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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> sure, i get that. i ask americans a civil question: did you go vote in your primary? because if you didn't that i don't know what you are complaining about. our primary elections have extremely low turnout. if you don't like your choices come in means maybe you should encourage you and your friends to vote in primaries. i'm also not as may be pessimistic as he is at the state of american politics. the entire point of politics is for people to disagree, and to disagree peacefully. we will never all think the same -- and that's okay. that's the entire point. that is why we have a system the way we have it. >> neil: congressman, very good talking to you again. thank you very much. congressman crenshaw on all of that, again, the dow up today, the markets again, sensing the good economic times are at least better, continue, we shall see. here is "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> greg: hi, i'm greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and a thimble -- dana perino. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ robert hur in the hot seat, explosive testimony from the former special counsel, who concluded that president biden is a "elderly man with a poor memory." and therefore knots f not fit to classify documents. hur doubling down on his old man joe assessment. >> politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative steps. >you exonerated him. >> a reasonable juror could have voted to convict based on the facts. >> is it now okay if i take home top-secret documents, store them in my garage, and read portions of them to friends or associates? i can do that now under this new doctor in? >> again, congressman, i wouldn't recommend that you do that. >> you have essentially said so
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in your report. and certainly that would be exculpatory if i simply told you, hey, i'm getting old, i don't remember stuff the way i use to. do you have any reason to believe president biden lied to you? >> i do address in my report one response the president gave to a question that we had posed to him that we deemed to be not credible. >> mr. president, why did you share classified information with your ghostwriter? the president, i did not share classified information. i did not share it. i guarantee i did not. that's not true, is it, mr. hur? >> that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report. >> so it is a lie, what regular people would say, right? >> greg: dems harping throughout the hearing that biden's brain is fine because he sat for five hours with the special counsel over two days. hur come on the other hand, says his time with joe is precisely e president's memory. >> can you explain what specifically in your interview with president biden lead you to this conclusion?
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>> the conclusion -- >> the broad statement that has been cited many times. >> the totality of the time that i spent with the president during his voluntary interview was something that i certainly considered in framing my assessment and articulating it in the report, and that includes not only the words in the record of the transcript of the interview, but also the experience of being there in the room with him. >> greg: 's be 21's testimony wasn't the only bomb dropped on biden. they also released the transcript from his interview with the special counsel. this passage proves biden lied through his tea when he said it was hur who first brought up beau biden's death. turns out joe biden was the one who did it. the dems did their best to argue ain't senile. >> nobody suggested he is senile and that is disrespectful of senior people of any kind of memory disability. a lot of seniors have memory disabilities -- it is shameful.
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joe biden is a competent, good president, american values. >> president biden had the mental acuity to navigate the situation. donald trump did not. >> i believe, as is his habit, that president biden probably committed a verbal slip or two during the interview. and i'm not sure any of that matters. because when the interview was over, mr. hur completely exonerated president biden. >> greg: you know what kills me, judge, is to see jerrold nadler being somehow an arbiter of health. this is the least healthiest person i've ever seen in my life. but what did you make of this whole hearing in general? >> jeanine: i think everybody has to remember the issue here is the retention and mishandling of classified documents. the special counsel came out and said, joe biden is a sympathetic old man with a bad memory. to the dems, this was a cheap shot and it was unnecessary. to others, it was a reason that hur chose not to file charges. to me, it's irrelevant.
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there is no defense of an aging old man with a bad memory in the penal law anywhere in the united states. in fact, should that issue even come up, it's up to the dependent come up to defend and come up to a psychiatrist on the judge and ultimately the jury. what do hur tells us? circle important things, number one, i did not exonerate him, number two, i did not reach a conclusion, he was innocent. instead, what hur told us is we did identify evidence of willful disclosure. so, to hur, i say, you cannot predict, once you have established evidence of a willful disclosure and mishandling, that a jury will find him not guilty because he was an old man with a bad memory. that is not your job, mr. hur. your job is to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to bring a charge or whether there is not. whether there is a crime or not.
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it's either one way or the other. but not only was the evidence they're overwhelming, joe biden has been in washington for 50 years. he has been a senator. he has been a vice president. he has been a president. and there is no fact pattern ever that protects a sitting senator from taking classified information out of a scif, that is a crime, period, end of the story. then he moved the documents from residence to residence come office to office. one of those offices paid for by the chinese. and then he blames his staff for doing so, and that's a lie because his staff doesn't go into a scif. so the documents end up unsecured, tattered, uncovered, in his garage, next to a broken lamp, next to his corvette, and he sees those documents every time he drives the corvette in or out. so, to a person, the democrats spent the whole day saying, donald trump obstructed. well, news flash, donald trump is not charged with obstructing.
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and number two, the issue is not the issue at hand. obstruction is not the issue. and in the end, there are three people: hillary clinton, joe biden, and donald trump. and ironically, the only person charged was donald trump, and yet he was the only person who had the right to declassify as president. >> greg: well put. jesse, you saw the democrats there try to make it all about trump. they even enlisted a montage. you love montages, don't you? >> jesse: yeah, i thought i was watching "fox & friends" come all of the montages. they are getting the hang of it, well produced hearings at this point. what biden did was worse than what trump has done and there are two cheers it shows there are two tiers of justice. mentally deficient democrats and republicans who can probably beat the democrats. we now have established through this testimony a pattern of over 40 years. joe biden taking documents away
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and then putting them all over the place. six different locations, three different states, garages, chinatown locations, foreign dignitaries coming in and out, strange men and women coming in and out. he was putting his national security at risk and these were the motives, and hur said those two motives were: money and ego. $8 million book advance, that is the reason he broke the law. that is why he willfully took these classified documents home. and then ego. he wanted to burnish his credentials as a world leader and keep these documents for posterity. perhaps even a presidential run. and not only that, he destroyed the evidence. his team just deletes half of it, when they find out the guy is investigating him and then biden says i don't remember about a zillion times. i'm beginning to wonder if biden dumb or is he playing dumb? because in the spring of 2021, the same month he green lights the trump raid at mar-a-lago or
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the investigation, what does he do? he tells his entire team, will find all of my classified documents all over the place and get them ready. when they didn't disclose that he had classified documents in the spring of 2021. they waited 18 months to voluntarily disclose that they had all of these documents sitting around so to say he cooperated is a live. 18 months where he is getting everything in order. and hur basically said the real reason -- it's not just because he's old and sympathetic. he can't get a conviction of a democrat president in d.c. that's the reason. if this was in any other jurisdiction, this is case closed. >> greg: that's an interesting point, jessica. >> jessica: what? >> jessica: i thought it was. i thought everything was interesting, although i did zone out for a while. it is pretty clear to joe treated the documents the wade hunter treats drugs: just leave them everywhere. what do you think? >> jessica: i don't think of anything anyone else at this
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table thanks. good getting hunter in on this, though, glad we brought that full-circle. this hearing actually started last night. we couldn't watch it at that point. but the news broke that robert hur was going to be appearing as a private citizen, and not as a member of the department of justice or as a special counsel. and what is robert hur when he is a private citizen? he is a republican. and what did robert hur get? he got poaching from trump world. that seems pretty suspicious to me. if you are going into a hearing where you want to seem aboveboard and nonpartisan, why are you getting counseled by the former presidents people? and why aren't you showing up as a representative of the permed of justice? >> greg: because the dems did not do that with january 6th or anything. >> jessica: one of the people who coached him, now an abc analyst. >> dana: the only thing i saw on twitter with her saying that is not true.
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>> jessica: independent, "the hill" come all of these sources are wrong? "the hill?" >> jeanine: how come nobody brought that up? >> jessica: i don't know why no one brought that up. >> jeanine: would have brought it up. >> jessica: he was there not as a private citizen? >> jeanine: i'm not saying he wasn't. >> dana: what i didn't hear and totally missed was that trump world coached him. you are saying there is greater. the only thing i saw was that is not true. i've never talked to any of t them. >> greg: we get off track here. >> dana: no, this is important. >> jessica: the g.o.p. -- going to these hearings they always bank on the fact that democrats haven't read the report or they are not going to use the specific site citations and robert hur contradict himself over and over, page six, innocent explanation for the documents, page welcome could have been brought by the mistake, page 12 the
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decision to decline criminal charges was straightforward, the g.o.p. going wild about the story over the ghost writer and the classified information, and that is the willful retention, but on page 10, he says, the evidence doesn't show that biden knew they were classified, and then on page 45 -- it's written in ink that the evidence falls short, that this was willful -- willfully retaining the documents -- classified documents. >> jeanine: he said be careful, that's classified. >> jessica: then why does the report not say that? he also knows he has a photographic memory. >> jeanine: who? >> jessica: hur says that about biden. and then eric swalwell in his questioning says, why didn't you put that in the report? go to dana. >> dana: yes. >> greg: jesse -- don't say that to me, dana. what do you make of this? >> dana: i think it is fastening most of the democrats were complaining about the media coverage of the hur report that was actually in the hur report because they hated it. why? because we knew them neatly -- i said oh, this election is on. that day it came out.
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because him saying it's an elderly man with a poor memory is what 86% of the country believes. so it is just reinforcing that. and it doesn't matter how many times the congressman on the democratic side say he is a competent president. people have made this decision with their own eyes and ears. the other thing, there was the news that came out that said indeed the white house did ask hur to water down that portion of the report in a letter, it apparently hur did not do that, so he wasn't persuaded on that. the other thing is the white house, through the democratic national committee, had the first lady of the united states issue a fundraising email asking for money for biden, saying that how dare robert hur bring up beau biden's death. now we know that is not true. they are so willing to disparage anybody who works in the federal government if they think that will help them. even if it turns out not to be true, say it in the transcript, don't disavow it, i'm assuming
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the people in the white house counsel's office read the report and knew that was not true and still -- it reminds me of whip-gate. asking all federal employee's come include any elected official come if you have access to classified information, respect the law. this country has really big problems and it is so maddening to have to spend time watching all of this when just leave the classified documents where they are supposed to be and then you won't have to have a special counsel, like robert hur, who has a distinguished career and besides, you know what, i don't need this job, i can go work in private practice and make a lot more money and have a better life. >> greg: there you go. that was fun. [laughter] up next, is joe biden's border free for all setting up america for another 9/11? what the fbi said about the threat. ♪ ♪
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is a good mus♪ ♪ >> jeanine: america could be headed for another 9/11, and it's all thanks to joe biden's open border madness. fbi director christopher wray warning congress of the emerging threat of a smuggling network with ties to isis and how it only takes a few on unvented border crossers to launch a terror attack. >> is the huge, gaping vulnerability in our national security that we don't have answers for. i am reminded that there were 26 coconspirators in the 9/11 attacks against the united states. do you share that concern? >> i do. >> sometimes people say, well, this is just a fantastic theory.
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it's no basis in reality. do you consider that to be a frivolous consideration? >> i do not. there are a whole host of threats that emanate from the border. numbers don't tell the whole story. it only takes a few people who can be responsible for a whole lot of harm. >> jeanine: but in the face of a terror threat, our president refuses to take any action. instead, he continues to lie to americans on how only congress can fix it. >> mr. president, when is a board or executive action coming? executive action on the border? >> the border action happens by itself. >> jeanine: jesse, i will go to you first. our government and christopher wray in particular is very concerned about the smuggling network with ties to isis. coming through the border and it only takes a few to create another 9/11 so why won't joe biden take any executive action? >> jesse: i honestly don't
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know, judge. the director of the fbi and cia are pleading with the president to do something, to secure the border. they are begging him to secure the border. and he is just sitting there, let it happen on its own. he knows it is not coming from congress and he knows he has the executive power to make it happen. and it is not just these terror networks that are coming through. all of these people are being run through the cartel system and a hundred thousand americans are dying every year from fentanyl. so how much death is joe biden willing to tolerate? apparently joe biden is willing to tolerate american death in order to posture that he's... compassionate? not trump? i don't know. i wish i was in his head. >> jeanine: what did you say? >> greg: ? >> greg: there's a lot of room in there. >> jeanine: [laughs] jessica, last weekend, apparently five pedophiles came across in five different sectors. no joe biden, i believe, should
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be caring more about americans and open borders. >> jessica: totally. i want to first apologize for saying that sarah isgur counseled robert hur. that was -- "independent" has retracted that. there are a number of articles on my talking about the council that hur did get from figures in the republican world. he did appear as a private citizen. but i deeply apologize. >> greg: it's too late, jessica. >> jessica: it's not too late. it was the next block. jesse would have waited until the end of the show when someone told me he had to. >> jesse: i would have teased the apologize. >> jessica: tune in at eight come i might apologize. >> jessica: pedophiles are really bad, also appeared as a side note. i don't want to be contro controversial. what i didn't understand about this and i thought it was very powerful to have all six of these representatives from our highest law enforcement officers and speaking with one unified voice which you don't always get
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in these scandals, someone arguing this and that, they are all completely freaked out about what's going on, saying that obviously the border is a serious threat for us. unified message on that. and the news then that he is not going to take executive action when a few weeks ago before the state of the union it was teased that is possible, why would that hurt your case, at this point? it only would compel and make republicans look worse for not signing the bipartisan border deal if you say, i did my part, now you do your part. so that didn't add up. i thought it was really interesting that october 7th was such a pivotal point in what they were talking about, an uptick in all of this commit i would have liked to have heard more about that. >> jeanine: all right, dana come apparently biden's 2025 fiscal year budget includes 1 billion american tax dollars going to central america. and something like $800 million for a cutting-edge technology at the ports of entry.
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>> dana: root causes? throw some money at root causes? giving money to other countries to solve the american migrant crisis is basically the american rescue plan of the border, and will not help anyone but raise prices for everybody else. the reason he is not doing an executive order is because he is still trying to solidify his base. they have figured out -- watch the state of the union. it wasn't an appeal to the independent voter. it was an "i hear you" on the left, and that is happening in israel, happening on the border come happening on climate, all of these issues. you wonder, why isn't he doing the most common sense thing? trying to figure out a way to make sure the base turns out because it is going to be a 50/50 election and he wants to win it. the top concern for americans about immigration is this concern about people coming across the border illegally and may be trying do something, like al qaeda. there was an interesting exchange yesterday with congresswoman jayapal in which she said the undertone from your side is that people are breaking into the country. i don't think people are
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breaking into the country illegally, which is fascinating because really, you don't think that? or do you think everything that is happening at the border is okay? at if you think that, then let's have that debate going into the election. the last thing i will say is, this crisis is the most preventable crisis in american history. >> jeanine: right. >> dana: and executive orders that he put in place in february of 2021 are the exact same ones that he could do again right now but he is choosing not to come and we don't know what is in his head except for i think it is solidifying the base. >> jeanine: you know, greg, the fbi sees something like i think it is enough fentanyl in the last two years to kill 270 million people. what's wrong with biden? >> greg: you know, i think what is wrong as the words we are using come all right? we keep calling people threats. people who pose as threats built this country, okay? and you call them smugglers. their dream -- dreamer
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importers. they bring dreamers to the country. can we stop calling it 9/11? i prefer the day were something happened because that triggers ilhan omar. the question is, why did it get to this point? and this is where the conflation of a legal and immigration takes us. it's a collapse of security. every time the dems say immigrants built this country, it deflects from an objective truth, which is that illegals are coming in by virtue of fake compassion, and just by doing the math, a tiny percentage of them is still thousands that could be rapists, thugs and terrorists. that's just the fact. and not just this wonderful rainbow. we have a process in place to allow for immigration, which we embrace, but it only works if you disallow illegal immigration. if we get upset about illegal immigration and you call us bigots, then the whole thing falls apart. and there will be people who say, well, the people that attack america did it through different means, that was because it was harder before to
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do this. it was harder to get into this country. now it is not. it is a virtual cake walk this country. >> jeanine: all right. coming up, it's going to be harder to get that crunch wrap supreme in a democrat-run city. we will tell you where taco bell is shutting down some dining rooms. ♪ ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system... you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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♪ ♪ >> dana: get this: oaklands crime crisis has a new victim. it's taco bell. and a measure to protect the business and customer from theft the food chain is shutting down their indoor dining options at four locations and only offering drive-through orders. this is an outrage. is not the only business suffering from a crime wave in the area. residents say they are heartbroken. >> not how it used to be. there's a lot of crime now.
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>> i want somebody to protect the citizens. >> what is oakland coming to? everything is just getting worse, things are closing down, you know, it's just terrible. >> dana: some business owners in oakland say enough is enough and they are threatening to stop paying taxes until the city address of the crime wave but i am sure they will find the wherewithal to arrest them and said of the criminals beard greg, it reminded me of the hemingway quote because we have covered a lot of oakland stories, in-n-out burger, the hemingway quote, when did you go bankrupt or how did you go bankrupt? and he said, gradually, then all at once. i feel like people in oakland are going to wake up one day and there is going to be nothing there to go to. >> greg: mollie hemingway has some good quotes. the point is, freedom doesn't just go away unless you have a disease to justify it, but it comes in these little bites, right, school closes, a mall
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shuts down, streets become unwalkable at night and then unwalkable in the daytime, freedom becomes smaller for you and larger for those outside the norms of legal behavior. black elderly women no longer have a walgreens but a young white drug addict can shoot up in front of the windows. they got their freedom at the expense of her and that is the irony of a police state. without police, you get a police state. freedom requires a measure of safety and security but since george floyd, we allowed the intelligentsia and activists to deem that common sense as a racist. i will probably be called racist for pointing that out. you can blame affluent white liberals who claim to be defending minorities and then all of the things that they push, whether it is defunding or whatnot, end up damaging those communities where minorities live, but the white affluent liberal doesn't care because they don't go to oakland. >> dana: they don't? >> greg: they don't. at berkeley, the parents have
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hired their own private security for the campus. parents. >> dana: wow. so judge, is there a way -- like, if you were to suddenly have a change of heart in the d.a.'s office in oakland, how quickly would they be able to see changes? >> jeanine: immediately. because what we have been talking about here is that there is a small percentage that are repeat offenders. that continuously commit the crimes. as soon at least start prosecuting them, as soon we hold politicians accountable to change this so-called bail reform nonsense, then we are going to see immediately a change. it will not take that long. and honestly, think about it, these businesses that are threatening not to pay taxes, i don't blame them. you and i both know that government is going to chase down those businesses for not paying their taxes. they won't chase down the criminals who are putting those businesses out of business and making them unable to pay their taxes beard and why is it that the law-abiding citizen has to
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change his or her behavior? those people that we just saw, why do they have to change their behavior because some dirtbag besides that if you have cash, he's going to take it from you? or makes it impossible for a business to run its business? you know, government is in the business of not changing our behavior but changing criminals behavior. that is their job. it is the first order of government to protect the people appeared and whether it is the president who will not stop fentanyl at the border, who could care less about pedophiles coming to five sectors this weekend, or democrats saying, we don't want people in jail, they need to be held accountable, and only we can do it. >> dana: jessica, i think this is why a lot of people say crime is on their mind, it's an issue. than you have democrats who will say, but the data shows crime is down. if you are in oakland and seeing all of this happening, that young woman interviewed by pix,
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saying it is not better here, why is everything getting worse? just want to protect the citizens. should gavin newsom get behind the proposition 47? which is basically the call to change all of these laws that allowed all of this behavior? >> jessica: i believe because he gave that interview where how is this possible that you are allowed to come in and steal five times right before you get to the amount -- i think that there is a sea change afoot and you did see that in the results in the san francisco elections. last tuesday. and i wonder if there is some capacity written into their laws or if it could just be implemented to allow these people a snap referendum or a snap special election. this isn't about changing parties, right, these people aren't going to wake up and say "oh, i'm a republican today," but they are going to say there are laws that are negatively impacting our quality of life, and they don't necessarily have other options, right? it's a privilege to be able to say, oh, i don't like what's going on where i live, i'm going
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to move to another state, right, whether it is for taxes, crime, et cetera. and people are preying upon those with the least amount of options, which is just devastating. i hope that there is recourse for them but i do believe gavin newsom recognizes and has been speaking about their spirits before if they are disenchanted with their local government or state government or even joe biden, they feel like it is a reflection -- do you think you should try to say we have a better way? >> jesse: if i were trump, i would say there was taco bell in iraq that stayed open during the war. and taco bell is shutting down right now in oakland, california. that is what i would say. and i would point to specific stores, whole foods, macy's, bloomingdale's, all of these great restaurants that we go to and i would get specific. because biden is going to get tied up in the crime rate -- no one cares about the rate. everybody sees that story used to be there and it is not anymore and they cannot eat
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there and they have to go somewhere else to eat and they do not want to go somewhere else because they like where the taco bell ones they liked with a whole food was or they liked shopping at that place. and the saddest part is, jessica, we always mock -- african americans and women, hardest hit. but in this case, it's true. it's all of these inner-city dining establishments and shopping establishments that are just vanishing into thin air. >> jessica: is there a taco bell but was open in iraq during the war? >> jesse: yes. >> jessica: are you going to fact-check -- >> jesse: i just looked it up and so far has not been retracted. >> dana: all right, head, better slow down because your car may be spying on you. ♪ ♪ >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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>> jessica: a new report claims your car could be spying on you. big manufacturers are allegedly secretly selling drivers data to insurance companies would then use that information to jack up the rates on your bill. they can track how fast you are going, how hard you pump the brakes commit if you accelerate suddenly. some drivers found their insurance rates doubled. carmakers say they have permission from drivers to collect data, but i'm not really sure than anyone read the fine print on that one. judge, what do you think about this? >> jeanine: i think no one is going to be buying a car from general motors, kia, subaru, mitsubishi -- the whole thing is, they gather information, not if you are committing a crime necessarily or speeding or anything else, but if you drive fast or if you the brakes too often. they sell it to the insurance company. that the insurance company hikes your insurance rates. so chances of me driving a gm or kia or subaru is slim to none. and i get it. we live in a digital world. everybody knows everything. and you know what, i've got to
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tell you, i wish i were a prosecutor today. between cameras and this digital information at everybody knows what everybody else is doing, i mean, just turn on the video and send the jury out for the verdict, the conviction. >> jessica: dana, this doesn't -- it doesn't surprise me, i guess, because what the judge was saying, i have no expectation of privacy with anything. >> dana: no. when i am scrolling on instagram every night, oh, that looks cute, and i know -- how did that get to me? because last night when i was scrolling and going through, whatever i bought that night said, hey, there's a sucker over there on 57th street you might want to see if she wants to buy this and then i am doing it. i think we are conditioned to be a little bit more comfortable with it. data is king. data is very valuable. data is what is being sold. i blame biden. >> jesse: could answer. >> dana: thank you. >> jessica: would you like to add to her answer? >> jesse: oh, i'm going to add a little. >> jessica: a little? >> jesse: big time. i generally now drive slow
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because i read a book about how driving slow is classier and people without class -- [laughter] this is not personal. i'm sure you had somewhere to go. [laughter] but now, occasionally when i'm just with jesse jr. in my car, he will ask me to go fast and if there's really no cops around and i am in a little spot, i will just gun it to about 100 just so he gets a little thrilled -- >> jessica: that's not true. >> jesse: and now i know they are going to sell that to the insurance companies so i have not been direct know my driving dangerously, i've just been showing my son a good time. >> jessica: your defense. >> jesse: giving my son a thrill. >> dana: do you think your mom is calling you right now? >> jessica: greg? >> greg: this is why i wear a disguise when i drive my bentley. i put on a big mustache, floppy hair. okay, so they take into account speeding, hard braking, sharp accelerations, this is an attack
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on men. >> jeanine: drive like that! >> greg: it is miss andrist. and went over 640 of his trips, right, and it can tell you you drove 7.33 miles and 18 minutes and you have two incidence of hard braking, only thing missing is if you pick your nose or not. it is not whether it is good or it is bad, it is just inevitable. we have to embrace the idea that we have lost our privacy, but we have to look at it as mutually assured destruction, like you know my dirty laundry, i know your dirty laundry. all virtue signaling now going to be vice signaling which i have been doing for years. let everybody know the things you do that are bad. privacy is no longer a problem for me. you guys know my intestinal habits. speed when i do not want to know that. no one wants to know that. we want secrets and private lives. >> dana: this like the tiktok debate, trying to get to know anything about us and we don't know anything about them.
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>> greg: invade china? >> jeanine: the ccp can buy the data from gm. >> dana: that they did. >> jessica: up next, it is greg's other dream besides all of us having no privacy or worst nightmare. hundreds of toilet paper rolls caught on a highway in california. ♪ ♪ welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb.
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an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you! hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen?
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome back to the show where jessica has apologized once and i haven't yet. here is more proof that liberal california is just one big public restroom. a truck dumping hundreds of toilet paper rolls and clogging up the highway, caused traffic to be backed up. cops eventually had to flush away the roles. might have been better suited for the streets of san francisco, where nearly half of the sidewalks have feces. greg, we will go to you first. >> greg: this is a story i will not care about until i'm sitting at a toilet and realize there is no toilet paper peter will you go through the list of things within arms reach that you can use. this is why i keep a copy of jesse watters' book always, just pick it up, tear out a page. what do you have in your
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bathroom in case? any emergency things? >> jesse: i just yell for my wife. honey! i yell for someone in the house, there has to be someone. >> greg: what if you are alone like me? >> jesse: i don't do hypotheticals. that is how i save the world, comes in handy. >> dana: i was just going to say i blame biden because i blame him for everything else. >> jesse: nothing to be ashamed of, dana. >> jessica: it's a really valid talking point. >> dana: sometimes tuesdays are hard for me. >> jessica: i always want to know what brand of toilet paper everything is. >> dana: there is one brand i cannot stand. >> jessica: it's like not wiping. no, i'm talking about -- it's not even -- >> jesse: you are on a roll today, jessica. >> greg: nicely done. >> jesse: i tried. >> jessica: oh, i get it. >> jesse: judge. >> jeanine: all of the toilet paper in the world will not clean up the crap in california.
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>> jesse: we've got to go to commercial. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today.
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or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience. >> greg: omt. i will go first. tonight 10:00 p.m. emily campaign. kat timpf and joe machi. bad news. a music legend eric carmen passed away yesterday. died in his sleep at the age of 74. his wife amy announced it on his website. i loved the raspberry, i love eric cash men know him for most famous song "all by myself." he wrote one of my favorites "go all the way." i interviewed him a couple years
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ago on the one and i retweeted it last night so you could find it on my x posting. i once asked carmen what's the best way to learn guitar and he said easy first learn to play piano. but he will be missed. he was a brilliant, brilliant guy. anyway, dana? >> dana: this happened to greg and his mom when he was little and then it happened to these ducks down in florida. i just want to show you they slipped through. see the little ducklings? they slipped through the grate. and then so the firemen had to come out and get all the little ducks and return them to the mother. just like when greg slipped through on accident and they helped him back to his mom. >> greg: was thatten necessary to pull me into your sick little tale. all right, jessica, are you going to apologize for your one more thing? >> jessica: my one more thing is fine. i'm not using my you go girl next to it but you go girl.
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national working moms day. i didn't know they were going to do that. very cute. this day recognizes harvard-working mothers founded in 1938 by the american business woman's association to highlight the need for support systems that allow women to excel in both their professional and personal life. >> dana: i think all moms work. >> greg: i don't think they need to go to the office to be considered working. >> dana: apologize for that. >> jessica: how do you think this is a bad thing? [laughter] i think being a stay-at-home mom is the hardest job. i'm not even pandering to the audience. >> judge jeanine: we should have the day for all women. >> jessica: we do international women's day last week. >> jesse: called valentine's day. >> judge jeanine: well, depends. have you ever been on the fourth hole and had this happen to you? okay. that's hundreds of kangaroos interrupting a golf game in australia. and they pound in the sand. and apparently they pounded the ball in the sand, see right there? and they weren't very happy.
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ands that the end of it. >> dana: you have had good one more things. >> jessica: go to the animals. >> jesse: discouraged many of you know my book is coming out in one week. >> judge jeanine: it is? >> jesse: get it together on the 19th. i was just told someone else has a book coming out on the 19th and going to be competing against me and i'm a little concerned. guess who has a book dropping the same day as i do. >> greg: kilmeade? >> judge jeanine: who? >> jesse: the pope. i'm up against the pope, people. >> judge jeanine: dem different demographics. >> jesse: are you serious? he has fans in africa, south america, australia, europe. >> greg: do you know who wrote the forward? god. >> judge jeanine: oh, god. >> greg: that's it for us have. great night. >> bret: up against the pope. that's tough competition. than


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