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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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right and quick with your left foot. there you go. there you go. good job. well, good. back him up again. good. well, excellent. now it's the same thing totalist. >> you've come a long ways since you were sitting on a horse. reporter: this sin credible. life experience. do this. it's amazing. >> i cannot wait to see you bring that back for the next eight who ares over the weekend. that was awesome. >> thank you.
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did i recollects state of the union or stump speech and president biden giving a sharply partisan address to quell concerns about his fitness for office. good morning, i'm dana perino and bill is on assignment and look who i found to fill in for him. thanks for being here. craig:t no surprise. we're very excited and don't know how it got past the bosses. i'm shannon bream, this is america's news room. >> any career i've been told i was too young. i've been told i'm too old.
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whether young or old, i've always been known, i've always known what endures. >> president biden just doesn't get it. heat of touch much under his administration, families are worse off and our communities are less safe and our country is less secure. did i recollects the president's speech drawing pushback from president trump and robert f. kennedy jr.. >> the very policies causing this horror show to go. we cannot take it any longer as a country. >> what happened to america, the land of opportunity where you can be sure that if you worked hard and played by the rules that you'd have a decent life?
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>> dana: byron york in palm beach and i imagine they're doing back flips on the north lawn. reporter: that's right, dana. the speech started late and lasted 67 minutes and marjorie taylor green demanded the president say the name of the young women killed in her home state by the illegal immigrant. >> it's not about him or me. i'd be a winner, not really. laken riley, a innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. reporter: some pushback over that word from a progressive member of the squad ilhan omar posting on x, let me be clear, >> dana: human being is illegal. biden might have been thinking
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about football there. lincoln riley is the head coach of usc trojans and did not say anything about taking executive actions to fix the southern boarder and reiterated calls for congress to act. the presidential motorcade took an alternate route to the capital and demanding a ceasefire and blocking traffic on pennsylvania avenue and house speaker. >> there's bipartisan segments and a few things that people can agree upon. that didn't happen tonight. he came to give a campaign speech and it was that. it was very disappointing to all of us. reporter: biden referred to donald trump 13 times but never once said his name. >> my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6. i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies.
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here's the simple truth, you can't love your country only when you win. reporter: biden is off to philadelphia this afternoon to start his post state of the union campaign season, which many believe started last night, dana. >> dana: all right, lucas, thathank you for that update frm the white house. shannon. >> shannon: meantime donald trump and robert f. kennedy jr. turning tables on using the address and boosting the presidential campaign and live with that part of the story. reporter: trump's reaction to biden's speech is best summarized by his exclusive comments to fox digital when she said, he was angry, mentally disturbed and misrepresenting a lot of the facts concerning almost every subject he discussed and he was very angry and that was symptom of a certain type of problem and
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civility and the senator from alabama katie britt delivered the republican party's official rebuttal to biden last night from did a great job and offered a great youngest female republican senator ever. jot american dream turned into a nightmare and >> president biden probably proclaims that reporter: independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy delivering his own state of the yawnon saying americans don't want to choose. >> americans to want heal that divide and nation artificially forced and only when we the
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people are at war with each other and people are tired of being manipulated by fear. reporter: both rfk jr. and deputies are worried about being with fox can confirm there's >> dana: virtual meeting being held today and expected to move forward by launching a bipartisan unity ticket for the election and back in beautiful florida, former president trump is expected to meet with hungary's national prime minister victor and they released a statement calling a dictator and considering he's a democratically elected leader of nato ally. shannon. >> shannon: brian ilenas, best assignment of the day. >> dana: he's got to change his camera shot so people don't think he's coming back. the chief correspondent for washington examer, byron york. give us your take on the state
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of the union. >> good morning. well, there were two real purposes and one is to repeatedly attack this guy called the predecessor, meaning president trump. the other was proving that joe biden was vigorous and had the energy to run for president and serve till he was age 86. on the second one, showing that he is vigorous. democrats were extremely happy and they were relieved, he stood up there and talked for 68 minutes and he was -- he seemed to yell a lot. maybe he thought if nerve nucleus yelled a lot he'd seem younger. i don't think there was concern for his capacity to serve till age 86 but democrats are really, really happy about it. the other part declaring war on the predecessor. biden starts off by comparing himself to abraham lincoln
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fighting the greatest threat of income seizure disorders since the civil war and that would be the republican and predecessor and then compares himself to franklin roosevelt and fighting threats from abroad and allies at home and that would be his predecessor and republican party. he accomplished both of the things he set out to accomplish. >> shannon: he showed up ready for a fight and heavily political, which a state of the union in an election year, seems by nature it's going to be. it's the relaunch of going out to more than a dozen states and making the case for the second term. >> well, it is 2024. it's time to start doing that . you're right, in the runoffs and the preview and white house using the word feisty and we're using the word fiery and he was fiery and i think both of those are really good words for the
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white house with a president that seems to appear to fall asleep at any moment. >> dana: before the speech, i said in the coverage i was going to watch to see if they, on the democratic side, think their problem within the base is a minor annoyance or a big glaring problem. and i think that amy walter from the political report in her tweet said given most that watch the state of the union are already partisan and it's death dedicated to wobbly democrats and stamina or strength to take to trump and you can see that now the democrats all feel like that's great. >> he does the same thing and he's going to rallies and shows
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a contrast in demeanor, in energy level with president biden on the age and democracy issue and then the abortion issue. biden never said the word abortion. it was apparently in his prepared text but didn't say it. he made clear that republicans are going to restrict a woman's right to choose unless you elect me as president. >> shannon: the democrats and republicans and democrats seem to be better at controlling the language around that debate and
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more. >> yes, he was inaccurate about that and democrats want to protect a woman's right to choose and republicans will attack it, elect us. >> dana: one thing we didn't talk about here is immigration. he didn't talk about it much. >> 40 minutes in. >> dana: that'll be an issue because continues even this morning, a large group coming through and see testify day with your own eyes. good to see you with our own eyes. >> good to be here in person. >> dana: thank you, good to see you. we said at top of the hour bill hemmer is on assignment today and earlier this week on "fox & friends," he dropped a hint at what that might be. >> i had a massive coat on with massive suitcase because i'm about to go on adventure of a lifetime. when i come back, in a week, i'll tell you all about it. >> you're not going to tell us now?
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>> not right now. i'm saving it for dana. >> dana: so we have a surprise for you. coming up next hour, bill will join us live from his adventure and if you have any guesses, comment on our instagram poll and we will be dropping hints all morning long. >> shannon: that bill hemmer is nothing if not a tease. >> dana: taxpayers right. that's what they say. >> shannon: i mean from the coat to the cat burglar outfit to mysterious destination. if you figure it had out. let us know. >> dana: figured out a way to be away for state of the union. >> shannon: that's miraculous and cat burglary. moving onto this now. >> now tiktok is using the app to lie about it. today lying about election and war and any number of things. >> dana: congress should potentially ban tiktok voting,
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they're galvanizing users to fight back. now this. >> oh, come on, we're in a house of god. >> dana: crowd of fire fighters boog attorney general letitia james and what they chanted during his speech. just when you think you've seen it all, boeing airliner lose as tire upon takeoff. what in the world happened here? we'll tell you. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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murder rates went up 30%. 30% they went up. biggest increase in list reigns leading. >> dana: that was a gold star dad giving president bide an reminder of an incident he'd rather forget and father of u.s. marine killed in the 2021 kabul airport bombing was arrested for heckling the president during the state of the union address and identified as steven necoyey and his sonic las was one of 13 u.s. service members and 13 others killed in afghanistan and i read this morning they believe his other son then after committed suicide so a grieving father and hopefully that gets resolved quickly and the president should, if anything, make sure he does not get charged, i think. that's my opinion. >> shannon: watch to see what the white house does. shocking video shows a tire falling off a boeing plane
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seconds off the takeoff in san francisco and debris smashed into cars in the parking lot and luckily >> dana: person service hurt. reporter: it falls out of the sky and lands in an employee parking lot near the airport and happens around 11:30 yesterday morning and boeing triple 7 made emergency landing in la and about an hour later no trouble. take a closer look in slow motion. you'll see one of the planes six wheels on the left side rear tire detaching and dropping off just a few seconds after takeoff and it -- just before the line and police show up and find several damaged cars and who
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you'll see gets the worst of it and decide that back windows get blown out and tires bounced a few more empty cars and hurt the faa is investigating but likely a one off and not indicative of a larger safety issue. average life span if you care to know of a jet tire is about 400 landings. so far however the person who might have last change it had probably in trouble. i'll say this, shannon, i love your jacket and probably should have been on the ground crew and you happen down san francisco. they can see you about a mile away. >> shannon: i'll be working an extra shift at dca bringing in planes and they're doing it. william, thank you. good to see you. >> dana: hundreds of national guardsmen and state police troopers are controlling the subways and crime is down. officials hope the show of force deter violent crime and the move is a band-aid solution and cb
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cotton at scranton central and we had a spirited debate on the five last night and as much as i love him, harold lost. reporter: dana, i watch that had debate and some new york republicans are weighing in saying extra bag checks and patrols won't do much if they don't fix the legal system and point a finger at new york governor kathy hochul. >> she has the power to remove district attorneys who aren't doing their job. and in my view if you're not using every tool in your disposal to go after people that hi bit chilly break the law and habitually break the law and that's against the victims. reporter: same 38 people suspects of assaulting 60 bran sit work res and arrested more than 1100 times last year and some say it's the left's war on police that got us here. republican senator tom cotton of arkansas was criticized for
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suggesting the national guard help police riots during the summer of 2020. he says using the military is the right thing to do now. he thinks the city should have a better grip on crime >> stern certain times they require this and kathy hochul and democratic city get this bad in the first place. reporter: hoche el said more surveillance cameras are going to be installed and she thinks this will have a "powerful effect on the psychology of criminals". dana. >> dana: how about the powerful effect of prosecuting them? that would be good too and see what alvin bragg does or does not do and cb cotton back from the editorial report. see you soon. >> i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on
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trial. now a county ethics board is getting into the fray and more on that next. sticks to his state of the union address. house speaker mikeon son joins us moments away. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> shannon: the board said it cannot hear any complaints immediate against fani willis because she's an officer of the state and not the county. that means willis fie sited ethics county rules and wait ago decision from the jumped on whether she'll be allowed to continue her prosecution of former president trump after having relationship with nathan wade. >> dana: my favorite story. >> shannon: so interesting. >> dana: president biden odderring the mill tourist to build a temporary port off the coast of gaza for said
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deliveries and more than a quarter of gaza's population is on the brink of fade pattern man and this decision -- famine and this decision is not without continue verse seizure disorders. hi, alex. >> hi, dana. the threat of famine taking a devastating turn with children dying of hunger and as many of 20 people died so far and that's according to the gaza health ministry that's run by hamas, but still we're learning of desperate conditions with unicef warning of deteriorating situations and to ramp up humanitarian aid, the u.s. is building this port outside of gaza. president biden and his state of the union address called this an emergency mission. this peer will receive shipments of food, water, medicine and shelter. biden urged israel to cooperate with humanitarian deliveries. >> to israel, humanetarian aid
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has to be a priority to save civilian lives. >> the u.s. joined other countries and air and brought far less what the truck can carry and it's becoming too dangerous and the new peer will allow for a safer root pier will allow for a safer root and animal feed and at the same time air strikes continue despite months of boots on the ground and israeli military says it's still finding these pockets of militants with the watch positions and more than a hundred hostages still believed to be in gaza and taken 150 days ago. >> dana: alex, thank you. >> in november, the group of bipartisan senators and the result is a bipartisan bill with a tougher set of border security reforms we've ever seen. you don't think so?
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oh, you don't like that bill, huh? conservatives got together and said it was a good bill. i'll be darned, that's amazing. >> shannon: the boos raining down and house republicans giving biden an earful bringing up failed bipartisan border bill last night. joining us is the front row seat and house speaker mike johnson. welcome. good to see you this morning. >> good to see you, i'm still shaking my head. >> dana: you didn't have a poker face last night. >> i'm not very good at it. it was difficult to sit through. it was a hyper-partisan speech that was full of information that everyone in the room knew wasn't true. >> dana: we knew he was going to point the finger saying i ethic you halfway and there was a deal that people respect and love and fought hard for something that brought compromise but the president says you guys are the ones that walked away from the table. >> james had a better poker face than i did. that bill did not solve the
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problem. everybody knows it. we passed hr2 now famous bill ten months ago. it had five separate important provisions and they all worked together. you sackmary to fix the asylum problem, the broken parole system. re-instate re-rain many mexico and end catch and release. that's putting all the dangerous people in the communities and then rebuild the wall, continue building the wall. that billed bill didn't do it and that's why it never passed the senate and never sent it to the house and couldn't get to the senate either and everybody recognize that had and they should have had our house members in the negotiation from the very beginning on that. i said that. we could have gotten there. >> shannon: this was president biden last night on the border bill. >> look, if we change the dynamic at the border, people pay people, people pay these smugglers $8,000 to get across the border because they know if they get by, if they get by and let into the country, it's 6-8 years before they have a hearing.
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folks, i would expect to say defending my republican friends and owe it to the american people get this bill done. we need to act now. >> dana: i'm assuming there'll be no legislation between now and the election. there was the other moment where marjorie taylor green, the republican from georgia, she gets into a back and forth with president biden and he mentions laken riley's name though he mis-pronouns and says lincoln but then says something like how many americans are being killed by illegals? what do you think he meant by that? >> he went off the tele prompter i guess and said the obvious truth and we're asking the same question and it is a scourge across the country. this is a humanitarian catastrophe, not just because of the people that are being affected, those being trafficked into the country. but now because we have laken riley-type events all around the country and had one in louisiana two days after laken's brutal murder, we had a v violent rapef
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14-year-old girl. >> dana: by a migrant. >> by illegal migrant released into the country and people they know are criminals. we passed laken riley act on the floor a few hours before the president did the state of the union. 170 democrats voted against it. it simply said that ice would have to detain and put on a path to deportation people that are dangerous. i can't believe it. >> shannon: publicly and provely pushed the president toward executive action and there's debate about whether it'll make a substantive chase at the border and you've said some of this is now going to be election year high jinx and that kind of thing. folks say you pushed him to do executive orders and will they or won't they work? >> he better and i have the authority and read him the robin lou visions of the law and broad authority and section 2 daoing out the immigration act says the president can close the border entirely if he deems it in the country's interest.
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when i told him that, he said that seems like the break the glass option. yes, it is, mr. president. is 302,000 people coming across the border in december alone a break the glass moment in i think it is. we had that conversation early january probably. he won't acknowledge it. he said he didn't have the authority and now says he's reluctant to use it. if he'd do one executive order re-instate remain in mexico, border patrol and people in charge say it'll reduce the flow by 70%. estimated 70%. why won't you do that? mexico doesn't want to do that. with respect, element, we're the united states. they did it before. president trump did that. why can't you do that? conditions are different now. >> dana: so you've seen the president behind the scenes and communication and read him that portion of the bill and then you saw him last night and democrats this morning are high fiving each other saying he's going to make it and fight and going to get us all the way through and take it to him every day. it is to me a state of the union for the president set up for success.
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it's a low bar and clear it had very hard and democrats are going today and talk about replacing convention going away. >> i think anybody can read a tele prompter and probably practiced it 100 types before going to the floor and even mumbled through parts and skipped parts of it. i think he's a very weak president, i think everybody in america knows it, about 73% of the people in the latest poll of americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. the state of the union is in decline, very sadly. pains us to say so but the decline of the economy and sovereignty of the open border and security of the streets and every country and of course our stature on the world stage. we cannot have four more years of this. we'll lose the republic. >> dana: what did you think about funding and getting to israel and the port he wants america to build in gaza? >> it was such a bad look. i mean, normally a state of the union has some segments that are unified. where everyone can join in and applaud the country, applaud
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america's greatness. none of that last night. it was a hyper-partisan attack speech. it was a campaign speech, it really was. and the pretty vitriol ick one at that and calling out president trump almost by name and predecessor he said 13 times and so over the top and so inappropriate. that's not what the country needs. >> shannon: he heads out now to a number of swing states and takes this campaign on the road and they'll point to the jobs number this is morning and say, look, this is good. unemployment is down and gdp is up and hang with me and you'll start feeling it in your own pocketbook. >> 17.9% inflation and highest household debt of all time and $11,400 and average amount the american household is spending more just to make and it's going to ruin things. >> dana: thank you for being here with us this morning. we appreciate it. a indiana mom of two mysteriously falling ill after flying from a caribbean vacation and what friends and family are saying about her health before her sudden death on that flight.
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plus -- >> frankly what we were watching last night was the president. his command of the issues. his forcefulness in how he present it had all. >> dana: that's what we were just talking about. democrats heaping praise on president biden's state of the union address and media fawning over the speech. not everyone was so impressed by the president's performance and as we go to break, let me give you another clue as to where we might reveal the whereabouts of bill hemmer. ♪ veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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>> shannon: the indiana mother of two was fit and healthy
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before she mysterious died on a flight home from a caribbean vacation. she was flying to north carolina from the dominican republic and suddenly fell ill. she had no preexisting conditions and was in great shape. her cause of death has yet to be determined. >> dana: shannon, love to see it. mike tyson about to return to the ring and social media star turned boxer jake paul going head-to-head with the former heavyweight champ. paul and tyson set to duke it out in arlington, texas, at and t stadium and 80,000 seat venue home to the dallas cowboys and assume it had gets sold out pretty immediately and might have to ask tyrus to sit with me and watch it. >> shannon: you should. these two are hype machines and they're putting together. when was the last time mike tyson had a fight in i'm a little worried for him. he's a power house. >> dana: she's if his 50s and jake paul is much younger.
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people going dana has no idea what she's talk about. that's correct. this is happening. >> shannon: they're going to make a lot of money. both of them. >> dana: check this out. >> it was an incredibly pugnacious speech. >> they wanted him to be a fighter, and boy fight did he. >> he put his chest out to the republicans. he ain't scared of republicans. he said, hey, let's fight right now about the boarder and about these tax cuts for ga gazillionaires. >> dana: despite the combative tone and ataxos by republicans. we have a columnist for outkick and following you last night and glowing headlines as well and saying biden delivered a top career performance and he needed it. politico that biden chooses a hammer over an olive branch and as house republicans heckle, biden serves it back.
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i noticed there were 77 exclamation points in the written text, and i think biden did nail all of those because he was yelling. >> didn't miss one. >> like gen z level punks wait and that's how they do it. punctuation and if 20 minutes late is standard, i've been great at every party i've been to. we can all manage expectations and that's how politics work and you hit the par on the expectations, you don't necessarily have to deliver a good speech. he has opportunities to look like a more unifying capped date and tubs to look like a candidate for normalcy, and this doesn't look like that. most of the time through this speech. it looks like he's picking fights and looks like he's not reaching out. i think a lot of people would like to be convince that had he's a little more of that guy. again, if the standard is
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upright and given a speech, he did the thing. >> shannon: we talked this morning and describing it as fiery and used word as pugnacious and not used in 2024, but he showed up in that way. do you feel like though that the republicans took a lot of bait from him and threw things out and would provoke a response and >> hey the guy with the mic and let him do his thing and don't heckle him and that's not a great look and if he's going in there fighting and >> appointed by whomever and doing a tough job and time for the country and i would love for all the presidents to be serious about that and not to their face when is they're there in their
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capacity as justices to come at them over decisions they've made in the capacity of their job. >> >> shannon: they're not going to engage if that and if we do want to represent the institution of the court, should it have to come down to bush v gore or something else, people need confidence that it's not going to be undermined. >> dana: asking you about something that america got introduced yesterday and senator katie britt from alabama gave the rebuttal. this called for number three here. this is from her kitchen in alabama. watch. >> all worried about the future of our nation. the country we know and love seems to be slipping away and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did.
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>> dana: he response trying to target voters that might not necessarily think the republican party is for them. >> i think katie britt is a really interesting figure because she's a 40 something mom that's a senator from alabama and looks great doing this. i wish that both she and biden had taken it down on delivery about two notches and i think that would have been more effective. some people have complained about the kitchen. i would like to say i'm not concerned about the kitchen and i don't view as a modern women a kitchen as a symbol of oppression. i make a lot of meals for my family and wrangling the children and having a good time. >> dana: that's a gathering place for the family. >> that one is not bothering me, i think that the delivery of the speech, take it down two notches and a much more effective pitch to women and suburban moms, which is what they're going for. >> shannon: we're told it's about the kitchen table issues. this is a literal that she was there and homey and like you said, she's the mom. they want to make a contrast. the line where she said president biden has been in
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office longer than i've been alive. that was the contrast they were talking about. >> dana: harold ford jr. yesterday on the panel said that he thought at the top of biden speech yesterday talking about ukraine said he's going after the haley voter. i was like, really? i don't know if that was the case but tell me. >> you have to bring in foreign policy early and took awhile for him to get to kitchen table issues and might get to somebody. >> dana: thank you for being here and katie britt was great. >> shannon: thank you for being here. house write ago vote to force the ban of tiktok or app all together. there's a serious meltdown going on and chinese-owned platform is gavellizing its users to tight back and they did yesterday. miami beach is cranking out the spring breakers and will the new crackdown bring law and order back to south beach? ♪
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>> dana: border patrol agents and eagle pass rescuing a family of migrants after their raft capsizes in the rio grand. agents are pull ago young boy and girl out of the raging waters. the number of rescues has shot up as more migrants flood the southern border. agents conducted five rescues last week alone and continue to do great work while migrants -- the know doesn't stop. >> shannon: those people coming here hope and feel looking for something are put in very dangerous sitwayses every day by coyotes and misinformation. >> dana: so are the rescuers. >> shannon: indeed, every day. miami beach is breaking out with spring breakers after two years of chaos and the city hit a breaking point and they're cracking down now on bad behavior and hard partying. danamarie mcnicholl live in
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miami beach. good to see you. you. reporter: you too, shannon. breaking up is hard especially with a good time but here in miami, heavy police presence and florida make it clear with the signs behind us that safety is their number one priority for both partyers and residents and for a good reason. this is what happened during last year's chaos. large crowds led to violence, two people were fatally shot and police made over 500 arrests and confiscated more than 100 guns and this year it's all about prevention but not everyone is on board. a miami dade county commissioner called the message tone deaf and drawing miami beach was targeting black visitors and trying to make it difficult for them to visit. >> miami beach is to me making itself out to be a place that's unwelcoming to a complete group of people during a certain time without regard to individuals.
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reporter: they say crackdown is against crime and not visitors. >> we police actions not color. if you decide to come to the city, we expect you to act accordingly. reporter: dui check point and $100 parking fees to stop the violence and lawlessness face off last year. >> spring break is lame and fort lauderdale is jumping and it's lit. reporter: you heard that college student going up north and he says the party is no longer in miami beach. shannon. >> shannon: okay, danamarie, thank you very much. cutting tie withs a parent company controlled by china or risk a ban here in the united states and popular video sharing app ha


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