperately needed aid to our allies in ukraine. then, you know, we are all ears. >> green filed the motion during a house vote on a $1.2 trillion government funding bill that passed with democratic help. conservatives angry the 1,000 page document filled with earmarks was dropped in the middle of the night. over in the senate the funding package overcame its first procedural vote tonight. but it may not make it across the finish line by the midnight deadline. leading to a partial government shutdown. the two sides negotiating amendments, including border provisions like the laken riley act. >> i don't think it's too much to ask. >> so, rich, speaker johnson hasn't commented yet on that motion to vacate. but he has got another headache now. congressman mike gallagher announced that he is leaving congress next month. is he out early. that coupled with the resignation of ken buck at the end of the day means that johnson could only lose 1
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republican now on any upcoming vote. a very slim majority, rich. >> rich: slim indeed. aishah hasnie, thanks for joining us. >> i do not wish to inflict pain on our conference and to throw the house in chaos. but this is basically a warning and it's time for us to go through the process, take our time, and find a new speaker of the house. >> we have got to have a functioning house of representatives. at some point. so, actually working in a bipartisan manner i think the american people would actually like that. >> rich: let's talk about the budget and leadership situation. with us tonight is trey gowdy former congressman from south carolina. trey, thanks very much for joining us tonight. let's start with the budget that's looking like it's going to pass eventually in the senate tonight. do you think speaker johnson, the republicans got the best deal here that they could have gotten given that they don't control the senate and the white house? >> i don't know. i mean, you know, speaker johnson -- speaker mccarthy, i think, got a better deal.
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remember, they got rid of him. rich, all you got to do is look back to november. november midterms where the house republicans under performed. look back to georgia and what was that 2021? two georgia republican senators were defeated. so, if you're wondering why, you're trying to negotiate against chuck schumer and joe biden is because republicans can't pick the right candidate and they can't win elections. and now the margin is, what, razor thin in the house. they're on the verge of losing the house. you want to see a bad budget bill? let the democrats control the house, the that senate and the e house. they got nobody to blame but themselves pick wrong candidates running bad races and losing winnable elections. >> rich: if you can't get spending bills through the house, which the republican conference largely couldn't have, a republican only bill,
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that really shoots your negotiating when you are talking to democrats in the senate, right? >> of course it does. i mean, the democrats in the senate are watching. you have the loudest republican voices, the ones who complain the most that mccarthy didn't get spending bills through the house were the ones voting to keep those bills from coming up for a vote. i mean, they are the ones who voted against the rule. so, look, i like mike johnson. he was a great colleague. is he a wonderful person. you and i would not be talking about speaker mike johnson had it not been for matt gaetz and seven of his comrades who decided to pursue fame and get rid of kevin mccarthy. what have they gotten as a result of that? how has the house been improved? they are getting ready to go on easter recess. they could be talking about border. they could be talking about inflation. rob hur's special counsel report no. , they are going to be talking about an interbattle which goes does not help you win the senate
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in november and it does help you win the white house and it doesn't help you grow your g.o.p. margin in the house. >> rich: in a few weeks, are we going to be seeing three more weeks and four more weeks without a speaker of the house? and then what does that mean we are even closer to the november election. >> what person that can pass a competency test would want to be the speaker of the house? what person who could actually pass a psychiatric competency test would want to lead a group that includes matt gaetz and bob good and some of the people that you just showed? i mean, mike johnson is as good as it gets. you had a speaker. remember you had kevin mccarthy. and you wanted to get rid of him and jimmy jordan wasn't good enough and tom emmer and steve scalise. no, you got mike johnson. >> rich: trey, i don't think if they ask you to come back to run for speaker i think that's a no, right? >> i'm so broken up, the tears you see are how much i miss being up there, rich.
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god, i just miss it so much. >> rich: trey gowdy always a pleasure thank you for joining us tonight. >> you too, rich. thank you. ♪ >> rich: now to news about the prinprincess of wales. the 42-year-old mother of three had not been soon in public since christmas until this week. chief correspondent jonathan hunt has details and reaction tonight. hello, jonathan. >> good evening, rich. after two months of speculation about her health and whereabouts. the princess of wales, sitting alone for a videotaped message delivered the stunning news of her cancer diagnosis which was apparently made following her abdominal surgery in january. >> the surgery was successful; however, tests after the operation cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and i'm now in early stages of that treatment.
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>> the vacuum left by a lack of information by the palace since january have been filled with rumor and speculation. some of it lurid. the princess had a simple reason for the silence until now, her family. >> it has taken time to explain everything to george, charlotte and billy in a way that's appropriate for them and though reassure them that i'm going to be okay. we hope that you'll understand that as a family we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. >> white house reaction reflected the shock felt around the world. >> our thoughts are with the duchess of cambridge and her family, members and friends during this incredibly difficult time and certainly we wish her a full recovery and, i think it's important that we respect their privacy, especially at this time. >> prince harry and meghan
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estranged from the royal family in recent months of course issued a one-line statement saying, quote, we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are age to do so privately and in peace. officials of buckingham palace said king charles, who is also being treated for cancer is, quote: proud of catherine for her courage and that the king and his wife camilla will continue to offer their love and support to the princess of wales and her family. rich? >> rich: jonathan hunt live for us tonight. thank you. stocks were mixed. the dow lost 305. the s&p 500 was off 7. nasdaq gained 27. good week though. stocks, dow was up almost 2 percentage points. the s&p 500 gained two and a third. nasdaq jumped nearly 3. up next, who president biden and his team are blaming for yesterday's stunning border surge along the texas-mexico boundary. first, beyond our borders tonight, supporters of an anti corruption crusader hold protests against his arrest.
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opposition parties in india say the detention of argan is part of a crackdown by prime minister modi and his government before national election. is he new delhi's top elected official. he was arrested thursday night and accused of accepting bribes. and this is a live look at paris. one of the big stories there tonight, germany and france reach agreement on how to develop a planned next generation tank between the two nations. ground combat system is supposed to replace tanks currently used by the two nations. it's the second major arms energy project between the two countries along their ambitions to build a next generation fighter jet. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. ♪ we'll be right back. ♪ try to run ♪ try to hide ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ break on through to the other side, yeah. ♪ ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi here's why you should switch fo d doesn't spy on your searchesie
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and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ >> rich: president biden and his team are blaming former president trump and congressional republicans for yesterday's dramatic storming of several hundred migrants across the border and into the united states. white house correspondent peter doocy has the details tonight for us. good evening, peter.
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>> peter: rich, officials here are not taking responsibility for that dangerous and chaotic fight at the southern border. in fact, they won't even tell us if president biden has seen the dramatic video of border crossers brawling with texas national guardsmen. >> peter: if that was happening anywhere else in the world, wouldn't president biden send reinforcement? >> so, two things. everyone was apprehended by the border patrol agents. that is important to note. they were apprehended. >> peter: were they deported. >> they were apprehended i can't speak to individual cases. >> peter: eyewitness says most were not deported. >> jenny, do you know if any of them did make it into the interior of the united states? >> yes, many of these people did get processed by border patrol under title 8, which is what is typically used for what we know as catch and release. >> a vast majority of february's border crossers, roughly 141,000 out of 190,000, came between ports of entry. white house officials claim the
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only solution is all but dead bipartisan senate bill and they argue problems for national guardsmen in texas aren't their fault because the president didn't order them there. >> that's a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas. >> peter: strong third party candidates are not helping president biden's re-election chances. in pennsylvania, he's tied with trump in a cnn poll but once r.f.k. jr. and cornel west are considered, trump takes a 2 point lead. and in michigan, trump's 8 point lead over biden head-to-head only shrinks to a 6 point lead once kennedy and west are included. >> we're not thinking about helping joe biden. we are thinking about helping the american people. >> officials here are hoping to turn things around by reminding democrats and independents about the good old days. they had barack obama and nancy pelosi here today filming something for tomorrow's 14th anniversary of obamacare is a
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safe bet that the current president will likely make a joke about what he said that day that it was a big bleeping deal. >> rich: getting the band back together. peter, thank you. a federal judge has rejected a conservative legal group's lawsuit against a controversial washington, d.c. law allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants and foreign embassy staff members to vote in municipal elections. the judge ruled the plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the law because they could not demonstrate how they are harmed by non-citizens who vote and run for local office. former president trump has until monday to secure a 4 a $54 million bond or see his bank accounts drained and properties eventually seized. is he waiting for a decision on his appeal from a state court. until then his social media platform truth social could help him master the art of the deal. correspondent c.b. cotton shows us tonight. [cheers] >> staring down a monday
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deadline to secure a bond for nearly half a billion dollars, former president donald trump says he has got the cash and the gumption, telling fox news digital, quote: i will fight this all the way up to the u.s. supreme court, if necessary. the former president also told fox digital he has nearly 500 million in crash and properties driving loads of money but added, quote: that doesn't mean i'm going to give money to a rogue and incompetent judge, the puppet of a corrupt attorney general. trump's criticism for those involved in the new york civil fraud trial against him, judge arthur edge goran and insurance attorney general letitia james comes after his legal team told the court trump had been unable to secure a bond for $454 million civil fraud judgment against him. trump's lawyers have asked the court to waive the bond or accept a smaller amount while the they appeal the massive judgment no. one has ruled but there could be
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new cash flows on the horizon for trump. on thursday the associated press broke word of the fundraising agreement between trump and the rnc placing the committee third in line after trump's campaign and its primary political action committee save america. save america has paid legal expenses in the past but a spokesperson noted, quote: save america also covers a very active and robust post presidency office and other various expenses. another source of cash that could be freed up is through trump's social media company, which manages truth social. it will be going public. there's a potential windfall of 3 billion or more for trump who has got a majority stake but only if the board waives the six month lockup period on his shares. while new york attorney general letitia james has taken some initial steps to seize property should trump not come up with the bond, legal experts tell us she will likely go after trump's bank accounts, first. rich? >> rich: c.b. cotton for us
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tonight. c.b., thank you. up next, chad pergram talks to pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman about his views on the border crisis and the ra war. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ a
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>> rich: senator john fetterman is not a typical politician. is he known for unconventional style. he has fought physical and mental health issues. he has also frustrated colleagues by straying from the party line on a number of issues. including his attire. tonight, he talks with senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> well, thank you for joining us here. in your short period of time in the senate you have sometimes plowed a different road than some of your democratic colleagues on different issues. talk about how you arrived at those decisions that differ from what some people expected from you politically when you came to the senate. >> yeah. i know that some people are caught by surprise, and, you know, even when i just said, you
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know, in passing that i'm not a progressive. and i have been saying that for years, actually. >> well, no, honestly, i'm overwhelmed. >> i mean, i have just really been committed to really being on what i thought was like the right side on these things and maybe politically it might be less popular with, you know,s o. >> it kind of seemed like when we saw the change, or when you and i first talked it was on the border and border security that that was something that you differed from some of your democratic colleagues. >> well, sure, and then when you started just following the numbers that are coming, again, and then when you have reached 200,000 or 250,000 folks, that are, you know, encounters on the border, i mean, that's astonishing. and then just putting that into context of pennsylvania. i was like my goodness, that's he will nearly the size of pittsburgh. and that's our second largest city. and right now it's like you can be very pro-immigration but also
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demand and require that we have are a secure border, too. i don't know that i that's controversial for a democrat or any american to be pro-immigration. >> chad: another area where you differed was the middle east and i guess the other day you had talked to some of the republicans couldn't you sit in on the meeting when they had a virtual meeting meeting with benjamin netanyahu. who did you approach on that? what did they say? >> no. i was very disappointed that our caucus wasn't -- we didn't have the opportunity to do it. i really wanted to hear from netanyahu. in fact, even asked the republicans, you know, back channels hey, can i just sit there? i don't even have any questions. and i have always been incredibly surprised why we are not talking about where this was because of hamas. and the things that they have done. and that why aren't there is a protest kind of a surge to
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demand that hamas so remember rr surrender on this. if you really want to end all of the, you know, just the misery and the death and the destruction, just, if they would just surrender and tomorrow release everybody, send them home. and that's been very frustrating. and then we're talking about now there's 31,000 palestinians that were killed. and well you are not talking about 13,000 or more are actually hamas fighters on that. so, why aren't you breaking that out as well, too. and then if you do, and talk about the -- the casualty ratio, it's actually very clear that this isn't genocide or that israelis are targeting civilians. in fact, the only ones that target civilians, that's hamas here's a name and i want you to respond. >> timely hearing unfolding the circumstances in egypt. >> bob menendez. >> well, at this point, it's
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almost moot. his trial is less than two months from now. and, again, it's gonna be -- that's going to address that i can't imagine how with the kinds of evidence and, i mean, i have -- everybody to remember that this is his second trip to the prom. ha ha, you know, and he barely just got out from that. and now he has been out credibly accused of being a foreign agent for three nations, in fact, two of them are critical negotiation partners in gaza situation with hamas. and how is this individual allowed to attend classified briefings on that? it's astonishing. and it's been frustrating where if someone is more concerned about i could wear a hoodie then it's why this seems to be more urgent from making sure that the senate's reputation isn't damaged. >> chad: why do you think that
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members have kind of not called for him to be expelled or gone as far as you have? you have been the most outspoken person when it documents menendez. >> i don't know. but what i can say is that santos was expelled and republicans did the right thing on that. that cost them a seat. i thought that was a principled stand. >> chad: when you came into the senate you had the health issues on the campaign trail and who wanted for a while. talk about the challenge that that posed as you were trying to represent the people of pennsylvania, take on this new job, understanding the ways of the senate and that's a lot. >> of course, but, you know, all those health issues was weaponized and it was categorized that something that really wasn't actually true. i like to think we are having very normal conversation. i'm using captioning right now to fully participate. no different than, you know, you have glasses. it's -- i'm able to process that fully. and all of these other parts.
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>> chad: show viewers how this worked. we talked about this in the hall. that translates what i'm saying. >> yeah. >> chad: and then with you, you see what you are saying as well? >> yeah, exactly. and this allows me just the way, perhaps, if you wear your glasses to read because you can't really, you know, and for this, it's like the fully process things. i want to make sure so i can be precise when you ask i have the captioning. and that's just a tool. and that allows me to fully participate on interviews or conversations with my children or with my colleagues or anywhere. >> chad: give us a sense of how you are feeling now compared to last february, last january, when you came in, all the stress of joining the senate, being hospitalized, and then how you feel now a year later? >> well, i feel great. i feel very fortunate every day to be a part of this. and i just hope that anyone with a stories or some of the things that i have gone through can i help somebody and that's part of that message and you know,
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sometimes where there has been positions that i have whether it's on israel or the border that where some people that are in the more progressive or the left side aren't happy but i do think it's important in these kind of situations to really lean in on that because i really want to follow what i think is the truth not whether how it might be polls or anything like that. i think that's what's critical. >> chad: senator fetterman, thank you for your time. thank you for joining us. >> it's always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you. >> rich: chad pergram and senator john fetterman there. chad, thank you. up next panel on chaos on the house. chaos at the border and former president trump's legal troubles. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 17 in nashville, the body of a missing college student is pulled from the cumberland river. riley strain disappeared march 8th after he was asked to leave a bar on lower broadway because he was apparently intoxicated. police say there is no
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indication of foul play related to trauma. fox 7 in austin, texas. with at least two people dead after a crash involving a school bus and an 18 we're. authorities say more than 40 people are involved. students on the bus returning from a field trip to the zoo. this is a live look at atlanta where fox 5 showing us one of the big stories there and around the country tonight, a nearly $1 billion mega millions jackpot on the line tonight, drawing is 11:00 p.m. eastern for the estimated $977 million prize. the jackpot ranks as tenth largest in u.s. lottery history. that's tonight's look from outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ you know it don't matter anyway ♪ you can rely on the old man's money ♪ you can rely on the old's manimony ♪ you're a irish girl
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> as have you seen and reported on there was a terrorist attack there. at least 40 people are dead from media reports we are seeing there we are now hearing from the "new york times" that a branch of the islamic state claimed responsibility friday for the attack on moscow. killed at least 40 people. u.s. officials confirmed the claim shortly thereafter. that is according to a report in
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the "new york times" and your live look at moscow there. on that and all the other news the day let's bring in our panel "the washington post" columnist marc thiessen, daniel lippen of politico and mollie hemingway editor and chief at "the federalist." marc, let's start right across the block there. are we going to have another few weeks of trying to elect a speaker or what happens? >> god help us, the house republican majority is a dysfunctional embarrassment. speaker johnson didn't ask for this job. he stepped up when the house couldn't elect a replacement for kevin mccarthy. is he trying to manage unmanageable conference. republicans need to understand that they control one half of one branch of government and now they are going to control it by one vote. you can't impose your will on the entire government when you have one half of one branch of government with one vote, if you want -- i want to cut spending, too. i want to do all these things. if you want to do that there is a simple way to do it win elections. don't nominate lunatics. get people actually win a
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general election not just the republican primary. take back the senate and the white house. that's how biden got the spending through. if we want to cut the spending that's how you get to do it. you can't could do it by having internal chaos. >> if you look at what speaker johnson inherited what he inherited from speaker mccarthy and house democrats controlling the senate, democrats controlling the white house, could he have done a better job in these negotiations? >> yeah. part of the way that you win elections is by giving people things to vote for. you had a majority of republicans not vote for this package today. you have had routinely situations where all the major legislative accomplishments under our new speaker have been with a majority -- have been mostly supported by democrats and not republicans, so it's almost like mike johnson is running a coalition government where democrats are running all of the -- calling all of the shots. and so it is important, if republicans want to win that, they give voters reason to think that something good that happens when they are in power. there is no question that mike johnson has a very difficult
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situation but giving democrats everything they wanted was not the answer here. >> so, daniel, you look at the balance of power now in the house, flint firefighters union got 219 to 213. you have got congressman buck who leaves tonight. have you congressman mike gallagher who is leaving in a few weeks. it gives them one vote. just one vote, republicans, to do pretty much anything in the house. that's not a lot of room to spare. what happens legislatively? they have funded the government. but after, this can they get anything through the house? >> well, they have a democratic senate, which makes it very hard tore priorities in the house to get passed in at democratic senate and signed by joe biden. in an election year no, one's to take tough votes. they are not even putting them on the floor, so i don't think we can expect that much action beyond what they did on -- what he they're doing on immigration, not a comprehensive immigration border bill and i think this is -- there's is a reason we see congress has 15% approval for these types of things.
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>> rich: marc, a lot of the discussion foreign policy aid, aid to israel and aid to ukraine. is this a situation where it could be you a lame duck speaker who might work with moderates and democrats to put something on the floor or can we say that that foreign aid probably won't pass the house. >> i think at this point in time going toes pa. speaker johnson first of all he has committed that russia is not going to prevail in ukraine and that the house is not going to abandon ukraine. the majority of americans support ukraine. the majority of republicans in the house support ukraine. at love them, i had brian fitzpatrick on my podcast and he would come up to me and he told me that people come up to him on the floor and say i can't vote for it but i hope you get aid passed. democrats would come up to him on the floor and said i can't vote for it but i hope you get border security passed. there is a lot of lack of courage in the house. but, this has got to get done but if ukraine aid doesn't get passed and putin starts making advances now and breaks ukrainian lines when donald trump comes to the white house in january, is he not going to have any leverage to negotiate a deal. so if you support donald trump and want him to have a big foreign policy victory you
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better get ukraine aid passed. >> rich: mollie take a trip up to new york where the former president has a bill due this he could would. how does that play out. >> absolutely stunning what we are dealing with in this case. you have him having to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to appeal a judgment for a crime that's not a crime. i don't know if people realize that what he was -- his whole problem is that he took out a loan and repaid it with interest and everybody was happy. and for that, he has to pay $454 million? this letitia james who ran for office, you know, sort of reminds me of that soviet secret police chief who said show me the man and i will find you the crime. so she said if you elect me, i will go after my top political opponent, donald trump. it's kind of unbelievable that this is being allowed to happen. you won't have a republic if you allow things like this to happen. and it is a much more serious situation than i think a lot of people realize. >> rich: the associated press is
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reporting a new fundraising agreement republican national committee trump fundraising apparatus that basically allows certain money from the pac to go and pay for legal bills. do you think that the former president is going to have trouble raising money if supporters know that some of that is -- might be going to pay his legal bills or do they see that as part of getting elected? >> well, he already has trouble raising tons of money because he is behind, way behind democrats, tens of millions of dollars in that margin, and so, of course, money isn't everything in politics, he is still leading in polls. but, there's a lot of small dollar donors, big donors who say hey, this is a billionaire, shouldn't he be paying his own legal expenses? i want to only support get out the vote programs and tv ads not paying lawyers to get their second house. these people are charging thousands of dollars an hour, basically. >> rich: marc, what about that how much has the foreign
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president massive legal bills. >> massive legal bills i will tell you they better help that the court reduces his bond if letitia james walks into trump tower and puts eviction notice on it and starts walking around her newly claimed property and tries to seize it from him that's going to get donald trump elected people will be outraged by it and rightly so. >> rich: in-kind contribution, maybe. first round, up next friday lightening round and winners and losers and then "notable quotables." so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec.
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glif always been incredibly surprised why we are not talking about where this was because of hamas. and the things that they have done. if you really want to end all the -- you know, just the misery and the death and the destruction, just if they would just surrender and tomorrow release everybody, send them home. and that's been very instruments straghts. >> rich: we are back with our panel. marc, on lightning round real quick answers here. the senate is losing senator joe manchin. is john fetterman the next gettable vote for republicans. >> he may be. if he is still watching tonight i i want to apologize for everything i said but during the campaign. he has turned out to be my favorite democratic senator. is he sort of like a scoop jackson democrat in the olden days who is hawkish on foreign policy. liberal on domestic policy. what i love about him is is he willing to take on his own side when they're wrong.
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we need more of that on both the republican and democratic party. >> rich: what did you think of the interview. >> so interesting. when he ran for office fetterman claimed he was very progressive. he has turned out to be much more moderate than the supposedly moderate other senator from pennsylvania bob casey who just today was calling for cease-fire in israel without return of hostages. >> rich: daniel, rick quick turn here to something axios is reporting that secretary of state antony blinken while in israel told prime minister benjamin netanyahu you need a coherent plan or face disaster in gaza. what do you make of that? does blinken's warning have much of a chance of resonating with the war cabinet there? >> it seems like netanyahu wants to do whatever he wants. and he is kind of not listening to what joe biden said he might have to have a come to jesus moment. democrats are still think that they can get jewish voters. they look at trump what he said saying jewish voters hate israel if they vote for democrats. a lot of people say that's odd
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rhetoric. >> rich: yeah. well, we had just a heck of a week just today for the week who is your winner and losers. >> loadser marjorie tailor green motion to vacate. some people just want to seat world burn. my winner is mike gallagher. i wish he would finish his term. mike, if you are watching. he is one of the best members of congress we have passed the tiktok ban. i think the fact that he is leaving and marjorie taylor greene is staying tells you everything that's wrong with the republican party today. >> rich: mollie? >> my winner is oakland university the 14th seed that defeated university of kentucky with a hillsdale grad transfer. who did 10 depoint shots just amazing. and my loser christie blasey ford peddling a memoir makes allegations not supported by even her closest friends and family and people who supported that should feel deep shame. >> rich: mollie, back to your first winner how is your bracket. >> it's doing all right. >> rich: as usually mine is absolutely terrible. >> my windsor bernie member rain
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know poise to do so have a good challenge against sherrod brown. evidence ran for senate won a primary salacious stuff being thrown against him. my loser is david schoen the democratic senate candidate who said a racist remark yesterday that no one should ever say and especially that's hard on the democratic party where black voters are so important. >> rich: this is also when he is running against a governor who was one of the most popular governors in the country, a republican elected to maryland. >> yeah. we might see republicans poor a good amount of money in maryland to try to flip a seat, you know, because they are going to face a pretty tough match. >> rich: unbelievably tough match. look at west virginia, too. senator joe manchin, full circle here. well, gang, it's that time of the day and time of the week. ♪ ♪ >> rich: friday, time for noble
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quonels. >> you have an easier time of getting into this country illegally than you do just to be rescued as a united states citizen. >> border patrol taking orders from joe biden and secretary mayorkas. that's the march madness. >> when you look at this video, it's pretty dramatic. >> yeah. i haven't seen the video. >> i'm playing it right now. >> an endorsement for donald j. trump is the most powerful endorsement in modern political history. >> we are going to beat him again. >> forcing him to selling prized property such as trump tower is manifesting justice. >> ricco, you are obviously not familiar with. >> ricco is not a crime. it is a category. what is. >> oh, no, it's a category of crimes. >> either joe biden is complicit or joe biden is incompetent. >> i don't know the exact number of americans that were left behind because the starting number was never clear. >> i thought it was a closing act, chairman. >> go [bleep] yourself. >> had water boy chuck schumer
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give that speech going after our closest ally in the middle east. >> is he shouting and swearing about netanyahu or about hamas or about his poll numbers? >> this is the when did you stop beating your spouse question. >> it's been a long day. i would told him to hold my beer but too early for that. >> monday on "special report," we will take a look at the maryland senate race, we were just talking about that with former governor larry hogan tries to flip a blue seat to the red column. remember, you if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." her guests are arkansas senator tom cotton and virginia senator tim kaine. thanks for watching "special report." i'm rich edson in washington. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ lawyer good evening, everyone