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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 8, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> neil: so you are in contract negotiations and the show was a hit, are they afraid of you? whatever you want, jon, it's okay. >> you know, it's funny. in negotiations i remember saying a few years ago, you know, you booked me because i am a lion and then you don't like it when i roar. >> neil: you know, that is a very good point. they let you do what you do because what you do is very popular and people love it, right? >> yeah, you know, at the end of the show i get that hug. we are wearing microphones in our chest so people don't hear what they say to me but neil, they tell me i change their lives, talking to their wives again, got their future back, i'm the father they'd ever had. the things they say to me when i hear that hug and then i realized one that fights with me the most, neil, the ones that give me the biggest hogs in the end. that makes me fight even harder next time. >> neil: beautiful, beautiful. i get words whispered, too. they are not repeatable. john, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hello, everybody.
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i'm judge jeanine pirro amount of jessica tarlov, jesse watters, shannon bream, and yes, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ it was most-stream tv. the president yelling at americans for over an hour during one of the most hyperpartisan state of the union's. president biden's lack of leadership was on full display in a speech designed to please his base of msnbc flunkies and not the american people. joe unleashing a firehose of lies about the economy, inflation, and taxes, and still we don't know what his vision for a second term is. but we do know who we passionately hates: donal donald trump. >> my predecessor, some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. i will not do that. now my predecessor, a former
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republican president, tells putin "do whatever the >> greg: for you want." predecessor. predecessor. predecessor. >my predecessor. my predecessor. but unlike my predecessor. i know who we are as americans. >> jeanine: americans biggest issue with biden as he is not mentally fit for the job. but the big guy tried to brush off those concerns by joking about it. >> i know i may not look like it, but i have been around a while. [applause] when you get to be my age, certain things become clearer than ever. i know the american story. again and again, i've seen the contests between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation. >> jeanine: and in one of the most shocking moments, a gold star dad getting arrested for heckling joe biden after reminding the president of his
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disgraceful exit from afghanistan. >> the year i took fifth know mike i took office, murder rates went up 30%. >> jeanine: that man is the father of a u.s. marine killed in the 2021 capital airport bombing. during trump biden's botch withdrawal from afghanistan. you know, i'm going to start with that, greg come and go right to you. you have a gold star father, and one of the gold star parents was on one of the other shows this week. said she had never heard from president biden. the families have not heard from president biden. and, you know, their sacrifices are not remembered. they are literally sitting ducks in an open-air airport in afghanistan. and they arrest this guy. he is charged with a misdemeanor. >> greg: you have to understand, there are priorities, judge, when you are doing a speech, and the amount of potato chips is more important than the debts in afghanistan, according to this
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administration. i'm going to go out and say joe biden surpassed expec expectations. how did he do that? well, if you are ranking him against other leaders and other politicians and other speeches, that's not what people are doing. they are ranking him against himself. so by that metric, you know, he did better than the very lowest standard possible, his own competence. he has grading on the curve of his own abysmal performances. it's kind of like being relieved that your car starts in the morning when he didn't start for a year. it's like, oh, my god, i can't believe it's starting. you talk about energy. there is good and bad energy and dark energy, energy that masquerades as substance, and i think that is what you saw there. but it forces you to ask, which candidate and which party is the one that is out for revenge? right, we kept hearing, trump is going to be out for revenge. meanwhile trump is being sued by everybody and seems to be having a good time on x posting means and seemed pretty happy. on the other hand you have an
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angry, fiery ball of spite. that sounds incredibly vengeful. it's another example of this projection where they accuse you of who they are, or perhaps because they become so, so possessed by the arrangement that they become the thing they claim to hate, which i think is what's happening here. he went after the supreme court, you know, he attacks his predecessor, and by connection, his supporters. but i think overall for me you have to step back and see how mundane and futile this entire phony seriousness is. so you are going to see this. one side will cherry-pick the moments of so-called clarity. oh, he had a good line there. and then the rest of us will focus on the rapid-fire incoherence, the flailing gibberish that somehow everybody else avoids. but all of this idiotic behavior is born from these stupid, ancient tribes. that's what each aspiration of all these grown men on the sides of the isles trying to get a
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selfie, i mean, no one wants to see those pictures. seriously. you are not that attractive. it becomes kind of this irrelevant tribal theater, which is why trump was so weird. because he came from a world of entertainment. he came from a world of sales. he stood out from that phoniness, which was such a surprise. he didn't fit into this bakery, and it drove them crazy very. now you take them out of this, this is what you are left with. this weird, horrible game of political pickleball, where they just bounce the ball back and forth to each other, and it is all the same. clap, clap, clap, sit down, clap, to me, i found it tiresome. i always have. this one was perhaps even worse. >> jeanine: you know, shannon, i have always loved watching the state of the unions and i always love it because then i feel american and we are unified, and i don't care if it is democrat
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or republican. i want to cheer them on because it makes me feel good about being an american. you have seen a lot of these state of the unions. what was your take on it last night? >> shannon: it was strange to me he started with ukraine in a standoff with folks on the hill because normally you do think we are here, we are americans, we can do better, work together. you feel that will be the opening message. the fact he went right at one of these big issues and foreign policy and combative with the people sitting in front of him and calling them out, it's an odd place to start, because they before the speech that there was going to be a unity agenda, where people could come together, i didn't feel that w way. polling, how has he done unifying the country? 26% said he has mostly succeeded. 69% say he has mostly failed. that is across party lines. people do not think he is bringing people together. the screaming last night, the speech, of course an election year, going to feel more political, didn't feel unifying. >> jeanine: you know, jesse,
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instead of talking about the state of our union, it was like a battleground campaign speech for 2024. >> jesse: it was. his opening was framing himself as fdr and lincoln. joe biden is going to fight to save democracy at home and abroad against hitler, putin, the southern insurrectionist, and donald trump. so this election he is saying is basically the equivalent of the civil war and world war ii combined, and he's the only one that's going to be able to protect the nation. and he puts it in these militaristic terms like this is a military campaign, not just a regular political campaign, and then goes on to say we swore an oath to protect the country against enemies foreign and domestic. linking trump republicans to enemies of the state. i think most people looking around watching, this isn't really what this election is
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about. so that kind of was there, as well as the screaming to prove that he was alive, to show he had a little something left in the tank. and i don't really believe he got there on his own, if you know what i mean. but then the rest of it was just red meat for the base. abortion, big government tax-and-spend liberalism, and class warfare. you get through that and expect them to at least acknowledge the hardships that americans are facing. he didn't even do that. it is all just spin. he had a few good lines, a few volleys, which is good, but he didn't generate any sort of unity moment. he didn't invite a guest -- they were adequate, but no one is buzzing about the guests he brought. so you look at some of these other speeches delivered by these presidents and you get the chills. soaring oratory talking about the future of the country, talking about the american people in ways that are moving, republican or democrat. this guy just yelled at me for
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one hour and 15 and the worst part, judge, he was late. that was the biggest insult. because people are tired at 9:00, and he didn't show up and speak until about nine: 25, and he is not the bride. when he shows up, that's not like when the wedding starts. everybody is waiting for you to get there, i thought that was the most disrespectful part of the whole night. >> jeanine: you know, jessica, the amazing thing is they put up all this fencing, right, around congress, but joe biden is delayed because they have all of these hamas protesters. it's like they don't even know where the problems are going to be. but it's true. you have to admit he was amped up, jacked up, they expect of the speech to be an hour and a half, it was like 58 minutes because he spoke so fast. what was your take? >> jessica: it was an hour and 8 minutes. the final count. and i think the most important thing that happened last night, saying he is amped up, we are
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not talking about joe biden as too fiery, right, as too aggressive. yesterday we were talking about joe biden can't find his pants. joe biden has dementia. joe biden is too old for this job. that is how i know it went really well. because the republicans who have been congressman, senator, et cetera, people who would use the age attack on basically saying he is an aggressive partisan, may be the coke was his, maybe it's just adderall -- >> greg: that was my joke. >> jessica: you didn't tell me in the green room. we are like the same. and you also know that it went well because last night joe biden's campaign smashed three fundraising records. at 9:00, 10:00, at 11:00. and cnn did a poll of state of state of the union watchers. 64% had a positive view of it. 62% said biden's policies will move the u.s. in a positive direction, and that is something he was really struggling with.
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trump was way ahead on that. that was up 17 points from before the speech began. starting with ukraine also surprised me. and it felt as if he probably wanted to start with talking about attacks on democracy at home, and they thought, let's contextualize this more broadly to talk about democracies that are under attack, and also to put republicans on the back foot vehicle use on mike johnson, who was really struggling with his facial expressions and what do i do with my hands. he wants the money for ukraine. the rest of his caucus is not letting him do that, so i think that is where that came from. but they clearly are paying attention to their internal polling and the conversations americans are having about how important the everyday bread-and-butter issues are. biggest applause lines, protecting social security, lowering prescription drug prices, let's give teachers a raise, let's make sure -- >> jeanine: we will go through that. >> jessica: we will. let's make sure kids know how to read by third grade. seems really good. >> greg: fall for that. >> jessica: first of all, it
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is not joe biden that is falling for it. listen, i have been plenty critical of randi weingarten, but it is still something americans want. they want our public schools to serve kids and a good way. >> jeanine: or to show up. >> jessica: out of poverty. the republicans got rid of the child tax credit. eliminated properties by huge amounts. those are unifying issues for the american public. that is why i got so much praise. >> jeanine: okay. a tour de force, joe might know my joe biden's clapping seals in the media give a slobbering review of his state of the union. ♪ ♪ it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals,
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♪ ♪
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>> shannon: of the reviews are in a democrats in the media praise on president biden's state of the union address. take a look. speak of this was a tour de force. he had frazier's left hook. >> filled with focus and enthusiasm. >> joe biden proved to think he still has a pulse. >> it was one of the finest state of the union address as i have seen. >> joe biden was on fire. >> like a punch in the face to every republican in the room. >> he ain't scared of republicans. >> needed to be energized in a really big way and he did just that. >> he had rested the age issue . >> he just completely blew away the "biden is too old" issue. >> my friend had been turned upside down. >> four more years! four more years! four more years!
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>> shannon: all right, judge, i am taking this straight to you. how much of this do you think is about those folks being relieved? that there guy, who there is no ramp getting him off the ticket, is going to make it to november and beyond? >> look, i was even hoping at him hoping he would make it to the podium, just hoping -- we all have anxiety. every time the guy shows up, is he going to fall, is he going to trip or mumble? but you know, okay, last night, he spoke, and he spoke fiercely and aggressively, but he was a cantankerous kind of combat-ready guy, okay? and it was not the right time. this is a guy who got elected because he was supposed to be the adult in the room. he was going to unify us. we have never been more divided. and the fact he delivered that speech, my predecessor is no good and this is no good, our economy is the best in the world, and what i want to make sure of, and i am making care of
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the deficit, the reason we've got the problem with the deficit as you created, you created it with the stimulus package and they inflation reduction act come at all that other stuff. now you are trying to say it's everyone else's fault. the reason we have a problem with immigration is because you signed 94 executive orders that you reversed, and now you are saying it is congress' fault. nothing is his fault. it's everybody else's fault. and it just wasn't the right tone. i get that they are happy. but you know what i want to know, shannon? why was this different? i have been watching this guy for three years. i have watched the cognitive decline for three years. the trip income of the following, the mumbling. and you say to yourself, what did they do differently? did he sleep? we know he had 140 vacation days in the last year. what caused him to be hyper pumped up, amped up? and i am happy for them. but the truth is it was not something that we are going to
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see last. >> shannon: that's the thing now. you set a standard for how you are going to be on the campaign because now the campaign begins in earnest, will always have a prompter and be this fired up, to have a celebration, he showed he still has a pulse, i mean, that suggests there was a very weird standard for last night. >> jessica: democrats are really concerned about this. the age issue was not partisan. it was across the board. it has been the main story line for the last 3-4 weeks of coverage. and i'm kicking off with ezra klein. we were talking about this earlier in the week, that i believed the new yorker interview was him taking control of the campaign again. and saying to his aides that want to keep them hidden away, i can do this. i'm the guy that beat him, and i will do it again. so will every day look like that? absolutely not. he is going to have some stumbles. he's going to have some joe biden moments. but he needed that, and we needed that, and i think it is
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important, putting aside whatever their political preferences might be, showed some hosts who are openly partisan in this, but even reporters were leaving with this story because it was what was taking over the american psyche, that they were saying we can't have this guy again because of the age issue are the competency issue. that's going to lessen as an issue. no one will ever say 81 is my target age for a really great president, but they will say that this is a man who easily found his pants this morning, and that is, you know, greg's a point about lowering the bar so far. but the partisan ship issue is really important here because a, he walked into a room and marjorie taylor greene is wearing trump campaign insignia. it is a partisan time. at this moment. and joe biden's speech, he didn't say maga extremists, right, there wasn't that likely january 6th speech that happened at the beginning of the year. >> shannon: he did talk about
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january 6th, though. >> jessica: he did. people who stormed the capital are different than the average trump voter and that is something that trump voters have been screaming from the rooftops. we were sitting at home that day, or we were peaceful, and then we went home. >> shannon: they feel like they get lumped together. >> jessica: i know, i think it was an olive branch to not only nikki haley supporters, the independents and the moderates come up with the people who really believe in donald trump and his policies, but are not storming the capital or acting violently. he could have called them out, that would have appeased the base, and that would have been fine. but it was definitely flattering, or less aggressive, then we have seen before. >> shannon: a lot of people thought last night was aggressive, so does he now agreed to debates? jesse? he is going to say i feel my confidence, i can rise to the moment. does the gnomic debates happen? >> jesse: to give him for the debate what they did last night, yes. >> jessica: what drug was he on? >> jesse: i'm not a doctor but they are giving them something.
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to be too cold medicine? >> the horse is old and injured and mopes around the barnyard. and then all of a sudden you race the horse and he fires out of the gate and lapse everybody, what did they give the horse? jessica, the man has walked around lethargic lady for the last three years. barely picks his head up, can't hear, is out of breath, falls asleep, skips dinners internationally, dies out during funeral processions. this guy is like on speed or something, jessica. to dismiss it like, oh, he's definitely clean, he should pee in a cup, because there is no way joe biden can sustain that type of energy. now you set the bar here. this is the real bar, right? this is the bar we have all seen and it is by my ankles. and now it is the state of the union bar and we have eight months until the election so you now know what joe is capable of,
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naturally or unnaturally. you are going to expect that type of joe biden on the campaign trail. and when he doesn't deliver, will that prove that he has not been given something? because it looks like he has been given something. >> shannon: this is where greg might have some expertise that could help us be at >> jeanine: yes. >> greg: yes, i have done a lot of research in this matter. >> shannon: research. >> greg: there are ups and downs. project of the future rather than the past and ask why he did the super bowl interview, the 3-5 minute interview, why didn't he do that? i'm not going to cast aspersions into his medicine cabinet, but that always makes me wonder. the media in that clip sounds like the parents of a really uncoordinated little league player who finally got a walk, you know, billy finally got to first base after an entire season, they are so grateful, cheering him on. what is important is not what they said but what they didn't
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say. where were the fact-checkers? i said this yesterday, remember, jesse, you said that was a great point, greg -- >> jesse: when i wasn't paying attention. >> greg: i predict that they won't fact-check joe, they will fact-check trump fact-checking joe, which is exactly what "the washington post" did. they put all their muscle on fact-checking trump as opposed to talking about the things that biden said. let's face it, talking about taxing billionaires, what are you tax end? their worth? i don't know what you are taxing there. seems to be the trump tax cuts raised tax revenues, that has been shown, and the corporate tax rate when it was lowered to 35 to 21 it propelled higher income growth which increased higher income, higher payroll and taxes. didn't think you'd get that from me. i think that what you are seeing right now, people are going, this is weird. this is weird. one side is relieved and the other side is going, this is weird.
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they are both right. >> jesse: jessica said, we needed that. and they gave that to you. >> jeanine: you know, there is another piece to it. remember, he read a speech that he has read five times. whenever he went off script, it was lincoln riley, instead of electoral, it was electrical. >> shannon: we've got to go. >> jessica: on border, social security appeared >> shannon: i am just a visitor. i'm told we have to go. coming up, laken riley's mom ripping into president biden for fumbling her daughter's name. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden botching the name of laken riley, the georgia nursing student brutally murdered at the hands of an illegal alien. watch. >> it's not about him. it's not about me. i'd be a winner --
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[heckerling] lincoln riley. an innocent young woman who was killed. by an illegal. >> jesse: laken riley's mom slamming joe biden as pathetic for fumbling the name of her daughter, and adding this. "if you are going to say her name, even when forced to do so, at least say the right name." when democrats are upset because the president called to be 23's killer and illegal. >> he should have set undocumented. but that's not a big thing. we usually say undocumented, he said illegal, i don't think it is a big deal. >> it is unfortunate the present use that language. >> should have used the word undocumented. if he was going to address it, should have used a word, not their word. >> jesse: earlier biden was asked about this. watch. >> mr. president, do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night,
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sir? >> well, probably, i don't... technically not supposed to be here. >> jeanine: there you go. >> jessica: the drugs were off? >> jeanine: whatever. i would like to speak. >> j>> jesse: please. >> jeanine: illegal is used by the united states supreme court in its latest pronouncement on the issue of immigration. arizona versus the united states, 2012. illegal immigration reform act of 1996. title eight of the united states code. that deals with citizenship and immigration talks about illegal aliens, unauthorized aliens, and uses illegal immigration 93 times in the law, so stop with this nonsense about the rhetoric. illegal immigrant is what we use, what we know historically, and what we understand. now, for these people to be more concerned about what is being said about a person who is here illegally and is accused of brutally massacring a 22-year-old, they want to honor
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his dignity and his name? you honor laken riley and you get her name right. and the mother is furious, and she is right. she said it is pathetic they didn't get the name right. and then joe biden has to minimize it by bringing up his son. we are sorry that your son died. but your son was more than double the age of laken riley. laken riley was 22 years old, going on a run in a place where she had a right to be. and she was massacred. your son was not. so i am tired of this nonsense about what to call him. they are what they are. and don't tell me it is parole. because if it is parole, we would know where they were at any moment, and we don't. that's all. >> greg: i'm not shocked by this. in the modern world of the woke that have hijacked this democratic party, you know, they get upset if you misgendering murderer who decides to be a m man. that murderer will be in the court and the victim's family
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will be there and people will be admonished if they said "he." that is a big deal. the judge is right. i would take a stab at empathy and just ask pelosi and her ilk, what if it was a child or grandchild that was brutally murdered? one of yours? and would it give you comfort, knowing that we will refer to the killer as undocumented and not illegal. would that make your life easier? because it doesn't make anybody else's life's easier. what is this for? it is a selfish virtue signal. it's kind of scuzzy and scummy. joe spoke the truth for once. technically, they are not supposed to be there. he just admitted guilt. this is kind of a big deal. the killer wasn't supposed to be here. why can't a family sue the government? you want to end this?
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sue the bastards. the government bailed know i've failed their basic job. families of victims of criminals that are streaming in here have to sue the government. the democrats are suing their political opponents for bull -- this one israel. it is time to sue the people responsible for all of this misery. >> jesse: they put that in the lake and by the acts of victims can sue states or the gove government. >> shannon: they can come and try to hold onto people because when we hear the story again and again, people not only came here, they came here illegally at the border, they were processed and allowed to go into communities, in some cases, they are rearrested over and over again. if sanctuary cities or states will not cooperate with i.c.e., so even if i.c.e. knows about them they cannot get there in time to keep them and no one should lose their life over someone in that scenario. if you weren't here in this country, that person would be alive. i mean, that's the calculus. and when we are told now, a number of people on the left and
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elected officials and agencies saying we are using the word newcomer now. i think this country, you seen it, judge, i know your jaw is dropping, we are supposed to use the word newcomer. i think this country is very welcome. we are built on newcomers. but the biggest insult is to people who work hard, they spend money to come here illegally. it is a long and daunting and frankly a broken process. but to say that somebody else who skips all of those steps, that's unfair to those folks, too, and you know, last night there was a seat left empty in laken's honor by congressman mike collins, who invited her parents. this is real grief and there should not be one more person lost by something that could be stopped. >> jesse: so why do you think these politicians are so worried about words when women are getting murdered? >> jessica: i think that it's just, like, fringe mumbo-jumbo type of stuff. i think it is meaningless. use i nancy pelosi evens after, well, it doesn't really matter. because the truth of the matter is that people, the vast
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majority who are here for a better life and to work, et cetera, don't want to be associated with this guy. i would rather be in a different category. you call him and illegal, you can call me undocumented. if i am showing up every day to my job, i want a social security number, i want to be able to pay taxes and participate in the american dream. and moments like that -- and that is why i think biden doubled down on it today when he was boarding the plane -- that is who joe biden his vehicle this is part of the let biden be biden. he says illegal. you want to be nice about a murder? he is not talking about the people who are coming here for the promise of a better life. someone who should never have been let out of a detention center, which is what happened, they were overcrowded, and then came and murdered an innocent american girl who was out doing what she was exactly supposed to be doing, going for a run. i think that marjorie taylor greene ended up helping him find not only looking so ridiculous,
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but also by giving him that pin because he wasn't going to talk about it in that kind of specific detail. he was obviously going to talk about the border bill and he at the moment with james lankford where lankford mouthed "it's true," where this bill would do a lot of good. he botched a name. do i wish he had said it correctly? 100%. >> jesse: why do you think he botched it? >> jessica: he just said it wrong. donald trump called melania melanie, how did that happen? >> jesse: jessica, it was on a pin. >> jessica: i'm not saying -- >> jeanine: how could he not know her name. >> jessica: obsessed with her. >> jeanine: she was an innocent victim. >> jesse: who is obsessed? >> greg: it's not a bad thing to be obsessed with. >> jesse: murdered by migrant -- >> greg: better to be obsessed over a dead female murder victim than potato chips -- >> jessica: who -- >> greg: you said it was fringe. nancy pelosi isn't fringe.
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>> jessica: i'm talking about being uppity about the language is fringe when you talk normal people. and there are tragedies, and this is the unfortunate truth, all over this country every single day. if i ask you to name a kid who was killed at sandy hook, or even the uvalde survivor sister -- >> jesse: show some respect. okay? >> jeanine: doesn't know how to show respect. >> jessica: absolutely untrue. >> jeanine: called the gold star family of the 13 who were sitting ducks in afghanistan in that airport. he is not sensitive. >> jesse: we've got to go. >> jessica: these are your preferences, that you had a president that was focused on that. and guess what, donald trump was that for you, he was talking about angel moms, right, and talking about -- >> greg: all of the victims, the mass shootings -- yes we have. >> jessica: tell me someone -- >> jesse: if trump had called george floyd john floyd, he would've probably lost your marbles. >> jessica: donald trump is probably never going to utter george floyd george floyd. >> jesse: up next, a group of
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pro-trump firefighters giving letitia james a piece of their mind. ♪ ♪ so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: letitia james not receiving a warm welcome from pro-trump firefighters. they booed the new york attorney general while she gave a speech and fdny promotion ceremony. >> oh, come on, we are in a house of god. for that recognition. >> jessica: so, jesse, this reminded me, remember when the police officers turned their backs on de blasio after those two cops were murdered in their patrol car? >> jesse: i do. and as a man of decorum, i have
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usually supported people behaving themselves. i usually don't like when people act a fool. but this country has gone off a cliff. the way trump has been mistreated, by the way, his supporters have been mistreated, by the way, i have been mistreated on the subway when someone put beer over my head. once you kind of shatter that, when you break the emergency thing for the fire, it is all out the window. so do i think this was the right thing to do? probably not. did it take a little bit away from the people who are being honored there? may be. but sometimes you've got to go with your gut. this woman has trampled over the constitutional rights of many people's favorite president. many people in that room's favorite president. and she has disgraced her office and she is not deserving of respect. that's how they feel. so they have done a lot worse to other people. it's now way beyond what we use to agree as formal behavior. >> jessica: judge? >> jeanine: she deserved more
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than boos. not booze, b-o-o-s. she deserves to be under investigation for spending campaign money in a way no candidate i have ever known has done. $12,000 on venture jets, $46,000, was it, or $4,000 at the el san juan hotel, and $22,000 on other hotels. when i ran for statewide office, i swear the hotels were never more than $80 or $90 a night. $4,000 at martha's vineyard for a hotel. all kinds of problems. she wants to investigate donald trump, it's time we started investigating her for her finances, her campaign finances. she never should have been called. should have been the mayor there and not her, period. >> jessica: greg? >> greg: yeah, i mean, she is no paragon of decorum, mocking trump on social media about the money he owes, so all bets are off. she has it coming.
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it's probably the first time she has ever heard a competing idea in her life. she lives in her own bubble. and in my perspective, and this is why i love working at fox, i'd rather have fans in the fire department than in the media. you know, 90% of the media hates us. good, i'm glad. joy reid is not going to rescue me and my dog when i am locked in my apartment again. it is going to be the fire department. you walk down the street, those of the guys that watch our show. it shows that we don't have a disconnect, the way the left does. between the blue-collar mind and the modern progressive movement, which is a contrast between elites, and in their minds, the rabble. and she is going after, basically, their whole order or, which is donald trump. she went in the belly of the beast. she had it coming. >> jessica: shannon? >> shannon: when you heard them chanting trump, i feel like law enforcement and military
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folks felt like he saw them and had their backs, especially here in new york so i think that's where they came from. i also think letitia james is losing zero hours of sleep over this, pretty tough cookie, playing these games. >> greg: really? what do you know that we don't. >> jesse: called her tish. >> jessica: "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ businesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. my name is marie. i'm 49 years old and i'm a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida,
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♪ ♪ >> greg: all right, "fan mail friday," we have time for one. green with envy. what is the most impressive thing you know how to do? jessica? >> jessica: it's nothing. i am very good at toasting things perfectly. >> greg: that is a talent. >> jessica: okay, great. >> greg: that is something you should be proud of. >> jessica: i guess it is my preference that it is that level of toast, but i have heard that i am the best toaster in the land. >> shannon: the best thing i learned in law school was a research. you cannot hide from me. something doesn't add up, give me everything you know about him, i will have you a dossier by the end of the night. >> greg: is that what tish thinks?
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>> shannon: she and i are good researchers, put it that way. >> greg: judge, what is the most impressive thing you know how to do? and please keep it clean. >> jeanine: you know what i love to do? i love to set a table based on a theme. so there's like a million themes all year long. i love doing that. >> greg: jesse, i know there are so many to choose from. >> shannon: besides your hair. >> jesse: should probably ask emma. >> greg: oh, look at you. >> shannon: have to call hr. [laughter] >> greg: gives me a lot of freedom to do whatever i want. >> jesse: or ask the judge. >> greg: you know what my talent is? >> jessica: what is it? >> greg: staring. >> jeanine: yeah, you do that a lot. good. >> jessica: how long are we going to do this for? >> shannon: he's going to win the contest. >> gbye. we'll be back. >> jesse: i am going to throw water on you. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing" and jesse goes first. >> jesse: first i would like to wish jessica tarlov a very happy birthday. >> jessica: happy birthday. >> jesse: beautiful cake and i got you my new book get it together. i will sign it. you really do need to get it together. speaking of, these are the places i will be appearing on said book tour. north veil, new jersey, point pleasant beach, new jersey. back-to-back. fort myers beach haven, new jersey. vary are a beach. yorba linda, california. you can touch my hair. investigate the subways armed to the teeth. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg. >> greg: we have great show tonight. have guy weapon son, david angelo, very funny guy, kat timpf, tyrus. that's 10:00 p.m. tonight. >> judge jeanine: jessica? >> jessica: if case you haven't heard it's international women's day.
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>> greg: is it really? you go girl. i love women. [laughter] >> jessica: they're the best. flight with all-women crew took off newark airport sarasota on thursday. gathered the female team to celebrate women's history month. first officer julia hopes, to inspire girls and future generations to work in aviation. >> judge jeanine: i think that's a wonderful thing. it really is i hope united is hanging on to its wheels. anyway, it's time for the grand can a persony partnered with nasa made out of 99% air and 1% glass. weighs as much as a light bulb withstand heat. have a great night. hi


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