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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> why are you not asking me? >> and from long island, new york. if that redhead said maga she would be in jail already. jeff from pensacola, florida. if marianne williamson likes free stuff so much, give her a copy of get it together. you have a signed copy on your way, maryanne. just of our that, you naughty little girl. kristin from pennsylvania. if all i had to do was take my shirt off to get on your show, hell, i would have done that years ago. i don't think kristin and daisy are the same. going out on a limb. deb from springfield, missouri. your dad is famous. he is mr. waters and he brought you into this world. he even claims this up. he is famous enough. this is his world.
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welcome to "hannity". the transcript of hunter biden's deposition was released late last night and we have been extensively combing through it. according to the transcript hunter addressed the infamous i am sitting here with my father, that what's app message telling lawmakers he can't remember sending it because he was either so drunk or high saying, quote, "i was out of my mind. the only thing that hunter can say for sure that he can remember is that his father was not there. wow. how selective can one be. out of my mind, i don't remember even sending the text. i'm not sure if it is my text. i know for share my dad wasn't there. okay. just days after threatening messages was sent according to a 2020 senate report it accounts linked to hunter biden. guess what? they received over $5 million from the cefc. that's where he sent the message
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to. for being out of his mind, i'd say that's a pretty amazing achievement. hunter also confirmed to lawmakers that he did in fact receive money from chinese companies. this is in stark contrast from his comments during that disastrous gma interview when he said he didn't receive one center from china. take a look. >> the president has repeatedly said you received $1.5 billion from china despite no experience and for no apparent reason. obviously, fact checkers have said that is not true. >> this literally has no basis and fact in any way. >> have you received any money from that business dealing at all? not 1 cent. >> not one send. >> he told lawmakers that his business with cefc the chinese oil conglomerate was completely legitimate, completely 100% in line with my experience and my abilities. let's go back to the gma
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interview. hunter admitted he had no experience at all in energy when asked about his role with burisma. take a look. >> he didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or ukraine itself, though? >> no. but i think i had as much knowledge as anybody else on the board, if not more. >> in the list you gave me of the reasons you are on the board you did not list the fact that you are the son of the president. what role did that play? >> it's impossible for me to be on any boards that i mentioned without saying i am the son of the vice president of the united states. >> wait a minute. probably not. with no experience in energy, oil, gas, ukraine. no experience in china. addicted to hard drugs. and at times, quote, "out of his mind. how was his business as he said, quote, "completely 100% in line with his experience? that's what he said. meanwhile also during the
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deposition hunter was asked about devon archer's claim that joe was on speakerphone with his business associates. hunter did tell lawmakers, quote, "certainly my dad called me. hunter also admitted that he introduced his father to one of his business partners jonathan lee while in china and told lawmakers there were in fact two dinners at café milano in d.c. where joe met his business partners. in one case from kazakhstan, russia and ukraine confirming that russian oligarch transferred $3.5 million to a hunter linked company and invested according to devon archer another $120 million in one of their real estate adventures was in attendance. wow, how convenient. hunter repeatedly said that his father never received any benefits nor was he ever involved with his business. he said he never once even
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discussed it. joe said, okay, never talked to hunter, my brother or anybody for that matter. was joe out of his mind too? why did hunter ones complain about giving half his salary to pops having to give half his salary to pops pops? why did devon archer's--they are all liars except for him. why did they say that the brand being sold was that of joe biden? certainly wouldn't be the guy addicted to crack. also breaking today the transcript of james biden's testimony was released this afternoon and it spells more trouble for joe biden. according to his testimony james biden admitted that joe received $40000 in china funds. corroborating james comer's investigation revealing that sarah and james biden sent joe a $40000 check for a, quote, "loan repayment. do they have the paperwork?
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after receiving money from hunter. he had received millions from the chinese energy conglomerate cefc just days prior. here with reaction is house oversight committee chairman james comer. i want to settle a little bit of business because i don't think people know how committees work. they usually work together in terms of who is going to ask the questions, et cetera. it was brought up that you didn't specifically yourself ask questions. and then the question of why did you allow the concession to hunter in terms of not videotaping it and allow for the second subpoena to be sent? that was not afforded to people like navarro or bannon. >> well, with respect to not asking questions jim jordan didn't ask questions either. we work with our staff attorneys. mine was a top the poser in the trump department of justice. he is better at asking questions than i am. i want the best people asking
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questions. i had my staffer asked the questions that i approve for the first hour and jim jordan asked for the second hour. that answers that question. with respect to the video, that was what the biden team was debating. they didn't want the video. i think its funny and ironic because they were saying they wanted a public hearing. we are going to have a public hearing and the american people will see hunter biden in person. with respect to the second subpoena, when he defied the first subpoena, then that subpoena was expired. we wanted to get him in for the deposition. i think the evidence we got is very valuable if we move forward to try to hold this family accountable. what we did was right. a lot of people would criticize saying we should have taken the deal for this are that. he came in on our terms. the only thing that they got that they wanted was not videotaping it. we got the transcript. the transcript shows that hunter
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biden wasn't truthful. he accused his former business associates of lying. he admitted that joe biden did in fact get $40000 that came from china. so many things that we have been talking about in our investigation were proven in the deposition. the deposition was a huge success. >> it seems like they want to renege on a public hearing. let's go to the issue of him saying it was either high or drunk when he sent the whatsapp message. he was, quote, "out of his mind. he doesn't even know if the text was sent. he doesn't remember sending the text and doesn't even know if the text israel. i'd like to see the evidence that it was tampered with. but he can remember with certainty that his father wasn't there. but he was out of his mind, but he did remember that part of that text. does that sound credible to you? it doesn't sound very credible to me. >> no, no. the american people can read the transcript and make a decision
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and determination on whether or not the president's son was being truthful. when he had to play the drug card, he played the drug card. when he had to play the russian disinformation card, he played that card. with respect to the text, we have all seen the text. they were all over the board. there were other texts where he admitted to being involved with the chinese spy chief for the whole country of china. he knew he was committing wrongdoing in the text. when we pressed him on the text his lawyer would say we don't believe that these texts are legitimate. we believe that the laptop was compromised. and then when there was no doubt that he sent the text he would say i was high. or i sent that text to the wrong person. you don't understand the meaning of that text. explain it to us. i was high. but i know my dad wasn't sitting
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beside me when i sent the whatsapp message. but i was so high. he played the drug card a lot and the russia card a lot. the american people see in this transcript that the biden family has been lying about their involvement in the amount of money they have taken in from china from day one. we have proven that the family was into peddling. we prove that joe biden was lying to the american people from day one when he said he wasn't involved in his family didn't get money from china. now what we are trying to do is go to the next phase and have the public hearing and bring all the associates in and let everyone see everyone's side of the story and make a determination. at the end of the day we will try to hold this family accountable and have referrals. we will try to identify the people in the deep state that were part of the cover of. in addition to the biden financial crimes we also have the cover-up by the deep state actors. we are trying to hold everyone accountable and racket up.
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i think the deposition with hunter biden and the transcribed interview with jim biden were huge success is. >> thank you for sharing that with us. today just the founder, editor-in-chief, investigative reporter john solomon delivered a bombshell report about hunter and his ties to russia. we reached out to hunter biden for comment. shockingly we have yet to hear back. john solomon joins us now with more. you found out a lot here. it's a long piece. why don't i let you explain it. >> thank you. we knew that hunter biden had some dealings with a leino through his business partners. we went through more than 1000 pages of documents, e-mails, court transcripts, bank documents and what it shows is between 2010 and 2014 hunter biden and his business partners made a concerted effort to squeeze oligarchs in vladimir putin's russia for big money. they were looking for upwards of
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a billion dollars. they were on the cusp of scoring a big deal. in fact they were in moscow the moment without amir putin decided to invade ukraine the first time. they were up a tree. they did all this work to get all this money and it was falling apart. they pivoted that day in moscow and that is what landed them the more controversial deal that became burisma holdings in neighboring ukraine. the path to hunter biden's ukrainian millions was paved in vladimir putin's russia. hunter biden was so excited about tapping the oligarchs for money he was thinking about opening up a permanent moscow office. he was talking about creating a ukraine and russia business council. he had targeted specific ukrainians. from what we know from china which we talk to the chairman about, we know for most of the decade hunter biden and his business partners spend time trying to get money from america's two largest geopolitical adversaries. communist china and vladimir
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putin's russia. that's what we know for certain unequivocally. >> john solomon, we appreciate you being with us. thank you. tonight, a huge day in the trump legal saga. president trump appeared in a florida courtroom for a hearing over the trial date of the classified documents case. yesterday the special prosecutor jack smith proposed a start date of july eighth. that's the same month the rnc convention. today judge cannon in florida cast doubt on this timeline saying it would compress a lot of pretrial arguments and deliberations into a very short window. earlier today lawyers delivered closing arguments in the hearing over fani willis and her alleged misconduct and whether or not she will be removed from this case. at the conclusion of the arguments today the judge announced that he would issue his decision within the next two weeks. here with reaction to all of this is fox news contributor jonathan turley. not sure where you want to
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start. you did write a great column. one liar meaning the fbi, one of the longest, most trusted, informants, paid informants they had ever. just like christopher steele turns out not to be the case. that does not negate everything we just discussed with james comer and john solomon, does it? >> no, it doesn't. what hunter biden did is confirm the essential elements of what has been alleged by these committees. they received a great deal of money from russia, china, ukraine. and at least $40000 of chinese money made it into the account of president biden. this is the same person that said that his son didn't make any money in china. it turns out he not only made money but president biden received some of that money. he also confirms other aspects of this. what he keeps on saying is a mantra. all of this was perfectly legal.
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he adds that it's perfectly ethical, which is really something that left many of us dumbfounded. you can say that influence peddling can be done legally, but no one argues it's done ethically. it is corrupt. the u.s. government has pushed treaty obligations to ban influence peddling. it views it as one of the great forms of corruption. it has always been viewed as corruption. what we now know is that the president was involved and confirmed by hunter biden involved in a great number of these deals, dinners, meetings. he was clearly aware of his son's dealings with foreign governments. he lied during the campaign. but more importantly, he had to be aware that his son was influence peddling. it was being covered in some of the media. we have a tape recording on the laptop from president biden
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dealing with "the new york times" article that deals with his foreign dealings. the statement of the president is manifestly false. a lot of this confirmed that. the question is what do we do about that? >> yeah. let me ask you. i was very hopeful. i think it's very important that the supreme court take up the immunity issue. i'm glad they did. to me it is great consequence in terms of the court and presidential immunity in this case. it's an important issue for the country. then you have fani willis wrapping up closing arguments today. i want to get your take on both of them. do you think any of these cases maybe except for the bragg case that i'm not sure what they are charging donald trump with in new york even at this late date. do you think any of these cases see the light of day before election day? >> today the trump campaign
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argued that a florida trial should start after the election. it agreed that august would be a doable date for them to do that trial. as for the d.c. trial, that is becoming less and less likely due to the need to review the immunity question. the court is expediting that question. but the court didn't create this conflict. the court didn't put this close to the election. trump is being tried on conduct that occurred almost four years ago. he didn't set that schedule. the court is going to try to get it right as opposed to just getting it rapidly done. but it is expediting that schedule. when it comes to fani willis, it is anyone's gasburg. >> arguments would be heard until late april. we won't hear the decision until june or late june and then they will have a trial the week of
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the republican national convention? either the florida trial or d.c. trial? >> i think the d.c. judge will give up the ghost and say let's stop trying to shoehorn this in before the election. it's just too close to the election. the public will have to render its own verdict. >> what about fani willis? last word. >> well, they did a terrible job in defensive her office today. this judge has grounds in my view to disqualify one or both of them. it's a tough question for him. i think the judge was being fair to both sides. >> all right. it will get interesting. that's for sure. jonathan turley, thank you. when we come back, sara carter. joe biden goes to the border. coincidentally the day donald trump was going down there. sarah spoke with brownsville residents to get their reaction to biden's visit. too little, too late.
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kind of like east palestine. we will show you what they said and my exclusive border tour with trump and texas governor greg abbott ab bit along the rii grande straight ahead as wei continue tonightme. i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪)
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this is a fox news update. president biden announcing the u.s. will begin air dropping aid into gaza. that move coming five months into the war between israel and hamas. the penta phi pentagon will identify drops to where it's needed without putting people on the ground in harm's way. texas largest wildfire may have destroyed up to 500 structures according to greg abbott who toured the fire ravaged texas panhandle today. the fire has burned some 1700 square miles and at least two people have died in the blazes
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so far. a life-threatening blizzard bearing down on california and nevada mountains. the highest elevations could be buried under more than 10 feet of snow. blizzard warnings are now in effect for the northern central sierra mountains including lake tahoe. i am kevin clark corke in washington. now back to "hannity". it was a day of dueling border visits in texas yesterday. former president donald trump joined us in eagle pass and we will have more from they are in just a moment. joe biden visited brownsville, texas. what do residents think of biden finally finding some time to visit the border that he has been lecturing us is closed and secure for three years? we sent sara carter to find out. take a look. >> how do you feel about president biden coming to brownsville now? >> it's a disgrace. he should be ashamed of himself.
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after all the things that this community has gone through. >> we are here to show we are tired of joe biden. we want trump's policies back. >> get your hands off our country. he sold us out. he sold us out to china. he sold us out to other countries. we are not asleep in the rio grande valley. >> if you had a message for president biden and talk to him today what would your message be? 2 undo the executive orders you've signed on your first day in office. that would be for starters. >> it's a photo out. he must have done it last minute because trump was visiting the border. >> he is not welcome here. we the people have woken up and we have seen his policies with the disaster on the border. we don't support him here. >> it took him three years to get here, joe biden. now what are you going to do with this mess? >> while joe was mumbling, bumbling and stumbling around
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former president donald trump and governor greg abbott it joined me for an exclusive border tour on the rio grande in eagle pass. take a look. >> this is the razor wire. if we go back, all the country was watching the mass migration right here. you did the job that the federal government should do, and that is you put all this up. if you go all the way down the line you can see how extensive it is. and you put the containers in. 99% reduction? >> exactly. right where we are looking there used to be people crossing here. now there is no way anybody can cross here. from this to the containers. now we have an average of seven people crossing a day. if they make it across they are arrested. >> you knew than this could be fixed. you put all these policies in place. joe biden rescinded them with the stroke of a pen in the first
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100 days and told us for three years the border is secure and close. does that anger you? that angers me. i don't like to be lied to. >> i don't think he knows what he is doing. we did put 571 miles of wall. we worked closely with the governor. we work together after the election. the governor kept moving and he did the whole thing with the wire. it's pretty tough stuff. i would say it's pretty tough stuff. >> it's not his responsibility. >> it should be the government. we were moving into this area. we did 571 miles. remember we were talking about this. what is more effective? the wallet is always the most effective. they can cut and find ways through it. it's hard to believe but they get through it. >> even triple layers? >> we worked closely with texas and it was a great relationship and partnership. arizona is not doing their job with the governor.
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governor newsom is not doing his job. >> all of this was so preventable. the first 100 days. every policy you had was rescinded. >> why would you want open borders? you always like to understand the other side opinion if you are on the other side of something. the one thing nobody can tell me other than they wanted votes because they wanted to sign people up. why do they want this? why do they want to infect our country like this? why are they sending people from prison and people from mental institutions? how is that a good thing? even from a political standpoint, how can you win an election when you are doing this? texas took the right stance and arizona will have to step it up. the whole country will be very upset with the governor of arizona. >> you saw the police officers in times square. times square is lit up at night as broad daylight. just like vegas. here i am watching two police
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officers getting the hell beat out of them. a guy running up full force and kicking this guy in the head. i am like, wow, how is this happening in our country? >> you have never seen that happen before. we have seen worse. we've seen them shot. you've never seen police officers in a fist fight with guys. they are openly fist fighting. the odds aren't good because it was about 10 to 2. at something i have never seen before. there is more violence. you see shots and other things. is something you have never seen. it's a total disrespect for the law. >> americans have vilified against illegal immigration more than any other issue. i think that will change what is going on in the cities and states. look at the citizens in chicago fighting back against city council members. the same thing in new york again city council members or the mayor. whatever the case maybe. they are angry. look at the backlash that the
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mayor of athens, georgia got. americans are outraged. like i have never seen before. >> both of you are busy, but at the university of georgia they had a service or rally for this young nursing student that lost her life thousands and thousands of people showed up. people in this country have had it. we have borders. we have laws. we should have sovereignty. i don't think either of you disagree with legal immigration. shouldn't that include vetting people to make sure they don't have radical ties and maybe a health check? and also they have to show they are not going to be a burden financially on the american people? >> this issue. there are so many people who want to come here illegally. they are getting pushed to the back of the line because of the people who come here illegally. would bite and has done is destroyed legal immigration while he has facilitated illegal
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immigration. this is an immigration of military age men. i pray to god i am wrong. i have no doubt people in iran, syria, china and russia are among them are not people that have our best intentions at heart and they are here in this country plotting, planning and scheming. sadly, i think i am right. i wish i was wrong. great to see you, governor. thank you so much. mr. president, always great to see you. up next, lincoln riley's funeral was held in georgia. governor ron desantis weighs in on the impact of biden's border crisis plus the florida governor has made a huge move that might unseal documents related to jeffrey epstein. he will join us next, straight ahead.
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it was an extremely sad and solemn day in the state of georgia where mourners gathered in the town of woodstock to say goodbye to lincoln riley the 22-year-old nursing student brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant on the campus of the university of georgia last week. the funeral follows a vigil held on that campus. look at the size of this. seems like every student came out. it was held earlier this week. hundreds and thousands of students gathering to mourn lincoln's death. sadly, she is only the latest victim of the now deadly devastating consequences of joe biden's open border chaos. unfortunately, will likely not be the last unless we take dramatic action. joining us now is the governor of the great state of florida, governor ron desantis. i try to put myself in the
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position, and you are a dad with young children. try to put yourself in the position of this young woman's parents and grandparents and siblings and the loved ones. how do you recover from something like that? what is so infuriating about this is it was not only ones coming into the country illegally. they had another opportunity to deport this individual in a case in new york. that didn't happen. at some point, when do we hold accountable to people whose policies are allowing this to happen? allowing these people to stay? >> sean, unfortunately these angel parents, they are not alone. this happens all over the country nowadays where you lose a child at the hands of somebody in this country illegally here thanks to joe biden and thanks to the sanctuary policies. we work very hard as a governor i do and i know a lot of people around the country are keeping
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people safe. when you have a crime like this, a murder by an illegal alien, by definition that would not have happened had joe biden simply enforced the law. they are green lighting this and paving the way for this to happen. you are right to mention new york. because new york city is a sanctuary jurisdiction. you have a criminal alien there brought up on charges who is in the country illegally. right than and there the appropriate thing is to get them into deportation proceedings and make sure they get sent back to their own country. that's not what they do in new york. they don't cooperate. they release back onto the street. this guy ends up down in georgia and he kills lincoln riley. i would say the athens mayor has liberal policies in athens, georgia as well. we banned sanctuary cities in florida my first year as governor. if you have somebody here
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illegally, especially if they are involved in the justice system, you don't release them. you've got to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. this whole thing was avoidable. unfortunately, she is not the only victim. this is happening all over this country. when we did the debate with gavin newsom that you hosted i identified a case in california where los angeles released somebody who had been deported multiple times illegally in the country, brought up on charges. they refused to turn him over to ice and murdered the mother of a three-year-old. this is what joe biden's america has come to. >> let me shift gears. jeffrey epstein's mysterious death was nearly five years ago. obviously did nothing to put to rest the many questions about the many misdeeds and a special plea deal that took place before your time as governor in florida. we could be a bit closer to some answers because you're supporting legislation and you
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have signed legislation that will allow for the release of the currently secret grand jury testimony from his original case in the state. boy, from all the details i have read about this, wow. that had to be the plea deal of all plea deals. >> unbelievable what happened. this was involved in federal jurisdiction at the time and the feds worked to engineer this plea deal with the prosecutor in palm beach county. this happen 15 or 20 years ago when i became governor we launched a criminal investigation into what happened. how did he get this sweetheart deal? what we ran into was grand jury secrecy laws. that is true in florida. if you testify in front of a grand jury in secret and has to be kept secret. then people tried to petition to get it released under some of the exceptions. all those court cases failed. the florida legislature passed legislation which authorizes the
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release of all those grand jury files. i signed it into law this week. that law will become effective on july 1st. finally the public will be able to get answers. we had a few of the now women in there 30s. they were teenagers, a lot of them were 14 at the time. this has been something that stayed with them for decades and they never got any justice. now we will get more facts. how is it, sean, when you have so many people involved, you have one person now, maxwell who is in federal prison. nobody else has been held accountable since epstein's death. i think everybody knows that is not right and there is no way that nobody else was involved in this criminal activity. >> i agree with that completely. let me ask you about a bill that you veto that bans social media for kids under 16. you were very clear that you would support some measures, but
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not this strict measure. dr. phil pointed out something in his new book. the total number of hours that kids are spending online, i mean, it numbs the mind to think about it. then they are subjected to things that are sent by people that are targeting children specifically with material that is not age-appropriate to say the least. >> yeah. we are going to end up getting a product. part of it is right now in federal law under 13 you are barred from having a social media account. yet there is a whole bunch of people under 13 that have it. we will have enforcement on that. we are also going to say for these teenagers, the 14 and 15 -year-olds, there should be a parent involvement. we will include parent involvement. then we will make sure that in our valiant efforts to protect children we are not infringing
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on adults rights to use social media anonymously. i believe in anonymous speech. i don't want to have to force everybody to give their names like nikki haley wanted to. i think we will have the appropriate ballots and you will end up seeing a product that people can rally behind. >> i saw that sylvester stalone is now making florida his home. i hope you are not taking too much heat that a move to your state. i've had property here for over 20 plus years. i will tell you the smartest decision of my life. it's great to be here. finally i have a governor i like. it's amazing. thank you for that. i hope you're not taking too much eat. >> god bless and thanks for coming down. >> when we come back the climate alarmist religious cult going to new extremes. you will not believe what biden called the americans who aren't supporting his agenda. we will explain and get reaction. that is straight ahead as we continue this friday night.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate.
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too maga. too trump. too dangerous. democrats agree. too maga. too trump. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the biden climate alarmist religious cultists are rolling out new restrictions. they want to tell you how to live your life. new york attorney general letitia james is now suing the world's largest beef producer jbs usa for the omissions and allegedly misleading the public about their environmental impact. in a statement she said as families continue to face the daily impacts of the climate change climate crisis they are willing to spend more of their heart earned money on brands that are better for the environment. that her speak for herself. i'm not sure millions of americans can afford groceries actually that can afford them especially now agree with that.
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meanwhile the biden administration has finalized the new legislations targeting washers and dryers. they claim regulations will cut carbon emissions while saving americans money. but that doesn't take into account the very high price of buying new machines. while joe was at the he was busy insulting republicans that don't agree with him on the issue of the climate agenda and calling them neanderthals. take a look. i can't believe he got the word out properly. team at the idea there is no such thing as climate change. i love that. i love some of my neanderthal friends who still think there is no climate change. my administration will keep building on the progress we have made fighting climate crisis. joining us is fox news contributor tammy bruce along with the publisher of the climate depot mark marrano. tammy, let me start with you. first, now it's washers and
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dryers. we have stoves. we have refrigerators. we've got air conditioners. and now beef. here is what is happening. here is what i want to ask you. in california they are suing big oil and big energy companies. now they are thinking of doing that on a federal level. now they are going after the meat industry. i am keto-friendly. i eat a lot of meat. what is the net result of lawsuits against big oil, big gas companies and now the biggest meat company? doesn't that mean they will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on big attorneys? who is going to pay that bill ultimately? we the people, the american consumer? >> we already are. we have inflation. it continues. the energy and food prices of course are kept out of that core inflation number. this is what americans feel every day. she essentially blamed climate change on prices for food. this is what is so remarkable.
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while there is a new discussion about how people having cereal for dinner. i don't mind breakfast or dinner. that can be fun. that requires eggs and bacon. people can't afford that either. as americans are moving to eating cereal for dinner and cannot get the correct proteins or any proteins for their children on the kitchen table, they are now doing something that will make prices go up even more. to the worlds largest beef producer, not just in the united states, but around the world. this just shows you the fact that climate change is the pretext to interfering and certainly our personal lives, but in businesses that the government has. the government has no business issuing rules on how a business is going to operate based on some theory. we can have rules and regulations about safety and all of that. of course we have all agreed. this is different. and of course its lawsuits and the way they want to get money.
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these companies adjust and pass the cost on to consumers. and it reinforces to the american people that this is what they want. maybe they want us to eat bugs. maybe this is a conditioning about what it is you should be doing. >> delicious, try it. >> they want us stinky, high on pot and eating crickets. then they can feel better about themselves. >> a little salt-and-pepper. i'm not sure i'm willing to get there. for the record, i happen to be a big fan of frosty flakes. i love rice krispies. i love cornflakes. i've eaten them for dinner. i don't eat it often because i can't. it's not part of my diet. when i do, it's a great dinner. i eat half a box of frosty flakes. love them. >> cap'n crunch. >> okay. i am open on this program. if you want to choose a cereal that i don't like, that is fine.
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mark marano, this is insanity. it really is. here's the thing. it's insidious that they are taking companies hard earned money and they are going to have to force them to spend it on expensive law firms. those costs rise quickly. hundreds of millions of dollars. then they have to raise the price of their products. that is unfair. every lawsuit is costing us money. >> it absolutely is. they are using taxpayer money to go after these companies. they are suing them and then the companies have to defend themselves. there was a historian who described the totalitarian regimes of russia and germany as using bureaucracy to enforce magical beliefs. that is what we are witnessing in america today. when you hear joe biden call anyone who disagrees a neanderthal and says we are fighting climate change, what does that even mean? all we have done is outsourced
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emissions to china, india, brazil, venezuela and all these other countries. we are not fighting squat even by their own climate standards. make no mistake. this is the ideas that make meat more expensive to ration it. to make food more expensive to ration it. they are coming after nitrogen -based fertilizer. they are coming after methane which is meet. agriculture has been around thousands of years. suddenly in 2024 the earth can't handle it. this is what bureaucracy is doing, shutting it down. we are miserable for it. >> thank you both and have a good weekend. when we come back the police body cam footage has been released from the shooting of joel o steen's church.
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>> sean: all right. houston police department, they have just released body cam footage of the last -- of last month's tragic shooting at joel osteen
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church in houston. matt said tragedy, the church's, synagogues targeted around the country. >> this video is down right horrifying, police and security kick into action at the deafening sound of gunfire starts ringing through the church's lobby. >> houston police say a lakewood church volunteered notified a police officer working at security that had a gun, she is the woman on the screen, that
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officer exchanged gunfire, the woman claimed to have a bomb in her being and shouted at officers to stop shooting. she also had her 7-year-old son with her, he was shot in the head and fighting for his life. she did not listen and they shot and killed her. sean. >> sean: the one thing that stands out, notice people running in one direction and law enforcement that often get trashed by people in the media, they were running toward the the trouble. brave heros, all of them. and security as well. all right. matt, thank you. horrifying. that's all the time we have left this evening. add always thank you for being with us, making this show possible. police set your dvr you are so you never ever ever miss a episode of hannity. hope have you a great weeken