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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> it is exactly 7:00 here in new york city and this is
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february 29th, it only happens once every four years it's leap day and this is "fox & friends." >> ainsley: we have a fox news alert to start with. illinois the third straight to kick donald trump off the ballot as the supreme court says it will take up his presidential immunity case. >> brian: as soon as he appeals it will go back on the ballot. battle at the border today. lawrence is live from brownsville, texas where president biden will be this afternoon. there he is. and former secretary of security live in studio for a brief analysis on what is going to be taking place and what is at stake. >> steve: meanwhile, fit for duty, that's what president biden's doctors say after he had a physical that surprised everybody yesterday in maryland. >> steve: but no cognitive exam. they said he didn't need it. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with
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friends. >> brian: what that day it's going to be. fox news alert. former president of the united states donald trump now kicked off another ballot. >> steve: an illinois state judge disqualified him from the march 19th primary even though early voting already happening that order is on hold until tomorrow when the trump team is expected to file an appeal. >> ainsley: rich edson is live from the white house with the latest for us. hey, rich. >> good morning, ainsley, steve and brian. >> add illinois to the list. the judge there says the 14th amendment prohibits former president donald trump from being on the ballot in that state cook county judge wrote when trump filed the candidacy in illinois he had been found guilty to engage in insurrection by the colorado supreme court. this court concludes that trump falsely swore in his statement of candidacy filed on january 4th, 2024 that he was legally qualified for the office sought. illinois joins colorado and maine where officials have argued he should be booted from
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the ballot citing the same reason that he engaged in an insurrection trying to hold on to power after the 2020 election. the supreme court has already heard this issue earlier this month the justices seemed inclined to keep trump on the ballot in these cases. the high court will also hear whether the former president has immunity from prosecution announcing yesterday that justices will consider this question whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. that's a win for trump. it delays his trial here in washington over his role on january 6th. possibly up until or after the election. now the d.c. circuit of appeals ruled against the former president's argue. that he did have imcommunity here. they said he did not in that case. now it's up to the high court. steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. >> steve: all right, rich edson, a noisy north lawn. >> ainsley: always, right? >> steve: they got the sweeper. whenever they see us on, turn it
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on. all right. meanwhile another fox news alert. it's just going to be in a couple of hours we have been telling you about. this president biden will be noisy white house to head to our southern border. joe biden and former president trump making duling trips to different places in texas. >> ainsley: today, yes. and trump will be in eagle pass, which is a hot spot. we have been seeing over 2,000 migrant apprehensions within the last just five days. and then biden is going 325 miles away down in brownsville. an area only seeing 46 apprehensions in the same time frame. the white house and republicans trading jabs now. each side arguing the other's trip is purely political heading into this election year. so, now, let's go to lawrence jones who is live on the ground down there in brownsville where biden will be. hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. and good morning, ainsley. you know, the big question for the president of the united states why this location? i mean, i was here a year ago when there was an actual surge going on. now we're down to about 15 to 17
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migrants crotszing illegally a day. why this location? why not get to the bottom of what's happening at the border? and i think it goes to the larger conversation. as you guys talk about the politics, obviously, border issue is the number one issue. what was the change in joe biden's policy from when he was a u.s. senator to now as president of the united states? and you guys have the former secretary momentarily that is going to be reacting. but there was a change in policy. there was even some democrats that called barack obama deporter in chief. sure there has been disagreement between republicans and democrats of what needs to be the solution whether it's amnesty or, you know, work visas. those are the politics of it. but there has never been a president of the united states that was so open and b. being so open border. so, what happened? why does joe biden allow the migrants to come across the border? and why did he undo every single action of the former president of the united states, donald trump? and i know there are some in the
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white house that are saying they didn't know that donald trump was coming here. but he announced it two weeks ago. and coincidentally, guys, they are picking the same day. two different situations though when you compare eagle pass to brownsville. >> brian: all right. it's going to be exciting and is the number one issue in the country, lawrence, that's why you are there. appreciate your work. we will get to more of it shortly. let's bring in our next guest. he says we need a solution to the border crisis. not more politics. jeh johnson served as dhs secretary under president obama and joins us right now to explain. mr. secretary, great to see you. >> thanks for having me back. >> brian: hahave you ever seen t this bad? the border? >> no. december we had 250,000 apprehensions in one month. my second year in office we had 315,000 apprehensions in all of the year, 2015. just for some perspective here. i understand the numbers have dropped a bit of late.
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but, longer term, big picture. this is a hemispheric shift northward. it's a crisis on multiple levels in multiple places. >> steve: there you use that crisis word. whenever we think about numbers, we think about you whether you said this back in the day. >> i know that a thousand overwhelms a system. i cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. so we are truly in a crisis. >> steve: okay, so we have doubled. >> who was that guy? just younger. >> steve: why are you on that channel? >> that was five years ago. the network across the street. >> steve: exactly. but you were talking about how 1,000 was bad. 4,000 is a crisis. now. >> ainsley: 10,000 a day. >> steve: in some cases triple that. >> that is true. and it's a crisis on the southern border, in texas, in arizona. and it's a crisis here in midtown manhattan, just a few blocks away. can you see migrants by the
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roosevelt hotel, on the subways, at times square. this is extended nationwide now. the issue is what do we do about it? do we continue to play politics and scream about this issue? or do we fix the problem? there are solutions to this problem. but, given our politics, they have become politically unattainable solutions. in my view, the legislation that james lankford, the very conservative james lankford, chris murphy and kyrsten sinema negotiateside a good bill. and would fix this problem on a number of levels. i guarantee that if that -- if those provisions become law, the numbers will drop. the question is what are our politicians in washington going to do about this? are they going to adopt this hard-fought compromise or just going to continue to complain about the problem? >> ainsley: you hate to make it political. we want this all fixed but day one joe biden took office, he rolled back donald trump's policies. he has rolled back 90 different
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policies on -- when it has to do with the border. so, it is political. because. >> day one donald trump rolled back a number of our policies from the obama administration that were actually working. we hit a million in 2019 while president trump was in office. and so i think we need to put aside whose fault it is on what administration did this happen. there are solutions to this problem. we need more border patrol officers. we need more judges. we need an emergency authority like a title 42 when the numbers get high. we need to fix how one qualifies for asylum in this country. raise the bar on the front end that serves as magnet for more illegal immigration. longer term, got to deal with what is hang in the hemisphere that is causing this great shift northward. >> brian: who caused it? so a couple things. >> nobody likes to say that by
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the way. we want quick and easy solutions. but, so long as those conditions in central america and south america persist, we're going to see this problem over and over again. it will ebb and flow but it's going to get worse. >> brian: you said it's going to ebb and flow. just what you said on central and south america anybody who looks through always a problem a dictatorship. a nicaragua about to pop up. bolivia about to go along with it a cuba dissidence and now you have venezuela the biggest problem in the hemisphere arguably. but there is little things that can be done. number one, the remain in mexico, when you had a deal with mexico, the president had -- that was immediate deterrence. the fact is there is a sense right now among central and south america among african-americans, eastern europeans, now is the time to come. so there is always going to be tornadoes and communism and dictatorships, but there is -- word went out that now's will the time to come. now or never. do you agree with that? >> let me answer it this way.
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i own this problem for three years. the lesson i learned is that there are things we can do on our southern border to clamp down on enforcement, to expand detention capabilities that will cause a very sharp sudden decrease in the numbers. but, so long as the underlying push factors persist, the numbers are always going to revert back to their longer term. >> brian: push or imagine netted? burn they just want to come or a manage net we are bringing them? >> the overwhelming factor at issue here are the push factors. there are aspects of our snl that serve as magnets to the problem. but, there's a reason why these families are making a decision to leave nicaragua, el salvador, honduras, guatemala in the first place and head north. one of the things we need to do which doesn't get talked about enough is get the mexican government to do more on their southern border. >> brian: absolutely. >> southern america.
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we have 1900-mile border with mexico. they have a 300-mile border with central america. they don't have much of a border enforcement force down there. one of the ways. >> brian: 20,000 marines. >> one of the ways we dealt with the crisis in 2014 was to get the mexican government to do more on their southern border. >> steve: one of the big problems and you know this because you read "the new york post." every third day there is a story about some sort of migrant crime. so, the biden administration has allowed all these people in. and as it's being adjudicated and some are getting court dates in seven or eight years. but while they are here, some of them are committing crimes. and in some cases really bad crimes. we had the story a couple of days ago about the young nursing student who was murdered when she was out for a jog. turns out that may have been a sanctuary city. we're going to talk to the attorney general of georgia in a moment. but this is a sanctuary city. and there has been a lot of crime here. and now the white house is
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asking for sanctuary cities to cooperate with ice. but, you know, a lot of them are going to say nope, we're not going to do it. don't care. should they? >> so this has been a problem through multiple administrations. in 2014, we had a program called secure communities that did exactly this. it became politically and legally controversial. in 2014, i revamped the program to encourage local law enforcement to work with ice, again, particularly on those who are the most serious felonies. and, we got something like 80% of local communities start working with us again. >> steve: how? >> only like two major cities refused. one of them was the city of philadelphia. i got mayor nutter to work with us. his successor on the first day in office tore up the agreement. and, you know, i will never forget talking with the member of the city council in
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philadelphia, who said to me why should we send him back he has already done his time here in the united states. that's not the point is he a convicted felon. so, we ought to be able to have local law enforcement work with ice to detain and send back certainly the most serious criminals among us. >> that's not a hard proposition. >> ainsley: if those were your policies and you felt like they were working well under obama, biden was our vice president, are you disappointed with his policies now and the state of our country when it comes to immigration? >> i will answer it this way. i'm all about solutions. i believe that there should be a sustained, visible energetic, forceful commitment to addressing this problem and messaging. in washington you have to repeat yourself 25 times before anybody will listen to you. same in the public space.
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you have to repeat yourself 25 times. i suspect y'all know this on this network. and so, one of the ways you deal with this problem is continually send a message to central america don't come here. don't just say it once. i used to go to guatemala and honduras to the airports and greet the ice plane coming back with the cameras so people in those communities could see that we're actually sending people back. so you have to say it over and over again along with the strict enforcement. >> brian: there's a couple things. number one, you sound like henry square are a i need to see video of people getting on to planes and being sent away that image goes to every news network. >> yes. >> brian: we can go back and forth on who whose policies is whose. one thing that seemed to get through the message denying aid to countries and allowing future illegal immigrants to get in also in the president of the united states said his message is tariffs.
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sold are social list you got to give tariffs. people coming through tariffs on it. next thing you know he has 20,000 marines on the southern border and the message is remain in mexico and they did it. the message was for these people who were probably in some cases well-meaning people. if you come you are not going to get in. $20,000 you sold your car, you sold your house. you gave it a and you can't get in. this would ripple downward you couldn't get the homeland security secretary to even admit it was a crisis. maddening to see one thing and have somebody describe it differently. >> the problem with remain in mexico it's like taking a balloon and filling it with water. sooner or later it's going to burst. i believe that more effective than that is getting the mexicans to do more on their southern border to stop the flow heading into mexico because what happens in mexico is there's a whole lot of inacceptive heading north. don't stop here. just keep going just keep going
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mexico, if you put another pressure on the mexican government will appreciate that it's in their interest to partner with us on this problem. >> brian: would you urge a city like new york, right now in a crisis, stop with giving hotels, turn down service. three meals a day. the transportation to get here because we have to send a message we can't -- if you come, you will be turned right around. of course people who are in guatemala and el salvador prefer to live here. these people are preferring to come to america instead of coming here and not using our system. would you crack down on the democratic mayors as a democrat who is a homeland security secretary? >> mayor adams has been very vocal about this issue. this issue has blown. >> brian: not originally. not originally. >> i have said to mayor adams, you know, keep making noise about this issue. but this primarily is a matter for the federal government. immigration is part of our foreign policy. it's part of our national
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security really up to the federal government to send a consistent message, executive and legislative. and i'm going to come back to this point there is a solution to the problem at hand that has been negotiate in the u.s. senate. >> brian: you like that bill. >> i like that bill. that is the strongest bipartisan pro-border security bill we have seen in a generation. it would be -- it would be a tragedy if it slipped through our hands. >> steve: and that's what joe biden is going to say today. is he going to go down there to brownsville and say, look, i'm trying. and i worked with the republicans but donald trump doesn't want it. said it would help me. >> get to election year. we have to stop playing politics with this issue. people in texas and border communities, people here need relief. >> steve: 100 percent. this is the solution. >> steve: my question is. this the president is going to brownsville. >> yes. >> steve: where the migration, illegal migration has slowed to a trickle. whereas -- >> -- for the moment. for the moment it. ebbs and flows.
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>> steve: whereas eagle pass, you know, it's a fire hose. people are coming across like crazy. wife would the president go to brownsville other than it's good optics? there is hardly anybody coming. >> well, brownsville has historically been ground zero for this problem in southeast texas. i probably visited brownsville 10 times in three years. there's a lot of infrastructure there. i suspect the border patrol leadership in that region is there. i don't know why they picked -- i don't know why they picked brownsville but brownsville traditionally has been ground zero for this problem. and it ebbs and flows all across the southern border. you know, you go to texas and they say no, there is more in arizona. you go to laredo and people says so much more in el paso. >> brian: you could see what the numbers are and show up where it's bad and go to san diego and see where the buses are unloading people or shelby county park. >> ainsley: can i ask you what do we need to do to help mexico fix their government because
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rachel campos-duffy was down on the border and heart wrenching stories of people coming across the border. saying they had to sell their car for 2,000 to do so get money to pay a cartel. someone else said they had to sell their house. they were all charged money. the majority of them were charged money to come over the border. so the cartels are a problem. kamala harris was supposed to figure out root causes. well we know the root causes, it's the cartels, the drug problems down there. it's them not. >> famine. >> ainsley: why is it -- what -- how do we help the mexican government clean up so their people don't want to leave? >> i have been of the view it's in our interest and the mexican government's interest to support their border security efforts on their southern border: traditionally, we think of illegal immigration as single adult males from mexico. that's not the problem anymore. it's central america, south america.
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>> brian: chinese. >> other continents. >> so, it really should be -- and we have a great relationship with the government of mexico on some levels, on trade, on lawful trade and travel. they ought to be partnering with us. and continued sustained engagement and pressure with that government will make a difference. i know that for a fact. >> brian: would president obama have ever allowed it to get this bad? >> president obama -- i mean, of course, that was different time, 10 years ago. >> he did not mind to a point, i think, the aggravation we would get for strict enforcement. because we all saw at the time, this was the path to fixing the system overall. get the border under control. comprehensive immigration reform. and that's what we need now. now, i keep coming back to this. we have a solution at hand.
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we have a bipartisan, very pro-border security solution at hand. negotiated by republicans and democrats. let's embrace it. let's vote on it. let's get it done. i guarantee that if that legislation became law the numbers would drop a, because why have addressed the problem. b, because people in central and south america are seeing that we are addressing the problem. >> ainsley: are you happy with that legislation? what would you change about that legislation? because republicans were not happy. if we are going to get this passed. both sides have to agree. >> well, there is almost nothing for the left in this legislation it's all very pro-border security. >> facilities. >> >> if i had a chance to add something i would protect the daca kids who would have been here since they were small steve got started during your administration. >> yes, it did in 2012. there are daca recipients who are practicing attorneys now who have been to hail and harvard law school but they have illegally uncertain future. we ought to be able to take care
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of these young people. they are almost entirely amazing responsible people but we have got to secure our border. >> brian: got another 8 million have been here over the last three and a half years. then they have kids and where do you start? >> steve: where do you start, exactly. you start with a great guest like you. nobody knows more about this than you do. jeh johnson, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: great having you. >> ainsley: thanks for coming on. >> meanwhile, we're going to switch gears. coming up the stunning consequences of the withdrawal from afghanistan. the taliban now staging public executions in sports stadiums. >> florida congressman cory mills is going to react, next. ♪ (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price?
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♪ >> brian: hard to believe two and a half years since the u.s. troops left afghanistan in a disastrous withdrawal that hurt many and killed 13. of our service members. hundreds of allies stranded. one of the worst fallouts, the rise of the taliban and the return of public executions like the one held in afghanistan in a stadium just this past monday. our next guest knows all about fighting the war on terror. g.o.p. congressman and iraq war veteran cory mills sits on the house armed services committee. when we pulled oute went back to help get our people out
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because the government didn't. congressman, this is the least surprising story in america what is happening in afghanistan. >> well, not only is the least surprising but we witnessed this right after the afghan botched withdrawal under the biden administration secretary lloyd austin where we had american black hawk helicopters flying around who had hung individuals that supported the u.s. for 20-plus years and flew them over the cities as a sign to tell them "i am coming for you. look. this is something that should be so unsurprising whenever you talk about this safe haven of terror that's run by the haqqani network, the taliban and also isis core son. the united states left billions of dollars in defense articles and furthermore since the 2021 withdrawal, special i.g. john solve co-says he has actually found that we have still continued to send almost $8 billion. >> brian: what?
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>> even though we know the country is under taliban control. >> brian: $8 billion. guess what? reports are afghanistan has opened up training camps there again. >> brian: you could argue without much effort if we don't leave afghanistan the way we did, putin doesn't surround and invade ukraine and it doesn't -- and it plays a role, i believe what is happening in the middle east right now. >> brian, that's exactly right. they witnessed exactly what happened. and i can tell you that right before president trump left office. he had already made arrangement troop strength 5,000 as generals recommended. that same recommendation was made to biden and he ignored it because he wanted to play political optics. billion dollars in the hands and created a safe haven of terrorism. now special inspector general of afghanistan john solve co-$8 billion has continued to flow into the taliban's hands from u.s. taxpayers.
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>> brian: it is incredible what we are witnessing the president didn't get that red route lesson in the midterm. he thinks it's no big deal. we think differently. let's talk about our secretary of defense. thankfully he is recovering but today he testifies before you guys about the failure to inform key administration officials about his health status before and after he was hospitalized in january. where do you start? >> well, look, the bottom line is that he actually failed executive order that is usc 5, 3349 the notice of i vacancy whether it's a temporary vacancy or permane vacancy. he has to notify the national security council as well as the executive branch. he failed to do that. not only did he fail to do that, he tried to cover it up. he had one of his aides call the ambulance and on the call he actually instruction them don't run lights and sirens we don't want to bring attention to what is going on. intentional cover-up. dereliction of duty whether it's
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the 41,000 recruitment shortage across the armed forces the inability to get status of enforcement agreements in areas trying to maintain troops. 2021 afghan botched withdraw. this is the reason i submitted and filed articles of impeachment for willful dereliction of indict against secretary austin because this has continued to go on playing these games and weakening and diluting our military and meanwhile what is he focused on is dei and pronouns and our military is dliewfted down to its weakest strength since before vietnam. >> brian: yes. while our guys are under attack in iraq and our navy is under attack in the red sea. the houthi rebels. he is mis. it's absolutely incredible. and i don't think i'm sorry is good enough. thanks so much, congressman. i appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: i look forward to your direct questioning today. meanwhile talk about directly that's how the great carley shimkus will be delivering the news. >> carley: thank you so much. new overnight russia launching iranian satellite into orbit.
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it has three cameras that tehran claims will be used to take images for agriculture and environmental purposes and this morning russian president vladimir putin warning the west risks a nuclear attack if troops are sent to ukraine. a fox news alert. hunter biden testifying yesterday on capitol hill as part of a house impeachment inquiry against president biden. his lawyer saying, quote: now that hunter has put this partisan conspiracy to the lie that it is on the record and under oath, this political charade should finally come to an end. meanwhile the president's son acting confident after the closed door deposition. >> how did it go? >> >> carley: he said it went great. republicans say hunter will testify at a public hearing soon. and check out this crazy video. iron pilots flying through the sky over dubai yesterday.
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zooming by some of the tallest buildings in the world. there was only one crash during the race. hit the water feet first. expected to be okay. and how is this for a flashback? our very own brian kilmeade trying a set jet suit on for size over decade ago on "fox & friends." it was over a decade ago, brian but i'm sure it feels like yesterday. >> brian: it does. i think the guy who was working the controls was slamming knee into the water on purpose. >> carley: weren't you. >> not guy on the shore on dock with little toggles slamming me. in i was somewhat in controls. i'm surprised that hasn't caught on. if i lived on the water that's how i would come to work. >> carley: i believe that's passing the buck. >> brian: that's true. >> carley: i love how you are looking at me in studio. got to look this way. >> brian: kind of enough to the tv thing. i will catch on. thank you so much, carley. battle of the border trump and biden both head to texas today. lawrence is live in texas on president biden's visit is too
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earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. steve 20 before the top of the hour. the white house says the president biden does not need a coght test after getting annual physical yesterday there he goes for a spill. lucas tomlinson is live in washington. no mental acuity test. >> that's right. steve. 81-year-old president joe biden had his annual physical yesterday oldest president in u.s. history provided a quick summary of the report yesterday. >> mr. president,. [shouting questions]
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>> there is nothing from last year. >> everything is great? >> everything is great. >> scenes like this at the air force academy last union had some questioning the president's physical fitness for office. not long after this biden started using the shorter stairs to board air force one. calls for the president to take cognitive test. >> the president does not need a cognitive test. that ♪ my assessment. >> that ♪ the my assessment. he pass as cognitive test every day. colorado's governor later told shannon bream on "fox news sunday" biden took three questions. steve? >> steve: you are quoting peter doocy? come on, lucas. what's that about? >> good reporting. >> steve: you as well. thank you very much. today president biden and former president trump are heading for
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the border duling visits but hundreds of miles apart. even as former dhs secretary obama years jeh johnson admits the border crisis only getting worse. >> 250,000 apprehensions in one month my second year in office we had 315,000 apprehensions in all of the year 2015. just for some perspective here. i understand the numbers have dropped a bit of late. but, longer term, big picture, this is a hemispheric shift northward. it's a crisis on multiple levels in multiple places. >> steve: it is a crisis. that's why lawrence is live in brownsville, texas. and that's where the president is going. and he brought along two residents who feel the impact of this crisis. lawrence, take it away. >> lawrence: that's right, steve. thanks so much. susan and louise here.
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i was here almost a year ago during the surge. it's a night and day difference right now. the president is here. why do you think the president is coming now, susan? >> well, obviously, he is a little too late, lawrence. thank you for having us on the show this morning. he should have been here last year, the same time when you were here where there was a big surge and having makeshift processing centers. right now as you see it is night and day. it has slowed down thanks to the governor and his interventions here. i think president biden sees that there is a shift in cameron county. and the valley when it comes to border issues. and that the conservative vote is high and so he knows he needs to make a stop here. >> lawrence: such a good point. louise, he decided to plan the trip the same day as former president donald trump who going to be in eagle pass where there is a ton of migrants over there. >> um-huh. well, yeah, eagle pass is ground zero for a lot of these migrants come in. obviously biden knows that if he comes here, obviously we still have the surge here, but not as
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big as eagle pass is. eagle pass is where you see millions and millions of migrants coming in every single day, thousands of migrants come in. obviously, president trump recognizes that. and it's unfortunate that president biden doesn't recognize that at all. but you would expect that from an administration like him that obviously hasn't taken -- hasn't taken part in any care for the city of brownsville for the residents of south texas or the nation in itself. >> lawrence: susan, i'm just curious, i was talking with the residents, you know, such a loving community, but they just want people to come the legal way. what is your message for the president of the united states, because, so often in the media they try to paint people that are at the border as anti-immigrant. >> right. >> lawrence: when a lot of them are immigrants to the country legally. >> most of the residents here in the valley area have done that years ago. they have come legally. they have waited. they have gone through the process. and it's a very proud moment for them. and it is true. we're not anti-immigrant. we just want everything done the right way and when the laws are broken and things need to be
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fixed. and there is a simple solution. they need to close the border and go back to what the previous administration had. and if you want to come over here, then you come over here the right way and we would be fine with that. >> lawrence: does this help former president donald trump in this election right now since the border is the number one issue? >> absolutely. i think we are seeing a rise in republican voters here in south texas. >> a rise in hispanic republican voters here in south texas. i think people here in the rio grande valley are starting to realize just the issues not just with immigration but also with jobs here. which are also because ever the fact that the democratic local politicians. but local democratic politicians that are supporting joe biden and supporting that radical leftist agenda. i think, yeah, i think is really going to help donald trump. >> lawrence: such a good point. thank you for being with me. >> thank you so much. >> lawrence: send it back to you in the studio. >> steve: lawrence, thank you very much. great interviews. coming up on this thursday, gen z big on mental health as huge portions of the age group are on medication and in therapy. what's going on with that well, our next guest says sometimes the cure can be worse than the
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>> ainsley: this morning an op-ed in the "new york post" says parents' woke ideology is only pushing their sons toward conservative beliefs arguing, quote: teens go against the grain and the most rebellious
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thing a young person coming up in this ultra progressive era when left leaning politics shoved down their throats marking campaigns and celebrities can do -- only thing they can do is swing right. meanwhile, despite more resources, than any generation before them, gen z is struggling with mental health. 42% have a diagnosed condition and 78% of those are battling depression and 90% struggle with anxiety. but, in her new book, our next guest argues that the problem isn't with our children, it's the mental health experts. author of bad therapy, why the kids aren't growing up, abigail schrier joins us now. hey, abigail, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: why did you write this book. >> i wrote this book i'm raising three kids in the rising generation. why was the generation the most mental health, the most diagnosis, the most therapy also the generation the least happy. >> ainsley: what did you find? >> i found that the interventions are counter productive. all this feelings focus. all this talk of trauma, all this talk that they might have
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ptsd, we are talking kids into feeling unwell. and over half of them say their mental health is not good. they don't feel up to the tasks of adulthood so they don't want to grow up. ainsley: what can key we do at home as parents. >> we can assert our own authority. kids need guidelines. they need somebody in charge. if they don't get it from us, well, they are going to go look at it from radical sources and we are seeing that. >> ainsley: give me example when the kids are in charge. >> they go running to blm. they are looking for daddy, essentially. they are looking for someone who gives them clear rules. they didn't get it from their therapeutic parents who always consulted their feelings who avoided the word no so they go looking for more radical sources. other things kids need are independence. we are not giving them their independence. >> ainsley: let them take risk. >> let them take risk. they need to know what they can do in the world. they need to feel strong. when they do that, when they feel capable and strong, it's much easier to also feel eventually happy. >> ainsley: are you seeing more kids in therapy? we grew cup in a generation when
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you didn't go to therapy. you just dealt with your problems. we are trying to raise our kids differently. >> that's right. i think it's a reaction. it's a way over correction. we put the mental health experts in charge of our kids. and you know what? they wanted to treat the least sick for the longest period of time. that's their -- that's their incentive. instead of treating the desperate need we have on our streets. they are treating bummed out kids. they are making them sadder, sicker and more afraid to grow up. >> ainsley: what do you say to the parent who is dealing with a child who might be bullied at school and own social media and they are not included? >> right. so hurt feelings is part of life. you can handle it. we have gotten through this in our family and you will, too that's what we need have the message for kids. not telling them they have been through thrawm. it isn't true. it's not helpful. >> ainsley: this is the nanny generation. everyone has a nanny, caretaker. we need to be with our grandparents. >> exactly right. if you want -- you know, one of the things we are not giving them is stability, relational stability. people you love and love you over time, that does more for
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mental health and certainly, you know, the hired person to watch you hired by mom is no substitute. >> ainsley: you say don't coddle them. they need to learn to deal with life on their own. my mom always said autonomy teach your children. let them learn to stand on their own two feet. thank you so much. y'all go pick up this book abigail schrier bad therapy. >> ainsley: carley over to you we are both moms taking mental notes. >> carley: i will be getting that book. great message. now it's time to get social in a very fun way. we begin with in a land of pure imagination. the actor hired to work at the widely panned willy wonka inspired experience feels scammed like the parents who attended the bare boned events in scotland. >> i really hope that everyone gets their refunds that they deserve. it was an absolute mess. the fact that i was a part of it
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is one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me. >> everywhere and this actor says he be exudes oompa-loompa more than wonka. a petition to reopen the experience is now at 1700 signatures. ainsley, robots are now replacing nail salons as quick and easy ways to get a manicure. many women like it because it's cheaper and faster than a regular manicure and you don't have to tip. one company called clockwork is leading the charge. describing the robotic surface as self-care that's staffed and affordable for anyone. it is the robot takeover. it's happening. >> ainsley: does it dry instantly? that's what we need to know. thank you so much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: the supreme court arguing to hear president trump's immunity appeal as another state tries to kick him off the ballot. shannon bream on that next ♪ i was caller number 5 on the radio station
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