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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and his business associates. congressman, maybe it is just an email address he likes to use we when you sign up for prescriptions, you don't want to use your real and, i guess.ten, >> listen, he was taking moneyhe under the table through his sone and brother. the fictitious emails are a way to do it. weth are still trying to get tho bottom of it. a follow-up later toth see the progress of those emails. i'm quite sure rob or el peters or whatever the names are, those will tell us a lot ao reading them. >> laurain: we went through a lot of hoa hoaxes and a lot of hoaxes on "the ingraham angle." the hoax of marriage is racist. we should have statarted but thw one. congressman, thank you so much. that is it for a spirit always set yourn't dvr so you stayy connected with us. follow me on social media.
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>> hey, another primary election day in america with few big swing states headed to the hotels. >> carley: keeping eye on ohio republican senate primary, three candidates looking to clench party nomination to flip the seat. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. glad you got the wortd vulnerable, i have trouble with that. his campaign is working overtime to ramp up attacks on former president trump releasing new ad, completely misrepresents his comments again. >> carley: madeleine rivera has details, good morning. >> madeleine: good morning. biden campaign is trying to increase pathway to victory in november and expanding to minority voters, women, young
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voters. the president is expected to talk about union jobs, abortion and border security. the president will head to the border in arizona and texas. former president trumps his campaign cut a new adwhen he talked about how biden's reelection would affect the auto industry. tell your supporters now no matter what no violence. it is going to be a bloodbath. >> trump campaign responds no amount of gaslighting can cover up biden's bloodbath, from the afghanistan withdrawal and the border. listen here. >> when will the president hold another news conference to ask a
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question without having helicopter noise in the background? >> i don't have anything to share. the president takes questions pretty regularly and enjoys having engagement with you, i don't have a press conference to layout. >> is there talk of one? >> i don't have anything for you, the president enjoys engaging and will continue to do that. >> the president held 33 news conference so far at this point there presidency, former president trump held 57 and former president obama held 68. carley and todd. >> todd: everybody has to go, president has to go, kjp has to go. donald trump is narrowing down his list for vp. >> madeleine: that is right, trump is ruling out vivek ramaswamy as his running mate and eyeing him for a cabinet
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job. bloomberg adds other people who impressed former president and his team included inned in governor and former gop presidential rival burgum, elise stefanik and robert lighthizer. even kevin mccarthy is being considered to serve as chief of staff. senior trump campaign advisor is denying the details, saying somebody has decided to list everyone who has met president trump and speculates as to potential participation in a second trump administration. truth is unless you hear it from president trump or his campaign, this is all bs. bottom line, a lot to watch. >> todd: that comment is pretty accurate, probably not something to take to the bank. national security adviser jake sullivan pushing back on the claim president biden has grown angry and anxious about his
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reelection bid. >> peter: the quote is he began to shout andir swa, when he does that, is he shouting and swearing about benjamin netanyahu or about hamas or about his poll numbers? >> this is the when did you stop beating your spouse question, i don't think he ever did that. >> did he? >> that is premise of your question, when he does that, i have never seen him shout or swear in response, from my perspective, that report is not et cetera c. >> todd: that report comes as latest polling shows president biden trailing president trump in the 2020 rematch. >> carley: and people the reaching out -- situation in the world. today the state department will
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meet with adoption agencies as american parents try to get their children out. they are working closely with the haitian government and responding to individual inquiries from adoption service providers and inner parents. a missionary will join us later this hour with the nonprofit leader that saved her. moving whether, janice dean has the fox weather forecast >> janice: easter is coming and so is spring, i think tomorrow is first day of spring? it is getting close. look at this, feels like winter time across the eastern third of the country. dealing with temperatures below freezing. 36 in new york city, cold enough for frost and freeze alert in
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louisiana, northeastern texas, arkansas, mississippi, georgia. feeling like february in late january in parts of florida and georgia today. yeah, you get the picture, it is cold and we have snow in the forecast. future radar for great lakes, several inches, foot or more down wind of great lakes and upstate new york. you can see snow still to come in canada. my mom will get over a foot of snow. it is ez kra -- crazy. maybe 8-12 for part ofs of minnesota and wisconsin and this is the next storm system which could be a blockbuster for getting toward late march. midwest last snow, the average in late march into april and record in may. point of this of graic is to say
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we're getting into springtime and seeing a lot of snow. high temperatures from canada, dealing with below freezing temperatures for daytime highs. still lingering. >> carley: spring has not sprung. >> janice: the ground hog was not right in some areas. >> todd: i have three angry ladies at home, like i have here. >> carley: how did we get from spring to angry women? >> janice: we like chocolate. >> todd: the fight to get d.a. fani willis off the georgia election case is not over. >> carley: and ohio senate race one of republican best hope to take control of the upper
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chamber in november. matt dolan is here with his message for the buckeye state and beyond.
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>> carley: kansas city chiefs kicker is opening up about the deadly super bowl parade shooti shooting. i know gun violence was a big discussion, this is degenerate violence. we need strong fathers and men leading and setting good examples, teaching young men in
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our society that violence is not the way to handle our disputes. texas dps sharing this photo of a child found alone at the border. he was carrying a phone with two phone numbers taped to the back of it. he's in border patrol custody. dps official vow to keep doing their job despite the supreme court state law that allows local police to arrest migrants. dps encountered 505,000 illegal immigrants under operation lone star. todd. >> todd: five states holding primary elections today including ohio and big one to watch is the state senate gop primary. three republican candidate battling to flip one of the most vulnerable senate seats in the
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country held by brown. matt dolan joins us now. senator, what is your final pitch to voters on the issues that matter? >> good morning. thanks for having me. what matters, we need a secure and sealed border and i'm only one in this race talking about temporarily closing the border until we get protection necessary, more border patrol with authority to act like law enforcement, remain in mexico, go to mexico city government and say you need to join us destroying cartels and i'm only one calling for weapons of mass destruction for fentanyl. we're not going to allow you to ship into mexico. then our economy. under joe biden and brown here in ohio, our economy is rough. things i've done in ohio, les
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taxes, less regulation, school choice, they are helping. we need a washington working with us. under joe biden it is not. i've got experience to help do the things necessary to make it a stronger economy. if i can go to washington, i can join president trump and others and get it done at the federal level. >> todd: seems it would be popular with gop voters, bernie moreno is calling you a rino and yesterday he said this about you, listen. >> president trump, van nuys and jim jordan has endorsed me. my opponent, if you want the party of mitt romney and liz cheneshg y, you have a choice, i don't think that is where ohio is. they want people in office that put interest of america first. that should be how everybody
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thinks, it is not how opponent thinks. >> todd: what do you think? >> this is a decisive role. i want to unify the republican party. there is no one in this race who has put trump policies into place except me. i have not deleted any tweets about president trump. if you want tax cuts president trump put in, i did it, universal school choice, i've done that. republicans in ohio want somebody who is going to go execute on principles and agendas we believe in and get things done. i've balanced budgets. my last budget was called most
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conservative in the united states. that is not me saying that, that is groups saying that. i understand campaign nature of whery woo are now. that ends today and come tonight, i will present argument we need to bruinified republican party and singular goal to retire brown from politics in ohio and we go to washington with majority and enact principles and beliefs of the republican party that help ohio. i know that because i've been reelect and outperformed trump. i know it works for all of ohio. >> todd: you mentioned number of ways you are connected to donald trump, he endorsed your opponent, moreno, you believe your ties to trump will overcome that in the mind of the ohio voter?
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>> i do. my focus is on ohio. i have the most county sheriffs endorsing me. i'm focused on improving ohio and proving american lives and make sure america is strong economically, militarily, inside and outside of our country. people will see me as somebody who can carry that republican flag to beat brown and get things done in this country. he will see an ally in me if he's focusod making america strong. >> todd: we'll watch it today. your family owns the guardians. matt dolan, thank you, appreciate it. good luck today. remember this. >> logistical success, strategic failure. >> you have regrets about the
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withdrawal? >> i don't have any regrets. >> all this talk of chaos, i didn't see it. >> todd: no regret or chaos, top biden officials who oversaw biden's botched withdrawal taking the stand. >> carley: we'll preview the hearing with one lawmaker asking questions and a woman who lost her daughter-in-law in kabul. it's hard to explain what this feels like. ♪ moving piles of earth, just by moving a lever. ♪ towing up to 4,000 lbs with a machine that weighs less than half that. cutting grass, clearing the way, and perfecting every inch of your land. ♪ we could keep trying to put it into words. ♪ but nothing compares to experiencing it for yourself. ♪ you just have to get in the seat. learn more at ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make
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>> carley: top former biden officials heading to capitol hill today to face questions on the president's botched withdrawal from afghanistan that left 13 servicemembers dead. the mother of nicole ghee, who was killed at just 23 years old and one lawmaker questioning witnesses today.
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this is a high-level hearing and general milley and mckenzie will be providing testimony. should we expect to hear something new today? >> i hate to be cynical, i talked to milley afterward about the withdrawal. they talk about logistical success, you don't leave billions upon billion of armor and weaponry behind for enemies to use when you saw the enemy advances and our collapse. don't call the death of 13 people a success. it was a logistic failure, after 20 years, 21,000 casualties, 2 trillion spent and time spent away from families, you call that a success. that was a botched withdrawal by the bidens to cover this up.
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>> carley: so many questions about the decision-making and chaotic scramble that led to the death of your daughter-in-law and other service members. what questions do you hope will be answered today? >> i hope we'll get transparency and have our questions answered and find a path forward so we will not have another casualty of a servicemember. >> carley: -- ied test run taking place and reported it. that could come up in today's testimony, that is a tangible
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thing, you can look back and see who he reported it to and why he was told to stand down. what is missing is accountability. >> exactly what we are most frustrated with. i was there in 2016 and spoke to the sniper and he gave extensive testimony of having eyes on the suspect and couldn't get clearance, they didn't have streamlined communication and it cost the lives of servicemembers and afghanis. this set us up for failure. we had relative peace, now we have 27 terrorist bases training people to harm the united states because of this botched withdrawal and the way the
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administration handled afghanistan in general. >> carley: you reached out to the white house to have a conversation with him or somebody m the biden administration and that has never happened. is that still true? >> that is true. we have never even received a reply from our request to meet with the white house. it is very disheartening and as our commander-in-chief, we would expect he would be receptive to our request for information and that has not been the case. >> carley: if you could say anything toim had, ask him a question, what would it be? >> i have to tell you, i probably wouldn't bother. i don't feel like he has any attention span for us or our service members at all. >> carley: are you angry? >> i am angry. >> carley: it is understandable
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anger that you and many americans still feel to this day. congressman rich mccormick and christy chamblan, thank you for joining us. >> todd: former president trump's defense team appealing ruling from georgia judge that allowed fani willis to stay on the electric interference case. it refused to dismiss the case or disqualify her. right for pretrial appellate review. mark smith, constitutional attorney and former member of president trump's transition team. does this motion have a shot? if granted in trump's favor, what happens next? >> yeah, because case in atlanta
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is not over, this is interlockatory appeal. there is likelihood this will be granted. this is an extraordinary case. judge mcafee said the law of georgia dealing with dis qualification of attorneys is unclear and i think he will agree with the trump defendants it is appropriate for georgia court of appeals to step in and clarify the law. you have fate and fortune of the individual defendants at play and dealing with potential future president of the united states with donald trump. this is a big deal, a lot of ambiguity, there is a big chance judge mcafee will grant this request and it will go to georgia court of appeals, who
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has to agree the case can be heard. >> todd: what this means appeal and process it triggers all but assures there is no way this case will come to a decision by november 5, election day? >> i think there is no way that will happen either way. amount of discovery and information and exchange of documents is so voluminous, i don't see how they could get pre-trial motion and discovery, evidence, dealing with experts, i don't see how they could get this complex case done in time to try the case by november. it seems almost impossible to get that done regardless what happens to this request for appeal. >> todd: law ain't fast. former president trump says he cannot secure $554 million bond in new york fraud case and his
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attorney is calling it practicil improbability. requiring cash reserve approaching 1 billion is unprecedented for a private company. does it get reduced or will donald trump be forced to pay the full amount and sell real estate to do it? >> if new york justice system is just, there should be no request for posting of bond. this is extraordinary fraud case. in most cases, you havin loo of people out the door saying my money was stolen and i want it back. that is not the case here. there is no victims and the banks that were allegedly the victims are fine with what happened here. we are talking about new york attorney general request to get money. not like new york was a fraud victim. right answer is to reduce amount
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of bond required to be posted to pause and not do it at all. you do not have a line of victims that need to be paid off. there is no dispute he's worth billions of dollars because of real estate holdings, but they are illiquid and hard to sell and manage and whatnot, that is why banks are unlikely to want to borrow loan money because real estate doesn't move quickly. that is not a fast process. >> todd: our discussion centered on new york state system, there is the federal appeal process, he can invoke eighth amendment and constitutional law scholar, you know prohibits excessive bail. this seems excessive. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. we want to see more of you guys,
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people who watch our show everyday. send us a video of you saying your name, where you are from, why you are up early and what you love about the show, e-mail to friendsfirst@ >> carley: nailed them, you are the star of the show. >> todd: we talk about them in the break, highest honor you can achieve. >> carley: send us videos. nearly 1000 americans in haiti have requested help from the white house and administration is calling it one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. >> todd: we're talking to an american missionary who just made it out of haiti safely, and the man behind her rescue. both are live next. for you. for you. this is not just design because your e-class...
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van.
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into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. boeing issues continuing to mount. this time windshield cracking as alaska airline flight has to land in oregon. >> carley: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: another day, another issue for boeing, latest coming from a boeing 737 en route to
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portland, oregon. the small crack was on inner windshield. alaska airlines are outfitted with outer pane and inner pane, and other panes can maintain cabin pressure. in january, remember the door plug blew off on a boeing plane and two united boeing aircraft incidents, a wheel falling off and another plane losing a panel. there is an e-mail to reassure passengers that the airline is safe. from the airline to boeing itself, now the faa, investigation ongoing about the alaska flight in january, the stories mounting with boeing.
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>> todd: enough with the excuses. >> carley: we want all panes to not be cracked and wheels to stay on the planes. >> todd: have you lost power? don't blame wind, blame white supremacy. >> cheryl: interesting remarks from cori bush. she was in a hearing last week and said law enforcement has been monitoring violent white supremacy groups and targeting of the power grid. they were examining reliability of the grid in the country and issues under networks, increased reliance, demand increases and
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blamed climate change in the hearing. >> carley: she did. tell us about this letter going around hollywood getting signatures. >> cheryl: this speech at the oscars was jarring. hollywood director glazier received backlash on march 10th. glazier, a jewish man, denounced his faith and said we stand here as men who refute their je jewishness. he was advocating for ceasefire in gaza. now 400 jewish and hollywood professionals pending open letter to him denounces his words. this is nazi regime that sought to exterminate people.
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debra messing, eli roth, some of the jewish professionals that signed this open letter to him. >> carley: okay, thank you for joining us, have a great day. white house says 1000 americans facing brute at gang violence in haiti have reached out for help. this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. project dynamo is on the ground working to get americans out of dynamo cofounder brian stone joins us now. each conflict presents own unique set of challenges. what challenges are you facing with this in haiti? >> we could be here all day to talk about the challenges, this stuff is not very easy.
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there is political problems, gang problems, violent problems and problems getting fuel. there are logistical challenges, the biggest challenge is safety for my crew and people we are evacuating. >> carley: how dangerous is it in haiti? tell us about the gangs. what is their motivation and who are they targeting? >> bryan: the gangs, it is conglomerate of gangs, big ones, little ones, syndicates where a bunch of gangs are working together and covering different areas. think of them like an organized riot is best way to think about it. it is a problem, if gang leaders got on tv and said, shoot everyone in red t-shirts, the gang leaders would do that.
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if gang leaders said, this is over, put down your guns, they probably wouldn't listen. it is decentralized conflict. >> carley: americans trapped in haiti and state department saying about a thousand need help. they are in real danger. >> yeah, so we've been here for couple of days getting going and we've done planes and boats and number of operations where it is very difficult. we have over 100 americans registered with us at we are totally donor funded and do not receive a penny from the government. >> carley: project, if you are in haiti or know
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somebody that needs help, they are in good hands with you. last week the state department said they did not know how many americans were trapped in haiti and when asked if there were plans to extract americans, they said there weren't any. they have now done an about face, what was your reaction to the initial reaction by the government to say there is nothing we can do, they are sort of on their own? >> project dynamo as donor funded nonprofit, conducted 610 missions as of yesterday, probably 620 by end of the week, afghanistan, ukraine, hurricane ian, maui and d now in haiti.
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americans stuck and no government support at the time. we're pulling americans out of afghanistan 2-1/2 years later. plenty of americans are stuck in all these places. some of the reasons are hard to understand why that happens. end of the day, americans are stuck. if you have a passport, you don't deserve to get stuck. >> carley: thank you so much for always being in these horrific conflict zones, getting people to safety who need it. doing good work. thank you for joining us, god bless and stay safe in haiti when you go back. >> >> carley: they need the money. we are awaiting ruling from
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supreme courta allegations that biden's white house colluded to censor conservatives, tomi lahren had her post restricted and she will join us next. >> todd: unrestricted on "fox and friends first." lawrence jones will join us with what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: fascinating stuff with the supreme court, coming up on "fox and friends." former president trump says paying that $454 million fraud bond is practical impossibility after leticia james warned she is ready to seize his assets. what happens if he can't meet the monday deadline? jonathan turley tells us about that. chaos inside the state department as they reveal 1000 americans are stuck in haiti. cory mills says he is not abandoning them, he just rescued
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13 more. he will tell us about his mission. brand new body cam video showing what could be the last time missing -- was seen. mark furman reacts to the case and on deck, jesse watters, kurt, louisiana governor -- tuesday morning on "fox and friends." see you in a couple. .
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♪ >> carley: president biden's reelections campaign working overtime to ramp up attacks against former president trump. including this brand new add that takes his recent comments completely out of context. >> tell your supporters now, no what no. >> it's going to be a bloodbath. >> outkick host, tomi lahren joins us now. if they are willing to try put trump literally in jail so that he can't campaign, it should come as no surprise that they would continue this bloodbath lie the way they are doing, tomi, right? >> yeah it, wreaks of desperation. what it tells me is that joe biden is so terrified of taking on donald trump in november that he simply must continue to lie on the former president because he can't confront his record or his policies head on. he can't confront his popularity with the republican party or his four years of popularity, at
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least economically speaking. so he has to lie. but i think what the trump campaign is doing is actually genius. they are using this moment to remind the american people that the true bloodbath that's occurring is already occurring in our streets when it comes to crime, when it comes to biden and democrats illegal aliens murdering american citizens. so if they want to talk about the bloodbath. i'm not sure that's a discussion the other side really wants to get into for reasons that they've created. >> carley: tomi, it's clear that this ad is part of a biden campaign strategy to try make donald trump seem dangerous. look over there, not over here to focus on president biden's age, mental acuity, the border. the economy. and they are targeting that they are gearing that towards the independent, moderate swing state voter. do you think it's going to work? >> well, listen, i do have fears that some people who don't watch fox news, some people who don't read and listen to independent
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media, they might fall for the lies if they simply watch other networks or follow the white house on social media. i would just hope the american people take more pride in information than that. and they seek out the truth. unfortunately, a lot of journalists are not reporting it right now. but, all we can do is do our part and i think that this, at least is, resonating. we just got to continue to hammer away at the lies. >> todd: meantime the supreme court is weighing a decision in a case challenging the biden administration are team work with big tech to censor contented and you never want to make assumption based on the questions how the justices are going to rule. it looks like the decision could come out in favor of the white house. here are some of the questions yesterday, listen. >> if the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country. >> you can't just sort of pick and choose which part of the government you are concerned about. >> encouragement would sweep in an awful lot. >> what do you do with the fact that the platforms say no all the time to the government.
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>> in 2021 the flag this post of yours i personally will not get the covid vaccine. will not be forced to get it. if you want to get it, by all means please do. if you want to wear masks, 1, 2, 5, masks driving walking alone by all means please do. if you are tired of returning to old normal by all means stay home. what's your reaction to the questions by the justices after you were, in fact, censored by the biden white house? >> i certainly have a dog in this fight. one of the comments that was particularly concerning to me is when justice brown jackson said she has concerns that the first amendment could hamstring the government, which i say that is exactly the point of the first amendment is to hamstring the government. guys, there has been a lot of talk in the last couple of weeks about tiktok. and rightfully so about the influence of perhaps the chinese communist party on american minds and on the propaganda they are pushing and algorithms pushing. how could we possibly in good faith criticize a chinese communist platform or entity
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tight to tiktok if we are unable to call out our own government or white house who was quite happy to censor americans. if they think they're protecting the american people by censoring a post from me saying i personally wouldn't get experiments vaccine i'm not sure if they know whether a protecting the american people means? >> carley: more speech is better than less. let everybody talk and then the truth can rise to the surface. you got about 20 seconds left. final thoughts here on this. >> i would say this it seems very one sided what the white house wanted to did he do you see and monkey with and have the social media companies do just that the social media companies were happy, to by the way. that's another part of this problem here. i would say to those on the other side would you be happy if donald trump wanted to censor your speech if he is reelected? once again, i think the answer is no. >> carley: thanks, tomi, have great day. "fox & friends" starts right n now.


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