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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 28, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> brian: 7:00 on the east coast and cold wednesday february 28th. got a day left. don't think it's going to be march 1st tomorrow. this is "fox & friends" but we continue. wildfire alert, out of control fires rip across texas and oklahoma. a fire chief handling response efforts joins us in just about a minute. >> ainsley: another primary down and trump wins big. president biden also with a significant lead in michigan despite 13% of the democrats voting uncommitted. >> steve: and, do you have this? it's telephone phobia. the top cities where people don't talk on the phone. >> ainsley: telephone phobia. >> steve: they let their fingers do the talking on text. >> ainsley: fear of the phone. fear of talking on the phone. telephone phobia.
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>> brian: that could be word of the year. >> steve: don't ever use it. we will tell you that story and so much more because the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are always better with friends. ♪ >> steve: all right. fox wildfire alert. it's 6:01 now in texas where six major wildfires are tearing through the texas panhandle and portions of oklahoma. texas governor greg abbott has issued a disaster declaration for 60 counties in texas. >> brian: the fire scorching more than 370,000 acres. that's bigger than los angeles. the interim city manager in fritch, texas, joined us earlier. >> there are still some hot spots everywhere. watching them really close. we did have a lot of homes in the hundreds on the south side of our community. our firefighters work diligently along with our public works going even house to house. it seems like every small city,
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everybody responding to these fires. so, yeah. it was really all hands on deck. we drove through a ranch, and it had some damage. one firefighter even said -- >> ainsley: one firefighter said it was a cow, right, it was singed so much that the hair was burned off the animal. several agencies are working to contain the wind-driven fires. but it is unclear how long it will take. >> steve: let's bring in zeb smith, he's a fire chief in fritch, texas. good morning to you, zeb. we know you have your hands full. thank you very much for joining us. >> you're welcome. good morning. >> steve: so 50,000 acres burned in your vicinity. 200 homes and i hear that there are hundreds of people who are currently sheltering at the celebration family church there in fritch. >> yes, sir. >> steve: is that because their homes were in danger or they just told everybody to evacuate?
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>> so, two parts. some of them their homes are in danger and then we evacuated neighborhood where homes were in danger. >> steve: yeah. we ever looking after the some video. the wall of smoke kind of looks like a big storm moving up. have you ever seen anything like this? >> i have seen a few fires like this. but, this was the most devastation in one fire i have seen. >> ainsley: zeb, what was it like when y'all started to realize this was a big deal? >> so we started preplanning early yesterday for this fire. and then just started lines and get ready and once we realized it was going to impact the city, then we had a lot of work doing trying to get the city evacuated and try to get as much protection around the city as we could. >> brian: so what is the game plan, the big picture and do you need firefighters from other
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cities to help you out and maybe other states? >> most definitely we are still needing extra resources come in, help us out. you know, big game plan is once the sun gets up, we can really assess all the damage and kind of see just how much work we have in front of us. >> brian: have you been fighting the fires through the night? >> so we actually was fighting fires in a neighboring county yesterday. and so most of us have been up for 28-plus hours now. >> steve: i see that the governor is sending in equipment and two disaster recovery task forces but the problem is there are fires everywhere. not just your town, a state of disaster was declared in amarillo and two counties in the panhandle, potter and randal counties, both i would imagine you would take anybody who wants to help you. are people of your town volunteering to help at this
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point, zeb? >> yeah. so any -- there's a lot of people that volunteered and come up and helped us, you know. as the sun comes up i think we will see more people coming out trying to help. >> ainsley: zeb, this is such a fear for families, for humans. you know what fire can do. when people are trying to leave, trying to evacuate, did people have time to grab their documents, to grab their animals, to pack a bag or were people just told you have to leave now? >> well, they had a little bit of prewarning but the fire was moving so quick that they would have had to move really fast to get a lot of extra stuff. you know, hopefully they had a lot of those important documents and stuff kind of squared away just in the event of something happening like this. >> steve: all right. zeb smith, the fire chief for fritch, texas. zeb, thank you very much. good luck to all of you out
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there. >> ainsley: brian, you have been through. this you lived in california and lost everything. >> brian: everything. >> ainsley: what advice. >> brian: get everything you can and get it out. come back and get get in there until officials let you in it's like a war zone. there is nothing you can do. depending how much they have. they also, this is so much flatter. i was in malibu and that was up the hills so no one could even navigate. this this seems to be a terrain that is extremely flat. and i would say on the surface as a firefighter it might be easy to game plan against. it's like a war. >> steve: it's a wall of fire. imagine you are in that vehicle. looking screen left, you are driving forward, you don't know what's in that smoke. >> ainsley: don't know which way to go. >> steve: it's not just fritch, not just amarillo, in canadian, texas. they are under evacuation order until the roads were ordered closed and they asked the people to shelter in place. and they have 50 people at a church in canadian, texas. this is a desperate situation in
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north texas. >> ainsley: we saw images of cattle running, power is out. homes are destroyed. evacuation orders and no school in that area. let's move on to a fox news alert. in about three hours, hunter biden will testify under oath behind closed doors before the house oversight and judiciary committees. >> steve: this caused david spunt to get up early and join us an hour ago and he is still on capitol hill to tell us what we're going to see. actually, we're not going to see anything. that was one of the requirements. the republicans said no tv cameras. and hunter biden said okay. then you got to release the transcript really quickly. >> exactly. it's going to be a long transcript. who knows how long that will take to release it. hunter biden, remember, back in december, made the offer to testify in public in front of cameras, that is also possible as well. who know was what he is going to say behinded closed doors because he is under indictment and fighting two federal criminal cases, one in
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california and one in delaware. but today is really a culmination of more than a year's work of republicans in leadership looking at this impeachment inquiry into president biden, hunter's dad. hunter biden is expected to be here shortly before 10:00. we will take questions from democrats and republicans, and it's not really his first time on capitol hill. it will be his third in the last few months. it's his second crack at a deposition. because technical did he show up in december with the capitol dome behind him where he laid out his case arguing that republicans are trying to destroy him and trying to destroy his family. he just didn't show up to the hearing room for that deposition. house republicans want to ask hunter about his business deals to see how and if they directly relate to his dad. today's deposition part of that overall impeachment probe into his father. and leading that impeachment probe is oversight chair james
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comer. listen. >> i have never seen such hypocrisy on anything in politics what the bidens are trying to say to please their left wing liberal base and what they were trying to do in the private sector to profit from the chinese communist party is daylight and dark. >> hunter's team is hoping the recent arrest of former fbi informant alexander smirnov will only help his case. smirnov is behind bars this morning in southern california after a judge determined is he a flight risk. he was charged about two weeks ago, guys, with lying to the fbi when he said both joe and hunter received $5 million each in bribes from ukrainians. a talking point republicans used for months. democrats say it almost completely credits this impeachment investigation. republicans say the smirnov allegations were not a major part of this probe. they're looking at china connections. romanian connections. and there's much more to that guys?
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>> brian: right. smimp was is he they had for 14 years people wanted to close the books on it. >> steve: sounds like he was working with the russians, that's the problem. >> brian: that's what it seems like lately everything for 14 years held up. what is the fbi doing for the screening process or does smirnov have a story to tell? >> ainsley: wish this was not behind closed doors would like to hear what everybody is saying. >> steve: 100 percent. >> ainsley: thank you so much, david. >> steve: this is coming at a critical moment republicans' impeachment inquiry. on capitol hill a lot of republican lawmakers say they have seen zero evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. and right now, the republicans do not have enough votes to impeach. and after dozens of interviews and over 100,000 documents released to the committees, the republicans have yet to produce any direct evidence of misconduct by joe biden.
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>> brian: man, does this look absolutely terrible. 150 suspicious activity reports around them. joe biden was in on meetings with every major deal regarding hunter biden. he said my dad is sitting next to me while talking to a chinese cefc official. >> ainsley: many phone calls. there is $200,000 check that was paid to biden. then y you have got inexperiencd hunter biden who admitted that to abc in an interview. he said yeah, i don't really have any experience on this. then why are you on the board. >> brian: trying to get on the board of a chinese company when it wasn't clear he was running for president when he was a former vice president at the time. why are you emailing over a pseudo address if you don't want people to know if you don't mind people knowing what you do or do not know about your son's business? and when he looked peter in the eye and said i know nothing about my son's overseas business dealings. he was flat out lying. >> steve: he said that a number of times.
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>> ainsley: acre before him on the golf courses with the business partners. >> brian: devon archer. >> ainsley: correct. >> steve: maybe he thought he was the caddie. >> ainsley: maybe there is evidence. >> steve: ainsley, there are many lawmakers saying they have seen zero evidence. >> ainsley: many say they have. >> steve: you need evidence of direct contact by joe biden. hunter sure looks like he traded on his name. >> brian: with his dad -- the role his dad played. >> steve: pardon me, brian. we are going to have present of time, the republicans are to ask him a million questions. >> it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. right now, according to republicans, there is no. >> brian: what republicans? >> steve: some republicans say they have got the goods on hunter biden and joe biden. but a number of republicans who i have spoken to on capitol hill say there is no direct evidence of misconduct by the current president. >> ainsley: just so corrupt. the whole family is so corrupt. >> brian: unbelievable. >> ainsley: how does joe biden have multi million dollars houses? we know what he makes. he had to have gotten money
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somewhere. >> brian: brian comer has done a great job with very reluctant witnesses. tony bobulinski and business partner in jail where devon archer is heading. if you worked with hunter biden either dead, missing or jailed. and that's where he could be heading next. >> steve: so hunter biden in the hot seat less than three hours from right now. we will bring you -- as soon as he goes to the building we will show it to you live. in the meantime to the race to the white house. former president donald trump defeated nikki haley in the state. he had about 70 she had about 30. >> brian: while president biden ease will he won the democratic primary. the white house is trying to easily control the damage that was done by the uncommitted ballot. over 100,000 people say no joe. and they say they are going to take their game to the democratic convention in chicago. wow. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson is live in chicago with the latest for us. hey, lucas. >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. >> fifth straight victory for donald trump and a barely won in
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2020. of course trump won in 2016 by less than a point. here is the first palestinian american in congress and squad member rashida tlaib on protest vote against president biden. >> i was proud today to walk in and pull a democratic ballot and vote uncommitted. 74% of democrats in michigan support a cease-fire yet, president biden is not hearing us. this is a way to use our democracy to say, listen. >> vice president kamala harris has announced a new plan to pay college students to vote. biden won the 2020 election in part by receiving 60% of support from voters ages 18 to 29. today, donald trump leads by that category by more than 2% and increases that lead when third party candidates are in the mix. >> we have under the federal work study program now allows students to get paid through
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federal work study to register people and to be nonpartisan poll workers. as we know, this is important for a number of reasons. one to engage our young leaders in this process and activate them in terms of their ability to strengthen our community. >> let's take a look at the results in michigan's republican primary. donald trump beating nikki haley by more than 40 points last night. haley has vowed to remain in the race until after super tuesday next week where in 11 of the 15 states voters do not have to be registered republicans. of course, michigan was an open prior maple marry state as well and didn't help her. on the democratic side biden earned more than 08% of the vote. but over 13% of the voters marked uncommitted organizers of that protest vote against the president had hoped to receive 10,000 votes for uncommitted. they received 10 times that amount over 100,000 in a state with the highest concentration there of arab americans in the united states. many angry over biden's support
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for israel. and dearborn, michigan's mayor said quote every person who voted uncommitted today was personally compelled to use their voice to speak out against president biden's support for benjamin netanyahu's ongoing genocide the palestinian people. >> brian: thanks, lucas. the white house evidently regrets how they responded to the crisis. what are you regretting? you are backing up israel after the october 7th exactly what is it? >> ainsley: also we have kevin mccarthy coming on to talk about kamala harris thing. paying for people's college if they vote? is that legal? >> steve: exactly. nikki haley, as we have told you, she is in it through super tuesday. >> we don't know what she is going to do after that. but it, appears -- she appears to be trying to make the point and said this a number of times over the last 72 hours. and that is 30 to 40% of the republican party is not voting for donald trump. ultimately, he cannot win the
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general election, she says, if 30 or 40% of your own party won't vote for you. she seems to want to be able to say. after he loses, i told you so. >> ainsley: i think he is unby 5 point beating joe biden in the real clear politics which is an average of all the polls. >> steve: if the election were today. >> brian: emerson came out winning in every battleground state. one thing nikki haley is she has got to give herself credit. there are people that like her. >> steve: yeah. >> brian: what donald trump has got to do is target them just like he won the state with 36% of the when he was in a contested primary in 2016. target them. i believe that number is way too high at 20%. there are people like nikki haley that will go with the republican nominee. >> ainsley: in south carolina. we had a diner. so, you know, i'm not sure what indication this is for the whole country. but anyone who said they are voting for nikki haley, they said if donald trump becomes the nominee, i'm voting for him. i'm still a republic. >> steve: brian, to your point about unifying the party
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ultimately that's what you dual primary. could be touch for trump. i believe it was after the iowa talks he says if anybody don't united states money or supports nikki haley, you are out of maga. so a lot of people heard, you know what? i donated money, or they just go that's fine. i'm -- i wasn't maga anyway. >> ainsley: out of maga is, that a club? you are kicked out. >> brian: that's biden language. >> steve: ask the former president. >> brian: heard carley typing the news. >> carley: right here. >> ainsley: on the first floor. >> carley: only the people in the studio and the four of us. but i'm just feet away from you. usually i am upstairs today i'm downstairs. we have more news to get to starting with a fox news alert. pope francis taken to the hospital in rome earlier this morning. this comes after the 87-year-old addressed the faithful at the vatican while in a wheelchair. doctors performing diagnostic tests on the pope during the short visit. the head of the catholic church
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has been suffering from the flu this past week. to another fox news alert. the defense department in nassau are monitoring what they're describing as a quote close path between a u.s. spacecraft and russian satellite. nassau says quote although the spacecrafts are expected to miss each other a collision could result in significant debris generation. they do not say how close the two spacecrafts were expected to pass. we are going to be keeping an eye on this situation. and we'll bring you the latest as it comes. in a salvador ran migrant is facing murder charges for the death of a 2-year-old boy in maryland. earlier this month police say a shootout erupted toddler and his mother were walking in a park. the child was caught in the crossfire. ice records show the 25-year-old suspect was ordered to leave the u.s. back in 2022, he didn't. and he is currently being held without bond. quadrupled murder suspect bryan kohberger is due back in an
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idaho courtroom this afternoon. a judge is expected to decide where and when his trial will be held. earlier this year, kohberger's defense team requested a change of venue citing concerns about getting a fair trial and just last month, they asked for the trial to be pushed to next year. prosecutors wanted to start this summer. if convicted kohberger could face the death penalty for the 2022 murders of four beautiful university of idaho students at an off-campus home that can you see on your screen right there. in florida the seventh case of meestles has been confirmed in an outbreak linked to an elementary school just outside of fort lauderdale. broward county public schools saying they were informed by state health officials of the additional case at manatee bay, elementary in we west ton on tuesday. the affected patient hasn't been in school since february 15th
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certain tsa will no longer need to show i.d. or boarding pass. [cheers] >> carley: new technology allows the touchless i.d. where members can go through security with a face scan only. right now, this is only aslaivel for unioned united passengers. i like this and this also makes me concerned all at the same time. >> brian: way too many people got tsa. it no longer works. i'm watching people just go through the line who didn't do what we did. and they are floating through. they take off their shoes. they are through there. at the are at the snack bar. getting a smoothy. >> ainsley: tsa line is longer than the regular line. >> brian: now even cleared. now there is clear plus. shorter line until every gets clear plus. >> steve: the clear plus -- fly all the time clear plus is actually longer than tsa precheck because everybody has got reregister. >> brian: what's the sense of being in an elite club if everyone is in the club?
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[laughter] >> ainsley: join maga. >> brian: i want to be elite. >> steve: let's talk a little bit about this. >> ainsley: thanks, carley. >> steve: everybody's airline tickets for the most part were on their phone. remember when people used to use of the phone to talk on them? >> brian: nope. >> steve: the u.s. government, the census in their pulse survey asked people how often they speak on the phone and this is terrifying. 27% of americans speak to their friends or family less than once a week. so they broke down the areas where people are less likely to speak on the phone. they will text. but they don't speak on the phone. >> ainsley: i was looking this up. telephone phobia. reluctance or fear of taking or making phone calls i was going to build up to it remember the long-term top
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list number 9 philadelphia congratulation as little bit worse than atlanta. dallas. [drum roll] >> brian: congratulations dallas but hands full any way with the cowboys supposed to do much better. >> steve: brian, 10 seconds. >> brian: washington, d.c., riverside, phoenix, boston, san francisco, and seattle. >> >> ainsley: number one is seattle. >> steve: to their point, i have heard from one of my children so far three times but only via text. interestingly enough, this is from our white house correspondent, he is locked out of the white house. >> ainsley: why? >> steve: the white house secret service is having a computer problem. >> brian: normally he would have called you with that. >> steve: just saying. >> ainsley: what's coming up? >> steve: more gruesome details of nursing student hands at the illegal migrant. >> ainsley: must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> brian: that's our logo. ♪
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steve the funeral for georgia nursing student laken riley is set for this friday and at 9:00 this morning, the mayor of athens, georgia is expected to hold a press conference to discuss community safety initiatives. madison scarpino is live in georgia with the details. madison? >> good morning, we're also expected to hear from the athens mayor about how the city handle
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immigration. comments come just days after ice confirmed that the nursing student's suspected killer came to the u.s. illegally from venezuela. and while some state leaders argue that athens is a sanctuary city, the mayor says georgia lawn bans that he tells fox news athens complies with state law. meantime learning more about the suspect jose ibarra's criminal history. cited brother for shoplifting food and clothes in october. here is a what a balesman tells fox. >> he was never arrested. he was supposed -- on those charges, you are supposed to turn yourself in to the jail to be fingerprinted, he never did that then they issue a failure to appear warrant, and no one is looking for him without secured bail. >> there's a fundraiser for laken riley that's already reached nearly $150,000. the family says that they are going to use every penny of that
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to go towards a foundation in her name and meantime uga recently said that they are going to be spending tens of thousands of dollars to go towards beefing up safety on campus. back to you guys. >> steve: all right, madison, thank you very much, a live report from athens, georgia. our next guest says this sense also violence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and he should know, georgia attorney general chris carr joins us right now, chris, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> your daughter is a freshman at the university of georgia and we were just talking curing the commercial time-out everybody there is freekd freaked out about what happened. >> they are. my daughter, other students, the community, you know, this is the perfect tragic storm of a failed immigration system, dangerous sanctuary cities policies and an environment where d.a.s won't enforce the law such that law enforcement doesn't feel like it can do its job.
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>> steve: yeah. >> i heard about the press conference, the mayor is going to engage. in well, the first thing he needs to say is he can play word games all he wants. he is part of the team that created the sanctuary cities that they said they knew better than federal law or state law. he needs to start enforcing federal law, working with law enforcement so that people that are in this country illegally are deported. this crime could have been avoided if this individual was never here to begin with. >> steve: right, chris, until madison's report i did not realize that athens, georgia there is -- you know is a sanctuary city. it's obviously a college town and it will be interesting to hear what the mayor has to say at his press conference later today. but, ultimately, also, during the commercial, we were talking about how this guy apparently does not have a valid asylum claim. he should have been turned around at the border. in which case he never would have wound up going to the great
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state of new york city where i'm sitting right now with his wife and 5-year-old and ultimately never would have gone to georgia where he wound up allegedly killing that woman. >> that's exactly right. look, the immigration system is broken. we have got to stop talking about it and start doing things. the president of the united states needs to start doing the things he can to shore up the after sets on that border. we have to end catch and release remain in mexico instead they inside catch and release. congress back together i was a u.s. senator. you don't just stop you roll up your sleeves and get back it work. folks are abusing this system and it is a matter of life and death. it is no longer political theory. this is -- we are now seeing in
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athens georgia an individual lost their lives because of this. >> steve: chris, exit question. the white house put out a statement they mourn for the family and ultimately, anybody who breaks the rules should be fully prosecuted. the reason the guy was in the country was because of their rules. >> it is. they can't get away with this. in 2022 kamala harris said the border is secure. that's the year this individual came to our country. enough with the words. time to start engaging in action. >> steve: he is the attorney general of the great state of georgia. chris carr, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you all. >> steve: 27 minutes now before the top of the hour. brian has headlines. >> brian: man accused of stealing an ambulance outside a virginia hospital earlier this month already out on bond. police arrestem after multi-day manhunt. they stay he took the vehicle while still in hospital gown with an iv connected to his arm. elsewhere, fox news alert.
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more than 1 million people across central ohio are waking up to a tornado alarm after severe thunderstorms last night. so far no reports of any injuries but spotters say there is some moderate damage to buildings near springfield and dayton where whio is this just in prince harry losing a challenge with the high court this morning over his security protection while he is in the u.k. a judge ruling there was no unlawfulness in the 2020 case that stripped him of taxpayer funded security. prince harry's security status was downgraded after he left his royal duties. told you. those are, indeed, your headlines at 34 after the hour. now, this: huge fires tearing through texas and oklahoma. the evacuations right now obviously taking place. plus, house judiciary chair jim jordan will be in today's big hunter biden interview and he has got more to talk about as it relates to robert hur in a moment. moment. ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox wildfire alert. six major wildfires are tearing through the texas panhandle in southern oklahoma right now. governor greg abbott issuing a disaster declaration for 60 counties. the fire chief in fritch, texas joined us earlier. >> we are still needing a lot of extra resources to come in and help us out. you know, big game plan is once the sun gets up, we can really assess all the damage and kind of see just how much work we have in front of us. >> ainsley: several agencies are working to contain the wind-driven fires but it is unclear how long it will take. so let's check in with our fox weather meteorologist craig herrera. what can you tell us? >> oh, boy, ainsley, these just blew up. blew up to 300,000 acres quickly a lot of wind coming of coming
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through. it has been dry. last year a record amount of rain fall which helped a lot of the the grass grow. this is the fifth largest wildfire in texas history going back to 1988. back in 2006 that wildfire burned 900,000 acres. here's a set up. they had some strong winds coming out of the southwest, dry winds. and then you had this front come through. watch what happens. make that out. the winds shifted directions. the fire was burning like this to the northeast, all of a sudden with the winds coming in, that changes the direction of those flames. they started to blow to the south and that just let this fire who up. now, today the rel relative humy is way down. we don't have much in the way of winds. that is good news. the problem is look at this. brian, guess what? tomorrow they have snow in the forecast. snow over the fires. sounds great, right? it's short-lived. the winds changed direction. it heats up friday and it is going to be very windy on saturday and sunday. so, brian, they have got to get these fires contained. even when they do. they have got to watch those, because they could easily jump
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containment fires with the wind over the weekend. >> brian: follow that all on fox weather, too. thanks so much. appreciate it. meanwhile, a live look right now on capitol hill where today hunter biden will face house lawmakers for a closed door deposition under oath. this is part of republican's impeachment inquiry president biden accuse family of lying about business ties. they already unearthed a lot. what do they expect today? let's bring in jim jordan house judiciary committee chair. he will be questioning joe biden today. i know you have been waiting for this moment. what do you expect and what is going to be your approach with hunter today? >> jimmy: well, we will probe this chinese energy company. there is a pattern with the biden family. hunter biden goes out and tries to get business. but the agreements and the deals never get done until joe biden shows up. either on a phone call, stopping by a lunch, dropping by a dinner. that's when these things happen. and this chinese energy company is a great example. he had been working on this deal for months. but it wasn't until they are having a lunch at the four seasons restaurant, eight chinese officials there with
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hunter biden and his business partners that joe biden stops in and then three weeks later shazam, here comes $3 million wired to hunter biden. that's the pattern throughout. so we'll explore that kind of broad issue. and then, frankly, i want to ask him some specific questions like on december 4th, 2015, you call d.c. devon archer testified. you are with the ceo of burisma, this ukrainian energy company. they are under pressure. they ask you to help them. and you call d.c. in one part of devon archer testimony he says he called your dad. who did you call? and what did you talk about because we know three days later. joe biden goes to ukraine and fires the prosecutor who is applying the pressure to the very company that hunter biden was on the board of. >> brian: is he going to say i'm an addict. he is going to say my dad never knew about it. and is he going to say where is the money? that's the other thing the president of the united states has said in the past. we'll see. he is also going to say hey by the way i'm under indictment. i really can't answer that question. i guarantee you that jamie
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raskin no matter what happens will come out and say nothing happened. the republicans have nothing. the other thing you say the republicans are going to demand alejandro mayorkas hand over information on this illegal immigrant from venezuela who has been charged before for shoplifting caught in new york riding around with a kid without a helmet and went to georgia where he got in troubling again and then he kills laken riley he is a suspect but he obviously did it. what questions do you have for him? >> we want all the information they have about this individual. you think about, first of all, joe biden lets this bad guy in the country. then he does something wrong in new york and they let this guy loose and then this tragedy happens in georgia. , they could have also, once they found out this guy had committed a crime, they could have deported him. joe biden's administration allows people in, then when they do something seriously wrong, some kind of crime, he never deports anyone. so, this is all because of the ridiculous policies with the biden administration. and, of course, these d.a.s who continue to let bad guys roam
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the streets. >> brian: jim, you will also focus and have a conversation with robert hur. he will be before the committee. >> yeah. >> brian: you say i need the tape of joe biden's testimony that went on for hours on october 7th that horrific day. for some reason he still does a meeting with robert hur. and it goes on for hours. the tapes reveal that the president is too old, too forgetful to be indicted. we want to hear the tapes you believe america needs to hear those tapes. >> well, yeah. because, remember, joe biden intentionally deliberately, willfully took classified documents over a time period of several decades. then he intentionally willfully, deliberately gave those classified documents to the ghost writer who wrote his book. but the prosecutor robert hur says we are not going to prosecute because he is a forgetful old man. democrats say oh, no, are no, no. he is not forgetful. that's gratuitous what you said, mr. hur. let's see. show us this stuff. give us the audiotapes and the material. that's all we are asking for. the american people can decide. we can look at all this
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information. because he intentionally broke the law. is he not getting prosecuted because the special counsel said he is a forgetful old man. give us the information. >> brian: brian you went to law school but, jim, you are going to get these tapes. the question now for democrats is do you want them out in february and march or do you want them out in october or november so, you might get those tapes sooner than you think. >> we want the truth. we want the facts and information for the american people. that's part of our constitutional duty as members of the legislative branch so let's get that information. i hope the white house and the justice department will get that information to us. >> brian: get that information. spring break is just around the corner but you might not want to spend it in mexico as the state department warns. resort towns are caught in -- could be caught in a cartel crossfire. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
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♪ >> ainsley: the state department is sounding the alarm for spring breakers planning a trip down to mexico warning, quote: crime, including violent crime, can occur anywhere in mexico, including in popular tourist destinations. u.s. citizens should exercise increased caution in the downtown areas of popular spring break locations. international private investigator jay arms iii joins us now. good morning to you, jay. >> good morning, ainsley.
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>> ainsley: so this is pretty scary. saying there could be contaminated alcohol. counterfeit medications. drowning to unsafe beach conditions and you could even be arrested there for drug use, obviously, possession of a firearm or just drunk and disorderly behavior. >> absolutely. yes, ma'am. >> ainsley: this is pretty scary and you are saying the old guard of the targets they have moved . now the new guard has moved. in how dangerous is this? >> you know, mexico is a beautiful country with very gracious, friendly people. but mexico is one of those countries that if you don't follow basic travel rules things can go sideways pretty quick. you know, the cartels have taken over that area because of the huge infl ininflux of tourism. mexico, can could you rivera mya, they have 50 million visitors a year they never had before. that has made that area very
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attractive to the different cartels, and because of that fact, the different cartels are fighting each other for that business. >> ainsley: jay, what are you are staying in a nice resort. friends gone there before and they say it's fine don't leave the property. >> that's very true. this is not just a mexico problem basic travel sense, any time that you travel outside of the united states. it's always smart to stay on property. the resorts are designed to be self-contained and a lot of the times people will say, you know what? i want to experience the real mexico. i want to go into the little towns. i want to go into the back roads and see, you know, what mexico really looks like. that's how you get into trouble quickly. cartels are notorious for setting up road blocks on the outskirts of town where they are looking for other cartel members and they're looking for people to kidnap and rob. >> ainsley: all right. they say if you are going to mexico just be very vigilant and stick together. do not ever leave a friend alone. always be together as a group. thank you so much, jay.
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great to see you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to carley. >> carley: ainsley, check out this jarring end to a wild police chase in ohio. a driver loses control, crashes and gets thrown from his car. the driver incredibly 1-year-old was also in the car during the wreck. police say the driver took off when they tried to pull him over for license plate and brake light violations. thankfully, the driver and baby are expected to be okay. what a moment there. all for brake light violation. also, quite the moment here. check out this close encounter of a golf course in south florida. an alligator caught on camera crawling through a florida neighborhood before, snapping at a couple driving by in their golf car. lately the gator missed and the driver was able to drive away safely. hit the gas, honey. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: no thank you, biggest fear. biden and trump going to the border. griff jenkins is live in brownsville. ♪
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>> ainsley: it is almost 8:00 a.m. this is "fox and friends." a fox wildfire alert


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