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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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this is one of the most powerful tools that the government has, what they are going to do isn't make de facto illegal to sell internal combustion engine cars a car company, your average vehicle under these corporate fuel economy standards, has to get 40 mi 40 miles per gallon t. best pickup and suvs they get 3. you have got to offset that so you start producing crappy exhave. this is how we started going from big strong cars in america that you could be in a car crash and family could live to light weight cars. they had to meet these cafe standards. if you pump into a speed bump the wheel may fall off. we have to make shoddy cars. now the car companies are left in a position where you are telling me to invest in evs. >> carley: they have to sell ev cars by 2022. >> trying to make internal combustion cars illegal. >> todd: charles on fox business.
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"fox & friends" starts now. >> steve: thank youd to and carley. wednesday, march 20th, 2024. it is the first full day of spring. welcome to "fox & friends." can we start with a fox news alert. a federal court flip flopped. why a texas law cracking counsel on illegal migrants was good to go until it wasn't. >> brian: "fox & friends" is in florida as the state braces for a haitian migrant surge. >> it's this is not a port of entry. we are the last line of defense here in the state. >> brian: lawrence is live with more. >> and trump and other co-defendants still pushing for d.a. fani willis' removal after this courtroom meltdown. >> no, no, no, no. this is the truth, judge. it is a lie. it is a lie. >> ashley merchant led the effort from the very beginning and she is going to join us in a few minutes. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪
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>> steve: all right. here's something new. it broke overnight. and it's a fox news alert. a federal appeals court in new orleans has blocked that can action happening hours after the supreme court allowed it to go into effect. >> brian: i'm getting whiplash. doug luzader in washington. >> flow chart. this has been a game of judicial ping-pong over the last 24 hours. texas officials barely had time to celebrate what was a supreme court win yesterday before they faced another setback. so, do the migrants stay or do they go? just hours after the supreme court cleared the way for texas to begin enforcing this new border law, this new state border law, a federal appeals court blocked it again, stunning those who have been keeping a close eye on what is becoming a critical test for the nation's immigration system. >> texas s.b. 4, operation lone
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star, they're doing more to help protect that border than everybody except maybe the frontline of dhs. and they wouldn't need sb 4 if the federal government was stepping up to its responsibilities to protect that border. >> the now blocked texas law would now make it a state crime to illegally cross the border into texas, the biden administration says only the federal government can enforce immigration laws and while the supreme court in a 6-3 decision yesterday agreed to allow texas to begin applying the new law while the legal battles play out in the lower courts, the decision overnight from the federal appeals court means it's on hold again, the ramifications here go well beyond just texas, take a look at the border apprehension numbers from just last month from february. efforts in texas to crack down on border crossings, may be shifting the drives arizona, california, and new mexico and, of course, we know the impact that this crisis is having on big cities to the north like new
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york and chicago. mexico, by the way, said they would not cooperate with this new texas state law. they would refuse to take back any migrants sent their way even though they would have crossed over from mexico. back to you guys. >> steve: it's hard for them just to stand in the river then. that's crazy. all right. >> ainsley: thank you, doug. the supreme court makes the decision that you can't arrest these illegals and a judge can decide if they are going to be sent back to mexico. mexico is now saying we will not accept migrants sent back thunder texas law. but then, overnight, this three judge panel based in new orleans said that the law, which is s.b. 4, should be blocked. the vote was split 2-1. the two people, the two judges that said this law should not be in effect and blocked it, priscilla richmond appointed by joe biden and you are that kurilla ramirez. >> steve: the complicated part yesterday, at the end of the day, it looked like this was a big win for people who wanted to
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crack down on our southern border, because, essentially, the supreme court said, you know what? s.b. 4 in texas can go ahead and take effect during legal challenges. and what's interesting is in the opinion that the supreme court released, two justices in the majority said the supreme court may consider intervening in the future after a lower court, the fifth circuit weighs the merit. well, apparently that particular statement appeared to have an immediate effect on the lower court, the fifth circuit of appeals. and they quickly scheduled a hearing for this morning and blocked of the law. so, essentially the supreme court said, okay, after they rule on it, we might take it up, and the lower court said okay. we are going to take it up. they are going to take it up this morning. >> very similar to the arizona law that passed with jan brewer all those years ago when obama was in office and governor of arizona. she they wanted to crack down
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with their version of sb 4. everyone said this is terrible. you don't like hispanic people. now america has matured to the point this is absolute crisis. this government offers it up because this government is such an epic fail and absent when it comes to border security. they make their own wall and say now we are going to deport on our own. dan patrick wrote it as lt. governor. working it way through the court, oral argument should be interesting. bottom line is illegal immigrants will soon learn if they're going to come, it's going to be come through california, new mexico and arizona. if this thing could possibly be put into play, it will be a template for the other governors and pressure on all them to do what never supposed to do. i love the fact that governor desantis is going to also look at his illegal immigration thing and go back to martha's vineyard. here come the hations. there they go to beautiful martha's vineyard. >> ainsley: numbers in february look at the southwest border apprehension unless arizona 54,000, california 33, new
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mexico 12,000, and texas 42,000. that's a total of 141,000. >> steve: that's a big number. >> ainsley: isn't that like michigan stadium which is the largest times 1.5 or 2? >> brian: bigner washington. >> ainsley: 1.5 of those if you have been in those it's massive. >> steve: all the problem in haiti. and that's one of the reasons wife -- i told the story le two weeks ago. i was down in florida. and i saw this police check point and it was because there was a boat full of haitians had just come ashore in jupiter island. this morning lawrence is down in south florida. lawrence, when i told that story it's like oh, that's going to be a problem for the people of florida. but florida is getting ready, aren't they? >> lawrence: yeah. so, you got two prongs of problems right now guys. you guys were just talking about the court systems, working their way through s.b. 4. and a lot of the criticism, when it comes from people on the left, is not really warranted because there is a compassionate
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approach within the law. s.b. 4, when you go to the second degree misdemeanor, which is the six months that they can imprison you for a first time offender, they give you the opportunity to go back to mexico, if you want to. but, if you are a repeat offender, then you got that class -- i'm sorry, the second degree felony, you can be in prisoner up to 20 years. but, at any point, if you want to go across the border, it gives you that option. the whole point of the law was to say listen, no more catch and release. and to have an actual deterrent. because right now what you have is people coming across the southern border saying i will just offer myself up because i know i'm just going to be released in the country. so you got that problem. now, you have every time in haiti there is some type of civil war or some humanitarian effort, they start making their way across sea. so you got ron desantis who has
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been great on this issue, actually. before any governor was sending the national guard, he sent the national guard as well as the florida fish and wildlife, to texas to train to learn the drone technology. to learn how to patrol by sea. now those same guys are here in florida and they're patrolling every day preparing for this massive crisis. i talked to them yesterday. this is what they had to say. >> so tell me, colonel, what are we seeing right now with the haitian population and them coming to florida? >> well, what we are seeing is, you know, with the instability in haiti, the likelihood of migration is a lot higher. we recently had an intercept on february 29th at sebastian inlet where our officers intercepted a boat coming in the inlet with 25 haitian migrants. so, we're out here prepared to address those issues of an increase in migration. >> lawrence: so, guys, it's not
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a constant flow like you s see n the southern border in my home state of texas right now. but they are preparing for this crisis. the journey to come across sea is way different than coming across the rio grande, guys. >> steve: that's right. >> lawrence: they are ready for it. >> brian: it's extremely dangerous. but they are not looking to get their boat licenses. they will grab any boat and just come across. when you talk about unrest in haiti. this one was because they assassinated the prime minister and the first lady behind it. the new prime minister named leaves the country. they locker him out. eight gangs take over and now we are going to give them $150 million and ask them to fix things. it doesn't seem to be working well. >> steve: one of the problems is and lawrence to your point about the seas being dangerous between florida and haiti or and now cuba as well, just 90 miles off the florida keys, is the fact that so many -- and we have been talking to people down in texas, they are seeing so many people from haiti. it's ease yesterday for them to fly to mexico and then weighed e
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across the rio grande. they are working with the coast guard and trying to stop these boats of haitians and others before anybody is able to set foot on shore. but that's a problem because it's not like florida has got a navy. >> that's exactly right. and to put it to context, you're exactly right. the coast guard is like the first defense line. the only time the florida fish and wildlife agency gets involved, which is their state police agency, is once they go past that perimeter, they are out of international waters, and then they hit miami or anywhere in florida, the keys area or anything like that. so, again, like i said, the journey is tough. >> a lot of these folks, you know are abandoning the boats. they think they have hit land,
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which they have. but then you are talking like a 4 to 5-mile swim. they are not going to make it. so what ends up happening is these become rescue missions where these people are about to drown and then florida fish and wildlife have to rescue these people. >> ainsley: frustrating when you see ron desantis is taking action in florida. your great governor, governor abbott in texas is taking action then you have the great lakes filed emergency application for appeals court they acted quickly and that act is put on pause until they can discuss it further. you look at the a.p. poll it, shows 36% of hispanic adults. that is only 36% approve of joe biden. look at this poll, hispanic voters prefer trump over biden. this is the "new york times" and siena college poll, 46% prefer trump and only 40% support biden. so, when you see these numbers, and you talk to people who did it the right way, they are very
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frustrated with all of these individuals coming across the border and being allowed to stay and americans pay for it and then you hear about the crime that's associated with it. joe biden knows he is behind in these polls,so he is going as this three state swing through nevada and arizona and texas. this is what he said to the latino voters in arizona. >> you are the reason why, in large part, i beat donald trump. >> yes. [applause] >> let's beat him again. [cheers and applause] >> well, you know, i need you. i need you badly. i need the help. kamala and i desperately need your help. >> brian: that means kamala i assume the vice president. one things this totally throws the democratic game plan into the sea. they thought the more hispanics we get through the border, remember in 2008, mitt romney had very low number on hispanic vote they said well, you should have been more of an outreach
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and talked about your family's role in mexico. that would be one thing you should do is never talk about being tough on the border. that was the so-called autopsy of what's wrong with the republican party. now things have switched. when trump came out and said we're going to build a wall and leave a door for people and mexico isn't sending their best. democrats laughed and they said great. this is what we need. the president, the nominee fill phiing hispanics and, therefore, grab the rest of the vote. then when the president came down and used terms like poison and a lot of people here not human getting here. they said that's perfect language. we will make believe the president hates hispanic people. bottom line is no one is looking for joe biden to distill what president trump means. the hispanic community get it. he is not against anyone in the hispanic community. it's illegal immigrants. immigrants that come here to kill, to rob. it's people who have breaking our laws. and that is why it's the upside down world in the democratic mindset. how the hell is joe biden losing
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to donald trump who continues to talk strongly at the border as late as this past weekend? it's because the hispanic community gets it. and they are not upset with the roe v. wade being overturned in many cases because they are extremely pro-christian, pro-catholic community. >> steve: that's one of the researchers why joe biden, according to his campaign, is going to texas and arizona to reengage the latino community. you know, when you look at the pools and ainsley decided how the president is under water with hispanic voters. he is also under water -- is he going down in the number of black voters who helped him get across the finish line last time. and, so, this essentially -- they believe -- the campaign believes that the tune out voters are finally starting to reengage. but here's how the president missed a vital opportunity yesterday he was in arizona. he could have done something about the border. because that's the number one
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issue. but he didn't talk about that. he is going to texas. is he going to do some fundraisers there. he should go down to the border and talk a little bit about how it's the number one thing impacting people. and it's not just down in texas and it's not just down in arizona as well. in massachusetts on friday, the governor mara healey who is a democrat, she was asked by boston channel 25 news about that case where we were telling folks about corey alvarez, 26-year-old migrant from haiti. haiti once again charged with raping a 15-year-old disabled girl at a migrant shelter. and what the governor said has now infuriated people throughout new england. listen to this. >> it's a horrible situation. horrible allegation. and, you know, my thoughts are with the victim and her family. i think we have the right systems in place. unfortunately, this is, you know, a terrible incident. you don't want to see anything like this happen. this is also an individual who
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came in lawfully under the federal government through a federal program, it is unfortunate that, you know, from time to time things will happen from time to time things will happppen, lawrence. >> what an awful thing to say, this is the party that continues to say they are the most compassionate to go to the point that you were making, steve, earlier, why isn't the president willing to visit the areas that have been impacted the most, if he is the most compassionate? because he knows that his policies are now on the ballot to the point of black voters and hispanic voters obviously minorities and why never are not going along with the biden administration. because it directly impacts them. when the criminal elements come across the border, what communities do you think they are going to live in? when people come across the border that are poor and can't get proper work, who do you
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think jobs are going to be taking whether it is the criminal or economic element that is hang, our communities are being impacted the most. and the democrats continue to say they don't care. >> ainsley: lawrence -- >> brian: he won't even patch a hole in the fence. that's by why he doesn't go to the border. hole in the fence and senators won't address it. >> ainsley: when you see how they handled afghanistan and what did kirby say i didn't see it as a crisis? >> brian: from my perch i didn't see chaos. >> ainsley: i didn't see chaos when you have people hanging off the planes. when you have this democratic leader in massachusetts the same one dressed up like the dunkin' queen incountry queens. video we aired yesterday the massachusetts governor. female lt. governor is a female. shocks me out of a female wants mouth that she would say, imagine if this is your child who was raped, says it is unfortunate from time to time
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that things will happen. this is a child. this is a person. this is someone who will deal with the effects of being raped for the rest of her life. and so just to see the tone deafness there. and joe biden, not even mentioning laken riley's name until -- until someone gives him the pin and shout from the audience mention her name and then he mispro-nuns her name. these are individuals. these are americans that are affected by this joe biden crisis. >> brian: all right, lawrence. we will check in with you a little bit later. meanwhile time to turn to the headlines, ainsley. >> ainsley: overnight the d.c. attorney general dropping charges against the gold star dad that was arrested for protesting during that president's state of the union address, his speech a few weeks ago. steve no he, is the father of 20-year-old nikoui. one of 13 service members killed in the suicide bomb during the
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afghanistan withdrawal in 2021. the office said it has not prosecuted protesters in the past. the news brought him to tears and he is thrilled and humbled. the united cajun navy is ramping up its search for missing university of missouri student riley strain. he vanished 12 days ago after leaving luke bryan's bar in downtown nashville. the group that usually works to rescue storm victims is organizing searches in and around the cumber land river and riley's mom who asked them to join the effort breaking down during a news conference yesterday. >> we really are focusing on. >> focusing on bringing riley home. he is my best friend he is everything. >> debit card discovered not far from where he was last seen.
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>> ainsley: railroad rider slashed in the face after asking another man to stop blocking the entrance to the train. the victim was also beaten with one of the attacker's shoes. the unidentified suspect was arrested and charges are still pending. happening today on capitol hill, a group of hunter biden's former business associates, including tony bobulinski is set to testify before the house oversight committee. it's the latest phase of the biden impeachment inquiry. the president's son was invited to testify as well at hunter's request. but his lawyer rejected the invitation. the committee says the hearing will go on with or without him. and now to another royal wreath touching controversy. leading photo. question another picture taken by the princess of wales, wondering what's going on in all these photos. the photo in question features the late queen elizabeth with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. meanwhile an investigation is launched after kate's medical records are reportedly involved in a security breach.
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according to the the mirror, a staff member tried to illegally access her information. and the person who shot the tmz video of kate first public appearance since her abdominal surgery is speaking out. he says people are quote delusional for believing social media rumors that the person in the video was not the princess of wales but a body double. those are your headlines. >> brian: look into that in the break receipt. mind to you dvr the show. make it a series and make your life easier that is an option. >> steve: that way play the dvr over and over and look at it, is that kate? i wonder if that's kate? >> brian: quiet down kids, i'm staring at a video. she is responsible for blowing the lid on the improper relationship between fani willis and nathan wade. >> steve: well, ashleigh merchant is going to join us for a "fox & friends" exclusive. put down the remote. t she'hes next. ♪hos arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower
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>> steve: welcome back. lawyers for donald trump and eight other co-defendants have filed emergency appeal in the great state of georgia to remove d.a. fani willis from the election interference case in that state. >> brian: steve sad dough, trump's lead counsel writing the
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motion court found willis' actions create appearance of impropriety and odor of mendacity that lingers in this case but it refused to dismiss the case or disqualify her she is still on. >> our next guest initiated this effort from the case ash lee arab l.a. joins us now.>> what . state senate does find there is misconduct? >> they are actually looking at couple different things. they are looking at changing laws, if there are any laws that are in place that they need to amend or change. they can also remove her from office. our governor just signed a law that now has oversight over a law going into effect this summer. we will be seeing a lot of investigations coming. there is a lot of the information that wasn't necessarily relevant to my motion i wasn't able to bring in
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court but other agencies have investigating. >> steve: we were all watching you live on tv back in february. i'm sure you got a lot of text messages and email from friends and family. we got a snippet of -- here's a little flashback between her and nathan wade who would eventually more after this resign from the case. listen. >> i don't remember the date but you are an officer of the court i'm going to hope you are telling the truth now. >> may i approach the witness? [inaudible] >> as he ever visited you at the place you laid your head. >> let's be clear because you have lied i'm going to tell you which one you lied in here. right here. i think you lied right here. >> your honor, i'm going to object. >> no, no, no, no. judge, it is a lie. it is a lie. >> steve: she called you repeatedly a liar. and i know you were attacked viciously online and elsewhere. but you feel that ultimately
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judge mcafee's court decision, saying one of the them has got to quit, nathan wade, did you have been vindicated, right? >> yes, oh definitely i was called a liar some times. every stage of the process i was vindicated because everything was proven in court and all of the sources of my information were finally verified and so everyone actually finally knows that those calls of me being a liar were not accurate. >> brian: so, ashleigh, i have to say the whole time one surprise after another from our perspective we couldn't believe what is taking place. fafani willis was not supposed o go on the stand. >> right. >> brian: what were your thoughts when obviously was going terribly in the morning. so she lines up and she just launches into that seat. what are you thinking? i know you know the case and why you brought it forward and its relationship is what had this judge entertain it. so what are you thinking? >> i mean, at that point i was surprised that she come in. but i would want to defend
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myself if someone had made allegations that i was claiming was false. what surprised me is she didn't bring anything to actually back it up. so if someone had accused me of wrongdoing, i'm going to bring my phone. i'm going to bring my text messages. i'm going to bring my bank records that surprised me that she didn't bring any actual proof. we just were stuck with her word that she paid back these transactions in cash. i would have brought transaction slips. i would have brought a lot of information if i had planned on taking the stand. but, it definitely surprised me and, you know, we are not supposed to be watching the proceedings as a witness when they are going on. the fact that she knew exactly when it come in, you know, i got ask her about that on the stand it appeared as though she had been watching the proceedings. that was a little bit surprising as well. >> brian: that means she lied. she said she wasn't watching. she clearly lied. she lied over and over again and she seems to be getting away with it to a degree. >> yes. i mean i, think the judge pointed that out in the order he talked about her demeanor on the stand. that's not what i think you would expect to see from the sitting district attorney from a
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lawyer othe stand. i understand she was defensive. but, being defensive is one thing bringing proof, bringing evidence to support your claims, that's a whole different story. and then just really lashing out the entire time at how angry you are for being victimized in her words, that was a little bit surprising. >> ainsley: ashashleigh more les forfeiture fund. explain what that is. >> there is a lot of funds the district attorney gets. federal funds, state funds and particularly what you were asking about was forfeiture funds. that's when the government takes someone's property or someone's money. and then the district attorney has those funds and they are able to use them. the thing is the law has very specific requirements for how you can use those. and so she is getting federal forfeiture money and that is being used to pay nathan wade. we have tracked over $100,000 in payments to him just just from
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further funds that's one of the things being investigated. >> ainsley: you are not allowed to pay lawyer fees out of forfeiture funds. >> you are not. >> steve: how you went on tv and this case was revealed are coming out of the woodwork with other details about what went on between the two of them. but it all started with a tip. who told you guys hey, you know, what i just saw? where did that come from? >> that came from nathan wade's best friend and law partner at the time they were law partners and he represented him in the divorce proceeding, which when he told me this tip, i didn't even know he represented him in the divorce proceeding. i had no idea. i thought they were just law partners and friends. he is the one that tipped me and another one of the attorneys off and started talking about all of the different things that he had witnessed. and so we started investigating and in follow-up and do things called open records requests and talked to oral witnesses and sort of verify all that information. >> brian: i just want to bring up this. you also revealed the invoices
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meetings in athens with white house counsel. when people say there is no link between the white house and the georgia case, what did you reveal? >> oh, there is definitely a link. >> records show nathan wade was reimbursed for trips to washington, d.c. that he met with j-6 counsel. he met with athens, he met in washington, d.c. i also got records from the white house showing not only ms. willis and other staff went to the white house they have tracking data on who enters the white house, how long they were there. i was able to find all that information there was quite a bit of information linking this back to d.c. >> ainsley: ashleigh, is there a chance that she could be disqualified? is there another route for that and what happens in all the other trump cases. >> i definitely think she could be disqualified. new commission in georgia hopefully looking into this and they could disqualify her. there is a lot of other avenues that the judge even outlined in his order. lots of other people are looking at this. she is facing re-election.
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she has two opponents right now. so there is a lot of other checks and balances that are in place. plus, more information can come forward. and we are continuing to investigate. >> steve: right, ashleigh, exit question i know you involved in only one of donald trump's legal cases there are a lot of people who say democrats and the legal system is set up to go after the former president. what do you think? >> i think at this point it's excess and there are a lot of people out there waiting for their day in court and i think they should get their day in court there is a lot of people in civil cases that can't get their days in trial until 2028. regularly getting trial dates for 2028 and 202 #. why? because the docket is being crowded with other cases. i think there is an issue of judicial economy, other defendants are entitled to their day in court. so i just think at this point we have got to look at the big picture and start to think about judicial economy and think about the rest of the american public that actually wants to get into the court system. >> brian: right. just real quick why we only have
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30 seconds. when's the next time a hearing or trial if at all. >> that's a good question about the trial w right now we are gog to do the appellate process. we should know by the end of the week if the judge is going to give us of the appeal if he does we have to ask the appellate court for the appeal. if moves pretty quickly. if we get the appeal about six months for the appeal to actually work its way through the system. >> ainsley: do you think he will? >> we have got some time with the appeal. >> steve: schedule is much different than judge judy. she is able to do it all in a half an hour it's amazing. >> brian: very impressive presentation thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. law enforcement stepping up patrols as the situation in haiti goes from bad torres would. lawrence jones has an exclusive. he has a ride along in miami. that's next. ♪ a month, each lasting 4 ho urs or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. a federal appeals court blocking a texas immigration law that would have allowed police to
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arrest illegal border crossers just hours after the supreme court approved it. >> brian: i should have went to bed last night. i thought i had one story but have a different one. south florida is breaking for a surge of haitian migrants fleeing the growing violence in their country. >> steve: they come here in those boats like you see screen right. lawrence is down in miami for a firsthand look at how local law enforcement there is preparing for the surge. lawrence? ♪ lawrence as haitian illegal migrants make their way across the border by sea they are met by the florida fish and wildlife. let's go check it out. >> men and women, this is what they do every single day. they are out here on patrol they focus on the migration that could potentially be happening. they look for any suspicious activity, if tavis vessel, go fast vessel coming from offshore.
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look like a boat looks significantly overlead load -689d. what we have eaten in the past is anywhere from 25 to 30 on a go fast type vessel to 100, 200 on a 30, 40-foot older style sailing vessel. >> lawrence: tell me colonel, what are we seeing right now with the haitian population and them coming to florida stability in haiti, likelihood of migration is a lot higher. we recently had an intercept february 29th on sebastian inlet our officers intercepted a boat coming in the inlet with 25 haitian migrants. we are out here prepared to address those issues of an increase in migration. >> lawrence: how do you separate the ones coming for asylum and the people that are here just coming to break the law anyone coming through the ocean this is not art pooh of entry.
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we conduct an intercept. then what we will do is call our federal partners. either the air marine unit ever customs cbp or the u.s. coast guard and then we turn them over to them. >> lawrence: you got the coast guard out front. and you guys are here to protect florida, essentially. >> that's correct. so the coast guard typically will handle the federal waters. they are out there on the big cutters. we are presenting, we are the last line of defense here in the state. so we typically will state in state waters and if for some reason the vessel gets through that layer with the coast guard, we're here to conduct the intercept. a lot of it is just being out here. that's why with the leadership of our governor, we have got more men and women out here conducting the mission because the more of us that are out here, the better chances we have for intercept a vessel before it comes in to our state. >> lawrence: it looks like the governor is already anticipating that you guys are going to need more resources. so, you got more equipment, but
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you also got more manpower coming your way. >> that's correct. so we have added 32 officers from the florida keys all the way up the east coast to st. lucie martin counties whose mission is specific to be out here patrolling and looking out for potential migrant situations and intercepts. we monitor that on a daily basis with our teams that are out here patrolling and we absolutely need to shift more resources we will. >> lawrence: guys, there is just simply quality law enforcement out here in florida much like texas. and i think the difference maker is you have got to have a governor that wants to enforce the law when the federal government refuses to do so. a lot of credit to ron desantis, guys. >> >> steve: no kidding. he lets them do their job. >> brian: gives credit back to them. >> ainsley: and listens to the voters. >> steve: all right, lawrence, great reporting. thank you very much. >> brian: talking about great reporters what about great anchors? >> ainsley: she is amazing. she is incredible, carley. >> carley: who me?
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thank you, guys. i was hoping you were talking about me. [sighs] >> carley: too live up to that high standard i will deliver the news right now. ohio republican candidate bernie marino slamming democratic opponent after winning the g.o.p. primary. >> well, it's going to be very nasty for one research. sherrod brown can't run on anything other than nastiness. he has no record. this guy is an abject failure. >> moreno was endorsed by former president donald trump. the bar exam will no longer be required to become a licensed attorney in washington state. the washington supreme court approved new ways for law students to become a licensed attorney. options include a six-month apprenticeship program under experienced lawyer or can you become an attorney by completing 12 credits of coursework and 500 hours of hands on legal work. and those are your headlines. that's certainly a change, guys. >> steve: indeed, yes, ma'am. thank you. >> brian: you can say that again. >> steve: straight ahead gang
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crackdown in el salvador senator tom cotton visited that country's mega prison and gives us a firsthand look in a "fox & friends" exclusive. he's live, next. ♪ s the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ lowe's knows new projects come with questions. so, we have answers. like how to keep your yard looking lush.
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>> brian: another "fox & friends" exclusive senator tom cotton the first u.s. official
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inside el salvador terrorist. the maximum security jail built in 2022 after the country's president declared a state of emergency to crack down on violent gangs and it seems to be working. homicides in el salvador dropped 70% in 2023. >> joining us with more. you knew el salvador had another elections. get another term that prompted you to reach out, why? >> yeah, brian, what is happening in el salvador in the last one tell years really remarkable. wasn't that long ago that el salvador one of the most dangerous places in the world countries in the middle of wars. up a can pell years ago president and his legislature instituted a state of emergency. the police cracked down there. were large scale roundups of ms-13 and other gangs. he wilel salvador rivals for onf the safest places in the
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americas. what happens when you take crime seriously. when you restore public order. what i saw there was remarkable. had you young kids playing soccer in the afternoon. women jogging during the twilight hours. things that simply could not have happened two years ago. in my conversations with the president, one thing that he stressed is that every to take such measures when crime run rampant. when public order breaks down. something i worry about happening in some of america's cities, when i landed at the airport in sandal have a door in fact the front page of the newspaper had a story about outbreak of violence in washington, d.c. it's a reminder that we can never let our guard down against crime in this country. >> give you a sense what indeed is possible who think that central america is hopeless, south america will never reform, that they can't get things together and that we're always going to have this problem with immigration? >> yeah, that's right, brian. these are problems that can be solved. again, just a few years ago,
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people couldn't go outside their homes, they had to pay extortion money, gangs would showed up for 12-year-old boy and say we are taking him to be one of us or kill you. say we are going to take your 12-year-old girl for prostitution or otherwise we are going to kill your whole family. now they can live a normal life. they don't have to pay extortion. they can go out in the evening and live their business. have things like economic growth and education which is what the president wants to focus on in this new term that he just won by more than 80% as one of the most popular leaders in the country. so, it goes to show that these problems can be solved. sometimes can you also being be a victim of your own success. look where new york was before rudy giuliani came along with a series of great police chiefs in the 1990s. look at it's deteriorated to since bill de blasio took office. can you never forget that order is not the natural state of mankind. it has to be carefully preserved and cultivated with strong law enforcement and in this case strong and big prisons for
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ruthless gang members. >> brian: they arrested tens of thousands. they did release about 7,000, maybe they overarrested. i have seen some of the stories. and they have let them out. but, right now, the people of el salvador can walk the streets. you also mentioned 300,000 people living here expats they voted overwhelmingly for this president so they appreciate what is going on. senator, thanks so much for doing. this not many are talking about what you are doing be this is called going to the grassroots of the problem and this is one of the answers. a shame the vice president didn't go with you. senator tom cotton, thank you. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: you got it. meanwhile carley shimkus is upstairs somewhere safe. >> carley: i am safe and i am upstairs. you are right on both fronts. fox business alert to get to here mercedes binns u.s.a. recalling 116,000 vehicles. improperly secured 48-volt ground connection. and chrysler is recalling over 38,000 ram and jeep vehicles. the automaker says there is an issue with the steering wheel
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column which could prevent the driver's airbags from deploying. fans of the stanley tumbler are gearing up for the brand's latest cloox with target. three new hit store shelves on sunday. if this is anything like past stanley drops long lines and products selling o fast. those are your headlines, brian, back downstairs to you. >> brian: thank you so much. shocking truth hind aoc's districts we sent rachel campos-duffy to investigate. ♪iabe jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effecects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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