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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 8, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> kayleigh: hello, everyone, it's friday, this is "outnumbered" and i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my co-host harris faulkner and emily compagno. also joining us fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises, tammy bruce and former congressman and co-host of fox business sean duffy. a lot to make of president biden's third state of the union address, an address that could have been mistaken for democratic national convention speech. ran 68 minutes, energetic and loud. you had to turn down the volume a few clicks. the address was call to progressives designed to rally the base. biden called out republicans, lambasted the supreme court and instead of using the moment to
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reassure his vision for the future, we learned who keeps president biden up at night. >> president biden: now -- [applause] >> president biden: now my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor, my predecessor. >> kayleigh: i'm sitting here, my predecessor, make this clear, unique, separate times, 13 times. >> harris: definitely, i've been saying it all day. we may not know what his vision for the country is, we know he hates trump, we're very clear on that. one hour and seven minutes and 17 seconds, reassured on the stamina point his detractors about whether or not he has fitness to stand for an hour on the speech he could spew and
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dial in that base of just basic instinct anger, like that emotion was his driver last night, no hope and compassion for people of this your honor ko. no vision for the people of this country. he stood more for border between russia and ukraine than for our border where millions have come over illegally. if the assignment was to be angry, look angry and hold the far left hand, he got the assignment. >> kayleigh: right, this speech was designed for progressives. he wanted to solidify trump as his opponent and go on the attack. his tone was anger. gaza deliverable, abortion, all progressive finest moments, democracy is dying was in there and one progressive was thrilled, let's bring in joe scarborough, watch what he had to say.
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give them hell harry meets ronald reagan, so many beautiful lines here delivered beautifully and words of naomi, biden, doubt him, then watch him. he's been defeating the odds his entire life, he keeps surprising people and winning. >> kayleigh: sean? >> sean: sicko fan of joe biden. you can't blame him being on same page as joe biden. called state of the union, not state of the democratic party, the state of the union and historically state of the unions are about america and where we are as people. there are tinges of politics, this was almost all politics and tinge of america and first three things joe biden talked about, talked about ukraine, january 6 and abortion. if you look at the american people and we talk to average americans, they care about inflation, the border, crime, they care about debt that is 34 trillion dollars, over 34
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trillion in debt. he talked about raising taxes, not to balance budget, but to spend more money. i think he missed the mark. progressives were going to vote for him anyway, it was a speech for him. it was a speech to unify the country, all he did was further divide. >> kayleigh: he did. there were moments and i would say it was end of last year, beginning of this year, media stepped back and did some good scrutiny of the president, which is what they are supposed to do. ezra klein wrote a piece. last night you would not mistake them for clapping seals. cnbc fiery state of the union, associate says pres, biden's fiery state of the union. biden takes on trump in fiery state of the union. state of the union was fiery.
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i saw chyron, biden's fiery state of the union. >> emily: what more do you need. i love speaker johnson. i appreciated his expressions throughout and his support throughout, phenomenal, real and authentic reaction to the barb-throwing, someone else speech writing delivery that we got last night. i appreciated what you both said. he missed the mark and did not meet americans where they're at. it was landing barbs and disrespecting supreme court and getting digs out. line by line, everything can be fact checked. so many untruths we don't have time. i was thinking them myself and writing them down. when i transferred my notes, it was like a two-inch tall eye-rolling emoji, that summed it up.
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i was disappointed it was about them garnering enough energy to get that barb out to be deemed fiery. we spoke yesterday, no one comment with erase longevity of hurt americans feel under his watch. no lies he says in succession can make us assuage under his watch and his joyful patting on the back and democratic party standing up, selfie taking and distractions, all of that to me do not assuage one ioda and he failed to acknowledge even that. >> kayleigh: biden team spin this as win. they told politico, best fundraising hour at 9:00 p.m. and another e-mail to politico, wait, it is now 10:00 p.m. loss with broader public, began with ukraine and foreign policy is bizarre place to begin state of the union for our country. at the end, he reserved
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strongest moment, he addressed age criticism, listen to that. >> president biden: my lifetime taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. a future based on core value to define america. honesty, decency, dignity, equality. i was born,a midworld war ii. in my career, i've been told i was too young, now i've been told i'm too old. whether young or old, i've always been known, i've always known what endures. my fellow americans -- [cheering] -- issue facing our nation is not how old we are, it is how old are ideas. >> kayleigh: would have been a better start. >> tammy: it would have been, it shows their main concern as it should be because of the polls. he's too old. democrats are saying he's too old to be president, that is one
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thing they were concerned about, not decline of the country, not the dumpster fire, not the murders or open border, not the world situation, it was showcasing him as theater. here is his problem. this will last maybe a day until the next gaffe, the next fall, the next blank look, the gaps in responses. people are reminds we've seen angry, forgetful guy three years now, americans are used to seeing this for a moment. they look around, not about who we give oscar to next month, it is can i still afford gas? can i put protein on the table? he has a fiery speech. i have no chicken for my child. i have no gas to get my child to school. but he had a good night. good for him, not good for us. >> harris: he starts the blitz
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today, pennsylvania and georgia tomorrow, it is fascinating and will be a challenge for donald trump. he's got to get out there, he has court appearances coming up. two democrats, robert f kennedy jr. is a comer and he with divide and bring together. divide these two men biden hating trump and trump stuck somewhere in a courtroom, he will have to -- they all have to get out otherwise trump will see two basic democrats on the campaign trail and that's a problem. will biden make gaffes? i agree with tammy, that is what it is. somebody coming up could hurt both men on the ticket if he does well and gets on ballot in key battleground states. >> kayleigh: it was smart for trump to say i'm challenging you to a debate, lie and fact check state of the union and put yourself in the story, smart communication. >> harris: i saw that last night, too. >> kayleigh: good stuff.
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president biden says laken riley's name or attempted to. some democrats spoke out moreover how he described laken riley's alleged killer than her death. details next. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest...
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>> emily: president biden addressed laken riley during his state of the union last night. the president broke silence on the 22-year-old nursing student whose alleged killer is an illegal migrant who entered the country illegally. >> say laken riley. [cheering and booing] >> president biden: lincoln riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal.
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that's right. how many thousands of people being killed by legals? to her parents i say, my heart goes out to you have you lost children myself, i understand. >> emily: her name is laken riley, not lincoln riley. it was not biden messing up her name, it was talking about alleged murderer. >> i should have said undocumented, that is not a big thing, okay. what is the big thing about it? >> actually was going to ask about that, i was going to ask about the moment. you think he should have said undocumented? >> we usually say undocumented, he said illegal, i don't think it is a big deal. his focus was on sympathy for the family. terrible tragedy. >> there has been one democrat that criticized it, castro said using that word illegal
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dehumanizing is problematic. what do you think? >> he probably should have used a different word and i think he would have known that. >> emily: not the only democrats angered by illegal. illinois congressman garcia, i'm disappointed to hear the president say illegal. why? because it is accurate? and castro blasted biden for rhetoric. not one of them, not one has posted a single word about laken riley herself or the tragedy of her life ending at young age of 22, death that was preventable. >> sean: get her name right. joe biden, harris mentioned this before, he had a pin with her name on it. call her laken, not lincoln, she deserves that respect. they should be angry laken riley
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is not here because of joe biden's open border. that is where anger should be, she could not be there tonight because joe biden let illegals into the country and she lost her life because of that. if you look at democrats who are misguided on this policy and why they are failing in the polls, they are not channelling fear and anger that americans have over the open border policy, they are more concerned about the terminology used about illegals, unbelievable. >> abject lack of respect, tammy, to not get it right, curious thing, for president that cannot answer simple question without use of notecard, her name was in front of him and congressman mike collins pointed to the button that said laken riley in the president's face who ignored that and 100 times, including the button he held in his own hand. he failed in that moment. >> tammy: laken had tamerity to
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get beat to death, ruining their control of language, reminding people of the dynamic. she is not the only woman to be killed in this country, untold numbers that don't make the news. we don't know who killer was or local police cannot track people down. ice doesn't know because they leave the town. such chaos. this kind of event is reminder, microcosm of what is happening in this country. laken could be our daughter, our sister, best friend, mother, nurse, potential nurse training to help other people, gone. no children, no grandchildren, generations wiped out because of that dynamic and they want to ignore it like east palestine. you don't go for a year, people might forget, keep it under the blanket. it is obscene and americans don't like it. >> americans need clean water and you are changing the pipes.
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harris, the issue i have with focus on the word illegal. it is distracting and beside the point of utter tragedy tammy laid out. we have to treat the alleged murderer with kid gloves, because it doesn't fit your narrative? >> harris: we don't know his policy yet. i think that he sometimes talks around this issue because he embraces the open border and doesn't want to admit that or doesn't know how to fix it without using trump's policies. he's in a stuck place. would he have tried to say laken riley name had not marjorie taylor greene not heckled him? she called him out and i could hear it in the distance and others joined her, say her name. he gave it his best try. that was kind of i don't believe we have embargo speech we could see beforehand. that was not part of what he was expected to say.
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he's in a stuck place. his policies don't work, trump's did. a woman that has been murdered. he did call the killer, though, an illegal. i was confused by because i thought he was a man who might have said the word suspect. i thought -- it doesn't go with what emily is saying. if he's illegal, how come nobody else is? i don't understand or think he understands it. >> emily: talk about strategy, we have embargoed speech that was deviation, he tried his best and botched it. now dems are mad at him for being honest about the status of the alleged murderer and people with compassion are mad. did this do him well or set him back? >> kayleigh: it was single worst moment of the state of the union, of his speech certainly and perhaps of many, many
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addresses over a long period of time. to say the wrong name of a 22-year-old who died, say the wrong name, after has he called the family yet? former president trump did, did current president biden? ask for an update. you get the name wrong and you say how many thousands of people are being killed by illegals? spare me mr. president, spare me. i don't care about numbers, this is one person, one girl, one unique, beautiful soul who put on her shoes and tank top, shorts and went for a run and ended up dead with her skull smashed in. don't talk about thousands and numbers, these are names. if you have oddacity to say her name, get it right, pick up the phone and call her today. >> harris: he had not practiced it, lincoln riley is a real person, the one famous is university of southern california football coach of the trojans. he tried.
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he tried in that moment, where he failed was to tell the real story about the border and what he's going to do about it. >> emily: failure all around. coming up, another box plane skids off the runway, we'll bring that to you in a moment.
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>> harris: breaking news, live pictures of it. look at this plane, this is george bush airport in houston. it is leaning on one side, it went off the runway in houston. 160 people onboard. boeing 737 tilted on the tarmac as it landed. it came in all crooked like you see it in the screen there. the airline is saying that all passengers have been evacuated and no one onboard was hurt. here is a quote. around 8:00 a.m. today, united
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airlines flight iah, for those who may have seen the acronym on this one, as it was exiting the runway for the gate, the aircraft left the pavement and entered the grass on runway 927. no one was injured and all passengers transferred to the terminal. just yesterday a tire dropped off a different united airline flight. boeing plane taking off from san francisco. you see the wheel falling out of the sky and plunges into a parking lot used by airport employees. several cars were damaged. take a look at these. incidents are raising concern for airline passengers and about what airlines are doing maintenance wise. we don't know the genesis or what caused this plane to tilt or go down.
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we know a tire fell out of the sky yesterday. >> emily: we know the quote from the airline which mentions, it left the pavement. did elvis leave the building. horrifying image, be honest, what happened? you skidded off the runway. i was on a flight once from the dominican, parked outside faa bounds and had to spend whole night in puerto rico. it was a two-legged flight. i remember thinking, thank goodness for the faa, our standards are so stringent and safety first. since then all we have is one frightening thing after another. we are seeing doors ripped off, tires falling, airplanes skidding off. pete buttigieg, where are you?
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i saw great reaction on our air. where are you today and where are you as leader, entire industry is frightening right now. >> harris: we need to hear from the transportation secretary at this point. what emily is referencing are boeing 737 max, eight and nine series that had trouble over the years and most recently with a door, you didn't know was a door, made to look like a wall. when the thing came out, you had a kid whose clothes got ripped off, passengers kept him in his seat. thank god they landed. >> sean: whole bunch of near misses have happened. begs question, everyone watching our show is thinking exact same thing, when did this change? when did we almost have accidents and doors fly off? this pilot landed on his way to the gate. he went off the runway, it appears. this is a pilot problem and
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brings everyone to diversity, equity and inclusion. are we hiring best air traffic controllers? i do not care race, sex, religion, i want best people. if you don't hire best people for jobs, bad things happen. here is the deal, democrats want this because if you're afraid to fly, you will have less carbon pollution. this is about green agenda. >> harris: you really think that? >> sean: 100%. look at europe, trying to limit people to one flight every three years because of carbon -- by personal choice because we're afraid. >> harris: this is america, we don't do things out of fear. we want bottom line they are going to fix the problems and american lives matter. all lives matter. is there a sign to put up at the white house, white house need to dispatch transportation secretary now.
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>> tammy: i've mentioned this before, i am a fan of a show called "air disasters" and you learn there are many factors to everything that goes wrong, mechanical, electric, there is human factor and we don't know, we've seen this really -- >> harris: they'll investigate. >> tammy: weigh have to get answers. two days ago, boeing gave entire regarding the january 5 accident with alaska, senate asking for names of employees in charge of putting bolts in the doors and according to the ntsb chair, they were stalling in that and they give a few names, not entire team. why would you stall when you want things to be fixed and this is an issue that will affect your company and industry yourself, only yesterday after she went public with criticism from the ntsb, did they turn over all the names of people
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responsible for this. so these companies, boeing, every company, look into it and of course the transportation secretary should be leading that, there seems to be no one in charge. >> harris: this is across multiple airlines, that was alaska. they are making planes and big question has been about maintenance program and who is hired to do that. that is the job of pete buttigieg. >> kayleigh: why is this happening so frequently? you mentioned japan-bound plane, wheel falls off. frightening line in "new york post," it was third time this week, this week that a boeing plane used by united faced mid-air problems and cite one that caught fire in midway into a flight. and that was united flight. you had one, engine failure over the pacific ocean on monday. everyone was okay, they have fail safes in play. for "new york post" to say three times in one week, ask kwl.
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>> emily: we reported on falsified records, everything is called into question here, everything. >> harris: we will not be frightened into doing anything, we will push. yeah. all right, we're not "outnumbered." only the show. not our mouths. tiktok is lobbying american kids to stop congress from banning the app over ties to the chinese communist party. so china wants us to stay on tiktok and it is willing to fight for it. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla
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i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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(♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. >> harris: a tiktok army, you might say, thousands of tiktok users bombarded user phones to ban the app because of links to
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china. the company is leading the charge. it is actually deploying young lobbyists like this. by lobbying more than 150 million users with calls to action like this, one a tiktok shutdown, capitol hill say children, some are crying, call their offices, some threatening suicide and assassination if a tiktok ban is passed. that is disgusting. no comment from tiktok yet. here is what they have to say, this is a quote, the government is attempting to strip 170 million americans of constitutional right to free expr expression. tammy bruce. >> tammy: the fact they are using children to . this is a small army, it is not just some rhetoric, that is what they have done. they are used to doing it and
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you got to plan to do this, they had to write it up and sent it out and knew what they were doing. intent to influence american policy and now about themselves. it confirms what they are capable of, what they think of children, use of children politically and a lot of groups are doing that these days. why do you target children? they don't know any better and young lives get ruined and if you are minor and calling up threatening to kill someone, you don't really understand what that means. >> harris: it is really deep children would use words like suicide and wage threats. there is so much mental health illness out there, you don't know which children are being manipulated and could take their own life. this is addiction, creepy line is a documentary senator ron johnson awakened me to, it talks
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about how kids get addicted to tiktok. >> kayleigh: by design. this is china, kids are calling crying about this from their classroom. this is what china is doing, it is patriotic, time limit you can be on it in china. america tiktok is different seductive drug. we have a seductive drug in this country, political power. biden banning for federal government, his campaign is on, 170 million people on it, half the country. this is where gen z gets their news. it is damaging from a national security perspective. >> harris: how do republicans fight this? do they get on tiktok and watch what americans are doing? >> kayleigh: tough call, do you leave tiktok in the dust and forego political power that could lose you an election?
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>> harris: so hypocritical, voters on left said they hated donald trump because of messaging on twitter and they cozy up on a device through politics and knowing that the leverage is against our own american children and even the president uses tiktok. i don't understand the hypocrisy there. >> emily: hypocrisy is democrats middle name. do you remember matt dillon's first film "over the edge" it reminds me of these kids take over the town and lock parents in the gym. kids freak out if you take something away they are used to. persuasiveness, volatility, we're going to do this, this is why tiktok is so dangerous, they are susceptible to ills,
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propaganda and seductive, addictive qualities. i forgot my final point. >> harris: i want to ask you, you and your wife have nine children? >> sean: nine. had to think. >> harris: should have said it this way, five or six that are older and did not grow up with tiktok and two or three that will have. i'm curious, how do you approach this in your house? >> sean: great question. we did not realize the threat when kids were younger and gave them phones earlier. my 15 year old does not have a smartphone, she has a dumb phone. like a flip phone. she will get on the computer and access apps, but we're around her and she can't go to bed with them. this is to get bite dance to divest interest and you still have tiktok. these kids could not use the app
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until they call their member of congress, that is how manipulative tiktok was on this issue. why are kids calling in school? take their phones away. >> harris: preach, my thing. >> emily: look up the osprey movement, have your children have zero devices or dumb phone, way to call for help, that's it, none of the internet dependency. >> harris: osprey movement and ron johnson said creepy like is the documentary. best way to handle things you may fear, know most about them. dig in. clothing retailer offering shoppers big discount now, doesn't everything have a catch? northface says customers can get a deal if they take a course that renounces white privilege.
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>> outdoor and expensive
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clothing brand northface getting ripped after offering discount to customers if they pass the woke test. they are offering course meant to educate individuals on barriers people of color face in the outdoors. we refer to white privilege, you can have access to outdoors and others can be excluded. northface is doubling down telling fox news digital, this aims to bring light to barrier of entry preventing people from sharing equally rewarding experiences in the outdoors. sean, are you taking this course for 20%? >> sean: northface offering 20% discount on my $400 jacket? they should be merslessly
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mocked, like they hired the bud light person who used dylan mulvaney. we believe in equality and want to promote that and give money to the cause, don't make me take a white privilege course to get a jacket, leave me alone. >> tammy: maybe northface should take a class, they are abandoned their store that started the store in 1964, running from the scary town of san francisco. how many jobs have been lost? how many jobs have people of color had at northface? where are people going to shop? as of 31st, they are happy for memories. sound like bob hope. happy for memories, but bye-bye san francisco. that is ultimate white privilege, ultimate elite privilege of closing up shop because of many shops have and
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major retailers because of crime and homelessness and drug use. why don't you stay there and help that city and employ those people? no, they are out of there, congratulations, take your own freaking test and see if you can pass it. >> harris: why does northface think someone that looks like me doesn't like outside? why do they think they need to pressure white population to take a white privilege test to get a discount to atrack black and brown people? why can't they attract with their goods? i love the great outdoors. we are as different as everybody else, some like the outdoors, some may not, getting white people to feel guilty will not get us to shop at your store. >> emily: calling them out and saying such a joke for white
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clientele for expensive products, you don't address the racial disparity gap. there is no racial gap. you can't please anyone ever and everyone is full of crap, no one more than northface. >> kayleigh: what a bad idea, dei expert at heritage foundation, he did take the course and said it was longest hour i have ever lived. no one wants a heavy dose of indoctrination with their winter coat or with their ice cream, movies and beer, i bring you proof. modelo, most popular beer, that happened. ben and jerry's losing $2 million. disney loses films and on the flip side, "top gun" breaks memorial day weekend, "sound of freedom," and "try that in a
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small town." good luck with sales. >> emily: good point, tammy, instead of giving percentage off to walk the line and take this course, why not take 20% of proceeds northface and put together programs that benefit a community you are proporting to protect with your white overeducated self. it is savior mentality. apparently if you are of certain skin color, you can't get into yosemite. >> harris: charles payne talks about this all the time, we can fend for ourselves, this is america. all we need is an opportunity and let it flow. we don't need equity, the e, in dei, which promises outcomes, we need equality, which we have, work hard and when you need help, ask for help and work together. equity part is iky, that means someone has to lose in order for
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somebody to rise and it should be equal. >> sean: well said. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. ♪♪ >> kayleigh: last but not least,
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studies reveal very interesting things about what your taste in music may say about you. the daily mail did an overview and it found that people who like pop music are more likely to be agreeable. r and b fans are more likely empathetic, and bad news if you like bass heavy music, you may be psychotic, especially if you love eminem "lose yourself," or "black streets," "no diggity." never heard of it. >> emily: the funniest was the psycho part, and nypd did 250 songs and musicians, be warned if you like "no diggity" and
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"lose yourself," or if you like some, like that we danced to in the late 2000s, the least psychopath. >> if you love your country, your family, god, and you are a republican, so -- your country, right. so, this could make some sense. >> or you could have all those things and be a big fan of frank sinatra and ella fitzgerald and some swing. it fits there, too. >> look at you, tammy bruce. >> harris: you love all sorts of things, what would that make us? >> awesome. >> kayleigh: you tend to like musicians like you, so that kind of makes sense. toby keith, these people are my jam, who i think are like me. >> emily: awesome, too. >> harris: i don't know how much rihanna and i are alike, but i liked her at the super bowl. >> kayleigh: a strong woman, i like it. don't forget to dvr th


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