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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 7, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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races. >> neil: that has been the president's friend lately. lately, they are talking a little more about markets, a sign of things they say are going to be going the people's way, and they will feel all of this improvement election time. what do you think? >> i think biden shouldn't lean too much into that because as you know, neil, you never know with markets. but at the same time they've got to talk about some good news and that is good news for the president appeared to be all right, thank you, my friend, very much. bob, i hope you will be watching our special coverage of the immensely eventful evening. bret baier and martha maccallum will be doing the honors. again, what's at stake for the president, maybe not quite what it was in years past but it is a moving event and it is a big crowd and a lot at stake for the nation. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone be of
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i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in washington, d.c., and new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ all right, coming up, the big biden reset coming to a television near you. the commander in chief gearing up for the state of the union address tonight, tweeting out this image of him, reviewing his notes, which appeared to be short and choppy sentences, two at a time and in big bold fonts, but you should see our notes. the president aiming to rehab his image as someone who is fit for the highest office in the land and not an elderly man with a poor memory, as arrayed in a recent special counsel report. so with multiple crises at home and abroad, the president has a lot of convincing to do. especially with a public who has lost faith in his ability to handle it all. only 20% of americans say that they are extremely or very confident when it comes to his
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mental capacity for the presidency. this could be why he is consulting his famous friends, who played presidents and hollywood movies, for advice on what people want to hear. >> you might know what a big speech like i have to do that is coming up, the state of the you end. any advice you have for me in delivering my speech? >> well, sir, in my capacity as president, all i had to deal with. >> there is no crying in politics. >> what i hope is my politics don't make anybody else cry. [laughter] >> don't forget to shake hands with the first lady in the east room. >> dana: also out in full force typing him up. >> he has done more in the last three years than most presidents have been able to do in their two terms. >> going to be the president in fighting form talking about what he has accomplished for the american people. >> oh, i think you will see a lot of energy for the president. that is the kind of energy you
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saw last year. that is the kind of energy i see every day working with the president. >> big of a risk is that if he were to stumble tonight? >> well, look, everybody -- there is always come in these moments them a desire to focus on the distractions du jour the president's focus on one thing, computer getting his vision to the country for the american people. >> dana: the mainstream media are always good for a pep talk. "the new york times" out with this headline: "a beefed up image of the president calling for a dark brandon," and also os are also cheering him on. >> f you if you can't handle the truth. this version of biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best biden ever. not a close second. >> you know, biden trips, he stutters, he gets things done. he is rational even if he makes a mistake. >> dana: greg gutfeld.
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[laughs] kind of a lot to take. what do you think about all this? >> greg: watching the media try to force the dark brandon on the public is hilarious. dark brandon is what they call his laundry basket. by the way, how can you call this a reset? it's a little late in the game for that. you can't roll back the odometer, you know, on this lemon. you can't reboot a commodore 64. i mean, you could unplug him and then plug him back in, but then you risk losing everything. i think, when a person says repeatedly that he has a lot of energy, he has a lot of energy, that means he doesn't have any energy at all. that's a tell. biden is like an old iphone that never gets over 10%. when he is charged, there is no signal. when there is a signal, there is no charge. and it's great to watch the media pretend that it's the opposite. there is this palpable sense of nervousness leading up to this. it reminds me of the hour when i was a kid, the hours leading up
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to an evel knievel jump. will he make it? will he survive? will he crash and burn? the only difference is evel knievel was taking a deliberate and calculated risk. they are just hoping joe biden crosses the floor. asked for the getting advice from the tv presidents, are we sure joan knew that those weren't real presidents? they do have a lot in common. they take direction from other people really, really well. the bottom line is, the dems are just hoping they get him off the lot. he is like a used car. they need to get him out there and just not fall on his face and then you can bet that the media is going to say it's a raving success. >> dana: and 0% loan for your financing. jesse, i kind of love the idea that joe biden, who apparently is the most successful president ever in the history of the world if you listen to the
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white house, taking advice from the fake president from "scandal." >> jesse: that's joe. he needs these highly produced, well choreographed, celebrity laden productions to generate the buzz he is not able to generate naturally. he is limp, and so they bring in a-listers who are past their prime -- no offense, michael douglas, i love you -- to then generate any sort of action, all on the internet. and that's fine. they have to do what they have to do. but we all know what this is. it's window dressing. there is no reset. he's 80 years old. known him his whole life. this is his third year. reset? you are banking on joe biden, the worst orator in the history of presidential politics, to come out with this magical moment in front of millions of people and then reset the course of the trajectory of his presidency? joe biden? he can't talk. and he has bad speechwriters beard and even worse, dana, he
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has bad policies. nothing he has done has helped the american people and nothing he has said about what he has done has helped. you are telling me tonight, they are going to concoct this brilliant turn of phrase and the american people are going to stay aha, you are right, biden, everything is good. you have helped me. it's impossible. and you even go back, dana, to all of the amazing speech is the media says that joe biden has delivered, where it is the dark brandon, the one at union square, all of these major, viciously partisan, wicked speeches, have they helped his approval rating? no. have they changed the way the american people think about his policies? no. he has never shown any ability to give a good speech and change at all the direction of his campaign. you can't rely on this. i'd like to hear what his vision
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is for a second term. he was asked about what his vision was on a late-night show. we couldn't even articulate it. he said his vision was the same vision they had in the 2020 campaign which was about covid. i don't know what he is going to say tonight. one of the democrats are nervous. i'm like greg. he is putting the evil in evel knievel. >> dana: judge, i think you will hear a lot of rosy commentary about jobs and the economy, to jesse's point about making this idea that 72% of the country thinks it's on the wrong track, and he will try to say, look, jobs are good and the economy is good and everything is getting better. i don't know if that can actually meet the moment of where people are tonight. >> jeanine: well, i think he is going to try to convince us that things are better, obviously, then what most americans think. and the fact that his approval rating is in the 30s and the fact that 70% of americans don't think the man should run again, you know, there is nothing that he is going to say tonight that
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is going to change anything. the truth is that, you know, i feel badly for the democrats tomorrow morning who are going to have to defend whatever speech he is giving tonight and saying it was great, it was wonderful, and by the way, i don't expect him to stutter because i have never really heard him stutter in the last few years. i've heard a lot of mumbling and seen a lot of tripping. i think americans have to ask themselves, you know, what is it about tonight that makes things so special? why is the state of the you and, that one speech that we all gett is going to give us hope for the next year? i don't know if there's anything he can say. they are going to talk about the people in the audience tonight. i'll tell you who is not going to be in the audience tonight. laken riley is not going to be in the audience tonight. the state trooper who was killed by an illegal yesterday is not going to be in the audience tonight. the 13 soldiers in that open air airport in afghanistan won't be. the families of thousands of
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americans who died from this open border disaster, who died from fentanyl. and so he is going to try to paint this rosy picture and say the economy is great. well, here's the bottom line: the truth is that food and gas prices aren't even included in inflation. so when they try to argue the economy is great, americans are going to say, wait a minute, this is all i can afford this week. and there is nothing that he is going to be able to say to change it. unless, as jesse says, it is one of those dark speeches where, you know, he's got people around him saying how horrible the maga people are, although we understand he is not going to say the name trump and then he changed his mind and he is going to say the name trump. who knows what's going to happen there. in the end i think it is going to be blaming the republicans for all things bad and not taking responsibility for the state of america today. >> dana: a lot of the coverage, herald, leading up to this has been some of the smaller issues that i know the
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white house thinks it is a good one, maybe it is, i'm not set in on the focus groups, but some of the bigger issues, it doesn't sound like the white house is really going to tackle those as much, and also i would like to say, we would like to have you back around the table, but right now we are not around the table, before you can say it. >> harold: it's good to be in a box with everybody. i've got a little different opinion about it. i'm going to watch the speech. i don't disagree a lot with the tone in the thinking he is going to have to say more than not to get people to understand that he deserves for more years. i'd say three things quickly. one, the reelection campaign starts tonight for the president. two, this is one of the two biggest audience is the will have between now and the election. the second being when he accepts the democratic nomination in chicago when the party gives him that. all the networks will cover it like they are doing tonight. he has, i think, a real spots ability and obligation tonight
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to be more cheerful than contentious, to be more optimistic than ominous. i would agree with the judge. the dark stuff, i don't think americans want to see because they are here and dealing with so many challenges in their day-to-day lives. i think he is going to draw contrasts between his compliments and values, between he and president trump come at as jesse i think atlee said and rightly said, what does another four years look like if the country gives president biden that for years, that he is going to begin asking for in the most overt and open of ways this evening. he will talk about some contrast with what he wants from congress or on border security and ukraine funding and even funding for israel. we saw today the white house announced that they are going to build a port that will help deliver aid better -- >> dana: yeah, that seems to not be going over very well, harold. >> harold: when you think about what happened in michigan and pennsylvania and some of democrats trying to consolidate the base, i think the president
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believes it is the right thing, and i think he may even mean biy from a humanitarian standpoint it is the right thing to do. i hope if he does criticize her problem is not being with him on the border and other things, i hope he shares what he is going to compromise on, what he is willing to give and what he is willing to side. i know there may be reservations on the table that this may be too late on the border, too late on ukraine, too late on crime, but i am just a different thinker about this. i don't care if you are my biggest opponent nine days out of ten. if you come around on the tenth day, i want you there, and i'm hopeful the president again will be cheerful about it tonight and be optimistic as he shares his vision for the country. >> dana: i can't imagine the leader of hamas who is hiding in the tunnel thinking, wow, this is amazing. just five months ago we went and murdered a bunch of people, raped a bunch of women, had all of these people hostages including americans, and we are going to get a port out of the state of the you. fabulous. coming up, donald trump will be trying to steal the spotlight from president biden tonight. we will tell you what he has up his sleeve. i don't miss special coverage of
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the state of the union address. it starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight anchored by bret baier and martha maccallum right here on fox and that is why harold and i and everybody else are in a box. we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: it's joe biden big night. but his 2024 opponent is ready to steal the show. donald trump announcing that he will be doing a real-time fact-check on the president, saying "i am pleased to inform
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you that we will be doing a live play-by-play of crooked joe biden's joe biden's state of the union address." trump has also given this preview of what you can expect tonight. >> joe biden is on the run from his record and lying like crazy to try and escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party have created. it's time to tell crooked joe biden: you're fired. >> jeanine: donald trump continues to rattle the biden campaign. according to a new report, joe's advisors hope the state of the union speech can cuban-americans of what they call trump amnesia. all right, dana, i will go to you first. how do you feel about the former president doing a play-by-play tonight? >> dana: so, i have mixed feelings. on the one hand, i love that they came up with something fresh and different and a way to make sure that the media is going to have to cover his point of view. but also, he is doing it in a way that utilizes the method where people can get direct
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information right from him. a lot of people will be doing live fact checks tonight. so i think that it is creative. i also think that, in some ways, he could have waited and done a response, as well, right? let katie britt in from alabama do the republican response, beautiful fresh face, going to do a great job tonight, but then maybe president trump could say i know joe is in bed already but i am going to give you a speech at 11:15 at night. the other reason i have mixed emotions, the phrase from napoleon that when your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, let him do it. and by inserting himself into the story tonight rather than letting the chips fall where they may for an evening, i don't know -- it's a risk. it's a gamble. that is why i am of two minds. i don't have to make any decisions, i just get to talk about it. >> jeanine: all right, greg, "the new york times" says many of us are suffering from trump amnesia.
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are you suffering from that? >> greg: no. i will never forget the cheaper prices, the fact that there weren't any wars. i would like to forget the media derangement. how can we forget that, though? dana almost convinced me that it might not be a good idea but i'm going to go ahead and say it is a good idea, even though she might have convinced me otherwise. trump is going to correct biden because no one else will. right, since 2021, all of these heroic fact-checkers went on hiatus, right, because they declared victory over big orange and there was no way they were going to fact-check their guy, so they all went away. so now you are going to see scores of fact-checkers fact-checking trump as he is fact-checking biden, and it's going to be hilarious. all of these lowly bloggers out there finally flexing their muscles of accuracy, unaware of their own absence for the past three years. again, trump is kind of doing with the mainstream media won't do. he is puncturing the veil, you
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know, telling on the media, who won't be telling you the truth. and i think it is kind of like mystery science theater for presidents. the other guy is actually watching you and tweeting -- what's it called, truthing? >> jesse: sure. >> greg: thanks, jesse, for that backup. you weren't even listening to me. >> jesse: what? >> greg: that's it from me. >> jeanine: all right, i will go to you, harold. trump yesterday pushed biden to debate him. if you were on biden's campaign team, would you tell him to debate and do it immediately? >> harold: i would be it i jesse, you and judge miss me being in the middle. >> jeanine: we do. >> harold: dana is largely right. i don't know if i would employ this strategy if i were former president trump. but i've got to tell you, what it goes to show is that this campaign is fully started. we are going to have this kind of back-and-forth between these guys for a long, long time.
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and if i were a republican in that chamber and i had a member of congress in the middle of the senate, i would wish that the president -- i probably agree with dana on this, i wish he would not do it because katie britt has a real opportunity to be a breath of fresh air. i think one of the key issues that republicans have to be mindful of in this national race, don't need me to tell you this or tell our viewers this, how women's health and reproductive rights are going to be perceived in my understanding based -- senator britt is going to talk a little about that and give not only fresh-faced, but a smart face, and a new voice to that. i would probably wait if i were him, in that room come in that chamber, i would wish the president wouldn't distract with the back and forth with truth social. >> jeanine: all right, jesse. last year, biden emma state of the union spent something like 79 seconds on the issue of immigration in a speech that was an hour and 13 minutes. what do you think is going to happen this time? >> jesse: he's going to blame republicans for his own open
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border and the republicans are going to roll their eyes and democrats are going to clap and everyone watching will know the truth. i want you guys to take a test. if you didn't watch any news during the four years of trump, didn't watch any years the four years of joe biden, which for years was more chaotic? in your life? under biden, you have crime, you have migration, you have high prices, you have baby formula problems, supply chain problems. he kept schools closed for like two years. what was so chaotic under donald trump? there was peace and prosperity. the only chaos was in the brains of the left. they were creating the chaos with these ridiculous russia investigation's. we didn't fall for it. they were hysterical about it. so what was happening during donald trump? he was tweeting when reporters were asleep? so what? he fired a few people? so what?
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melania wore a coat with a message on it? so what? that doesn't affect anybody's life? your lives have been thrown into chaos the last four years because of biden's policies? that is what people need to remember. >> jeanine: okay. coming up, it was racist when republicans wanted it, but now democrats are sending in the troops to fight crime. ♪ ♪
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republican senator tom cotton is pointing out the irony. back in 2020, liberal critics of his slammed his "new york times" op-ed calling for troops to help quell the george floyd riots. not everybody is loving the bag check spirit and governor hochul is giving them some tough love. >> what happens if you don't want your bag searched? >> then go home. we are not going to search you, you can say no, but you are not taking the subway. guess where these individuals are positioned? right near the turnstiles. go ahead. >> harold: greg, you know, we have been critical of her and mayor adams at times. what do you think about this idea? and do you think it can work or will work? >> greg: well, they are searching everybody's bags because everyone is scared of being accused of being profiling. here is why i think we got the national guard bureau remember when tucker's and how much moscow subways were better than new york city's? and people were pissed because you can get that kind of -- you just live under a
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police state. isn't that where we are heading deliberately? you let things get so bad. because that is the aim of progressive love control, so that we willingly sacrifice our freedom and rights for safety. because we can't trust the local government anymore to preserve our freedom from harm, we will except a police state that will reduce freedom in order to reduce harm. how did we get there? how did we get to the point where we need national guard? we injected the moral hysteria of identity politics into basic law and order. crime should not be political. now it is. you take an objective truth, cops arrest robbers, now that became oppressors attack the oppressed. since the george floyd riots and afterwards we dismantled everything. no more bail. no more stop and frisk. no arrests were felons or felonies. the emptying of prisons. we were no longer able to rely
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on a free society to protect a free people because the criminals were now free. now you've got the national guard. so it's kind of strange how progressives talk about being compassionate about people, but really what it's about is putting us into a police state. >> harold: judge, you know, we have been critical -- i hear greg, but i someone, i take the subway probably once a day, i like the idea of it being safer. what are your thoughts about this? >> jeanine: you think about it, harold, most new yorkers and most people on their way to work are late. they are in a rush, they are late. everybody is in a rush to get to work. now we have a thousand national guard and the subway. let's think about this. a thousand national guard member. two years ago in 2022, kathy hochul, our governor, said crime is a fiction of the imagination, that we are all data deniers. two weeks ago the president comes out and says crime is lower than it has been in 50 years. now we have a police state in
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the subways. now i'm a prosecutor. you know, law enforcement is in my blood. i like protecting people. but at the same time, you know, what you are doing is because of your failed policies. you are literally imprisoning new yorkers, just like the consumers. everything we want to buy's behind plexiglas, and we've got to make sure we can get some buddy to get the toothpaste out. now we have the people in the subways, they have to wait for 25 people ahead of them to get their bags checked. when all they need do is not have defunded the police and the purse know my first place. all they need do -- this is the democrats -- they decided what they wanted to do was eliminate cash bail with this bull nonsense that we need. you can be arrested nine times, we are going to let you out. so in the end, what has happened because of their failed policies? we are paying the price.
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they are stupid and they don't know what they are doing. >> harold: dana, i hear the passion, but i don't understand, i don't understand the rationale. we can't go backwards, so how do we make the subways say first? >> dana: actually, no, you could. you could go back to actually prosecuting the crimes. and counting those crimes. that is actually how you do it. i take the subway, too. >> harold: that's great. i agree with that. >> dana: the guy who pushes the woman in front of the train to kill her doesn't have anything in his bag. and the guy that pees in the subway car because he is drunk come he doesn't have a bag. i have a bag because i've to carry my stuff around. the mom carrying the two bags of groceries home on the subway. that -- it's just crazy. and also i think that this is awesome. in fact, i think it was jessica just the other week was saying, if you look at the data, the crime is down. you have a president of the united states about to go give a state of the union address. this is the most important speech of his life. and the governor of new york
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sends in the national guard? remember when senator cotton rode an op-ed to "the new york times" suggesting maybe we should think about the national guard for the riots happening across the country? that broke "the new york times" and has never recovered. now have the free press by bari weiss partly because of all of the things that were happening that were exposed and now the governor of new york says, you know what, let's take people who are trained to be in our military and put them downstairs in the subway because we can't get alvin bragg to prosecute crying. there is something in her power. i don't think it's going backwards. i think it would be a very progressive move and that she has the power to do and that would be to fire alvin bragg and send a message. >> harold: jesse, do you have the same view? again, i want to be clear. i like them being there because i think it will be less likely someone will shelve me or grabbed me, for that matter, my kids. i could be wrong about that. >> jesse: you would like them there, you socialist. [laughter] you communist. of course the democrats want a
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police state the subway. i'm not surprised, harold! yeah, let's have every military member in the state with a gun standing outside bag checking every one that goes to work. that's a great idea, harold. so you feel safe. how about you just prosecute crime? you don't need a show of force in the subway. you need a show of force in the courts, buddy. let me tell you this. you see this video? there was a pudgy asian man with glasses and a patagonia jacket. he gets pulled aside for a bag check. next thing you know, another asian girl comes down with a $200 bag and a nice leather jacket. she gets pulled out for a bag check. what are we doing? you are looking for mentally ill people with no bags that you can tell her off. that is who you want to look at. not workers, harold. god, you exasperate me pete >> greg: harold, there is a compromise here between this. i agree with you.
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i would like seeing the national guard there, but they should not be checking bags. it's a simple thing. don't check the bag. check the people. >> jesse: he wants the men in uniform. >> greg: i do like them in uniform. >> jeanine: to defend people on a moving subway car. now all of a sudden -- >> greg: military. >> jesse: put pennies in the subway. >> harold: analyze and see if crime drops in the subways and then maybe we can view this a little differently, or maybe not. coming up, a $24 burger. social media is blowing up over a pricey five guys receipt. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the state of the
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economy is inflated. joe biden will do his best to spin the issue that has done a number on america's public books but first he will have to do ba4 burger. the five guys receipt ripping up social media, sparking outrage after a guy paid $24 for just your average bacon cheeseburger, small fries, and soda. judge jeanine, i know you are a burger lover. [laughter] $24? i think the actual bacon cheeseburger was $13. >> jeanine: well, here's the thing. apparently the cheeseburger went up in 2020 from $8.69, 20. so it is not that dramatic. but here's the thing. joe wants to blame everybody but himself, and the fact he put more money into handouts -- he basically ruined the economy. and now he is trying to pick on everybody and except himself, and he wants to raise taxes on everybody come he wants
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corporate taxes to go up to i think it is 21% from 15%. by the way, if you are worth more than 100 million, 25% on you. everybody is involved with joe biden. >> jesse: dana, fries, $5? i remember when fries were $1. >> dana: i say it is worth it. i'll allow it. i think the fries are worth it. so what president biden wants to say is that bidenomics is great. and that trans shrinkflation ise cause of greedy corporations. it is not bidenomics versus shrinkflation. shrinkflation is it because of bidenomics. i don't see many people in the box tonight, like a franchise owner of a small business, right, a fast food restaurant, that would actually talk about the energy costs that have gone up, the regulations that have gone up, the unions that have gone up, that have all led to this moment where you have people having to pay $13 for a delicious burger.
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>> jesse: may be the republicans, harold, could invite the hamburger to sit next to them as their guest. >> dana: next to the cookie monster. >> harold: they are a horrible price even before all of this, as the judge said, i am more of a cheese from wendy's. i love fries but i gave up fries for lent. i can't wait for good friday so i can have it again. i do think to dana's point that is going to be a big part of how president trump runs against president biden, talking about these prices. i will say if we find ourselves in memorial day, gas prices are more muted than they are today, food prices are more muted, i think the judge at the outset in our first segment talked about how food and gas and energy prices are not included when we look at inflation. if those numbers are starting to stabilize or come down, that's always a good indicator for an incumbent running for reelection as president. >> jesse: greg, someone who
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probably survived on fast food in their 20s, did you ever think you would see a day we get a burger, fries, and a soda for $24? >> greg: it's a tragedy. five guys is now down to three guys. they had to let go of two of them. one is homeless and the other one had to move back home with his parents. it's a tragedy. it really is. maybe this is an obvious point. when i pretended to do research for this story, wasn't joe biden lying about this story? remember he was talking about ice cream? he was talking about ice cream. how do you shrink ice cream in size. don't they come in a pint? how do you shrink a pint? you open up a pint or in a half gallon, it is always filled to the surface. do you think they hollowed it out from the inside? the guy is so full of crap, no wonder he is called by dark brandon peered by the way, i have a really stupid question and i am saying it is stupid because it occurs to me how do you pay corporate
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taxes when a corporation is a thing. corporations are people, so every person their pays taxes. how does a corporation pay taxes? do you see my point? don't people pay taxes? do things pay taxes? i think this is unconst unconstitutional. >> dana: corporations have the right to make political speech. >> jeanine: that's right. >> greg: interesting, dana. >> jeanine: i have a question, dana. the thing i'm interested in is he claims all of this like shrinkflation, the potato chips that you always eat, harold -- >> harold: yes. >> jeanine: they don't change, even though there are fewer things on the inside, they don't change the calories. they don't change those numbers. did you ever think about that? >> dana: that's a great point. >> jeanine: thank you. >> greg: the only thing shrinking as our wallets, jesse. >> harold: i can't wait to have chips again, either, because i gave those up. >> dana: i am going to deduct 20% of all calories from here on out appeared to be a good conversation, everybody.
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>> greg: not really. >> jesse: ahead, north face having a killer sale right now. 20% off to renounce your white privilege. ♪ ♪ this is your invitation... experience the versatility of the lexus line of suvs... and some of the best offers of the year on select models... the invitation to lexus sales event. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ meet the traveling trio.
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the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) right now you can get a free footlong
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at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo. it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: outdoor clothing brand north face is offering a 20% discount to shoppers, but only if they pass woke 101. the hour-long course claims black people can't enjoy the great outdoors because of systemic racism and oppression. it also teaches that white people can't experience racism and that company says they are standing by their dei quiz. harold, i go to you for no reason in particular. how much of this is propelled by white liberal guilt from the executives who know the only people who buy their stuff is, dare i say it, evil white folk? >> harold: i don't know, but i know this. i like north face products. i think i am taking a trip to london in a few weeks. i will see what it is about and bring a jacket back and call it even.
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>> greg: that was a nonanswer. dana, is the outdoors racist? 's mother nature a bigot? >> dana: i think so. i think you have really hit upon something that is profound. i hope joe biden addresses this tonight. as you know, that is only second in terms of the most important issue and that would be climate change. >> greg: exactly. as we know, extreme weather hits minorities hardest, according to "the new york times." judge, they are trying to exploit dei to the consumer, which i suppose is better than destroying your company from within with dei. i'm sure they are doing that, too. >> jeanine: the thing i don't understand is, why don't they just give away the jackets? if you have to actually have a lecture in order to get a 20% discount, i mean, maybe you should force black people to pay full price because they already
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know the lecture. >> harold: hey, hey, hey, hey! come on. >> jeanine: because they know the message. the thing is, i looked at the executive team of north face. they are all white guys. they are consumed in white guilt. get over it. >> greg: change their name to whiteface instead of north face. now they are red-faced. jesse, should you get a discount if you offer to be brainwashed? >> jesse: depends on how much the discount is. >> greg: would you lie and say you took the class? >> jesse: just for a discount, probably not. probably not. not at north face. may be somewhere else, though. i do a lot of hiking, maybe 2-3 times a week. i don't see that many black people. i also don't see that many people at all. i feel like i am the only one hiking. and i would encourage everyone of every race, creed, or color to come join me in my travels. i go to nature preserves. i go to historical sites. >> dana: i want to come,
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jesse. >> jesse: you can come, dana. >> harold: this sounds like a fox nation specialty at >> greg: dana, what is the most number one important fact i ever told you about hiking, dana? >> dana: that jesse could kill him and get away with it. >> greg: if the number one way to dispose of a spouse or friend, is through hiking, because there is no phone service. >> jesse: in that case, i will see you next week. >> greg: that's it then. "one more thing" as of next. >> dana: nice knowing you. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> dana: time for "one more thing." hey, greg. >> greg: all right, let's do this. greg's sexy manatee news. >> judge jeanine: i can't stand this already. >> greg: put the man in man a tee. check out this lovely creature
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twirl for just about everyone. twirling for sardines. trying to seduce a diver in gainesville, florida. >> the sultry mammal knows what you like and willing to deliver any time of day. my advice to you always be on top. it's a heavy, heavy, heavy mammal. look at that goodbye, little mammal. >> judge jeanine: goodbye, greg. >> dana: that's so cute. >> harold: these liberty mutual commercials are starting to get a little bit out of hand. a sheriff's deputy apprehended a elm my ran away. flightless birds can weigh 150 pounds and run at 30 miles per hour. the deputies used their contain and capture procedure to move the fugitive into the closest fenced residential yard. the neighbor recognized the bird whose name is buddy in real life
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and helped return him to his owner. >> jesse: that's a banned chokehold. seems racist to me. >> dana: emu -- in if you like golden retrievers. check out golden dog farm in vermont. play with 10 golden retrievers at a time cost $75. get all sorts of pictures with them. this is a great way to make some memories right there. the golden dog farm in vermont. judge? >> judge jeanine: come to my house for free and look at my dog. after responding to a noise complaint saturday night. two washington state police officers soon found themselves in the middle of a party. they joined the crowd for one more song before shutting down the large family gathering. and, by the way, that's how we used it shut down my parties. >> dana: pretty fun. jesse, i will be on your show tonight. >> jesse: i was going to announce where i was going to be on my book tour and greg's sexy manatee news just ate into my time. >> dana: that's it for us, everyone. have great night. see you on special coverage. hey, bret. >> bret: so happy to see the


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