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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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many times she took it. a license does not insure quality. fani willis passed it and there are many unimpressive attorneys. in an impression where you could ruin someone's life. incarceration is on the line. the death penalty could be on the line. you need someone who can pass a minimum standard of competency. standardized tests are the best example of trying to uniformly invoke a minimum standard of competency. if you can't meet it, the cost to society is too high. who will this hurt, john? if we have a bunch of apprenticeship lawyers out there whose qualification is that another apprenticeed lawyer vouches for you the most vulnerable and minorities will hire the cheaper, less licensed and less competent on the average lawyer and they will be the one to suffer the
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consequences of us all lowering the bar again in the name of d.e.i. i saw someone say d.e.i. should mean didn't earn it. >> john: will cain with his thoughts this morning. see you on the weekend. >> dana: a fox news alert. all out manhunt now underway after a dangerous prisoner escapes in a blaze of gunfire leaving three officers wounded. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off today but john has been great to have you. >> john: always appreciate spending time with you. john roberts. the inmate escaping custody with help from an accomplice in the middle of a night ambush wednesday. he is a gang member serving a 20 year prison sentence for assaulting an officer. both men are armed and dangerous and willing to use extreme violence. >> we believe that this was a coordinated attack, ambush on
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the department of corrections officers and certainly a planned endeavor to free him from custody. they are dangerous and armed and have shown violence. >> dana: dan springer with more. hi, dan. >> the good news is it looks like all three corrections officers shot will recover. now there is a massive manhunt for the escapee they were transporting and his accomplice. skyler mead was serving a 20 year sentence and had a string of other crimes including grand theft and several drug cases. while in prison, officials joined the aryan knights prison gang. a group of white supremacists since the 1990s. justice department said a few years ago the gang had 100 members both in and outside of prison. his break-out yesterday morning was brazen and well planned. official eaves say while in the highest level of security he injured himself so severely the
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medical staff at the prison said he should be taken to the hospital less than a mile away. after getting treated he was being walked out to the ambulance in the car port of the emergency department when an accomplice shot at the corrections officers hitting two of them. a third was hit by friendly fire after boise police responded. police say nicholas was the shooter described as 5'11, 160 pounds. mead was escorted in the ambulance and on the walk to the hospital by two unharmed guards. they had armed guards in a chase-up car. >> unprecedented and unthinkable. a number of after-action reports and try to learn from this event. >> the pair got away in a gray honda civic with license plate 2tbf43u. they have received dozens of tips and sightings. so far no arrests. they are considering these
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people armed and extremely dangerous. dana. >> dana: dan stringer, keep us hosted. >> god gave me a beautiful daughter to father, protect, provide for and nurture. a man with an evil heart stole her life. he was in this country and in this state illegally. >> john: pressure mounting on the democrat-controlled senate to pass the laken riley act to allow ice officials to detain and import illegal immigrants accused of theft for burglary. the house homeland security committee is targeting risks of the cbp1 app for migrants. rich edson in studio with the latest. >> plenty over on capitol hill on all this. democrats and republicans are pressuring each other to pass their stalled immigration bills. republicans it's the laken riley act. a presser on this named for the nursing student killed last month. police have arrested a
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venezuelan man in the u.s. illegally. the bill passed the house two weeks ago with bipartisan support. it is stuck in the senate. >> if you are here in the country illegally and you shoplift or commit theft or something like this illegal immigrant did, you have to be arrested and turned over to ice. ice deports you. >> democrats accuse republicans of exploiting laken's murder and refusing to deal in a bipartisan manner to address the southern border. they have called on republicans to pass the bipartisan senate immigration bill. >> rather than approaching this tragic event in a thoughtful manner republicans appear to have thrown together language from existing unrelated bills that target and scapegoat immigrants to score cheap political points in an election year while doing nothing to address the situation at the border. >> the house homeland security committee is holding a hearing this afternoon examining the risks of the customs and border protections cbp1 app.
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the smartphone app allows migrants to register for an appointment to process them into the united states. from january 2023 to this january, the government allowed about 450,000 migrants into the u.s. using the app. republicans have said there are significant security concerns here, part of the subject of this afternoon's hearing. >> john: a lot of concern you can't vet the backgrounds of these people and what will happen when they get into the country? now this. >> dana: you may remember the zone. the next guest being arrested during a school board meeting in loudoun county virginia after his daughter was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom. the school board decided to silence debate and turn off
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cameras while members of the public are speaking. looking back at the video, i just wonder if there hadn't been video of that incident where you would be today. because it would have been a he said/she said. no way for americans to look at that and say this was wrong. this father was treated terribly in this instance and led, i believe, to the governor giving you a pardon there in virginia, governor youngkin. do you think the video was an important part of getting justice here? >> that video was very important for us to get justice. however, we're still trying to get justice. i believe that looking back at it, you know, god made that happen and, you know, here we are today. but something new has happened this year with loudoun county is a new wave of parents have showed up. when they decided to turn off
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the cameras it was because the hindu and muslim community showed up. that's a new wave of parents and i think it freaked out the school board to the point where they cannot allow another viral moment like mine to go across the land and continue to wake up parents to say no to this. >> dana: why do you think those parents in particular would create a viral moment? >> because they came to stand up and speak out against policy 8040. it's against their religions and they are very upset about it. the hindu and muslims don't like this. they came -- policy 8040 is the policy they were trying to pass three years ago when they covered up the rape of my daughter and that's the policy that let boys and girls go into
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any bathroom they identify with. >> dana: is there any validity to some of them saying they think it is important to not have it? let's listen to one of them. a school board member april chandler. >> we want our neighborhood schools to be excellent and i want the division out of the news. for that reason i will not support any efforts to turn the cameras back on. turning the cameras back on now only invites and undermines the work of the school board. >> dana: do you think there is any validity to her point of view. >> no, absolutely not. we have nine new school board members this year and every one of them campaigned on transparency and less division. this is absolutely the opposite of what they all campaigned on. they've let us down. they haven't done wh they said. they are just trying to shut us out. they are trying to shut out moms
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and dads and grandmas and grandpas to speak out against their radical policies. >> dana: do you feel there is enough outcry in the community to leave the cameras on? >> well its he it's funny you ask that. governor youngkin made a model policy that they are supposed to be implementing and they're not. and what good is a governor's policy that's unenforceable? i think there is enough parents to show up to keep this in the spotlight. but i ask our governor, he made a policy, why isn't it being enforced? >> dana: i just have one last question for you. how are you and your family doing today? >> i appreciate you asking. that's the most important. we're surviving. we're in the middle of getting
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into some trials of our lawsuits. we have a title ix federal lawsuit moving its way through court. we expect to be in trial by late summer. we're looking forward to our day in justice and finally being able to hold some people accountable. we have a lot ahead of us. a big fight ahead of us and it consumes a lot of our life. we look forward to one day being able to put this behind us but right now we're still in the middle of a battle of our life. >> dana: you have been tested. scott smith, thank you. >> thank you. >> serious stuff. we should be asking how that happened. take the biden name and biden family completely out of it. how did the chinese communist party infiltrate the white house in the united states of america? >> dana: explosive allegations at a house impeachment hearing. republicans are going straight to the source planning to invite president biden to testify.
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would he accept or decline like his son hunter? you probably imagine the answer. >> the insecure border is a veh lichen of texas and federal law and encourages continued invasion by unvetted persons. >> biden administration and appeals court may be tying abbott's hands over the border but he is vow than to move forward. >> dana: free money for them but not for you? how much president biden's student loan hand-out is costing as inflation still simmers. as inflation still simmers. i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> dana: breaking news out of fort lauderdale. reports a police officer has been shot. we don't have a lot of details and watching the huge police
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presence in fort lauderdale. a police officer was shot outside a holiday inn express. aerial foot all there. law enforcement has closed off 17th street in both directions. you can see in the video. we'll pay attention to this. we don't have a lot of details. to sum up, an officer has been shot in fort lauderdale. police are on the scene. john. >> john: all right. thousands of acres burning from maryland to north carolina as wildfires wreak havoc on the region. crews are basing for another tough day of battling the flames. there is dry air and more high winds. firefighters might get some help from mother nature soon. a storm system forecast to bring soaking rains to the region this weekend. dana. >> dana: house oversight committee chair james comer says he plans to invite president biden to testify in his own impeachment probe coming on
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heels of a high-stakes hearing where democrats tried to turn the tables on republicans. david spunt live with the latest at the justice department. >> now it's president biden's turn to come before the committee, though those close to the committee on the republican and democratic side say they don't expect the president to come and sit and testify before congress. chairman james comer wrote on x. in the coming days i will invite joe biden to provide his own testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions dollars from foreign companies with his assistance. hunter biden was a no show yesterday looking at influence peddling in washington. republican star witness tony bobulinski the former hunter biden business associate who says that joe biden is the brand and the biden family made its living off influence peddling full stop. here is tony bobulinski on chinese connections to the bidens. >> they were willing to send $5
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million because they viewed it as a bribe to the biden family. they say it in their own communications. >> democrats also focusing on former president trump and his family businesses including dealings with saudi arabia and interest by son-in-law and former white house aide kushner. >> we all know the truth donald trump is the quintessential influence peddler in chief. >> former rudy giuliani associate who spent months in prison also spent months before that looking into an alleged biden corruption scandal in ukraine. >> in a year traveling officials and interviewing officials in different countries i found 0 evidence of the biden's corruption in ukraine. no credible source has ever provided proof of criminal activity. >> now the overall impeachment probe republicans have expressed some concern about possibly getting it across the finish
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line on the house floor. this is privately to fox news. however, chairman comer says his investigation continues and by no means giving up. >> dana: thank you, david spunt. >> john: major networks spent little to no time coveng the hearing yesterday. abc and cbs did not touch the story. nbc covering it for two minutes and five seconds. politics and investigations reporter sarah bedford joins me now. democrats said it is all a waste of time. two of three networks agreed. >> mainstream media has been complicit with the democrats in moving the goalpost when it comes to this impeachment inquiry and to what joe biden is accused of doing while he was vice president, right? if you look at what came out in the hearing through the lens of the original question, did joe biden know about what his son and brother were doing overseas while he was vice president? did he ever have contact with any of those foreign business partners? we know the answer to both of
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those questions is yes. when joe biden originally said no. he lied to the american people when he was running for president and that he did play a relatively active role in his son's business in terms of engaging with the business partners. but what we heard in that hearing was not evidence of what democrats and the media have now said the question should be was, was joe biden's ceo of hunter biden business peddling is. was his name on the business website? if not no evidence of wrongdoing. get back to the original question there is a lot of evidence of wrongdoing here. >> john: this will be call for number three. what biden said so many times over the past couple of years in this regard. listen here. >> president biden: i don't know what he was doing. i did not know he was on the board of that company. i have never discussed my business or their business, my son's or daughters. >> never discussed a single thing with my son about anything with ukraine.
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never talked to my son about his overseas business. never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. >> john: if they never spoke about it, it would be familial -- to the max. how can you not talk to your kid about what they are doing? >> that's right. joe biden said there was a real firewall between his vice president's office and what hunter biden was doing overseas. >> john: except when they were on air force two or when joe biden was at dinner with some of these business partners. democrats have tried to sort of change the question >> what is this impeachment inquiry looking at and what is joe biden accused of and logical pretzel democrats have put themselves in to clear joe biden.
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>> john: then there is ocasio-cortez and the rico statute. >> what is the crime, sir? specifically? >> you ask and answer the question. i answered the question. rico you are not familiar with. >> excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir. rico is not a crime. it is a category. >> oh no, it is a category of crime. >> john: maybe when you enunciate every syllable and category it makes it right. you have to be right. >> great news for donald trump if rico was not a crime in georgia. look at what the types of things that democrats did think was worth impeachment or accusations of a crime. donald trump server before he was president, having a ping to a russian server worthy of a scandal. joe biden sitting down at dinner with the former mayor of moscow at a business meeting and
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companies affiliated with his son receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars is not evidence of wrongdoing. a total double standard here. >> john: it depends on what side of the political fence you are living on. >> it determines your logic apparently >> john: thank you. >> dana: how the new york democrat's latest rebuke is deepening the partisan rift over the war against hamas. a republican senator now getting death threats over a potential tiktok ban. why he says it is only proving how dangerous the app's china-based owner can be. to test the toughness of the kia sorento x-pro and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪) ...windiest falls... (♪) ...and coldest winters.
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remains persistently high despite the fact crime is going down in other major cities across the united states. we'll continue to watch that for you and bring you any news that comes out of it. in fort lauderdale police are investigating the shooting of a police officer. it occurred -- you can see bullet holes in a third floor window of the holiday inn express right near the fort everglades cruise ship terminal and not far from a neighborhood in fort lauderdale. we don't know how it happened or who was involved. we only know there are bullet holes in the third floor window which is confusing. we hope to get more from the police ahead. >> dana: secretary of state antony blinken says the gaps are closing over hostage talks between israel and hamas. top u.s. diplomat is making a sixth trip to the middle east since the war began on
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october 7th trying to hammer out a cease-fire deal. house speaker mike johnson is considering inviting israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address congress. this coming while senator chuck schumer refused the israeli leader's request to speak to democratic senators. that continues. >> john: a quick update. that officer did not suffer life threatening injuries. the suspect is in custody is the latest from fort lauderdale police. haiti not the only country reeling from chaos. cuba also on the edge. protestors, very unusual, taking to the streets demonstrating over shortages of food and electricity. the question now whether the communist regime will survive this. gillian turner reporting live from the state department. this is a rare occurrence. this is particularly i want to say -- i don't want to say violent but particularly aggressive on the part of the
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protestors, gillian. >> that is correct, john. you could call it the domino effect in the region. we have been watching in realtime as haiti's government has collapsed over recent weeks. marco rubio sees it like that. either way you have the island nation 90 miles from florida that is teetering on the brink. listen. >> it is a country that's near collapse and it is not because of the u.s. embargo that they lie about. marxism always fails and leads to poverty and suffering and hunger. and because the people who run that regime are incompetent. >> mass protests have taken hold across several cuban cities with poor citizens calling for electricity and food and basic freedoms. ththe biden administration is pushing back against cuban leaders for blaming the u.s. >> the united states is not behind these protests in cuba
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and the accusation of that is absurd. we urge the cuban government to refrain from violence and unjust attentions and calling on authorities to respect the cuban citizens' right to peaceful assembly. >> didn't have the courage or honest enough for the aim of the united states is for there to be unpeaceful expressions against the government. >> last month omar and japeall made the trip to cuba to meet with officials. the squad has been calling openly for the biden administration remove the cuban government from state sponsors of terrorism. i've been talking to foreign policy sources yesterday and today. they all say that is highly unlikely to come to pass. we'll keep monitoring it for you, john. >> john: gillian turner at the state department. thanks. now this. >> texas has right to defend oh
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ourselves and we'll use that authority to declare an invasion and fight back against that invasion. >> dana: governor greg abbott praising the lone star state -- joining us now is sheriff larry smith, president of the sheriffs association of texas. it deals with a bill called sb4 and allow texas to make some moves on immigration. but the federal government isn't taking themselves. this is what karine jean-pierre said. sb4 will not communities in texas less safe, it will also burden law enforcement and sew chaos and confusion at the southern border. do you think that state bill would make your community less safe or be a burden on you? >> absolutely not. it would not be a burden nor would it make it unsafe. it would make it safer. however, senate bill four is one
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very small part of securing the border. >> dana: what else would you need? >> we would need the united states government to do their job and secure the border before they cross over the border, which is when senate bill four kicks in once they've crossed the border. the president needs to allow the border patrol to do their job. they are being kept from doing i have been to meetings with border chiefs several months ago and they're not allowed to do their job. >> dana: the federal government is not doing their job. you then -- you are not allowed to do their job plus you have a job of your own. so i imagine that you are very frustrated. is your community worried, upset, pushing back, angry? what do you hear from them? >> first of all we don't get frustrated, we get determined.
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texas sheriffs are determined to do the job the federal government is failing to do. the citizens, we get very little pushback from the citizens. almost probably the mid 90% of sheriffs are in fafavor of sena bill four and securing the border, so that's what we'll do. >> i saw there was a letter that went from the sheriffs and i think everyone got on board and signed it or most of them did. this is what governor abbott said about terror watch list members. people on that list coming across the border. >> if you are on the terrorist watch list you will pay extra to the drug cartels so you will not be caught. so if we caught hundreds under the biden administration of people on the terrorist watch list, how many terrorists are roaming the united states of america as we speak? the answer is no one knows.
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>> dana: we don't know for sure. what do you think? what is your measurement? >> that is an absolutely 100% truthful statement that governor abbott just made. over 120 countries documented to be illegally crossing the border. we don't have any idea who they are. we know there are people from china most recently crossing the border. i was at 9/11 at the pentagon after the thing happened and we didn't think at that time that would ever happen. we better wake up and as a nation and see what is going on and do something about it. >> dana: are you concerned or determined that there might not be any significant changes on the federal government side of this equation before next january when there will be a decision -- the election in november and either biden gets reelected or trump is the president again in january? >> well, i don't think anything
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will be done because the president has not shown up to the border in his whole term until re-election time within the last few weeks. he might give a little lip service to the border and what he is going to do but nothing will be done, i promise you, nor nothing can be done before the election. but i hope the people of america wake up and see what's going on and stop this porous border and the fentanyl coming through the porous border from china to mexico and killing our youth across our nation. >> dana: sheriff, thank you for being on with us today. you have a big job ahead of you. >> john: dallas ft. worth airport. president biden going to houston. they canceled more college school debt for americans. we'll break down the numbers of
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the president's latest hand-out. a rural town in iowa now facing an uncertain future after its largest employer announces plans to shut down, leaving more than 1,000 americans out of work. stay with us for that. >> a lot of people don't realize it is tough out here. i spend a lot of money just to feed four people. paycheck to paycheck. that's going away. it hits you. they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold,
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>> john: tyson foods will close a pork p packing plant in the small town of perry, iowa. population 7200. the town's largest employer and now more than 1,000 workers are bracing for unemployment this summer. senior correspondent mike tobin
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is live from perry, iowa with more. this will be a huge blow to that town, mike. >> it certainly will. tyson foods is pushing back against accusations they are cutting american jobs and replacing those workers with illegal workers. regardless, people in the town of perry, iowa, are wondering if the small town can survive. when tyson announced it is closing the processing plant it means the elimination of 1200 jobs in the town of 8,000. the mayor points out when you start looking at the fact that many those 8,000 are minors or otherwise dependent and the segment of the population that earns a paycheck it's greater. restaurant owners and contractors are expecting to feel the pinch. >> if you don't have a stable income coming in like that, then you don't -- you can't come out and have fun anymore. >> everybody in town.
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the restaurants, people like me, i do -- >> it is going to kill this town. all the people. they have a lot of people who live here that have to go somewhere else to find work and find someone else to live maybe. >> a subcontractor who supplies manpower for tyson held a job fair with emphasis on new immigrants. that generated the accusation that tyson is firing legal workers and replacing them with cheap, illegal labor. groups on social media call for boycotts of tyson products. a fund divested in tyson foods. they only hired 80 people from the job fair. that is completely false. we closed the perry plant for specific business reasons. it is still a tough break for this town. they went through a school shooting last january, if you remember. >> john: sure is tough.
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no question about that. mike, thank you so much. dana. >> dana: right now we're awaiting president biden's departure from dallas to houston. he wiped out another $6 million in student loans this morning and now bailed out nearly 4 million people after the supreme court blocked his plan. how is this happening and where is the money coming from? hillary vaughn on the hill. hi, hillary. >> hi, is there a better way to wake up than getting an email from the president saying congratulations, your student loans have been paid off? that's what's happening to 77,000 americans today as the president emailed them announcing that he is forgiving their student loan debt. 5.8 billion in total. teachers, firefighters, nurses, who have been making payments on student loans for ten years in the public service loan forgiveness program. he is letting 380,000 public service workers know they are on track for debt forgiveness
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within the next two years if they continue to make on-time payments. the email reads because you pursued a career in public service on track to get your eligible student loans forgiven. thank you for the work you are doing to strengthen your communities and keep it up. some student loan borrowers feel like the promises are too good to be true. 55,000 borrowers are suing the biden administration because they were promised the debt would be wiped out by the end of january and it wasn't. the department of education says they have been working as fast as possible and the january date was a goal, not a guarantee. dana. >> dana: so interesting to wake up all the time and oh, more money they found to give away and doesn't have to go through congress. more to come on this during the campaign. senator tillis said he received this voicemail death threat from a tiktok user over the proposed crackdown on the company.
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listen. [laughter] >> that's people's jobs and that's my only entertainment. i'm trying to get rich like that. anyways, i will shoot and find you and cut you into pieces, bye [laughter] >> dana: proof how dangerous tiktok can be. even though you can't threaten to kill people, john, it is not funny the way she was laughing there, it just shows the descenttyization and makes its point that tiktok is driving people insane. >> john: a lot of threats phoned in. threats to kill the president, other senators, are being investigated. but if what people say about tiktok is true, that it is a tool for the chinese communist party ultimately, and you look how ingrained it is and how it has infiltrated the minds of so many americans. communist party says it is
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beyond our wildest dreams the effect this thing is having. >> dana: they haveo idea how powerful it would be but you are probably right. >> john: i know knowing how much you love sports you will dig the next segment. a 16-year-old racing phenomenon going pro and tearing up the track. her amazing journey to the daytona 200, a 16-year-old. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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so call now for free information. >> john: she doesn't have her drivers license yet but races at 160 miles-per-hour. this 16-year-old made her debut at the daytona 200. she is the youngest rider and the only girl in her class. what was it like to be on the big track there up on the banks
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going that fast? >> it was crazy. you have basically world class riders. that were consistently up front on these high banks at daytona going around 180 miles-an-hour. it was such a unique experience. >> john: what was it like to go 180? >> pretty intense. i don't know if you watch nascar or any of those sports but when you are behind another rider racer going that fast you get sucked into a draft or slip stream and makes you go faster. going that fast was really cool. >> john: i was talking to you off line. i did a little motor cross racing when i was a kid but i didn't have the courage. your dad was a racer as well? >> my dad raced for 16 years at
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a semi professional level in road racing and did motor cross, flat track, car racing. i was kind of, i guess, i grew up in the motor sports world. >> john: a great way to grow up for a young person. your website says you racked up 410 wins in 47 regional championships. might be more than that since it was published. what makes you so much better than everybody else out there? >> you know, for me i've always just been super hard working and super determined. i think i have a very clear goal in mind and i will do whatever it takes to get there and i have a hugely talented group of people around me now with the motor team alongside me who is a professional racer, world champion and a lot of really good people around me that are pushing me to make that step. i think that is what sets me apart. >> john: last summer you turned 16.
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eligible for the super sport class. a year and a half from now you will be 18 and makes you eligible for the super bike class, which really is getting into powerful machines there. do you plan to make the upgrade when you are 18? >> can you hear me? >> i can hear you, sorry. >> john: are you planning to make the upgrade to super bike when you turn 18? >> yeah. i mean that's kind of based on our progression over the next few years. we'll try to make that jump either here in the u.s. or in europe as soon as possible. >> john: great to see you on the international motor gp circuit. both italian riders are legends in what you do. do you have a goal in life to exceed what they have done and become the best ever?
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>> of course. i think everyone when you pick a sport for somewhere that you want to go, you want to be the best in everything. i'm a very competitive person so, of course, when i look up to the racers, anyone that's in that the goat status you want to beat them and get up there. obviously that's the goal for sure. >> john: we'll be rooting you on. congratulations and good luck going forward. >> thank you very much. >> dana: she was terrific. the most popular dog breeds are released. french bulldogs won american hearts for thehe second year in row after that is labs, golden retrievers, vizsla is number 35 but number one in my heart indeed. john, thank you. >> john: i got the golden retriever.


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