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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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that buy rivian. >> does it work? >> yeah. i mean if you want to drive within a 30-mile radius, all good. it is a problem. everyone has realized it. >> shouldn't everyone have a plan if need be? >> ready for the emp or when your cell goes out? >> how quickly can we go to cannibalism. watch the will cane show. ten days. i am pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. don't miss fox and friends weekend 10 hours, all things, south carolina primary. bret and martha 7:00 p.m. on fox news channel. that is it for ingram angle. jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse
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watters primetime". tonight. >> is he able to do what you do with the command? >> what is newsom doing at the white house? new york city turning on aoc. >> have you had enough? >> phone records reflect you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo they would be wrong? >> jesse: not so fast, fani, prime time got the phone records. plus... >> get in my belly! ♪♪ >> jesse: few weeks ago prime time gave gavin newsom advice, see how your policies are playing out like episode of "undercover boss"
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gavin who never misses a show followed orders. he went undercover as a garbage man. gavin is not afraid to get hands dirty. gavin went undercover as a landscaper, planting trees. gavin went undercover as a fisherman. clearly confused he thought he was going to get a rod to hold. have you ever seen that focus? intensity. i can't imagine what is going on. does he feel bad for the fish? is he wondering how it turns into sushi. he has the aviators, who wore it better. final he went underground as president hosted crown precedent of sweden. gavin's camp considered this a
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coup. visiting him instead of biden. after a five-minute meeting with sca scanned scandinavian royal. doing get secretary? everything good little man? how tall are you? you are cute. i can see my reflection. then he starts scolding him, dressing him down as a kid. he has been doing what biden should have been doing. gavin hasn't looked this much in charge since toe boggining in china. >> i wanted to thank governor newsom for his leadership.
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lauz [laughter] >> i am not sure how many people are going to come back. >> jesse: biden get ago little dig saying people are going to leave l.a. prime time senses tension. behind the scenes, donors furious biden forgets their names. imagine raising millions for a politician you have met a dozen times he needs note cards. russian political prisoner putin murdered, biden met her wife and called her yolanda. her name is julia. we showed you biden walk across the tarmac holding nancy pelosis
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hand. >> i get that same anxiety when you are watching your kid catch a pop fly. >> jesse: think about all the time and attention white house focuses on keeping biden upright, helping him remember names, that attention should be on us, the american people and taking care of you, not an elderly president. white house just isn't seeing the anger out there. even from their own side. watch. >> is there a pathway forward for you? with biden? >> absolutely not. you cannot keep killing people with our money and just keep thinking oh, we are stupid enough to elect you again. >> if you don't want a trump presidency, are you worry domestically. >> i am willing to let go of joe biden make him a one of term
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president. >> why does our democracy, why does having a trump presidency more important than those lives? why is our democracy more important than thousands of men, women and children being killed. >> jesse: new gallup poll biden's approval rating 38%. gallup is gold standard. 38 in election year is fatal. biden telling democrats watch me. they have. anyone watching what is coming their way? >> we are going to show crooked joe biden and radical left democrats we are coming like a freight train in november. [ cheers and applause ] we are going to win this state. then we are going to tell crooked joe biden you are fired! get out of here. you are fired. >> jesse: biden is a gimpy pony.
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cnn begging undercover governor to rip the mask off and run. >> biden's average is just 39%. voters do not seem to see in present biden what you see. >> we have to mind the gap between performance and perception. no doubt about it. >> is he able to make the case you are. >> we are all are. >> is he able to do it with the speed, command. >> he is making a case. >> jesse: media is throwing themselves at him. he loves it. >> does 81-year-old present biden have a better chance of beating >> donald trump: than you and disagree with 86% of americans that think he is too old to run? >> i appreciate the question and framing and appreciate my president and his performance. >> jesse: party doesn't need good soldier act, they need a
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savior. does dr. jill have a plan? >> don't you think that is a ruse? him running for president? >> you don't think he is going to run? >> no. no. i think they are going to get rid of him. force him to step down. that is what i think. if i had a guess and just speculation. setting up gavin newsom for it. that is what i say. that is what i think. >> j >> jesse: joe biden one fall away from going in the grave, question is: will anyone push him? dan holloway, dan is joe biden going to be the nominee? >> that i don't know. what i do know is that, watching him perform on a day-to-day basis feels like watching "zoo landerer" files in the computer shouting
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at the sky. do you have your cheat sheet, jesse. >> jesse: this is dan holloway. are you going to ask me a question? [laughter] >> oh boy. gavin is the perfect guy to step? looks like the white rich villain from every disney movie. could you bake this guy up any worse. >> jesse: basically teed up to take it over. kamala isn't in the running. what kind of fire fight on the left if they leapfrog the first female black vp and give it to the guy who is tall, white and han han handsome? >> good question. i don't know if you noticed this, he semiendorsed nicky haley for gop which is interesting. >> >> jesse: who did? >> she would be a better
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candidate than trump. >> jesse: they are tla playing games in our primary, we are playing games in their primary. >> speaking of haley, i don't know if you have seen how she has been playing into the military spouse. can't play that card when you have cheated on your husband when he is deployed. >> >> jesse: is that even true? >> yes. >> jesse: happy friday, dan. seems like you have had a few already. >> oh no, not me. >> jesse: [laughter] fox news alert, police announced suspect arrested for the nursing student in georgia.
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>> reporter: murder suspect jose antonio abrowa. he is believed to be from venezuela. charged with a long list of crimes: felony murder. murder with malice, kidnapping and hindering a 911 call. evidence suggests solo act. only one arrest dz. abraa suspected of 22-year-old nursing student laken riley. augusta athens campus. body found with visible injuries in the area of lake heric. riley's friends called police after she did not return home from a run. now we have this devastating news. jessie? >> >> jesse: ahead new spy balloons
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and fani's booty calls, stay with us. ♪♪ new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ♪♪ ...
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♪ ♪ ♪
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this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪)
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>> jesse: there is another balloon drifting east as we speak. we don't have pictures, chinese? probably. but here is what we do know, it is a micro balloon. two cubic feet size of a micro wave. chinese spy balloon, 30 feet long, size of two school buses. over 40,000 feet in the air. similar to chinese version. according to norad not a threat and not maneuverable. that is what they said last time. we'll continue tracking new spy
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balloon and let you know if the president shoots it down. illegals mass released on our streets and bussed to a city near you. bill with the latest, bill? >> reporter: at least eight border patrol agents. we'll get right into the video. this is one of the first buses, adults from all around the world released at trolley station here in san diego. china, haiti, peru, afghanistan, columbia, india, you name it probably hear it. we didn't meet anybody from mexico. they are going all over the united states. >> ecuador. >> going to new york.
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-- costa rica. >> new jersey. >> chicago. [non english speaking] >> columbia. no. [non english speaking] yes. >> they want asylum, they don't want to work. >> they reached out gavin newsom's office, his office responded by blaming republicans for what they describe as chaos at the border and added the quote: california is a model of partnership for safe and humane border end quote. back to you. >> jesse: biden could end this with executive order. sources inside the white house says he is thinking about it. plagiarizing trump's border bill would help. biden's migrants are at war with
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the base, black voters and promising to make jessie smallete's dream true. >> immigrants who haven't -- we are so angry we are willing and going to turn our backs on the democratic party. we are working to turn chicago red. >> jesse: new york, aoc giving speech about climate change. enough is enough. stop talking about the weather and start deporting. >> you don't care! all you care about is illegal aliens! >> all right, sir. have you had enough? >> clearly i don't because i am an elected member of congress,
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keep it pushing, bro. >> jesse: founder of rattlesnake tv, jake, does aoc understand what is happening? >> i don't think she does. thank you for having me, jesse. coming from australia, i have always looked at new york from the time i was a little kid, big apple, statute of liberty and dreamed of going there. as an outsider, i am pissed off. i can understand being a generational new yorker why you would be angry at these policies. >> jesse: when did you come here, obviously the right way. >> i came here on a plane. came here the right way. i am also speaking to immigration lawyers as we speak. been here for about a month now in miami. >> jesse: you have been in this country a month. anything shocked you? >> only thing that shocked me to be honest, americans will whip
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themselves and say they are racist and white supremacist country. if you go to south korea and japan and see cultural -- and tell them we are going to bring bus loads of illegal immigrants and pay for them and subsidize them and accommodation and give them debit cars you see how japanese respond. >> jesse: why do you think americans hate themselves and don't mind? >> generally culture people are morally quite good and want the best for people. come from christian cultural heritage turning the other cheek and build greatest civilizations world has ever known. we are good people and australians and british, for that matter, we want to see people thrive and benefit.
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>> jesse: compassion can also be dangerous. ask joe biden and hunter what happen there. [laughter] glad you are here, don't get into trouble on the road and keep you, we like you. >> i'll think what would jesse do, all right? >> jesse: that's right. thank tha will keep you alove. fani's booty calls, straight ahead. ♪♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts,
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life doesn't stop for a cold. honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. >> jesse: last week's feisty court appearance was a gift. finally notice what we have been seeing for a long time, brilliance. >> have you been on any of those continents with him beside this one. >> where is belize, what continent is that. i am not being funny.
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has he ever visited at a place where you laid your head. i think you lied here. it is a lie. >> jesse: as we suspected fani and lover boy purr perjured themselves. >> you were making phone calls from the same place before november 1st, 2021 multiple occasions, phone records would be wrong? >> if phone records reflected that, they would be wrong. yes, sir. >> jesse: what reason would hi have to visit fani's condo if they weren't sleeping together. >> you would be there for many reasons? >> went to visit her.
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maybe went to talk about a document that i received um -- >> you would go to a condo to talk about a document you received? >> jesse: wade would have been reviewing documents at fani's condo. how many times would wade review documents? >> would i say more than 10 times? >> no, sir. >> so less than 10 times. >> yes, sir. >> jesse: what did fani have to say? lover boy spend the night? >> did anyone else? >> never. very lonely period in my life. i don't think anyone ever spent the night. >> jesse: fani lied, 35 times. fani and wade really must enjoy
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reviewing documents and called each other 2,000 times and texted 12,000 times. got to be about the documents. we have the location data. private investigator found two bootie calls, september 11th, 2021 wade arrived at fannies 10:45 p.m. and left at 3:28 a.m. when he got home he texted her. he probably wrote, fani, i have never reviewed documents like that before. you are the best. november 29th, 2021 fani called wade 11:32. shows up at 12:40 a.m. and didn't leave until 4:45 in the morning. that is four hours of reviewing documents, that a boy, wade. prime time is excited to hear fani's alibi. can't be it is a black thing, it
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is a white thing, too. clay travis joins us now. what do you think they were doing overnight for hours and hours and hours? >> first of all, i wore my pink jacket in honor of this true love aware. it is a modern day capulets and montague sunrising in the distance. i would submit he might have examining her fanny. i don't know how many documents are reviewed at 4:40 a.m. this is scandalist and observed, 2,000 phone calls? if someone leaves me a voice message, jesse, i lose my mind. he was doing that, too, 12,000 text messages between the two of
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them. scandalist and ridiculous, they are both going to get removed from this case. i believe fani willis will have to get kicked out of the d.a. and i think both of these attorneys are going to get disbarred, jesse. i say that as someone who is still an attorney barred in two different jurisdictions. i think they will get their own mugshots just like trump in fulton county. i think these perjury charges based on ied -- this is why your attorney tells you not to take the witness stand. raise your stand and say underoath you promise not to purger yourself.
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they are dead to rights. they clearly had documents already. >> jesse: this judge is so soft, clay. i can easily see him not dqing them because he is a pansy. let me ask you this, clay, bill clinton said i did not have sexual relations. fani said no one ever slept over. if there was no sleeping and he left at 4:55 a.m., did she purger herself? >> you also remember bill clinton lawyer, very smart guy, that depends on what the meaning of the word is, is. i suspect, they will try to defend themselves by saying this wasn't a relationship yet. they were just hooking up. i don't think that is going to fly very well.
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i give credit to the attorneys here. they clearly already had these cell phone records and text message relationship and went ahead and aggressively questioned. it would be one thing, hey, how many times did you go visit. few off, one way or the other. 12,000 text messages is hard to explain away. 2,000 phone calls impossible. this was a relationship. >> jesse: they were in heat. 12,000 text, clay? they were in heat. what if cell phone records showed otherwise and wade goes at&t cell phone records would be wrong. that is the genius. >> that is a defense. >> jesse: that is the genius that is prosecuting trump. >> you and i roughly same generation, shaggy, they could be on a tape sleeping together.
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not me! maybe that is everybody's defense in an aier -- era. >> jesse: i am just hoping your blazer is ai. can't be real. >> this blazer, joe biden said secret to a good marriage is good sex. this blazer is good sex personified on television. you are all welcome on friday night. >> jesse: i want to apologize to clay's wife in advance, it is not four hours. clay, have a great weekend. >> ain't going to be four minutes, trust me. [laughter] >> jesse: meet d.c.'s biggest welfare queen. fresh and amazin. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best.
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eggland's best. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> jesse: bidenomics eating young americans alive. no financial independence can't get ahead on entry level salaries. >> anyone else work their ass
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off for a college degree and have a job you hate. you still barely can afford groceries, clothes or, you literal don't have anything to buy anything. if you buy food can't have entertainment budget. >> jesse: no one buy as house out of college. if you pay six figures, sociology degree, south kentucky university you have been scammed. she is budgeting. other women are getting ahead the old fashion way, welfare. food stamps and housing and just qualified for another program in d.c. strong families, stronger futures, she got 11 grand lump
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sum to provide for young children and blew most of it balling out in miami. took her family on $6,000 vacay buying new clothes where they ate steak every night. she bragged she used more of the money on a mommy makeover, she told her kids if they worked hard they can live large. she talked about to the "washington post," i wanted to blow it. i wanted to have fun. it might just seem like it is just 11,000. these programs are everywhere. d.c. gave this grant to almost 150 people. 1.5 million, gone. emily wilson host of "emily saves america." think about this answer before you answer it. who is the sucker?
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is it the college grad struggling, or the welfare queen who is living large? >> well, obviously the girl in the first video. you genuinely have to have sympathy for. this is what you do to succeed in america. everything i was told is basically a lie. meanwhile the second woman has to be best friends with fani. they have to be on the same itinerary. >> jesse: sure wade was in the miami same weekend. if you are washington, d.c. and see this woman, unmarried, three kids, third welfare program bragging about this lavish vacation off this money you just gave her to take care of her children, wouldn't you cut the program? >> well, yeah, you would think you would cut that program. after you see the homeless
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getting worse and worse cut that program. democrats i believe funnel it all back into their own pockets. these are the same people when we got stimulus checks went out and bought flat screen tvs and louis vuitton bags. >> jesse: i say going to college is good thing. now college is everywhere. anybody can start a university then they bill you for a degree that is worthless. some people better off not going to college? >> yeah, i didn't go to college. i am a millions times better off. i immediately entered the workforce. i wasn't told the hate america. wasn't coddled. unless you are becoming a doctor or lawyer, you are okay. >> jesse: why didn't you go to
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college? >> for me, it wasn't an option. i couldn't afford it. i went straight into the workforce. i would be in debt right now like everyone else. >> jesse: now you are crushing it on "jesse watters primetime." >> living the dream. [laughter] >> jesse: have a good weekend. thank you. >> jesse: all you can eat buffet beloved american past time. 1946, first bottomless debuted in las vegas. entry cost, $1. customers encouraged to eat until they appeased howling coyote in innereds. now everywhere. >> all you can eat. >> when you are ready, take this plate over -- >> please don't take our steam tray. that man ate our shrimp.
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je >> jesse: bottomless binge eaters nearly put red lobster out of business. earnings took a huge hit. raised price to $25. did nothing. by the end of last year, lost nearly 13 million dollars because of people like this. >> this is how much shrimp you need to eat at red lobster to break even but to profit. endless shrimp cost $20, 18 on first order. second order, 6 times 2, 12 shrimp. we have consumed 30 shrimp. you are profiting and in the green just after two orders. >> jesse: indulgent individuals,
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wear it like a badge of honor. >> i ate 41 shrimp. >> i ate 51. >> this is shrimp no. 69. >> i had 74 shrimp. i reached my goal. >> i am taylor, i ate 113 shrimp. >> jesse: red lobster lost 13 million and rolling out never ending lobster. prime time welcomes eric enthusiast, record at red lobster is 70 shrimp. >> jesse: isn't there a point where you are taking advantage? >> no. no. this is like a sport. you have to have like a game plan. if you are they are going to say endless shrimp we are going to
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put endless shrimp to the test. you have to go in there with the mindset, okay. mindset is, you know, use your stomach capacity wisely, stamina good. get a good strategy. i just say you know, avoid them cheddar bay biscuits. no carbs. avoid carbonated drinks, no soda. you have to train your waitress. like wolf on wall street, matthew mcconaughey, i want these shrimp, seven and a half minutes later, you can do that, oh yeah, if you have a little gas you know what i am saying. >> jesse: eric, do you see maybe where there is a line here in civilized society where you are not to put red lobster out of business? it is a way to eat a lot of food. you don't have to destroy the
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company. >> hey, hey, you know. i know they tried. they used to have all you can eat shrimp seasonally. put it on the menu permanently? come on, now. it is time to eat, basically. >> jesse: you are saying this a challenge. you take this as a personal challenge when it is on the menu? >> oh yes. oh yes. they say endless shrimp. i am there. i might come when the some is up and leave when the sun comes down. magic come out. that is it. >> jesse: i love you. you disgust me, eric. welcome here any time. red lobster. not so sure. love you, have a great weekend. stay out of reds lobster. sink or swim is up next. ♪♪
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years ago musical >> jesse: it is sinker sometime. tonight, joe concha, charlie arnold, it is getting fiercely competitive. there's already been a lot of accusations, a lot of mind games. >> [laughs] >> oh, yeah. >> jesse: this is going to be close, i can tell. help on the way. which republican governor told "primetime" this week they are sending additional national guard troops down to the southern border? was it kristi noem or brian kemp? >> i'm going kristi noem. >> algo brian kemp. >> we have a contrast already. >> today i announced i was deploying national guard to the border for the fifth time. jesse: so charlie didn't watch the show this week. >> i had zero idea about that one. >> jesse: or she's throwing it to go behind to launch a comeback. let's go with that.
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>> i tivo the show, by the way. >> jesse: it still counts. >> you have a fascinating social life, i can tell. >> jesse: which former president said this about taxes? tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low, and the soundest way to raise revenue in the long run is to cut the rates now. was it jfk, or the gipper? >> i'm going jfk, john f. kennedy. >> jesse: and you're going the gipper. >> tax rates are too hide today and revenues are too low, and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. >> well, i'm off to a really hot start here start here. >> jesse: who is a bad boy? commander biden has attacked secret service agents at least 24 times, but which white house press secretary has shown support of commander, saying she's never been worried around him and never had any issues before? was at the binder, or psaki?
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>> i'm going to band camp on this one. i'm going jen psaki. >> we have the same answer. >> probably because it's right. >> we are both losers. >> binder, really? >> jesse: we will have to make this one extra credit. this will make it interesting. >> 2-1 right now, right? >> jesse: star-crossed liars. new information about fani willis and lover boy. which one set under oath that the cell phone records proving they lied must be wrong? was at lover boy or was it fani? >> must be wrong. we just talked about this. >> [laughs] all right, i'm going nathan wade. >> my man! thank you! good luck when you get disbarred. >> it was on multiple occasions, the phone records would be wr wrong. >> it's an off week for me. i'm jet-lagged. i was in colorado early this
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week. >> and vegas for 12 days. >> i haven't even been here this month. you can't blame me. >> jesse: charlie has excuses. they both have excuses. >> can i say something? i'm concha. it's got a ring to it, you got to admit! >> i'm dressing down for the next episode. it was too nice and it backfired. >> jesse: please promise us to dress down and promise you will win next time. we can't stand the dance anymore. >> i just lost twice in the same season. doesn't happen usually. >> let's do a triad. ♪ ♪ in case you missed "the five," have to promote my book. [laughs] "get it together" now available for preorder where books are sold. usually we have a qr code, you can put your phone camera up to it and it'll take you write to amazon. there it is! doesn't matter how old you are or how young. take your camera up there, put
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it on the camera setting, stick it right into the screen and it takes you to it. you hit a button, click, it's all yours. it may even be signed. let's do some text messages. jackie, chesapeake, virginia, nancy held joe's hand and said her nephew gavin was replacing him on the ballot. and then biden forgot. cory from jacksonville, florida. come on, jesse. fani was just digging into wade's briefs. it was all business. four hours of document examination. linda from washington, fani wasn't lying when she said nobody slept over. no one slept! she did not perjure herself. that's the bill clinton excuse. i'd g a beer with eric "badland" book it. i don't think you can grab anything of that guy. that's all for us tonight. i'm watters, and this is my world.


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