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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  March 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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sanctions and cartels that are directly involved in the traffic of fentanyl and illicit drugs across the border so we are mindful of that threat, can't confirm the reports but not certainly would be out of character for these guys. >> martha: hugely concerning no doubt. john thank you very much for joining us on this breaking news. always good to have you with us the one thank you martha. >> martha: that is the story on this friday. a very active afternoon and we will continue to cover the story that has come from the palace from buckingham palace with the cancer diagnosis for the princess of wales and also this ongoing emergency attack that has been carried out in moscow at a concert venue. we'll be covering all of this on fox news. stay with us throughout. i will see you tonight on laura ingram. [ ♪♪ ] you are looking live at
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london at this hour to the left of your screen and moscow the right of your screen. two dramatic stories that are unfolding as we speak in moscow. we have learned of a terror attack at a concert hall forty were killed and more than 100 our wounded. don't know much more than that but it was two weeks ago that the u.s. embassy in moscow warned of imminent terrorist attacks possibly in the region. i want to quote on something that the embassy at the time that extremists had imminent plans to target large gatherings in moscow to include concerts. it said in the same security alert american citizens residing in russia should be careful and cautious and visitors as well that u.s. citizens should avoid large gathering over the next 48 hours. that was released and sent two weeks ago today. we don't know much more about this attack and we are told it
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is not in a ukrainian source and that has come from president volodymyr zelensky himself. no indications from vladimir putin who he thinks is behind this but he is monitoring this. the other big story of course that we are following from across the pond news that catherine the princess of wales has been diagnosed with cancer and has already begun preventative chemotherapy. she announced in a video message in the world that was taped two days ago on wednesday but released in this country and around the world about two hours ago. >> i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and understanding whilst i've been recovering from surgery. it's been an incredibly tough months from our entire family but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which i am so thankful.
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in january i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time i thought my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful however that the cancer had been present. might medical team i go under a course of preventative chemotherapy and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment. this of course came as a huge shock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine this has taken time, it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. most importantly is taken as time to explain everything to our children in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i have said to them i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal.
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in my mind, body and spirit. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance as is the love, support and kindness that have been shown by so many of you. we hope that you will understand that as a family that we have taught -- need some time, space and privacy well i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and i look forward to be back when i am well. but for now i am not focused on making a -- i'm now focused on making a full recovery. at this time i am also thinking of all of those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> neil: that was the princess and reaction worldwide has been fast and swift from the prime minister among the first to wish
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her well saying she has shown tremendous bravery in a post on x., urging the world give her the privacy she deserves and the treatment and love of the world and the loving family. we also heard from the labor leader in britain who was among those who wished her well saying i cannot imagine the added stress of receiving that news with all the speculation we have seen in recent weeks. royal highness certainly entitled to privacy and like any parents will have waited to choose the right moment to tell the children. in the united states a spokesperson for president biden saying that this is terrible news, our thoughts are with kate during this incredibly difficult time and certainly wish her a full recovery and i think it is important that we respect your privacy. so the fast and furious follow from the stunning development with the princess that we know all know what type of cancer that is, we'll know what type of cancer that her father-in-law king charles is that is dealing
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with as well. we know they are both battling cancer and we know that chemotherapy has begun certainly in the case of the princess. knows a thing or two about difficulties and benjamin, what are you hearing about this and what you thinking of this? i'm hearing of all the rumors and innuendos and some of the horrific, you know, rumors at that. they have egg on their face and a lot more. what are you thinking? >> that's right. first of all we have to think of kate to the princess of wales. you imagine how hard it is for anyone going through cancer to have to come to terms themselves and tell children and have to share with the hold -- whole world. although this comes off a few months of really in some cases horrible rumors of her relationship, her health but she has kept quiet throughout. if you look back at the start of january she went into hospital in there for 13 days for abdominal surgery. that surgery was announced the
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same day the king charles had cancer himself. since then we have not heard a lot from kate and there been questions about the questions going on. now we know for sure and as she said in her message of the key point for her was her family. it was a very honest and open video that she released far often more than we get from the royal family saying she had spoken to her children and said as i have said to them, i am well. and including making the children the very central of her recovery at this point of being close to them. she also said having william by her side was such great comfort and you have to wonder that schools break up in the uk and for now at least she'll be able to be with her family at home rather than being escorted with this news. kate has been someone for many years focused on mental health. focused on social media and that frankly is what she has been seeing. and you have a couple of weeks
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releasing a photo on the british mother's day which news agencies came out and said were doctored in the hands were in the wrong place and she put her hands up and said that was me. it added to the conspiracy. and the fact in the u.s. who publicly make some damaging accusations against the couple about the relationship. so it's amazing to see that around the world but this is something the royal family will have to come to terms with at the moment. king charles has had to have a smaller monarchy and so what you have is king charles not being able to go to as many events, kate won't be able to go to many events as she starts preventative chemotherapy. william has been doing a lot more than usual right now so he is single-handedly keeping this going. it's interesting to see how hard this is for the royal family but certainly a very difficult time and first and foremost you want to focus on family and children and get through this. she said with peace and security. >> neil: benjamin do we know anything? she recorded this video two days
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ago and obviously releasing to the world today and that was around the time the world was running away and getting nuts. may be she felt this was the time to put the cup bosch on all of that? >> i would think so and that's because when she had her up domino surgery she came out and said there wouldn't be any events until easter. that was that deadline and what they were hoping for. this comes sooner than that. she thought that the kensington palace thought this would coming out sooner. obviously a few weeks ago she was scheduled to attend in june and kensington palace pulled back that -- her attendance there. i was assigned what was happening was way to be more serious. certainly looks like she pulls forward the message because of all the rumors that have been going around. >> neil: i don't want to put you on this puppy are an example to so many people who have to deal with tragic matters. you especially so.
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you would be one of the better persons i think to offer advice to her and maybe to us about how to deal with this? what do you think? >> well, i would say from my own experience your family comes first and foremost in the community around you and many doctors say the same thing. people who get everyone through difficult situations with their family and community so that's where she should focus. but also take one step at a time. kate is known to be a really clear thinking person who thinks a lot about certain things and she will plan very well and i say get through something difficult. don't get carried away by it, take it step-by-step what you had to do and there's good news in her video that right now preventative chemotherapy means this is hopefully one that is not the whole body. there's some good news and that i think she's a strong person has been on the receiving end of a lot of bad press and rumors throughout her time as princess of wales so i think sirena by
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her family and given the support now if people in the uk and around the world, those should get her through strongly. >> neil: all good advice in a better person to start the show on this. thank you very much. >> thank you neil. >> neil: i want to relate a tiktok on a lot of this regarding kate here. the london clinic accepted her as a patient i believe back in january 16th. she successfully underwent what they call simple abdominal surgery. kensington palace than announced the following day she had come through that just fine and remained in the hospital for two weeks, actually 13 days following this procedure that was still not detailed on doctor's advice and was since been away from any public duties during this recovery. that raises the question what was discovered and why did it take so long? some of the things that are being pieced together as we speak. dr good to see you, what can you tell us about what little we do know and having something
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cancerous is being treated for now? not much more. what do you think? >> so much more of her prognosis depends on the tissue type of origin. what kind of cancer is this. at age 42 in the world of cancer that is a very young age to develop an abdominal cancer. we know they learned it was a cancer after the procedure so presumably they went in looking for something abnormal and the pathology analysis discovered in malignancy and now she is getting chemotherapy. it was suggested whatever she had was in an early stage. i thing about appendix cancer, may be a gyn cancer, maybe some other rare type of cancer but when they described it as a simple procedure and the cancer was discovered afterwards, not known beforehand through a biopsy. it does limit the diagnosis. i'm not sure if it's productive to take it guess as to what type
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but now she is undergoing chemo and i wish her the best. >> neil: when they talk about preventative chemotherapy on what she started presumably in late february so about a month ago, why do that? >> i think many chemotherapy administrations would be considered preventative. you are preventing further spread. you are venting the cancer. i'm not sure if i would read too much into that description that they provided except that they believe that the cancer was removed at least grossly and visibly and they are giving chemotherapy perhaps to prevent a recurrence of the cancer. >> neil: so there a lot of rumors attached. maybe there was a hysterectomy and all we know about not the case. we don't know much more than that and as you said it has speculation to wonder about the region if she was getting addressed on ovarian cancer coming up as a fear and a
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concern but we don't know. the regiment that she is on and again we don't know a lot about that. what type of length are we talking about? how difficult is that for 42-year-old woman to go through? what can you tell us? >> typically chemotherapy after cancer, is given in a number of cycles that may total three or six months and there's a reassessments, a staging of weather or not the cancer has returned. guide as well thought about ovarian cancer, what's interesting is that recent discoveries have suggested that ovarian cancer originates from the fallopian tubes and not from the overrate in the vast majority of cases. there's a new recommendation now that people can have their fallopian tubes removed after childbearing age to reduce the one in 78 chance of ovarian cancer. we don't know if that was the cancer type that she has but that chemotherapy is consistent.
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>> neil: do you know if that would be done in conjunction to radiation? >> radiation is rarely used after of domino surgery. and used for more in a fixed location, in the abdomen where things are moving typically not a clear-cut radiation target. i would expect it is chemo alone and not radiation. >> neil: what is she in for doctor? talking with the wear and tear of chemotherapy on individuals of all pages and all sorts but she is a relatively young mom. so she has a lot that she is going to be dealing with. it was a sense of what that will be. >> the number 1 complaint of patience on chemotherapy as they feel tired and have low energy. women are of course hypervigilant because they're at risk of infections more often. bacterial or a pneumonia infection or even something like
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cobit is going to be magnified with someday with a weakened immune system because people on chemotherapy and that's what the doctors are keeping an eye on. typically we wait around a month or six weeks after abdominal surgery to initiate chemotherapy because the wound is still healing and you don't want to inhibit that wound healing with chemotherapy and that initial period after surgery. >> neil: very good seeing you again. think he was always. appreciate it. the princesses under -- father-in-law the king has put out a statement of how proud he is of his daughter-in-law and she has shown remarkable courage and remaining in the closest of contact after they had spent some time in hospital together. buckingham palace spokesperson later said that the king said that they will continue, he and his wife, to offer their love and support for the whole family
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through this difficult time. separately we are learning right now that kensington palace has some explaining to do because at that time you might recall they said her condition was not cancerous. the palaces provided little information on her condition since, save of course the princess herself detailing what she did today. go to royal expert on that. hillary don't want to cast fingers and blame but a time like this but kensington palace has very guarded with matters as it should be. they did say the time it was noncancerous and maybe revealed from the family itself. but in retrospect do you think they had minimized this? and we know and appreciate for weeks the magnitude of which she was going? >> you're absolutely correct they are. good to be back for all the circumstances.
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yes, you are right, they had said it was noncancerous but of course then i'm not a dr nora surgeon but it sounds like that diagnosis came in later. they haven't made mistakes -- have made mistakes along the way with the whole communication but certainly doesn't look like they lied, did not have the news at the time an exact lead to her point today when she did not have to deliver that announcement herself. what she did was very courageous of course and very authentic but she now obviously knows about it but she knew about it before and i believe that was after they said it was not cancerous. >> neil: year so get at the royal family and the inner workings but i believe king charles when he became king his goal was to downsize the family a little bit were proven it or whatever you want to call it. it has left the royal family and a bit of a, you know, a conundrum here. they still have the social and other public obligations and are quite substantial. the kings were to be curtailed and already are.
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we know that kate's public commitments are going to be curtailed and even her husband's. so i do wonder how they get just threw that? what's most important is everybody getting well but it's a kingdom after roll and they run it. how is that going to go? >> you're absolutely correct. the actual term can charles has used as he's always that even before he became monarchy wanted a slimmed-down monarchy. not the vast extended family that we historically saw on buckingham palace balcony. the princess royal who is princess and, his sister, she has stepped up incredibly. so has the duke of edinburgh and his younger brother prince edward in his life -- wife sophie. they are truly popular and of stepped up tremendously so. they are very dedicated and have taken on more duties. he of course never anticipated this but he had a space -- pulse on the nation in terms of the
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fiscally conservative people don't want to see a wasteful royal family and that's what he was aiming at but i think the missed apps we have seen have been down to the slimmed-down star -- staff that we have seen. buckingham palace in kensington palace have two completely different press stars and they both sit down. that's a revocation some of these missteps up in due to a smaller staff. >> neil: we don't know the type of cancer that princess catherine has, we don't know still what her father-in-law the king has. i don't mean to be picking about that but that is a big thing to leave out when we report on the stories. >> i do think they are able to have and should have it do agree of privacy. she did not have to do that
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interview. there is nothing a constitutional new -- monarch needs to do and there's no mandate to become public and give it herself. historically that might have been a spokesperson that might have done such soy think it was courageous and admirable and showed her authentic personality and especially at such a time to be mentioning others, you know, talking what other people diagnosed and being more concerned about her children. i think it was very -- i think that was very admirable but we shouldn't know every single little detail they should have a degree at least of privacy. >> neil: in this country we had no every little detail i don't know if you can overdo that. let me get you are table. i would be remiss if i didn't mention harry and megan whether they have communicated, you know, with their in-laws and what they think of this and harry directly with his brother or megan with the princess. to me know if any communication since this news came to light? >> we don't. what one would hope be regardless of any fame, any
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money, the prince harry should now put everything aside and be there for kate. he had actually declared back when prince william started dating her and the relationship developed he said she was like a sister he never had. everything changed after a certain marriage but let's hope he will remember the great friendship she offered to him particular prince philip's funeral. the rest of the royal family really wasn't speaking to him and if you remember kate was seen outside of westminster abbey, or maybe windsor, but she was walking alongside and she brought hairy over to speak to prince william. she was somewhat of an ambassador to him and she extended that all of branch and let's hope she does -- he does the same thing it takes the high road and is there for her at this time. >> neil: had they prior to this been talking at all? i know when he came back to check in on his father the talk was that they didn't communicate at all. they came and went. >> correct and in fact is that
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it -- visit to the ukraine was cut -- uk was cut short. and remember he did not just throw the entire royal family under the proverbial royal bus, he through all of the staff under the boss. they are loyal to a fault to the family they don't want to see the family hurt so they were actually protecting the king and prince william was devastated about how much he lashed out and through not just him but also his beloved wife kate under the bus with all the details around the wedding that make reported things that happened and later came out that weren't quite honest. william was discussed it and is now up to harry to make the move to be there for kate. >> neil: tragedies like this and, you know, health crises tend to bring families get together of all types that we can only hope and pray the same thing happens here. hillary thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> neil: in the meantime we want to keep you up-to-date to the latest story out of moscow
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and of any day this would be, you know, going hour to hour in the broadcast that 40 people, at least 40 people killed 100 wounded in this attack. this is very similar to rebel attacks we've seen in russia including moscow over the years that have claimed hundreds of lives in russia. say nothing of similar terrorist attacks and again conserve oral venues in places like paris again over the years but a lot we don't know about this. what we'd have got for his confirmation from president volodymyr zelensky that this seems to be an internal attack that was well planned and warned by the u.s. embassy two weeks ago today that a terrorist attack within the country was imminent and even cited the possibility of large public venues including concert halls. stay with s. you are watching your world. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease
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>> neil: this is moments ago, 90 minutes into a concert hall where we are hearing shooters taking out individuals, better than 40 killed and more coming. enter nucala. it isn't your rescue treatment and it's not a steroid. it's an autoinjector you can do at home. just once a month. nucala targets and reduces eosinophils and helps your symptoms. think less asthma attacks... less need for oral steroids... less asthma-related hospital visits. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions,
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back pain, and fatigue. it's not you - it's your symptoms. so, help get ahead of your asthma. get to the source, measured with simple blood testing. ask your specialist about nucala. >> neil: this was the moment when several open fired. very popular concert hall. jam packed 9500 in the audience. this was a concert hall in the outskirts of moscow. it killed dozens of people and it all seemed to be a well-planned coordinated attack we are told. were not -- don't know much more than that outside the fact they can't get out and those trying to rescue to look at the damage in all parts of the hall because it was in flames and including
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two adjacent building. whatever cat you're getting including the 40 known dead and better than hundred injured could do sadly and maybe dramatically climb. there is so much we don't know and the timing of all this. we do know this much that the u.s. embassy in moscow warned of such a terrorist attack and related to the russians and indeed anyone who it any interest of staying were visiting moscow to maybe not do so or be very careful. we will update you on that and the warning released two weeks ago this very day but first alex hogan in london for more. >> reporter: terrifying moments tonight as the masked gunman, mast camouflage stormed into the concert hall and this was alive look at some of the lot -- footage you can see the smoke and the flames still billowing out of the concert hall. people describe the moments of watching this concert when gunman entered and opening fire and from going from watching a concert with loved ones and
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friends to running for their lives and the problem with the moment it created the stampede so we know that 40 people are dead and many as 100 people in that number because of the potential injuries looking at gunshot wounds to injuries sustained from the potential stampede trampled that 100 people that are wounded and the number unfortunately will likely continue to increase. we have heard a response from the kremlin saying that this is a bloody terrorist attack, the mayor said this was a very sad night for the loved ones who are at the concert and a sad night for the city. there has been an increase in pressure in trying to secure the city tonight, more security around the city as many as 70 ambulances are there at the scene and you can see the smoke covering the area and below that it is just as see the police officers, amt is anyone there to
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be able to contain. we did here reports that a blast with camouflage armed with weapons and barricading inside the building and it's not clear how exactly this fire broke out and inside as we watch the live images but as you mentioned there was a warning from the u.s. embassy in moscow urging people at the time to know that there was this increased threat have a potential terrorist situation. as we continue to watch this and realize the unfortunate nature of these types of attacks that the violence ensued could lead to more people dying, it's also worth reminding our viewers of just the global news that we have seen coming out of russia in the last several weeks. this was the election week in
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russia, the sixth extra 60 years for vladimir putin, fifth term as president. we didn't see a lot of turmoil but there were dozens of people arrested for protesting, for vandalism and trying to boycott the election that was last month. about a month ago when the main opposition leader alexei navalny was killed or died in a russian colony. 's family said he was killed in the kremlin of course giving a very different stance on that. we have seen a lot of international concern as to what would play out during the election week. there's no correlation this could be connected to that and we will continue to wash who potentially could be behind this. we have heard from ukraine speaking out saying that they had nothing to do with this. one of the chief advisors to ukraine president volodymyr zelensky said ukraine was not
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involved whatsoever and that is the big question tonight. who could be involved in all of this? still not many answers on that. >> neil: alex we still don't know how many would be involved but they had a lot of guns and they had a lot of explosives but no sense of how they pulled this off. obviously was a surprise. but do we know anything about the numbers involved? >> initial numbers were that five armed men entered this concert hall. that of course could be much higher as we are continuing to get more information coming out of this. those could be in the five people seen in one area. given that police presence, this is going to be a continued investigation as they not only try to interview the people who have survived. we can see continually engulfed in flames, a difficult situation
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for any emts or any police officers at the scene. whenever we were respond to fires or any kind of shooting, there is immediately this presence that is set up to ensure that any people outside our safe and they are able to get the hospital and there's continued concern about the first responders wanting to send in anyone too soon that they potentially could add to the growing list that had been killed and wounded. what we know at this point from the kremlin saying that this is a bloody terrorist attack condemning it and urging other world leaders in global concerns but unfortunately at this point there is little information coming out to who could be behind it. >> neil: just incredibly tragic. thank you for that. and to alex's point and vacuuming the light of abundance of caution.
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we don't know much more than that but we are hearing from russia media reports that rival police units have been sent to the area and encircled the area in a much wider area than just the concert hall i am told that that's all they say. it's a much wider area. they also say that security has been tightened at moscow's airports, railway stations and the moscow mayor himself is already canceled all mass gatherings scheduled for the weekend and days after. we heard separately from john kirby at the white house couldn't yet speak about what was behind this but they are pretty sure as they believe john kirby told our martha maccallum that it's not the ukrainians, the images are horrible to quote kirby just hard to watch. a former chief in moscow joins us. thank you for joining us here. the fact that the u.s. embassy two weeks ago particular referring to mass gatherings and
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concert halls. what does they know or sense then. >> that warning was issued on march 7th and it advised her 48 hours and typically when we issue these sorts of warnings and could be pretty fragmentary and may not have known exactly the specifics of who is planning a terrorist attack and what sort of attack was planned. the u.s. government will be drilling down on that and i'm sure the russian counterparts even though we don't see i die with rush on hardly anything in that very limited space of the venn diagram. the bilateral relationship. there is still counterterrorism collaboration which is ongoing. >> neil: i was thinking dan, don't know if this occurred in your days of moscow but moscow is no stranger to terrorist attacks inside and outside the
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region. what is the strategy there on the part of these groups? can do that in the country's capitol and more attention but what can you tell us? >> this is a mass casualty terrorist attack and you're absolutely right to note the historic examples. the worst ever school shooting over 300 dead in 2002 over 170 dead there. and in 2017 the cia past russia and intelligence about impending terrorist attacks in st. petersburg and led to a phone call from vladimir putin to president trump thanking him for the intelligence that would save lives in russia. also a terrorist attack in 2010 and a couple of metro stops. the question that i would have here in the federal security
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service for russia was darling of the pressure on the political opposition after the death and murder of alexei navalny and intent -- anticipation of the election i use that in air quotes there with vladimir putin elected by russian standards again. may be they slip through the cracks. >> neil: i am wondering in these repeated in moscow and in their overthrow of moscow win tanks were in the city when vladimir putin seemed to take care the guide behind that. this has anything to do with, you know, vladimir putin getting another six years in power. if he completes his term 30 years in power. >> vladimir putin has a lot of enemies and remember russia is fighting terrorists in syria.
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russia made a deal with the houthi's. the houthi sense that they are not targeting russia and chinese flagged vessels in the red sea but no such deal exists with other terrorists and others who may seek to do vladimir putin harm. he's in the crosshairs and he has been since he took over as acting president in 2000. >> neil: dan, the ukrainians say it's not us. president volodymyr zelensky has gone on the wires indicating that we had nothing to do with this. vladimir putin i don't believe has had any comment one way or the other. we are there are following things closely. this is another case in this country's capital where it's happening under his watch. >> the speculation i get from putin's national security advisor who was once president when putin was prime minister
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pack he was speculating that ukraine's was responsible there's no evidence of that. ukraine has targeted the regions bordering ukraine. they have targeted russian oil facilities and this is not the ammo that ukraine would ever use. this is a terrorist attack and again, shame on the russians for even accusing ukraine but of course that's what they would do. as part of their conspiracy theory, disinformation strategy. what your right, either way note -- either way no one who was responsible makes vladimir putin make awfully weak to her own people that he could prevent that a mall. no matter who's responsible putin would shift the blame to others and you can bet that somebody in the fsp, some higher-ups would pay a price for this that have resulted in so many debt and russia has to be in high alert. al qaeda doesn't launch one
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attack, it's multiple attacks. russia has to be on high alert and i have no doubt the u.s. intelligence committee is mounting a full-court press. not just in the russia. >> neil: you think about this very eloquently, the haunting some weeks ago that vladimir putin is very effective for getting rid of intimidating his enemies. when you have large terrorist groups like al qaeda and other groups, these rebels that were a major source of concern just years ago. that's a whole different ballgame. >> it is. extraordinarily difficult to stop and i harken back to 2017 thwarted terrorist attack in stt attack would've happened where it not for u.s. intelligence specifically cia intelligence to vladimir putin's security service so they can shut down the terrorist attack when
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there's any harm to civilians. but a mere putin is told that everything is going to be, okay,, he wants his people to believe that all-powerful, they're not. political opposition to take parts and vladimir putin. not just in terrorist attacks but more emboldened to seek to remove them from office when one form or another or at the very least a protest that way vladimir putin has treated the political opposition. >> neil: when you can't do that we want to do and can't go shopping and go to events when the russian ministry of culture releases that has entertainment events in russia been canceled indefinitely. that comes to a week were a lot of people want to chill and relax and they're probably scared to death. we do know that the u.s. embassy in moscow separately has
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expressed it could see it -- severe condolences to the russian people and in urging americans in the area to avoid if they can. this has a way of piling on. >> it does. and for the federal service the fsp has spent a lot of time protecting his regime security from the political opposition and simultaneously they have to be collecting intelligence on ukraine and that is there responsibility. at the same time dealing with potential terrorist attacks. there's a lot to deal with and again i think in this case they just failed. it's an intelligence failure and anybody in the security services are going to know it and i think the public at large will know it and they won't talk about it out of fear but i think they'll know it. it's a brazen attack that makes it clear how ineffective vladimir putin's security services are in protecting
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innocent civilians at a public gathering of all things. >> neil: take the quotation mark and vladimir putin's reelection. but that leaves 20 percent that didn't vote for him that makes a greater number there but it's an intimidating election to put it mildly. including this tragedy today we don't know the details, how would you sum up the conditions in moscow, and russia in general, the ongoing war in ukraine, public appetite for that of course they're fed with their fed and i get that but how would you assess things? >> i think by the very nature are brittle and vladimir putin's autocracy is very different. i think under the surface that people know that there are hundreds of thousands of
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casualties and there is rising inflation in russia over 7 percent that flint -- finland is now a nato member and russia can't buy things from the west of the used it by. certainly they can flee from russia and has been a massive brain train from russia but they are aware of that cost that vladimir putin has imposed the blood in the treasure that he has built in russia. and unprovoked barbaric murderous war that he alone chose to launch without reason. there's a difference in their between knowing the truth and being politically apathetic and not wanting to risk their own lives and closest to the skin. they may not want to take the risk of going out to protest vladimir putin but his own security services know this.
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this indicates the vladimir putin is not up to the task as the failed mutiny demonstrated and the question is how to putin security services reacted this? is this drive a wedge between putin and some of the senior security service officials? i'm sure the u.s. intelligence committee is going to be looking for all those reflections and the impact on the stability of vladimir putin's government going forward. >> neil: powerful stuff. thank you so much. following the former station chief in moscow as we've been showing a whole portion of your screen, 40 are dead in this terrorist attack. we just don't know who the terrorists were and exactly how many there were. we know it started out with five gunmen and later on others with multiple explosive devices exposing this massive fire you saw earlier that went way beyond the concert hall. the area is all but shut down in fact good video of moscow will be shut down and all public events canceled there as they
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story today. kate the princess of wales diagnosed with cancer. some feared this and is undergoing chemotherapy. she released a video message earlier today detailing the two months after and even the palace was calling major abdominal surgery. they don't know the type of cancer she's been treated with chemotherapy and the started about a month ago in late february. the announcement of outpouring and support, the likes we have not seen since king charles was diagnosed with separate cancer he is dealing with as we speak. we had gotten the statement from prince harry and megan the duke and duchess of sussex saying and i quote it is very simple, we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace. let's go to jonathan hunt on this. he's been following all of this from los angeles and your thoughts on this and as you think about it jonathan, the shock of all of this.
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>> it was shocking news obviously we got today. terrible news as well that kate has been indeed diagnosed with cancer and is going through what she termed preventative chemotherapy and anybody of course who has been through chemotherapy or knows anybody and knows what i'd told that takes mentally and physically and it absolutely completely and utterly explains why we have not seen or heard from kate over these intervening two months since she went in for that abdominal surgery. i think what's going to be interesting to watch now neil is that turn in the way british media, the fierce tabloid media that we've all heard so much from over the years with regard to the royals, have they now pivoted? obviously they've been filling the vacuum of the past two months and perhaps that is on the palace partly at fault for
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allowing that vacuum to exist but they have been filling that by repeating and there for amplifying some of the social media rumor mill. i think you will now see immediately that british tabloids and british media overall pivoted in a way that only they can perform that kind of whiplash and attitude to. a great deal of respect and a great deal of sympathy obviously rightly so as kate in her own words now pleads for time pack space and privacy. obviously she has a husband that she has to support and you has to support her but also most significantly the three young children. a terrible thing for them to have to learn that their mother has been diagnosed with cancer and obviously kate said very plainly in that video that she wants to give all of her time and energy into assuring them,
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those three young children, that she will be okay. she said by the way that she is feeling well and quote getting stronger every day and she ended that message with a message to everybody else who has been affected by cancer that quote you are not alone. even as she enacts this diagnosis in her own tough course of treatment she is going through she is sending a message to others as well. it was a very classy, a very impressive video that that palace finally put out today but as they say they could be open to some criticism that they allowed this vacuum for two months which was filled by the online rumor mill. >> neil: marvelous thing about her, well steeped in both the british press and the american press. i daresay it is no criticism to your fine people but they don't share a lot of details. and in our country if we didn't have the type of cancer let's say the president have or a
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prominent figurehead i'm thinking of lloyd austin not too long ago dealing with prostate cancer. we are hell on wheels. we want details even though it could be rude and seemed to infringe on some people's privacy but we don't care and maybe that is a cold but understanding position to take. these are after all hi public officials. jonathan is a little different but again how do british citizens sends by and large big fans of the monarchy, not everyone i know, but how do they deal with that? getting details sort of spoonfed to them. this came kind of grudgingly because if you think about it some of the rumors that were out there that kate wanted to address much to her credit but how did they deal with the fact we might not know the type of cancer she is dealing with? we still don't know the type of cancer her father-in-law the king is dealing with. out of the jungle that? >> i think you saw how they dealt with that over the last two months. they want details and you're absolutely right. you compare the situation to the
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outrage felt here and expressed here quite plainly when we did not know the details of lloyd austin's health status and for a time his whereabouts. i think, but the british if you like didn't express that through saying we have the right to know, you have to tell us. they expressed it by circulating all of these rumors about the potential for kate's health status. about all sorts of very lurid rumors completely unfounded it appears about their personal life. the british go in a different direction if you would like and i think that is why the palace perhaps should have put out something more quickly. even if it was a lot -- one line statement it would've headed off something we've seen over the last couple of months now. >> neil: well said and i was curious. jonathan hunt following all of this. i want to go to jonathan right
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now the royal ask burt. i will kind of pickup where your colleague jonathan hunt was discussing the british people and how much they can learn and how much they want to learn and how much they can in that vacuum when they're not learning to chase other rumors. how do you think that the palace, how do you think that all the people have dealt with this? >> people need to stop being so nosy. i think there's this trend in the modern era that we have a right to know every detail and the personal health and circumstances of celebrities and royals and i think that perhaps catherine is showing exactly that lesson that needs to be learned. people don't have a right to all of that. they told us what we needed to know. it's unlike perhaps an elected official or somebody with actual power in government. these people have ceremonial roles in the uk and i think the palace has a motivation to live a private life as well. there's a massive amount of
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interest in the personal lives, too much if you ask me. people need to leave him stop ba life of their own, really. feeling in favor of the royal family and supporting them through hard times like this, they deserve the privacy that anybody deserves, especially going through something difficult like this. just think about anyone you might know who has had cancer and been through treatments. people themselves might have had that experience, it is very common. imagine then having all of us speculation and rumor about them, into their private lives, all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories made up and spread across the internet and tabloids and on tv, and then having to go and put yourself in front of the camera just to prove you are still alive, still they are, what you look like, and declare to the world, something you just wanted to keep private mostly for the sake of your young children. i think people have a lot to learn from what is going on over the last few weeks and really some people have quite a lot to be ashamed of. >> neil: i wish we had more
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time, that was a very good point you made there. we know the pressure on prince william right now. he's got to worry about his dad, got to worry about his wife. he has those children. and he is the future king of england. that's a lot on your plate. >> it is, indeed, and he is doing admirably as far as we can see in that role. he has a lot of stress personally with his father and his wife suffering from cancer and undergoing treatments. we don't know a great deal about the details of those treatments. as i said, i'm not sure we should. but the royal family has a public role, and he is carrying out what he needs to. they deserve to be given the time and space they need further treatment and recovery. i think this is how it should be. >> neil: good words all. thank you very much for joining us. he will be exploring the impact of this on what is going on in russia, a lot more tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. right now, "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody


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