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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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and use them to make easter baskets for homeless children. last year he helped make 175 baskets for local shelters. and this year he hopes to top that number. what great job by him. we hope he has great success. and brightening the easter for many children who need it. tomorrow on "special report." bret reports from ukraine's frontline plus more from bret's exclusive entry with president zelenskyy. remember, if you can't catch us live here on "special report," set your dvr, 6:00 eastern, 3:00 on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report." i'm michael emanuel in washington. "the ingraham angle" with laura is up next. keep it right here. ♪ lash larr good evening.
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i'm laura ingraham. back in washington, d.c. tonight. more of my exclusive town hall with former president trump. we had too much content to get into last night's show when he was gracious enough to give us a bonus round of questions. got a little bit more personal including about melania's role in the upcoming campaign. last night i asked donald trump about the criticism he has received for not criticizing the death of russian prisoner navalny. >> navalny a very bad situation. he was a very brave guy. he went back. he could have stayed away. and frarched frankly a lot better off staying away and talking outside the country than opposed to having to go back in. people thought it could happen and it did happen. it's a horrible thing. it's happening in our country, too. we are turning into a communist country in many ways. and, if you look at it, i'm the leading candidate, i got indicted -- i infer heard of
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being indicted before. i got indicted four times. i have 8 or 9 trials. all because of the fact that i'm -- and you know this. all because ever the fact that i'm in politics. >> laura: of course he is 100 percent correct. if he had not been a political force as he was, never run for president, none of what he is enduring in the new york courts would have happened. now, in this new york civil fraud case, this judge arthur engoron ruled against you for almost half a billion dollars plus interest that runs every day. when i first read it like $87,000 a day. how would you put up that kind of money because you have a bond to put up even if you appeal you got to put up escrow money. that's -- it's a lot of dough. >> it's a form of navalny. it is a form of communism or fascism get state and the state will devour you. that's his point.
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i think it's fairly clear. is he being targeted because of what he believes. even americans who don't love trump can see the rank unfairness of these cases. but the mere fact that donald trump raised his own plight in an answer about navalny sent the russian collusion kooks back down a russian rabbit hole. >> should americans and the rest of the world be concerned about what is happening with republicans, some of whom are embracing russia in some ways, embracing putin, i'm talking about former president trump here? >> this is a man who has praised vladimir putin's policy decisions he has called him a friend as well. >> donald trump loves russia so much he should live there. >> i thought the liberals didn't like archie bunker's old line. these are unserious people and fresh out of ideas. instead of reacting to our trump town hall, i think they should have just played their old is he preputin greatest hits. >> circumstantial evidence
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direct evidence, i think of deception. that's where we begin the investigation. >> we have very good circumstantial evidence that the trump team, the family, the businesses were eager to work and were working with the russians while the russians were helping them. >> there was collusion. there were attempts at collusion. and there was russia. russia tried to interfere. you don't have to believe me. >> laura: okay. is this hilarious? it's the same. they have nothing to argue here. of course they are not going to defend their guy joe biden, they can't. it's all nonsense. russian collusion playbook is dog eared and torn. in 2016 they set their spies on the trump campaign to prevent him from winning. then, the deep state tried to prevent him from governing. when he did win, then the mueller fiasco to try to prevent him from winning again in 2020 and so on and so on. and now again, in 2024. now, even though putin has already said that he wants biden to win. i mean, if you can believe that,
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whatever he said it. trump is a russian stooge? no one believes this. >> you know, with them it's all misinformation. everything is dis and mis, disand misinformation. i went in got in and i stopped nord stream 2. i ended it. that's the biggest deal ever in the history of russia. they are going to supply europe with oil and gas. i ended it. biden comes in and he vetoed what i had done. it was done. nord stream 2 bass done. and he approved it. when people say that about russia and putin said to me you treat us very bad. i had sanctions on russia that nobody has ever put there before. in fact, biden took them off. it's just misinformation. >> laura: of course. that's the truth. and so is the report that our great friend ukraine then goes and blows up the nord stream one pipeline with our own government having advance warning before trying to plant stories that russia blew up their own pipeline. it's all so stupid.
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and then fast-forward to today, again, nothing has changed. the democrats desperately need to switch the story line away from a corrupt family on its last legs, the bidens with their political patriarch literally on his last legs. stumbling up the short staircase on air force 1. owned by china. compromised by the sleazy deals of his greedy ne'er do well grifter son. so they seize on the story of one compromised informant alexander smirnov who has his own russia ties and admits to lying in his hunter biden bribery allegation. then they wave the russia collusion wand with that i know informant to try to make the whole corruption biden allegation disappear. >> he is up to his eyeballs in interaction with russian intelligence agents where all of this obviously began in terms of concocting this story that burisma had paid joe biden
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$5 million. and that, you know, that was the source of this whole wild goose chase that we have been on for more than a year now. now, it's very clear that they have all been dupes to a russian disinformation propaganda effort. >> laura: russia, russia, russia. i don't care about smirnov on the rocks, all right? because the real question that abbe lowell, hunter's lawyer and raskin and all of them can't answer, the real question is what did hunter biden and what did his uncle james do to make all that money overseas? what did think bring of value to that chinese energy company and romanian and ukrainian interest to make all that money? they know and we all know that they had no international business expertise to merit the millions they made. the only product or service that the biden boys had to sell was influence. and a connection to the big guy, period, end of story.
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there is no misinformation in saying that. there is no disinformation in saying that. it's common sense. you don't need an fbi informant to conclude that. and the salient facts are not in dispute. here are just a few. the october 2020 "new york post." >> reporter: ed on hunter's laptop and then, of course, the 51 former deep staters called it disinformation. and then joe lies that hunter ever made any money from china, which was debunked by hunter himself and later on in court. then the biden family's 150 suspicious activity reports from the treasury department came out and, of course, hunter's broad immunity deal a total sham that fell apart last summer. none of these facts is reliant on a shady fbi source who is now wearing an ankle bracelet. and, even grand standing blow hards like dan goldman they know this but they pretend somehow
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that it wipes hunter clean. >> it now appears as if the house republican majority is being used by russia to interfere in the 2024 election on behalf of donald trump. if they continue with this investigation, they are simply doing the work of vladimir putin to help donald trump win an election in november. that's where we are. >> laura: blah blah blah, russia, blah, blah. what did hunter do to get so rich? dan? why are the bidens so rich? >> they say joe biden, there's no evidence that joe biden received any financial benefit personally. and to that you say? >> well, he has got a lot of houses all over the place he and he has never been paid more than about $179,000 i guess is the top. look, he has gotten a lot of money. hunter has gotten a lot of money. hunter gets millions of dollars just for sitting on a board. an energy board and he admits that he knows nothing about energy.
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>> laura: common sense. don't need an informant to conclude that. here's the bottom line. the american people have to choose. do they want president trump, who has risked everything, stands to lose everything, his business, his fortune, even his freedom, to fight for the american people or do they want to reward the biden family despite all the questions about exactly how they became so rich? and that's the angle. joining us now is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, the fox news contributor. newt, trump isn't pro-putin. isn't it all -- is pro-putin strategy. isn't it all a little tired at this point? are the american people buying any of this? >> let me say, first of all, i thought your interview last night was terrific. and you did a great job of drawing out of trump a number of observations and a tone which is as good as i think i have ever seen him. i really commend you for last
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night's town hall meeting. but, let's be honest about where we are. i think it's very frightening. you have a biden administration failing in the middle east. off biden administration which collapsed in afghanistan. you have a biden administration which in two years has not come up with a strategy for winning in ukraine. and the world is getting dramatically more dangerous and, in the meantime you have a secretary of state who thinks one of the most important jobs is to send out a letter reminding all of the state department employees to worry about their gender and to put their appropriate gender name with their emails. i mean, this is an absurdity. they have to attack and lie about trump because the truth will destroy then. the truth is that they are undermining israel at this very moment. the truth is that they failed totally to intimidate the houthis who hit three ships in the last couple days. they failed totally to intimidate the iranians, who continue to expand their
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terrorist operations across the middle east. they have absolutely failed to figure out a strategy to stop putin and, let me say, i warned as early as 2,014 during the fiasco when obama collapsed totally that sanctions don't work against putin. putin former secretary of defense said bob gaetz said he is a stone cold killer. is he a kjb trained operative. and you have to deal with him at that level of toughness. the idea of joe biden trying to deal with putin is silly. donald trump was right last night when he told you. >> he is the one who sent real weapons, which obama, remember, obama wanted to send them meals ready to eat and sleeping bags and nonlethal things. trump actually sent real weapons to ukraine. trump actually cut off the russian pipeline. trump was much tougher and biden
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comes along and goes back to appeasement and the appeasement fails. i'm confident that putin has total contempt for biden. >> newt, one of the things that i thought about last night when president trump was answering these questions is it's easy to come out and say putin is a war criminal. putin is evil. that's easy? i think what is he thinking is i may have to broker or help broker, encourage a negotiated settlement between that guy and zelenskyy. if i'm president, so i think he is thinking ahead. he is not a politician. so he is not coming to come out and blurt out contrary to what they think, killer, that doesn't get you anywhere. i think he is thinking february of 2025 what is he going to be dealing with putin. do you agree with that? >> well, look, i mean he has been very clear about this. that he believes that he can negotiate from position of absolute strength and can convince both ukraine and
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russia, meaning putin, that they need to get to a truce. here's the problem for the ukrainians. they are not going to beat russia. we can provide them lots more weapons. they can lose a lot more people. but, if this goes on for two or three or four more years, it's really a tragedy. and i think what trump is trying to think through is how do you end this without strengthening putin and how do you end this so ukraine survives independent country? that is a long way from the rhetoric of joe biden. >> and, newt, just before the show, we learned that the biden administration is considering, i guess more seriously now an executive action on the border. a source telling fox business' he had lawrence that it would restrict the ability of migrants crossing the u.s. border illegally to get asylum. wait a second, newt. i brought this up with trump too last night. they said they had no executive authority. >> this is the most -- this is
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wild. they are really flailing from russia collusion to now trump on the border. okay. >> let me just say it bluntly. it's all a lie. this is an administration dedicated to keeping the border open, dedicated to allowing thousands of chinese males of military age to cross the border. dedicated to allowing a venezuelan gang that's very violent, which we saw beating up new york policemen. i don't know why they are so passionate about keeping the border open. they could have agreed to a border deal with the congress could have gotten aid to israel and ukraine and a package. and the border to them, keeping it open. keeping illegal immigrants flowing into the u.s. more important than helping ukraine and israel. >> newt, always great to see you, thanks so much. new details about trump's strategy to fight new york judge engoron's obscene $355 million fine plus interest.
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did it violate the constitution? former scaliaen law clerk chris landau reacts after this. stay there. ♪ coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your doctor about a 90-day prescription and pay as little as $0. u
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>> laura: left is still fanning itself over friday's ruling
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arthur engoron. the letitia james like wiley coyote. to pay off the judgment we will enforce judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> laura: oh the pregnant pause. she is either auditioning for higher office or for a seat on "the view." either way, she and the judge are the ones who should be brought up on fraud charges. remember, for supposed fraud with no victims. trump was ordered to pay 355 million in penalties plus 98 million in interest with $87,502 in interest added every day. now, unless he wants to pay the entire amount while he appeals, he going to need to post appeal bond worth more than $540 million. all right that sounds fair, doesn't it? last night trump gave us a sense of what he might claim on
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appeal. >> excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed. nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. that's the eighth amendment. i have a lot of cash but that doesn't mean he can take it. i mean, do you know what he did? i think he looked at my cash and he said well, we will take all of his cash. >> laura: joining me now chris landau, former law clerk to justices scalia and thomas and also former ambassador to mexico. chris, how could trump's lawyers make this excessive fines claim under the 8th amendment? >> well, laura, there's two different issues. one is the issue of getting a bond to take the appeal. and he will have to put up some cash immediately for that then there is the broader issue of how do you attack this crazy fine. the 8th amendment as the president said says you shall not have excessive fines. it seems pretty common sense call to say that a fine of, you
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know defraud the bank said we want to do business with this guy again is excessive this is an argument under the federal constitution take the all the way to the u.s. supreme court if necessary hopefully, laura, the new york state courts fix this mess. new york didn't become the financial capital of the world for nothing. new york courts have historically been very good about making sure business disputes get resolved fairly and appropriately. that is until trump came along. >> now, rachel maddow, chris, had an idea about how trump could pay the fine. watcher this. grted prospect keeping many people up at night though a foreign government. some sort of foreign entity. perhaps even a hostile one could decide they will just cover it all. how would that fit with trump's announced plans for a second term and for his strong man
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style of promised governance? >> laura: da da da. chris, comedy night tonight. >> again, it's just -- yeah, it's just sad, laura. because, at the end of the day, it's kind of comedy, but, you know, to see the judge there, you know, who imposed all this fine, sitting there mugging for the camera and laughing, you know, they think this is all fun and games. the trump haters in new york and elsewhere. it's actually not at all funny because new york is going to be the one left holding the bag if all these other businesses wind up pulling up the stakes and getting the heck out of new york. i mean, businesses require certainty, right? when you have a legal system that is incapable of delivering certainty, you get the heck out of there as fast as you can. that's the problem is so many parts of the world as you said, i was ambassador to mexico. mexico's biggest challenge in attracting investment is that people don't want to invest in a country that they don't think has a stable legal system. new york has been prided on its
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legal system. i had a case in the new york court of appeals, their highest court about 15 years ago. i was so impressed at the way they got into the details of the contract because they know this. >> laura: all right. chris. thank you so much. we appreciate it. now, there was one thing president trump told me yesterday that gave me chills. up next, more from our town hall in greenville exclusive, next. ♪
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>> laura: we got huge reaction to our town hall with president trump last night. and he was gracious enough to sit down with us for a bonus round of questions. >> a >> laura: all right, president trump the biden campaign has joined tiktok even though the fbi says tiktok presents a massive national security threat. it's not on any government phones. you can't download on the phones. you banned it while you were
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president. he lifted that ban. are you worried that you're going to miss out on the young voters by not being on tiktok. >> right thought i'm leading with the young voters a lot. i think they want to see competence in office. they see this guy who can't put two incidences together. he literally so if he were on this stable he would not be able to figure out hough to get off. have you ever saw it. stairs all over the place. he can't find stairs. they want to see competence much more than being on tick 2000. i believe that tiktok, i was going to ban it permanently but congress didn't want to do it. i said i will look what you want to do in this case pretsdy well-taken care of. i don't think it's going to matter for him. >> you are extremely funny. you are a fantastic sense of humor. people who don't know you personally sometimes don't see that because you are facing very serious challenges and a very serious election. how might you showcase your sense of humor during this campaign for, you know, those people who might not be all that into politics?
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>> i don't think i want to be a comedian. [laughter] >> with respect to the campaign. we have a country that's dying. we have a country that's -- it's a failing nation. i say it in my speeches. it's a failing nation. we have a nation in decline. we are a nation in decline. i just don't think it's a subject that we are smiling too much about? when i see 18 million by the times he leaves. 18 million people coming in from places unknown. we have no idea who they are. but they are terrorists. we are going to have massive terrorism. we are going to have a big problem with terrorists. >> we are going to have a lot of problems. we it to get especially the bad ones and remember what i said. the local police force. you have a great family right there. the heinz family sitting in the front row. they lost their daughter to an illegal alien came in we threw him out and he was gone. came back in and their daughter was killed by illegal immigrant that came in during the biden
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administration. so sad. so i just don't see that much humor in what we're doing. this is a very serious charge. and this is a very serious thing i'm doing. and i don't want to be, you know, if i start talking with a smile, they will say he smiled because the fake news is just terrible. he smiled, what was he smiling about. and i don't really want to smile. i want to smile when we complete the task and make america great again. i will smile. [applause] >> you face a lot of internal opposition in your first term, individuals how believed really didn't have your same agenda, were not advancing your agenda whether it was pulling troops out of foreign countries or other programs. so, how would you guard against that in a second term and would there be any people you would pull back from four former term in office who you might bring back to the cabinet? >> we had a lot of great people lighthizer. there was so many because you talk bower trade. we were killing on our trade. we have a lot of great people. i won't mention but i could
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mention 20 names off the cuff. we also had some that i wouldn't have used. the difference is when i was elected, i was in washington 17 times in my entire life and i never stayed over. i wasn't a washington person. so i had to rely on in some cases rinos. in some cases well-meaning rinos and they were recommending people. some people that i had i wouldn't have used again. now i know everybody. i know the good ones, the weak ones, the strong ones, the campaign tent ones, the very smart ones people don't know how smart they're. those are the ones we like the best. but the fact is i know the people now really well much because, you know, i won, i was a businessman. if you ever look at the charts. 92% of the people that became president were politicians other 8 percy generals. so i was neither. i was neither of them. >> laura: could you work with mitch mcconnell if he is still in office? obviously have you butted heads different views on a lot of issues. could you work with him in a knew term if he was still in the
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senate? what kind of leadership position. >> a lot of so-called people have endorsed me as you know the last little while a lot of them have tremendous people like steve daines is a great guy. and actually john cornyn gave me an endorsement which shocked the hell out of me to be honest with you. i was endorsed by a lot of people. and almost, you know, getting close to the entire senate. he will probably end up endorsing me, also. i don't know that i can work with him. he gave away trillions of dollars that he didn't have to. trillions of dollars. he made it very easy for the democrats when i wanted to build a wall. i ended up building a wall. i duke it out of the military. this is invasion of our country. that's how i built the wall. this sin investigation. i'm taking it out of the military because you couldn't get it out of congress. so, i don't know what his status would be. i think he probably at some point will pull over if i win. >> laura: you are getting slammed from some of your old adversaries about your nato comments. watch. >> why is donald trump so
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enamored of putin? well, part of it is he is a wannabe dictator. he even said the other day let's basically get out of nato and, you know, encourage putin to do what he wants. >> all of us should reject the dangerous statements made by the previous president that invited russia to invade our nato allies today we are paying up. >> laura: does this mean you are not going to defender nato countries if they haven't paid their 2-point whatever percent. >> yeah it sort of does. [cheers and applause] >> we have 28 countries. and they were taking taking advantage tremendously. look, the european nations i happen to be a long time ago my grandparents came from a place called europe. so, i love it will you s. but they are very smart they have taken advantage of us on trade and nato. what happened, what i did is i told them if you don't pay up, i'm not going to defend you. and they said i can't believe it. nobody else ever said that bush
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came in and made a speech and left. obama came in and made a speech. we were supporting almost 100 percent. in my opinion, we were paying for europe's military. almost 100 percent. not 40% or 20%. they weren't paid up. and the question was asked by the head of the country very strong question and a big meeting, one 28 countries, sir, does that mean if we don't pay you will not defend us from russia or whoever? i said you say you didn't pay? you were delinquent? he said yes. let's say we were. i would not defender you. now, if i said i would defend them, they bunt have paid. as soon as i said that's right. that's exactly what it means. the money came pouring in. billions of dollars. and the secretary general who couldn't believe it because he went through obama. he went through bush. he went through all of them. they never paid up. everybody owed money. of the 8 countries 11. >> laura: 11 or 12 have paid. >> maybe.
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>> laura: do you think article five should be anded as it's currently written. >> you should have to pay. if you don't pay why should we -- look, we have a bigger purpose than that they will pay. it's like ukraine. they be not paying. we are paying. we are paying for ukraine much more than they are. they should be paying at least on equal basis. they should actually be paying more. the research they are not is because nobody is asking them. i guarantee do you think biden is calling these guys and saying listen, you got to pay up. get your ass moving. pay up. not going to do it. [laughter] he will go uh, uh. the guy doesn't know he is alive. okay? >> laura: and if trump wins, will he work with some of the same democrats who tried to sabotage him the first time? more of my exclusive town hall and the bonus round with president trump after this. ♪ i know this might seem out of the blue, but i was wondering if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle.
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you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up if you■re happy and you know it, clap your hands, if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike, if you■re happy and you know it,
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because of you, we are happy and we know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give if operators are busy please wait patiently or go to right away.
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>> laura: now more of my exclusive town hall, the bonus rounds with president trump from greenville, south carolina. >> laura: mr. president, tammy in the audience has a question. tammy? >> good afternoon, president trump. >> hi. >> first of all, i would like to say we miss you. >> thank you. >> and we are. [cheers and applause] >> that's sweet. >> we are truly sorry for the scrutiny that you are under on a
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daily basis, which leads to my question. how do you keep the demeanor that you do and keep your spirit so high when you are obviously being attacked by the other side all the time. >> i will tell you, tammy, i get two questions the most. will they do it again? that's number one question. will they do it again, sir? will they do it again? we have a lot of checks. we have a lot of things. last time i campaigned. i did great. and then i went home and i saw bad things happening and we all know that but that's number one. the second thing is how do you take it, which is your question. and i don't know the answer to that except i must be wired in a certain way. because i have a lot of very, very not even friends. friends and enemies. i have a lot of people come up to me like wall street tycoons, big, tough, smart people they say how the hell do you take it?
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you got indicted four times. these guys if they ever got indicted once they would crawl into a corner and say mommy, take me home. i can't take it. it's true. >> laura: do you pray regularly. >> i pray. [cheers and applause] >> i pray. >> laura: if you don't mind me asking because i know this is a faith-filled audience here and i know there are people across the globe pray for you and your safety. they are worried about your safety. >> they are. [applause] >> can i be honest. >> laura: do you feel about the that. >> i do everyone in this room we are in great danger. we have a nuclear weapon if you hit new york, south carolina is gone to be gone, too. i worry about their safety. i think it's the reason i'm doing. this i'm worrying about this country. this country is in such trouble. we have incompetent people running our country right now. the only thing they are good at is being vicious. they are vicious, horrible people. and that's what they are good at. they are good at doing the election stuff and demeaning
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people. we want to get together. i think we can get together. >> laura: will you work with democrats in cities that i know you love because you spent so much time in all these cities. >> so sad. >> you said after iowa you would work with any democrat in any city or state to fix their problems. will you? >> i went a step further. you know the top 25 worse cities in terms of crime, they are all run by democrats. virtually every one of them is democrats. i'm going to work with the democrats. we are going to rebuild our cities. we are going to rebuild those 25-plus cities and make our cities great again. we are also going to make our capital -- our capital last night two people were killed again. we have people going in from south carolina, they want to go and see the washington monument or something, anything they end up getting shot in washington, d.c. you know it better than anybody. it's dangerous. i just lost somebody who was killed last week who was a phenomenal young man. he was -- he was carjacked and the man shot him. this thug shot him through the
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head right in front of his wife. his wife was coming out and he was killed. it almost ininstantaneously and a great guy. this should not be in our capital. we will run that i want to federalize it. take it back. clean it. fix the roads. the roads have potholes. i can imagine these leaders coming in from other -- the united states they come in from other countries and look at roads that are filthy dirty with dirt and paper and cart tons and garbage. >> laura: fentanyl and homelessness. >> homelessness, tents all over the parks. we are going to take over washington, d.c. federalize. have very powerful crime. and you will be proud of it again. we will take the graffiti off the beautiful marble columns. the swastikas off the columns and make it beautiful again and safe. [applause] >> laura: i hear a lot this question i'm asked a lot that jill biden is everywhere. she is campaigning everywhere for joe biden. and she did in 2020. will we see more of your secret weapon. >> yeah.
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>> laura: for those of us who know your wife melania. will we see more of her this time around given her ability to speak some languages, her ability, so wonderful with children and everyone and i think a lot of people here want to see more of her. >> they love her. i will tell you. they do. [cheers and applause] >> and you know her. she is a very brilliant person. she speaks many languages. the whole thing. she has done a beautiful job in raising my very tall son. he is very tall. barron. is he seriously tall, right? but he is a very good athlete. but he is smart. and her life evolves around that boy. it's so important to her. at the same time, it also we involves around our country and the success of our country. she has raised a lot of money for charity. she is a private person. it's funny she was a very successful model, very, very successful and yet she was a private person. she is going to be out a lot. not because she likes doing it but she likes the results. she wants to see this country really succeed.
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she loves the country. when i do rallies we have so many signs we love our first lady. they love the fact she is not out there so much. a lot of first ladies they want to be everywhere. they get angry at their husband because he is not introducing them. if i didn't introduce melania she would be very happy about it. she is a different kind of a person. and she loves the country. she is going to be out a lot but she does it for the good of the country not for -- she is somebody with a lot of confidence. she doesn't need that you have a lot of people and i'm not only talking about first ladies but other politicians wives and i see them all the time and they are constantly out there. and they are waving in front of the husband. they are in front of the husband waving. or vice versa. no, she is going to be out quite a bit and she loves this country and she wants it great and she says hello. >> laura: on monday, we spoke to a group of undecided primary voters in south carolina and they all came to our town hall last night to hear from president trump directly. so, did he say anything to sway their decisions? we find out, next. ♪
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>> laura: after hearing what president trump had to say at our town hall, did that sway the minds of the undecided voters we spoke with monday? we brought back to five undecided voters from south carolina. monday night, jason, tracey, eric, matt dakota, did the town hall sway any of you? >> yeah. >> i think it did. >> tell us how. >> donald trump, it was strength. he had a way about him demanded attention. he sounded like the leader i would want to vote for. >> he said one line, laura,my
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success will be my revenge. that has been what i wanted to hear. is he running to pay back, no, it is my policies my platform, my results, that will be the revenge. >> tracey concerned about how donald trump was going to deport 10 billion aliens he promised to deport. did he satisfy you with his answer? >> little bit. we need to get bad ones out. he is going to use law enforcement. how is that going down in states like new york and california. >> laura: they don't want migrants there. >> that is my point. he won't be able to deport in all cities and states. in fact where they need it the most, he'll probably be the least effective >> laura: jason, how about you? >> he answered questions about
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fentanyl. he would be great to strengthen the homeless. >> eric, you were concerned about the tone that donald trump has had in the past. did this ole those fears? >> today he was so likable. guys when he walks into the room, he owns the room. obvious everybody liked him. i couldn't help but cheer for him. i am standing in front of a president. at the same time he owns the room, everybody likes him and evident. hard not to like president trump. >> laura: he didn't use nicknames of nikki haley. he went right over nikki haley, was that something you think would be attractive to younger voters, women voters? >> i think it would. young people see that and turned off. what i saw was an intelligent
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town hall. great job sticking to it. he didn't go off. that helped him. >> wow, did this change who you were going to vote for but the president's candidacy? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> laura: matt, when i asked the question about humor, i have known him a long time. i am not trying to say i am cool. i happen to know him, he is super funny. i got chills when he said it is not funny what is happening to the country. did you feel that, too, that was the right answer? >> that was a very good answer. not time to make joke. we have a country to save. he could have gone down 2015. he said i am concerned about this country. that is why i am back on this stage. >> why don't we do a show of
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hands. >> yes. >> leaning trump, definitely now. >> how about you guys? >> i went to nikki haley town hall and donald trump town hall. i am safely say i am voting for donald trump. >> matt? >> last night 50/50/. trump pulled hard. let's talk policy. we got that out of donald trump. >> i think what we have seen, yesterday three of you very undecided. donald trump flipped is this and unanimous panel of trump supporters? >> when he read the thing about eighth amendment. showed me he had a strategy. plan to get out of these troubles. when he said he was doing it for
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america. i believed him. i felt i owe him at least to give that vote to him on that reason. >> >> laura: matt when i said, you can say i am done. this is too much. most human beings, would be too much. my heart breaks for him. for what happened. >> you can see in his eyes. you could see it in his eyes, i am not worry about my safety by the safety of the country and people. powerful remark. >> i think so, too. >> laura: that is it. thank you for watching. follow me on social, x, instagram, thank you for watching for the town hall. judge janene ppiro is in for jesse watters next. ♪


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