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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> not at least this. yes. tonight, 10 p.m., lee zeldin, tyler fisher, cat tip, tiger. >> this is going to be a great reward tonight. jesse watters, prime time, the aaron rodgers vp threat. >> oh, as people going bonkers. tune in to jesse watters, prime time zone o'clock eastern. >> is he on? he's on after barbecue. oh, okay. barbecue comes out on tuesday. what is that? don't forget that. all right? there's nothing better than a sweet treat after dinner, one clever toddler named charlie should have made it to the oscars. she delivers an amazing performance, pretending she's eating her food in order to get ice cream afterwards. >> take a look at this. watch this. not very good. >> there are all these kids eat that. you know what? my sister angie. >> all right. she had that a year ago. now i'm going to toss that bity everybody. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonighse: welct.
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when you see a world in which aaron rodgers is the quarterback of the jets and activelyquarte running for the vice presidency at the same time,, ell, yeayou the pose rfk jr. >> aaron rodgers ticket terrifying the left it seems tad like democrats want businesses to be taxed more to pay their hate, their work. you know what? i would like to see how our business is going to answer. >> bernie sanders wants a four : day workweekbernie. do you? >> the food prices are too high. i've cut back on eating too literally, cannot afford food. i don't need much to be happy. >> i just want to be able to live comfortably by dynamics making girls cry. >> plus so by fighter. please let me a dad for dark. dog i begging you from pumpingn
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iron on venice beach to signing bills in sacramento, the story vening bd schwarzenegger mayzenr be one of the greatest political stories in american historf y. n a guy with a thick austrian accent who became famous for having became bigger biceps than my head went from mr. olympia to hollywood playing half man, half robot and just printing money at the boxan office. arnold was underestimated his whole life, but especially when he ran for governor of california. he didn'f california.t have the political chops, but he was a star who spoke from the heart . everything that i got wasi came because of california. i came here with nothinger. y >> if i would have gone to anyun other country in the world, i would still have nothingtry ih this is the place of opportunity. this is the greatest place, the golden state. and now they've run it downow ts our economy's spiraling downwards. frrds.they're witnessing first hand the american dream slipping away from them. ther today, there's another star who could be about to make
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a political splash . greates a sports star, one of the greatest quarterbacks in nfl history. >> aaron rodgers, former green bay packers quarterback now with the jets, is having his name tossed around thes asp potential vp. not trump's vp, not biden'.s vp, rfk jr's vp. >> i really like aaron, because, you know, our appeal to young people, we're trying to make sure that young people are te th participating t political process, that they have hope fo r america. >> aaron rodgers is embattled. he's stood up. >> he's been hammered by the esur thstood up for things w believingse. and i like that part of his character. he's a critical thinkehe's ar ai think we need a kennedy rodgers ticket. >> i coulde ke see it on a bumpi sticker. the sports world sold on icker. >> they just have one question. could you see a world in whichrs aaron rodgers is the quarterbacs thk of the jets and actively running for the vice presidencdy at the>> mo
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same time? yeah. me to. aaron rodgers ain't goingg to to take the opportunity to show the rest of th e world thatat he's smarter and better than all of us. >> he only doetes it every time he talks. >> to be honest, i think it's really cool. >> ii think it's i think it's really fascinating. it's awesome to own a 40 year old aaron rodgers coming off of achilles surgerd aaroy, p running six days a week for the vice presidency woulredhaveh be the best quarterback the jets have had in a very long tima verye. >> espn loves the rodgers vp story. loves it. automattic the ratings. and now they can talk politics without getting in trouble. s and remember, a large portion of espn's audience, african american rfk jr. already performing well with them and adding rodgersde to the ticket would help and really hurt biden. the jets. boy, do they need help. rodgers blew out his achilles on the fourth snap of last season. >> imagine his returth snat sean to training camp this summer as rfk jr's running mate now the
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of kennedy rodgers wins the white house and the jets are in the playoffe s. t would the secret service play a line? what do you think's harder? debating kamala or beating the bills? migh t probably have to prepare mor more for the bills, but rodgers fot even have to he just shows up to practice, throws a few touchdowns on sundaai practicy and answerse as many questions from reporters. >> nowons from, we don't want tt ahead of ourselves, but rfk jr is making his vp announcementan in oakland, which happens to be aaron rodgers hometown who wins wisconsin? if kennedy has rodgers, do trump or biden stand a chancewia with kennedy rodgers be playing spoiler or would they beer, kenn playing to win? >> remember kennedy rodgers justgers needs 34% of the vote h they're in the white house. three way split. now i know a bunchi know of 20 d and even 40-year-old guys who would punch that ticket just for funguys who p. and tonight, the democratic party is in panic mode. mod
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>> the word around washington. democrats prepare to g o to war against third party candidates after kicking rfk junior out of the democratic primaries. >> the dnc isn't finished with the m. of sav they're building a whole team savvy veterans to suffocatvyate a possible kennedy rodgers run. behind the scenes, there'sis a jill stein hangover. >> remember, jill stein cost hillary in 16 and jill stein couldn't even shine. >> these guys shoes or cleats. >> so the word's going out wor and the media's mobilized, hurt rodgers before the season even starts the. his finalists for vice president include quarterback aaron rodgers and former governor of minnesota jesse the body ventura. f he's also considering a pair of truck nuts dipped in ivermectin, kennedy said. he says he's been speaking with rodgers prettyut continuously about this for the past month. th for be some good decision making right there. >> rodgers is still playing football.
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how ilhe's still playing for the jets. how many losing teams can be? he'd be a partmany of it was all right. >> roger says huge name id a sports hero for millions. he's well read, articulate, independent minded and a gifted trash talker. the democrats know that and went nuclear. >> cnn has learned that in private conversations, rogers has shared wild and unhingedersa tionconspiracy theories in whico he claims that the 20 12 sandy hook shooting was not real.s but it was a government insidej. job. rogers falsely claimed to pamela brown that there were men in black in the woods by the school, and he asked if she thought that was odd. foun brown says that she found the entire encounterentire to disturbing. >> cnn has also spoken with another person, one who would like to remain anonymous in order to avoid harassment, remaorded a very similar encounter with aaron rodgers, saying that rodgers claimed that, quotsayinge, sandy hook nr happened. quote, all those children nevert
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existed. >> they were all actors, unquote. this hashey were a as f to be the dirtiesto be hoax in history. >> a cnn anchor over the heard rodgers say that the sandy hook shooting was staged at a kentucky derby party 12 years ago and decided to report this the day after he was named kennedy's possible vp. >> pam brown didn't report this when rodgers was all over the news during covid, didn't report it when he was tradede to the jets. he didn't report it when he started dating danica ng patrick. >> come on. and the other source is another whonymousos source. who is it? christopher steele. that's not journalism. ho that's like a shot block designed to end a career. end but it served its purpose.rd >> the whole media reported the hoax. >> the cnn is exclusively learned comments. ishe's made in privateth conversations about the 2012 sandy hook school shooting. noe 2012 st being real. >> aaron rodgers like his friend rfk jr. l heis this well known for
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his embrace of fringe theories as he is for his day job theor? >> i think it's insane. and i also think, charles, it's so painful and so hurtful. do you havd e to be insane to think that? >> and for the record. >>hen rodgers declined commentl. tonight, which also says to me, if somebody said that that about m e and i hadn't said anything, i bet he did. >> this is where we are as>> a nation thi. >> we have actually is a subject for debate whether or not a viceecwhether presidential prospect thinks a mass of shooting actually happened. >> rodgers a was on an ayahuasca retreat, we're hearing when the news broke that he wasened being considered for vp and then h he had to put out a statement, quote, as i'm on the record saying in the past, what happened in sandy hook was an absolute tragedythem >> i am not and have never beenv of the opinion that the events did not take place again. i hope that we learn from thiswy and other tragedies to identify the signs that will alloatw us o prevent unnecessary loss of life. >> my thoughts and prayers continue to remain with the families affected, along remai
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with the entire sandy hook community. s to and it's sad that he has to deny that he's a sandy hook truthesandr. this i mean, this is where we are ina america today. they reporre it lies. e the ne >> so you denying the lies become the news? any professional journalists would research aaron rodgers before reporting a storyaroniats and they'd immediately see he's on tape in 2012 paying respects to the victims. >> aaron rodgers getting in on. that as well. today, he shares what he hopes will come from this tragedy. >> i hope that we can learn from this. and lookat for the signs more ao not ever have something like this happen. and keep thimethins on our minds because these are things that affect all of us directly or indirectly. and this needs to be something that we learn from. >> this is just another dirty disinformation campaign >>sdemocrct from the lifeles democrat ticket. i'm never in the history of thae united states as a president or vice president, visited an abortion cliniisited ac.
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that is until today. kamala harris held a campaign event at a planned parenthood ca in minnesota where she said this. >> everyone get ready for langlanguage. >> uterus. that part of the body needs a lot of medical care from time to time. >> and that's the reason why the politicians don't campaign at abortion clinicason whys. on >> joe biden, on the other alnd, flew all the way han to michigan to hold a campaign event. and he didn't give a speech, didn't hold a town hall, didn't visi a s notat a car plant. joe biden hung out on a city council member's porch med and wouldn't let the media in. >> thank you, guys. thank you so much. you are acting out. we're happy because it is. i think that's what biden went to michigan for. and he
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wouldn't even let the press see it. how is that a campaign stop? what was that? that's all he did today. that's ahe flew to michigan fora >> that's all the video well tea have of the presidenvetent to campaigning today. he went to someone'souse house d no one knows what he said or e. igan is even ther >> michigan's an interesting swing state because the republican national state just filed a lawsuiting demanding they clean up their voter rolltheyps. uit >> the lawsuit alleges in most michigan counties, there mi people registered to vote than people eligible to vote. te and the secretary of state, they say, is refusing to do much about i g tot. >> so democrats are maintaining ancient and dirty voter rolls, suing to strip trump off the ballot. so you can't vote for them suin keto keep rfk off the ballot so you can't vote for him. and hittin t bg his potential vp pick with mass shooting hoaxes. >> how can the democrats campaign on saving democracy when they are running thesn onee large is voter suppression campaign in modern historyrn?
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>> let's talk to nationally syndicated radio host dana lasht . >> this is ugly, this roger stuff, but i'm not surprised. are yo i'm u? >> no, i'm not just saying, you know what? it made me think of itad made me think of this old lbj story back when he was running for office in texas beforebefore he became president. and he was going to call his opponent he was and, forgive me, a pig and one of the guys on his campaign said, you can't do that, sir. that's insane. o not and it's also not true. and lbj's response was, well, that's not the point. the point is just to get him to deny it. that's exactly what they just what did with aaron rodgers with this. so. right. and you raisedth witaaro a greai th why sit on this for 12 years and then only now just talk t about it the day afteral rfk jr, who is no longer sweet conservative or anything by any stretch of the word. but why announce it the day after? bring this up the dae day y aftr that? you know, he's been the conjecture about him being a vp picit's jusk. it's just i mean, it's predictable. this is whowhatt democrats d
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to each other. >> so you can imaginey what they're going to do to you. right. willdo to you. and they've done worse to us. >> let's just review the last couple years. las ofdana, how big of a threas this ticket be? we don't know. cket be?on't khe's on the ticke. we hear he's on the short list.e we may eve mayn think it's a coincidence that the announcement is in his hometown. >> that the ann but what kind of it would a kennedy rodgers ticket have on trump and biden? >> that's a great question, because normally i would say nine. i would say maybe, you know, they'de be lucky if they pulledt like nine or ten percentage points away, you know, during a general election. but anything goes now any more. and i think people are so far up entire, they justk don't even care. >> i think that they would be attractive to maybe some of the moderates on the right. s i keep seeing people on o the right saying that they're reconsidering rfk jr because trump's on the ballot. and i'm like, how are you defining yourself as a conservativear yor when and he s like a very nice guy, but he's for gun control and he said he would sign such a bill if a congress ever sent one to him as president. but then i lool ofk at joeople o
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biden and there are people who are so just fed up with joe biden, fed they look at somebody like kennedy as a more sanitized version. >> he still has that democrat name cred, but he's a little bitbu more sanitized than, you know, joe biden and kamala harris, who don't even get me started on that aspect. yeah. yeah. we don't have enough time for that. with dana. time for tha did noton'tav ask dana w about that because we don't have a delay buttot n handy. >> dana loesch, thanks as always for joinin>> i'd rg ut another hour. that's true. that's all we have to pay wehe billsw. nah jo >> joe biden made a girl cry gir today. >> what we're doing here will last for generations, which can break or break.
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>> you're going to be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible. perry, iowa, one of the great american suburbs, quaint shops on the main boulevart americd, l
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produce sections at the grocery store and pristine park sprinkle d throughout the town. it reached a golden era in the sixties and seventies, whenp it tyson foods opened up itstioniz pork factory and revolutionizeed the town's economy. it's a relatively small ecs and a strong value t community. i i think it's a friendly community, and if you are willing to put outreeryone a little effort, i think everyone makes you feel welcome. you can se meel welct up a goode to grow. definitely. definitely. plw?. i am really appropriate. i like the small town atmosphere. get to know people, you walk down the street, they say hi to you if you need helplke st , you know, you can turn to that kind of thing. >> but perry, i was about to change about drastically and nor the better. this week, tyson foodsd announced that it will be permanently closing its pork factoryl be closing in. perry killing around 1200 jobs in a town of just 8000 people. so as perry residents strugglese to cope with mass layoffs, tyson foodo copes has its eyes s
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different class of workers. the company is now offering new jobs to asylum seekers in other states like new york. >> bloomberg says tyson's tracking migrants in a massive database. they scroll through the data like facebook. >> you see a worker you like tap higher. r yo they even had a job fair. >> so you at a tyson fair in new york city not so long ago where tyson was basically making this pitch. what did you observe when you went there? they created a database fo r these new asylum seekers in new york city. so these people woul kers in ned come in, they learn a little bit about the company. and for the most part, tyson thy gone through details their various details of their application. and so man of they of them 17 the day i was there, and then anotherle 70 a couple of weeks later went off to tennessee to goter went start their new jobs as tyson production workers. >> oh, and the jobs comee jo with perks, not just health insurance. >>bse with tyson's also offering lawyers to its illegal
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alien workerit'ss in time off t to attend immigration hearings in 2034. >> of course, they're firingo il americans and offering perks to illegals. this was the democrat plan all alonle this wang. but first of all, let's just >>y we are a nation of immigrant fs sas. 460,000 open jobs today. wow. i have 5000 farm jobs that i need filled. they can plant the crops. >> vegetables would rot in the ground if it weren't if they weren't being picked by many immigrants. s. >> many illegal immigrants. you see, even in florida, some o if the farmers and the growers saying, why are you shipping these immigrants up north? we them to pick the crops.. >> we reached out to tyson for comment and they said they have a very diverse set oh employeesvese and they're prd of it. >> ohio senator and author of hillbillyio senat elegy, joins us now. >> i didn't think it was legal
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,senator, to axr to american workers and hire and mass illegal aliens. >> well, it shouldn't be, jesse. >> it shy goingwe can to look into whether we can change that, assuming tyson tyso, which weegally a don't even know if they are. we don't know the details of this. all we jesse, is that they are firing american workers and hiring illegal aliens to replac americi this is the entire pointen of illegal immigration. and republicantirents, we've got to hammer this point home. it reduces the wagesome. of american workers by replacing american citizens with foreign laborers who are willing to work at wages. >> it has beeno the plan, as yi said, from the beginning. and what this means is theng w eradication of the american dream. every time an american iradicats replaced with an illegal immigrant, it means that an american family losellegalims ad family supporting wage. it means that american companie s are literallycomp replacing our own citizens with people who willanreplac wor wages. >> that that is not capitalism
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or a market economy, jesse.thon that is the decimation of the on american middl mide class via illegal immigration. >> and it's happening all over the countr hay. going >> and this poor town's going to get slaughtered. all of those people laid off all laid a small town, it's just going to be have ave such a tremendous impact ared they're getting around it legally by saying we're not hiringitll illegal aliens, we're hiring asylum seekers.w they >> is that how they do it? way >> well, that's one of the wayso that they do it, jesse. and we know that the biden administration has it.w te it easier to basically pretend that economic migrants are asylumy. to ch it's one of the reasons why we have to change our asylum laws in thianins nation. but,u jesse, you think about hw much of a contrast this presents o between the trumpeconom economy and the biden economy. if you gd o back to thep trump economy, you had american jobs going to american worker you hads, you had wages g under the biden economy. you have those american workers getting fired and replaced with foreign labor. thisg fire is not an exaggerati. >> all net jobt creation.
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jesse, you heard me right.100 pe 100% of net job creation under the biden administration has gone to the foreign born. so we are taking ne t an economyamer that produced prosperity for american citizens and turninicag it into economy that produces prosperity for people who probably shouldn't produprospere in the first place. >> and i bet you know what tyson isn't doing , jesse. i bet they're not drug testing the illegal immigrants who aree coming in. n i bet they're not asking whether they're bringing fit and all or drugsinthey are thatf town with them. this is the end of the american dream. ifhe we let this stuff happen. we've got to reelect donald trump and we've got to get congressional republicans with some spine to push spinf. andt this stufns with hear, hear. thanks for speaking out about this and thanks for all your work with these alk.we reae. >> we really appreciate that. i know everybody else in ohio too. to >> well, johnny talks. tiktok. this could be your last chancec to savbee tiktok of joe biden's watching tonight. what do you want to tell him? if you got rid of it,an you're not going to get any votes from young people. fre . it pickeyour last hope
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i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her. just like big tobacco and big sugars hooked us. big tech did, too. like any addic t, if you take it away, it's trouble. tiktok. could get bannedok couldan. >> what happens then? johnny went to find out. >> how do you like tiktok? i live for a tick tock. it's all i do. greatest invention of our modern society. i've been banned from tiktok.hy why? i'm just there in lingerie or bikini making drinks for mostly aged white men. >> i like my coffee. what yo >> dark. what do you like to do on tick tock? dancing long? >> whenever i'm bored, it's just always there. watch videosm bore. what type of videos do you see? i don't want to talk about that. you're all dancing about that..t >> just all the stuff that rots my brain. brain.what is tiktok a good appr
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a bad app? ted to it's incredible. it's amazing. i'm addicted to it, but like, i have i a pack of cigarettes in here. i think that's worsecigarett i. i got to tell you, you shouldn't inhale unless you use it. government says tiktok is beingb used to spy on you by china. are you scared? ch scared?t meing to affec ?le has all my information and google ha s all my information, but it's unavoidable. >> you're not really afraid of being seen. . afrno, not really. i like china. i think china is pretty cool. >> ik they dohin anything. >> i just sold an apartment fora $15 million to somebody from china. am i supposed to dislike it? >> well, looks like tiktok is on its way to probably being banned. how does that make you feel? i feel an immense depression ou feel?. oh, this is all biden's fault or biden's fault. i'm going to have to learn.w mon a new morning routine and new night routine. what am i supposed to do when i'm walkin newone ofg? oh, get off of me. oh, if joe biden says if a billf
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to ban tiktok comes on desk,a bz he'll sign it. is he a buzzkill? he's the biggest buzzkill. be a little bit like. yeah, that's actually pretty lame. be lhate him. >> he's an old man.s, like, i feel like any old person would be like, ya know, tiktok. oh, i got. that's it. >> but joe just joined. tiktok. chocolate chip cookies. ants and now he wants to ban it. is that hypocritical? we probably forgot.. he probably forgot he joined. he was. a little something this summer. maybiee. >> love bullying. and this guy came up to me, said, hey, look at m aty. you got here. he if joe biden bans tiktok are you going to vote for him? i don't know. i'm definitely not going to vote for him now. i'm going to write my own name.e what have you heard about joe biden? he, like, fell off a bike once. i sa>> he fell offw that on tik. >> i was stunned when i found out that it actually happened. >> this could be your lastch chance to save. tiktok.
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jo joe biden'sn is watching tonight, thank him to keep it on joe biden.e let me please let me. dad, tiktok. i'm beggin o g you. >> please keep tiktok. joe biden. please keep tiktok on. i'm literally on my knees for you. the young people love it. and ifople lov and you got rid , you're not going to get any votes from young people. ane. d we're your last hop younp >> this guy says such random. oh, about his oh, what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox? >> so, jesse, i watch your videos on tik tok. i'm going to buy your book >> i wy and i'm going to read it. very excited. get it together, get a haircut. get a hjesse social media is a huge problem, but not for the reasons politicians say. technology is supposed to improve our lives. ask yourself, are we better off now that we're glued to our phones? we were told ipads and phonesd c would help kids learn and access information. does it seem like kidsion.gettin are getting smarter and more well-rounded? >> no. all itre we?
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was get them addicted to screens and it's crippled a generationhmak. . psychologist jonathan haidt says we need to end the child's phone addiction before it's too late. a lot of kidfore it'o lates wer. smartphone in their onesies. that's all they know. they greey grew up online. g >> they don't go outside and play, take riskse an, fail, get hurt, bond with other kids through a mutual adventure. the they just stay inside on their phones. phones, depr add up.ty kids don't know how to interact face to face anymoreon't. >> have you seen them? generation z spends half as much time hanging outan older with their friends than older generations. ke online, you can block people you don't like. you can't do that in. real life. you have to resolve conflicts, argue, make amends. >> they don't have those skills. this generation makes less friends, works fewer jobs, has less sexks fewer, and they t even want to have kids. many of them want to quit social media, but they can't.
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>> if you're not online, b it you're not in the club. >> everybody else in school as instagram and tiktok. everyou need it.p th >> so they tap their screen any time they need a little dopamine hit.ed t ever try taking an ipad away from a kid? that reaction is called withdrawal. phones the safeng rob space generation. we're being robbed, nobet just of our secrets and data, but of our future. how are these kids going to rune company? start businesses, fuel the workforce,s, start bus star they're terrified of taking risks. they're terrifie theyd of talking to people. we're neutering ourselves with these phones and the government's not going to save us. >> we need to taket good persond responsibility for what we do and what we let our kids dand wm because now we know the consequences. it's time to take actiones. >> michael easter, author of the comfort crisis is here. h >> michael, you saw some ofcris thosis ie. i i call them kids. they're in their twenties at the plastic at the thought
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of their favorite app being banned e th. >> what does that say to you? it says that we have a problem.a phthink that you do se proe that cell phones lean on the same exact loop treates that fuels all addiction. right. it creates this short termrm pleasure at the expense of long term growth. whd that's reallre at the expey what addiction is. it's the exact same architecture. so when you take that away, y, people crave this sort of short, short term pleasure that they're notert-ter getting. but if you can just kind of push through that and get over it, i think people you see people's lives really improve in the long term, and that's proven out in many studies of young people where they wiley will l give they wile phones away from young people and at firste they report, oh my god, i hate this. my life is a mess. this is terrible mess,s . >> but after about a month, their lives improved across the board. so, mike, what happens in 20if years if we do not do that, if everybody gets more and more addicted and people now in their twenties and thirties
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are in charge and they've lost creativity, they've lost their spark, they've los ct their ability to interface with other human beings. >> where does that put america? i don't think it will putnk us anywhere good.countr i will say that many other countries are having the same problem. so perhaps problem. we have a world that sort of lives vicariously through screens and communicates through screens. >> i think overall cell phones, noi thint only are they insertig something bad, but they're also sod bu from manyy good good things, like interactions with others, time outside physical activit interacty. >> that's right. you need visit. i was just bouncing on my justgg witrampoline with my sonl morning and look how happy i love it. my knee hurts, but i'm happy.uc. like, thanks so much. everybody. go get mike's booky go get h, tt crisis. >> now nobody likes a liar. and here, a prime we see right through. which is why when biden and the expert whys told us inflatin was transitory, we rolled their eyes. >> remembeatios r, our eyes don'tn ju
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lie. >> this week, inflation just went up agaistn. r tree even dollar tree seen enough. they've shutas down a thousand stores. dollar tredollar te and no one e to blame. they're just now the biden teame admitting they blew it. >>w so in 2021, though, you did say that inflation was transitory d. >> do you regret saying that now? as i regret saying it was transitory>> i r. tranas come down, but i think transitory means a few weeks or months, two months. most people no biggie. i just misspoke. but it jesse was a big deal for becky. first monthord rent they won't be able to afford, right? i'm not a rich perso not n. i don't have a lot of stuff. i have basic household necessities. food prices are too high and cut back on eatingneces ar becae i'veterally cannot afford food . i've cut back on my favorite snacks, cat food, treats bacy f i'm exhausted all the time.
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i don't need much to be happy. i toi just want to be able to le comfortably. >> good job,>> jes joe. >> you made another girl cry. >> bd i thursday, the day"chow you get your clear choice. dental implants makes every dady . let's dig in day a chow down day a take a big bite day, a perfectly delicious day, a love my new teeth day becausen you're clear choice dages evy ie day everything is back on the menu. a clear choice day changes a clear choice day changes every day schedule of free consultation force factor total beats is then find t number ones brand in america. that's why friends and family imd total beats. now you can find total beachsh t blood pressure. blood pressure. choose at walmaro walmart boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart healthr rush to walmart
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i can feel the winds of change . wo how do you like working five days a week? >> would you rather work for? becauss e that's what bernie sanders is pushing. but in bernie's plan, you work y four days a week and you still get paid the same as if the five. this be where have i heard this beforeer ? remember doreen the dog walker? how many hours is a solid work s day in your ideal society? uh, sure. hthinn, i think as muc as people want. i mean, i personally work. i have. i have, like h, a 20 to 25 hour workweeks, which i think is fairly good. >> so i would likeairly go. lesk hours. >> and what do you do, doreen? alkei'm a dog walker. a dog walker? yes. >> doreen probably loves bernie's four day a week plan. actually, that might actually be more work than
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she's already doing anyway. >> is it a good idea fora good everybody? fox business correspondent hilary vaughn confronted berni fronted e. >> hillary. good evening, jesse. will senator bernie sanders hasa a new idea give everyone a three day weekend every weekend and still get paid and , turning a 40 hou hour workweek into a 32week hour workweek with the same paycheck. so we had some questionsthe sa r the senator about how this would all work and how businesses could affor w alld i. >> here's how it went. can i talk to you about the 32 hour workweek? >> it seems like fox business, it seems like democrats want lik businesses to be taxed more, pay their workerans, pay their workers. excuse me. >>i didn't get to ask the question. okay, senator, you want to. >> okay. we held a hearing on a 32 houraw workweek because what weee have seen is that over the last 50 years, despite a huge increaseas in worker productivity, almost all of the wealth has gone the top 1%,e
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while 60% of the people livingnt 60 p. ck to paycheck many of our people are exhausted. we worked the longest hoursin of any people in the industrialized world. i think it's time foalized wr an workweek. i ask you a question about that. it seems like democrats want busi be taxed for some of their workers more. lower prices for people not to work. you know what i would likeus to see? how are businesses going inesses goin to survive that? that's the question. how can businesses survive those proposals? this is the business pays an effective tax rate lower tha ane the average worker. i think we have a real problem with our tax system. pi think that billionaires have got to start paying their fair share of taxes. pg theiand jesse, i wasn't tryg to have a shouting match with the senator. i was just trying to complet wai my question. but after today, i kind of agree with thon e senator that a three day weekend sounds nice. >> i'm just doing this on a weekly basis. this is something we must have
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. >> happy thursday. prime time, favorite day of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity ,inclusion. let's start in elk grove, california, where parents caught wind of the secret pride club for their elementary kids. parents say a teacher came to their fourth,a teache fifth and sixth graders pitching them gradb where school clu boys could crush on boys and girls could crush on girlsdi . seems like something parents might want to know about. t wantbut for some reason, the s never told them the club was happening. >> and they're not happy. the fact that the club is called uvu and said in some circumstances the rainbow clubse others shows the intentional deception surrounding the club. >>rs this elementary school requires permission, permission to participate in gardeninghis club. but somehow this club got lost club the of things, according to the principal. >> again, this board has helped e district culture, which both encourages child sexualizatioure whn and hides im
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parents. >> just a small problem with a strangerst having secretg se conversations with their eight-year-oldl. . and this lady thinks she's ay th doing. think >> or at least she says shea do thinks she's a dog. situe time thinks it's a situation, but to eachh thei their own. >> anyway, she called into ano k australian radio show to talk about her life as a pupp hery. >> dhao you have a boyfriend? handler's. ey fee they feed me, they take med alks on walks. s >> we practice training, which is one of my favorite things because i get treatsy gs in and? like, do people give you funnygi lookves? you know, i don't find myself focusing on what other people, i guess, are their reactions. word me because i'm so in themoe moment of just being the dognt. >> and i really think it's time for a prime time victory. england's nationalit'se servicet banned puberty blockers for kids. thise ju is a huge deal. effectively banning changes
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for minors. >> why? well, england did ttledtle digging and discovere there was, quote, not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectivenest ths of the drugs. makes you think, why don't we do that hereman'? >> the get it togethers series continues after the breainues afk. >> my, my, my. for fast search for relief traffic speed backdrops vapo with two times more menthol per drop and powerful vicks vapor is feverisrih, sore throat pain makes paper cool, drops vaporize sore throat pain. cops is back on fox nation, the only place to watch new episodes watch is defenders of justice take down masterminds. i come from a long family of mexican cops new episode friday on fox nation plus new to nation. you'll get the peace of i'm
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schlepped the way luxury is made. fine. 1 billion cashmere washable mulberry silk and other essentials at a fair price. >> quinn's flipping the way we shop. >> donald trump on media buys media scrutiny, campaign tactics and a deep dive into his expected rematch with joe biden. plus, trump's first order of business if he wins back the white house, how he sits down with the former president. it's a can't miss interview sunday on mediabuzz in our get it together series. some of the people i interviewed for the book decided to come on tv and talk to us on prime timecidede. >> today, we're going to jump to chapter 21 to talk to a prison reformer. son sy >> revolutionize the prison system, says shari jaboustr. eyr >> shari was thrown in the slammer 20 years ago after committinge e slam a crime. of opportunity in prison. cr he had a rough timein pri anw he thinks if you commit a crime. prisonim isn't the answer. >> how dangerous was being incarcerated where: thei?
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weapons inside? absolutely. absolutely. people make weapons from two and a can tops. they take the top off of hisen i can and sharpen it and make a bid g out of it.dn't >> so you didn't have a great experience in the prison syste m ? i think that's probably sometimes the point of the prison'sy sometim. and later, you told me during our interview that you'd likes b prisons to be more like a halfway house. >> so if you commit crime,y locd you're not necessarily locked up. 23 and one, you can go in and out to see family. you can go id oun out to work, d and it's more like a dorm room. explaiit's morn why you believe. >> just because of the numberopt of people that are repeat offenderhas, i think that that's that's the answer right there. i don't think there's any data that proves that the way our prison operate right now is beneficial to theficial people that are in them.
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and if it's not beneficial to the people that are in them, then t thae in the i i don't bee beneficial to the society that they're coming back intsoho so you believe prison should be more of a rehab facilitpriso absolutely. absolutely. yes. okay. what if someone's a real hard core criminal and they'reting v committing violent felonies, you still want to give them that freedom of movementio t to got to out and about, to go to a job, to go grocery shopping a, come in and out. >> you trust these people? no, not not to that.that i wouldn't say that. i just feel as though people need a lot of the - people that are incarcerated are have a lack of educationedu. i just feel as though they haveg a lot of things that they need t to work on. and prison be a place wherean they can get the education that they need. thecationthey can get the helpy need. a lot of psychological problem s are there, a lot of childhood traumae.s and things of that nature and anger management.
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so i think that those services should be provided for inmates to reenter into society. >> now, charlene>> jesse, i do t agree on everything, but we do agree that people needeveryt toe educated in prison. and one of the best ways to do that is to stock librarieset it with get it together and you can ordetor your copy today,day. you can get your prison reading done at homen . i didn't do some trampoline ing and i just want to warn parents if your chil d is read,nt you don't want to just bounce whally, really har boud next tom or her while they're lying prone on the trampolinilyinge in hurt their neck and it can flip them and all sorts of fantasticc ways, which looks fun, kind of like they're just pieces of popcornki. >> but i think you're not supposed to be on a trampoline. the children as adults just.view viewer warninger w. jesse >> jesse'sis fine for wisconsin.
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>> the kennedy rogers ticket sounds good but a trump brady ticket or real winner? oh oh, man, that might putight p trump in some dangerut. rick from redding, california. biden goes to delaware on the weekend.g s. il >> vp aaron rodgers will go on ayahuasca retreats on the weekenda vers. it's about mind expansion. hank from pennsylvania bernie may be right. why not a four day workweek? the politicians work half that much. should i be more open minded about the four day workweek? >> a killer sayse four. >> yes. rick from florida. jesse, if we ditch our phones, how ar ie we supposed to text you? it's a good question. we're going to keep our phones . >> always remember i'm waters. this is my


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