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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. >> brian: 7:00 a.m. in the east coast march 22nd. "fox & friends." now that the hard stuff is out of the way. insane scene at the border. more than 100 migrants soon-to-be illegal immigrants busting down razor wire mowing over our national guards men. that is creating. unbelievable you are cite, new york. new york state putting the ball in motion already to take trump's property as the same judge, that guy right there, who fined the former president, now says the trump organization needs a babysitter for three
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years. >> steve: okay. meanwhile, a serious happy meal. the mcdonald's dinner box hack that only costs $12 but should cost twice that. >> two cheeseburgers in here. cheeseburger. 4 small fries. one piece chicken nugget. $12, y'all. >> lawrence: that's a steal. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better because you are with friends. all right. we begin with the border crisis. shocking video shows a group of more than 100 migrants rushing our border in el paso, texas. >> steve: that's right. they broke through the razor wire and overpowered members of the texas national guard. >> brian: griff jenkins, you have seen a lot at the border. have you seen anything like that before? >> griff: well not quite to those levels. and good morning, guys. let's note president biden was on the ground in texas for the past two days at fundraisers in
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dallas, in houston, while the crisis at the border reached a boiling point in el paso. let's show that video again. now, what you got and what's worth noting is that it's hundreds of single adult males. venezuela is the second busiest demographic coming through the el paso sector right now. and they are shoving the national guard troops, illegally entering the country there at least one migrant, we're told. has been charged with assault. we expect more arrests to come. texas governor abbott took to x and said this: the texas national guard and the department of public safety quickly regained control in a redoubling razor wire barriers. dps is instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass and destruction of property. guys, those consequences are a little unclear right now while texas awaits a court ruling whether they can indeed enforce the state's new border law. brandon judd was on with you guys last hour reacting. >> i have conducted numerous
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interviews with people who have crossed our borders illegally when i have detained them and they have flat out told me that they know that nothing is going to happen to them. they have told me that they know that they are going to get released, that they know that the laws don't apply to them. this can be attested to by hundreds of border patrol agents that will tell you the exact same story. that these individuals do not fear our laws. >> griff: let's get the full picture. marine while out west in jacumba where i have reported from myself and bill melugin have seen hundreds of even chinese men just walk in. the last 24 hours, el paso was the third busiest sector while san diego sector where this is was the single busiest sector. finally, president biden is here today. we have not had a statement or heard about the situation in el paso. no comments so far. and no talk of an executive action that may or may not be forthcoming. we have just heard from the administration. they continue to push that senate border bill. guys?
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>> steve: yeah. griff, since you have been down there and have you looked at this video a couple of times, what happens is the migrants breakthrough, largely single men, although we heard for a while it's all families, largely single men, many in hoodies, they rush those guys, they knock over the national guard, rather the texas guard, and then they get to the u.s. installed border wall, that concertina wire that they bust through essentially that is texas trying to stop them. so they got through because they know that the national border patrol people have got to let them in. >> griff: well, that's right. and what is significant as we look at that as you are pointing out, steve, if, indeed, texas' border law, s.b. 4 were to be ruled constitutional, or upheld, we're waiting on an appeals court, then at this point right now, texas national guard and dps could effectively take them into arrest and not have to turn them over to border patrol.
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but that's not the situation right now. >> ainsley: i wonder how they would do that though. look, there are like a few border patrol agents down there and there are 100 men. how would they -- how would they actually do it? >> griff: they would have to surge resources and have more dps national guard react to that area, ainsley. and it's a great point, ainsley. because what happens all along the border is you have these hot spots pop up. obviously we have seen similar things in eagle pass, texas. we have seen it out in california. and we have seen it in places like arizona. and this is because the cartels across the entire 2,000-mile border are taking advantage of our vulnerabilities and moving to areas where there are less resources, less border patrol, less texas dps. that's why you have seen the surges all the way out west because california and arizona don't have razor wire or dps officers and national guard trying to stop them. >> brian: are you telling me everybody got in there that that gate eventually opened and they all got in? exseptember they arrested guys.
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couldn't speak specifically to the report. they would have been turned over to the border patrol and processed now, obviously, there are going to be forthcoming arrests we are told from our sources with texas dps because of the actual assault. at least one person has been arrested. but, as far as the actual illegal entry. >> brian: run over the national guard and eventually get in. >> steve: welcome to the united states, newcomers. >> lawrence: this was their first act to come to the country and assault the texas national guard as well as dps and texas is being blamed for not being compassionate? the first thing they do to get into the country is commit assault against law enforcement and against our texas national guard. >> lawrence: actually lawrence, it's actually the second thing they have already broken into the united states. this is the second thing. >> ainsley: that's why the other networks don't want the democrats to see this video.
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they don't want republicans to see this video. you said, brian, you did see it eventually on cnn. cbs only had 36 seconds of it, nbc, abc, and msnbc as of the start of our show had not put it on air. >> lawrence: united states been in texas two days and there has been no statement from the white house. meanwhile, is he campaigning and fundraising in the state of texas and you don't say anything about the number one issue? >> ainsley: campaigning in arizona, too. also he was there to make sarcastic remarks about the former president and that brings us to our next story. >> ainsley: this does not look like america. it has changed so much. >> steve: that is scary. >> ainsley: the new york judge in the civil fraud trial ordering finances for the next three years. >> brian: make room in trump tower as long as it's his, i guess. the state attorney general taking initial steps to prepare to seize trump's new assets. new york's assets if he does not secure the $454 million bond by
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monday's deadline. now, keep in mind. he could -- he is on appeal. he could win the appeal and this stuff could be sold by the time he wins. >> lawrence: they are rushing, it brian. madeleine rivera has the details. hey, madeleine. >> yeah. retired federal judge barbara jones has been monitoring the trump organization since november 2022. now, her duties will expand over the next three years. jones will review the trump organization's internal accounting controls. record keeping and financial reporting policies and procedures. the trump organization must provide her with copies of monthly bank statements. notify her in advance of any transfer of cash or other assets and notably, they must tell her of any effort to secure a surety bond. former president trump has until monday to post the nearly $500 million wonder in his new york civil fraud case. he has been turned away by 30 insurance companies. ask the the new york appeal court to stay the penalties until the appeal is exhausted letitia james prosecuting him
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for political reasons. he says on truth social numerous businesses have ended plans to relocate into new york because of the fabricated witch-hunt against me. the attorney general's office has filed judgments in west chester county where trump's national golf club and the seven springs estate are located. legal experts say though it is premature to assume the properties in west chester will be the first the a.g. goes after. if trump does in fact post a bond, there will be no lien to place upon the properties as the court will be holding the judgment amount in escrow. if trump does not post bond, this will allow the a.g. to secure a lien against the properties. back to you. >> steve: and the deadline is monday, right? is it midnight monday or is it sunday into monday? when is it? >> good question, steve. we are looking for clarity on that. we do know march 25th is the deadline for former president trump, steve. >> ainsley: 5:00 end of business. >> brian: because they like to go to happy hour. think about this, truth social is now being sold.
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it's going to go public and they got to get their board together. but, they are going to be now a publicly owned company. and donald trump is a major stockholder, estimated to have a worth of 4.5 billion coming from that and they say if they have a board meeting and go public he could ask for expedited payout on truth social. in your mind you know if he becomes president, truth social becomes one of the hottest social media companies in the country. you'll have to get it in order to find out what the president is thinking. >> steve: they have to change the deal though. i think the way it's structured is. >> brian: got wait six month. >> steve: got the to hold the stock six months. >> brian: there is a way to do it. >> steve: you could borrow against it. look, i'm going to get that big payday. he has to find somebody to give him the money. >> brian: if a bond company would do that. >> lawrence: to your point about him wanting to be president, there is such a rush in this process. we don't go through this through bankruptcy. he wants to be president. where is he going to go? running for office right now. also second point is he is
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guarded by secret service. are you saying that the united states secret service is going to aid the former president in escaping the country? it doesn't make any sense. >> ainsley: this is all about evaluation, too. when you look at properties down in palm beach, there is one piece of land where it has the water in the back and the water in the front. just like mar-a-lago, it's a small two acre lot, that's a large lot but small in comparison to mar-a-lago. that is on the market for $150 million. i know the guy that lives next to it. he tried to buy it and they said no we need 100 million more than that so, down the street is mar-a-lago. that's 22 -- 22 acres. so, this judge is saying that's worth 18 million? when this little lot is worth 150 million? it doesn't. >> brian: i was that guy. and i'm trying to get the extra 100 million. i would like to add one other thing. frank luntz was on this morning he was a pollster. he does not want donald trump
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elected he said if letitia james goes and takes trump tower. donald trump is the president of the united states. validates everything is he saying. >> lawrence: 100 percent. >> brian: he has been targeted. this is a witch-hunt. they are coming after him. there are no plaintiffs it. plays right to it. basically, what are you thinking? you are giving him the white house. ainsley: all of these people that say that he is not worth this money, that's why he can't fay. >> brian: is he worth it. >> ainsley: we all know that's not true. that tower alone would be that amount of money if not more. and he owns golf courses, gorgeous golf courses, he owns clubs. he owns tons of these building like that. >> brian: they want cash. >> steve: hard with real estate. that's what the person who is doing his negotiating has released. it's hard with real estate. >> brian: you got sell it, steve. >> steve: can you hold it as collateral but the big bond companies don't want real estate because they are not in the business of managing real estate. brian, to your point about frank luntz, the reason it would be
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horrifying to a lot of people is just that to the point that you know, once this string plays out legally, if he wins on appeal, and they had to sell stuff at fire sale prices, a lot of people would just feel like he did not get his due process. that's what we all want. we all want due process and the constitution guarantees that. she, obviously, she the attorney general is in a hurry, and she doesn't like donald trump. and she would like to punish him essentially but here's the thing. you've got to follow it. if he is appealing, i realize they got a rule in new york where you have got to put up the full amount. if he is appealing you should not be able to seize something until the appeal is denied or adjudicated and solved. >> lawrence: the question that we all have been asking is when interest r. there going to be some democrats that stand up and say it's not fair. >> ainsley: jonathan turley did. >> lawrence: jonathan turley reacted earlier on the program, watch. >> what is happening to the new york legal system is truly
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alarming. this was one of the premier systems in the world. this is a judge who could have resolved this. you know, he could have come up with an easy solution. you know, this is just because trump's portfolio being real estate. you would think that this monitoring would have been the entirety of the remedy. if the court was really concerned about whether trump would be honest in the future dealings, they could have just imposed a monitor. instead he imposes this ridiculous amount of penalty on trump. this judge has done nothing to introduce any element of fairness through this. and so, you're really between a rock and hard place if you are donald trump. you've got a portfolio with real estate. and people don't take real estate in order to float a bond. >> brian: not only do they not agree with jonathan turley and the perception of frank luntz. president biden jumping in remember he is supposed to not have anything to do with the court cases i know everyone is
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not feeling enthusiasm. the other day a defeated man -- looking -- defeated looking man came up to me and said, mr. president, i'm being crushed by debt. i'm being completely wiped out i had to say i'm sorry, donald, i can't help you. the president thinks this is funny and going to help him. this keeps coming out. along with the invoices from fani willis' office. and he can't continue to say that he is separated from these court cases. >> lawrence: is he weighing in on an open court case when he said the reason why he hasn't called laken riley's family member because it's an open court case. >> when it's politically expedient for the president he is allowed to comment. >> steve: one of the things about donald trump is he comments on everything. donald trump we have seen him for years. is he a street fighter. he is tough. james carville was on cnn a couple of nights ago. and he essentially said the problem for joe biden is joe biden is not tough when it comes to whacking people. so carville brought up a term
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called wet work, which is a cia term. >> ainsley: to wipe someone out. assassinate. >> steve: still blood. somebody in the democratic party is going to have to do joe biden's wetted work because joe can't do it. watch. >> president biden is not the best attack politician i have ever seen in my life. and i will leave it at that there are a lot of people to do what i call, quote "the wet work" unquote. and. >> sounds like a mob hit. >> well, it's kind -- it's paid tv and stuff like that. cia term. you take a guy out. but, he doesn't need to do the wet work. people like me and other groups in the party need to do that. >> lawrence: i love the smirk on anderson cooper. >> ainsley: he knew what that term meant a mob hit: i didn't know what it meant what wet work means. i got the idea. i didn't realize it was this
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serious. >> lawrence: he is the news guy that is supposed to be fair and against, you know, the inflaming of the rhetoric. the thing is, to carville's point though, why does he need people to go after the president when he has a whole court system in almost four states going after the president? they are doing the dirty work. >> steve: that's the dry work. somebody has to do the wet work. >> ainsley: didn't they say when trump uses bloodbath that he is calling for violence. listen to what he they're saying, right? and then back in january i would tell the president and his campaign we got your back dude. we are going to go after him with a meat cleaver rhetorical meat cleaver. in february you got somebody down you kick the living you know what out of them. and then i had think that's what the white house needs to do. >> brian: the problem is he's up. >> steve: we have heard the white house and campaign say they are going to roll out a wave of people to do the surrogacy work and now we know
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wet work. >> lawrence: none of this says confidence for joe biden. no one is saying joe biden can take on donald trump. everybody is saying let me be the person. >> steve: is he note good at it. >> lawrence: let the surrogates. >> ainsley: we will tell you when you can take questions, mr. >> steve: all right. a lot to do. all right, from that stuff to news stuff, and carley joins us from the mezzanine. >> carley: i certainly do. good morning, guys. we have a fox news alert to get to here. today the u.s. is set to call for a u.n. security council vote on a cease-fire and hostage deal. meanwhile secretary of state antony blinken arriving in israel this mornings. he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the head of masad will be traveling to doha qatar this morning. is he joining the cia director and other officials to the region to discuss potential terms for cease-fire and hostage deal. the nypd searching for a serial burglar linked to nine break-ins. woe. he has been caught posing as an
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amazon worker to gain access to apartment buildings. police say the string of burglaries began just over a year ago and he even stole nearly $9,000 that a woman was saving for her 12-year-old granddaughter. the ceos of major u.s. airplanes are requesting a meeting with the board of directors of boeing. they want to voice their concerns about the january incident aboard that alaska airlines jet when a door plug blew out. 16,000 feet in the air. one of the passengers who was on that flight joined us yesterday. >> all of a sudden took off next thing i know my feet was getting pulled through the airplane and i was struggling the whole time to try to stay inside. >> is there have been other incidents involving boeing planes like when a tire blew off a united flight as it detart parted from strand. san francisco. five homes in central virginia have been destroyed by wildfires that started on wednesday. residents who flooded their
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homes are now able to return. fortunately no injuries reported. the fires have burned over 3400 acres including land in shenandoah national park. officials work to contain that blaze. and one social media mom's going viral hack for -- is going viral for getting the most bang out of your buck at mickey d's. take a look at. >> this two cheeseburgers in here. burger. four small fries. one piece chicken nuggets. big mac. $12, y'all. >> carley: the mom says the meal was enough to feed her whole family plus she saved at least $14. and those are your headlines. not a lot of people know about this mcdonald's dinner box, guys. but it's cheap. >> steve: it is cheap. and here's what i was reading about it. and that is mcdonald's, because this woman got 12 million views. mcdonald's came out and said look, prices vary where you live.
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and the franchisees actually set the prices she is lucky to live in $12 neighborhood. >> carley: some people in other states like $22. >> ainsley: in ohio it costs 22 in ohio. 18.22 in arizona. and $15 in vegas. >> brian: that's what happens when you raise wages. i'm going to raise wages. be the person in, that of the workers. i will be the hero to working families. but you don't understand the people that go to fast food are also working families and now that becomes unaffordable. so then price goes down and maybe that franchise collapses. president obama was the same way he never understood the ripple effect of his legislation on small business. >> lawrence: this is what happens when you have people in elected office have no business experience and never run anything. >> brian: governor newsom. >> steve: $12 dinner box kind of seems high. i remember going to mcdonald's to get the cheeseburger, two cheeseburgers two $2. little nuggets for a dollar. she paid $12. i think it should be $7.
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>> brian: you have stuff to do right, carley? i'm sorry. >> steve: no, she is. >> carley: i like hanging out. >> brian: i feel so bad. >> ainsley: don't you love stories like this? carley, you are upstairs right there. i love stories like this though because it's like we are all looking out for each other and social media has helped with that oh, she is over there i pulled a brian. [laughter] >> steve: come on over. >> carley: here i am. >> ainsley: that lady is getting 20 million views and people saying oh you could go to starbucks. some of the baristas at starbucks are putting online if there is a deal. >> brian: we're "the five." >> carley: i'm listening. >> ainsley: i love how social media works with this. >> carley: it a is a cute story. is it bucks for four burg hers and fries. >> brian: carley, do you think it's a good idea to dvr the
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show. >> carley: if you don't and doing something, maybe you are in the bathroom brushing your teeth and you hear us laughing and then you could dvr it and watch us back. you can't do that without the dvr. >> steve: since you are here, would you like it read the tease? >> ainsley: no. >> carley: they just changed the name to brian. [laughter] >> ainsley: no facetime for you, brian. >> brian: by the power vested in me. [laughter] >> carley: retired general jack keane is coming up next. >> steve: very nicely done. [laughter] to is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> iran is increasingly working with russia. russia is working with china. they are all working with north korea. there is this consortium that has formed and is working together in a way that we haven't seen. >> brian: and that is alarming. and indisputable, sadly. that is congressman adam smith. he has painted the terrifying picture in yesterday's house arms services committee warning that four of our top adversaries have essentially joined forces. this is the new axis powers. here to react fox news strategic analyst and retired four star general jack keane. general, how important were those hearings and how worried should we all be about this new alliance? >> yeah. well we need to wake up about it.
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i mean, frankly, we have been talking about this for well over a year. and so having these hearings gives further exposure to educate the congress and ultimately the american people. but, simply stated, the united states is facing global security challenges on a scale that we haven't seen since world war ii. because we're dealing with china, russia, iran, and north korea. all at the same time but collaborating and cooperating with each other despite the obvious differences that they have had in the past. why is this taking place is a profound question to ask. they see much the same. weakness in american leadership. political dysfunction the united states in america on a scale they have not seen before. and a military that is not as good as it used to be, because we're coming out of 20 years of the 9/11 wars and we are not moving fast enough to fix it. and that's what these commanders
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are attempting to say and other people. the intel community just a week ago to 10 days said that much the same thing, this administration's entire intelligence leaders saying we haven't seen threats like this and they named those four countries just named for decades. this is a serious threat facing the united states of america. if that was the case, brian, and the administration accepted the own intelligence community's assessment, where was the framing of that threat in the state of the union message why wasn't that the lead message if that kind of threat to the american people's security is looming on the hoards? the reason is pretty obvious we would then ask what are you going to do about it? and that would mean they would have to change all of their political objectives to drive the united states towards a social welfare state as opposed to building up the defense of the united states coming out in the 9/11 wars, which would cost
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a fair amount of money. and those budgets are under water for the fourth year. >> brian: underwater meaning they don't even keep up with inflation while china upped it? >> that's what i mean. >> brian: increased their 7.2% to their military. we still spend more but we have more challenges. just to play this out, what does it mean besides they have conferences and they shake hands? china is buying oil from iran. iran is using that revenue to wreak havoc in the region in every way possible. china is meeting with hamas. china is helping the russians and iran is helping the russians reestablish themselves after a terrible start to the ukrainian war. supplying weapons and drones. it's happening in real time. this is not just we pledge to be friends. they are helping each other and it's creating a world in turmoil. >> yeah. i mean, there's no -- this is nothing theoretical about this. russia is on the move and on the march in europe. they intend to topple ukraine.
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they were counting on the fact that the united states would lose its resolve politically to support ukraine so they can march into europe. they have been talking about it time and time again over the last year. not just toppling ukraine. moving into europe. iran is operationalized all of its proxies to do two things. drive the united states out of the region. and crush israel. and this administration has yet to come clean comprehensively and hold back from doing anything against iran to deter that capability. we are risk averse and paralyzed by the fear of adverse consequences. and we have president alarm because he has a major miller. is he a military super power and economic giant and a technologic logical super power and is he threatening to take away our
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interest in the pacific region. he wants to come to nate and control it and taiwan is part of it. this is all happening in real time this is not speculation, this is real. i'm not an alarmist. i don't believe we have world war iii on our hands but i do believe there are conditions here that should concern us significantly so we change our behavior and start addressing these threats from the president on down and if he doesn't want to do it, then the congress has got to stand up and do it. >> brian: crazing threats against us not democrats and republicans. against us. if you want a unifying message general keane just gave it to you. that would have gotten everybody up and applauding as he outlined our adversaries and told us his game plan he doesn't want to spend on defense. thanks so much, general. i appreciate it. >> yeah. great talking to you, brian. thank you. >> brian: have a great weekend. okay. coming up on one nation, 9:00 on
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saturday night. we're going to have ash lee merchant with us to tell us about the new conditions over in the georgia case. they now want to get it going by july, can that indeed happen? ash lee merchant on that and how she got the information she did that blew that case wide open. also, talk to america's most you wanted john walsh about all the crime happening and how it relates to what we are seeing at the border. and the co-host quiz back in action. jesse watters and jessica tarlov, how much do they really know about each other? you can only find out if you watch saturday at 9:00. meanwhile, let's go over to steve. steve? >> steve: they have a lot in common. they both have in common both of their names start with jee-s-s. headlines on this friday. one town in maryland is getting rid of their police force, right? the move is leaving residents shocked and on edge. i don't blame them. the three member in ridgeley approved the suspension. officers from a nearby town will now respond when somebody calls
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91911 one saying quote we were blindsided people supposed to protect and serving. the town had six officers on the force to serve 1600 residents. meanwhile west virginia's man yard. watch him in the foreground. what's he doing? sipping a cup of coffee on the porch. the homeowner joined "fox & friends first" to discussed wild ordeal with coffee in hand it's never happened before really. it was -- it was quite a shock. i just got over the flu and i was just in quite a daze, i guess, as i was watching this all unfold in our front yard. >> steve: there you go. sipping coffee right there. the chase ended with the suspect hitting a deputy's cruiser. all right. there they go. delicious. >> steve: all right. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. you know, we have shown you the pictures invasion at our
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southern border and now our personal homes in america. >> i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says that if a house is not inhabited we can exappropriate it. >> steve: okay, so what are your legal rights as a homeowner? we have a real estate lawyer on what your rights are, coming up next. a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™.
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your pride and joy is measured in acres. keep them looking their best with versatile utility vehicles, professional-grade mowers and the #1 rated tractor brand for durability and owner experience. ♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone, from a chilly new york city. take a look at it. i think it's 29. we haven't hit 30. 29 degrees. the sun is out but it doesn't matter it's darn cold and i need a hat. here is the wind chill when it feels like teens across the northern plains, the ohio valley in toward the northeast. combined system coming up the east coast. here is the first part of it,
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snowy part where we will get several inches of snow across the northern plains and the upper midwest. this is round one by the way. another system moving in later this weekend. and then we have that area of low pressure across the gulf coast. that's going to crawl all up towards the northeast friday and saturday. a washout along the east coast. and then another storm system next week that's going to be even more impressive, steve doocy, so stay tuned, winter is not over yet. [laughter] >> steve: i like the scary voice. thanks, j.d. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: meanwhile a tiktok influencer with more than half a million followers is introducing illegal migrants to squatters rights and telling them how to invade homes in the united states. [speaking spanish] >> my people i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says if a house is not inhabited you can exappropriate it. i think that will be my next business invade abandoned
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houses. >> steve: okay. they are not abandoned. somebody is just not in them right now. what do homeowners do in a situation like this? daniel phillips is a real estate litigation lawyer here in the new york city area and he joins us live. daniel, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: that particular video has been seen by i think 4 or 5 million people. so, essentially, is he putting the word out hey, you people who are in the country, migrants, who are waiting to be adjudicated, where are you going to live? find an empty house. you see this getting bigger, right? >> i see it only getting worse. given the climate that's going on, not only in new york but all across the country with an increase in migration. increase in foreclosures. increasing in crime and shortage of housing. >> steve: because, here in new york. and we told the story the other day about how a woman who owned a house called -- went up to the squatters and said i'm going to change the keys and change the lock. and the police arrested her
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because here in new york, if you live in a house, whether you are there legally or not, if you they're for 30 days you are considered the tenant and tenants have rights. that's the way the new york state law was written. and i know that are people trying to change that but, in the meantime, it doesn't make any difference, does it? >> not really. the way the law is drafted it talks about people coming into possession of premises lawfully, have rights, and cannot be removed unless they go through the court process. because they are very savvy, they are able to create fake lease documents and therefore landlords can't use self-help to try to remove them. therefore the property owner is really left going through a court process which is very long and very expensive. >> so, help me out, daniel, if somebody has got a house and it's not abandoned but there might not be anybody in it right now for whatever reason, how do they protect themselves? do they put a camera in there? do they drop by once a week to
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make sure nobody is living there. >> definitely increase in surveillance and vigilance over the property. they should do everything, also, to secure the premises whether it's windows, doors, any way that someone can dry to force themself in. and the video is really key. this way you can keep an active presence and show it to police and hopefully you can prove very quickly the police can sometimes remove people from the premises without going through the court process. although oftentimes that isn't the result. >> okay. so real quickly. if you see somebody go into your property, you probably don't go and confront them yourselves, do you call the local police and say hey, will you go knock on the door with me? >> yes. you should contact local police with proof of documents that you're the owner of the property and any proof that you have to show that the people that are in the premises should be removed because they are squatters and not legal tenants. >> steve: this is in the news, we need to know more about it. daniel phillips, thank you so much for joining us live. >> thank you for having me.
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>> steve: all right. meanwhile, speaking of live. i wish we had smell-o-vision. celebrity chef robert irvine is here in studio with healthy dishes and they smell fantastic. ♪ ♪ so fill up your it's tough to breathe ♪
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♪ >> carley: we are back with a few quick business headlines, 5 below is scaling back self-check out as part of the effort to combat theft. the retail chain says it will now have associate assistant counters at 1500 locations. company joining dollar general making the switch to curb shoplifting. united airlines is going to start allowing family and friends to pull frequent flier miles. the company says you must be a member of their mileage plus program to take advantage. jetblue and frontier already have similar programs allowing customers to pull points for perks like a free flight. care wirick dish ever ditching the plastic. teamed one dr. pepper on the design but they can't be used with existing care rick machines. a yet to be released coffee maker will be compatible with the new and old pods.
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>> i got to swallow what i just ate because it's so good. >> lawrence: i got you. spring is here while we are all spring cleaning at our homes, why not do spring cleaning when it comes to our diet as well. >> ainsley: here with ideas to revamp our meal plans, tv host and celebrity chef robert irvine. thank you so much, robert, for being here. >> so exciting so beautiful it does look clean. >> clean eating. we have cabbage carrots, think talky mushrooms, green onion soy sauce and make a little dressing there. it's simple because it's healthy, too. you can do it the day before, mixy, mixy you want to do that. >> ainsley: i love the asian flare of this. >> fresh tuna. slice the tuna down and use this watermelon. why water melon it has sit tri
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lien we use for post and preworkouts opens up and dilates the blood vessels. beautiful guacamole and this is what took me 30 years to learn this we are going to put some of that in the middle there. >> ainsley: i won't do it like you like me. >> you are doing it right. that right there. watermelon is the best great thing. tuna is healthy, guacamole great fat and got some -- you are a pro at this. >> knot as the pretty if you did it. pack them together and alternate the tuna and the watermelon and the watermelon is great because it's fresh, it's healthy and i told you it was sit that lien in it which breaks down the protein when we eat.
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>> lawrence: blood oranges what does that do? >> acid. lime juice, grape juice any citrus fruit it helps digestion. when you cook, you should always cook with citrus or some kind of vinegar. rice wine vinegar. >> ainsley: tell the folks at home what you were telling people in the commercial bloatedness a lot of women have that issue. >> women different than men plumbing different. if you take the watermelon and eat watermelon it helps reduce that bloating. really good guys. you got eat watermelon use citrus when you cook inflammation, cumin and cure an der. >> ainsley: i already ate off that one. let me give you. this curry helps with inflammation. tumeric is a great inflammatory -- >> ainsley: where can i find this recipe. the best curry chicken i have ever had. >> sammon with faro.
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asian grapes. 7 grams of protein in a cup of faro. this is healthy. this is resetting your whole body. >> ainsley: it's good. it's delicious. >> lawrence: i like good healthy food. it's flavorfulful. normally healthy food is bland no seasoning. >> it's great. i call it sexy food. it's simple. >> ainsley: look how pretty that is it's healthy and also looks good. >> lawrence: we love it? >> so easy. and by the way, afterwards, because i know these are brand new and the money we raise from fit crunch actually goes to our men and women that wear first responders. >> ainsley: going to feed the soldiers today. >> feeding 400 soldiers at fort hamilton today and really excited about it. >> lawrence: former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker is next on everything happening with trump. ♪
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