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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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hot cross buns and extra desantis, it must have smelled too good. there she is getting ready for the break. in okay. how much more time does she need on the camera before she breaks in? >> dana: that is so weird. >> greg: i think there is something more to this story. perhaps she might be on something that makes her hungry and act irrationally. >> dana: you know what? jesse could play that clip for the drug dude tonight. >> jesse: yes. >> greg: do on "the ingraham angle"? >> jesse: we are talking about the housing crisis with laura right off the top and her angle. that's what she calls herman log. >> greg: fantastic. >> judge jeanine: that's her show. isn't the angle also the monologue? >> greg: are you going to meet raymond arroyo? >> jesse: oh god, i hope so. >> dana: that is a great show. that is it for us. have great night. >> bret: one of those moves the thief was doing is actually called hot cross buns. >> dana: it might have been.
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have a good show. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight, we are covering two big breaking stories at this hour. the trump tug-of-war the president fights to keep his vast real estate empire intact while the attorney general of new york closes in on a possible seizure. first tonight, chaos at the border. hours ago several hundred migrants broke through a razor wire fence and knocked down guards there as they crossed into the country t today. this big rush of migrants pushing through to get into the u.s. correspondent nate foy is in eagle pass, texas tonight with new video. good evening, nate. >> good evening, bret. so, sources law enforcement sources in texas tell fox that at least one migrant is charged with assaulting a texas national guard soldier after more than 300 migrants rushed the border wall in el paso today. take a look at this.
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[shouting] [shouting] nate nate the majority here, bret, are single adult men. you see them push past the razor wire. shove national guard soldiers and rush the border wall. more arrests may be coming for assaults or destruction of property. congressman tony gonzales posted on x, quote: there is nothing safe about this. it's a break-in. it's illegal. there needs to be consequences. those consequences are unclear right now. texas is still awaiting an appeals court ruling that will determine if the state can enforce senate bill 4. the law allows texas to arrest and deport migrants who cross the border illegally today in ha couple barks california take a look at this 200 migrants entered the country illegally. they are being processed by border patrol many will receive in new report by nonpartisan
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group called track since president biden took office 200,000 cases have been thrown out because dhs deniability file the paperwork notices to appear on time. one quick thing involving the video we just showed you in el paso with the passers rushing the border wall. our colleague aishah hasnie is getting early reaction from democrats. >> when you look at this video it's pretty dramatic. >> yeah. i haven't seen the video. >> i'm playing it right now. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it. >> nate: not much to say right now texas governor greg abbott provided a statement to fox calling this a direct result of the chaos that president joe biden has unleashed on our southern border. bret? >> bret: okay, nate foy along the border. more on this with the panel, thanks. now to former president donald trump's ongoing effort to try hold on to his properties. as it is revealed the new york attorney general has begun the
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initial steps to potentially take them for his failure to post a $454 million bond correspondent c.b. cotton has details tonight. good evening, c.b. >> good evening, bret it. appears the attorney general letitia james is gearing up for asset seizure if former president -- earlier this month. james formally registered in west chester county new york. home of to two of trumps property. the procedural step would allow james to secure a lean against properties there in the future. the new york attorney general's office has made a series of suggestions all the way for trump to come up with the bond including a sale of his assets or his real estate being held with the court. trump's lawyers pushed back telling the court in part, quote: it would be completely illogical and the definition of an unconstitutional excessive fine and a taking to require defendants to sell at all and
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especially in a fire sale in order to be able to appeal the lawless supreme court judgment. but, unless an appeals court intervenes or trump posts a bond for the full amount, come monday, james can start draining trump's bank ants. the civil fraud case also just ordered the court appointed monitor, who now overseas the trump organization to be informed of any efforts toe secure this bond. this as trump's campaign makes an urgent push for donations asking donors to help stop the quote witch-hunt. now, trump has asked the appeals court to accept a smaller bond amount of $100 million or accept no bond at all. >> bret: c.b., thank you. president biden and cash flow. the president's re-election campaign is crowing about its monetary advantage over former president trump's organization while at the same time the biden campaign seems increasingly concerned about a number of new polls. white house correspondent peter doocy looks at the numbers
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tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret. president biden is about to land back here at the white house after three days in the southwest, most of his events were off camera with wealthy donors and he insists that even in an election year, he is not stretching the truth about his first term. >> not [inaudible] say that i have never fact checked. [cheers] >> peter: president biden is fact checked all the time but his campaign celebrating numbers that can't be disputed. a commanding february fundraising lead more than tripling trump's cash on hand. biden comms director michael tyler says if donald trump put up these kinds of numbers on the apprentice he would fire himself. >> biden world doesn't talk much about third parties yet, but, as r.f.k. jr. plans to borrow from his uncle jfk with a saturday launch of viva kennedy 2024, democrats will ignore him at
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their own risk. >> people need to be shouting it from the rooftops because this is one of the biggest threats to joe biden being reelected is these third party candidates. >> many members of kennedy's own family are backing biden and president biden hopes tao void criticizing r.f.k. jr. according to nbc news. that's out of respect for matriarch ethel and nostalgia for decades of democrats he frequently name drops. >> i have two heroes, bobby kennedy and no malarkey, dr. king. >> it's exactly 60 years ago this month when president kennedy hosted the boston sell celtics. the first nba championship team. >> i remember teddy kennedy and a few others came to me and said look, joe, just come and stay six months. >> predecessor so fondly. in fact today as fundraiser in texas president biden said about former president trump during covid, he said inject bleach, i think he must have done it. he told us to hit the body with
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the uv light which i'm confident he does. bret? >> bret: peter, what is the attorney general saying about the special counsel robert hur's report critical of president biden's memory? >> it doesn't sound like he felt any pressure to change the report even though president biden's personal attorneys sent him a letter. strongly worded letter. asking the attorney general to intervene and remove references to president biden in that report before it went live. >> the idea that an attorney general would edit or redact or censor a special counsel's splaction explanation for why the special counsel reached the decision the special counsel did, that's absurd. >> peter: and that is likely going to add frustration among people in president biden's orbit who have been particularly frustrated that merrick garland has treated the biden documents
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case so similarly to the way he treats the trump documents case. bret? >> bret: peter doocy le on the north lawn, peter, thanks. lawmakers have introduced a $1.2 trillion spending package to try to avoid a partial government shutdown for several key federal agencies this weekend. the bill comes nearly six months into the current budget year. it could allow congress to complete its work in funding the government through september. the house aims to vote tomorrow morning on the spending bill. we will speak with delaware democratic senator chris coons of the appropriations committee and other committees in just a few minutes. he is also the national co-chair of president biden's re-election campaign: wall street continued its record-breaking rally. although major indices had their highest ever closes. the dow surging to 269 today. the s&p 500 finished ahead 17. the nasdaq was up 32. the justice department is going after apple. it has ann announced a sweeping
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antitrust. accuses of operating illegal monopoly in smart phones that boxes out competitors and stifles innovation. the lawsuit alleges apple uses its control over the iphone to, quote: engage in a broad, sustained and illegal course of conduct. apple is calling the lawsuit wrong on the facts and the law and says it will vigorously defend againstt. ♪ ♪ >> secretary of state antony blinken says an israeli offensive in rafah would be a mistake. president biden's top diplomat adds the move is not needed for israel to defeat hamas. this comes as the u.s. submits a draft resolution to the united nations calling for an immediate cease-fire. blinken will meet with israeli officials tomorrow. correspondent trey yingst is on the israeli border with gaza tonight. >> with the war between israel
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and hamas approaching 170 days, diplomatic efforts are ramping up to find a temporary solution to pause the blood shed. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken traveled to saudi arabia wednesday where he met with crowned prince mohammed bin salman. >> today blinken continued to egypt as the biden administration looks to call for an agreement that could address the humanitarian needs of palestinian civilians and return israeli hostages. he also delivered a warning message to israeli leadership over plans to invade gaza's southern most city. >> president biden has been very clear that a major ground operation in rafah would be a mistake and something that we can't support. >> america's top diplomat also announcing that the united states has submitted a draft resolution to the u.n. calling for an immediate cease-fire. last month, the u.s. vetoed an arab backinged u.n. resolution calling for an end to the war. saying it would negatively impact ongoing negotiations.
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along the gaza border tonight, more aid trucks ernesto the enclave bound for palestinian civilians while diplomacy plays out increasingly vulnerable population is in need of support. these aid trucks are headed into the northern part of the gaza strip to a u.n. distribution point. once there, the supplies will be given to palestinians in need. right now the united nations says that northern gaza is on the brink of famine. there are more than 300,000 people that need supplies, medicine, and support from the international community. >> along the israel-gaza border, trey yingst, fox news. >> bret: up next, we talk about president biden's re-election challenges and also the spending battles on capitol hill with delaware senator chris coons national co-chair of the biden campaign. first, beyond our borders tonight, russia aborts the launch of three astronauts to the international space station moments before they were scheduled to lift off.
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the launch was stopped by an automatic safety system about 20 seconds before the rocket's scheduled departure. officials say a voltage drop and a power sourceriggered that alert. and this is a live look at palm beach, australia. one of the big stories there tonight, australia and the united kingdom signed a new defense and security cooperation agreement. the defense ministers of both countries say the deal was required to meet contemporary challenges and to maintain a global rules-based order. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back. ♪ we're together ♪ it's always better when we're together ♪ yeah talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin.
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♪ >> there is nothing sacred about 72 hours. the idea is you want to allow the legislation to be reviewed adequately by the members before they vote on it. and we are the party that believes in that principle so we are trying to maintain it even in a time crunch. >> bret: speaker mike johnson talking there about the time allotted by rule in the house to read legislation as they are getting ready for another fiscal cliff trying to avoid at least a partial government shutdown heading into the weekend and beyond. where do things stand? tonight we are going to examine some of the major challenges facing president biden in this election year and, yes, that
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spending battle. delaware democratic senator chris coons is national co-chair of the president's re-election campaign and is he in the middle of all of the back and forth up on capitol hill. senator, we heard from the speaker of the house. he is hinting there that they may speed things up to try to avoid at least somewhat of a partial shutdown. what does it look like in the senate if that happens? >> so folks i have talked to here both democrats and republicans in the senate are cautiously optimistic that speaker johnson will take up this bill and pass it friday morning, allowing his members, the house members in his caucus some time to read the bill. it is a significant bill. it's about 1.1 # trillion dollars or 70% of over overall annual budget and, bret, that's because the department of defense is one of the six bills that's up for us to pass. i think we have to avoid a government shutdown at all cost
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it. sends a terrible signal globally for us to shut down the federal government. >> bret: it doesn't seem like voters or american citizens have a real view about what happens behind closed doors whether this stuff gets put together. >> the american people want and deserve transparency in how we conduct this annual appropriations process. but, you are right that it takes too long and it's quite a mess. >> bret: yeah. senator, i want to talk about a couple of quick foreign policy issues that are bubbling up now. obviously the israel-hamas situation with gaza and how the administration is dealing with that but, first, take a listen to florida governor ron desantis. this is about the haiti rescue efforts of american citizens there. >> it has been like pulling teeth to deal with some of these federal agencies. and the reality is, you have an easier time getting into this country illegally than you do just to be rescued as a united states citizen. how the hell does that make any sense? >> look, i disagree with the
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governor that there has been no effort to rescue american citizens. many american citizens have been rescued out of haiti. we have been working for months and months to try and get multilateral stability mission approved, funded and deployed to haiti not using u.s. troops. >> bret: i'm going to point to the job performance numbers for president biden here. and they are upside down as far as israel-hamas 31% to 65% disapprove. for critics who look at the administration from an israeli point of view, have you heard of any other country that says this is how you have to conduct a war after they have been attacked? that's where the critics are coming from. >> well, look, we are in an unusual circumstance here. because israel is continuing to conduct combat operations against hamas, as they should, to protect their citizens
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following the horrific october 7th attack and to try and secure the release of the hostages that have been held by hamas for 166 days. but they're operating in an environment where the neighbor to the south, egypt, refuses to allow any of the palestinians in gaza to move out of the way of the military operations by israel. what president biden has conveyed to the prime minister and what i have also said to prime minister netanyahu is before you go in to rafah, at scale with a ground offensive to finish the job against hamas, you must relocate innocent civilians, there is nearly a million of them because the civilian casualties in the operations and the rest of gaza have been very high. >> bret: yeah. there's a lot of concern about civilian casualties, no doubt about it. but i guess the critics would say that some of the change. so shift for the administration is coming from a political point of view and a concern about places like michigan and a
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concern about the arab-americans and the progressives who have a real problem with this overall. and the thought about holding back possibly israeli funds based on what they are facing, that's a real question mark. >> i don't think this is something that's just become a concern because of a primary in michigan. this has been a concern from the very beginning. this is a thread that runs through every single conflict. our conduct in operations in iraq and afghanistan. our troops had to observe the rules of war and do their best to avoid civilian casualties in how they target and how they conducted their operations. that's part of how democracies that are based on the rule of law conduct themselves in war. >> bret: last thing. as the co-chair of the campaign, you look at those approval numbers i put up, upside down. you look at the swing state polpolls and where they're and i talked to you before how polls
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are a snapshot of time and don't define the election. however, how do you characterize it quickly after the state of the union address, where do you think the campaign is at this moment? >> i think president biden gave a strong and a forceful and a clear state of the union address. where he laid out his objectives going forward. he made it clear he's optimistic that he believes in the american people that, our economy continues to grow, that he's going to continue to fight to keep us safe and secure overseas and he extended his hand to president trump and said let's work together to pass a bipartisan bill that would secure our southern border and allow us to continue to make progress on some of the challenging issues in front of us. >> bret: and you don't think that executive orders are coming down the pike on the immigration front? >> i know they have been considered but i continue to think that the best step for us to take is to take up and pass the bipartisan bill that was negotiated at great length here by republican senator lankford
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and democratic senator murphy with senator sinema. i also think the house should take up and pass the supplemental that will fund ukraine, fund israel, and fund humanitarian aid. my hope is that speaker johnson will put that on the floor just after we clear these annual appropriations bills today or tomorrow. >> bret: all right. well, we will watch all of that, senator coons, as always, thanks for coming on "special report." >> thank you, bret. >> bret: up next, a big company leaves a small town in iowa high and dry. we'll take you there. and, later, florida prepares for a surge of haitian migrants. ♪ ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries.
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bret the sister of evan gershkovich says it has been a difficult year for her family. evan gershkovich has been in russian captivity since late
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last march. is he charged with espionage. danielle gershkovich spoke to the national press club today about communicating with her brother. >> afternoonened i write letter back and forth so that's it's at once a week. we are mainly trying to support each other and make each other laugh. i'm just in you a of him. i don't think any of us really know what it would be like to be in that position they both deny any espionage charges. ♪ republicans are pushing the senate to pass legislation requiring federal immigration officials to arrest, detain beings and deport migrants who commit certain crimes. it's part of the reaction to the murder of a georgia nursing student allegedly by a venezuelan illegal immigrant
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here is senior national correspondent rich edson. >> a man with an evil heart stole her life. >> laken riley's father addressed the georgia state senate less than a month after his daughter's murder. prosecutors have charged jose antonio ibarra, a venezuelan migrant. >> he was in this country and in this state illegally. my vision for every in this chamber is that you protect citizens from this illegal invasion. >> in the united states senate, republicans announced an effort to try to pass the laken riley act, a bill that would mandate federal officials taken into custody migrants who are in the united states illegally and accused of theft. ibarra had been previously kelly knight crafted for shoplifting. >> this tragedy could have been avoided ifize had detained jose eye bar raft. time after time he was let go. >> two weeks ago, 37 democrats joined republicans to pass the bill in the house. it stuck in the senate. senator ted budd says is he going to try to attach attach
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the laken riley act this week to the massive government spending bill. democrats instead are pushing republicans to support the bipartisan senate immigration proposal. >> rather than approaching this tragic event in a thoughtful manner, republicans appear to have just thrown together language from existing unrelated bills it that target and scapegoat immigrants to score cheap political points in an election year. >> budd was also asked about laken's father comment that he feels his daughter is being used politically. >> this is not about politicizing his daughter's name. this is about remembering her and preventing tragedies like this from ever happening again. >> several democrats just introduced legislation that would allow immigrations and customs enforcement to obtain a warrant for any non-citizen charged with committing a felony or violent crime. a handful of the bill's sponsors are running for re-election in swing states like ohio, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. bret? >> bret: rich, thank you. breaking tonight embattled new jersey senator bob menendez says
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he will not run in the democratic primary in june. menendez is facing federal bribery and corruption charges. he said a short time ago in a video, quote: i am hopeful that my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent democrat in the general election. the senator's trial is scheduled to begin in early may. ♪ ♪ >> bret: florida governor ron desantis is making preparations for a possible influx of haitian migrants. social problems. nicholas a bird's eye view of the operation tonight from marathon, florida. >> the state department's mission to rescue americans trapped in haiti is underway with 30 americans expected to be airlifted to the dominican republic daily.
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this afternoon. chartered flight with more than 60 people landed in miami. over 160 u.s. citizens have been evacuated so far. a flight sponsored by the state of florida with 14 floridians arrived wednesday. >> we are finally reunited with julian, our 2-year-old son. it took about two and a half weeks. the days were turning into weeks. >> florida is preparing for influx of migrants beefing up security to patrol the waters hoping to send a message to haitians considering fleeing to the united states. >> it's not worth getting in a boat and doing that because the chance of you making it is very small. what's most likely to happen is you will get intercepted and go back. >> florida fish and wildlife say not a single haitian boat has been spotted this year. the same mission continues in the air with the florida national guard. >> ocean just east of the florida keys. this helicopter is equipped with cameras that quickly identify the boat and the passengers aboard the boat.
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this is all part of the detect, identify and report mission. >> hundreds of people from haiti arrived in the florida keys in 2023. the monroe county sheriff says is he bracing for a similar surge and looking to the federal government for a plan. >> how long would it take if i call and say i need more border patrol i need transport. if i have 400 migrants you know what i need probably 8 large busses to transport them somewhere. i don't have eight buses. >> and the state of florida has positioned additional law enforcement, national guard and supplies along its coast in anticipation for any haitians arriving here in florida, bret? >> bret: danamarie, thank you. the closing of a major food processing plant is hitting a small americ midwestern town. much of the town will be affected now. there is controversy of just who the company is hiring now. senior correspondent mike tobin reports tonight from perry, iowa.
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>> the little town perry, iowa is worried about its survival. the largest employer in this town is a tyson foods pork processing plant. more than 1200 employees got a letter that the plant is closing. the paychecks are gone in june. >> it's scary paycheck to paycheck. now that's going away. it hits you. >> the closure went public around the time a subcontracted tore for tyson held a job fair in new york to hire new immigrants be to the u.s. accusing tyson of firing citizens to hire immigrants advocates on social media called for boycotts and investors with the american conservative values electronically traded fund sold their shares in tyson foods. >> we think american voters, american citizens are against that and so on principle, we're going to boycott tyson. >> tyson told fox news the job fair hired only 87 people and any insinuation that we would cut american jobs to hire immigrants is completely false. we closed our perry plant for specific business reasons.
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mayor dirk kavanaugh cares less about accusations and more about the future of his town. >> it's more than just the 1200 jobs physically working there, it's going to effect the whole town and the whole community. >> the whole town from the restaurants to the buildings. >> if you don't have a stable income coming in like that, then you can't come out and have fun anymore. >> well, i do construction, so it's going to effect my family. >> people have to find somewhere else to work and maybe somewhere else to live. >> several aid organizations and advocacy groups are rallying around the cause of perry iowa. first to make surety laid off workers have food on the table and second to try to get them placed in new jobs. bret, back to you. >> bret: mike tobin in perry, iowa, thanks. up next, the panel with the latest on the presidential race and the fundraising battles as well as that new video from the southern border.
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[shouting] >> when you look at this video
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it's pretty dramatic. >> i haven't seen the video. >> all right. thank you. >> there are border solutions that need to happen. we all agree republicans and democrats both agree that border solutions are important. >> the key thing is we actually have to reform immigration policy because the more legal pathways we have the last chaos we have at the border. >> bret: chaos at the border as you see that video is from the "new york post" that that's a section of the border where the wire, the razor wire has been ripped down and the guards there overwhelmed as some of them are pushed through. this is as there is new data out about 200,000 deportation cases were tossed due to dhs department of homeland security failure to file paperwork there are more and more of these border issues and it continues to be, obviously, a major political issue as well let's bring in our panel.
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guy benson, francesca chamber and matthew continetti, fellow at the american enterprise institute. guy, every day we see something, some element of the immigration story that's different. this one, as you look more into that video, it is pretty dramatic as they rush through the border past those guards. >> it is. and you just cited that statistic about the 200,000 cases tossed because of what appears to be negligence from the biden administration. that is a bad headline for them. and this video, i think, is more impactful even than some of those drone shots that we have gotten from bill melugin and his team and griff jenkins, and they have done great work down there with huge numbers of people just walking and wading across the river. this one, i think, will probably anger people more because you have roughly 100, let's say dozens of people who clearly do not have a right to be in this country, bull rushing actual american officials. texas officials as it turns out being sued by the biden
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administration, a separate question. but u.s. officials or americans saying you can't come in here right against the border. and those people having no regard for that authority. and pushing past them. shoving them aside and demanding to enter this country in a way that they don't have a right to do. i think many americans will look at that video and having something of a visceral reaction which is why i suspect the biden team is keeping a careful eye on this one because the optics, which they care about so much are terrible for them, worse than usual here. >> yeah. francesca, i know this is the first time you have seen the video, but the issue, obviously, is front and center. and the president has traveled out west. a lot of his speeches dealt with latino voters this time. but, if you look at the issue of immigration, and the latest fox polls that track with other polls, 66% of voters disapprove of biden's handling of immigration. and i asked senator coons about this and the numbers being upside down on all of these
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issues, economy, inflation, israel, hamas, but immigration probably the most significant. they're right now hanging their hat on that bipartisan bill and we say bipartisan. it never really passed. is that going to float them through this issue? >> well, that's exactly what they are trying to do, bret. they are saying the president endorsed a piece of legislation that couldn't get through the house of representatives so this is now up to congress to pass some sort of a bill relating to this. and this was part of the national security spending bill with the israeli and ukraine aid. we heard earlier this week from lindsey graham saying he still hopes there is some sort of border security bill that would pass alongside that that is potentially something that could happen in the future, but it's just not something that lawmakers have been able to come to any sort of an agreement on so far. and not something that seems like it's likely to happen in the near term. >> bret: yeah, and, matthew, i mean, just last thing on this,
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we talk around this in circles all the things the president could do today, tomorrow, the next day, that he is not doing. and then that video, obviously, exacerbates that situation. >> you look at that video and you see a disaster by design. the direct consequence of biden administration policies now entering their fourth year, bret. i think donald trump has been asking americans this week quite prominently are you better off today than you were four years ago. when you look at this footage you see on the issue of immigration america is much less secure than it was under donald trump. the flow of migrants to the southern border is much greater under this president than under his predecessor. so i think that's why it's a winning issue for trump just as the rise in prices and the general sense of things being out of control helping him lead biden in the polls. >> bret: speaking of former president, guy, is he in a bit of a bind trying to come up $454 million bond in new york
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"newsweek," the president, joking about donald trump's debt problems saying speaking of the campaign fundraiser in class, texas. he joked a man come up to him discuss heavy debts this other day the defeated looking man said mr. president, i need your help, i'm in crushing debt. i'm completely wiped out. biden said he then responded donald, i'm sorry, i can't help you. i wonder how that plays? here is former president trump's attorney alina habba about forcing him to sell these properties to make this bond. forcing him to sell prized company such as trump tower iconic properties like 40 wreath to pursue his appeal is manifest in justice it. deprives him of that due process we are all entitled. to say imagine, you can't reverse selling off trump tower on a fire sale at a discounted price. we can't fix that if we win on appeal. so it's complete injustice.
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>> bret: and, as you look at these properties, the trump new york properties, they are iconic. guy, the thought that the attorney general is going to move on these properties, to take them in response to not making this bond, in order to post for an appeal, how does that play? >> >> i think it would raise evening more eyebrows, people who aren't big trump fans view that judgment as punitive. they have watched letitia james taunting on social media about the debt that's been incurred and the interest that's racking up and then if she moves in, basically try to claim the deed one to of these giant buildings, i think it would play very well within the resistance crowd. among other americans i'm not as sure. and as for the joke from president biden, i mean, his whole standard that he set for himself was to float above the lawfare or at least plausibly do so for his own re-election services and, of course, he is the president, right? but for him to make that joke, again, will get applause and
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laughs in certain quarters whether it's viewed as spiking the football and really revelling in something that appears political to many americans, that's a different question and potentially risky, actually, for biden in some ways. >> yeah, francesca, they are crowing about the campaign cash on hand. the biden campaign stands at about $71 million currently to the trump campaign at $33.5 million. but, this issue specifically of all these legal cases and how he is commenting on that is just interesting to see how independents and particularly suburban women will respond to that. >> well, and it was a one-off comment when you look at the cash on hand, which is what they are touristing today. you know, you look at where trump was and his cash on hand a month ago, he barely improved his position, meanwhile the biden campaign and the democratic national committee even as they are spending big in this election keep racking up their cash on hand to be able to spend into the general -- in the
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general election, so they're just decidedly in a better position financially, which is then allowed biden to do things like spend $30 million on advertising as trump does have to pay into legal fees and the rnc and the dnc they are paying for other things besides the presidential election. they are paying for down ballot races, too. that's why those numbers are significant why the trump campaign is definitely want to hustle to get some cash. >> bret: quickly, matthew marist poll is matching other polls in these swing states, you have got trump holding a lead in north carolina 51-48. the presidential race there you look at georgia and the new marist poll 51-47. so as the campaign cash goes up, as the travel goes up for the president, these poll numbers are not going up and the approval numbers are still upside down. >> the polls show that money is overrated in politics, bret, trump has been spent in election after election and he won in 2016 despite being outspent.
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biden is spending all this money. trump's numbers are staying the same and biden's numbers aren't improving and some cases they are sinking. the joke isn't on trump. the joke is on biden. >> bret: okay. we'll see how it plays. panel, thanks so much. up next, a special day for a world war ii ghost army. we'll explain that, next. ♪ jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> bret: that is live look at the cherry blossoms it is cherry blossom festival time march 20th to april 14th in d.c. beautiful to look at, that's the titled basin around the thomas jefferson memorial. though sands and thousands of visitors come to look at them every year. not so great for the allergies. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special day, a secret military unit from world war ii finally recognized today. it is an amazing real life drama from world war ii. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram, our resident historian as the story of the ghost army that duped the nazis. >> never fired a gun, never parachuted behind enemy lines but they did blow up tanks. as in inflatable tanks.
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>> they made these things out of ne-yo people are rubber and all we had to do was inflate them with air. >> they say war is business but in case show business so as the curtain rose on the european theater the u.s. ghost army staged a blockbuster with prop tanks the americans hood winked the germans to make them think the american troops were one place when they were actually some place else. voice actors read fake radio transmissions diverting the nazis along the rhine. stage craft qualified for the oscars. >> we teach our army planners that the corner stone of what we now call military deception operations is the story and the ghost army were master story tellers. >> lawmakers under the ghost with highest congressional medal. >> because of the courageous work of this group it is estimated that 15 to 30,000 lives were saved. >> the ghost army staged nearly two dozen decoy operations in france, lux up bowrg, belgium
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and germany. >> they would plant themselves and have conversations in hotels or in cafes to, again, to deceive the enemy as they would have overhear these conversations. >> the operations remain classified until the mid 1990s. >> the ghost army's tactics were meant to be invisible but today their contributions will no longer remain unseen in the shadows. >> which means for members of the ghost army, it's finally time to take a bough. on capitol hill chad pergram, fox news. >> bret: great story. tomorrow on "special report" houthi terrorists partner with china and russia. we will bring that you story. thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just a minute. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingr