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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  February 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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have a lot of knowledge and involvement in hunter's business practices despite claiming he did not and trading in on the biden family name to allow the family to profit. >> martha: yeah. and there appears to be no business except the biden family name in this operation, which appears to have been going on for a long time. that's the way a lot of people potentially operate in washington. doesn't pay a lot to serve as a member of congress. >> so people get creative and looks like they were certainly creative here. kim, thanks very much. great to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: kimberly strassel. that is "the story" for today for this monday, february 26. thanks so much for joining us. we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 3:00. we have an interesting show tomorrow and we will see you then. "your world" starts right now. >> a vigil being held at the university of georgia moments
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ago for nursing student laken reilly who was murdered after going out for a morning run. now an illegal immigrant has charged with her murder. brian kemp blaming president bi biden's border policies. i'm charles payne. we have fox team coverage with dana mcnichols. alexis mcadams in texas where president biden will be heading thursday. we begin with dana marie. >> charles, we have new information that laken riley died from blunt force trauma to the head. was there a weapon involved? what kind of weapon? these are all questions that we have. also those that are closest to laken riley that spent the afternoon after a vigil. we aren't at the vigil out of respect for the students. but i want to show you video of
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hundreds of students gathering in a court yard in prayer. they are here to support and celebrate the life of the 22-year-old nursing student gone way to the soon. students were give a break from class on friday. they were back on campus today. we've been speaking with them. students said professors made a priority to talk about riley. we saw flowers and candles placed behind me at one of the main entrances to the uga's campus. we learned from uga police that this suspected killer, jose ibarra lived five minutes from campus. police say campus security cameras played a major role in the quick arrest of ibarra. people here want answers.
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the coroner says a full autopsy report will be released in several weeks. meantime, lincoln riley's funeral will be held at her hometown on friday in woodstock, georgia, charles. >> thanks very much. know to alexis mcadams in eagle pass on what we're learning about the suspect. >> yeah, the tragic story in georgia connected here to the southern border. we can confirmed through nypd and ice sources that this migrant is accused of murder and was arrested in new york city months ago. before ice could even try to put a detainer on him, he was already back out on the streets in that sanctuary city. so how did he get in the united states in the first place? right here through texas. take a look. this is the mug shot of the suspect we're talking about. jose antonio ibarra crossing in through el paso, texas illegally in september of 2000022. he was released in the u.s. on parole. all that means is you get a
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court date and you're let free. that court date can be months or years down the road because the systems are so backed up. so now this migrant facing murder charges accused of killing the college student. the 22-year-old wept out for a run and she never came back home. i want to show you the stuff we're seeing here today. we'll take you live to the drone team on the ground. you can see one migrant that just tried to cross here in to the united states near el paso, charles. you can see her near the water. we're waiting to see what dps officials do. law enforcement across the country is on high alert because every state is now a border state. watch. >> joe biden and alejandro mayorkas are really spitting in the face of the rule of law here. with their very loose interpretations. he doesn't need congress. he with reinstate wait in mexico that would reduce the illegal border crossings by 70% like that. he chooses not to. it's time to hold him to
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account. >> the surge continues in texas. it slowed down a little bit in eagle pass. this is a short drive away in another area near maverick county where we are. it's about 25 migrants were told that will be processed by border patrol who just crossed in illegally in to the united states. back out here live, we can tell you the migrant is behind bars accused of murder. president joe biden will be in texas in a couple days. so will former president donald trump. they're not the only ones talking about the southern border. all the voters are, too, charles. >> thanks, alexis. could the murder have been prevented? what does our next guest as think as president biden prepares to head to the border thursday. brandon judd joins us now. by the way, we called both dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas as well as ice director to come on the show. we haven't heard back from them just yet. brandon, just -- you know, talk
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about -- we know he was caught, he was released. you know, you guys have complained about this for so long. that it's just almost -- it's almost a joke except the endings are tragic often. what can be done to fix this? >> yeah, too often the endings are wait too tragic. we should never have any deaths at the hands of people released into our country. they cross our borders illegally. shouldn'ts happen. it doesn't have to happen. that's why if you're looking for words, i'd say frustrating. maddening. just we're absolutely upset. every single one of us that puts on a uniform, patrols the border, we're upset at this administration because this didn't have to happen, this is one of the reasons why i support the impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. it's not what happens initially. it's what happens on the back end. what we need to find out is did jose ibarra, did he fail to report to any appointment that he had.
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did he fail to show up to court? was there a warrant issued for his arrest? deported abstentia? all of those things will show that mayorkas is not enforcing the law. these individuals are supposed to show up to appointments. they don't. supposed to show up to court hearings. they don't. they're order deported there abstentia and a report is issued for their arrest. are the warrants being executed? they're not. all of those things show that he's not upholding the law. because of that, he's complicit and he should be impeached. >> governor kemp showed this is proof of every state being a border state. there was a tweet from president biden and it was interesting he said i instructed my team to begin working with bipartisan lawmakers to fix our immigration system. by the fact that he says he's only gone on his radar months
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ago, maybe they want to reedit this. we know it's a political football. we do know now that this rates across the country, not just border state, people are afraid. every state is a border state. what kind of epiphany could he have had down there if he were just to look at this, not in political lenses but just as a concerned u.s. citizen? >> everything he does is too little too late at this point. he had three years to do what he needed to do to secure the border. he had three years to put policies in place. now we're only eight months from an election and now it looks like he's interested. he's only a interested in it because it's self-serving and he wants to save himself. the truth is, yes, he could stop this flow tomorrow if he would reach an agreement with mexico to reimplement remain in mexico. he doesn't want to do that. that goes against his base of sum port. look at the base of support. even though he's under water in the polling, there's still 30% of the public that thinks that he's doing the right thing on
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border security. that is his base. those people vote and he doesn't want to go against them. so he wants to throw his hands in the air, blame congress. >> with that in mind, if you had a chance to speak with him. what -- obviously they're hundred the curve. there's no doubt about that. he made it worse as soon as he came in to office. what could be done immediately and what should be suggested to president biden if someone impartial person, someone that cares about what is happening with our nation could get his ear down there on this visit? >> i had multiple sit-downs with alejandro mayorkas in the first year of the biden administration. refused to talk to him because he wasn't interested in implementing anything. we need to challenge flores. you have to challenge that. we have to hold people in custody pending their asylum or deportation proceedings. flores never envisioned they wouldn't show up to appointments
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or court appearances. we should challenge that. we have to hold people in custody pending their entire asylum or deportation proceedings. if you release people, they will abscond to disappear in to what obama term the shadows of society. we have to -- if we have to go back to remain in mexico, we should. there's a number of things that this administration can do. i spoke directly with mayorkas about this. he refused to listen to any of us. biden will refuse to listen to it tomorrow. ly tell him the exact same things. >> thanks for the work that you're doing. thanks, brandon. we appreciate it. folks, we'll have more on this story later in the hour including how the white house is responding to growing pressures over this. first, to michigan where nikki haley is vowing to fight on in the gop primary and president biden will be facing a fight from his own party right, grady
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trimble? >> yes. president biden is battling uncommitted. why some democrats could cost protest votes. the gloves coming off in the mitten state here in michigan. the full story next. o many chois on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source
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>> charles: so with a week to go
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till super tuesday, focus shifting to michigan ahead of the pry peri. former president donald trump looking for another win as nikki haley stays in the race. grady trimble is in detroit with the latest. grady? >> hi, charles. if the polling is correct, former president trump could defeat former south carolina nikki haley by an even larger margin than his decisive victory in south carolina, her home state over the weekend. the former president is expecting a big win. >> michigan is coming up. we're doing great. the auto workers will be with us 100% because they got sold out by this country. >> in many ways, the former president is looking aheadseting his sighting on november. trump didn't even mention by name his last remaining competitor. are you worried his moving on to the general election even though
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you're still running? >> no. i'm worried that the republicans won't win. >> what can you do about it? without the nomination, there's no way to continue your come pain. >> i'm using the power of my voice as a warner sign. >> in addition to her loss in south carolina, her campaign took another hit this weekend when the koch network's super pact, americans for prosperity actions decided to stop spending in support of haley, instead focusing on house and senate races. haley said she's not worried about that and touting her campaign received $1 million in small grass roots donations after her loss in south carolina. on the democratic side, some progressives like congress woman rasheeda talib are urging voters to select uncommitted, not biden on the ballot tomorrow. they're frustrated with president biden's refusal the call for a cease fire in gaza. governor gretchen whitmire says that any vote that is not cast
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for joe biden supports a second trump term. it's also worth pointing out, charms, whitmire doesn't know how many will vote uncommitted tomorrow. could be a real threat to president biden in michigan. we'll see. >> charles: thanks, grady. ahead of that primary, what are the top issues on voters minds? "america reports" anchor sandra smith is here to break it down. >> sandra: i put up on the screen the fox news poll in michigan when asked your choice, if for a president if voting right now, it does give former president donald trump the lead right now. 47% to president biden's 45%. he's got a two-point lead. okay. so now we're jumping in to south carolina. what we saw from voters on the ground there. i will show you on the screen, charms, and feel freel to jump, in we'll get to some economics of this state and what gop voters say they're feeling on the ground there. for now, seems to be just like
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we saw in new hampshire and iowa. all about immigration for republican votesers in south carolina. among the top concerns facing the country today, 45%, almost half of voter there's, gop voters there say it's about immigration for them. it's fair to say, the economy is a distant second. 29%. 8% say foreign policy. when you dig in to the support for their candidate, those that say immigration is the top concern, you know, three out of four said they're supporting donald trump in that race. on the flip side, when you go in to the economy, donald trump also getting the support. the single digits that said foreign policy was the most pressing issue, that's where nikki haley got the support. 77% of those that said that supported her. all right. take a look for the other top findings on the ground there. really interesting story when it comes to the border wall. considering how high up immigration is as a concern.
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among those that say they favor a u.s. mexico border wall, that's where president trump gets the support. 68% say they're supporting the former president. 8 out of ten voters that do support that border wall. that continues to be a winning campaign message for donald trump. let's dig in a little further and see what we found on the ground as far as immigrantses in the united states from voters in south carolina. 22% say they feel they help the country. 75% that say they hurt the country. not totally shocking considering the growing crisis that we're seeing way beyond those border states, right, charles? finally, if we can finish off with just for you, charles, families' financial situation. look at this. just 10% of respondents say they feel like they're getting ahead. 61% say they feel they're holding steady. 30%, almost a third of gop
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primary voters in south carolina said they feel like they're falling behind financially. for their entire family was the response. charles, not shockingly, they are showing their support for the former president, donald trump. 72% of the time there. so really interesting findings. okay? again, it was immigration over the economy in south carolina, charles. >> charles: before i let you go, president biden going to texas. a lot of scuttlebutt about an executive order. the white house session it's serious. what are the chances that it would include a border wall? >> you look at the support for the border wall, they cannot ignore that. the biden campaign cannot ignore that. look at this number. south carolina, gop voters, 83% say they favor a border wall. this is a huge growing concern coast to coast. so much so that now the president is going down to the border with. okay? so remember it wasn't in the too
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distant past where you had an administration down playing or at some point ignoring this border crisis. it's a reality for them and they have to face the music, charles. >> charles: thanks, sandra. appreciate it. meantime, new details and new questions around georgia's d.a.fani willis. right, steve harrigan? >> that's right. defense attorneys say they have 2,000 phone calls between the d.a. and the prosecutor that they want to admit as evidence. i'm steve harrigan in atlanta. that story ahead. limu emu & do♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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nothing makes a gathering great like eggland's best eggs. they're just so delicious. with better nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. >> charles: earlier in the show, we referred to laken riley as astute at the university of georgia. she was at the augusta medical college's camus in athens. we're back in 60 seconds. or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you.
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hey ump! you need your eyes checked! yeah, things are getting fuzzy! then go to america's best! why? for a comprehensive, quality eye exam! sounds good! it is! i'll go! good call! america's best. because eye care is healthcare - and you deserve the best. >> charles: to georgia now. cell phone records putting fani willis back in focus in the trump case. steve harrigan is in atlanta
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with the very latest. steve? >> charles, the judge is trying to figure out exactly when the relationship between the two, the prosecutor and the d.a. began. towards that end, he had wade's law partner behind closed door for a couple hours trying to interview him. as you mentioned, the defense attorneys for former president trump are trying to gets cell phone records admitted from nathan wade. they have more than 2,000 calls between the two and 2,000 texts and messages. all of this happened before wade was hired and before the two were in a relationship. the records that they say also placed wade at willis' condo on at least 35 occasions. yet wade testified under oath that he never spent the night at that condo. >> so phone records were to reflect that you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo before november 1 of 2021, and it was on multiple occasions the phone records would be wrong? >> the phone records reflected
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that, yes, sir. >> they would be wrong. >> they would be wrong. >> the next step is a hearing march 1. the judge could decide to remove wade, willis or both of them from this case. charles, back to you. >> charles: thanks, steve. the read on all of this now from former deputy assistants attorney general, tom dupree, and katie chekowski. this was riveting television. the real situation here is both of them took an oath. that fore, it changes this from being here i'm to defend myself and you're here to tell the truth. feels like they could be in jeopardy right now. >> niece exactly right. really credibility is paramount as a prosecutor. the fact that they were in a
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relationship was not a problem. the problem started when the story started shifting. now it needs to be litigated that their relationship began sooner than what they claimed. if the judge believes that they purgered themselves, it taints that position on this as prosecutors but potentially the entire case. >> charles: tom, we just heard the sound bite, nathan on the stand saying if the records did show he was there, the records would be wrong. how likely is it that he could challenge records if ney confirmed 2,000 call, 12,000 texts and 35 visits? >> that's the thing, charles. cell phone records don't lie. witnesses can lie. the records are what the records are. it's possible that there is some explanation for how his cell phone appeared to be in fani willis' neighborhood night after night, exchanging thousanding of texts and communications at a
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time when he said they didn't have a romantic relationship. maybe there's an explanation. but it's hard for me to see what it is. they're in a lot of trouble and they'll have to explained themselves why he was at her apartment on see many nights. >> charles: the heat is on in the system itself. folks feel like the judge took it easy on fani. he made have made some political donations. it's becoming such a tangled web. the irony and you pointed this out, maybe if you would have been up front, it wouldn't be this soap opera that we're all riveted by. >> at the time that the regional hearing was taking place, the question of disqualification was a close call. if they both purgered themselves, the judge has an easy decision to make that they get kicked off the case and the bigger question is whether the case can proceed at all. once you have the perjury and the taint, you have the question the genesis of this case altogether. that will be a difficult hill to climb, i think, to remove and
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extrapolate that from the rest of the case. >> charles: tom, beyond being pulled off the case, feels like maybe there could be some other can of worms that have been opened here, particularly for da fani willis. people will look into her financials, her net worth, how did she accumulate it. feels like she put herself in an awful legal predicament. >> i agree. this is all self-enforced errors. you go back and every stage of the game, she's made the wrong choice. she made the wrong choice to hire mr. wade as the prosecutor when their relationship was exposed. she made the wrong choice about not coming clean and saying the relationship began in such and such a date where that appears not to have been true. you have to think at some point, seems likely that someone in her orbit will pull her aside and say look, don't make the judge disqualify you. cut this off now. cut your losses. be honest, be truthful and step away from this case. if the judge wants to bring in new prosecutors to take the case
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over, decide whether it moves forward, fair enough. don't keep making this about you, particularly when the stories you have told have now been called in to question. >> charles: katie, where does this put the trump case? >> well, that is the big question here. the judge has significant decisions to make about the disqualification of these prosecutors which could leave the case to other prosecutors. if there is a full dismissal of this case with prejudice, which i don't think is off the table, the case is over. it's all uninformationed error. like tom said. this case may have merit on its backs. if if the prosecutors made egregious positions, that could be it. >> charles: tom, could they hear this case before the election? >> well, look, i think the odds of fani willis to be in charge of this case are very low at this point. it's not impossible but very low. i think there's a decent possibility that the judge kicks her out, kicks out wade and says
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we need to bring in a new team of prosecutors that may make the decision not to move ahead with the case. just because fani willis made a decision doesn't mean a new prosecutor would make the same decision. i think the odds of him allowing her and mr. wade to continue in the roles that they have right now very, very low at this point, charles. >> charles: there's an old saying about the tangled web that we weave. thanks, tom, katie. appreciate it. heading to the white house soon. president biden set to visit the border after the backlash of a nursing student kill by and illegally migrant. vivek ramaswamy and kristi noem taking the top 2 spots in the race for number 2. republican presidential candidates scott walker thinks someone else should be in the running for v.p. scott walker is here with the pick next. s to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care
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>> charles: well, the gop presidential contest isn't over yet. that's not stopping the v.p. sweepstakes from starting. my next guest thinks former president trump should look at a current governor as vice president if he wraps up the nomination. with me now, former wisconsin governor, scott walker. governor, great seeing you. let's get right to it. who is at the top of your list? >> well, i think it's got to be a governor. i like kim reynolds. i like governor kristi noem on as well. that sends a message in battleground states and younger voters like the one we work with at young america's foundation. the number 1 issue is the economy. having a proven problem solver goes. nobody is better than kim reynolds and better than ron desantis in florida. so i think she would be a great pick and a great compliment to president trump. >> charles: did she pick him in the iowa primary?
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i don't remember. i feel like -- >> no, she was with desantis. yeah. she obviously -- in 2020, she campaigned with president run the. she just close to desantis. i think that that is an important point as well. ron desantis got out, got behind him in the new hampshire primary just like tim scott got out and helped him in the south carolina primary. if we're going to win in close states like wisconsin, michigan, arizona, georgia, we need everybody on board. so taking someone who maybe wasn't with him in the primary and connecting that person on the ticket would send a strong message that this is a united effort. >> charles: i think also, it would be good, too, that someone that gave president trump some push back. i think a lot of people a lot of republican voters as well as non-republican voters are probably liking to see someone in the administration that may not be afraid to voice their opinion with president trump. >> and a strong leader, this will be a matchup with joe biden
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and kamala harris and donald trump and someone else. i like someone that is firm, not afraid to tell it like it is but is aligned with all of the things that donald trump did in his first term. kamala harris versus kim reynolds? kim reynolds is competent. she knows her issues. >> charles: does it have to be a woman? >> no. senator tim scott is a good pick. some of the others out there. i like the idea of a governor, a chief executive is appealing to people. in kim reynolds's case, school choice, massive tax cuts. mayor social conservative issues, strong pro life. she checks all the boxes. when you look at wisconsin, a neighboring state, look at michigan nearby in the midwest,
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that is a compelling issue. two states that donald trump failed to carry in 2020. but yet i believe right now is ahead and could win. that would help with someone from the midwest on the text. >> charles: i can't let you go without speculating on a wild card. i'm not sure how high pence was in the early going in a v.p. sweep states. his name wasn't mentioned offer. is there someone that nobody is speaking about, talking about that maybe could be a surprise pick? >> there's no doubt about it. i probably stir the pot by mentioning governor reynolds. would be a long shot. you're right.when you look at pence and the other decisions, president trump is out of the ordinary. that makes him so appealing not joust in the primary but in swing voters. this is a guy that is unconventional and his pick will be unconventional. >> martha: i have to tell you, i prefer governors. they're fine candidates. thanks, governor. >> thanks, charles.
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>> charles: hunter biden on the hill. dhs 60s mayorkas is on impeachment watch all with the clock ticking on a partial government shut down. it's just another week in washington.
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse.
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glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> charles: now for your money.
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it's newsreelly these days when stocks are not hitting records. slow day on the corner of wall and broad after last week's surge. this is coming after warren buffet is sitting on records amount of cash. we'll get the read from luke. every now and then the market has to have a pause. but it has been a rocket ship. >> there's no end in sight, seems like, right? one of the biggest concerns that i've had is becoming a reality. it's going to continue to happen. stock prices are at all-time highs. the wealthier are getting wealthier. the middle class is not on the same boat right now. buffet holding $168 billion in catch is representative of the hold. those that don't own assets have to spend on debt to keep the lifestyle going, which is fuelling earnings and interest
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for those that do own cash. so this wealth divide is happening. the wealth divide is music to investors ears while this happens. the stock market cares about two things. earnings from savings accounts or credit cards. how businesses will make more money with new technology. the middle class will pay the price on the way up and down. >> charles: you mention nvidia. the faster stock to go from 1 trillion to two trillion without a doubt, this could be the hottest stock in history. how much further do you see it going? >> it's not just about nvidia. 30% will be added to corporate profits the next decades with artificial intelligence. only 40% of companies say ai replaced jobs in 2023. that will only increase for the foreseeable future. when corporate profits increase, that helps those that own stocks.
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that will help quickly. if you don't own stocks and rely on a job for income and you get replaced be i think new technology, the middle class will be the same story my hometown saw over the past few decades. jobs replaced and new jobs not being created. that puts a strain on the economic system. people lose jobs. they don't have money to spend. that's why big risk nobody is talking about with a.i. in stocks is the political nature of a.i. you'll see politicians weaponizing a.i. if it takes in job. you have to factor that in as well. >> charles: there will be 60% of jobs that don't exist at this moment. on that point, the ceo of nvidia says stop teaching kids to code. your making a mistake. we've said teach kids to code. teach girls to code, this is how we level the playing field. so a.i. is changing the game so quickly, how do you prepare? >> i heard that my entire life, too, from the point i just alluded to with the coal mines. they said learn to code.
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new jobs that are created. the fact that a.i. will replace those high-paying coding jobs and who knows if it will create high paying better jobs. the way to prepare, you learn other skills >> you learn how to use a.i. and productivity to your advantage. the philosophy will add to the system. if you learn how to use it by your side with your daily job, whether it's genrive ai or other purposes, you'll be in i'll a little bit. but sadly the only solution is a socialism solution if that comes true. >> charles: thanks, luke. meanwhile, folks a busy week on capitol hill with a looming partial government shut down hanging over everything. to chad pergram on capitol hill with the latest. chad? >> charles, good afternoon. mitch mcconnell says there will not be a shut down. there's an agreement on a top line spending figure. however, there's no deal on how congress spends the money.
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so there's a chance of a weekend shut down. >> the government shut down is not ideal but it's not the worst thing. it would be worse to exacerbate the problem. the only leverage we have when we have one house is to be willing to say no, to be willing to walk away. >> conservatives believe green lighting all spending at current levels for the rest of the year saves money. that prevents new spending. so the right is pushing a long-term punt until fall. >> joe biden and chuck schumer want to use the shut down threat as leverage so they can write the bill. that's why i support a continuing resolution, which will force a 1% cut, $100 billion savings and maybe stabilize this inflation issue. >> the military consumes more than half of all money congress allocates each year. so renewing the old funding is unduly harsh to the pentagon. funding runs out this weekend for energy and water programs.
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military construction, transportation and housing, plus agriculture. there's little time for house speaker mike johnson to avoid a shut down. >> part of the problem is the speaker is very inexperienced. he's never served in leadership before, number 1. number 2, i think he's afraid to make decisions because he's afraid to lose his job. you saw what happened to his predecessor, kevin mccarthy. he's afraid that any decision he makes will anger one part of his conference or another. >> we still do not know when the senate could begin its impeachment trial of alejandro mayorkas. it's doubtful it comes this week. in fact, the trial might not start until lawmakers figure out how to fund the government. charles? >> charles: thanks, chad. president biden heading back town to the southern border as pressure on his administration continues to ramp up. and ultra conforming inner springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort.
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>> president biden traveling to the southern border this week where the migrant crisis is not letting up. criticism of his administration is ramping up. >> since saturday we have been asking the white house for a statement on the murder of blake and hope riley allegedly by a venezuela national who crossed into texas a couple years ago. after announcing the plans to
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visit the border later this week, the white house got back to us saying we would like to extend our condolences to the family and loved ones of blake and hope riley. people should be held to the full extent of the law. we would have to refer you to state law enforcement and ice. lawmakers are placing blame on her death on the border policies and sanctuary cities and states. the suspect was arrested in new york in 2023 but released before i.c.e. could put a detainer on him. >> the open border policy have allowed this man to come into our country, give him parole, and kill an innocent young wo woman. >> biden will head to the border thursday. it will be his second time since taking office and it is something the white house has called a publicity stunt or photo off when members of
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congress do it. biden will call for lawmakers to take up the border bill that failed but the union that endorsed it is slamming the president 's visit. >> everything is too little, too late. he had three years to do what he needed to do to secure the border. now we are only eight months from an election and now it looks like he is interested and he is only interested because he is self-serving and wants to save -- >> the president is not going to announce executive orders during his trip. we expect that around the state of the union. he has said he has done everything he can with the stroke of a pen, at least now, they are downplaying this as lesser than anything congress could do if they would stop playing political stunts. >> thank you. donald trump also traveling to the border thursday, speaking at
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eagle pass, texas, the same day president biden meets with officials in brownsville, texas. want to bring in our reporters to discuss. what do you make of these dueling visits? >> immigration is turning into one of the most important issue of the 2024 election. thursday is going to be a major showdown between president biden and donald trump. trump wants to make immigration a centerpiece of his campaign. he put out a statement on the georgia murder and the fact he is going to the border is illustrative of how he is planning on focusing his campaign on immigration. he talked a lot about it on his cpac speech saturday morning. >> 41% of democrats say it is a
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crisis and 2019, only 12% said this goes with alex's point of how amazing this has become a national issue, the number one issue, and it feels like democrats are scrambling to get in front of it. >> they are scrambling. the gap between trump and biden, democrats and republicans on the issue is as wide as any issue. i would go as far as the democratic strategist to say the democrats and president biden could lose the 2024 election solely on border policy. if i was advising the white house, i would tell them we need executive orders, need to try to close the border asylum policy, no time to waste. >> there is scuttlebutt there will be executive orders coming. he is going to be embracing
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something that trump had endorsed earlier. >> you are going to see the white house take some steps. the white house has been trying to make this election a referendum on trump and magna, trying to turn it into -- make abortion into a central issue but that may be not enough given how important immigration is turning out to be in this election. you are likely to see them take some steps here, to show they are doing something. >> governor kemp said every state is a border state. he put out a statement saying months ago, his team, he instructed them to work on a bipartisan plan. that was a mistake. just months ago? and now you hear names and this hits home with everybody, the entire nation. it feels like too little, too
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late, but this is your job. how did democrats pull off what would be an incredible trick to get voters to think republicans are responsible for this. >> the bipartisan bill should have passed. it was too little, too late. right now, tighten the policies with executive orders, and build the wall, adopt what trump did. people want action. they don't want partisan bickering and that is why it should have passed and the wall should be built. >> thank you. very much appreciated. catch me on fox business. the market has been rocketing. it is at new highs but there still may be time. i leave you in the capable hands of "the five."


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