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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> you are probably disgusted by most of what you see going on in washington. >> bret: one week. remember super tuesday? yeah, that was earlier this week. monday on "special report," we talk national security with house intelligence committee chairman mike turner and ranking member jim himes. common ground there please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." her guest you just saw her alabama senator katie britt, pete buttigieg and former professional football player tim teach bow. remember if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and all this week. it's been a busy week. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. make it a great weekend. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening.
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i'm laura ingraham this the is ingraham angle from washington. fiery, feisty, phoney. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, it's been a wild week and now it's flashback friday. >> we come together as one nation bringing america together, uniting our people union nightd our nation. with unity we can do great things, important things. unity. yurnt. unity. >> we know he didn't really mean any of that at least he tried to sound gracious. but, last night last. >> threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor and some of you have here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. in a literal sense, history is watching. history is watching. my god, what freedom else would you take away. putin of russia is on the march, invading ukraine and sowing
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chaos throughout europe and beyond. my predecessor failed the most basic presidential deuteronomy that he owes to american people, the duty to care. >> laura: the state of the union is supposed to be a report to congress about how the country is doing under his leadership. it's not supposed to be a rant against your political opponent and those who support him. of course, there's an important context here courtesy of nbc. president joe biden's team is increasingly taking extraordinary steps to minimize disruptions from pro-palestinian protests at his events by making them smaller withholding their precise locations from the media and the public until he arrives, avoiding college campuses and, in at least one instance, considering hiring a private company to vet attendees. okay, just because they are afraid biden will crumble and stumble if he is confronted at a real campaign event, it doesn't give them license to abuse the constitutional mandate to report
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on the state of the union. now, just for a moment imagine if donald trump had delivered that kind of state of the union address during his presidency. the press would have gone berserk. they would have said vicious, no decorum, no sense of proprietor. an abuse of the forum, polarizing. but it all played out as i predicted last night prediction, in a few hours, the media will be la vising praise on biden. you will hear people saying that it was amazing how biden knocked it out of the park. how he put to rest the doubts about his stamina. he nailed it. and then, like clockwork, oh my god he knocked it out of the park. >> i thought he was fabulous. >> he just completely blew away the biden is too old issue. >> you saw him really showing his political acumen and his political muscle. >> this was -- this was a tour de force. he had frazier's left hook. >> it was -- it was his best
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speech of his presidency by far. strongest speech at one point today msnbc and cnn used the same adjective at the same time. fiery. well, i told you. think are spinning themselves dizzy we will so soon when real polling come out. in the long term i don't think it helped him at all. i wish he would give speeches like that every week. after all i love the simpsons. >> hey, everybody, an old man is talking. >> grandpa's the name, did you know this tree dates back to frontier times? shut up! who's laughing now. ha ha ha ha. shut up. >> laura: joe biden the brawler tough guy image. it's just farcical.
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i mean, does anyone on planet earth think vladimir putin or president xi watching that speech last night they thought to themselves oh, wow, we need to worry about that guy. >> my message to president putin who i have known for a long time is simple: we will not walk away. [applause] [cheers and applause] we will not bow down. i will not bow down. [applause] >> laura: first of all if he did bow down anyone's guest whether he could stand back up. but the truth is biden's power doesn't come from his personality. it comes from his rich donors and doj and deep state, harassing his political adversaries and, it comes from the media. no one fears biden himself.
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, his numbers as usual didn't add up last night. he claimed a new billionaire's tax that he supports would give him $500 billion over 10 years. okay. 500 billion, 10 years, that's less money in 10 years than we're projected to pay in interest on our debt in one year. so, this wasn't a speech. it was kind of a letter to santa. >> while we're at it, i want to give public school teachers a raise. we are launching the first ever white house initiative on women's health research. bell. >> i want to provide annual tax credit give americans $400 a month for the next two years. [bell] >> i'm directing the u.s. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza. [bell] >> laura: now, look, i guess he is going to do the thing in gaza. the rest of it was just lines in a speech put there because some political consultant overpaid,
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thought that it would help with one constituency or another. none of it had anything to do with the serious problems facing the nation. >> we're not going to lower inflation by borrowing more money. that's how we got into this mess in the first place. now, four years ago, the case for biden was that he was going to calm everything down. he would get us back to normal and, remember that? it was going to be about unity. but, now, the idea that biden will become a respected strong leader because he yells? and he tries to intimidate conservatives or, i don't know, even putin or xi is just absurd. >> not a single person who opposes biden's re-election watched that speech and felt less confident of trump's chances. it all seemed like a big act and a bad one at that. and that's the angle. joining me now newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, fox news contributor. >> newt, the speech itself was, you know, a panoply of, you know, viciousness and hateful
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thoughts about trump or maga or what it represents. but, was there some overriding, inspiring moment that really grabbed you? >> well, i think at the end when he left, i thought that was inspirational. look, this is the most hateful, divisive, and destructive speech ever given at a state of the union. literally. i went back and this morning and read harry truman's 1948 state of the union, clean-up is stateman like, patriotic, unifying because he came very tough partisan in september. in january and february he was the president of the united states. this wars the democratic campaign committee's speech and it was vicious. it was hateful. to lecture the supreme court is so far beyond the pale that it's
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frankly worthy of censure. to start his speech with three consecutive attacks on his political opponent tells you both how desperate they are, how lacking in any scruples they are. and i really do think this is a speech which will lead an immense number ever americans to decide that they will not under any circumstance ever support joe biden for anything. >> laura: now, newt, nbc so-called presidential historian said that the speech reminded him of another president. >> who does that remind you and me of? ha and that is harry truman in 1948. you know, the beginning of that year down to the summer even democrats were saying truman is a loser. we better find someone else to run for us. but, all through that fall suddenly not the meek and polite truman of the first several years. it was give them hell, harry.
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the point -- this guy didn't go back and read truman's speech. speech -- truman all through the spring was the president of the united states. in the fall, he was the democratic nominee. that historian clearly isn't very competent and didn't go back and look at truman. truman would have never given this speech. as the a historian himself, he knew it was beneath the dignity of the president. it was a betrayal of his constitutional responsibility and it was an insult. notice that, by the way, biden never really gets strong emotionally about putin, about houthis, about iran, but he gets very strong emotionally when he is attacking americans if you go back and play it every really emotional attack in that speech is against his fellow americans, which is a really bad sign. >> laura: completely twisted.
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and, newt, we understand the president spoke about 90 minutes ago in philadelphia and he kicked off his big campaign speech this way. >> folks, our freedoms really are on the ballot this november. donald trump and the maga republicans are trying to take away our freedoms. s that not an exsas exexaggerat. guess what? we will not let him. >> first of all i'm not sure what that means. in the voters vote for donald trump or the supreme court. i mean are think saying they are not going to accept the will of the voters? sound like that to me. >> part of the reason he was lecturing the court is recently in the colorado case the supreme court voted by 9-0. the most liberal and radical members. 9-0 democracy wasn't donald trump. the threat to democracy was the democratic party i think that ought to tell most americans the real threat to democracy in america is the democratic party,
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department of justice, and joe biden. >> laura: newt, it's always great, great to see you on days and nights like this. thanks so much. we kept hearing how biden was going to draw a stark contrast between himself and president trump last night. and i have to give him credit. he actually did this at least when it came to how two presidents treat our military. >> america is safer today than when i took office. [laughter] the year before i took office murder rates quentd up. [shouting] >> 38% they went up. >> marine, the biggest increase in history. [shouting] >> laura: the man you just saw getting arrested for shouting is gold star dad steve nikoui, his son marine lance corporal nikoui one of the service members killed during biden's disastrous afghanistan pullout in 2021. steve's other son dakota committed suicide a year later. at a memorial service for the fallen marine is where it took
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place. now, this family lost two sons both in their 20's as a result of biden's failed policies and, steve refuses to let the administration forget that. now, the family of marine sergeant nicole gee, who also was killed at abby gate, couldn't even get that much attention. >> president biden, he's often called the consoler in chief. he does talk to families who have lost loved ones because of his own experiences. have you experienced that from him as you have been coping with the death of nicole? >> no. no. >> have you spoken to him? >> no. he has not reached out to our family. we have actually reached out to the white house and have never heard back. >> laura: wait a second. they couldn't carve out 10 minutes for a gold star family but president biden could sit down for a zoom call with actors who played presidents? must have been for at least an
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hour for for some promo shoot? compare biden's approach to our military heros to president trump's. >> amy, your family sacrifice makes it possible for all of our families to live in safety and in peace and we want to thank you. thank you, amy. [applause] but amy, there is one more thing, tonight we have a very special surprise. i am thrilled to inform you that your husband is back from deployment. he is here with us tonight. and we couldn't keep him waiting any longer. [applause] welcome home, sergeant williams. thank you very much. >> laura: now, that's a president. coming up, what did r.f.k. jr. think of last night's state of the union address? he's here next. stay tuned. ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> now my predecessor, a former republican president tells putin, quote: do whatever the hell you want. [boos] that's a quote. my predecessor came to office determined to see roe v. wade overturned. my predecessor. and my predecessor. my predecessor, including my
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predecessor. >> laura: biden spent most of last night's state of the union acting like trump was voldemort, he who must not be named my next guest who is running for president has a different vision for america. >> a growing number of americans are rejecting the divisiveness. they are ledy to unite, to rebuild this country and to fulfill the promise of the america of my youth. they are ready to vote for something. that's the state of the union that i want to bring you today to rebuild, to end the forever foreign wars. to clean out the corrupt washington assessment. and to turn again toward peace, freedom, good health, and prosperity. >> laura: joining me now is robert f. kennedy jr., 2024 independent presidential candidate. robert, your reaction to biden last night, especially going hard on ukraine at the top and going all in on putin's rolling through, you know, europe like hitler and i'm pair phrasing,
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obviously. >> i mean, i thought the speech in general, i agree with some of the commentators that you have had that it was hyper partisan. that it was more like a, you know, president biden when he came in promised to unify the country and this was more of a campaign stump speech that you would give to a red meat crowd during the last two weeks of the campaign rather than that kind of statesman like unifying speech that we want to see and the nation expects and that the world expects from the state of the union address where you want to see you want something that inspires priode in our country and in our country and all around the globe the billions of people around the world and we want to showcase the best of our country and not make it a
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partisan slug fest in terms of ukraine i disagree with the comic book characterizations that president biden has made this is a war that should have been settled because we now know because -- we now know from israeli prime minister naftali bennett from the turkish prime minister premier ahmed erdogan that peace agreement was initialed by both sides by zelenskyy and by putin's side. putin was withdrawing troops from kyiv when vice president sense boris yeltsin over there to tear up this agreement. this was not about stopping putin from rampaging across earth it is a war about the extension of nato into ukraine, which we should not be doing. our greatest diplomats have
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condemned that it was a mistake. president biden did mention one issue that he has not mentioned before that i was very happy about which is the housing crisis in this country the fact that young people can't get into a home, his allusion, however, i think, was, i would say, a cynical solution, which is a $10,000 gift for the next two years, in other words from, now to the election. >> laura: the problem not to interrupt the problem is inflation. rents have been high for some time but they skyrocketed when he -- he could have just opened the economy in january of 2021 and it -- we would have been off to the races. instead he borrowed trillions of dollars more. printed a lot more money, that helped drive inflation. and drove up the cost of everything. so, it's easy for him to say now oh, inflation is high we have got to do something. his policies are the primary driver right now of the cost of
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rent and every other thing that people buy. and he didn't really want to touch any of that. >> no, i would agree with you. got a $34 trillion debt and over the last 100 days we have added a trillion dollars to that and that is unsustainable. we are now paying more, the service on that debt than we are for our military budget. and if interesting rates go up, we could -- within 10 years, we will be paying basically every dollar collected on taxes could conceivably be going to service the debt. there is nobody who is taking this problem seriously. you are right about inflation contributing to the housing, price of the housing stock, laura. the housing stock is going up faster than anybody else. the systemic problem and a lot of it has to do with these big democratic donors, blackrock, state street, vanguard fidelity
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group own # 8% of the s&p 500 and now targeting single family homes. there is legislation on capitol hill to stop those investment houses from purchasing single family homes. we need to do that. >> that is a systemic fix rather than a short-term fix that's going to drive this inflationary spiral and drive us further into debt. >> laura: robert, it's always great to see you. >> we are not going to play any soundbites people say you don't have any chance because you are scaring everybody out there. we really appreciate your voice tonight, thank you. now it's time for our political palate cleanser. on sunday the mar-a-lago niko and i and 1200 you have our dearest friends attended a wonderful lunch and auction to celebrate the big dog ranch in palm beach, florida. lara trump did a fabulous job as co-chair. a wonderful event. huge event to support abandoned and neglected animals, every dog
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that was brought up on the runway there was adopted, even a special guest showed up. >> i will say that you do love dogs. do we love dogs? [applause] and i have never seen so many people. we only do this on special occasions. >> laura: please consider supporting big dog ranch rescue. go to b.d.r.r. dot org. that's come to next year's event. all right. laken riley's mom rips into joe biden amp what he said at the state of the union plus the self-anointed defender of democracy threatens our institutions during the state of the union. stephen miller, chris landau have reaction. stay there. ♪
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>> laura: lawyer he didn't forget george floyd's name but he did forget her. >> i would be a winner -- not really. [crowd boos] >> lincoln -- lincoln riley an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that's right. but how many thousands of people being killed by illegals? >> laura: clear this up for you, joe, lincoln riley is a football coach at usc. he is still alive. lincoln riley is the young woman who lost her life at the hands of an illegal alien who came in, by the way, under your watch. now, the left didn't take issue with biden insulting lake con's memory by botching her name, no. they had a problem with him using the i-word. >> using that word an illegal dehumanize something problematic what did you make of that. >> that's probably true. he probably should have used a different word. >> it's unfortunate that the president used that language. >> i don't believe that the president's heart is with the
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word illegal. >> he should have said undocumented but -- >> laura: joining me now is stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump. founder of america first legal. steven, laken riley's mother responded to biden today saying biden does not even know my child's name it's pathetic. if you are going to say her name even when forced to do so say the right name. steven? >> yeah, just a very tragic situation all around. but it underscores how radical the democratic party has become on immigration and how they're committed to an ideology of open borders at the expense of the safety and security of the american people that that makes him completely disqualified to govern the country and hopefully that will reflect itself in the 2024 election results. they are a party that is completely at war with the safety and security of the american people. and it is completely wet to the idea of open borders at the expense of safety and security of all americans, especially
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american women. >> laura: well, one thing that i wasn't shocked by is that biden's campaign co-chair weighed in on the president's handling of this laken riley issue last night. watch. >> what matters more? whether or not he pronounced laken riley's name correctly. >> they are not going to pass that border security bill. i'm asking you to look forward. >> border security bill. gillian, what matters is whether we fix the problem. >> laura: senator coons says it doesn't matter. they often say say her name when it's an individual who was killed in some type of involvement with the police. say her name. say her name. but this name is different for them, steve, rye? >> well, again, because they are committed to an ideology of no borders, no immigration control no. immigration enforcement whatsoever. and that's because they are committed to maximum immigration as their fundamental ideological
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objective at the expense of the safety and security of the american people. >> laura: wait a second, steven. >> wait. you are not being fair because joe biden supported a bipartisan immigration bill that senator lankford and mcconnell and all these guys were all excited about, and donald trump torpedo it. that was joe biden's argument last night that immigration bill cemented immigration played it permanent and everlasting. expanded catch and release and gave mayorkas the power to unilaterally granted citizenship to newly arriving illegal alies that bill would have made it impossible for future presidents to secure the border. it gutted title 42 and created new rights to illegal aliens to spring themselves from detention in every respect that immigration bill made the border crisis worse and made the border crisis permanent. and let me just say, this laura.
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joe biden's refusal to take responsibility for releasing, for freeing, the predator who is now charged of murdering laken riley is an eternal stain on his presidency. it's not just the fact that he can't even say her name right, that he can't even call the family, that he can't invite to the state of the union. can't have the basic human decency to reach out to them. it's that he released the man that is now accused of this gruesome slaying and brutal murder. he set that monster free. and he does not have the basic fundamental human decency to say "iered: i was wrong. i sinned i never should have freed this man. and he was freed millions more, millions more. unvetted, unknown, unscreened. how many more laken rileys will die? how many more innocent will suffer, be assaulted? this is a moral depravity of the highest order, laura.
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>> laura: all right. stephen, thank you so much. good to see you tonight. >> with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral -- power. excuse me, electoral or political power. you are about to realize how much. [cheers and applause] >> laura: that was our nation's chief law enforcement officer openingly threatening our supreme court justices, of course. this is all about abortion. he did it to their faces in front of the entire country. joining me now chris landau former law clerk to justices scalia and thomas. chris, how many times did we hear about how the decorum of the state of the union and the way justices sit there and it's all kind of so inspiring because politics aren't part of it. what happened last night? >> yeah, laura, as you mentioned earlier in the show, the state of the union is actually constitutionally required address. the president is required to talk to congress about the state of the union and give a report. the justices have traditionally
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attended but for -- this is the first time i believe in u.s. history that the president has directly addressed the justices and he actually said you. he looked at them as we just saw in that clip and basically said you are responsible and you will sow what you reap or reap what you sow. it was a very dramatic and really norm-shattering moment, laura. it should be very discouraging to americans, especially from somebody who billed himself as a unifier. >> laura: instead of just going around the supreme court as we have seen biden do with, you know, things like student loan forgiveness, they are now setting the stage to go around the electoral college. watch this. >> it's hard to have a democracy where repeatedly you put the minority in the control of the government. that's a problem. now, we all know why it is. we have the electoral college. that was a compromised they made
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in 1789. we know that so we got to work around it. >> chris, i thought they were all about norms and institutions and they hate the electoral college because it means that new york and california don't control everything. >> yeah, laura, again, it is something that is so precious to our freedom is the separation of powers that our founders created. that's been the basis of everything we have enjoyed. that's the reason that we have gone off and fought in wars, our ancestors and represerved this union. and it's clearly that this is the only institution that joe biden feels he cannot control and cannot boss around. and so, he is taking them on and he is setting the stage for, i think, even more confrontation with the supreme court through this whole year. i mean, his justice department is% executing or is prosecuting and persecuting his chief political opponent. they want to put him in jail.
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okay? this has never happened in american history before. so, i think we will see the supreme court in the news more than ever. and it was just sad, i think, as an american to witness the president really treating the supreme court almost like school children last night. and just kind of lecturing them. i don't think that went over very well with the supreme court. you could see in the clip. even the democratic appointees looked pretty glum as he sat there and lectured them. they must be thinking here blows up our chance of trying to reach across the aisle of the supreme court. >> laura: well, good luck at conference. that's what i said. chris, thank you. great to see you. all right. tiktok's devious plan to stop franklin county planned involves using your kids. that's next. ♪ ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad.
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♪ >> genocide of palestine? imagine how sick of palestinians are experiencing it. >> i use she, her pronouns i'm not sir. it's knot like a knife in the heart. i also -- it is specifically ask ahead of time not to be called sir. yeah, i'm just going to go. >> tiktok is mobilizing its wacky deranged army of addicts to protest a bill that could ban the app. in the united states. now, the company whose parent is china owned bytedance put out an urgent alert to its users call
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congress and complain. >> you haven't called your representatives, call your representatives. >> small businesses on here, people are surviving off this app. >> call my representative and i was like, hey, i'm calling to stop the ban on tiktok. i will financially drown without this app., okay? ban tiktok and you are banning financial security for mothers. >> the thousands and millions of people that use this app. every day to improve themselves to generate income. you need to call your representative and tell them do not ban tiktok. >> laura: joining me now republican congresswoman nicole malliotakis. congresswoman, tiktok defenders say they are exercising their constitutional right to petition the government and all is fine here. so why is there a problem? >> well, look, we know that the communist chinese are using this app. as they control the ccp controls bytedance to influence our children to not just influence them but literally indoctrinate them, to brainwash
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them, and that's what what they do you in communist china and russia and iran. we can't allow our youth to be manipulated this way. and what they did yesterday was they actually prohibited access to the app. unless the young person made that phone call to congress. so they're actually manipulating the youth with misinformation because it's not a ban on tiktok. it's calling for a divestment or else you can't be downloaded from the app. that is what it actually calls for. it gives them 165 days bytedance to divest from tiktok so that we're not having that influence. look, this is an app. that is prohibited on government phones, on government ipads and there's a reason for it. it's a national security issue. they are stealing our americans' data and using it. whether they are access to their photos, their phone records, their texts, and they are using it. >> laura: their location. >> and manipulate young people. >> laura: their location. they are geo locating users as well, that's what i understand.
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and i also heard that and tell me if this is actually true, it was so horrifying i was hoping it wasn't true some young people, congresswoman, were calling and some threatened to commit suicide if congress ultimately goes forward with some type of ban of tiktok? >> i did hear that a couple of my colleagues received calls like that. my office had not. we had received hundreds and hundreds of calls. and these young people, they call and they weren't even sure what they were calling about. it's just like they desperately are so addicted to this app. that they needed to like just make this phone call on behalf of tiktok and bytedance and the communist chinese party just so they can continue to gain access. you know, who else is using these apps, right in the drug cartels are using it nefarious activities are being conducted on this p a. that is how they are smuggling people, you know, doing other things that across the border, that they shouldn't be. and so we have to be very mindful of the security threat that this app. is.
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>> laura: yeah. and, also, it was reported that president trump was not going to support tiktok banning tiktok after a big donor who invested in bytedance, big investor in bytedance had given a donation to president trump. that upset a lot of conservatives and, you know, including your truly. quickly, congresswoman, on that. >> well, look, i don't know. i know that trump tried to do it when he was in office. he had problems with tiktok. let's look at joe biden who actually downloads tiktok when there is a federal ban, you know, because it's a national security issue. i mean, that was terrible message to be sending all across america. >> laura: trump shouldn't do that everybody knows trump, the idea -- anyway, congresswoman, thank you. up next, everything is racist, even the outdoors? even the outdoors? stay with us. ♪ how could you? and leaves your system fast. by the time you wake up, you're ready to take on the day.
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try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season.
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the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on.
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>> the liberals want you to thank it's all racist. now even the outdoors is racist. 1 company is snapping to attention to address this courage. north face known best for its jackets is offering an hour-long racial equity course in an effort to make outdoor activities less racially oppressive. they are going to throw in a 20 percent coupon on their merge if you sign up, noting that white privilege can give you access to the outdoors when others can be excluded because of historic enduring racism and biases. >> systemic action is around long-term vision of making the outdoors more accessible for everyone including people of colour. >> it's just breaking all the norms and barriers and everything and ensuring you can do everything thing with a job, without her job. >> being -- this is stuff that
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we do do. the conversation is changing, perception of what it looks like >> pony percent coupon for watching that. i love having money but there's only summary things i'm willing to do for a coupon. spending an hour to hear how racist the climbing world is? hard pass. xavier, you actually took this racial equity course. will you now feel less oppressed when you head to the mountains? >> i would've enjoyed fitting at the dmv for an hour more than taking that course. it's really just insulting to my intelligence and it talks a lot about affordability of these outdoor activities as if white people don't have to pay the same expenses. they really want to convince you that white people are getting a caucasian discount every time they go to bass pro shop so they can do more outdoor activities. makes it even more insulting is it says that win a white person that can't afford to go jet skiing or hiking or any of these
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other outdoor activities, they say it's not racially based when it's a white person, but for some reason it is when it's a person of colour. there is no gatekeeping when it comes to the outdoors. the son does not oppressed people of colour. we are fortunate that we are not out there getting some burnt. these corporations are so determined to come up with creative ways to... >> a spokesperson told fox digital the company is always believe the outdoors should be a welcoming, equitable and safe place for all. this course aims to bring light to the barriers of entry preventing all people from sharing equally rewarding experiences in the outdoors. xaviaer do you think the obama's which have a beautiful place on martha's vineyard and 1 in hawaii, i think it's up to them really to begin this racial equity in the outdoors. bring a whole bunch of underprivileged kids to enjoy those beautiful multimillion
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dollar houses, go wake boarding and water skiing and all the things that you can do in the outdoors to be less racist. >> they might as well take a busload of illegal immigrants out with them and enjoy the outdoors because they are people of colour to. they are good spent a lot of time outside because they can afford it. it has nothing to do with race. if you can't afford to do something than you have more options to do that. i don't understand why that's not common sense. they want to try to make us think that a person of colour is being stressed out by being outside because a white person is there. if i'm a black man out in the wilderness, the last concern of mine is when a random white person is thinking about me because odds are they are minding their business as i should be to and more often than not, the people who enjoy these activities are there to get away from all of this nonsense. >> when i'm in wyoming, on thinking about is how do i get to the top of the mountain? i'm trying to not fall down the side.
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i'm not thinking about politics or race or anything. i think that's probably where most people are. since you took the course yourself, i want to test your attention knowledge. here's 1 of the questions. a black girl goes along to her first snowboarding lessen and the other participants are fascinated with her hair and ask if they can touch it. what level of racism would you describe this as? 8, internalized, b., structural. see, interpersonal, or d. institutional. >> it's interpersonal because it's considered a micro- aggression. >> right! you retained your knowledge. this is effectively treating for you. i think we have one more question. let's do one more. you have one more question that you saw on this test. now you are aware that there are no people of colour signing up to your climbing lessons despite living in an area where there is a racially diverse population. what would you do?
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>> i think it's both a and b. i'm giving you an eight for the racial equity course. >> even if you didn't get any others correct, just because you have the right attitude. inc. you so much, great to see you and the trees in the mountains don't care about our skin colour, going enjoy them. wild week, i hope you had as much fun as we did covering it. that is at rest tonight. is that your dvr, we want you to always stay connected with us. make sure to follow me on social, acts and on instagram and remember it is america, now and forever. have a great weekend, jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonigh


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