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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  February 29, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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hairstylists in dallas. the way the baby's are hair grows staple you would do on a betty white. that was their inspiration. so cute. is that not cute? >> greg: you go curl. tonight, gutfeld tonight 10:00 p.m. watch it. >> jessica: did you guys actually not think that's cute? i think it's adorable. >> jesse: johnny in lieu of women's history month and we do not have the johnny -- darn it. producers. no panera bread. no johnny shot. what is this place? >> katie: have to watch your show tonight. it's okay. >> jesse: the naked ax wielding woman at 8:00. >> greg: liar. >> jesse: i didn't say she would be appearing i said we would have her. that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. >> bret: no johnny soundbite, no panera bread? >> jesse: i'm going to work for
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"special report" now. >> bret: there you go. thanks, jesse. good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we are getting our first look at the transcript of yesterday's congressional testimony by hunter biden the president's son admitted in that testimony he has put his father on speaker phone and invited him to business meetings but he denies his dad was ever involved in the family business dealings. we're going to continue to look over this document in the next few minutes and have additional details from that shortly. now, to our top story. it sounds like something from an old west movie. a duel at the border. the players in this drama are not cowboys but politicians and it's a rhetorical duel. former president donald trump and president joe biden trading harsh words in separate trips to the southern border today as illegal immigration is now the top issue in the presidential election. we have fox team coverage tonight. bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas where the former president is blaming the current one for
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the border crisis. but we begin with griff jenkins is brownsville where president biden is pushing a bipartisan border bill and telling republicans to, quote: show a little spine. good evening, griff. >> good evening, bret. it was president biden's second visit ever to the southern border. this time to brownsville, texas, which just nine months ago was the epicenter of the migrant crisis but on this past monday had zero illegal crossings. he was accompanied in the field by u.s. border patrol chief jason owens and sector chief gloria chavez. after that he got operational briefings at the brownsville border station from officials from cbp, ice, and homeland security investigations. now, in remarks, he called for renewed bipartisan push to pass that senate border legislation that's languishing on capitol hill, accusing republicans of standing in the way of delivering much-needed resources and relief and taking a direct shot, bret, at his predecessor during the border 300 miles away. >> here's what i would say to mr. trump. instead of playing politics with
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this issue, instead of telling members of coming to block this legislation, join me or i will join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. >> hours before biden arrived, fox exclusively capturing this video of a group of over 100 migrants that arrived just before dawn. but it pails in comparison to where the migrant surge has shifted out west. take a look at this yesterday tucson sector led with the most encounter over 1500, san diego falling second. rgv sector brownsville is a part of just 325. local state representative janey lopez blaming biden for the chaos saying the visit is a day late and a dollar short. >> we have put a lot of work into this because of the neglect that biden has caused for us here in texas. it's causing a problem in our community. i'm very disappointed that it took him three and a half years to come here. what i need him to do is to
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secure our borders. >> griff: left out of the president's marks slain university of georgia student laken riley or any efforts of to secure the border with miles of razor wire drastically reduced crossings. did not tour where the texas razor wire is which ironically stopping problems because of policies and tactics like razor wire which biden opposes. they are seeing similar results like that over in eagle pass where my ceiling bill melugin is send it over to you, bill? griff, greenk to you. one of the things former president trump said in eagle pass here today he is has spoken with the parents of laken riley. he brought up her murder and spree of other illegal immigrants arrested for violent crimes all across the country that he says president biden has opened up america's borders. >> this is a joe biden invasion. this is a biden invasion over
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the past three years and is he a terrible president. worst president our country has ever had. >> former president donald trump on the ground in eagle pass, texas today trump islam. >> they like trump can you believe it. >> rocket to the top much border concerns. >> allowing thousands and thousands of people come in from china, iran, yemen, the congo, syria, and a lot of other nations, many nations are not very friendly to us. >> the former president flanked by texas governor greg abbott and border patrol union president brandon judd as he says under biden the word is out around the world u.s. b rdz are open. >> if you take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country and added them all up, all of the problems, all of the lousy jobs they have done, can you add them all up, it's not as bad as this one has done for our country. >> governor abbott grave trump a personal brieferring in the work texas has done in locking down
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the shellie park area. it used to see record high illegal crossings. now it's quiet following texas' eviction ever the federal government. >> no one drowns on a bridge. they drown trying to come across here because joe biden entices them if not forces them to come right here. >> the border patrol union slammed president biden's same day visit to the rio grande valley. >> i want you to know your agents, my agents, they are mad as hell. absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville, texas rather than going to arizona, rather than going to san diego, california, rather than coming to eagle pass texas. >> >> earlier today a federal judge issued a ruling that will block texas' sb 4 that security bill from taking effect. it was supposed to take effect next week. that bill was controversial it. would allow texas authorities to arrest jail, and evening potentially deport illegal immigrants who crossed into texas. the federal judge essentially said no, states aren't allowed
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to carry out immigration law. that is the federal government's job. governor abbott has said texas will appeal that decision immediately. bret? >> bret: we have all the focus on the southern border and you have been down there doing great reporting for a long time. we had shocking news today on the northern border. >> bill: we did. this is something we don't hear about very often. border patrol up in maine on the northern border report they just arrested three chinese nationals who they caught crossing in the dead of night trying to sneak into maine from the canada border, from coming from canada. this happened near fort fairfield in maine. border patrol says they also around a nearby driver who also happened to be a chinese national from new york who is already in immigration proceedings with dhs. that person arrested for potential human smuggling and trying to get that group of chinese further into the united states. we often hear about the chinese down in san diego here at our southern border. but, bret, very rare to hear
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about something happening in the remote northern border up in maine. send it back to you. >> bret: bill melugin "fox news live" eagle pass, texas. former president trump joins sean hannity tonight from shelby park in eagle pass. can you see that 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news channel. meantime, former president trump is appealing a ruling by a judge in illinois that bars him from appearing on the state's primary ballot. the judge cites the former president's role in the january 6th, 2021 capitol riot. he side withed with a group of illinois voters arguing the former president should be disqualified from the primary ballot in march and the general election ballot in november. the case is one of dozens of lawsuits nationwide filed to remove trump from the ballots. the supreme court is considering the colorado case now. on capitol hill the bill to avert a possible shut down this weekend though a new deadline is on the horizon. >> republican lawmakers are also
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trying to pass a border plan and are getting surprised support from a senate democrat who has made a lot of news lately. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram tells us where things stand tonight from capitol hill. >> house speaker mike johnson planned no more band-aid spending bills but here we are. >> appropriations process is ugly. >> congress can barely keep the government running but is crippled on border security. the g.o.p. pushing its strict h.r. 2 border plan. >> are you being too strident just sticking to h.r. 2 with the small majority. >> it doesn't matter to me what you call the legislation, it's the components of h.r. 2 that matters. it freezes migration. restricts asylum claims. and allows the government to crack down on those here illegally. one democrat is so exasperated at congressional inaction he is endorsing much of the plan. >> my only kill switch on that is daca. you know, daca needs to be protected but the rest can be on the table. >> conservatives welcome
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fetterman's conditional embrace of the g.o.p. bill. >> new and improved feh feh fetn can wear whatever he wants if. >> any cr has got to have border patrol. if you are so scared to shut the government down won't take the risk to shut the border down there is a problem. >> the new emergency spending measure sets two new deadlines buying congress more time to finish bills due last september. >> this is the old way of doing business where the leadership gets behind closed doors, disappears for a pew weeks and then comes out with something and says take it or leave it. >> the bill is passed. >> g.o.p. controlled house okayed the interim bill 320 to 99. but way more democrats voted yes than republicans. 94. >> conservatives are apoplectic. >> i actually had a democrat member tell me this morning we like it when you are in charge because nothing changes but you guys get all the blame senate votes to align with the house
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congress could sprint to avoid another shutdown at this time next week. bret? >> bret: chad, a relative newcomer will deliver the republican response to the republican's state of the union speech. >> that's right. alabama freshman katie britt gets the nod at 42. she is the youngest female republican ever elected to the senate. the g.o.p. wants to contrast brit's youth with president biden and this could be an audition to be the running mate of former president trump. bret? >> bret: you never know. chad pergram live on capitol hill. chad, thanks. defense secretary lloyd austin says he is taking all of the blame for the controversy over his unannounced hospitalization at the first of the year. he insisted national security was never at risk. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin shows us tonight from the bengal. >> we did not handle this right and i did not handle it right. as you know, i have apologized including directly to the president and i take full
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responsibility. >> this was the first time lawmakers were able to directly question defense secretary lloyd austin about the communication breakdown when he went into the hospital in early january. >> it's totally unacceptable that it took three days to inform the president of the united states that the secretary of defense was in the hospital and not in control of the pentagon. the chain of command doesn't work when the commander-in-chief doesn't know who to call. >> i want to, again, make one thing very clear. at no time during my treatment or recovery were there any gaps in authorities. and there were no risks to the department's command and control. >> authority was handed to deputy defense secretary kathleen hix on january 2nd for three days. she was not told at first that secretary austin was in the hospital and remained on vacation in puerto rico. the pentagon says she traveled with the needed secure communications. >> do you understand why this is unacceptable to the american people and to those military families? >> who will be held accountable
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for this? >> again. >> this embarrassment? >> again, i take full responsibility and we put measures in place to address the shortcomings. >> democrats criticized republicans for calling a hearing on the secretary's health while blocking funding bills for the defense department and ukraine. >> the dereliction of duty is not yours, sir. the dereliction of duty is right here on the dais. >> austin admitted he made a mistake in not telling his own staff about his cancer diagnosis. in response to a 30-day review, secretary austin ordered changes in the way the defense department communicates to the white house, congress, and relevant staffs in writing when or if the defense secretary is hospitalized or transfers authority to his deputy. bret? >> bret: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. up next, russian president vladimir putin has a new warning for the west. we'll bring you that first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country
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are covering tonight. fox 29 in philadelphia with the capture of an escaped prisoner who fled from officers monday at an area hospital. u.s. marshals have detained aliam borderren. he was the fifth prisoner from philadelphia to escape in the last year. fox 13 in salt lake city as utah legislature's consider the use of several drugs to treat mental health conditions, a bill would allow the use of psilocybin, mdna and other controlled substances under strict supervision. and this is a live look at iowa city, iowa. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 17, a great one. university of iowa basketball star caitlin clark declares for the wnba draft one day after setting another scoring record as her hawkeyes destroyed minnesota. clark scored 33 points, pushing her past lie netanyahu woodward to the top of the all-time list for scoring.
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congratulations. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ i know that i ♪ should ♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare—ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri.
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♪ >> bret: president biden says tonight a tragic incident in gaza will complicate efforts at a cease-fire. dozens of palestinians were killed today after aid trucks plowed into civilians. also reports of gunfire. senior correspondent mike tobin is in tel aviv tonight. a warning, some of the images in this piece are graphic. >> once again a gaza hospital is overwhelmed. this time the cawrnlts are desperate people who tried to reach trucks filled with aid. >> look at this site, look. for god's sake, at the are performing surgery right in front of the bathroom. >> the idf releasing video showing a 30 truck aid convoy that entered the south of the gaza strip and traveled north with the military escort. truck's left the escort, came under fire and stopped. then they were mobbed. >> some began violently pushing and even trampling. other gazans to death.
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humanitarian supplies. the unfortunate incident resulted in dozens of gazaens killed and injured. >> the idf says the crowd also approached soldiers in a tank nearby. warning shots were fired but when idf troops were threatened, they fired at the approaching palestinians. the hamas run palestinian health ministry says more than 100 were killed. israel says trucks in the stampede caused most of the deaths. only 10 were shot by idf soldiers. after appearing optimistic earlier this week, president biden noted today that sensitive talks for a sense fire and hostage release are jeopardized by the incident. two completely different versions of what happened. i don't have an answer yet. [shouting questions] >> i know i will. >> public comments from both hamas and israel indicated they were far apart in cease-fire negotiations prior to this incident. bret, back to you. >> bret: mike tobin in tel aviv,
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mike, thanks. russian president vladimir putin is warning the west to stay out of his country's business ahead of russian presidential election. putin told parliament the west is trying to destroy russia. here is correspondent alex hogan. >> a new warning for the west. >> we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory and what they are doing, trying to scare the whole world it does risk a conflict with nuclear weapons. >> in his annual address to parliament, russian president vladimir putin told nato not to send troops to ukraine after france raised the possibility. >> u.s. administrations professed interest in discussing strategic stability with us is merely demagoguery. they simply want to show to their citizens and the world especially in the lead up to our presidential election that they continue to rule the world. >> russia's presidential election is in mid march with
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early voting already underway in remote regions. for the first full-time voting will take place in ukrainian occupied territories something the u.s. quickly condemned. washington is also watching the situation in moldova after pro-russian officials in the break away region asked moscow for protection. >> we have seen russia take a number of incredibly reckless and destabilizing act in the region. that's not nothing new. >> amended russia's constitution enabling him to remain in power until 2036. he is widely expected to win a fifth term next month with most of his prominent opponents exiled, behind bars, or dead. >> the public murder has once again showed everyone that putin is capable of anything and that you cannot negotiate with him. >> yulia keeping alexei navalny's message alive. her husband a famous opposition leader who famously died in a russian jailed had urged supporters to voice their disapproval in the polls this
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year. police are already outside the cemetery where the 47-year-old will be buried on friday. appeared in a russian court. the duel russian citizen recently arrested on suspicions of treason for allegedly donating $50 it u.s.-based charity supporting ukraine. the court denied her appeal against her detention. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. up next, one democrat, one republican. we seek common ground. this time on artificial intelligence. ♪ when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”?
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>> bret: well, former obama dhs secretary jeh johnson there it's time for our "common ground" segment where we look to search for bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems. tonight we'll talk about the border a little bit and artificial intelligence. joining us are two congressman from california. leading a new task force on a.i. republican jay and democrat ted lieu. congressman, thanks for being here. i just want to start briefly on the border since we had the former president and the president down there on the border. congressman lou, you know, the president saw this one area and if you look at the shifted from talks to california to arizona. the place he was is actually down 23% and not a lot of border crossings per day there. do you think the president got ofull view of the border and do you think there's a possibility at some kind of compromise considering where things are
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legislatively? >> thank you, bret, for your question. i'm louise pleased that president biden went to the border. i visited the border last year. and you ever correct, a different border communities do experience different effects. i support comprehensive immigration reform. i believe our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. the senate had a bipartisan package, unfortunately they were not able to pass it. i will work in a bipartisan basis in the house and hopefully we can get something done in the house. >> bret: congressman overnaulty any effort to put h.r. 2 back in the mix here? any thoughts. >> i also hope we can reach bipartisan at the border. this is existential crisis for our country. surgery that i think can be involved. hopefully when president biden was at the border the customs and border patrol told him what they told us that he can rereduce the flow of immigrants 70% just by reinstituting the
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policy of remain in mexico it. worked in the past. it could work again. it will continue to work in congress at solutions. executive branch can do something right now to fix it. >> bret: we got our drone teams in texas and california with the live picks there irwant to turn now to artificial intelligence. take a listen. >> we need to put guardrails in speech promote speech not censorship. also a diversity of viewpoints flourishing and people don't get a skewed one sided view of history or current events. >> bret: and just this past week, you had the google coe essentially apologizing in a memo to employees. i want to address the recent issues with problematic text, responses and gemini app. barred. shown twice be clear completely unacceptable and we got it wrong. how can congress get involved in this process with a.i.
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congressman over nolte first to you. >> i think congress has a role to play establishing regulatory framework ai. the task force that congressman lieu and i have been asked to chair guiding principles document release before the end of the year to establish that kind of framework. it's kind of a to-do list for future congresses to work off of. you have highlighted an extremely important issue which is the spread of misand disinformation through ai. >> that's something that we are also very concerned about and something we are going to be working to solve. >> bret: congressman lieu? >> thank you, bret, for your question. i want to first of all thank you speaker johnson and leader jeffries for establishing the bipartisan house task force on a.i. i'm very honored to co-lead it with my friend and colleague congressman over note. i totally agree with what jay just said. we have to have some principles in how we are going to look at a.i.
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this is such a vast issue because a.i. is everywhere. has largely benefited society but it can also cause us harm. we want to have a regulatory i know you studied this and it's been in your past and ai is something that everybody is learning about as time goes here. the "new york times" said. this china's russia to come to nate a.i. comes with a twist it. depends on u.s. technology. china now lags at least by a year and maybe falling further behind according to a dozen tech industry insiders leading engineers. setting a stage in the new phase of the cut throat technological in the two nations. i think that china was kicking our butt but it turns out that maybe it's the other way around
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two yiciousz ago in 2017 china made international promise that it would be the worldwide leader in a.i. by the year 2030. they have invested huge resources in making that a reality. we need to focus on the areas we are falling behind. one is in the education of our students. china, several years ago passed the u.s. in the number of phds it was awarding in computer science 246789 year it's likely they will award double the number that we do. last year the u.s. awarded about 800,000 four year degrees in the stem fields. last year china award over 3 million this ising we can't ignore. if we don't do a better job teaching and equipping the tools they need in a.i. powered future then we are going to lose this race to china. >> bret: last thing, congressman lieu, for all those people that say stuff not happening too
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partisan up there. you guys disagree on a lot but there is stuff happening? >> i believe we can achieve bipartisan consensus on a number of these issues. a.i. is not a person. it's not sentient. it is a tool. a tool can be used for good and bad things. it's also nonpartisan. i liken this to cybersecurity. we have done a lot of bipartisan laws on cybersecurity. this seems to be something that's similar. it's technology. there's nothing that is necessarily partisan about this. >> bret: well, we appreciate you coming on. please encourage more of your colleagues to do the same. thanks a lot. you can see all the "common ground" segments on my podcast "common ground." find that in the all-star panpanelpodcast under the bret r podcast. pot phi or wherever you download podcasts also see the discussion on the fox news youtube page. up next, we have new information from the just-released transcript of yesterday's congressional testimony by hunter biden. we have been digging through that we have a new update coming
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up. first, beyond our borders tonight, environmental activists in germany are occupying a forest close to a tesla factory near berlin. they say they want to stop the company's expansion plans and protect local ground water. tesla wants to boost production at that facility to 1 million vehicles annually. and this is a live look at australia. one of the big stories there tonight, a filipino imgranted who helped a small outback town keep its volunteer fire brigade is honored by the australian parliament. sampson vocal was the only person to respond to a last ditch recruitment drive for the brigade. he helped pave the way for a flood of other recruits. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back ♪
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♪ >> bret: breaking tonight as we told you at the top of the show we are learning additional details from the transcript of yesterday's congressional testimony by hunter biden. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel joins us now with what he's reading there. good evening, mike. >> bret, good evening. there are numerous questions for hunter biden about $3 million from a chinese energy firm that was wired into a business interest hunter was involved
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with hunter defended receiving the money saying, quote: my business with cefc, which was completely legitimate and completely 100 percent in line with my experience and my abilities, was done when my father wasn't even in office. he was out of office. it had nothing to do with my father. in his deposition yesterday, hunter also defend dollars his father, the president, saying, quote: my father never benefited from my business. my father never made any decisions as it related to my business to benefit me, my father was never financially nor any other way of benefit of my business. when asked about allegations that came from former business associates that hunter would put his father on speaker phone during business meetings or drop by a luncheon, hunter insisted, quote: he was not involved with any business activity. would you call involvement if my dad was in new york city at the same time i was in new york city? and i was having lunch with some business associates? and i said hey, dad, come by for lunch? who wouldn't do that. the transcript is 229 pages with
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redactions so we are still sorting through it. hunter's attorney abby locally appears to be getting cold feet about having hunter to testify in public about r. after saying for months he wanted hunter to do it. bret? >> mike: bret. >> bret: okay, mike. thank you. the moving the trial back more than a month, special counsel jack smith wants to delay the start of the classified documents trial to july eighth from may 20th former president has suggested an august 1st start but says a fire trial can't be held this year. all types of classifications problems to be worked out on this particular trial. there is a hearing on the federal judge on this scheduling discrepancy tomorrow in south florida. ♪ >> a massive wildfire that has sconkd more than a million acres of land in just four days in the texas panhandle has now become
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the largest such event in texas state history. firefighters continue their desperate attempts to contain that blaze. crews working to extinguish the fire as well as four others across that region are hoping to get a brief and rather bizarre wintry assist from the weather as a blanket of snow fell across that area. ♪ a prominent member of the so-called progressive squad is offering a solution for homelessness. money with no strings attached, correspondent alexandria hoff takes a look this evening. >> cash without conditions. progressive congresswoman rashida tlaib sees that as a solution to house young people. >> over 3.5 million young adults and roughly 700,000 young people experience homelessness in our country. >> tlaib introduced a bill that would launch a pilot program providing homeless individuals under 30 with $1,400 a month for
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three years. joel griffith an economic research fellow at the heritage foundation, a conservative think tank says there is an immediate problem. >> this type of program would do nothing to ensure those receiving these funds or those down on their luck, which does happen, vs. the many that are addicted to alcohol or other types of drugs or have mental illness. >> dozens of ci cities have stud have guaranteed income programs impact certain groups. two years ago d.c. divided 1.5 million taxpayer dollars among 132 new low income mothers. it was considered a success by proponents but there were concerns over misuse. one mom admit to the "the washington post" that part of her lump sum was used on a lavish family vacation on miami. quote, some of it i just left alone. the other side is i wanted to blow it. i wanted to have fun. universal basic income researcher and advocate comrade
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shaw says where unemployment and welfare programs are disincentivizing work. the cash handout programs should be measured by how much additional income a participate pantd brings in. >> it becomes a floor that you can build on and you have a much better chance of building out of poverty rather than sealing over it. >> we did reach out to congresswoman tlaib's office for more on the scope and the taxpayer cost of her plan. we have not heard back, bret. >> bret: alex, thank you. stocks were up today tell low reserve interest rate cut. the dow gaining 47. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq finished with record closes. the s&p gained 27. the nasdaq jumped 144 today. up next, the panel on those dueling border trips and the congressional funding battle and, later, identifying unsung heroes of the civil war. ♪
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>> bret: former president and the president along the border. "new york times" writes it this way. the politics behind trump and biden's dueling border stops. for mr. trump the border is a familiar back drop and represents almost the background music of his candidacy as he warns of a nation slipping out of reach. and an invasion he promises to stop. for mr. biden immigration represents a top vulnerability as the border crossings reach record highs in late 2023 and images of mass migration and its fallout have become fixtures on the news. with that, let's bring in our panel. byron york, chief political correspondent of "the washington examiner." lesleslie marshall, and "the washington post" columnist marc thiessen. the president spent a lot of time time talking about the border bill passed by the senate, languishing in the house saying that let's get this done you need to do it. he was asked about different things. laken riley the girl killed in
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georgia. other things in former president trump's trip, he spent a lot of time talking about immigrant crime all of the fallout from it. good morning he was asked about holding up the senate bill, specifically, at least i didn't hear that what about the politics of those two things? is. >> first of all, watching joe biden at the border watch demanding immigration bill is like watching arsonist with a bucket of fire. he set the fire and has all the existing authority he needs to shut down the border. in fact, not only is he not using existing authority, is he actually suing the state of tension to stop them from doing his job because he is not doing this it. the only reason he is there is he spent three years denying that there was a border crisis has become a political crisis because immigration has leapfrogged inflation and the economy as the number one issue for voters 6 in 10 swing state voters say they blame him for the disaster on the border. so he has got a political crisis
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on his hands. now, all of a sudden, after breaking the record for the worst border disaster in all three years of his presidency, he is finally showing up at the border and trying to shift the blame to congress. >> >> brian: by the way i should point out i love the drone team coverage from all of the border sites. we have been down there for so long. we know how to do all of that and really is something to see all of this coverage from drones. leslie, daily mail, the president opinion pass. biden is trying to blame me and congressional republicans for the national security and public safety disaster he has created. he is claiming republicans need to approve legislation for him to secure the border. but the truth is joe biden does not need a bill to solve the problem at the border. america needs to fire joe biden, solve the problem at the border. he created this catastrophe at any point in the past three years he could have closed the border to mark's point there. leslie? >> well, first of all, this crisis wasn't donald trump's fault. isn't joe biden's fault. it goes back about 30 years.
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and congress is to blame. i mean, can you keep people in mexico and right now mexico doesn't agree to that. that is a band-aid when immigration needs major reconstructive surgery and no one president can do it alone border patrol sites got arrested border crossings have are down 50% in january and trending that way in february. if we change the laws to seek asylum. if people don't have to come here for that, one. two, congress, this would be a win. you know, this would be like infrastructure for both democrats and republicans because immigration is important to both democrats and republicans in this election coming up. and then lastly, i would say the president being at the border, i agree he should have been there sooner. however, the president and former president, it is just a photo op. people want to know what they're going to do not just shake hands and see pictures of them smiling or perhaps kiss ago few babies. >> bret: oh, wait, one more thing? i say one more thing? >> bret: go ahead.
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>> okay. it always bothers me if you have a rabbit and a carrot and the rabbit jumps for the carrot, we blame the rabbit. we never blame the person holding the carrot. and that's another thing we don't talk about enough in this country. >> joe biden is holding the carrot. >> luring, they are luring people. >> no. [laughter] >> he said come, come. seek asylum. >> joe biden is not hiring these people. joe biden is not hiring these people. companies are. private corporations are. >> he said in the debates come. >> bret: he said come on over. that's what he did say. byron, your reaction? >> it's a great analogy, leslie. politically. in addition to marc mentioning that immigration is now the top issue among voters, this new gallup poll shows 55% of the people thought that the entry of large numbers of immigrants into the united states illegally represented a vital threat to the united states. we know that it's no longer, you know, your grandfather's issue
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of immigrants from mexico coming into the united states. it's all over the country. china was the second biggest source of illegal border crossers in this fiscal year. so, politically, it's almost difficult to figure out why biden ocean did this. this is trump's best issue and biden's worst issue. and selling the product. the product being that the border crisis was caused by republicans is just something that most people are not going to buy. >> bret: last thing quickly, marc. hunter biden, we're going through this transcript. it's -- of his testimony behind closed doors. admitting that he put his father on speaker phone and invited him to meetings but denies any involvement. you know, this is coming out and james comer said it's going to lead to a public hearing now abbe lowell is saying that's not going to happen. where are we on this thing?
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>> i think if they are going to have a public hearing they might want to avoid a government shutdown. trying to investigate joe biden when the government is shut down is going to be problematic. exercise the power of the purse. very important investigation. they need to get to the bottom of it. they need to do their job, which is to fund the government, give aid to ukraine. give aid to israel. give tied taiwan. let the house exercise its will and then we can get to the bottom of all of these things. >> bret: that's going to be a challenge. politico has a headline republicans admit it, kevin mccarthy has never looked so good. and it's going to be an interesting few days with all of the funding. panel, thanks so much. >> ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salute. >> just the best thing yet. especially since they did so much. and the conditions that they had to fight under still segregated
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and still black. but they were freedom fighters. >> bret: thelma sims dukes grew up in mississippi the site of a major civil war battle. she has long pushed for more recognition of black soldiers in the war including her great, great grandfather. now thanks to the effort of people like her, 13 previously unknown black soldiers buried in vicksburg have been identified. good story. tomorrow on "special report," former president trump is expected to appear in a florida courtroom to learn additional details about when his classified documents trial will begin. plus, join us for our special super tuesday coverage. it begins 7:00 p.m. eastern time. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. we got you covered, fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪