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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  March 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> under the guise had my back.
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i was nerve not nervous whatsoever. everything slowed down. i got to her she was awesome. she was a veteran and able to assist in getting the harness honor. and helping me perform the rescue. props to her b requests and amazing events pretty just so one of louisville's bravest how he risked his life to save the driver of the semi truck that crashed into the bridge was left dangling high above the ohio river. that heart stopping rescue aaron wyatt yesterday here on fox news hello everyone welcome to fox news lifetime eric shawn. hi arthel. >> hi hello everyone i am arthel neville. that firefighter is 29-year-old bryce garden. this operation tops everything he has ever done as a first responder. as you heard him mention when he got to the scene everything
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seemed to slow down. quick cb cotton has more on this it is a fox news exclusive with the kentucky hero and what an inspiring wonderful story for. >> indeed. life is full of defining moments. this is one for firefighter bryson cardin and the truck driver he rescued f her to emergency crews say around 12:0k read otheother vehicles were inn a collision the semi a slam the bridges guardrail barrier. once he repelled down he found the woman was also a veteran strapped inside the firefighter says even if she had been dangling there for about 45 minutes, he thanks she tapped into her military training to calm herself down. all the while the two were united in prayer. >> she knew i was there to help her. as this is going to go around your chest this is going to go around your legs and she was able to helping the situation.
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once i got her out of that i asked her, give right and she said yes so she started praying the entire time and i was like i got you. >> a six year veteran of the louisville fire depa departments also a father and a husband he is humble that his team had his back during the high-stakes rescue. >> the guys are away from their families. they put their lives on the line all of the first responders for the concern of the people is what we are here for. i'm i just really get to this jn the world of books louisville fire chief brian o'neill says his team regularly transfer these scenarios even he was still stunned by the circumstances. >> this is the type of thing you see in a movie and think that this really happen in real life are presented and they did it w. >> than they did indeed.
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o'neill says they will go through the dramatic video, pick it a part and use it for future trading back to you for. >> another reason to think and be grateful for first responders across the country. cv, thank you. ♪ we are turning to politics now on the road to the white house leading to north carolina this weekend former president trump to hold a rally minutes from now in greensboro. his last remaining gop challenger south carolina governor nikki haley holding her own event earlier today in raleigh, north carolina one of 16 states holding contests the super tuesday. bill is live with the preview. >> nikki haley just wrapped up a campaign event right behind us
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here. she told me when i caught up with her she has no interest whatsoever and running on a third-party note label ticket why? she does not want a democrat answered bp. she said she is republicans best shot at meeting joe biden this november take a look at this video. just a short time ago with 1100 people she said she is been seeing a bigger crowds two sets of endorsements alaska senator lisa murkowski in maine senator susan collins. let's face it super tuesday can be a make or break moment so i asked her if super tuesday does not go well is there a world in which she could ever see herself endorsing donald trump? here's what she said. >> first of all i will tell you when you're running a race you don't think about anything negative happen you only look at running to the tape. i am not thinking about anything after that. if you want to ask donald trump if you will endorse me i welcome that question but until then we'll wait and see what's going
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to happen. >> this is a live look at donald trump's campaign event and north carolina. waiting for him to take the stage there. he is telling his supporters do not get complacent. he slept every single state in the primary so far he is urging them to turn out on super tuesday because he believes it could be a knockout blow for the haley campaign and he could eventually pivots to the general election. and joe biden in the meantime take a look at these graphics trouble for dividing the asked registered voters of the election were held today who would you vote for? truck was at five points 48 -- 43% take a look at the second graphic as the same questions nikki haley versus joe biden. nikki haley crushing by 10% according to the poll right there back out here that same poll shows both donald trump and nikki haley be with hispanics
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registered hispanic voters by 6% respectively. that should set off alarm bells with democrats heading into the fall. will send it back to you. >> little taken back here, thank you. >> more delegates are up for grabs this in michigan. as former president trump increases his lead ahead of super tuesday box business is a light at the republican state convention happening now in grand rapids. what is the latest on the ground, how are you? >> to make updates both here in michigan and also in missouri. both in favor of former president trump. i will start with this michigan gop primary convention. the former president has nearly swept all of the delegates up for grabs. but not quite. the way this convention works as representatives for each of the 13 congressional districts in michigan for they've been holding individual meetings to
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pick their preferred candidate and former president trump nikki haley. so far 11 districts are in all of them voting overwhelmingly for trump to districts to make a decision. still outstanding trump sling today nikki haley going to super tuesday. i think she has a real challenge now going into multiple states on a single day creating good identity at a campaign in the format of the structure of the timing all favored someone with a high degree of visibility and identity which is former president trump. >> michigan split if primary this year into a traditional primary or voters cast their ballots earlier in the week in
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today's convention. haley did pick up for delegates in the state. when you combine trump sling in michigan's primary network voters last tuesday with the results so far from today's convention he has picked up 45 of the 55 delegates available in michigan. this morning caucuses in missouri have also been called for trump. as a months long process of allocating the state delegates. so far already today 36 of missouri's delegates and onto trump. he was building up his lead before super tuesday. people are right thank you at the republican state convention grand rapids, thank you. >> oregon lawmakers have passed a bill to recriminalize some drugs oregon voters approved a measure in 2022 decriminalize the possession of small amounts of drugs. since then conventional has skyrocketed leading governor tina kotick to declare an
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emergency important. that recriminalize in a measure is now on her desk but critics say recount criminalizing drugs could hurt addicts who want to quit disproportionately affect minorities. >> in california in the state senators are addressing best extensional problem. they are announcing a bipartisan legislative package should try to address the crisis and rampant retail theft. christina coleman with what they're doing their vehicle accident the impact of mental crisis is having in this border state at all across this nation is heartbreaking. taldoctor number of parents whoe devastated after losing their children to functional point poisoning for just yesterday border agents announce what they call a colossal discovery functional pills with an approximate street value of more than $11 million in the san diego border patrol sector.
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evp shared these photos of the seized drugs and just think about this for a second for the dea says one single kilogram more than 2 pounds of sentinel has potential to kill half a million people. fentanyl pills which 123 pounds found hidden in a single vehicle on sunday california port of entry. efforts to combat this crime is in the works of bipartisan group of california senators just introduced felt legislative lege to address two significant challenges in the border state retail theft and the raging fentanyl crisis. >> the introduction of deadly fentanyl has had exponential impact and no one is spared no matter your background. according to the latest available numbers there are more than 12000 drug overdoses and deaths a year in the golden state. more than half of them related
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to fentanyl. >> state lawmakers have already invested more than $30 million over the past few years to a counter capdrug task force whics the national guard and local and federal law enforcement in an effort to stop drug trafficking and transnational organizations. >> in 2022 alone the task force was able to recover $969 billion worth of illegal street drugs. >> and a staggering 20% of that was functional. >> scary stuff. at the california senators proposed bipartisan legislation is passed and signed off by the governor would increase access to addiction treatment and drug prevention efforts as part of a comprehensive approach to combating the fentanyl crisis. >> all right, thank you. >> president biden former president trump made dueling trips to the southern border this week is the migrant crisis
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and become issue number one for voters. former acting vice director tom hogan weighs in, up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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eric: president biden's and resist pressure to take executive action on the immigrant crisis after a visit to the border in texas on thursday. mean time the white house is rebranding illegal immigrants as what they call quote newcomers. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more on calling them the newcomers. quickset is a new one. before leaving for camp david president biden took some questions about executive actions he could potentially take in the state of the unit addressees also asked about his son hunter. >> why are you waiting to take executive action on the border? >> because we need more forces i do have authority to do that. >> you are lying repeated better interaction hunter biden's business partners what is your response? >> have him bring every single witness these guys have got to stop a. >> that you did interact with their partners? >> i did not interact with their
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partners. >> the largest migration in u.s. history took place between 1881 in 1914 more than 10 million immigrants arrived in europe. a number by some estimates has been equaled under president biden's watch. democrats are not optimistic a solution is close. >> is going to take democrats and republicans coming together to do this. they're keeping folks closer to the border. keep them as human beings this problem is not going to get better it's going to get worse because you see the instability on the global side. >> republicans say president biden does not need congress he can take action himself with the executive actions and go back to trump error border policies. >> i look forward to his state of the union. i do not expect him to say yes, i'm going to close the border and authority i have always had i'm going to reverse the policies of three years that it brought in seven plus million
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people that are not going home anytime soon that were not vetted in fact displacing the people standing in line waiting to get into this country legally. >> might not be trump error border policies present bite announce next week in the state of the union address. many lawmakers just want to hear about executive actions. >> 's to fort lucas thank you, arthel? arthel: eric and lukas president trump and former president trump excuse me president biden former president trump both visiting the border this week as the migrant crisis continues to spiral out of control. critics could not ignore the contrast in that dueling visits causing on biden for what is not one that lisa trafficked areas while trump headed to one of the busiest all of this as a polls show immigration has become a defining issue in the upcoming election. we can start getting a new border numbers for the last 24 hours. griff jenkins is live from the border and mission, texas with the very latest.
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the numbers are ticking up as we enter march. more than 7000 migrant encounters in the last 24 hours. the areas where it is happening is and neither place at the presidential candidates. but out west to california and arizona. take a look in the last 24 hours the sectors that are busiest tucson was the very busiest with more than 1800. san diego followed. in that rio grande valley there only 350 that is where biden went. and in del rio you had eagle pass only 8300. that split visit you did have president biden and brownsville calling for president trump to join him, to push for eight legislation a border legislation former president trump attacked biden for what he called in invasion but here's a little bit of them trading jabs, watch. >> we need to act. it is time for the speakers and some of my republican friends in
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congress were blocking this bill to show a little spine. let's remember who dhec you work for. you work for the american people not the democratic party, not the republican party we work for the american people per. >> united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime it is the new form of vicious violation to our country. it is migrant crime we call it i didn't migrant crime. >> meanwhile, a few hours ago in eagle pass you can see this exclusive video box cameras were rolling as some smugglers were apprehended smuggling of migran. the two smugglers were women we are told from authorities from oklahoma they are from out of state. the three migrants apprehended. it is a snapshot whether we come acracross the border to give themselves up or whether to cross the border and work with smugglers and try to be got a ways. either way officials say they are concerned about this.
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many do hope, as my colleague lucas tomlinson was saying about the possibility of an executive order. it is unclear exactly what that might be. artists and members of congress like democratic congressman saying he hopes president biden will announce some sort of executive order in the state of the union. we'll have to wait and find out, i will send it back to you. >> all right out to get back here live it mission, texas. griff jenkins, thanks. >> the big question will president biden take tougher action on the border after his visit. former acting director. the first two visits biden, term, which had the most impact for you? >> i think the trump visit was obvious he like griff said the numbers in that area are down why are they down? because governor abbott took a page of the trump playbook and put border barriers. presup.president trump wanted td a wall and immigration went down. we went to an area where the
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governor put up barriers whether it's floating devices or razor wire it shows its effective crossing in that area are down over 70%. i think it was a meaningful business visit. >> a lot of calls we have been seeing this morning in the news reports for the president to take some type of executive action. what can he do? what should he do we hurt his remark on the white house lawn saying he does not have the resources to do that, that is up to congress. what would you advise? >> the first of all he has the same resources president trump had with the immigration of a 45 year low this is not a resource issue this is a policy issue he could change that tomorrow he could put remain in mexico program back in place. which was a gain game changer. then move the numbers to historic lows spreading put remain in mexico program back in the highest courts in the land said that his legal remember killed that program. he could re- issue the country agreements that he again abolished when he became president and have the
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assistance of the countries with mexico. he could and catch and release the law it says the cross about the border shall be detained he could end catch and release there's a lot to do with the stroke of a pen get the border secure but he is simply not going to do it. he talks about legislation why don't republicans come together for the senate bill customer cap and they're not coming together in hr too? the house passed that six months ago that plant will work. how do we know it will work? we have the data to prove it take up hr two to secure the border. eric: why do you think we have not seen this executive orders and actions that you just recommended? i do think we will see them in the state of the union. >> i don't think so, i hope so. look, i do not know. to answer your question why would someone not want to secure the border? for three years he's done nothing and that's always talked about why is he talking about a question at the elections coming up in a few months of all the sudden he says he cares. but i do not understand.
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unsecure border like that we had over 1700 migrants died in u.s. so that we have over one or 14000 americans after fentanyl comes across the open b barley f six 100% increase in women and children live a record number of children on the watc watchlist g across the border. open borders cause havoc. this is the biggest national security failure i have seen since 911. i do not understand the hesitation i'm changing policies to secure the board again not it resource issue a policy issue. >> we are seeing some pushback finally in terms of the century city and essentially states across the country new york city and mayor eric adams advising for criminal migrants they will have the nypd now cooperate with ice. that is a change. so we are seeing a reevaluation of this. do you think will see a reevaluation of the century city
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states and sanctuary cities, cities in terms of their actions in dealing with the migrant crisis? >> i hope so. sanctuary policies are centers for criminals. they do not allow ice to walk into a county jail for somebody already signed to lock the guy out. we don't want to scare the immigrant community. what ice wants us access to a public jail or a local police department decided to put someone in jail, so it lock them up they are in the country illegally that's who we want to talk too. i hope it raises the discussion we get rid of some the sanctuary policies. but what is terrible though it has to take a tragedy a young lady being murdered in georgia for people to start talking about it. who would be talking about over the next couple weeks we'll move on them will have another tragedy in six months we'll talk about it again. i am hoping we can end the discussion and protect our american citizens from crime and ending sanctuary cities we can
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do that. >> tom, thank you and thank you for your advice and for insight on this issue. >> thank you, sir. arthel: fulton county d.a. fani willis made another surprise appearance in court yesterday as lawyers made closing arguments over whether to boot her off the trump election battling cases. when can we expect a ruling? that is up next. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. when we had a significant health scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries.
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eric: they completed the final arguments the push to disqualify fulton county district attorney fani willis from the trump election subversion case in georgia. attorneys for trump and his codefendant say her relationship with the prosecutor she hired create a conflict of interest. she has denied that the. has more from washington. >> the presiding judge facing a consequential decision burn could determine whether former
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president trump and his codefendants will stand trial in georgia later this year. the issue is whether fulton county district attorney fani willis financial benefit as a result of her relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade whom she hired to lead election interference case in november 2021. during closing arguments friday trump's team argued and appeared as a conflict was not grounds for disqualification. >> i want to make clear to the court the law in georgia suggest and is very clear that we can demonstrate an appearance of conflict of interest and that aa sufficient frequency fulton county district attorney's office says the car for kicking willis off is much higher. >> estate would contend the defense must show an actual conflict in order to have the district attorney disqualify that actual conflict has to be in the form of showing ms. willis in this instance received a financial benefit or gain in relation to the outcome
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of the case progress if willis is remove the case will inevitably be delayed and bring more uncertainty into trump's calendar of in certain circumstances is unclear if the two federal criminal cases will move forward before election day. judge eileen cannon did not make a decision friday as to whether the trial involving trump's handling of classified documents will begin the supreme court has yet to hear arguments on trump's claim he should not be prosecuted for actions he took while in office. that is set to take place in april. >> think you guys, let's bring in and out trial attorney if the two federal criminal cases will move forward before election day. judge eileen cannon did not make a decision friday as to whether the trial involving trump's handling of classified documents will begin the supreme court has yet to hear arguments on trump's claim he should not be prosecuted for actions he took while in office. that is set to take place in april. >> thank you guys, let's bring in now trial attorney brian, also founding founder and managing partner at ginkgo today say that right janco is that right? >> yes that is right thank you. >> are right, i want to get it right. i want to get to the specifics about the trial and a moment. but i want to start an overview. some may not take place this year but when you look at why
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there are potential trump trial dates on the 2024 calendar from a legal lens how did we get here? >> it is a great question. let me tell you having represented defendants for my entire career essentially this is often a strategy you want to bring as many -- of you have one defendant you want to bring as many cases against the defendant so they spend a lot of legal dollars and get tied up. here is really different and i would not have taken the strategy if this is a coordinated strategy by the democratic party because all of these cases are working against one another to get to it the ultimate goal is which is a trial date before the election and a conviction of the former president. by having all these cases with all that they have on him i am not sure, except the hush money in case of a stormy daniels i don't know that any of these other cases make it to trial. arthel: of course you know the former president trump and his supporters they claim this is
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election interference. do trump's attorneys have a hand and the alleged interference by delaying the trials as close to the election day as possible? >> i do not know they would have a hand in the interference what i would say is this is a good defense strategy. if you have someone who has the potential to your client could ultimately for lack of a better term, get off if you were to win the election in november your strategy is going to be to take the air out of the ball and that is what his lawyers are doing piece-by-piece and each of these cases from the disqualification motion that was the legal buffet of ethical mass in georgia to what we are seeing and the appeal on whether the former president has sovereign immunity in the case and prosecutor jack smith and brought on the januar. what they are doing is strategically taken the air out of the ball to get to that november election when the president is going to have if he becomes the president again is going to have a lot of latitude
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on ultimately what the outcomes are. >> so your firm is based in tampa it specializes in determining what is most legally threatening to your clients businesses. are there any of the multiple cases against trump that pose the greatest legal threat to the former president? >> again, great question and yes the case that concerns me the most of all of the cases against the president truthfully is the classified documents case. i don't know that all the lawyers would agree with me on that. but that case they have them on tate. in the lawyer that defends clients, we get concerned when our clients on tape and saying something that can hurt their case. even if it is taken out of context. the tape recordings of the former president on the classified documents hurts him. plus even though the current president was found to not be ultimately indicted by the special prosecution just last
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month, the special prosecutor made a distinction between what happened with president biden and former president trump and saying former president trump was not as a forthcoming and bringing documents forward. so that combination of facts if i'm representing president trump, that case concerns me it really is the audiotape because of that than that there really is not that type of evidence in any of these other cases. arthel: let's go to the case in georgia we started out with that one. the former president is accused of illegally pressuring georgia officials to overturn biden's 2020 when in georgia. the call, he was being heard the call were truck can be heard saying i just want to find 11070 or 80 votes which is one more than we have. that case is scheduled for august 5. but as we well know in two weeks the judge will decide whether or
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not to remove georgia d.a. betty willis' top prosecutor. how do you think the judge will rule? how should he rule? >> i feel bad for judge on this case with these documents. he's going to determine listening on that he is going to apply the standard which is there is an appearance of a conflict which is not the higher standard that the actual conflict the reason being our district attorney willis took the stand she did not help herself and looking very defensive about this relationship she had that was clearly was a boyfriend/girlfriend for lack of a better term relationship of the special prosecutor she hired beta six or 50000 apparently on this case pros prosecutor not oy the former president but the other defendants. the first thing we do as lawyers. arthel: brian i so apologize i have a hard break i'm so sorry. i really enjoyed talking too but i have to go, thank you very much we will be right back, thanks we will be right back.
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>> asked that we won't be right back we have some news for you former president trump speaking at the greensboro coliseum in north carolina. let's listen to the former president. >> the police tell everyone of them someone said how are you going to do that? it's not a washington think it's a local police. first of all we're giving our policeman immunity from prosecution. when they stop crime they get prosecuted. they take away the house, their pension, their family, they lose their wife or husband. day one of my administration i will terminate every open border policy of the biden administration we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history because we have no choice. we have no choice. [cheering] [applause] it is no wonder joe biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us. they know we are the only one who can stop them. we will stop them, they are bad
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people. they use weaponization of justice department, let's go after my political opponent because i can't speak. i cannot communicate, i cannot debate i cannot stand in the location they tell me. i keep falling down when i walk up a flight of stairs. [laughter] that is why they are weaponize in law enforcement for high-level election interference were joe biden goes after his political opponent. he should drop all charges against me f. every one of these 91 counts they are not legit. they are biden counts he worked with danny even though you spell fanny fan i. arthel: former president donald trump. he is campaigning at a rally in greensboro, north carolina that is why is that the producers are saying go, go, go to commercial we had to go to the former president. so we covered that it will keep an eye on that if he makes news
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rachel: . arthel: u.s. carrying out its furred a airdrop into gaza today president biden announced the airdrop yesterday, the day after more than 100 palestinians died and a crush around is really a convoy in northern gaza. meantime tense negotiations continue for an elusive cease-fire between israel and hamas mike tobin live in tel aviv with the very latest. >> hi arthel u.s. air forces dropped a badly needed food into the gaza strip u.s. promises more. air force c-130 dropped 66 pallets with 38000 meals into the gaza strip they were assisted by the royal jordanian air force. this follows a tragedy aid convoy was mobbed by desperate and hungry palestinians there was a panic and eight trucks ran over people israeli troops say they were threatened and opened
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fire more than 100 people were killed. cease-fire talks are set to resume tomorrow delegations have arrived the ap reports there is some agreement on a deal between the u.s. and israel. hamas has not weighed in and that often changes the parameters. >> we will not agree to release thousands of a palestinian terrorist in exchange. we will not agree to withdraw idf forces and the gaza strip entirely because that would mean giving up on a total victory. >> the british ship ruby mar has sunk a parade that was hit by houthis rebels on weber 18 produce a band and shortly after being hit and drifted to the red sea trailing a slick of fuel and fertilizer. on friday stormy weather rolled in the cargo ship is now gone. the prime minister of the internationally recognized government in yemen calls us inn unprecedented environmental disaster.
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arthel, back to you. arthel: mike tobin live in tel aviv, israel thank you. eric: for know what more on israel's goal and neutralize the terse ability to kill more israelis charting a future for a terrotear free gossip to help te palestinians form israeli ambassador to the u.s. michael joins us now. ambassador, while compared first will start the airdrop's do you think the airdrop's by the u.s. and jordan of food could be or is the first step to try to ease the shortages in gaza? >> good to be with you. yes it could be the first step whether it's 40000, 50000 meals you still have to feed about a million people there is going to require a tremendous effort subsequent airdrop's are other means of beating the population because it is a tragedy it's a tragedy israel does not want to see but hamas does ahead of hamas said two days ago he hopes more palestinian civilians will die so the international pressure on israel to agree to a
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cease-fire will mount this is what we're up against in gaza. they want to see civilian palestinian civilians killed and starving to death. >> i think it is worth you repeating what you just said because many have a protest sitting is israel on this calling about the occupation realizing it's occupied by hamas and also maybe turning a blind eye to actual goals. can you repeat what you just said? >> it was not in affect what id he is the head of hamas. he came out and said this. you always think israel can write to the script he came out and said it isn' is in our intet more palestinian civilians die. and israel will be blamed for it that will increase international pressure on israel to agree to a cease-fire if there is a cease-fire that means hamas wins they get with mass murder israel
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loses the war israel will not be able to restore neither its internal security nor its regional it will basically be dead. >> 's has always been hamas' strategy ha has it not been by placing artillery and rockets and mosques in residential neighborhoods and schools and in facilities of the nine nations? >> some foreign and 50 miles of tunnels beneath the hospitals, beneath the schools beneath neighborhoods is not only using its population as a human shield it is using the actual landscape of gaza as a shield is no way to get at these without going beneath the hospitals, beneath the schools. late is a threat no army in history has ever faced. not the united states military or fight isis and never before has it had to face an enemy which is a 30,000 fighters, 30,000 terrorist it's a 4050 mis
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of tunnels beneath the city where the population has a very limited maneuverability. you do not want to fight in these densely built up areas where the population is there. the fact israel has been able to advance the way it has lots of military and t the idf is underperforming its operation. i think and west point's and other military academies around the world they are studying the idf accomplishments in this war. that remains immensely complex challenge. which again there is no precedent to history. eric: and finally ambassador what future do you see for gaza, do you see hamas being neutralized as the prime minister has vowed? what will we see over the next year of the next five years? >> of me be very serious pit you
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cannot do fight the idea of hamas. of isis, or al qaeda or hezbollah you can degrade hamas you can deprive what they're doing to rule, to threaten us, to threaten the palestinians themselves. no one threatens the palestinians more than hamas does. and so we can relieve that threat there's lots of neo-nazis running around there is not nazi germany behind it. so we can remove hamas as the state threat and deal with hamas in a chair in small cells. this will open up an opportunity for all sorts of diplomatic initiatives in the reason. israel will have to maintain a long-term military presence a security presence but that does not prevent international forces from st site reconstructing gaz. from assuming responsibilities that these are palestinians who will care more about their children and grandchildren they.
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>> they. >> see five ambassador thank you >> see five ambassador thank you so much.n ho more news and we come back. here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. democrats agree. too maga. too trump. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. arthel: a month certain late winter blizzard taking aim at the sierra nevada mountains "fox weather" max gordon is in south lake tahoe with moore, max? >> hated this has been billed as
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the biggest winter storm to hit the sierra all season it has been delivering quite that winter wallop. several feet of snow has already fallen. more snow was on the way and that winds have been whipping. palisade ski resort one wind gust of 190 miles per hour. a blizzard warning runs until tomorrow morning travel conditions interstate 80 the main route that runs from the sacramento area over the mountains to reno has been shut down across the sierra. chp said they have been seeing too many spin outs common to make jackknife tractor-trailer trucks they shut that down yesterday afternoon note word when interstate 80 will reopen. rows are still open at this hour their chain controls in place they are telling folks if you don't have to be doing any traveling at right now to not be driving around in the mountains at this point in time. if you if you make it appear ski resorts remain closed. other operating reduced capacity
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that continues hit the sierra. >> yes it is pretty behind you it is definitely dangerous and make no mistake about that. lake tahoe maxes but folks have got to bwee careful. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen.
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