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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 18, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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bookshop, jesse sign books. you can buy a copy. it'll be signed and then a you can be a part of the live signing tonight. i'm going to stay after hours.t >> i'll be on hannity. and then tomorrow morning i'll be on "fox and friends". >> you're going to get sick of me. let's sefriends. e some brian from georgia. >> if the big guy falls down in those special shoese bi, it's going to be a political bloodbath for democrat'll s. , w tony from brick, new jersey i were hokies, but i never gotea lost on the porch. >> patti from redbank, new jersey p. ny giv >> johnny, give you a list of demands, man. >> the walnuts on johnny. you have no idea. >> dvr the show and always remember i'm watters and this is my world and
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welcome to "hannity" this monday night. >> wow. a lot of news tonight. tonight,annity", joe biden repoi anxious and angry over his reelection prospects. why in poll after poll after poll? well, donald trump is beating the current president demographically. joe is losing huge parts of his base. g hu he's losing huge numbers with african-americans, hispanicgeumbers americans, peo, suburban moms. they're leaving him. and now democrats, the biden campaign, the mob and the media, they arthe moe all despee and i mean desperate. now, some would even say that, well, the left is bracing for a political bloodbats brach whih is why they are desperately now praying that donald esperate trump spends the next 231 days in courtrooms all across america. in the hope, said joe biden's weaponized department of justice biden's, help joey w the day. but whatever you do, just don't the it a bloodbath or democrats, they will accuse you of fomentingl ac violence. the same people that said,
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the 574 riots in the summer of 2020 that killed of americans, injured thousands of cops, pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails and caused billionsy i in property damage. they claim they were mostly peaceful. nowere mostly pew more desperatr part. over the weekend, trump used overthe phrase to describe the potential economiche fallout of a second joe biden term. but according to the left andb an their allies in the mob, in the media, trump committed a mortal si n with a threatening callis to arms and what is now even a deleted post. our old friend, liberal joe scarborougn a dh breathlessa stating following quote, donald rbtrump's america and he is prod of it, promised another bloodbath if he losef s. you mean like the riots in 2020 that liberals said were mostly peaceful anyway? now, this is juswere most the ot the iceberg. but before we get to all the insane and we've got greatwe montages tonight and the blatant hypocrisy, let's justt'u
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listen to former stpresident trump's remarks. let's actually play them in context. in histually p own words, no ede >> take a look. a me tell you something to china.> if you're listening, president xi mr. t and you and it xi are friends, but he understands the idea that is big monster car manufacturing plantsg in that you're building in mexico right now. and you think you're goingt nowg to get you're going to not hire americans and you're going to sell the carsamericanoing asu going to put a 100% tariff on everyt single car that comea across the line, and you're not going to be ablea line to sell e guys. if i get elected now, if now t get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. but the whole that's going to be the least of it. the >> it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that be the least of itry. tt. >> and he talks about cars again. he was talking about the cars and the auto industry. you just heard the speech. the president will discuss thes the automobile industry. if you have a brain and braisnnn and any intellectual honesty,
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you will admit that and acknowledge that. >> but let's see democra how the democrats and the lying corrupt media mob, best friends and the cheap donors characterize these remarks. >> this should not shock you, but take a look anyway. one specific remark from donaldy trump's rally on saturday has set off a political firestor se but is it possible the firestorm is missing? >> what should be of real concern? we have we just have to wins this election because he's even predicting a bloodbath. what does that mean? he's going to exact a bloodbath. there's somethin o g wrong here.hing >> when the former w president who's already incited violencero here. among his follr says that there's going to be a bloodbath. g towhat, after the election, f he does not win, he is telling us what he is going to do. >> a major party candidatesayi is saying, you elect me. there's going to bengt to dictatorshipt is, bloodbath, violence, retribution against my politicalship enemies,, th but ignores what we sawat in italy and germany and otherut
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places. he if you look at the way he said this, it's going to be if or a bloodbath for the whole. then he stops. that's going to bee whole,n th. >> that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath e leasfor the. obviously, he's talking about a bloodbath for, america.s it's laid out in the terms of it. and thesn the idiots on twitter, these idiots on and on on cable news. these idiots on sundayn cable s on our program know he was talking about the auto industry. >> and this is one more. it's just bull. me say that it's 6:15 a.m..'s >> it's just bull. well, i mean, you got to laugh. just, you know, full blown lying dishonesty, hysteria fromt nbc, cbs, fake news, cnn, amnesty, and see the new york times. pretty much everyone in they democratic party, every single quote, mainstream media sise does. this is flat out lying to your
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face. now, trump's full remarks are on tape. he's clearly not calling for ful political violence at all. in fact, he is using, let's say, a pretty normal analogy. so matter of facl analt this ph, pay attention. liberal joe is ver py commonon e on the left. let's remind you, republicansstan understand that they're headed for another potential electoral bloodbath. quickly, it's still not clear that donal>> it'd trump w, in fact, testify, because i think that would be a bit of a bloodbath. major universities bracing for a bleat k financial >> why one expert is predicting a bloodbath as classes resume this fall. >> but as reports on the, quote, bloodbath at the rnc coming out of iowa, they were promising that this was effectively going to be a bloodbath. nogoing to bt only is it going a a bloodbath, but after they leave new hampshire, bloo on her home turf. >> that's really what has left a lot of corpset's, his wake. >> the thing i fear most is if f
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he doesn't run, there's going to be a bloodbath in the democratic party because the battle, an is already on. donald trump is going to win this nomination and we need to be ready for that. look, it is a long fight ahead. i'm not going to sugarcoat at it for anybody. people who don't think this election is going to brcoapeople a bloodbath all mistaken. >> as the administration braces itself for a bloodbath in 2018h and a wave of staff departuresoa ,we're going to begin right off the bat with some breaking news in our money lead in what's being described as a market bloodbath and frankly, doing just great in georgia. >> and, you know, ohio to we've had a bloodbath overnight. florida is goinga bloodbath. toe a political bloodbath for carnie sanders, but he can't make it up. kenya, even joe biden himselt ue piers, the term in 2020 telling donors that the bernie sanders campaign might cause a primary campabloodbath. get and here's where it gets the most interesting democrats, a mostthe mob the media, they he done far worse than use the don term in a political analogy
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in recent years. some actually even calling for donald trump's assassination . others, including your vice president, kamala harris. remember the cell phone shed ou? tweeted out after the precinct? and many apples was burnede grou to the ground and they're not going to stop. we're not goinndd e nog to stop encouraging the rioting and that summer of love e riding and promoting the fund for dangerous criminals, many have stated publiclyphotosh trum they wanted to punch trump in the face or as joe biden said, i wish you were in high school so i could take him behind the gym ore there's a windstor, joe, maybe blown over. the senate majority leader, chucdstormk schumer, even threat the united states supreme court during a violent speech on the very steps of the u.s. supreme court. a and that's not all.p let's take a trip down memory lane. lathis is probably my favorite montage of the night. take a look. >> and everyone beware, because they're not going to stop itbefe is the night. they're not going g to stop before election day in november
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and they're not going to sto eyp after election day. >> there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrestbe in our lives, and unfortunately, there's plenty to go around. >> i just don't even knor an w why there aren't uprisings all over the country. >> and maybe there will be. yeprising s, i have thought an l lot about blowing up the whitel house. >> when was the last timabout bs actor assassinated a president? claire foy i'm not an actoinr. i live for a living. however, it's been a while. oh, maybe it's time. >> how dare you say the things he does? of course. i want the thing to punch him ie and you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, and a gasoline station? you get out and you get them, and you tell them, michelle, nhich says that, you know, whe
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they go low, we go back. no, no, they go low. >> we kick up what mr. burgess up against sean hannity. he'll turn them up. the press always ask me, don't i wish i were debatingsh him? d no, i was sure in high school i could take him behind the gym . >> that's what i wish. ove i want to tell you, becausr eto, i'm sure that i want to tell you cabinet, you have read the whirlwind and you make me the fact that obama wantingbodyt somebody to beat me up, i'll take him on. whoever mr. burgesup?s is if he wants to, you know, bring it on. anyway, keep in mind bri, therea no media hysteria after the violent rhetoric. nonerir th. t but they takake the words of donald trump completely out of context. y preten they pretend that we are facing an existential crisis and this is what they do every day. the top donors to the thi biden campaign this year, like in 2020, like clinton in 2016,
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will be the mob in the media not to be outdone, the biden campaign actually released this new, disgustinbig ad. >> take a look. now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath and it's going to be a bloodbath for the countra blo but you also had people that were very fine people, both sides. >> it's going to be a bloodbath w. now, this comes just a few dayso after a previous ad comparinmegp again, trump to the kkk. here is the truth, though. well t , joe biden,t your president, is the only candidate in this racise who, praised the former klansman robert kkk byrd called him a friend and a mentor. joe biden, your presidenk t, onl he is the only candidate who worked with the klansman. y candrobert byrd and other segregationists. why they wanted to stopls integration of schools and school bussing because schoo he didn't want kids going to schools and growing up, in his wordsand going up, raciah
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that's joe biden, afe only candidate who told african-americans they're black if they don't vote for himrithe joe biden is the only candidate who lies regularly about his role in the civil rights era. so biden's attacks are well, this bizarre. beyond dishonest and full of lies, he lacks all self-awareness. but his campaignof they have noi choice. here's their problem. they cannoce. is t on his recor. and 231 days your lives have become much worse under your president, joe. e are you better off than bette you were four years ago under joe biden? hell nr goo. ? he has failed and he's failed miserably. but the question tonight, where do we go from here? joe has already jumped the shark compared to the kkk. he's accusing trump of ending america in democracy. he's lying about abortion. we now know they lie, d a lot about january six and kept a lot of information froy ram the that was exculpatory from you, the americao den people.
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and he's lied about thed economy. are you better off? joe bideaboun is fomenting panic hysteria. he's promoting a fake existential crisis? s fe. he's trying to prop up his shrinking base in the mob a. e he medi they just are an extension of the biden campaign. extenjoyed that. that was that was cathartic for me. i love those montagehartic f me thank you to my team. here with reaction, fox news ., tributor charlie hurtx the host of abc's tomi lahren is fearless. tomi, tommy, start with you.t wi i would say that the violente has come a lot from the leftt in this country and not fromfrom conservative side of this e ofcountry. well, right, sean, i thinkn, i my personal favorite in that ty montage was maxine waters whens she offered up trump supporterms and conservatives to angry mobs and instructed her followers to chase us down in public places. y who has been chasedhas be down in public places by armiees of liberals. i really appreciated her comments then. rals,are realbut sean, you're e.
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they cannot run on joe. they can't sean, even let joe sl for himself anymore. in fact, they asask him not cant to speak. >>can't run joe on not even being able to fin od his wy out of a door or his way up a step. >> so they havay ue to on this, they have to run on. donald trump is bad. he's threatening ave to political andence i the media. they're the worst players in all of this becausen th theyh and they lie with conviction. they lie so much they believe their own lies. ouldn' but why wouldn't they? you played the clips. they lied about hit you pls comn in charlottesville. they lied about covid. they've lied about jan six. the they lied about russia, russia, russia. their lies never any nev consequence. so why would they change their strategy now? consnce!g seems to be the only y they can get elected. so that' s going to be the strategy. >> throw in, as you often mentioned, sean, climate the change ,abortion, and that pretty much wraps up the entire ange, abydemocrats strategy ands pretty pathetic. >> they'll lie about abortion
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and demagogue, that they'll lie about the economy. now they're trying, afterree ye three years to say the border is closed and the border is securar sayinboe. charlie hurt. oh, now they're blaming republicans for the situatiochan at the border. and by the way, now we even have known terrorists and hamasa supporters that we know got across that border. so thiw ts is all they've got. >> what are the republicans do? let's talk about. what is the best way to countere the thre the never ending lies and the desire to have the doj keep donald trump in a courtroom for the entire campaign the next 231 days with jones weaponized department of justice. what is the best way to handle w that? >> quite frankly, sean, i thinki the best way to handle it is exactly by doing exactly whih what donald trump is doing, which is to go out there, gave give his campaign speeches, talk about things that people care about, and then let the media freak out about it,
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let democrats freak out about it and a kind of interesting thing happened there. you know, i think one of the reasons that everybody was so shockedha therei thin, all tl people were shocked by trump's speech in ohio, talking esckedabout the auto industries. it's so rare. you know, joe biden never goesau out talking about anything that anybody cares about. donald trump goes to ohioan and talks to voters about stuff s tothat voters actually care about. and he talks about it in vivid terms. and he uses a word likt ine bloodbath. everybody freaks out in the media. democrats freak ouybody frn t. e about it, as you point out. and they and but the funny thing about it is that with all of their hysteria, they managedg to convey trump's messagede far broader, far wider than itda would have been broadcasvet las if they hadn't freaked out about it. so donald trump wins thi s, wins this massively. >> everybody, every sane person knows what donald trump was talking about when he calledonal a bloodbath and said
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and predicted a bloodbath. they kneand yow precisely what w saw, but he was talking about the auto industry. un was talkinge s talkin about e economy under joe biden. and he was talking about stuff jothat people actually care about. >> so i think, honestly, the the solution fork hone is to get behind donald trump and and trump do what he does best, which is dominat we the conversation, dominate the, you know, the topics that this election are going to be defined by. nobody is betterl at it. >> and you know, the on these issues, donald trump wins, joe biden loses. charli sean:e hurt. tomi lahren, thank you both. joining us now with more reaction is ohio senator j.d. vance is with us. >> sir, good tr,o have you. good to see you. so, joe biden, the irony f th all this, he chose a vice president that supportedise the the rioting in the summer of 2020 tweeted out the baleful and then went on colbert and said, they're not going to stop. they shouldn't stop. thewilli'm not going to stop.
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and that violence is going to continue. lencll contiand ironically, alst the one person in thecratic democratic primary that called him out for partnering with the pt calledformer klansman to stp the integration of public schools and bussing. she said she was one that girl.s she was that person that wasusef punished because of what joe was trying to dowhat. bot >> pretty ironic on both fronts. when you say, wo. >> yeah, i'd say so. sean. the democrats seem to not have great self-awareness on this stuff. they've been using violent t self-aviolenscribe their political opponents, not just for a couple of cycles, but for decadetheis. >> if we just go back to whate f president trump said, one of the craziest things that i've seen today is that the chinese a chinese car, sean, promisedisa a bloodbath in theamerican american auto industry, literally echoing exactly towhat donald trump said. and now the media is freaking out because he described freak r reality with actual true
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language. >> if we don't stop joe biden's war on american auto workers, jo and american cars, you're going to have a complete decimation of the jobs and livelihoods in the state of ohio that rely on that auto industrs in stateya if you're in michigan, if you're in pennsylvania and your livelihood depends on the autoro ou industry, what are you moreabou worried about? donald trump telling the truth but using a word the media doesn't like or the fact that joe biden inos coming forjo your job and coming for your livelihood. >> this is sd o good forsean republicans, sean, that they are hysterically reacting to what donald, ically trump sa ignoring the fact that it's true and it ringats true for a lot of voters all across the heartland. >> and this is the thing. ing bu i mean, we're talking about really high paying career payiy. okhe auto industr and look, if some people want vehicles,ectric i'm all for it. if teslaes i is hiring'm a american workers and elon musk is hiring american workersn, at i don't care what car he produces. i'm happy that those americans are successful a
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will have a job, have a career, a future can pay the rent, can dy thpay the mortgage and pay fu their kid's college and put food on the table. but the same for gas powered vehicles, but the left with their crazy climate agendat th. orce okay, they're going to force us to force people into cars. they don't car tell them they ca eat meat, take away their gas stoves that they themselves use, their refrigerators, their air conditioningy es and their, you know, washers and dryers. ers and s is what america needs to know about the radicalismdo t of left. do you think that. do you think most watch americans that maybe aren't watching this show tonight or thosinwhose amee americans are ? do you think that they're goingo to understand this in november ? >> i really do think they will, sean. i mean, look, the democrats are wagingy willok, ths war ony american prosperity. they want us to drive carshina are made in china. >> donald trump wants us to drive cars that are made trump in america because that'ss
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good for our workers and that's good for the people driving the cars, to f po and i got to i sean, this entire episode, i think it's taught us something about weak willed republicans, because it's not just the democrats trumhave attacked donald trump for telling the truth. it's also a lot of weak willed republicans. fferen it's one of the reasons why you'll see i've endorsed bernie marino, a gu pery who's been gon across the state of ohio, who's got a big election tomorroo,e h and he's been saying defending donald trump, not running awayae from this media firestorm. and that's what we've got to do. send notst i just donald trump o the white house, but send e house,good republicans to figt the agenda that's good for the people of ohio, michigan haand pennsylvania. >> that's exactly what bernie marino is trying to do. and that's what we've got to d ng to doo more of, sean. m >> anybody who's running away from this firestor.m is a political idiot and they're not they've not got the best interest.s, the people of ohio at heart. >> trump told the truth. let'of ohio s defend him and leh that message forward. all right, j.d. vance, senator of great state of ohio. thank you, sir. appreciate you being with us. cu
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coming up, president biden reportedly now lashing outd th at his allies behind the scenes. he's angry at them. we'll tell you why. we'll get reaction from mike huckabee and kayleigh n anmcenany. and i've got to tell you why i'm supporting iron mike tysonea over jake paul straight aheaulde rsyour skin ever changing. take care of it. with goldman's healing formula of seven moisturizers and three vitamins for, all your skin's called bond 90 lingerie. >> joined jimmy fallon and emmy winning host keke palmer for our new season of spain. yes. thank you. password. check your local listings every night of the same thing. after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing and scraping your stovetop. it's a nightmare. well, now you can wake up to a
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five miles of step per hour. the step counter the smart mat and wireless remote call. >> now write real panic now starting to set aim for biden on the left as the 2024 campaign is heating up. g to according to a new report. behind the scenes, joe biden is growing reporti angry and ann about his reelection campaign as he continuets trail in pretti much every poll his campaign announced a new, so called aggressive swing state strategy. thisso-called aggres, of coursel up joe failed and the state of the union.
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but anywayth, finally admitting that winning will, quote, take relentless effort. ffort" but it's not just the biden campaign. democrats all across the board. they are raising the alarm bells, worryin g about, trying to rebuild the biden 2020 coalition, which, rebue bideaccording recent poll, is quickly collapsing. the far left documentaryrece ma, the one and only our old friend michael moore, who correctly predicted only od a trump win i. he is warning his fellow democrats that, quote, trump is smarter than us. i'm not going to argue ter with that. meanwhile, according to a new report, biden has another pair of new shoemeanwhilg tos. they are designed to give joey even more stability afterumbe a number of, well, embarrassing stumblesrassing and the fact thb had to give up. the big boy stares to aiig staie one for now. the little boy stares in the back. here with reactionttle formerr, arkansas governor mike huckabee. outnumbered calls kayleigh mcenany kelly.mcl all right. i don't think the new sneakers thinkare there, but this is whe
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i see the campaign. i was on fox and friends this e thmorning. and and by the way, i'm sure they're going to run my montage frommorning last segment becaun they don't, i have to buy them all dinner, whic th i don'tt rel really want to do if i don'to have to. but kelly, here's his problem. his base is leavint kayleeg him he's lost over 20% of thet ov african american vote.n-americ hispanic americans. it's almost a dead heat between thtw trump and joe biden. that's a win for trump.ounger if you look at young people, they're not interested in a cranky old, confused president that has no energy at all whatsoever unless,urse of course, he's jacked up on red bull and caffeine or jacked maybe else, i don't knol i wouldn't venture a guess, however. they're losing their base. they're bleeding the basosine. u what is joe do at this point? >> yeah, you nailed it. what's really interesting, sean, i think if you took a look at the biden internal polls right now, you would nottn only see him doing poorly among
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the groups, you just haame, which he has to do well among. wot i think you would se ae a mutiny among progressives.cros i think it is worse thanmit gett what any of us know, becauseyo that's the only way you explain the actions we're seeing. it's thenth only you explain. kamala harris going to ana abortion clinic, the first vice president ever to do so. it's theo bortio only way you en a state of the union that is fever pitch, that is angry, that is red meat for the base. it's the only way you explaid rn a president who has been around a long time, who knowso ha-- hom about hot mikes, who sends a message to bibi netanyahu and a message progressivesu on gaza by calling out it's the only reason you have a white house that has a marijuana summit, which is what they had lasyo t week. they are hemorrhaging the far left in an effort to geto the far left back. they are pushing away independents. so they're in this interesting pull push conundrum. aggre they're trying to pull the progressive them because they know they got to have them. but ssecause i think they're losing a
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the nikki haley voter, the independent voter, the soft >>mocratg the nikk in the proce. >> you know, i think haley makes a lot of good points halem here. you've got kamala harris showing up, governor- kama, and clinic, then inviting, you know, the weed lobby, the legalize weed lobby to the white house and having a big event with the m followed that up with you know everything else that they've been doing. it seems like every decision, now is aboutitvery their theirgh bleeding, their base and trying to bring them home . and then the last that i think most important issue is what kayleigh said, too, about their t of closest allylosest in the middle east. al, d from that's israel and prime minister netanyahu. the only reason schumer e only rand biden call for elecs in israel after the worst terror attaclectionsk in their i while they are in a fight forfo their survival is because the they were bleeding voters.n th 18.9% of people in michigan wouldn't vote for joe in wimar
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primary over that one issue. wow. that speaks about his character . >> their bigger problem is they're trying to sell >> is a bigg is,something nobod i mean, this is like trying to sell buckets of chicken tryie vegan convention. it's just not going over. i mean, the factt of is, whenyoe you try to go in, pretend don'tou suddenly really like israel, well, you do two things. you offendo two thin all the peo do look at israel as the real a ally and look at hamas as as as group of terrorist butchers. and yo gu can't side with one or the other and you start trying to pretend that maybe hav israel ought to have an election. maybe what israel ought to do is to juste an say, you know what, g we're not going to have a two state solution, not now, not everhavewo. e go and we're going to build communities for our families to live securely build in judean and samaria, and we're going to step those efforts up wilpoli and smart u.s. politician would say, bravould say,, we're with u 100%, because if you do anything else, you have g elserewarded hamas.joe's
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joe is trying to have it both ways. and will you try to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody and everyone turns against you. >> and his poll numbers reflect that right nowd hi. s and how dumb is this? this is a this was a terroristis attack. he extrapolate out the population and compare it to the equiv american population. caleb it would be thalenein a equivalent of 40,000 dead americans in a day. we lost 2977 americans on september 11th. septe of 9/11 related illness, many thousands there fe after. and how would we feel if? turn you know, our allies turned on us this way. they're not even askins thisg fe boots on the ground. they're not even asking for money. not evens they would buyy weapons from us.that >> that's all they want. hard yeah, i mean, shocking. it's hard to hear, but. baby is we're put in ovens. that happened. a guy, a young boy, one-year-old babies, his brother erielle, still
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in the hands of a terrorist. they're out there. who knows where they arets. evening alongside their mom and their dad. these are real people. they have name s. l. >> and biden said it all when he told israel controlyour rag your rage. you can't have it both ways. can'eood on principl with israel and then he's seething when the political repercussion with isrs blo are losing progressives. it's a sad state of affairs for joe biden. but stick with the innocent. stand up for the innocent. stand with our democraticde friends in the middle east. what's the point of fightingn tr war, governor, if you're not fighting it to win i t? win well, you're not only fighting to when you fight it on the right side, it's horriblu fi on e. civilians have died in gaza, but the reason they diedie is because of hamad int ths. sm and let's not forget something. we have american citizens being held hostagewerican . be nice. had schumer and biden talkingou about the americans beinthg held hostage. >> thank you for reminding america, governor.. america needs to remember. remember that. thank you both. all right. th back, new report
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about the rivalry between biden and obama and why did theu obama meet with the u.k. prime minister at ten downing street inister today? in >> we'll check in with stephen miller, tammy bruce. ohy and, and jesse watters. it says world. he will be wit jesh us straight ahead. >> right now, someone could be listed, the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of, your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home titles . and there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people. what? there's a whole huge process. but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier.
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have won in 2016. biden also likes to comparulone his record to obama's and says, quote, obama would be jealouss of his accomplishments. my question is, his what accomplishments? >> biden, even, by the way, ignores his old boss when it come whes to advice. he's apparently muchs more likely to turn to bill mucclinton. e need obama when he needs somebodyto t urto turn to no one to call trump just an idea. anyway, amid all the renewed focus on obama, he was spotted today in london enteringth the prime minister's residence at ten downing street. apparently, he was there for an informal meeting about his foundation. okay . here was reaction. fox news contributor tammy bruce, former senior adviser to president trump. stephen miller. advi preside that tammy. h not one your thoughts? no, i'll tell you.i biden expects and should expect obama's support for the election. obama has been very vocal that he can. s been verat he's going to get his support ky is going to be a key part of the campaign. he wil
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>>l he's going to be his main adviser. and then he does something b that just highlights what joe can'h oan't do, whicid is swiftly get out of a car,r, n run up u to number ten and downing street, have an impromptu meeting. o that's the kind of thing president biden should be doing pr at the very least, kamala harris. but instead, obama once again,al is all the air out of the roolt herehe with and hillary. everybody would need oxygen masks. there's just nilary,o way aroun. so he remains barack obama remains the star. in he is acting as though he is some kind of shadow government . and, you know, there's maybe a few reasons. the prime ministeru kn in englag is having his own problems. the conservatives in england are having problems finding a leader that they can stick with. so there's can that. but the fact is, is that you've got a dynamic where obam youado' already i don't know about this internal internecine fightt terl because when biden was elected, he told axios 90% of the folks
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who were there in my administration they are continuing and building on the policies we talkear ad about. so there was his firstwa utterance, effectively sayingnt 90% of the white house is my administratio hn. now! so i don't know. i don't know if biden reallyt thinksknow that he's runningcour the country or who's in charge here. but hey,ho's said also, by obam, said that biden was going to, quote, finish the job that obama had started. well, if he's finishing the jo u ,intt apparently involves finishing this country off that that that would be the net result in 231 days. god forbid if he ever got, go reelected. s >> never underestimate joe biden's ability to f things up. ller k stephen miller. guess who saidyr that? >> yes. well, of course, that was. famously said by former president barack obama. s very and that prediction has very sadly borne out every
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single day of the past three plus years. as bad as obama was as a president, he was a shining of competency and skill. compared to the nightmare that we're living through, e we areevery single day, warut is breaking out all over the world. violence over spilling out on i streets. inflation out of control. and a border that is so open.s you have illegal aliens fromm or over 100 countries pouring in by the thousands everntriesyy on interrupted. and i also suspect that you see president obama going the u.k. today because obama believesto that he noday bet can better str the foreign policy of the united stateer thes. on't so i don't buy for one secondon that that meeting was anything th. then president obama telling the u.k. what he believest should be the foreign policy ouldof america and the
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united kingdom, whether it be about iran, whether it be about russia, whether be about israel. that's what i think was happening today. all right. exit question for both of you.on so we keep hearing tammyhi that obama and clinton might hit the campaign trail forcampai with joe. great. does that make joe look worses or does that help joe?or i think it makes him look weak and incapable of winning on his own. so somebody else has win to do t for him. >> well, exactly. and joe was of the past. those d ovee people now are of the past. but it also remember, obama couldn't even drag hillary across the finish line a with an unknown candidate of donald trump. and he put ndidate he and michelle and the power of the incumbency. and they couldn't do it. e,henow, running in to do this,t proves that they know that theyt have not done the job, that americans don't like what they see, and they're going to tryne the jobd rick to, maybe do some nostalgia. but my goodness, the democratsa want that either. it is going to be trump and it's going to be trump, notp
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because americans don't know what they're doing, but because americaamericans want a future that they can trust and that they can enjoy, and thatnutrie they believe can happen. >> yeah, your answer stephen. yeah. obama hurts. obama hurts biden every he's out there. he just underscores how decrepit how ancient- ho how frail joe biden is. he hurts him just by beingon on the stage. no questio n. eve >> even bill clinton has more energy with him. how many years agon thou clint?a clinton more dynamic, maybe. jimmy carter is probably a close second right behind biden. anyway, straight ahead tonight, new study revealin g is going o on in the hands of the woke liberal mob, the one and only jesse watters. it's his world. onlhe join us. >> also, his brand new book, straight out hiding your fungus damaged toenails, yet clear, healthy looking toenails with not x nail clarifying gel
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join march for babies. a mother of a movement. right. a new study has revealed the truth about all the woke angry left liberals out there. they're not happy. university of finland survey of 851 adults asking them questions about what they call criticalasking t social, social justice, attitude, scale and. they found that those who identify as left wing reportedt those a lower mentaln well-being. and the study also foundta highs levels of anxiety, depression among those that believe o the truisms of woke people are social culture and its impact on society, something our friend jesse wattersd has p been reporting on over the years. and now jesse actually hasorove a brand new book out featuring interviews with various liberal activistand-nes about what they believe, how they came to those beliefs. e,let's take a look at some s of the folks that are featured in this bookomhe.
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>> how do you identify as a wolf and become a wolf? what's the process? i believlth,e that i have theoft spirit of the wolf. as and of identify as a wolf on a personal level. but, you know, in myf on life, i also know that i'm human. >> how many hours is, you know, a solid work day in your ideal society? sure. i mean, i think as much as people want i mean, i personallyure, i m work i have like a 20 to 25 hour workweeks, k is fairly good. >> i just feel as though a lot people need a lot of the people that are incarcerated. i havee a lack of education because it should be a place where they can where get the the education that they need. >> they can get the help that they need the. all right. here with more, author of the brand new book, you can get itrt on,, bookstores all around the country, get it together. , at ihe is the co-host of the five and the host of jesse watters, prime timee jesse waterson. remember, it's his world andme.
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you're just living it. mr. waters, sir, congratulationcongratus on book. >> oh, yeah.ew i have a few favorites in your o i took i took a good long look at it. and to me it's very interesting on a lot of levels. mr. wolf, for example, was that i, i really thought had a lot of interest in and other one is the radical feminist sex worker. i saw the interview you hat the with her. i kind of felt bad for her in a lot of ways. or hand, you know, the another one was the the, which i don't think is funny at all. the tone maybe this is one t that i never expected to read in any book. >> but the homeless addictn any the the toad smoker, the eco influencer. first of all, i'm thinking, how the hell didat find these lunatics? >> well, i attract crazy. anybody who knows me knows that my assistant, johnny, and one of our producers were bund enough or brave enough to book some of these people. f
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but you're right. i feel bad for all of thesl bae people. >> these are people with personality disorders peo, and these personality disorders ar our problem.g they say they don't have problems. they say it's society that's the problem. that's asder to cure themselve or make them feel betterr about themselves, they need to tear down the entire part of western culture in order to heal. >> but, sean, their problems are in our problems and society has a problem with saying no parent ourms ands say no. >> my mama used to tell me,mom jesse, get it togetheral. i know what that means. but many of these people, many the ego, the people thatt to empty the prisons, legalize l open the borders, legalize drugs, they come from very prosd and dysfunctional families where they've experienced abuse,ry dysfu drug, bar stool, dad's nymphomaniac moms. started and instead of healing themselves and kind of getting their lives togetherselves a,
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they blame everybody. >> and they don't take any personal responsibilitanyb don' so these families are pumping out severely damaged people into our society, and we can't tell theour socim. and that's where we are right now. you know, one one thinge, you that interested me is you were very open and you said thaopent of the people you were interviewing, you like most of them, you liked theterviewim then you conclude they all needed a therapist. at i noticed in one of your interview, i think it wa is thex worker. i felt like i was watching somebody emote, something that really was help. out for and maybe in the beginning i started out, okay, this will be a futhginning n segmentl watch jesse. and to me, it got really serious. ani felt really bad for thisy ba person feeling that their life ha d brought so much on to them,m, not feeling that there was a lot of hope that they'd ever get out of the that they've they've entered. >> that that to me was tragic. so she had come from a veryveryw
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wealthy family and had been given every opportunity in theea world. >> but she ended up becoming n highl, r in high schoo ended up smoking crystal meth and then entering into the industry and had a very damaged understandina g about. >> she got these feelings fromee her father, whether it wasel through neglect or abuse. she had daddy issues. and so every relationshiect orpb with a man was about how douo i extract as much wealth from this individual as possible? and some of theshie people at the end of the interview, they found it therapeutic. they found it healthy. intervi foundi spoke to for abw half hours a black supremacist who called me the white devil. but again, he had experienced t horrible things in his childhood, never knew his father was teased and ended up-i . >> it's creates kind of a cycle of emotional abuse with thest ce people. but at the end of the day, what you really want from people is to getatally wan theie
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together so we can have ad, functioning society. because, sean, you look around, you've seen things that you'd never think you'd see ten years ago. >> you hav n years ago.e transsexual people saying that you need to call them certain. you have people saying that they're oppressed even though they have everyin opportunity in the world. we are about this close to a abouttipping point where a majy of americans feel like they're owed something like that. you and i are the problem, not like them. and so if we can just kind i of everybody by my book get it together, we can learn about where we came from becom and how to become a better society. >> all righta bett. got to remind everybody, jesse, whose world is it? erybody,it's my world, shawn. >> even though i've been handed to us, it is still my level. >> okay? honestly, the book. fascinating. you spent hours with all these people. it takes you through kind of a range of emotions. i urge people to get it.
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it's on bookstores around the country. congrats on all your success. we're really proud of you. jesse watters, thank you. you.up all right. coming up, why one iron mike tyson to win. and we'll show you his message for jake paul next to give the perfect clue, mud, food slash, you might have to break a sweat. clashes clashes, menopause, password. fox news is proud to bring you this cheesy hero momenwht. and it was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. >> part of my journey is responding looks. >> we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dancer once we'res. fun. my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that spac can it's really fun. i am here because i have seen
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the most prescribed biologic for asthma. >> prepare as the beltway covered lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world, we'll bring you there can have a lot for special report with bret baer weeknights on fox news channel america is watching. >> all right. our mike tyson has a message. o youtuber turned boxer jake paul ahead of their fight this summer. >> take a look. more at day three. you still want me, mike?hi i hope you kick his . it's all the time we have left. in the meantime, let not m your heart be trouble. why break phelps standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night