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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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some, like that we danced to in the late 2000s, the least psychopath. >> if you love your country, your family, god, and you are a republican, so -- your country, right. so, this could make some sense. >> or you could have all those things and be a big fan of frank sinatra and ella fitzgerald and some swing. it fits there, too. >> look at you, tammy bruce. >> harris: you love all sorts of things, what would that make us? >> awesome. >> kayleigh: you tend to like musicians like you, so that kind of makes sense. toby keith, these people are my jam, who i think are like me. >> emily: awesome, too. >> harris: i don't know how much rihanna and i are alike, but i liked her at the super bowl. >> kayleigh: a strong woman, i like it. don't forget to dvr the show.
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"america reports". >> i thought he was fabulous. i felt i was at my back church. there was call and response and we love that. >> this is the best joe biden. feisty joe. >> had a pulse, he had fraser's left hook. >> he was filled with focus and enthusiasm. >> his command of the issues, his forcefulness. we were so excited to see him, his welcome was overwhelming. >> four more years, four more years, four more years. >> sandra: ok. democrats and the far left media taking a victory lap over president biden's state of the union address, but as the president leaves the white house moments from now, kicking off his 20-state bidenomics blitz. today's job report is renewing fears that inflation will remain stubbornly high as americans head to the ballot box this fall. hello, welcome, i'm sandra smith in new york. great to have you here today. >> aishah: good to be with you, happy friday to you.
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aishah hasnie in for john roberts. "america reports". yes, the u.s. economy adding 275,000 jobs and unemployment rate slightly ticking up to 3.9%. the hot labor market raising concerns the fed could increase borrowing costs and hike interest rates soon. >> sandra: people are watching it so closely, huge consequences for american families. gerry baker why americans are not buying the rosy picture on the economy. >> aishah: and hammering the president's record on inflation, but first jacqui heinrich live. what's the president's message expected to be today? >> jacqui: good afternoon to you guys. aishah, today's healthy jobs report gives president biden another data point to hold up in his post state of the union blitz. last night taking credit for a soft economic landing, tamping down inflation without pushing the economy into a recession and
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today we expect the usual lines about jobs creation and more blame directed at corporations for stubbornly high prices driving bad polls on his handling of the economy. idea how the state of the union address resonated in critical swing states like this, one of the employees at this middle school where the president is set to speak later this afternoon came up to our crew and joked maybe biden picked this location because it's right next door to a nursing home. obviously not as energized by his remarks last night as many of biden's allies believe. however, the president is speaking just outside of philadelphia also where this week three masked suspects opened fire on eight teens in broad daylight at a bus stop, leaving two in critical condition. the fourth shooting involving the septa bus, 11 juveniles shot travelling to school in three
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days. despite biden boasting crime is down nationally. >> violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in 50 years. we have more to do. give the communities the tool to crack down on gun crime, retail crime and carjacking. taking executive action, police reform. >> jacqui: biden promoted his executive orders on police reform but declined to take any executive action on the border, despite acknowledging recently that he can. instead he wants congress to legislate a solution, seizing a moment of political leverage. biden's likely 2024 opponent wants to take him to task on these issues. trump has challenged biden to a debate, but so far team biden is noncommittal. >> we'll get to that at some point and deal with that. but the point is right now on this day after the state of the union, i think the president
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laid down the facts for the american people in terms of what's at stake and i thought he did an extraordinary job. >> jacqui: we will see if it changes the deeper we get to the general election season. >> aishah: jacqui heinrich live in pennsylvania. thank you. >> sandra: president biden boasting that inflation is coming down. but prices at the grocery store clearly still remain at high levels eating away at the budgets for many american families. madison alworth is on this for us, at the exeter family restaurant, i love when you are talking to people, one thing to look at numbers on paper. another to talk about people how they are feeling. how are the high prices impacting those diners? >> sandra, that's why we do this. you can say something to the american people and they respond. prices are high, i will interrupt this family lunch, we
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have been chatting over here. jennifer and i were talking. talk about inflation. do you feel inflation has come down, are you feeling happy and strong with your wallet? >> no, frankly, when i see a difference in total at the bottom of my receipt at the grocery store and the gas station, that's when i'll start feeling better about the economy. until i see a difference, frankly, at the grocery store, i'm not real happy. >> and we were talking about your family home, you have to make calculations when it comes to food you didn't have to make before. >> correct, you have to weigh what would be cheaper if i made this dinner at home rather than take my family out and enjoy our time together and i don't like to have to think that much about it. nice to have a little bit more wiggle room. >> here with your family, daughter miranda, you promised to pay, i'm going to be here after this hit. but you're thinking about your family, you are just at the start of your adult journey.
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how are you feeling about the strength of your wallet? >> it's very stressful. every time i go to the gas station or roommates and i go to the grocery store because even though we split everything up, we are still all spending a lot of money and think about every thing we put in the cart and if it's something we might want something really bad but it's 4 more dollars more expensive, we'll get the cheaper one that's not as good, and the gas station, you have to think about it all the time. >> you said roommates. >> yes. >> you don't have a home yet. something you want to do? >> hopefully. but worried that like if i'll ever even get that with the way things are going. you never even know. it's definitely stressful. >> thank you so much for letting me interrupt. so there you have it, one table at this diner talking about the reality of eating out today, of food, the president can say something but the american families are feeling. inflation is down year over year but up 18% since president biden
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took office. >> sandra: gerry baker, editor at large, "wall street journal" and fox news contributor. great to have you day after the state of the union. what did you think? >> you know, i think all this celebration of the state of the union you just played a little of at the top of the show, sandra, by the left, shows actually it's quite revealing. it shows really how worried they really are. biden's poll numbers are in a terrible state. set the bar low for him. he had to sort of not collapse or make a terrible error, he made a few flubs but did it, he was feisty, in campaign mode. it has probably laid to rest at least for now those immediate concerns that a lot of democrats had that was he really going to be able to make it through to november, but does not change the fundamental. >> the republicans brought out katie britt and she was the
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rebuttal, it was the conversation on "the view." they went after her. >> the american people are scraping by. while president biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. [laughter] >> get some medication, katie. >> the lady shouldn't be in a kitchen, she should be in a padded room. what can come down and sit at that damn table. that has not happened since the 1950s. >> she wanted to call the manager on america. >> sandra: they were going after her as she said americans are scraping by. we know more than half of americans are living paycheck to paycheck right now, most people don't even have an emergency fund of $1,000 if something were to happen. people are scraping by. >> easy to make fun. that's one of probably the singest hardest job in politics to give the response to the state of the union, i can recall
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a good one, always disappointing, that was not the best ever. but yeah, the substance, that's what the left do. they attack people the way they look or what, the way they appear, or the way they speak, when they are making very, very valid points. and this is the reality this economy despite biden's claims, prices have gone up and interest rates up. >> sandra: milk and egg prices are not down. >> people are struggling and there's just no glossing over that fact. there is a reality by is a lot of people still are really struggling and why they don't buy the idea the economy is booming. >> sandra: pete buttigieg says otherwise. >> we can say wages are going up faster than prices. prices on things from airline tickets to eggs are down compared to where they were. but it takes a while for that to flow through. and americans have had
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frustration. we are recovering from the pandemic that killed millions of americans. >> sandra: they are making the case that somehow wages are which they are, up 15%. when you account for inflation, which economists call real wages, they are down, down 2%. so, while you are making more, you are taking home less. and housing costs under joe biden. this i think too is what everybody is feeling while they are told the economy is great. a monthly mortgage payment on a $400,000 home in this country is up 59% since this president took office. it's incredible rise and that takes away a lot of your everyday spending. >> that's exactly right. and wages have started to pick up. wages moderating in february, had a very strong number in january. wages have started to pick up and they are right now and have been for the last few months ahead of the rate of inflation. but as you said, sandra, over
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the three years of joe biden, people are still behind, wages have not grown by as much as prices and an important point about interest rates. the housing market has, the housing market is inaccessible for millions and millions, particularly young americans, they cannot possibly afford the interest rates we have and crucially, sandra, because we have seen relatively strong, continuing strong inflation, we have seen some wage growth, it makes it very hard for the fed to cut interest rates. they put rates up dramatically in the last two years, everybody was expecting them to cut rates this year as inflation came down. they have not been able to yet. first, the first start of the year people thought they were going to cut rates, that's off the table. jerome powell, the fed chairman made it clear not until later in the-year, 2 or 3 cuts later in the year, but that's not going to do anything at all to really ease the pain that borrowers have, whether you have a car loan, a student loan, most
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importantly a mortgage. >> sandra: affordability crisis that larry kudlow talks so much about. interesting how the fed interprets the latest job report, maybe a cut this year, it would be welcome for those looking for a house. and aishah, coming up in the next hour, austin goldsbiis going to join us live, we'll ask him about the job numbers and any indications this is an economic environment where they will maybe soon be able to start cutting those interest rates because it is affecting a lot of people. >> aishah: would love that, especially for folks to buy a home, we are becoming a country of renters. it's a big problem. still to come. >> her death could have been prevented. kayla's death could have been prevented. many other lives could have been prevented if the border was secured. >> aishah: goodness. growing concerns over violent criminals crossing into the country as another illegal migrant has been arrested in
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what's becoming a human trafficking investigation. how congress is trying to take action to stop migrant-related crime. senator joni ernst is joining us next to talk about whether the bills proposed can make it to the president's desk. >> sandra: an american huntress in the same air as queen elizabeth, i cannot wait for eva shocky, the social media star, lending and leading that growing trend. she'll be joining us soon. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection
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stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> sandra: illegal migrant from mexico is behind bars after
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virginia officials say he kidnapped and sexual assaulted a 15-year-old girl. it comes as congress is trying to take action to combat migrant crime. iowa republican senator joni ernst joins us to discuss next steps but first, alexandria hoff is live in washington and the latest on the investigation for us at this hour. hi, alex. >> this case is upsetting and bizarre. the victim was also in the country illegally, arriving from honduras. the government sent the child to love with a sponsor also undocumented and the girlfriend of the suspect here, even immigration experts are confused by this, listen. >> the whole intent is to serve the best interests of the child, to protect the child, so that they grow up to be ok adults. that is intent of both the federal government and the state government. how did this case happen, i don't know. it should not have -- should
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never have happened. >> garcia cruz was arrested in virginia after a tip regarding the relationship sparked a search for him by butler, county ohio police. charged with various sex crimes involving a minor. department of health and human services placed the 15-year-old into the sponsor home where she met garcia cruz. the office of refugee unsettlement handles unaccompanied minors and sponsors are adults suitable to provide for the physical and mental well-being and have not engaged in any activity that would indicate potential risk to the child. all sponsors must pass a background check. sponsors are usually close family members but makes no apparent mention on if a sponsor has to be a legal resident of the u.s., sandra. >> sandra: alex hoff, thank you.
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>> aishah: senator joni ernst is joining me now to dig into all of this and see how congress is reacting. so, senator ernst, you this week tried to force a vote on sarah's law, an awa woman killed by a drunk driver in the country illegally, and this law would have required i.c.e. to basically detain anyone who is here in country illegally that commits a violent crime. but democrat whip dick durbin blocked it from coming up to the senate floor. and i find that interesting, just yesterday, 37 democrats actually signed on with the republican colleagues to pass the laken riley act, which essentially does the very same thing. so, if that act comes to the senate, do you think that dick durbin is going to block that act? >> aishah, thank you so much for allowing me to visit about this issue. sarah root was a young iowa
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woman when she was killed by an illegal migrant. the problem was that i.c.e. was not required to detain that illegal migrant who had killed a young iowa girl. instead, he was allowed to post bond and he fled. he has not been seen in the eight years since he killed sarah root. so i would suspect that dick durbin, the democratic senator whip from illinois, would also block the other bill that would be coming from the house. my bill, sarah's law, is narrowly crafted, it is common sense. it requires i.c.e. to detain those in the country illegally that have killed or bodily injured an american citizen. again, we are not saying detain them forever, we are saying keep them until they can face justice, until they go to a court of law. so we are not denying them their
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rights. we are simply saying that they must be detained and not allowed to bond out or post bail. so very common sense. we need to see justice for these families that have been impacted by horrific crime from those in the country illegally. >> aishah: democrats seem divided on the issue, some feel it's common sense, 37 house democrats agreed it is. are you finding any support for your bill on -- in the upper chamber? >> actually, i have had conversations with some of my democratic friends on one democratic senator from the state of georgia has stepped up. we are discussing sarah's law to see if perhaps he could find some modifications that would suit their needs. so after the killing of laken riley we now see a bent for the democrats to actually address
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this issue and i do think that's incredibly important that we find a way to come together on this issue. if we don't, we are going to continue to see more and more of those repeat offenders. >> aishah: quickly your thoughts on the president. he finally did address laken riley last night, he said her name wrong, called her lincoln instead. but essentially blamed republicans for not passing the senate border deal. i know speaker johnson and many senate republicans have said the president can fix the border right now by taking executive action. but senator, there are some things, like changing asylum laws that would require congress to act. >> right. absolutely, aishah. and i thought that what we had in front of us carefully crafted bill by senator james langford and others, i thought it was a great starting point. yes, this president can do a lot. just look at the border under donald trump.
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it was under control. so there are things that we can do through executive action. president biden can do those things right now. however, as you look at the asylum laws, just as you pointed out, only those things can change in law by congress. so we do need to come together. we need to figure out a path forward. we may need to make it more stringent, tougher for those that are just travelling to the border, make it much tougher for them to claim that their governments are persecuting them. absolutely. >> aishah: we have to leave it there. thank you very much for joining us. thanks, senator. >> thanks, aishah. >> sandra: shake-up at the rnc, live in texas for the big rnc meeting where the new changes were just voted on. >> aishah: national guard calling in to fight crime in new york city subways, but critics say the real solution is just fixing the state's bail laws and the soft on crime stance. paul mauro is a retired nypd
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inspector. his take next. >> never let it get to that point in the first place. if you are a mayor or a prosecutor, police commissioner, you should have a grip on crime on your streets. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ >> aishah: listen to this, chair woman ronna mcdaniel stepping down as gop officials voted for a new leadership team giving donald trump firm control of the party's political and fundraising operations. rich edson is live at the rnc meeting in houston right now. so the rnc is now firmly behind the trump campaign, huh? >> they are, aishah. the rnc just approved a short while ago the trump-backed ticket to lead the republican national committee in the party here. members just voted a short while ago to put trump ally and the
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rnc head of the republican party in north carolina, michael whatley, as rnc chair. members also elected the former president's daughter-in-law, laura trump, as co-chair. both ran unopposed. parties traditionally stay neutral during the primaries. though former president trump has no credible challenges in the nomination race and the party and the trump campaign are now all in. >> the rnc is going to be the van guard of a movement that will work tirelessly every single day to elect our nominee, donald j. trump as the 47th president of the united states. >> we have one goal, the goal on november 5th is to win and as my father-in-law says, big de demeanor -- biggly. >> and some say the rnc is not look the same next week, there
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are going to be changes. mcdaniel led for seven years, she announced last month she was stepping down and did so here this morning. >> i'm stepping aside today because i have long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the rnc first, winning the white house back is just too important for me to do otherwise. president trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the rnc. >> over the last few days there was also an effort to prevent the rnc for paying for some of president trump's massive legal bills. the trump campaign says no expectation that the rnc would contribute to his legal expenses. a couple of rnc members have told us over the last few days that that pledge is good enough for them and do not need a resolution to ensure no rnc funds go to any trump legal expenses. aishah. >> aishah: rich edson, live in houston. thanks, rich. >> sandra: the search is on for two suspects accused of
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attacking a good samaritan at a subway station. he was slashed on the hand when he intervened to stop a woman from being harassed. incident happening just hours after new york governor kathy hochul deployed hundreds of national guard members to control the city subway system in an effort to curb rising crime. paul mauro is here, retired nypd inspector, and fox news contributor. great to have you here. what a complete 180 on the part of kathy hochul here in new york city. remember republicans years ago we will tom cotton here, sends in the troops, he was called a racist for calling for that in 2020 and here we are, is it going to work? >> it's amazing. they really think we have a short memory. so, the same people who told us that we needed this vast cri cri criminal justice reform and now the same people willing to put a military unit into the new york city subways.
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it's a national phenomenon. i call it defund, destroy and deflect. defunded the police department in the major dem cities, destroying the municipalities and now in an election year and they are quite aware it's a presidential election year as we all are, new it's time for deflection. rather than do the things that would work, prosecuting the fare beaters, and throwing money at it. how expensive is it to put 1,000 national guardsmen and new york state police into the subways overnight. >> sandra: what happens if somebody doesn't want the bag checked? oh, then should go home. is this going to work? some subway riders reacting. >> a little unsafe, so i think they should kind of like control it before it gets out of hand.
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>> i don't want them nobody searching my bag, for what? >> if you don't have a problem, just open the bag. >> riding the subway every day. personal anecdote, i have not seen any crime. >> we need them here to protect our people. >> sandra: there is a repeat offender crisis when it comes to subway crime and with reason people don't feel safe many times going into the subway system. 38 individuals, 60 subway staff attacked, 1,126 combined times arrested. daniel penny's lawyer, reacting to hochul's new policy. listen to this. >> she talked about wanting to comfort the senior citizen on the train, the high school kids going to school and the mother with a stroller or with the children on the train and wanted to make them feel safe. that basically describes to a tee at least three of the individuals on the subway car
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when jordan neely came in and threatened everybody. >> this is going to be some trial, it's going to trial and bring together all the issues we are discussing and going to get really heated and it's really unfortunate. it was preventable if the people running the city and state could deal with reality. what has -- >> sandra: punish crime. >> lock up the people would keep doing it. like 330 people are responsible for almost a third of all shoplifting in the entire city. wow. if we target those 330, maybe we might see some progress here. they talk, the prosecutors in the town talk about the fact they go after them, it's all smoke and mirrors. they are letting everybody out and they are closing rikers island. you think we lock nobody up now? go down 50% in prison bed count. they are not -- take 50% off the
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board from where we are now, you can imagine what the town is going to look like over the next couple years. >> sandra: oh, man. paul, thank you. harsh reality, but thank you for joining us on that. all right. aishah. >> aishah: ok, thank you. so, we are awaiting a ruling on fani willis and nathan wade so will they remain on the election interference case against former president trump? dig into that, and ask ben domenech, live with me in studio up next. >> are you kidding me with this color? >> rising grocery prices forced some americans to think how they are feeding their families. we'll speak with eva shocky how you can take your food supply into your own hands.
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>> sandra: all right, fox news alert, a live alert, joint base andrews air force one, possible comments as president biden departs to pennsylvania as he kicks off the campaign tour of 20 states. first time we hear from him since the state of the union last night. we'll monitor the president's departure and bring you anything that he says when it comes in. all right. aishah. >> aishah: sandra, we are also awaiting a decision from a fulton county judge over whether he will remove district attorney fani willis and hero man particular partner nathan wade from the trump election interference case. fulton county board of ethics s filed complaints against willis, claiming they just don't have jurisdiction over her. county board. ben domenech, editor at large
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for the spectator and fox news contributor. they say they lack jurisdiction and separate from the judge making his decision and that could come any moment now. how much does this matter in the grand scheme of things? there are so many different investigations going on. >> one of the things this has done is put the investigation in a completely different light in terms of the way democrats can use it against former president trump. the other thing that it's done is frankly disrupt the timing involved here. at the end of the day, we could very much see a situation where given the way things are playing out, you know, throughout all these different investigations, we are perhaps no cases at all or potentially only one the original stormy daniels' related case is actually ends up having any kind of resolution, you know, before we get to the election in november. and i think one of the things when it comes out of the -- of the kind of attitude that democrats have had toward firing
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all these different missiles at the former president, to have none hit in time to make a difference is not something they expected. >> democrats cannot be looking at this and thinking this is going well down in georgia. even if she's not disqualified. state republicans are saying we have dozens of people we are going to bring in ready to talk about this relationship. at what point, i mean -- i know she's not ready to step down yesterday, but at some point you got to think the folks on the left are going to say hey, this isn't good. >> i have talked to a number of different democrats behind the scenes who are infuriated by the situation. they hoped to have the center of conversation, really led to some big wins for them and the fact this would blow up in the way that it has, you know, based on her personal decisions and based on, you know, frankly being false to a lot of people around her that, you know, it would lead to this point is amazing to them. they are flabbergasted they would put them in this position
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and certainly is something that is yet another curveball in all the legal cases. >> aishah: switch to our favorite topic, 2024. now well underway into the general season. it's going to be an interesting one, and maybe no labels party will make it even more interesting. we are awaiting a decision to see if they are going to put forward a unity ticket in november. taking a vote on it today and a statement from them reads that the no labels delegate from all 50 states voted near unanimously to continue the 2024 project and to move immediately to identified candidates who serve on the ticket. every one of our delegates have their own explanation for wanting to move ahead. your reaction to that and how it impacts this race. >> i'm not surprised by it but also suspicious with the no labels organization having any real impact. the difference is if west virginia senator joe manchin were to get on the ticket, he's
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ruled that out, and i think that potential for finding a real unity ticket is not very high just given the decisions made by a number of prominent individuals they could have sought. on the flip side, at this current rate we know, it's very likely that robert f. kennedy, jr. will end up on at least seven different state ballots and if he does just that, that amounts to 71 electoral votes he could have an effect on. in the past, i just have to remind you, only 3500, less than 3500 votes for pat buchanan in florida that made a big difference in 2000. >> aishah: we have a sound bite from rfk, jr. >> 80% of americans don't want to be forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. tired of voting against something or someone. in the crowds, amidst republicans and democrats and independents attend my rallies.
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>> aishah: the president has to be thinking this cannot happen. >> it could be hugely damaging. look at states the core of the battles he has, like michigan, like arizona, like georgia where again we could see someone on the ballot who plays spoiler for him and a lot of different ways. but again, rfk is a unique candidate, appeals in different ways to different people and two candidates this old and out of touch, he could have some real appeal to young voters. >> aishah: ben, always good to see you, it's been a long week. feels like it's never going to end. >> sandra: and still going. young tiktok users flooding the phone lines on capitol hill as lawmakers work to ban the chinese-owned app in the u.s. over national security concerns. why then is president biden's campaign using it? steve hilton joins us on the hypocrisy. >> aishah: first, sandra, is miami waving good-bye to the
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spring break crowds? the extra measure officials are taking now to crack down on all the chaos. ♪ you have to fight for your right po party ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq
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>> sandra: miami beach is cracking down on the hoards of spring breakers that take over the city each year. diana with the latest on the break-up with spring break. seems they are at a tipping point there. >> that's right, sandra. right now i'm standing on miami beach and i can tell you it's not easy to break up with things, especially if it's a fun time, but everything is calm. there's not a lot of people on the beach in terms of loud music, chaos, that's because florida is making it very clear. safety is their number one priority for residents and partiers for a good reason. last year was disruptive for many areas here. in large crowds, we saw that led to violence, two people were fatally shot. police made over 500 arrests and even confiscated more than 100 guns. but this year it's all about prevention. not everyone is on board, though. a miami-dade county commissioner called the city's message tone
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deaf implying they were targeting black visitors and trying to make it difficult for them to visit. >> miami beach is to me making this out to be a place this is unwelcoming to a complete group of people during a certain time, without regard to individuals. >> governor desantis and officials in miami say the crackdown is against crime, not visitors. >> we police conduct not color. if you decide to come to our city, we expect you to act accordingly. >> and those visitors can expect curfews, bag checks, restricted beach access, parking fees, to stop what they saw last year. visitors we spoke to say what they are doing looks like it's truly working. >> i would have expected people to be like drinking and a lot of
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music, but there was just people just relaxing, hanging out. >> and the spring breakers we talked to say they are heading up north to fort lauderdale where the party is. sandra. >> sandra: looks calm and beautiful behind you. dana marie, thank you so much. >> it is. >> aishah: president biden is day tripping to battleground pennsylvania to tout his economic record. will the big government spending programs he's pushed last night only make inflation worse. >> sandra: former heavyweight champ mike tyson plans to step back in the ring, facing youtuber jake paul. how iron mike is getting ready and what fox experts are saying. ] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see
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>> aishah: lawmakers are ramping up pressure on mit as congress
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looks into rising antisemitism on college campuses. molly line is live in cambridge, massachusetts. >> good afternoon, aishah. the investigating congressional committee is looking into how mit is responding to the reports of antisemitism on campus, including numerous deeply troubling incidents, including a pro-palestinian protest that created a blockade in the lobby of the mit main entrance, stopping students from getting to class in november. virginia fox, republican of north carolina signed the letter to mit, she was joined by a jewish grad student. >> antisemitism in specific that hatred of jews and hatred of those who support israel is a huge problem and there are violent terrorist supporters on our campuses making it really an unsafe academic environment, social environment for all people on the campuses. >> this letter is the first sent to the committee by the committee so mit leaders,
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including the president sally cornblue, since the infamous hearing in december, when she appeared with the presidents of harvard and u-penn that did not say that calling for the genocide of jews is against rules. two jewish students have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against mit as of yesterday arguing the school approves of antisemitic activities on campus and tolerates harassment against jews. mit has responded noting the institute does not comment on pending litigation. when it comes to fox's letter, they are examining, and they are committed to responding to the committee's questions. aishah. >> aishah: molly line, thank you. >> let me repeat, under biden's administration, 15 million jobs. you have a stock market that has hit the heights 4 or 5 times. >> to hear him put in perspective the achievements on


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