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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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massachusetts, if i lose two diamonds will the bidens explain that to my wife? listen, maybe the chinese were just proposing. twice. matt from bakersfield, california, those missing diamonds might be sewn into the dog dollar. rick from north carolina, do you think joe's cat bites but it's an alarm clock. every time he walks over joe's face in the morning he wakes up, takes the -- cpac off his face so he can reprieve. >> show us the scar. >> he would have to pixilate it. "hannity" is up next, and this is "my world."
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♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity", your president joe biden's -- yesterday while stopping in san francisco as part of his california fundraising tour, biden, look at that isn't that nice, they are holding hands shuffling along the tarmac on their walk from air force one to marine one. one social media user pointed out, "it looked like a nursing home reunion or like they were headed to play bingo together." i kind of doubt that joe would be able to play but that's a different story. but that wasn't joe's only bizarre moment this week. on tuesday, when boarding air force one, using the baby steps in the back, not the big steps, well, biden stumbled not once but twice before catching himself. now, remember, he's been using the smaller steps to avoid these
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embarrassing moments on the big boy steps that he kept falling on. according to a new report he's now wearing sneakers with extra thick soles. i thought the new shoes or sneakers were supposed to help. clearly it's not working. allegedly as part of his aides' plan to stop him from falling and slipping as frequently, i'm not sure if this will be the game changer they wanted it to be but it's alarming to see all of this from the president. the physical decline, even over the last three years since he took office, it's growing more and more obvious every day but still his handlers in the white house, remember, they once said, he does more in an hour than most people do during the day. that's right up there with the borders are secure. that's right up there with the lie that never once did he speak to his brother or son about their foreign business dealings but they are working harder to
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cover up what's an obvious decline, putting the full press on the white house, coverage of your failing president. according to a new report white house counsel, spokesperson, some guy named sams, i don't think he likes me, he sent a letter to members of the white house correspondence association. why? complaining that news outlets were misreporting the findings in the damming special counsel report. but the whining from one of biden's top propagandists says it's not going over too well. reporters, according to one washington reporter who has covered the biden white house, many of the media mob, so-called journalists, they are growing tired of the administration's nagging and complaining. remember, earlier this week a "new york times" publisher said the white house is "extremely upset with the coverage of
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biden's age and unpopularity. at some point the white house have a reality they have to face and see what everyone else has been seeing for a much longer period of time. whether that's now or in november, and by the way, speaking of november, day after day the slew of disastrous polls for biden, it just continues. look at this new poll. concerns over biden's age, they aren't going away any time soon. probably they will get worse. this survey conducted by quinnipiac university found 67% of americans think joe is too old to effectively serve another four years in the white house. and take a look at this. emerson college, they released a nursery of head-to-head polls in key states. these are the states that will in all likelihood decide the next presidential election. let's take a look. out in the great state of arizona, president trump is ahead by three points. in nevada, trump leads with six points, and biden is stuck at
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40%. not a good number for an incumbent. in georgia, the closest state in 2020, donald trump again ahead by six points. that's a must win state for donald trump. in the swing state of north carolina, another must win for trump. he's up there by three. he was up by about five in another poll. in pennsylvania, now trump leads biden by two points there. now in 2020, biden won all of those states with the exception of north carolina. but now according to this round of polls, he's running far behind trump but don't worry, as biden's struggles mount your vice president, kamala harris, who miraculously is even less popular than joe at a 28% approval rating, feel confident she's waiting in the wings. earlier this week her husband said they are living out the show veep. really? you can't make this up. take a look. >> vice president harris someone of the most googled and talked
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about people on the planet so you might think we already know everything there is to know about her but we happen to have one person here who can share more light on the veep. have you seen it? >> we're living it. >> sean: did you ever see the show? guess what it's about. a gaffe prone vice president who fumbles her way to power. and stumbles into the presidency. here with reaction, fox news contr contr contributor chavitz. tommy, i don't know what to make of this. the fact the media mob has been put into a position, they have no choice. they now have to report that which i was reporting before the 2020 election, which has gotten progressively and frankly dramatically worse, and that is, joe biden being weak and frail
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and a cognitive mess. now they have to cover it and the biden white house, they are furious that the truth is being told. i don't think it's going work. >> i don't know if it's that they have to cover it or now they have been given permission to cover it. i would believe that actually the democratic party has given the media a little bit of a pass and said all right, we want 24 guy out so now you can take the gloves off. you can take off the kiddy gloves and you can actually question this president. you can question his cognitive, physical, mental abilities, i think even when we're seeing joe biden walking with nancy pelosi, i would not be surprised if nancy pelosi didn't pull him aside and say, now is the time to sketch down gracefully or at least not run again. him being in california, to me, that says everything i need to know. i think gavin newsom is getting ready. the media is getting ready. we're heading into the spring. wait until the summer.
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joe biden might be white knuckling this holding on to his power because of his ego but if the democratic party and those who really run it say it's time to go, joe, it will be time to go, joe. >> sean: you know, jason, when joe had to give up the big boy steps to get up air force one to the little baby steps and joe got his new sneakers, i guess they thought they would work. now they have a secret service agent i guess ready to help him if god forbid he falls or stumbles yet again. but if he can't make it up the baby steps of air force one and already gave up the baby steps on air force one that's a pretty big problem. >> that poor secret service agent, i feel for him because you know he's nervous that the president is going to come tumbling down on him. look, i worry about that thick grass on the south lawn of the white house. i think joe biden with new sneakers, they are evidently thicker and bigger, he's going
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to go tumbling and the big event will actually be on march 7. the state-of-the-union address. he's used to a teleprompter that's about the size of the jumbotron where the dallas cowboys boys play their games. that thing is huge. he'll have to have two little telepromters and he better give an hour's worth of speech and i don't know if he can make it up those steps to the dais at the house of representatives. he's going for a fall. you just know it will happen. >> sean: steven miller, maybe president trump can find a pair, an extra pair of that sold out sneaker line that he released over the weekend. i know it's sold out. i know they are selling for big prices on ebay. maybe those sneakers would help. maybe he needs to change the sneakers he's using again. >> sadly, joe biden's decline is so pronounced not even a pair of trump sneakers can save this
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man. it gets worse every week, every single day. the physical decline. the cogs anytive decline, the decline in appearance, in vibrancy, he's literally decaying before our eyes and that's why the democratic party is in a state of panic. they are trapped. joe biden is unwilling to step aside. he spent his entire life dreaming of nothing else but being president since he was a kid. his entire career and he's not going to let this go. they will have to grab it out of his hands. yet, they know the american public has already made up its mind. joe biden is too frail. joe biden is too weak. too confused. the idea that the most powerful nation in the world has a president that our friends and foe alike understands has senile dementia is a national security threat. and of all of the ventura rabbits the democrats face heading into november, and it's
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a long list, inflation, war waging, a wide open southern border, joe biden's radical mental capacity has surely become one of the absolute issues of the mind of all american voters. >> sean: tommy, let me go back to you. you mentioned the name newsom, i had two interviews with him myself. he had his debate with desantis right here on this program, he's been adamant that he's not going to run under any circumstances, and even went as far as to say there would be vice president harris that's up next. not him. and then he also then followed up with free healthcare for illegal immigrants in california. the sanctuary state. not exactly a popular issue if you want to ever move to the center in a presidential election year. >> no. [cross talking] >> i believe it's going to be
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gavin. if you recall during the democrat debates every democrat rayed their hands when they talked about giving healthcare to illegals and allowing basically illegal immigration so i don't think that will be as much of a problem as the fact that his state will have a huge budget shortfall but it doesn't matter because right now they have joe biden who can't get a sentence out. so gavin newsom, with his age and charisma, will look a lot better to voters, especially low information voters than joe biden ever would. gavin is the saving grace. i know he's said he's not running but if ever known a democrat to be straightforward. if he can use this and say he's doing it for the good of the country and the party he'll absolutely step into those shoes. they will get harris out of the way. newsome is ambitious. always has been. watch newsom. put a tracker on newsom like they do taylor swift's private jet. he's already running a shadow campaign and he'll be the nominee. i still maintain that. umay well be right, jason.
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he's been pretty adamant to me. for him to go as far as to say v.p. harris would be up before him, and you would have to move the vice president out of the way, i don't think that's an easy task. an african-american woman being passed over for a liberal white male in california. especially considering the identity politics that drives the democratic party. how would that go over? >> i don't think -- i think they put themselves in a box. they didn't say they are going to put up the most competent person. they said they would put up the person who looks a certain way. so it's fundamentally wrong who we are as americans. if you're going to go that way why don't you put up adam schiff as your nominee. maker swalwell could be the vice president. maybe fang-fang to be their chief fundraiser. democrats, just go all in. be all california. go for it. >> sean: you want fang-fang as
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vice president. i thought i was be in the humor department. i think you outdid me. >> chief fundraiser. >> steven miller, i do three hours of radio and we do this tv show every night, now people are beginning to tell me, hannity, you've got to stop. don't talk about it anymore. don't point it out anymore because they want him to be on the ticket. they think he's the easiest to beat. and i'm like, i have a job to do. i've got to tell people the truth. where do you see this going? do you think joe biden gets pushed out? does he "voluntarily" move aside? do you see that scenario unfolding? >> well, i think the way biden's mind works, to the extent that it works at all, of course, the more the people justly criticize his age the more stubborn he gets. the more he digs in. look at that angry press conference. the more that it's called out, the more that he insists against all evidence and all reason that he's still with it. that he doesn't have a
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diminished faculty to cause him to bow out. it causes him to entrench. i want to pick up on the point made earlier about the kamala harris problem. they are completely trapped. there is no way around the fact that if they ditch biden, they are stuck with a vice president who is historically unpopular and incompetent. so they have no way even if they wanted to, to glide down to gavin newsom so there is really no clean way for them out of this box that they have gotten themselves into. of course, that's the reason why. joe biden is so intent on staying in because, i'm sure even in his diminished state he understands they have no way around vice president harris. so for the time being, the democrat party is totally trapped. >> sean: exit question predictions. we start with tommy, i think i know your answer. you're in the newsom camp, who
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will be on the tickets for the democrats come november? >> i believe it will be newsom-trump and to that kamala harris point i'm not sure she entirely wants to be president. her actions wouldn't indicate it. they can get her out of the way. don't underestimate a democrat. it's going to be gavin. >> sean: jason who will it be? >> i think barack obama makes the decision and he goes to the person he likes the most and that's susan rice. >> sean: wow! interesting. nobody else has brought that up before. steven miller, you get the last word. >> i'm going to be in the minority here, i'll say hi-- it will be biden even as he decomposes in real-time. >> sean: in a way it's kind of happening. it's chilling when you think about the national security implications and the current date of our country and the current state of the world. that's a chilling scenario. thank you all. appreciate it. tommy, jason, and steven, thank
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you. when we return, we have the latest developments on the effort to disqualify fanni willis from the trump case in georgia and more from james biden's testimony yesterday. it didn't go well. can't seem to keep his story straight. we have details. we'll check in with judge jeanine straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪
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the craft spart of nasa's hope to commercial lies moon deliveries ahead of the plan return of the astronauts. that's so cool. back here on earth all systems are once again go for at&t's cell phone service. nationwide the nation's largest wireless carrier lost touch with tens of thousands of customers for hours today. the cause is still under investigation but hackers have been ruled out. i'm kevin in washington, now back to "hannity." >> sean: it is crunch time for fulton county, georgia, d.a., fanni willis as a judge is deciding whether to remove her from the racketeering case because of her personal relationship with the outside prosecutor, that she hired to run it. they had great vacations. sources are telling fox news the judge will hear testimony from another witness next week before asking both parties to present
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their final summaries and arguments at another hearing. so, well, then he has to decide. does she stay or go? without her on the case the whole thing could be very well falling apart before our eyes, and as we wait for the judge's decision, the house of representatives, they continue their impeachment inquiry of president biden. with testimony from his brother, jim, yesterday, in d.c. gop lawmakers telling reporters yesterday that jim actually contradicted himself and did so several times with several documents. one source telling fox news that jim biden changed his story during the interview when presented with evidence that outright proved him wrong. his own signature. anyway, here with full reaction is the co-host of the five, our good friend judge jeanine pirro, people don't know this sometimes about you and i would like to remind them of your background. you were a d.a., law and order
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d.a. but you also believed in equal justice and application of our laws. >> judge pirro: yes. >> let's talk about the ethics. the inexperienced guy, 64,000, lavish vacations that we would love to be invited to. >> when it comes to fanni willis i have to tell you, first of all, i don't know any d.a. who takes six vacations in five months. who the heck is running the office but then again if you look at crime in atlanta, georgia, you get it but that's another issue. she's in the middle of a scenario where it appears she benefitted as a result of her hiring her lover that her former best friend, who is no longer her best friend said she was involved with from 2019, more than two years before she's admitting to it. you know what else is interesting, sean, her father said he knew about all of her boyfriends but he didn't know
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about wade, and the reason he didn't know about wayne is because she hid that from everybody. it was a secret. now, the problem here is, if you're giving $650,000 to your lover as a professional in the office to try complicated rico cases when the guy has never tried a felony case in his life there is something that's off and then when this woman walks into the courtroom she walked in as though she were the judge basically threatening everybody. she pointed her fingers at the judge, yelled at the attorneys saying don't be cute with me. she was unresponsive. she was contemptuous, condescending, i have never seen a more combative witness in my life. here's the concern, sean. this judge is supposed to hear from terence bradley in camera. he, of course, is a divorce attorney for her lover but whether or not any of that information ends up part of the judge's equation as to the truth, we don't know but my fear is that this judge is such a
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wimp, and i'm saying that with all due respect, but i have been -- i've been a judge, okay, just like he was a judge. i've been a d.a., i have never seen a judge buckle like this judge buckled to that woman. if he's afraid of her, that's a problem. he gave her a contribution to her d.a. campaign. some people say it's a big deal, maybe not. but the truth is, in that courtroom she yelled at him and everyone else and he was like a wimp, just allowing everything. if it were me she would have been on the paddy wagon with the other defendants on the way to the county jail being held in contempt for disrupting my courtroom. now, as it relates to joe biden, you've got a classic situation there. the bidens say, no, we've never done anything wrong. we've got $24 million that we divvied up among 20 shell corporations, among nine biden recipients, and the truth is, that we just did it on our own. there was no influence pedaling,
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there was no corruption, but, by the way, i was never in business with hunter or my brother except they show him a contract and they said, here's your signature. he said, oh, i forgot. maybe he forgot about the contract but don't you dare try to pull the wool over america's eyes and tell us you forgot you were in business with people from whom you got money, that wept through shell corporations, that you got, and then you then gave money to your brother, joe biden, and called it repayment of a loan for which there was no payment schedule. i mean, whole thing is so corrupt. to answer your original question, there is two systems of justice in this country and we're fed up with it. >> sean: you know, judge, i've got to tell you something, i thought jonathan turley wrote a great piece in the "new york post", one liar does not exonerate the family. i'm pretty angry. this is now the second time christopher steele was the first gays. now we have this informant working for the fbi since 2010.
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a trusted source, reliable source. we were told over and over again, and then all of a sudden, this guy ends up not being so trustworthy. again, they actually used christopher steele's dirty dossier that hillary paid for, not one but four fisa applications. now you have this case. there is a difference. this is only one tiny piece of the case against what i call the biden family and the biden family syndicate. it's a much bigger purview that we're talking about. it doesn't explain the burisma firing, why did joe get the prosecutor fired. why was hunter paid for a job he had no experience in at a time when he said he was addicted to drugs? what about the cefc deal? what about the what's app message? what about what james comer
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calls shell corporations? it doesn't explain any of that or have anything to do with the fast overwhelming 98% of this case. >> judge pirro: you know where your frustration is stemming from, sean, and it's mine as well. first, your analysis is spot on. you've got this guy smearoff, the fbi paid him money he was so credible. now all of a sudden a couple of months ago they decide he's not credible because he's involved in claiming that joe biden and hunter biden were engaged in a problem but that's just one piece of the pie. there is so much other evidence. where as christopher steele created a lie to spy on a presidential candidate and a president. and no one, no one has been taken to task for that. the judge involved hasn't called for heads on that that's what's incredible about this whole thing. and in the end, people are not comfortable with the truth, you
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know, people can get away with this but if you or i did it we would never get away with it and that's the problem in this country right now. we're so fed up with this and your analysis is spot on. and joe biden and hunter biden, you know, the frustration ultimately is, you and i both know they aren't going to be prosecuted because we do not have the department of justice. so the defense -- the demos can say, end the investigation. maybe there is no justice in the end because we can't get an indictment. that's the problem. >> sean: these are sad times and dangerous times. if we don't have equal justice and equal application of the law we're not the great constitutional republic we thought we were and that should be alarming to every american whether you're a democrat, conservative, or a liberal. >> judge pirro: scary. >> sean: continue success with the hit show "the five." thank you for always being available for us.
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appreciate it. when we return, america spending more of their hard-earned money on food than they have in over three decades. wow! charles reacts to the shocking new report right after this. stay with us. ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, tonight, horrible news regarding the biden economy. look at this. the "wall street journal" is pointing out americans are now spending more than 11%, 11.3 to be specific, on their incomes on food right now. the highest amount in like 33 years and the price of food at restaurants is up 5% since just last year. even members of biden's own federal reserve board are now sounding the alarm. one warning "hired delinquency
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rates and a further decline in savings right now are setting the stage for slower growth in spending and output this year." not exactly a recipe for success in an election year. the american people, they are all feeling it. now, take a look at what they told fox news digital on about the soaring costs of living. take a look at this. >> right now, i think people are really concerned about the economy. i think if they can, you know, improve jobs, you know, just make sure that the economy is in great shape, i think that's what everybody needs right now. >> it's too high and everybody is broke. it's like we're going back to the 1920s. >> sean: remember, americans now 60% plus are literally living paycheck-to-paycheck. many of those people are actually going into debt. credit card debt or cashing in their pensions just to pay for bare necessities.
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here with reaction to all of this, box busy host, our friend, charles payne is back. i don't know if he has the trump sneakers, the best collection ever, i would like to know if he did. think of the suffering. this is the heart and soul of our country. they made such a big deal about bidenomics and the stock market went up so much last year. well, the stock market basically only made up last year for the terrible decline the year before. correct me if i'm wrong, but what this article is saying in the "wall street journal" is american families now are paying more for food as a share of their income than at any time in the last 33 years. that takes us back to george herbert walker bush's presidency, at a time when the terminator 2 was a big hit at the box office. >> sean, you're absolutely right. i want to address all of these
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points because they are so critical. first of all, this is -- over 11%, approaching 12% of disposable income just on food. you add in aren't, all-time high. housing affordability or unaffordability, all-time high. it a massive struggle to live day-to-day. the main thing that's fueled the stock market honestly was all of the free money that came gushing in and this is a critical point. the election boils down to do we want a large government that will shower us with money? they call it modern monetary theory or universal basic income or do we want to just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and take care of ourselves without record high inflation. golden sacks put out an amazing
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piece. you just brought up george herbert walker bush, consumer spending, number one, the three presidents whether or not were not reelected had low consumer spending monies. biden is right there. jobs, again biden is right there. by the way the majority of the jobs beingiated right now are being created by the government. again that means raising more money for the federal government which means higher yields which means higher debt which means higher interest payments. already at a trillion dollars. what could we do as a nation with a trillion dollars? and there is inflation. it won't go away in part base of all the trillions of dollars they put into the economy. it's still sloshing around. here's the problem, though. it wept from the low income folks and the middle income folks to the wealthy. so ironically when the wealthy go out they can afford an $18 big mac meal. the rest of the nation can't. >> sean: look at what they have been doing, too, and this always annoys me. first they have been out on the
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campaign trying to propaganda the american people. bidenomics. that's not working for 2/3 of the american population. then they talk about corporate greed and shrink inflation and they want to blame everybody but themselves. joe biden, he rescinded all the trump policies on the border. they told us for three years the border was closed and secure. that was a lie, and i get a little tired of being lied to. joe biden lies when he says is team is out there and he does more in an hour than most americans do. it was a lie that he said he never spoke to hunter about their foreign business deals. americans live this lie more than any of the others. your reaction. >> you're right. that's great because earlier in the show, you mentioned polls and surveys and we're going to be talking about them all the
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way through the election, those are surveys. those are polls. this is, to your point, this is real-life. people have to live with inflation. people have to live with the fact that over 10% of their disposable income is to feed themselves. then you take a big chunk just to take care of your children. then a bigger chunk to pay your rent. that's why so many people, particularly young people, you talk about spending, yes, snernding money because they are spending what they call doom spending. they see no future. they have no hope, so forget about the american dream. do what you can right now. marx out the credit card can, even at record high interest rates and here's the problem. those delinquency rates, they have turned up for everything, for credit cards, for auto loans and they are skyrocketing. we're in for a very ugly fall. this will be such a painful economic point for americans as they head to the voting booths. >> sean: great analysis. now, historically, peace and posterity, they drive elections, we've got a war in europe and the middle east that seems to be getting worse by the day.
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we've got wide open borders, we have some of the retired top fbi officials saying it's an invasion of military age men coming from countries like iran and syria and afghanistan, and egypt and russia and china, tens of thousands, and, i don't see on either front that they have a good story to tell or can make the case that we're better off than we were four years ago. you've got the last 20 seconds, sir. >> all right. remember pax aamerica. you just described the fall of it on the defense side, and china invading us from mexico. it won't just be people but products, goods and services as well. we've got to stop fighting each other and fighting the right fights. >> sean: chart. charles, thanks for that analysis. by the way, did you get the trump sneakers? or did you not get the trump sneakers? >> not yet. not yet. they are like $45,000, sean.
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you have some connection to the president. on ebay, maybe i could get some. i'll buy them for $400 but $45,000. >> sean: i'll use that connection and they will have me in handcuffs behind bars in like 30 seconds. charles, the greatest sneaker collection ever. straight ahead, almost a year ago, remember riley gains attacked on a college campus after a speech on protecting women's sports. we have a pretty shocking update on the investigation. riley gaines up next as we continue. ything i do that's fory health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ we're travelling all across america,
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. . >> sean: last year on this program we covered a story about riley gaines giving a speech at san francisco state university where a mob of very angry protestors, they swarmed her.
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riley says she was held hostage in a room on campus where they proceeded to taunt, intimidate and assault her. now, almost one year later, riley reached out to campus police asking, you know, where do they stand on this investigation? to which they replied, "after a thorough investigation, the alleged charges in this case are unfounded and have been suspended pending further lead." the department claims they reached out to riley over the summer to which she did not respond to and really said it's because they were asking her to rehe will her story and she already met with the police for hours after the incident and provided them with a very thorough comprehensive statement. meanwhile, the attack on women's sports continues. take a look at your screen. a coach decided to cut a high school woman's basketball game in massachusetts short after two of his players were injured at the hands of a six foot male
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playing on the opposing team, who identifies as a female. a spokesperson for the school that forfeited said the coach did so "in an effort to maintain safety for his team and that they followed the guidance from the miaa and state laws regarding equity and access for all student athletes." here with more is the director of the riley gaines isn't at the leadership institute. riley gaines is back with us. great to have you back. i want to go through what you said at the time. this investigation kind of reminds me of the 10-day really exhaustive investigation into how cocaine got into the biden white house that ended after 10 days. but you were assaulted here. you were held hostage for ransom, if i remember correctly, after, you know, speaking at san francisco state university about your experience in your senior year of college competing
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against leah thomas. okay, you are met by a violent rob. remind people what you went through. >> yes, you're exactly right, sean. i was there for first and foremost. let me reiterate what i was speaking about. the widespread common sense knowledge that men and women are different. you can't change your sex and each sex is deserving of equal opportunity, privacy and fairness but forcing that, i was met and ambushed. protestors rushed into the room, turned off the lights and stormed me at the front of the room at the podium. ultimately the police rushed in and we barricaded ourselves in the room for four hours because our life and safety was threatened. that room became my prison for multiple hours. the police, i believe they failed on multiple accounts. when i was in that room, you can imagine i'm sure the most
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profane heinous obscene things one could have yelled at them were certainly yelled at both me and the officers. and let it be known the officer who reached out to me saying that the charges were unfounded, she was in the room being held for ransom with me. so it's almost objectively funny. it's almost comical, the irony, the double standard, hypocrisy and this is coming from the same side who claims words are violence. now when we're actually presented with violence, that's not enough to charge the university or the individual students or even the police department for that matter? >> sean: yes. all right. so the police are there. they witness a lot of this. how is it possible, they are barricaded in a room with you, and you said you were locked in this room, trapped in this room, basically held hostage in that room for hours. how is it possible the police don't corroborate that story.
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i understand there is video of it all. and that means the people that were responsible for doing it, we could figure out who they are and hold them accountable, and after, you know, all this time, nobody is held accountable. it's like typical san francisco, smash and grab robbery. no penalty. no bail. you know, to go out and rob more stores. >> you're exactly right, sean. i'm wondering the same thing. but when there are no consequences, this will only continue. i mean, look at what happened in new york. the illegal immigrant who came in. he assaulted the police officer, got held up for, what, maybe 12 hours, then released, and then committed another crime. not only are we allowing criminals to continue on with their day-to-day lives with no repercussions, this is encouraging that behavior. the department of justice, especially the officers at the san francisco state university
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police department, they are setting the precedent and the precedent that's being set, not just for conservatives or conservatives speaking on college campuses but for everyone, is that, look, they won't condemn violence against women and they won't uphold our first amendment rights, our freedom of speech. >> sean: you know, think about this. hours go by. you're being held hostage. where was the rest of the san francisco police department? why didn't they get there? and, you know, you think about, here you were violently attacked. barricaded in a room. assaulted. and, you know, probably, i would assume, on this college campus, like so many others, got help you if you use the wrong pronoun for somebody. you're in way more trouble than this. can you explain that to me? i don't think anything is funny about assaulting women. >> no. >> and the fact that the police department let you be in that room for hours. your life was at risk in that
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moment. >> it was. and that's how i felt. i felt like my life was at risk, not to be dramatic, but it was terrifying, the things that these protestors were yelling at me. the things they said they wanted to do to me, to my family. how i had to pay each of them if i wanted to make it home safely. it really is but that's not enough to charge or hold anyone accountable in that situation. >> sean: i've got to give you a lot of credit. you bravely continue to go out there and fight for the things you believe in, in spite of even, you know, putting your own life on the line in this particular case. scary, i hope you travel with a lot of security, riley. we wish you the best. we admire your courage and support what you're doing. thank you for being with us. when we return, fbi now investigating misconduct allegations against a small town mayor. you won't believe why. matt fit has the very latest straight ahead.
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>> sean: all right. the fbi is reportedly now investigating a controversial democratic mayor after a business owner claimed that he was punished for not donating to an event that the mayor held. our own matt joins us with the very latest. this is interesting, matt, in a town i understand the average pay is about $24,000 per year. >> this controversial democratic mayor has gotten a lot of attention recently with questioning moments, including a tie raid where she says people critical of how she spends money are attacking her just because she's a black woman in pierre. the fbi is reportedly probing misconduct allegations against the mayor after a local business owner claims he was punished for refusing to donate to an event the mayor held. fox news digital previously reported that she's making a whopping combined salary of $300,000 as the mayor of a town
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of just 23,000 people with a median average income of $24,000. according to fox 32 chicago a local u-haul rental company owner says he went to the fib after the village of dalton would not renew his business license. he says the fbi took his claims seriously and here's one of six people who reportedly talked to the fbi about the mayor's alleged conduct. a public rests firm says they have not been contacted. we'll keep you updated. >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. police set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of "hannity." as always thank you for watching. making this show possible. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by and we'll see yofr s